aticle on data service

Data service of Citycell, overall market scenario and WiMAX technology   Ahasanul Kabir  , CSC, MBA Abstract This Paper explores opportunity of diversified data services for the expansion of business and present overall idea about WiMAX technology which is a threat to Citycell and other operator’s data service. This endeavor gives a clear picture of forthcoming business competition and idea of weapons to play in the market. Citycell’s position is not that stron g at data servi ce in terms of number of subscriber s in telecommu nicati on indust ry.  Nonetheless Citycell has the opportunity to grab good number of unauthorized ISP’s dissatisfied internet subscriber and new acquisition by offering exclusive service. Right initiative should be taken to attain target market share. Key words: Data Service, WiMAX , T1, E1.

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Data service of Citycell, overall market scenario and WiMAX technology

   Ahasanul Kabir  , CSC, MBA


This Paper explores opportunity of diversified data services for the expansion of business

and present overall idea about WiMAX technology which is a threat to Citycell and other operator’s data service. This endeavor gives a clear picture of forthcoming business

competition and idea of weapons to play in the market. Citycell’s position is not that

strong at data service in terms of number of subscribers in telecommunication industry.

 Nonetheless Citycell has the opportunity to grab good number of unauthorized ISP’sdissatisfied internet subscriber and new acquisition by offering exclusive service. Right

initiative should be taken to attain target market share.

Key words: Data Service, WiMAX , T1, E1.

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Citycell is the pioneer telecommunication company and the sole CDMA operator in

Bangladesh, starts its operation in 1993. Besides providing voice, Citycell has been

offering data service for the last couple of years. It is the data service which has changedthe image of Citycell in the industry. With the process of time the opportunity to generate

good amount of revenue from voice service has been constricted. Citycell is the sole

operator which is providing intranet solution by assigning Fixed IP address throughPDSN. Upgrade and diversify of existing data service can explore new horizon of 

 business for Ctycell.

New Services:

Provide connectivity to run software in online for banks and other


Requirements to run Software in online

• High speed uninterrupted dedicated bandwidth.

• Commitment to up the network or link if there is any technical glitch.

Currently most of the organizations getting this service from some ISP’s but still Citycellhas the opportunity to penetrate the market since its solution would be much better than

that of the ISP’s. Citycell is far ahead than competitor ISP’s for its existing network 

infrastructure. Citycell’s nationwide BTS are added advantage for providing connectivityat any point. Connectivity can be provided directly by fiber or by radio from the nearest

POP. Migration from one vendor to another service provider is comparatively tough if 

existing service is up to the mark and satisfactory. Nonetheless quality service andreasonable cost can be very effective for migration.

Level of service for migration: Instant act, provide prompt service would change the

image of Citycell, increase reliability on it which would ultimately help for the proliferation and grab of new business.

Cost: Competitive cost with satisfactory level of service will force the organizations togive a second thought for Citycell’s service initially.

Wireless internet service for home users: Around 500 unauthorized Internet Service

Providers (ISPs) are in business whose quality of internet services for the home users isvery poor. A total of 70 authorized ISPs, out of 200 licensees, are operating mainly in

Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet. The country's total internet home use subscription level isaround 7.5 lakh, of which around 6 lakh connections are provided by unauthorized ISPs.

Authorized ISPs usually provide internet connection through fiber optic cable, modem

cable or digital subscriber line by which subscribers can get good quality services. On the

other hand, unauthorized ISPs usually connect their customers by low quality Ethernetcables, and provide of excessive connections from a single hub slows the speed

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drastically. Citycell has very good chance to grab a significant portion of unauthorized

ISP’s market share by ensuring quality service as subscribers are highly dissatisfied with

existing service.

Level of Internet Subscription for Home Users









Unauthorized ISP Authorized ISP

Type of Service Provider 

   N  u  m   b  e  r  o   f   S  u   b  s  c  r   i   b  e  r

Market Share in Percentage



Unauthorized ISP

Authorized ISP

SMS Banking:

Banks are heading towards prompt technology based service for satisfying customer needs and to be competitive in the market. SMS banking is one of these highly

sophisticated services. The opportunity is very high for us to provide banking service

through SMS to all third generation banks.

