aviva stadium publication in architecture ireland magazine

ARCHITECTURE IRELAND Aviva Stadium - STW Architects & Populous Passive House Japan- Key Architecture Irish Pavillion at Shanghai - OPW Architects Irish Architecture Awards 2010 Rearview - John Johansen 252 E10 (INC VAT) The Journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland

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252Irish Architecture: Local and G


Aviva Stadium - STW Architects & Populous Passive House Japan- Key ArchitectureIrish Pavillion at Shanghai - OPW ArchitectsIrish Architecture Awards 2010Rearview - John Johansen

252E10 (INC VAT)

The Journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland

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Page 2: Aviva Stadium publication in Architecture Ireland Magazine

ARCHITECTSScott Tallon Walker Architects: Niall Scott , Bryan Roe, Rebecca Ryan, Philip Jackson, Oliver Gatzki, Raffaella Roncoroni, Flavio Lombardo, Rich De Palma, Michael Earley, Martyna Wysocka, Pat Kirwan , Adam Rowbotham, Eoin O’Keeffe, Liz Hughes, Karl Burton, Lynda Kavanagh, Deirdre Whelan, Karol Conway.Populous

CLIENT - Lansdowne Road Stadium Development Company Ltd.(LRSDC)

PRoJECT MANAGERS - Project Management Ltd.

QUANTITY SURVEYoRS - Keogh McConnell Spence / Franklin Sports Ltd.




CATERING CoNSULTANTS - Smart Design Group & QA Design

PITCH CoNSULTANTS - The Sports Turf Research Institute

FIRE CoNSULTANT - Michael Slattery Associates

PLANNING CoNSULTANT - Tom Phillips & Associates

MAIN CoNTRACToR - John Sisk and Son Ltd

PHoToGRAPHY - Donal Murphy, Chris Gascoigne (02 & 03), Martyna Wysocka (13)

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REPoRTBy Scott Tallon Walker Architects

In 2005 Scott Tallon Walker Architects and HOK SVE (now Populous) were appointed to act as joint architects for the redevelopment of Lansdowne Road, the oldest rugby international venue in the world. After a lengthy An Bord Pleanala oral hearing Planning Permission was eventually granted in April 2007. Demolition commenced in June and the stadium was completed on time in April 2010.

Site Context and Building ExteriorThe existing stadium site presented many challenges - being a restricted site in an established residential area bounded by the River Dodder to the East and bisected by the main Dublin-Wexford railway line. In addition there was also the requirement to keep both Lansdowne Football Club and Wanderers Football Club and their training pitch on the site. Space for the redevelopment of the site was created by minor realignment of the pitch and the creation of a new access podium over the railway line. This podium allows spectators access the stadium at level 03 via a series of

‘grand’ stairs west of the railway line. The former two rear pitches were also realigned and combined into one ‘back’ pitch with a North –South orientation. A new building, housing a shop, the stadium’s administrative offices and Wanderers’ Football Club, was built beside an extended and refurbished Lansdowne Football Club clubhouse. A movement strategy was developed for safely managing the large numbers of people arriving and leaving the stadium. This includes a new DART station forecourt, underpasses under the railway line which allow the level crossing gates to remain closed on match day and new entrances off Shelbourne Road and Bath Avenue. The movement strategy also informed the external landscape design, with paving, planting and signage designed to subtly guide movement.

The initial design concept for the scheme was developed by the design team at a series of workshops in Dublin and London. The form of the stadium developed as a response to the site conditions


Site PlanSite diagram showing old (green) and new (blue) footprints

Project size - 63,000 m2

Value - e360m (construction cost)

Duration - 36 months

Location - Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4



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and expresses the several limitations that the site context placed on the project, while also providing optimal sight-lines for spectators and proximity to the pitch. The form allows for the highest tiers and hence the maximum number of spectators to be on the half way lines yet allows the building to sweep down to a single tier at the North end allowing daylight into the adjacent residential gardens and opening up the stadium bowl to the city. The use of translucent and transparent polycarbonate for the external roofing and cladding allows for maximum light penetration through the building. The building skin reflects the light and the colours of the sky giving rise to a façade appearance that is constantly changing. The curvilinear form reduces the visual mass and apparent height of the stadium in its residential neighbourhood by having no defined line between wall and roof. The transparent ‘shingled’ skin’s organic form wraps around the concourses, seating tiers and the pitch to enclose the atmospheric ‘cauldron’ of the seating bowl.

