august 9th 2015 - room 202

[] Theme: Away We Go Basic Truth: God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Key Question: Who loves you? Bottom Line: God loves me. Memory Verse: “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever.” Jeremiah 31:3, NLV Bible Story Focus: God has a plan for me. Samuel • 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19 What You Need: No supplies needed What You Do: Before the Activity: Spread out in an open area in the room. During the Activity: Teach the kids the words and motions for this month’s Memory Verse. Repeat as many times as desired. After the Activity: Say the Bottom Line together. What You Say: Before the Activity: “Come spread out in a circle around me. (Pause.) We have a new Memory Verse and motions to learn today!” During the Activity: “I’m going to say the new verse and do the motions and then we’ll do it together. Watch and listen. ‘I have loved you with a love (hug yourself and twist) that lasts forever’ (stretch arms out to side as wide as you can), Jeremiah 31:3. (Open your hands like a book.) Let’s try it together. (Repeat several times.) Super job! Sit down on the floor right where you are.” Away We Go! Sunday, August 9th, 2015 .:. Room 202 Pathways Kids – Weekend Small Groups - 2 year Olds This Week’s Scope Memory In Motion

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August 9th 2015 - Room 202



Theme: Away We Go

Basic Truth: God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Key Question: Who loves you? Bottom Line: God loves me.Memory Verse: I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. Jeremiah 31:3, NLV

Bible Story Focus: God has a plan for me. Samuel 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19

What You Need: No supplies needed

What You Do: Before the Activity: Spread out in an open area in the room.

During the Activity: Teach the kids the words and motions for this months Memory Verse. Repeat as many times as desired.

After the Activity: Say the Bottom Line together.

What You Say:

Before the Activity: Come spread out in a circle around me. (Pause.) We have a new Memory Verse and motions to learn today!

During the Activity: Im going to say the new verse and do the motions and then well do it together. Watch and listen. I have loved you with a love (hug yourself and twist) that lasts forever (stretch arms out to side as wide as you can), Jeremiah 31:3. (Open your hands like a book.) Lets try it together. (Repeat several times.) Super job! Sit down on the floor right where you are.After the Activity: Today we heard a story from the Bible about how God made each and every one of us! God made you, and you, and you, and me! God made you and me and He loves us with a love that lasts forever! Who loves you? [Bottom Line] God loves me.

What You Need: A Bible, stick figures of Samuel and Eli LEADER: (Lay Bible down in front of you.) Come here, everyone, and sit with me! Its story time! Yay for story time! Our story comes from this very special bookthe Bible! (Hold up the Bible, give it a big hug, and lay it down.) We love the Bible because it has Gods stories in it. And Gods stories are always TRUE! (Thumbs up.)

Todays story is about a little boy named Samuel. (Pull out Samuel stick figure.) Are you guys ready to hear this awesome true story about Samuel? (Pause.)God loved Samuel and Samuel lived in the church where he learned from his teacher, an old man named Eli. (Pull out Eli stick figure.) One night, while Samuel and Eli were sleeping (make snoring sounds), suddenly, Samuel heard someone call his name: Samuel!

Samuel thought it was Eli calling him, SO he went to him. (March Samuel over to where Eli is lying down.) He said, Here I am, Eli! But Eli said, No, Samuel, I didnt call you. Go back to bed.So Samuel went back to bed. (Hop him back to where he was sleeping.) But thennnn he heard it again! Someone was calling his name: Samuel! And again, Samuel thought it was Eli, so he went to him. (Walk Samuel to Eli.) And Samuel said, Here I am, Eli! But again, Eli said it wasnt him and that Samuel should go back to bed. So he did. (Lay down stick figures again.)

But then, you guys, it happened a THIRD time! Samuel heard someone call his name: Samuel! So again he went to Eli. (Get up and walk over to Eli.) Here I am, Eli!And it was then that Eli realized who was calling Samuel. It was God! God was talking to Samuel! So he told Samuel to go back to bed and if he heard God call his name again, Samuel should answer Him.

So Samuel once again went back to bed and waited. (Lay down stick figure and then stand it right back up.) And sure enough, God called again: Samuel! Samuel! So Samuel answered, Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening. And then God talked back!

The Bible says that from that day forward, God was with Samuel. He loved him and had big plans for him. God made Samuel one of His special messengers. He got to go and deliver messages from God. And God used Samuel to pick out kings. Kings are pretty powerful and important guys.

