avoid falling objects: management of severe scalp lacerations

AVOID FALLING OBJECTS Rebecca Starr DO, PEM Fellow November 12, 2013

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Page 1: Avoid Falling Objects: Management of Severe Scalp Lacerations


Rebecca Starr DO, PEM Fellow

November 12, 2013

Page 2: Avoid Falling Objects: Management of Severe Scalp Lacerations


Identify goals of trauma activation Review pediatric trauma alert criteria Develop an understanding of medical

errors in communication and strategies to minimize

Discuss scalp laceration morbidity and implement appropriate initial management

Analyze mass transfusion protocol and understand evidence for approach

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10 year old male with head trauma and scalp laceration

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10 y/o M with a scalp laceration sustained from a large tree branch (est 100 lbs) that had fallen onto his head

No loss of consciousness, no vomiting, no confusion

Pt airlifted via LifeNet to MUSC ED C-collar, backboard, and pressure

dressing by LifeNet

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HPI continued

PMHx: previously healthy PSHx: none Allergies: none Medications: none ROS: headache

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Physical Exam Vitals: HR 75 BP 124/88 RR 22 SpO2 99% GCS 15 General: Alert and oriented Head: 15cm scalp avulsion/flap with visible galea and

active ooze Eyes: PERRLA, EOMI, Pupils ~ 3mm ENT: nares patent, o/p without lesions and 2 small

lacerations to tongue, no blood behind TM’s Neck: in c-collar, No TTP on cervical spine CV/Resp/GI: wnl Skin: left leg with small abrasions and ashes on feet Neuro: CN 2-12 GIT, no focal deficits, good tone, 5/5

UE and LE strength, full ROM, MAEW

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Timeline of Events 1925- Arrival to ED awake and alert, GCS 15 1930- Primary and secondary survey by PED MD’s,

wound examined and pressure dressing reappliedDecision to not call trauma activationNeurosurgery paged

1938- Fentanyl 25mcg and 1L NS bolus given 1940- CXR and pelvis 1950- CT Head and Neck 2010- Back from CT, “active bleeding continues” 2015- Neurosurgery at bedside to address lac 2025- Dressing reapplied after neurosurgery

removed, plan to sedate for laceration repair

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Timeline of Events 2045- Neurosurgery called away to adult trauma 2115- Pt complains of feeling “hot and sweaty”

BP 96/29 and HR 157MD to bedside1L NS bolus by pressure bag and placed in trendelenburg

2130- BP 80/39 and HR 1461L NS bolus repeatedI stat and repeat CBCPediatric Surgery consulted

○ Considered closing at bedside 2225- Attending to attending conversation (ED and Surg) 2300- To OR Total time in PED (1925-2300)

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CT neck- normal CT head-

No intracranial injury or fractureLarge right posterior-superior parietal

subgaleal hematoma with evidence of scalp laceration and subcutaneous emphysema

CXR- normal Pelvis xray- normal

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Pertinent LabsInitial CBC (1940) Repeat CBC (2211)

WBC 10.9 Hgb 12.5 Hct 35.2 Plts 214

WBC 10.2 Hgb 8.2 Hct 24 Plts 156

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Hospital course

Taken to OR 15cm right parietal scalp

laceration/avulsion repaired TLS drain placed Transferred to PACU at 0130 Admitted to floor/trauma surgery TLS drain removed Hgb: 8.2 9.4, HCT: 24 27 Discharged home the next day

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Areas for Discussion Considerations for calling a trauma

activation Delay in subspecialty care/transfer Communication/chain of command

concernsBetween RN and MDBetween subspecialty physiciansBetween training levels

Scalp laceration morbidity Role of Mass Transfusion Protocol

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Effect of Trauma Service in Peds ED Goals of Trauma Service

Mobilization of resources Quicker definitive care

Vernon et al -patients treated by a trauma team vs. ED staff without a peds trauma teamShorter times from arrival to CT scan (27 vs 41min)Shorter times from arrival to OR (62 vs 123min)Shorter total time in the ED (85 vs 121min)

Perno et al- implementation of a trauma service showed significant reduction in delayed diagnosis of injuryPre trauma team 4% DDI and post trauma team 0.5% DDI

Vernon et al. Pediatrics.1999

Perno et al. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2005

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Delay in Transfer Affects Outcomes Mortality is significantly reduced when

early goal-directed therapy is instituted Chalfin et al “Delay in critically ill

patients > 6 hours from ED to transfer to ICU/OR increased hospital length of stay and increased mortality”Not just trauma patients, all comersResults can be extrapolated

Chalfin et al. Critical Care Medicine. 2007

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MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert CriteriaLevel A Physiologic Criteria

GCS <9 at time of EMS transportHypotensionSuspicion of respiratory compromise

Attending concern for serious injury

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MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert CriteriaLevel A Anatomic Criteria

Penetrating injury to head, neck, torsoPenetrating injury to extremity proximal to elbow or

knee with ongoing bleedingFlail chestTwo or more long bone fracturesCrushed/degloving injuryAmputation proximal to wrist or ankleOpen or depressed skull fractureSuspected Pelvic fracture2nd or 3rd degree burns >40% BSA

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Level A Trauma Transfer from OSH Hemodynamically unstable Intubated Urgent need for surgical intervention Blood transfusion prior to transfer

MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert Criteria

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MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert CriteriaLevel B Physiologic Criteria

