avalon quantum book4 unit1 final

Book Four 1 unit

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Avalon Quantum é um livro de ensino da lingua inglesa para estrangeiros e intercambistas.


BookFour1unit123456 glad to be here...789Does success make you confident? What has been the biggest success in your life?Are there people trying to bring peace to the world?Do you think theyll ever succeed? What can make people lose confidence?Do you have any friends who need more confidence? Are successful people usually rich? Which people are you always pleased to see?Are you glad to be here? Are you usually glad to get home in the evening?Who won the last election in your country?Were you glad about that? Is failure stressful?When do people look pleased with themselves? Are you glad that you started learning English?Have you ever been pleased because someone else failed? Have you ever pretended to be pleased for someone? 10succeed success successful failure confident confidence pleased glad 1112131415UNIT 101

Datenotes 4 testsucceed in





to inf





01Would you tell a stranger:a. the time?b. where you lived?Tell us an interesting fact about your country.Who tells you what to do:a. at work?b. at home?c. in the classroom?What kind of things do I tell you to do?Tell me to do something.Whats a polite way to tell someone to do something?Any other ways?Could you tell us how to get to the nearest station?What kind of things did your parents tell you when you were growing up?What did people tell you about this school/country?On your first day at this school, who told you where to go?Do you tell anyone about your day when you get home?Is it good to tell people that you love them?Have you ever had to tell someone:a. that they did something wrong?b. some bad news?123tell me about it...456789tell told (present) (past) told (past participle) 1011tell to inf. orabouttell that tellwhat/where/how many etc. tell12UNIT 102She told me her name. I told her that she was late.I told them to wait. She told me where she lived.

Date02Does a good family/school have a positive effect on a child? What negative effects are humans having on the world? Which successful people do you want to be like?Whats the reason for his/her success?How has he/she had a positive effect on you?Have you had any negative experiences of education?What kind of things have a negative effect on:a. a class? b. a country? c. your work? d. a relationship? What effects does stress have on people?Do you understand:a. the difference between adjectives and adverbs?b. what causes global warming? c. the offside rule in football?Can you explain it to the class please? Do teachers need to explain grammar well?Are women better at explaining their feelings than men?

Are there some things that science will never be able to explain? Do children ever cry for no good reason? Has anyone ever shouted at you for no good reason?Did you shout back? 1234I cant explain it...567891011explain explanation effect positive negative for no good reason 12UNIT 103Datenotes 4 testhave


an effect

03 123cost of living...4567891011What do you spend most of your money on? Does your government spend money on the right things? How much did that book cost you? Do all schools charge the same price for lessons?Why does a 5-star hotel cost more?Do you know a place that charges crazy prices?What kind of things do banks charge you for?When was the last time you went:a. to the pub?b. to the supermarket? c. on holiday?Do you remember how much you spent? Is the cost of living lower in other places? How many hours a week do you spend studying? How much time do you spend doing housework? When do working parents get to spend time with their kids? Would you like to spend more time with your family? What happens when couples spend too much time together?Do people spend too much time at work? 12131415UNIT 104spend spent (present) (past) spent (past participle) cost of living 2cost cost (present) (past) cost (past participle) charge price spend time


We spent all day playing football in the park.spend time/money


kids spend too much money on sweets.Does success make you confident? What has been the biggest success in your life?Are there people trying to bring peace to the world?Do you think theyll ever succeed? What can make people lose confidence?Do you have any friends who need more confidence? Are successful people usually rich? Which people are you always pleased to see?Are you glad to be here? Are you usually glad to get home in the evening?Who won the last election in your country?Were you glad about that? Is failure stressful?When do people look pleased with themselves? Are you glad that you started learning English?Have you ever been pleased because someone else failed? Have you ever pretended to be pleased for someone?

Date04 123so & such...45678 Why is Moscow so cold?Why is learning a language so difficult?Have you ever been so happy that you cried?Have you ever eaten so much that you felt sick? Do I sometimes speak so quickly that you cant understand? Have you ever given up learning something because it was so difficult? Has it ever been so hot/cold that you couldnt go out? Why are people always so unhappy with politicians? Whos your best friend?Why is he/she such a good friend? Should you speak your language in this lesson?Why is it such a big problem? Is it expensive to fly first class?What kind of people pay such expensive prices? Have you ever had such a bad day at work that you shouted at someone/cried/made someone cry?91011so such 12UNIT 105adj/adv soSEE GRAMMAR SECTION Im so hot.such a/anadj. Its such a hot day.nounsuch a/anadj. nounadj/adv soI was so hot thatI drank all the water.It was such a hot day thatwe went to the beach.that that

