august 2019 the challenge - calvert first baptist church

Pastor Dr. Jim Ewing Music Minister Danny Granstaff Children’s Ministry Director Janet Dietsch Youth Leaders Lance & Trena Gregory Ministry Assistant Jan Moore Church Organist/Pianist Vicki Madison Custodians Marshall & Gail Agent The Challenge Our Mission: Encounter … Grow … Serve … Share Our Vision: Becoming Fully Committed Followers of Jesus Christ … making a Kingdom Impact on Calvert City Sunday Schedule Wednesday Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 6:00 pm Prayer Meeting 10:15 am Worship Service Youth Ministry 5:30 pm AWANA J.U.M.P. (K-5 th Grade) (Kid’s Choir First Wed) 7:00 pm Choir Practice First Baptist Church PO Box 366 Calvert City KY 42029-0366 270-395-4600 Return Service Requested August 2019

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Page 1: August 2019 The Challenge - Calvert First Baptist Church

Pastor Dr. Jim Ewing Music Minister Danny Granstaff Children’s Ministry Director Janet Dietsch Youth Leaders Lance & Trena Gregory Ministry Assistant Jan Moore Church Organist/Pianist Vicki Madison Custodians Marshall & Gail Agent

The Challenge Our Mission: Encounter … Grow … Serve … Share

Our Vision: Becoming Fully Committed Followers of Jesus Christ … making a Kingdom Impact on Calvert City

Sunday Schedule Wednesday Schedule 9:00 am Sunday School 6:00 pm Prayer Meeting

10:15 am Worship Service Youth Ministry 5:30 pm AWANA J.U.M.P. (K-5th Grade) (Kid’s Choir First Wed)

7:00 pm Choir Practice

First Baptist Church

PO Box 366

Calvert City KY 42029-0366


Return Service Requested

August 2019

Page 2: August 2019 The Challenge - Calvert First Baptist Church

Prayer Concerns for Our Church Family Prayer Concerns for Friends & Loved Ones

Lowell O’Daniel – rehab at home Chelsea Tucker – continuing tests and treatment;

weekly infusions Sandra Sewell – health issues

Alison Risher – Job opportunities

Doris Coursey Family – passing of Doris’ brother, Ralph DeWeese

Lora (niece of Phil & Nigel Broyles) – upcoming back procedure in July – pain improving.

Marsha Berer (Paula Musgrove’s sister) – broken ankle Larnie Driver (Edna Pierce’s Brother) – radiation

therapy underway

Convalescent Centers/Assisted Living Lillian Dees – Stilley House

Homebound – Carolyn Burt, Jackie Prater Military Members

Corey Joiner Ben Sewell Trent Low Hunter Peck

College Students Shelton Owen – University of Alabama

Kayla Travis – Murray State University Kelsey Littrell – WKU Gatton Academy

Taylor Young – University of Louisville



YTD Budget Needs (thru 7/29/19): $ 163,333 Building Fund Total: $ 26,585 YTD Budget Receipts (thru 7/29/19): $ 161,611 Sign Fund Total: $ 2,208

Aug 1 – Dale Smith Aug 3 – Sam Jones Aug 5 – Winnie Futrell Aug 9 – Sharon Lanier Aug 17 – Maury Dodson Aug 18 – Jean Smith Aug 20 – Phil Broyles Aug 20 – Sheri Tucker Aug 21 – Gene Low Aug 22 – Jackie Prater Aug 25 – Peyton Latta Aug 29 – Ben Noles

Aug 7- Clint & Kristin Poague

Aug 13 – Aaron & Crystal Smith Aug 14 – Alan & Janet Dietsch Aug 14 – Maury & Karen Dodson

Building Supervisor: Ray Tucker

Recently several smaller issues have been repaired on the

air conditioning units. Fortunately, these were easily and

quickly resolved but it did cause a delay in the installation

of our lights for the exterior sign.

Wiring for Wi-fi throughout the campus continues.

Everything except the far end of our education wing has

been completed so you should have a strong signal

throughout the buildings. And, what we think is the final

tv/dvd player has been installed in in the Celebrations

classroom so the AV upgrades are nearly complete.

Yours in Christ, Ray Tucker

Ministry Assistant: Jan Moore

Just a reminder that I can provide offering envelopes labeled with your name and account number. Just call the office or send me an email. Also, we still have a few church directories available for anyone who has not picked one up yet. Continued Blessings, Jan Moore

Page 3: August 2019 The Challenge - Calvert First Baptist Church

From Your Pastor: Dr Jim Ewing

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is

honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure,

whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if

there is any excellence and if anything worthy of

praise, dwell on these things. (Phil 4:8, NASU)

Paul wrote these words near the end of his letter to the

young church at Philippi. They were struggling to

follow God in the midst of a culture that actively

persecuted them for their faith. While we aren’t

suffering persecution like they did, we’re increasingly

finding ourselves in a culture that is openly rejecting

and even vilifying those who hold to the Christian

faith. For that reason, Paul’s words offer us wise

advice as we pursue or own walk with God.