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SMS Service:

Banks and other organizations send invitation to its clients in various occasions like

AGM, which could be replaced with SMS at a cheaper rate. So bulk SMS at cheaper rate

could be a good service of Citycell.

Bill payment through SMS:

Utility (Electricity, Gas, Water, Phone etc.) bill can be paid through SMS. This service

has already been launched by GP. Citycell can provide this opportunity to its subscribers

 by utilizing and upgrading of existing infrastructures.

Internal office network infrastructure solution:

Besides giving internet and intranet solution Citycell can promote total internal officenetwork infrastructure solutions by taking the help of third party which will give Citycell

 better opportunity to strength its stance in the industry. This could be an initiative of  business diversification and bring the opportunity of effective Co-branding.

Overall scenario of Data Service in telecommunication industry:

Though other operators do not have any dedicated data service like ours but GP is now

doing very good in this segment. GP has increased its bandwidth significantly. I had

experience of seeing data service performance of ours and GP’s at National Bank LimitedPremise in Motijheel some 4/5 weeks back, where our maximum speed was 6.11 KBPS

and minimum was 3.75 KBPS whereas GP’s peak and lowest point was 16.5 KBPS and

15.05 KBPS consecutively. This is not only the scenario of Motijheel but it is prevailing

in other areas of the country as well. A test on performance of data service was jointlyconducted by ASA, National Bank Ltd., and Citycell at Dhamrai and Shaturia in Saver in

 between 12:15 pm to 4 pm on 12th August, 2008. The comparison test reveals GP’s

superiority in speed over Citycell’s data service.

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Citycell GP


   S  p  e  e   d

  -   K   i   l  o   b

  y   t  e   /   S  e  c

Avg Speed

Max Speed







Citycell GP


   S  p  e  e   d

  -   K   i   l  o   b  y   t  e   /   S  e  c

Average Speed

Max Speed

Grameen Phone is expecting to get 3G license soon. After having the approval, GP will  be able to improve its data service dramatically. Recently I have received some

complains on deterioration of our data service.

GP’s number of data service user is highest in the industry which is around 2 million

followed by BL 1 million. After launching of AKTEL’s edge on 30 th May’08, number of 

subscriber has increased. AKTEL’s total data subscriber is roughly 25000. WaridTelecom’s data service is becoming popular for its quality and aggressive marketing

strategy. Around 0.1 million subscribers are sticking with Warid’s data service. Citycell’s

10,000 subscribers are availing this service currently.

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Market Share of Data Service



BL 31.89%

AKTEL 0.79%

GP 63.79%

WARID 3.18%






Threat on Citycell’s Data Service:

Three companies (ISPs) are going to get license of WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability

for Microwave Access) by December’08 at first phase. This number will be increased

with the process of time. The chance for BracNet, Grameen Cybernet is very high to getthe license.

After launching of WiMAX, competition would be fears and that will be a big threat for 

data service of Citycell. Square Infotech and BracNet are going to invest TK. 2500 crore  jointly for the implementation of WiMAX project. BracNet has already laid fiber as

 backbone throughout Dhaka city. 200 base stations will be established to cover the wholecity for providing service to subscribers.

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WiMAX Technology

WiMAX at a glance:

Range : 6 miles, covers a small city with one base station

Throughput : 72 MbpsSecurity: Multi-level encryption

Qos: Dynamic bandtwidth allocation

Good for voice + video

Strength of WiMAX: It  has the potential to replace a number of existing

telecommunications infrastructures. In a fixed wireless configuration it can replace the

telephone company's copper wire networks, the cable TV's coaxial cable infrastructurewhile offering Internet Service Provider (ISP) services. In its mobile variant, WiMAX

has the potential to replace cellular networks.