Date05Do you live close to the school? Who are you closest to in your family? Have you ever been homesick? Are you going to miss your classmates after you leave this school? Are any students missing here today?Who?Have you missed any lessons recently? What happens when a person goes missing? What does a missed call mean?What can you do when that happens? What kind of things do you think old people miss? Have you ever missed a train/flight? Do couples miss each other when they are apart?Are there some kinds of food you should keep apart (in the fridge)? 1234567I miss you... 89close apart homesick missing miss 101112UNIT 106

Datenotes 4 testbe close tonotes 4 test* miss a bus/train/flight06

traveljourney culture shock...On holiday, are you more of a tourist or a backpacker?Are you interested in other cultures? Where do you think you might get culture shock? Do you think backpackers see the real country more than tourists? Do you think foreign people understand your culture? Do you think technology is changing our culture? Is air travel expensive? Is English useful when you travel?Whats the most interesting thing about travelling?How long is your journey to the school? Is travelling safer than in the past? What would you want to do on:a. a short trip to New York/London/Paris?b. a long trip across Asia/South America/USA?123456touristbackpacker 78910trip cultureculture shock 1112UNIT 107

Date07Do you live by yourself? Do you get bored if youre on your own? Is it possible to feel lonely when youre with people? Do some lonely people spend their lives on the internet? Do you enjoy studying alone? Would you be happy to sit by yourself in a pub? Do old people sometimes get lonely? Do some people hate being on their own? How would you feel about travelling abroad alone? Do you prefer working alone or in a team?Is there anything you prefer doing by yourself?Do people in relationships need to spend some time on their own? 123by yourself...456789lonelyalone by yourselfon your own 101112UNIT 108

Date08Are you a caring person? Do politicians pretend to be really caring? Would you like a job taking care of children? Why do some parents need childcare?Do we do enough to care for old people? Do you prefer cooking by yourself?Do you mind eating by yourself? Do you mind if people smoke near you?Do you mind living in an untidy house?When you were a teenager, did your parents mind you staying out late? Do you mind if it snows/rains? Do you mind if I open the window?Would you mind closing it, please? Whats the difference between I dont mind and I dont care? Do you care about:a. the private lives of celebrities?b. climate change? Do you think some companies are more caring?Do you care who wins the next election?123do you mind...?456789101112131415UNIT 109carecaringchildcarecare fortake care ofmindI dont care I dont mind about careI care about my friends feelings.verbing mindDo you mind closing the door?if mindDo you mind if I sit here?or

Date09Which part of your/this country is the hottest/nicest? Which parts of the body can cause serious problems?Can you explain why they are so important? Which part of the day do you feel most awake? In which sports is fitness less important?Is the gym good for building up your muscles? Do you think exercise is boring? Which muscles in your body do you use the most?What food do you need to build muscles?Do you know anyone who takes care of their body really well? Is walking good exercise? Does it cost a lot to build a house? Do you know anyone who has built up a business? 123get some exercise... 456789101112fitness body exercise muscle build(up) part built (present) (past) built (past participle) UNIT 110

Datenotes 4 test10do/get exerciseAre you doing anything after the lesson?Make a plan for one evening next week with him/her.Is everything organised now?When are you next going on holiday?Where are you going?Who are you going with?Are you working tomorrow?Are you doing anything exciting this week? Are you meeting anyone later?What are you going to do? Whats the best way to chill out after a long day? On holiday, do you like to be busy or just chill out? Are you a well-organised person?

Have you ever organised a big party? Is the place where you work well-organised?If youre travelling somewhere do you organise everything carefully? When are you going back to your country?123well-organised...organise 456organised well-organised 789chill out 10Present Continuous for the future.Were seeing each other tomorrow.Im going on holiday next week. 111213UNIT 111

Date11What do we use to cut:a. bread? b. paper? Do any of the rooms in your house need painting?Are you going to do it yourself? Have you got a favourite painter?Do you know the names of any of his/her paintings? Where would you go to look at paintings?Have you been to any in this city? Have you got a garden?How often does the grass need cutting? Have you ever cut your hair yourself?What did it look like?Where do you usually get it done? If your car broke down could you repair it yourself? Can it be expensive to get your car repaired? What jobs around the house sometimes need doing?Which ones can you do yourself? What kind of beauty treatments can you have done?What have you had done recently? What have you/your family had done to your house?What would you/they like to get done next? Would you like to have all your meals cooked for you? 1234567have something done... paint painting do something yourself cutcut (present) (past) cut (past participle) need verbing get/have past participle My room needs cleaning. I had my eyes tested. 89101112UNIT 112repair