It’s clear that the standards of behavior and values that

were common in our culture are being discarded at a

record pace and being replaced with what seems like

utter nonsense. We’re seeing what Paul wrote about

in Rom 1:22 – “Professing to be wise, they became

fools ....” We’re exposed to a constant drumbeat of

secular ideas and values in what we see on TV, in the

movies, in print media, and even in the day-to-day

conversations we’re exposed to. Businesses that used

to just sell products and services are rushing to tell us

that our Christian values are antiquated and even


There is a subtle danger in all of this ... one that we

can easily assume that we’re too wise or discerning to

be caught up in. The danger is that we can begin to

think like the world thinks, slowly accepting and then

adopting the values and standards the world is

promoting. The sad reality is that most professing

Christians don’t look and act much different than

unbelievers. Paul urges us in Rom 12:2 - And do not

be conformed to this world, but be transformed by

the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove

what the will of God is, that which is good and

acceptable and perfect. If we’re to be distinct from

the world and conformed to the image of Jesus ... we

must be careful about what we expose ourselves to.

Paul’s words to the Philippian church give us an

important clue about how to do this: Make an

intentional effort to limit our exposure to things that

run counter to our faith. Think about what you watch

on TV and in the movies, about what you read, about

the relationships you’re pursuing. Do they call you on

to a greater commitment to God? I’m not suggesting

that everything we do must be about Christianity ... or

that we must limit ourselves to church activities. But

if we don’t make an intentional effort to allow good

and godly things to influence our lives, we shouldn’t

be surprised that we don’t look much different than

unbelievers, and that we have so little influence in our

world. Paul told the Corinthian church: 1 Cor 10:23

- All things are lawful, but not all things are

profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things

edify. I’m convinced that the reason we miss God’s

activity in our lives isn’t because we don’t believe the

right things; it’s because we aren’t very discerning

about what we allow to influence us.

So what should we do? Let me offer two things:

First, make it a priority to read your Bible daily. It’s

not about checking a block on your reading plan

(although those are helpful tools). It’s about making

time to let God to speak into your life. As the writer

of Hebrews put it: “For the word of God is living and

active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and

piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of

both joints and marrow, and able to judge the

thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb 4:12)

Second, consider your sources of entertainment.

What do you what you read, listen to, and watch?

Consider adding a Christian music station to your car

radio or to your Spotify/Pandora music stations. A

company called Pureflix, focused on Christian-based

films, recently opened up a subscription service much

like Netflix. For you readers, I’ve listed some great

Christian books on our website under the Teaching

Tab (CLICK on Continuing the Journey). On that

same page you’ll find a link to Plugged In On Line ...

a service from Focus on the Family that will give you

information about movies, books, and music. Church family, I’m convinced that Paul realized that

the pressure of the unbelieving world could take a

heavy toll on our faith. He knew that by making an

intentional effort to focus on the good things we could

overcome the constant influence of the world. We

just have to decide to take those steps. As my old

saying goes: Knowing something isn’t the same as

doing something. Doing something actually requires

doing something. What do you need to do?

Together in Him, Bro Jim

Page 4: August 2019 The Challenge - Calvert First Baptist Church

Children’s Ministry: Janet Dietsch

The month of July has been very quiet. I’m thankful for that after finishing VBS. What a week we had during VBS. It was a terrific week with all the children. We averaged 48 children each night and 39 awesome workers. We all had fun, fellowship, and the love of God. A thank you to all the VBS workers. You were the “BEST.” Thanks for all you did. Also a thank you to everyone who helped cut out, wrap, put together all the decorations. Couldn’t have done it without you. AWANA starts Aug. 4th for the leaders with our leadership meeting and Aug. 11th with our registration. We are excited about “bouncing” our way into a new year. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who donate your time and resources. We couldn’t do it without you. School starts back on Thursday, Aug. 8th. We will have our “Back to School” party on Wednesday, Aug. 7th. We’ll go to Mark and Julie Noles for a swim party. We’re looking forward to another great year! Children in Christ, Janet Dietsch

