attitudes self-concept-values-and-ethics


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Page 1: Attitudes self-concept-values-and-ethics


Diano E. Pesidas

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ATTITUDE letters A to Z, attitude before beauty Attitude is the strong belief or feelings

toward people, things and situation.

People interpret our attitude by our behavior

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Mathematics Post Graduate Studies/Doctoral Studies Coworkers Job Supervisor/principal/manager Yourself

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How we acquire attitudes? Attitudes are developed primarily

through experiences.

Before entering a new situation, people often ask others with experience about it. This begins the development of attitudes before the encounter.

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MANAGEMENT ATTTITUDES Douglas McGregor classified attitudes,

which he called assumptions, as THEORY X and THEORY Y.

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Self-Assessment Activity

“My Management Attitude”

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the lower the score, the stronger the Theory X attitude, the higher the score, the stronger the Theory Y.

a score of 31 to 40 = Theory Y attitude.

score of 20 to 30 = balanced between two theories.

A score of 10 to 19 = Theory X attitude.

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THEORY X ATTITUDES – hold that employees dislike work and must be closely supervised to get them to do their work.

THEORY Y ATTITUDES – hold that employees like to work and do not need to be closely supervised to get them to do their work.

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How Management’s Attitudes Affect Employee’s Performance. Manager’s attitudes and the way they

treat employees affect employees’ job behavior and performance. If managers have a positive attitude and expect employees to be highly productive, they will often be highly productive.

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Pygmalion Effect States that supervisors’ attitudes and

expectations of employees and the way they treat them largely determine their performance.

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Self-Assessment Activity

“My Job Attitude”

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Interpretations: We can think of our job attitude as being the

continuum from positive to negative. Place an X below at the point that represents your score.

Negative attitude 10---20---30---40---50 Positive Attitude

Generally, the higher your score, the more positive is your job attitude.

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Hawthorne’s theory The special attention and treatment

given the workers by the management resulted in increased performance.

In general, through the positive expectations of others, people increase their level of performance. Hence, stereotyping made by the managers greatly affects employees performance.

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CHANGING ATTITUDES Attitudes are not quick judgments we

change easily but we can change our attitudes.

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The environment around us influences our attitudes. Usually we cannot control our environment, but we can control and change our attitudes.

The following hints can help you change your attitudes: 1. Be aware of your attitudes. 2. Realize that there are few, if any,

benefits of harboring negative attitudes. 3. Keep an open mind.

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In the 19th century, researchers discovered that changing the inner attitudes of your mind can change outer aspects of your life. You can gain control of your attitudes and change the direction of your life. Start today. Think and act like a winner, and you will become one.

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JOB SATISFACTION Job Satisfaction is a set of

attitudes toward work.

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Six Determinants of Job Satisfaction The Work Itself. Pay Growth and Upward Mobility Supervision Coworkers Attitude toward work

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SELF-CONCEPT Self-Concept is your overall attitude

about yourself. Self-concept is also called Self-Esteem and Self-Image.

If your beliefs and feelings about yourself are positive, you tend to have a high self-concept. Having a positive self-concept form part your Emotional Intelligence.

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Self-Assessing Questions: Do you like yourself? Are you a valuable person? Are you satisfied with the way you live

your life?

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Self-Efficacy Self-Efficacy is your belief in your

capability in a specific situation. It affects your effort, persistence, interest and the difficulty of goals you select.

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Example: If your major is business, your self-efficacy maybe high for a management course but low for a biology and language course that you maybe required to take.

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Building a Positive Self-Concept The following are general guidelines you

can implement in your daily life to improve your self-concept:

View mistakes as learning experience Accept failure and bounce back Control negative behavior and thoughts Use any religious or spiritual beliefs you

can have that can help you develop a more positive self-concept

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A person’s values are the things that have worth for or important to the individual.

VALUE SYSTEM – is the set of standard by which the individual lives

- values concern what “should be”; they influence the choices we make among things. Example: if you have three job offers, you will select the job that is of the highest value for you.

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Do you think your values and your attitudes are interrelated?

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Values help shape your attitude. When something is of value to you, you tend to have a positive attitudes towards it. And if something is of value to you, you tend to have negative attitudes toward it.

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Self-Assessment Activity

“My Personal Values”

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Interpretation :

- the higher the total in any area, the higher the value you place in that area. The closer the numbers are in all areas, the more well-rounded you.

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Spiritually in the Workplace Spirituality in the workplace is about

people seeing their work as a spiritual path, as an opportunity to grow personally and to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Learning to be more caring and compassionate with fellow employees, with bosses, with subordinates, and with the customers.

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Guidelines for Leading from a Spiritual Perspective1. Know thyself.2. Act with authenticity.3. Respect and honor the beliefs of

others.4. Be as trusting as you can be.5. Maintain a spiritual practice

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ETHICS Ethics is the standard of right and wrong


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Moral Development Refers to the understanding right from

wrong and choosing to do the right thing.

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Three Levels of Personal Moral Development Pre-conventional Level - self-interest and the consequences of our action Conventional Level -acceptable behaviors to others or in a group Post-conventional Level- Universal principal of right and wrong

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Ethical Issues In Workplace Some Ethical Issues Of Employees Making long phone calls at the

company’s cost. Taking home the company’s assets Taking excessive leaves beyond the

allowed number is a breach of ethical code.

Working for multiple organizations. Offensive communications

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Ethical Issues Of Employers

Favoritism.Sexual harassmentTerminating an employee without any notice.

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How Do People Justify Unethical Behavior Moral Justification- is the process of reinterpreting

immoral behavior in terms of higher purpose. - Usually manifested when a person is challenged with a

Moral Dilemma.

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Example of Moral Dilemma: You are an inmate in a concentration

camp. A sadistic guard is about to hang your son who tried to escape and wants you to pull the chair from underneath him. He says that if you don’t he will not only kill your son but some other innocent inmate as well. You don’t have any doubt that he means what he says. What should you do?