Application of WiMAX: It is so exciting for it’s broad range of applications such as

 broadband internet access, *T1/E1 substitute for businesses, Internet Protocol Television

(IPTV) as cable TV substitute, backhaul for Wi-Fi hotspots and cell phone towers,mobile telephone service, mobile data TV, mobile emergency response services, wireless

  backhaul as substitute for fiber optic cable.

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Type of WiMAX:

Fixed WiMAX

Figure: Fixed WiMAX offers cost effective point to point and point to multi-point


WiMAX provides fixed, portable or mobile non-line-of sight service from a base station

to a subscriber station, also known as customer premise equipment (CPE). Some goals

for WiMAX include a radius of service coverage of 6 miles from a WiMAX base stationfor point-to-multipoint, non-line-of-sight service. This service should deliver 

approximately 40 megabits per second (Mbps) for fixed and portable access applications.That WiMAX cell site offer enough bandwidth to support hundreds of businesses with T1

speeds (1.544 mbps) and thousands of residential customers with the equivalent of DSL

services from one base station.

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Mobile WiMAX 

Figure: Mobile WiMAX allows any telecommunications to go mobile

Mobile WiMAX takes the fixed wireless application a step further and enables cell phone-like applications on a much larger scale. For example, mobile WiMAX enables

streaming video to be broadcast from a speeding police or other emergency vehicle at

over 70 MPH. It potentially replaces cell phones and mobile data offerings from cell

 phone operators such as EvDo, EvDv and HSDPA. In addition to being the final leg in aquadruple play, it offers superior building penetration and improved security measures

over fixed WiMAX. Mobile WiMAX will be very valuable for emerging services such as

mobile TV and gaming.

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Wireless architecture: point-to-point and point-to-multipoint

There are two scenarios for a wireless deployment: point-to-point and point-to-


Figure: Point-to point and point-to-multipoint configurations

Point-to-point (P2P):

Point to point is used where there are two points of interest: one sender and onereceiver. This is also a scenario for backhaul or the transport from the data

source (data center, co-lo facility, fiber POP, Central Office, etc) to the

subscriber or for a point for distribution using point to multipoint architecture.As the architecture calls for a highly focused beam between two points range

and throughput of point-to point radios will be higher than that of point-to-

multipoint products.

Point-to-Multipoint (PMP):

As seen in the figure above, point-to-multipoint is synonymous withdistribution. One base station can service hundreds of dissimilar subscribers in

terms of bandwidth and services offered.

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Line of sight (LOS) and Non-line of sight (NLOS)

Figure: The difference between line of sight and non-line of sight

Earlier wireless technologies (*LMDS, *MMDS for example) were

unsuccessful in the mass market as they could not deliver services in non-

line-of-sight scenarios. This limited the number of subscribers they could

reach and, given the high cost of base stations and CPE, those business

plans failed. WiMAX functions best in line of sight situations and, unlike

those earlier technologies, offers acceptable range and throughput to

subscribers who are not line of sight to the base station. Buildings between

the base station and the subscriber diminish the range and throughput,

but in an urban environment, the signal will still be strong enough todeliver adequate service. Given WiMAX's ability to deliver services non-

line-of-sight, the WiMAX service provider can reach many customers in

high-rise office buildings to achieve a low cost per subscriber because so

many subscribers can be reached from one base station.

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T1: Type of broadband telecommunications connection used especially to connect

Internet service provider s to the Internet's infrastructure. The “T-carrier systems” offer entirely digital, full-duplex exchange of data over traditional wire, coaxial cable, optical

fibre, microwave relay, or other communications media.

  T-Carrier Total Speed No. of 64 KBPS Channels

T1 1.544 Mbps 24

The fundamental frame Organization of T1


E1: Wide-area, digital transmission scheme, that carries data at a rate of 2.048Mbps

LMDS : Local Multi-point Distribution System

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MMDS:  Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service is a broadband wireless point-to-

multipoint specification utilizing UHF (Ultra High Frequency) communications.


The Daily Star

I would like to thank Sabbir Bhai, DGM, Product Marketing for providing data on market

share of competitor’s Data Service and Rashid Bhai, Manager, Corporate Sales for theencouragement.