assignment 31

Assignment 31: Photography research and practise By Marisha Inoke

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Assignment 31: Photography research and practise


Marisha Inoke

Page 2: Assignment 31

Light – key – high/low

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

High key lighting is when the photograph is flooded with light but doesn’t mean overexposure.

Low key lighting is when there's not much light which gives it a strong contrasts.

• High key light is harsh lighting

• Low key light is allowing minimal light

• High key lighting in the first image

• Low key lighting in the picture next to it

Page 3: Assignment 31

Shutter speed

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

The purpose of shutter speed is the length of time a camera’s shutter is open when taking a photograph.

• Fast shutter speed captures photo in a split second

• 3rd image has an extremely slow shutter speed which gives it that effect

Slow shutter speed

Page 4: Assignment 31

Shallow focus

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Shallow focus is where the depth of field is smaller keeping only one plane in sharp focus.

• Middle ground is in focus

• Background is out of focus

• Middle ground is in focus in contrasts with the other grapes in the background

Page 5: Assignment 31

Composition – rule of thirds/powerpoints

Description/purpose of tool Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Rule of thirds is 1/3 of ground and 2/3 of sky.

• The subject is placed not in the centre

• Rule of thirds is present in this image as it has 1/3 of sea and 2/3’s of sky.

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Assignment 31 (b)

Page 7: Assignment 31


Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Crop makes an image look less busy especially when there’s objects in the picture are not meant to be there.

Non-cropped version:

Cropped version:

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Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Rotate is turn around on an axis or center.

Before I rotated the image…

After I rotated the image…Image is landscape

Image after rotation is now portrait

Page 9: Assignment 31

Change colour Description/purpose of tool Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example

( the result) before & after

Change Colour enables you to change the contrasts, resolution and sharpness of the image and alter the effect of the image.

Before playing with contrasts…

After playing with contrasts…

Before changing the colour

After changing the colour

Page 10: Assignment 31

Effects (1/3 examples)

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Effects on photos can make them look extremely interesting.

Fish eye effect on the image which makes distorts reality.

The tree is the centre of the image and is the subject.

Page 11: Assignment 31

Effects (2/3 examples)

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

Before effect…

After effect…

Looks much more

Original image looks normal and unedited in contrasts to the edited picture which has its greens almost the colour yellow

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Effects (3/3 examples)

Description/purpose of tool

Annotated screen grabs Your annotated example ( the result) before & after

These effects make pictures look either distorted or sketched

Comic effect on image