Building InteriorInternally the public accommodation is spread over six levels. Ground level consists of multiple entrances, with a service road behind, off which open the players’, media and back of house facilities. At the North end there is a small public concourse under the seating tier. Levels 01 and 05 serve as General Admission concourses and are open to external environmental conditions and the enclosed premium facilities are at levels 02, 03 and 04. The organic form and the transparency of the external treatment dictated the approach to the internal planning and design. Accommodation is held back where possible from the external skin of the building to leave a continuous circulation around the perimeter of the floorplates. The main structural curved reinforced concrete ‘blades’ to the perimeter of the floor plates are expressed, and individually lit appearing as illuminated ‘ribs’ at night contrasting with the six cores rising through the building.The transparency of the building is most evident at premium levels and particularly at level 03 . Here there are views over

the city to one side and the pitch to the other with continuous circulation around the horseshoe. Level 03 also features airy double-height spaces on East and West sides with open staircases leading up to corporate box level. Box level accommodation consists in the main of the 36 corporate boxes and the 650 seat restaurant filling the entire South Stand. The interiors at levels 03 and 04 respond to the transparency of the building by treating the views as features of the interior design. The connection between inside and out is reinforced by the changing natural light and its effect on the differing textures of the natural materials selected: plain and bush-hammered stone used for an island bar, grey rendered walls, textured carpet tile, ribbed and plain oak panelling and bronze clad bars. A similar palette carries up to box level but a more intimate and elegant mood is created by the smaller size of spaces, the use of broadloom carpet throughout and the ribbed oak panelling lining the walls to the double height spaces. The General Admission concourses are naturally ventilated behind the transparent rain screen cladding and are treated as external streets with the food kiosks and bars opening off them treated as individual shop fronts. These levels are designed using robust materials (exposed concrete, fair faced blockwork and galvanized steel) with vibrancy and personality added in the choice of flooring material, a burnt orange resin floor that references the brickwork of the surrounding neighbourhood, and in the treatment of the ‘shop fronts’. Materials throughout the building were selected for their longevity with attention given to their quality and detail. Particular attention was paid to the concrete mix, forms and shutters to produce beautiful concrete work that could remain exposed as elements of the interior throughout. Cores with their curved ends are rendered in a soft grey render at each level to add texture. The concrete frame and the rendered cores are the common thread that link all levels of the building. These along with the simple palette of colours and materials and consistent detailing throughout result in a coherent whole that we hope will serve as a worthy venue for events both on and off the pitch.

The transparent ‘shingled’ skin’s organic form wraps around the concourses, seating tiers and the pitch to enclose the atmospheric ‘cauldron’ of the seating bowl.



04 05 1/2. The Aviva is enveloped in a polycarbonate shingled skin with no defined line between wall and roof 3. The lowered North end opens up the stadium bowl to the city 4. Materials on the general admission levels include exposed concrete, burnt orange resin floor, fair face blockwork and grey textured render to cores.5. Typical kiosk ‘shopfront’

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The overall form of the stadium is truly site-responsive. The shape was derived by reconciling a series of constraints that vary all around the stadium with the aspiration for a free flowing three dimensional form. Numerous bowl-geometries were studied and modelled – to arrive at the right balance between the distribution of seats within the seating-tiers, the quality of viewing, and facilities behind each tier whilst satisfying the site constraints. The result was the unique bowl that now characterises the Aviva Stadium – featuring a single tier along the North Stand, growing to four tiers of varying heights around the east, south, and west sides. The shape of the bowl then forms the basis for the form of the roof of the façade envelope. These were developed as one, in a manner that the roof and façade are seamless – thereby creating the form that is already uniquely associated with Aviva Stadium. The shape of the bowl, along with the varying requirements for back-of-house facilities was major factors in the development of the dramatic geometry of the frames that support the floor-plates and the tiers. Major features of the frames are the inclined, curving concrete blades that reach out to support

the floor-plates towards their outer extremities. A massive effort to achieve high quality concrete took place between the Design and Construction Teams. The results of this collaborative effort can be seen around many of the spaces. The carefully chosen mix design also forms a key component of the palette of colours adopted throughout the stadium.The primary roof structure includes a ‘two part’ roof design- featuring an innovative ‘horseshoe’ truss that spans around the East, South and West tiers, connecting to a more conventional and dependent structure supporting the North stand. The horseshoe-truss is supported at the North end by a pair of tapering concrete super-columns, and is then supported by a series of spur-trusses that run from the horse-shoe truss back to the rear of the tiers, connecting to a ring truss that runs around the perimeter of the stadium. Tertiary trusses then span between the primary truss and the ring truss, and then cantilever up to 15m beyond the primary truss to create a slim-line leading edge of the roof. The roof skin comprises two main types of polycarbonate – the major difference between them being the degree of opacity – thus providing a graded type of pitch-shadow.