Date12Are you an honest person?Do you always give honest answers in the lesson?Should couples tell each other the truth about everything?Has anyone ever told you a big secret?Do you know any good jokes?Do you know anyone who tells lies?What excuses do people give when:a. they are late?b. theyve cheated on their partner?c. they havent done their work/homework?Have you ever given an excuse that wasnt true?Do people sometimes lie in job interviews?Is it easy for celebrities to keep secrets from the newspapers?Do you think most celebrity gossip is true?Do kids sometimes lie to their parents?Is it true that:a. men are better drivers than women?b. the English are very polite?c. children learn languages faster than adults?Have you ever believed someone and found out they were lying/joking?1234tell the truth...567891011true excuse the truth honest joke lie secret keep a secret 121314UNIT 113Which part of your/this country is the hottest/nicest? Which parts of the body can cause serious problems?Can you explain why they are so important? Which part of the day do you feel most awake? In which sports is fitness less important?Is the gym good for building up your muscles? Do you think exercise is boring? Which muscles in your body do you use the most?What food do you need to build muscles?Do you know anyone who takes care of their body really well? Is walking good exercise? Does it cost a lot to build a house? Do you know anyone who has built up a business?

Date13What was the last book you read?Is that a novel? Do you usually prefer fiction or non-fiction?Is it only women who like romantic novels?What kind of book would you take on a long journey?Did anyone read you stories when you were a child? Is literature an interesting subject to study? Are you a romantic person? Are people more romantic at the beginning of a relationship?Would your life make a good novel? Do you know any older people who tell stories about their lives? Do you prefer films or novels ? Do you think you could write a novel? Whats the best book youve ever read? Could you read a novel that was in English?1234romantic tell me a story... 67895literature story novel non-fiction fiction 1011121314UNIT 114

Date14Who would you phone if you were feeling upset? Do some people get upset very easily? How do people show they are upset?Are some news stories upsetting? How would you feel if your friends forgot your birthday? Have you ever lied because you didnt want to hurt someones feelings? What can cause:a. backache? b. toothache? c. earache?d. stomach ache?e. a headache?Do your muscles ache if youve done a lot of exercise? What kind of things sting if you get them in your eyes?Which animals can sting you?Did you ever hurt yourself when you were a child? Have you ever broken a bone?Did it really hurt? Which emotions can cause physical pain?Do some people have painful memories?Do you think you should tell people when theyve hurt your feelings?1234aches & pains...56789painful hurt pain ache sting upset stung (present) (past) stung (past participle) 1011121314UNIT 115What do we use to cut:a. bread? b. paper? Do any of the rooms in your house need painting?Are you going to do it yourself? Have you got a favourite painter?Do you know the names of any of his/her paintings? Where would you go to look at paintings?Have you been to any in this city? Have you got a garden?How often does the grass need cutting? Have you ever cut your hair yourself?What did it look like?Where do you usually get it done? If your car broke down could you repair it yourself? Can it be expensive to get your car repaired? What jobs around the house sometimes need doing?Which ones can you do yourself? What kind of beauty treatments can you have done?What have you had done recently? What have you/your family had done to your house?What would you/they like to get done next? Would you like to have all your meals cooked for you?

Date15Would you let someone have your PIN number? Do hotels let the public into their bars? Have you ever tried to get into a nightclub when you were too young?Did they let you in? Have you ever let someone else win a game? When you were a teenager did your parents allow you to stay out late? Do they allow smoking in public places in your country? Would you let a stranger into your house? Are you a foreigner in this country? Have you ever heard a foreigner speak your language really well? Should the government let foreigners use hospitals without paying? Do shops let you try things on? Have you ever bought clothes without trying them on? Have you ever tried something on and then laughed at yourself in the mirror?12let 34let me do it...56allow 789foreigner let inf. I dont let my brother use my computer. let (present) (past) let (past participle) 10111213UNIT 116let in/into Most pubs let children in. allow noun/verbing Most shops dont allow dogs. allow to inf. Would you allow your children to smoke? try on

Datenotes 4 testlet do allow to do 16Can you think of someone who used to be really famous, but isnt now? Which countries used to be more important in the past? How did people use to:a. travel? b. keep warm? c. keep in touch? d. buy music? Which football teams used to be good, but arent anymore? What bad habits did you use to have?How do people feel when they see someone they used to go out with?Do you know anyone who still loves their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? Do some people keep in touch with their ex? Do people get jealous if they see their boyfriend/girlfriend speak to an ex? Does your government allow divorce? Do children get upset if their parents get divorced? Do celebrities get divorced a lot? What can a man do if his ex wont let him see the kids? 12used to 34she used to love me...6758910divorce get divorced subj. used to inf. I used to live in Barcelona. ex- 111213SEE GRAMMAR SECTION UNIT 117ex did use to inf. Did she use to work here? subj. use to inf. I didnt use to like vegetables. subj. didnt +?-