God had big plans for Samuel, and you know what? (Pause.) God has big plans for you too! Yes, He does. God has big plans for you because He loves you so very much.

Who loves you? (Pause.) [Bottom Line] God loves me! Can you guys help me say it? (Pause.) Who loves you?CHILDREN and LEADER: [Bottom Line] God loves me!

LEADER: Great job! One more time. Who loves you?CHILDREN and LEADER: [Bottom Line] God loves me!

LEADER: Excellent! Its true, friends! God loves each one of you! Lets pray. Dear God, You are so great. I am so thankful that You have a plan for me and for each one of my friends here today. Please help us to always follow Your plan for us. Amen.

Silly Sounds

What You Need: No supplies neededWhat You Do:

Before the Activity: Sit together on the floor.

During the Activity: Make funny sounds and have the kids copy you. Encourage them to try to make sounds for you to copy.

After the Activity: Introduce the Bible story.

What You Say:

Before the Activity: Friends, come sit with me on the floor. I have a fun game to play today.During the Activity: To play the game today, you need to copy the sound I make. Ready to give it a try? (Pause.) Super! Here we go! (Make a popping sound with your lips.) Did you hear the pop? (Pause.) Now you try. (Pause.) Good try! Lets try another one. (Snap fingers.) Thats a hard one, but you give it a try. (Pause.) All right! (Whistle, even if its not a true whistle.) Your turn. (Pause.) Super! (Tap your feet on the ground.) Your turn. (Pause.) Fantastic! Now I want you to make a silly sound for me to copy. (Pause.) Those are great! Let me give it a try. (Pause.) That was so much fun! Thank you for playing the Silly Sounds game with me!After the Activity: In our game we listened and tried to copy the silly sounds we heard. In our story, there was a little boy who has to listen to someone very special. Do you remember who he was? Samuel!

Wake Up!What You Need: Bell or alarm clock (you can use a cell phone, otherwise, you can simply use your voice to say, Wake up!)What You Do:

Before the Activity: Have the children sit on the floor and spread out so that they will not touch each other when they lie down. During the Activity: Tell the children to lie down and close their eyes and pretend that they are asleep. Tell them that when they hear the bell or alarm they should wake up and sit back up. Ring the bell or alarm several times at a slower pace at first. As the children understand the activity more, ring the bell or alarm at a faster pace. After the Activity: Repeat several times and go faster each time. What You Say: Before the Activity: Everyone find a place on the floor that is away from your friends. Make sure that you cannot touch anyone from where you are sitting. Perfect! Now everyone lie down and lets pretend that we are going to sleep. Close your eyes and pretend. When you hear bell it will be time to wake up and sit back up. Are you ready?(Pause.)During the Activity: Here we go! (Ring bell.) Wake up! Everyone sit up! Good job! Okay, now go back to sleep. (Ring bell.) Time to wake up again! Go back to sleep! (Continue with the activity and ring the bell faster and faster each time.)

After the Activity: You did such a great job pretending! In our Bible story today there is a little boy who kept waking up too! I wonder what woke him up. Lets get ready to hear our story and find out!

If you happen to finish up with these activities early feel free to use any of the activities in the preschool game binder. If you are unsure as to where to find this binder, please contact your service coach.

Be sure to fill out a story card! A drawing will occur every week for those that turn in story cards and the winner will receive a Starbucks gift card!Away We Go!

Sunday, August 9th, 2015 .:. Room 202

Pathways Kids Weekend Small Groups - 2 year Olds

This Weeks Scope

Memory In Motion

Bible Story

Make It Fun

Make It Fun

Need More


Story Cards

Down and Up is an activity that uses kids gross motor skills and introduces this weeks Bible story.

What You Need: Nothing needed

What You Do:

Before the activity: Spread out in an open area in the room.

During the activity: Squat down and jump up seven times. Count each one.

At the end of the activity: Sit down together and introduce the Bible story.

What You Say:

Before the activity: Come over and stand with me.

During the activity: When I say the word down, I want you to squat down like this. (Demonstrate.) And when I say the word up, I want you to stand back up. Were going to do it seven times. Ready to give it a try? (Pause.) Lets get started. Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats one! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats two! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats three! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats four! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats five! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats six! Down! (Pause.) Up! (Pause.) Great! Thats seven! Way to go!

At the end of the activity: In our Bible story we are going to hear about a man who went down in the water and came back up seven times.
