atp while booking sales order.pdf in oracle

Why can't I ship my sales order today when I have enough on-hand? The first screen shot show the ATP results and the following will show more detailed steps to review the results. Here we make the point - do NOT use the Inventory Supply/Demand screen to try and understand the ATP results.ATP Results come from the MSC tables, and not the regular Transaction tables of Inventory, OM, PO, WIP, etc which are used for the Inventory Supply/Demand screen Data Collections is the process that updates the data in the MSC tables. ATP processes for new Sales orders or canceled Sales Orders will also update the MSC tables to keep ATP results in synch when new demand is placed via a sales order. To get ATP Details screen to display any pegging and allow access to the details required to investigate the issue, you must set profile MRP: Calculate Supply Demand = Yes -- Note that this can have performance implications, but when trying to debug ATP results, this is required. Set at the User Level is usually the best solution.

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Why can't I ship my sales order today when I have enough on-hand?

The first screen shot show the ATP results and the following will show moredetailed steps to review the results.

Here we make the point - do NOT use the Inventory Supply/Demand screen to tryand understand the ATP results.ATP Results come from the MSC tables, and notthe regular Transaction tables of Inventory, OM, PO, WIP, etc which are used forthe Inventory Supply/Demand screen Data Collections is the process that updatesthe data in the MSC tables. ATP processes for new Sales orders or canceled SalesOrders will also update the MSC tables to keep ATP results in synch when newdemand is placed via a sales order.

To get ATP Details screen to display any pegging and allow access to the detailsrequired to investigate the issue, you must set profile MRP: Calculate SupplyDemand = Yes-- Note that this can have performance implications, but when trying to debug ATPresults, this is required. Set at the User Level is usually the best solution.

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IF using 'ATP Based On Collected Data', then the results are coming from data thatis in the Collections Workbench (View Collected Data menu option)AND IF using 'ATP/CTP Based on Planning Output', then the results of the ASCPPlan are where the ATP results are coming from to populate the ATP Details andproduce the Supply/Demand picture being presented in ATP. Note that theseworkbenches can show data that is not being used for ATP.

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The Supply/Demand here will show how ATP arrived at the results in theAvailability Window and which demands are taking the supply that could be usedt o d a y .Since ATP is First-Come/First Served, it will not be able to schedule the order fortoday, unless steps are taken.See the next question - for a discussion of the possibilities.Also since the Supply/Demand window is small and displays only 5 lines, there willbe times when many lines exist and using /File /Export to generate a TSV file whichcan be viewed in MS Excel is the easiest method to view the results in total - seeHow can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily? if you are not familiar withthis process.

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How can I ship it today, when I cannot schedule the order?Continuing with the example used above, we will show how to use ATP Override,which is the fastest way to get the order shipped.Set the profile OM: Authorize ATP Override at the Site or User Level to allow thefunctionality

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In the Shipping tab, the user can use / Folder / Show Field (or rt-click mouse asshown below) and reveal the ATP Override field

Then the field will be available in the Shipping Tab of the order line. And anyschedule date may be entered by the user.

Other Option:Order lines in the future, which are taking up supply, can be Unscheduled, and thenthe order line for today can be scheduled. Then the unscheduled lines can bescheduled again.How are the results calculated for the On-Hand and Reservable in AvailabilityWindow?

ALL subinventories are used to display the On Hand Qty seen in the Availabilitywindow. OM calls an Inventory private API to display this information. This is thedesign so that the user has complete picture of all available inventories and maymake decisions based on this knowledge.

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The Qty Reservable is also called by OM using a standard Inventory private API forHard Reserved quantities.In this example, the quantities were reserved using / Tools / Scheduling / ReserveATP Supply/Demand window, it will show the On Hand quantity based on thefollowing:1. ATP based on Collected Data - ATP-able subinventories as defined in Inventory /Setup / Organizations / Subinventories2. ATP/CTP based on Planning Data - All inventories included in the ASCP PlanOptions / Organizations Tab - Subinventories button. This means that if there is aNettable subinventory that is NOT ATP-able, any supply from that subinventorythat is included in the plan could will as available in the ATP Supply/Demandwindow results unless you explicitly remove that sub inventory from the planoptions of your ATP plan.

Closed (or Canceled) Sales orders showing up in the ATP Supply/Demand andkeeping me from scheduling orders. How can I fix this?

This issue has been reported in several ways and is always difficult to duplicate:

1. The order line has been deleted. This can be prevented in OrderManagement by using setups to not allow order lines to be deleted.

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Companies that are not using ATP may find that they want to be able tosimple delete lines. But any ATP user should not allow this to occur andshould instead use Cancel functionality for any sales order line that is nolonger required.

2. The Order Line has been canceled, but still shows in the ATPSupply/Demand Results.The difficulty usually encountered with this issue, is that customers do notknow how to duplicate the issue.For example, in internal testing, the issue was not duplicated when thefollowing steps were performed.Item has 200 on hand and created 3 sales orders for an item totaling 190.Then canceled one sales order for 150 each,Then created a new sales order for 100 each and ATP was fine... it had beenupdated correctly for the canceled order and I was able to schedule the neworder. This is the way it is supposed to work. When a Sales order is canceled,then ATP is notified so that the ATP results for the next order are correctlycalculated.