Datenotes 4 testget divorced 17Wheres the main door to this building? Have you ever lived in a block of flats? Have you ever lived on a main road? Whats the main shopping street in this city?Whats the main reason people learn English? What are the main problems with living in a block of flats? Why do some people prefer to live on the ground floor? How do people get between floors? How do people use basements and attics? What kind of shops have lots of floors? Is parking easier in a side road? Where do you park your car at home/work? What kind of places have car parks? can you park here...? block basement main attic park floor (UK)/storey (US) parking car park side road 12345678910111213UNIT 118Who would you phone if you were feeling upset? Do some people get upset very easily? How do people show they are upset?Are some news stories upsetting? How would you feel if your friends forgot your birthday? Have you ever lied because you didnt want to hurt someones feelings? What can cause:a. backache? b. toothache? c. earache?d. stomach ache?e. a headache?Do your muscles ache if youve done a lot of exercise? What kind of things sting if you get them in your eyes?Which animals can sting you?Did you ever hurt yourself when you were a child? Have you ever broken a bone?Did it really hurt? Which emotions can cause physical pain?Do some people have painful memories?Do you think you should tell people when theyve hurt your feelings?

Date18 When are children given money? Has your bag ever been stolen? Have you ever been left out of a team? Is there anything that should be improved in this city?Have you ever been told a big secret? What kind of technology is used in:a. sport?b. travel?c. cars?d. elections? What kind of food is sold:a. by weight?b. in packets?c. on the street?d. in bars? Where were your shoes made? What are the main problems in your city/country?Can anything be done (about them)? Are there lots of ugly blocks in this city?When were they built? Where are we allowed to smoke? What age were you allowed to stay out late? What age are you allowed into bars? What kind of things are always advertised on TV?1234567891011the passive... The Passive SEE GRAMMAR SECTION 121314UNIT 119 subj. past participle be His car was stolen. Smoking is not allowed. Would you let someone have your PIN number? Do hotels let the public into their bars? Have you ever tried to get into a nightclub when you were too young?Did they let you in? Have you ever let someone else win a game? When you were a teenager did your parents allow you to stay out late? Do they allow smoking in public places in your country? Would you let a stranger into your house? Are you a foreigner in this country? Have you ever heard a foreigner speak your language really well? Should the government let foreigners use hospitals without paying? Do shops let you try things on? Have you ever bought clothes without trying them on? Have you ever tried something on and then laughed at yourself in the mirror?

Date 19notes 4 test iswasThe building...is beinghas beenis going to bewill be...made of wood.Changing tense in the PassivePast Participle(doesnt change)allow to do dont get caught... Have you ever broken rules without getting caught?Have you ever been caught:a. stealing? b. smoking? c. speeding? Are black clouds usually a sign of rain? How do people try to hide the signs of age? What are the signs that you are catching a cold?Can you catch a bus from this street? If you miss some lessons, how can you catch up? Which countries are catching up with the rich ones?Do you like to keep up with news on:a. sport? b. politics? c. celebrity gossip?How can you catch up if you miss a few days? Which of these things havent you done?a. got marriedb. learned to drivec. been to ParisDo you think youll do that sooner or later? How were children punished at your school? Have you ever been caught doing something you werent allowed to?What kind of punishments do you think parents should use?123467589punish catch punishment catch up with sign 2 2catch verbing My mother caught me smoking. 10111213UNIT 120sooner or later be/get caughtCan you think of someone who used to be really famous, but isnt now? Which countries used to be more important in the past? How did people use to:a. travel? b. keep warm? c. keep in touch? d. buy music? Which football teams used to be good, but arent anymore? What bad habits did you use to have?How do people feel when they see someone they used to go out with?Do you know anyone who still loves their ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? Do some people keep in touch with their ex? Do people get jealous if they see their boyfriend/girlfriend speak to an ex? Does your government allow divorce? Do children get upset if their parents get divorced? Do celebrities get divorced a lot? What can a man do if his ex wont let him see the kids?

Datenotes 4 test*catch an illness*catch a bus/train/plane 20SELF-ASSESSMENTUNIT ONEI can...12345678ask for explanations and reasons.use so and such to give reasons.say what I mind or care about.describe buildings.use the passive voice.STUDENTNOW GO TO UNIT 2I can talk about...success and failure.what Ive been told.what things cost. who Im close to.being organised and chilling out.travel, culture and literature.exercise and fitness.getting things done.truth and lies.91011121314PROGRESS NOTES..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................