7 Plant mezzanine

6 Plant level

5 Upper concourse

4 Box concourse

3 Upper premium concourse

2 Lower premium concourse

1 Lower general admission concourse

0 Service levels

An integrated holistic single model of roof and bowl was used for creative aspects and design delivery

Level three plan 1 Premium entrance 2 General admission entrance 3 Podium 4 Grand stairs 5 Double-height space







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SUSTAINABLE ASPECTS oF THE DESIGNMinimising the impact of the stadium on the environment was uppermost in the minds of the design team and this principle was integral to the philosophy behind the project. During construction the demolished structures were broken up for use as hardcore and sub-bases for the new ones. Blast furnace waste slag was used in the concrete mix throughout to minimize the amount of cement and thereby reduce the energy in concrete production. The old top soil was stripped, stored and reused for the new pitch. Rainwater gathered from the roof is stored in the basement and used to irrigate the pitches, waterless urinals are used throughout the building to reduce demand on drinking water. Each generator is fitted with large radiators and heat exchangers that pre-heat water for use in the bathrooms and kitchens and, when necessary, for the under pitch heating system. Sophisticated acoustic panelling

and whisper quiet chilling fan technology were used to ensure the stadium would have a minimal impact on background noise – very important given its location. The glass and polycarbonate skin allow maximum natural daylight into the building, minimizing the need for artificial lighting during daylight hours. Lighting is controlled centrally, and only areas that are occupied are lit. Other elements of the services design include intelligent controls to ensure power consuming systems are only operating when required for example escalators will only run when people are using them and fans and pumps in the heating and ventilation systems will only run at the rate that is required. The client has supported the design team approach throughout, has continued this philosophy into the operational management of the building and is actively working towards achieving BS 8901 certification.



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6/7. The premium level features a double-height space, flooded with natural light8. Level four break-out space. The organic shape of the building is picked up in soft furniture9. A multi-functional corporate space10. Island bar in limestone with view to the stadium bowl behind11. Open concourse showing the bifurcated concrete blade columns12. Bespoke graphics incorporating the Aviva branding colours13. Nightime view of stadium14/15/16. Players area





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Three years ago, I joined the masses that care much more about how much legroom there is for spectators and how long the toilet queue is at half time then I do about the warm-up area or how much space the players need to get changed in. I was, however, delighted and curious about the prospect of walking through the players changing rooms, down the tunnel and out onto the (edge of the) pitch once again in Lansdowne Road.Like with all modern stadia, the team bus will be able to drive right into the stadium, underneath the west stand, and pull up outside the changing room door. The first difference is that the home changing room is to the left of the tunnel and not on the traditional right-hand side. Once inside, “changing room 1” is a vast, bright, changing area. Each player has his (or her!) oak-panelled cubicle complete with drawer and storage shelf clothes hanger, where each jersey will hang, number facing out. A huge flat screen against the end wall will allow coaches to show tactical replays before the game and at half time and these will be edited and fed in from the sizeable video analysis room that is just off the players’ area. On the way through to the toilets (welcomingly significantly increased from two urinals and three toilets in the old ground!!) there is a rubber-turfed space that players can do preliminary warm-up in before the team heads out onto the pitch. Unfortunately, due to restricted availability, it is unlikely that there is enough height for line-outs to be done indoors which is a shame but

somewhat inevitable when considering the overall height restrictions imposed on the entire stadium. The changing rooms’ have large medical areas for pre and post-match treatment and are served by a dedicated central medical facility for more serious injuries, shared between both teams. The shower and recovery area are the biggest and most well thought out I have been in, in any stadium in the world. A huge screen divides a large shower area from two sunken communal bath areas. Appealing as they will both look when full, one will require a fitness coach to corral reluctant players into its ice-filled freezing waters, like some sort of giant sheep-dip, as part of the recovery process. The other, with its piping hot water, and built-in seat will require as much coaxing to get players out! Once down the tunnel, any player will be struck by just how much light fills the playing area thanks to the thousands of polycarbonate panels that cloak the stadium. From a player’s point of view, the closeness of the seating, especially the upper tiers, is crucial. Firstly it allows those playing rugby who seek to kick the ball to touch much greater spatial reference point where the touch-line is. Secondly, and more crucially, it gives a feeling of closeness and intensity to the game. By general consensus from players, Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium achieves this sense of intensity more than any other but I believe the AVIVA stadium will be, at the very least, able to match this aspect of Cardiff’s purpose-built-for-rugby arena.