Music Ministry: Danny Granstaff

Throughout my times of reading, I enjoy coming across the topic of music. Especially in the realm of my walk with Christ. The following is a small part from a lengthier article by Keith E. Johnson titled “Hearing the Music of the Gospel”. “Imagine yourself in a large house in which those who are deaf and those who can hear are living together. In one of the rooms, you see a guy sitting in a chair and listening to music on his iPod. Rhythmically, he’s tapping his foot, drumming his thighs, jutting his chin out, swaying to the beat, and pursing his lips like Mick Jagger or someone. His entire body moves in response to what his ears are hearing. It’s obvious that he’s enjoying himself and listening to a pretty good song. A few minutes later, one of the deaf persons enters the room. Seeing the guy listening to the music and impersonating Mick Jagger, he thinks, ‘That looks like fun. I think I’ll try that.’ So he sits down next to him and begins to

imitate him. Awkwardly at first, he tries drumming his thighs, jutting his chin out, and swaying to the music just like the guy with the iPod. With a little practice, he begins to catch onto it. By watching and trying, he begins to mirror the other guy’s actions pretty closely. But although he eventually gets better at keeping time, he concludes that it’s not as much fun or as easy as it initially seemed (especially the chin jut—very difficult to do when you’re not actually hearing the music). After a while, a third person enters the room and watches this scene. What does he see? Two people apparently doing the same thing, apparently listening to the same thing. Is there a difference? Absolutely. The first guy hears the music and his actions are a natural response to the music’s rhythm and melody. The second guy is merely imitating the outward actions. Being deaf, he’s not listening to anything. There’s an important spiritual parallel here. The dance (outward actions) represents the Christian life, while the music represents the grace of the gospel. Though we have come to know Christ through grace, we are often like the deaf man in the story who tries to perform the dance without hearing the music. Our spiritual life is reduced to a series of dance steps— external behaviors and activities—devoid of God’s animating and transforming power. God’s desire is not to get us to do the dance but to get us to hear the music of the gospel, with the dance (godly actions, character, and activities) flowing naturally from it.“ Something to think about. Blessing to you all, Danny

The Youth group is growing!! We welcomed our newest members this month. Connor Prince, Clara Gregory, Jayden Littrell, and Lucas Poague have joined us and we couldn’t be more excited. We had a cookout for them on their first night with us and it was a great time of fellowship and games. We are starting a multi week series on “Following Jesus” on Wednesday nights and we feel that all of us will really enjoy the material. Also, we’re looking forward to our Youth Group Lake Day on July 23rd for an afternoon of boat rides, jet skis and tubing!! Thank you all for your prayers and support!

In CHRIST, Lance & Trena Gregory

Page 5: August 2019 The Challenge - Calvert First Baptist Church

Children’s Church Marcella’s Drivers Counters Teller Team

Aug Cyrstal Smith

Tue Jul 30: Jerry Devine Fri Aug 2: Nancy Whitler Mon Aug 5: Nigel & Becky August: Randy & Hazel Jean Faulkner September: Billy & Anna Hodge

Tue Aug 6: Dale Smith Fri Aug 9: Ray Tucker Mon Aug 12: Betty Thompson

Sep Cyrstal Smith

Tue Aug 13: Jerry Devine Fri Aug 16: David Madison Mon Aug 19: Mildred Oliver Tue Aug 20: Sam Jones Fri Aug 23: Nancy Whitler Mon Aug 26: Rebecca Wilson

Tue Aug 27: David Madison Fri Aug 30: Jerry Devine


1 2 3

Prayer Mtg JUMP Youth

6:00 pm Kids Choir

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Awana Leaders Meeting 5:30 pm

Prayer Mtg JUMP Youth

6:00 pm Kids Choir

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Awana Registration

Prayer Mtg

JUMP Youth

6:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00


Ministry Project: Car Wash at Minit Mart

10 am to noon. Bring a sponge.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Deacon’s Mtg

Turn in cookies for MSU BCM

Members Mtg JUMP Youth

6:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Prayer Mtg

JUMP Youth Mtg.

6:00 pm Adult Choir 7:00

NURSERY ASSISTANTS USHERS PRAYER ROOM DEACON OF THE WEEK Aug 4 Alison Risher & Kristin Poague Les Evans Kathy Poague & Carolyn Outland Brandon Cayton 270-994-8878 Aug 11 Alison Risher & Jenny Travis Larry Coursey Jean Smith & Karen Howard Dale Smith 270-564-8457 Aug 18 Alison Risher & Jo Beth Jones Phil Broyles Jason Young & Oral Sickling Andy Pagel 270-210-7589 Aug 25 Alison Risher & Janie Pagel Clint Poague Gene Low & Sandra Wiles Lance Gregory 270-703-4881