3. The Order Line has been Shipped and Closed, but still shows in the ATPSupply/Demand Results. When the order is shipped, then ATP is NOTnotified of this change automatically. ALSO, the On Hand quantity is notupdated until data collections is run, so the ATP results will still be correct.Running Data Collections with Net Change or Complete will update the datafor both sales orders and on hand quantities and update the data.Problems reported are that it appears that the on hand IS updated, but theClosed Sales order remains in the system.

Solution:1. Best Solution:

For Distributed installations where APS Suite is on a separate server: RunData Collections from Advanced Supply Chain Planner with a CompleteRefresh and Sales Orders set to explicitly to Yes (this will default to No forall collections types for performance reasons)ORIF not using ASCP and a Centralized installation where APS suite is notdeployed on a separate server, THEN run ATP Data Collections with Salesorder parameter set to Complete Refresh.Note: This step will mean that ATP will not be available during part of theData Collections processing cycle

2. Possible Solution: As above, run Data Collections, but use Net ChangeRefresh for the parameters instead of Complete Refresh.Note: ATP will still be available when you use this option, so it us usuallythe preferred options for running data collections.This solution has been known not to work, even though it should work... andif this occurs, then a Complete Refresh as described in #1 above is the onlysolution:Reasons why a Net Change of Data Collections may not work:

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1. The profile MSC: Sales Order Offset Days is not set properly. Thisprofile is used in Net Change Collections UNLESS you are on 11.5.10and have applied the last Collections Rollup patch from Section IV ofNote 223026.1 - List of High Priority Patches for the APS Suite.To setup the profile properly, it should be setup in a value thatexceeds the earliest Schedule Ship Date for an unshipped Sales Orderthat exists on the system.Example: If today is 01-Jun-2007 and the order that was shipped hada Scheduled Ship Date of 01-Mar-2007 and the profile was not set togreater than 92, this closed order would be missed during Net ChangeCollections and not update correctly.

2. The Data Collections code level is old and changes updates to the codeare not on the system. For instance, if Note 278055.1 has not beenfollowed after the installation of during an install orupgrade and the latest Rollup patches for Data Collections is notapplied OR IF customer has been live for a long time withoutproblems and code level is old. In Data Collections baserelease, code level of key file $MSC_TOP/sql/MSCVIEWS.sql is115.228.11510.13 and the latest released version as of 01-Jun-2007 is115.228.11510.62 - almost 60 revisions higher. Applying the latestCollections Rollup patch from Note 223026.1 is imperative when codelevels are older.

3. The profile MRP: Consume MPS = Yes and the Planning Manager isnot running. NAV: Material Planner / Setup / Planning Manager tosee if the planning manager is running normally by checking themessages in the form. If the interval = 00:00:30 , the default setting,then message should be posted in the form with today's date and timestamp of every 1 - 3 minutes under normal operations.

4. The Interface Trip Stop process errored and did not complete thetransaction processing, so that updating of some tables was notcompleted and demand or supply still exists in related tables. This isa data corruption issue that would require a data fix. Only possibleinteri is to attempt Complete Refresh of Data Collections and thenproceed to work with the Inventory support team to get a data fix,possible patch for the failure of the program.

5. OM code is older and did not properly call the MRP API to relieve thesales order demand on the planning side of the application.$ONT_TOP/patch/115/sql/OEXUSCHB.pls is one of the key files usedin OM to call ATP and Planning routines. In base release of,the version is 115.153.11510.13 and OM regularly releasesCumulative (rollup) patches for their code. As of 01-Jun-2007 thelatest version is 115.153.11510.30 released in the April 2007cumulative patch with the June Cumulative patch expected to be

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released soon. Check with the OM Support team for the latest patchinformation.

Where can I get more information about the error messages that are displayed inthe ATP Availability window?The Users Guide - Oracle Global Order Promising Implementation and User’s Guide- Release 11i - Part No. B10512-03 - June 2004has a Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting- which addresses many of the ATP errorsincluding

Try ATP again later.

Summary Concurrent program is running. Try ATP later

Invalid ATP rule or No ATP rule defined

Unable to meet the request quantity

Unable to find a calendar date

No APS instance defined. Set APS instance and run collections

Wrong Check ATP setup for product family item and member item

One of the group elements or mandatory components failed

INV: Capable to Promise must be same at source and destination

ATP processing error

Cannot meet request date or latest acceptable date

ATP not applicable

No Sources

This item is not collected. Please run Data Collection

No Assignment Set

Plan not found. ATP is calculated using collected dataAdditionally more troubleshooting tips for common problems and some SQL queriesto investigate certain errors is included in this Chapter of the Users GuideTo get the latest version of the users guide, see Note 118086.1 APS Documentationfor 11.5 and 12.

How can I view ATP Supply/Demand results easily?This slide shows how to use / File / Export to create a TSV file of the screen outputand then shows some tricks to make viewing and using the file easy.

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IF the file automatically opens in IE, then you can manipulate there before saving.

If the TSV file opens in IE as a spreadsheetThen you can save the File as an XLS file

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IF the file is saved to your local disc before you open it, then you can find the file,and then use rt-click / Open With and choose Excel ( or choose program to associatewith Excel or see below to setup the file types for TSV filesOR set up TSV file types to default to Excel. In Windows Explorer, use / Tools /Folder Options as shown below to setup the defaults.

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