However, thanks to the transparent roof and the resulting availability of natural light, Irish teams can expect a much better playing surface than their Welsh counterparts’ experience in Cardiff.The quality of the surface, increasingly a problem in international rugby grounds (recall Twickenham last year, Murrayfield every year), is further enhanced by the opened louvers at the north end of the stadium. By allowing the breeze blow through and onto the surface, strengthening the grass, the designers have also restored one of the historical advantages that Irish teams have enjoyed in Lansdowne Road – the ‘howling gale’. It will continue to be the bane of many a visiting team for years to come.From a player’s point of view, more than any amount of oak-panelled changing rooms, giant screens or luxurious jacccuzi baths, what a team is looking for is a ‘home-ground’. It’s a great challenge to any architect to deliver both a facility and an arena that gives the home team an advantage before a ball is even kicked. In professional sport, the slightest advantage counts and creating a stadium that facilitates an intimidating atmosphere seems, in many cases to be down the list of priorities in the architect’s brief. But don’t be seduced by the elegant lines of the Aviva Stadium’s exterior and the discreet luxury of is interior, I think STW and Populous have delivered a true home for Irish sport and when the crowds roar, I’m sure we will all realise what has really been accomplished.

REVIEW By James Pike

This is a vast and very complex project; it took about two hours to visit briefly most of the key elements. To assess this project properly would take a month rather than a day or two.

The Aviva has a very restricted urban site which creates serious constraints, with impacts on neighbouring sites and the wider city. These are similar to those on Croke Park, but probably more diverse and challenging. (I am well aware of those constraints, as I did preliminary designs for a stadia on this site and the RDS seven years ago.) The impacts generated by the building size and the thousands of people accessing it are enormous and challenged the design team and contractors in a way which could only be solved by the latest technology. This solution would not have been possible even ten years ago.

The ingenuity of the engineering partnered with the subtleties of the architectural design have created unique solutions which solve nearly all the challenges. The limitations on the stadium height with a very low north-west elevation and a somewhat lower south-east one has dictated an irregular framework to the main structure with huge trusses resting on only two columns at the north end of the arena. These are constrained by horizontal trusses, connected to and stabilised by the massive concrete structure of the stands. The outer transparent screen creates a coherent but ever changing whole, depending on your

distance from the stadium; the light and the view point, dissolving close up, as it opens up views of the interior structure. The low west end, when viewed from key points such as the gasholder, exposes the necessarily distorted nature of the main truss. Most distant external views are spectacular.

Further external challenges, particularly access across the railway – a major problem with the old stadium – have been met with additional access from Shelbourne Road, up a grand staircase to the wide podium at Level 3, a pedestrian underpass, and much greater coordination with Iarnrod Eireann for access to the station. Hopefully we will never be threatened again with being crushed to death at the level crossing gates.

Within the outer screen, the architectural challenge is answering a complex brief for 50,000 spectators, VIP’s, corporate entertainment, the teams and trainers, the media on a huge scale, thousands of pints and a wide range of food. Exploiting the full potential of the structure for conference meetings, entertaining and other events is an additional challenge with catering on a very large scale spread around the whole arena. A massive kitchen at ground level feeds service kitchens on higher levels, but has to be supplemented by other kitchens at key locations. A service route for trucks arcs around much of the ground floor, as a high water table limits basements. Exploitation of the sponsor’s branding could have

affected the essential clarity of signage and colours but these challenges are met with a simple palette of finishes, essential for such a complex structure. Exposed concrete of very high quality and concrete block walls are contrasted with rendered cores. Subtle changes of joinery, texture and colour define different areas. Relatively low floor-to-floor heights in some areas are met with double-height spaces at key points, which also expose the strong curves of the main concrete structure. The lighting in these spaces remains to be resolved.

The continuous glazed skin exploits the views from the interior spaces, enhancing their variety. These are more spectacular the higher you go, both within the stadium and around the city, the bay and the mountains. Inside, the intensity is relieved by views of the city centre, which by chance orientation, are much more spectacular than Croke Park, which had set new levels for stadium design.

We must avail of the first matches to test this great achievement. Tests that I am sure the Aviva will meet, but which must also be met by management. The design team and the contractors have presented them with an achievement of the highest level. Such a project, delivered in a tight programme of five years, epitomises the very high level achieved by Irish design and construction. We must not let the industry collapse to such an extent, that its ability to retain and develop these skills is lost. This danger is very imminent.

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