at silssils how did i get here? vanderbilt, unc computer science, utrecht, unc radiology, sils...

Download At SILSSILS How did I get here? Vanderbilt, UNC Computer Science, Utrecht, UNC Radiology, SILS Family Teaching Research Interests

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  • Slide 1

At SILSSILS How did I get here? Vanderbilt, UNC Computer Science, Utrecht, UNC Radiology, SILS Family Teaching Research Interests Slide 2 What if I want to share my JASIST published article Tale of Two Interfaces with you? Tale of Two Interfaces Is it legal for me to share a copy with you? As part of teaching? As a colleague? Put it on my website, or UNCs website? 5 years ago? Today?Today How can we promote open sharing of scholarship, scholarly data and practices? While avoiding the Wild West?Wild West Slide 3 Registration Permanent archive Preservation Copy editing Recommendations Reviews Comments & Annotations Publish, search, annotate Free to Paid $50 $0.07 Certification/Stamp ? Marketing ? Free Shared Open Scholarship (SOS) And all other content types Slide 4 Utilizing digital traces to improve search, or create better metrics (in addition to citations) that either predict citation type values (but quicker) or offer complementary information. Example Tool (Jason Priem and Heather Piowar): ImpactStoryImpactStory Spearheading Open Education Resources Program on UNC Campus Slide 5 Academics (doctoral students) indicated They would make (identified) annotations, less clear on doing for global use They would use others annotations (qualified) They expect others would use theirs (qualified) Their reading would be affected by how an article was annotated (quantity and quality) Visualizing large scale open annotations Slide 6 Which device do you think performs the best? Desktop = Tablet = miniTablet > Phone But mini-tablet is actually a sweet spot for reading and ergonomics (except tradeoffs with images, graphics, pictures)