GCS >9 and <14 at EMS transport Anatomic Criteria

Penetrating injury to extremity proximal to elbow or knee without ongoing bleeding

2nd or 3rd degree burns > 20% BSA and < 40% BSA

Attending concern for serious injury

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MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert CriteriaLevel B Mechanism of Injury Criteria

Fall >20 ft (1 story equals 10ft)Ejection from vehicleDeath in same passenger compartmentAuto/pedestrian or auto/bike with impact >20

MPHMotorcycle or ATV crash >20 MPGMVC > 25 MPH

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MUSC Pediatric Trauma Alert CriteriaLevel B Trauma Transfer from OSH Accepted for transfer by trauma service Request for trauma alert by accepting

service Hemodynamically stable but possible

surgical intervention needed

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Learning Point

A trauma activation for this patient may have helped mobilize more resources and facilitated quicker definitive care

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Frequent Sources of Medical Error

Medication errors (weight-based dosing)Level of trainingStaffingOvercrowdingStressFatigue (Most ED errors between 4am-8am)Communication

Selbst et al. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2004

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High volume and velocity of information exchangesMultiple check outs and handoffsFrequent interruptionsMultitasking

Significant source of medical errors

Coiera et al. MJA. 2002

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Interdisciplinary Communication

Donchin study found ICU doctor to nurse verbal communication was only 2% of total daily communication but accounted for 37% of error reports

Hierarchy of exchange

Donchin et al. Critical Care Medicine. 1995

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Communication Pitfalls for this Case Communication of urgency Chain of command

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Communication Learning Point

Closed loop / confirmatory feedback Minimize hierarchy Be receptive/ approachable Remember/utilize chain of command

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Scalp lacerations

May be grossly underestimatedOften ignored until patient’s work up

complete Potential for large blood loss Beware large laceration or several minor

lacerations Delay in wound management alone can

lead to hemorrhagic shock

Lemos et.al., J. Emerg. Med. 1988

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Scalp lacerations

When lacerated, small arteries retract between the septa

7-10 cm laceration can cause loss of 30% blood volume

Turnage and Maull, Southern Medical Journal. 2000

Lemos et.al., J. Emerg. Med. 1988

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Case Reports in the Literature

45 y/o M with large scalp lac and epidural hematoma after bike vs. carTransfer from community hospital to tertiary

care center for neurosurgery involvementScalp laceration not closed before transferArrival to hospital in shock (systolic BP 65 and

HR 156) requiring aggressive resuscitationHgb 6.3 on arrival to hospitalMultiple transfusions of PRBCs and clotting

factors given

Fitzpatrick et al, J Accid Emerg Med.1996

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Case Reports in the Literature

27 y/o F with multiple scalp lacerations and depressed skull fracture with a small subdural hematoma due to knife stabbingScalp wounds stapled before transfer to tertiary care

centerEn route had a seizure and required intubationSeveral staples dislodged during event and profuse

bleeding from scalp wound occurredArrival to hospital in shock (BP 70/40 and HR 130)

requiring aggressive resuscitationHgb 7.1 on arrival to hospital4 units PRBCs given

Fitzpatrick et al, J Accid Emerg Med.1996

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Bleeding Control

Direct constant pressure Dressing application Elevation Direct clamping Suture Staples

Lemos et.al., J. Emerg. Med. 1988

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Initial Management Direct applied pressure Pressure dressing as a temporizing method

Frequently fails Temporary single layer closure with running stitch

Interferes with wound evaluation Surgical staples

Temporary Hemostats applied to edge of scalp

Tedious and interferes with radiographic studies Scalp clips

Requires special equipment

Fitzpatrick et al, J Accid Emerg Med.1996

Lemos et.al., J. Emerg. Med. 1988

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Raney Clips

Quick, effective, and inexpensive Compresses the wound edge and

occludes the blood vessels Maintain good exposure of the wound Do not interfere with radiographic


Sykes, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1989

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Traumatic Blood Loss Fluid resuscitation remains the cornerstone

of treatment A specific level of blood loss or anemia that

triggers transfusion has not been officially defined in pediatricsBased on clinical condition and expected further

blood lossInstitution specific

Rapid exsanguination may not be reflected in Hgb or Hct levels until fluid resuscitation catches up

Dehmer and Adamson, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 2010

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Coagulopathy in the “Lethal Triad” Well documented part of trauma Cycle of worsening coagulopathy,

hypothermia, and acidosisHypothermia decreases platelet activation

and adhesionHemodilution decreases clotting factors and

increases hypothermiaAcidosis worsens clotting factor function

Nosanov et al., American Journal of Surgery, 2013

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Pediatric Blood VolumesAge Estimated Blood Volume


Premature Infant Term infant to 3 months Children older than 3

months Obese children





Dehmer and Adamson, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 2010

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Pediatric Blood Volume in Units Weight Blood Volume

10 kg 25 kg 50 kg (adult standard)

2 units 5 units 10 units

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Fresh Whole Blood

Fresh whole blood has been used in adults in combat settingFresh whole blood transfusions have been

noted to improve 30 day survival rates FWB not widely available in civilian

settingOnly 15% of children’s hospitals stocked


Dehmer and Adamson, Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, 2010

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Pediatric Mass Transfusion Defined by the volume of blood products

given to maintain hemodynamic stabilityTransfusion of blood components equaling

one or more blood volume within a 24 hour period

Definition differs per institution Pediatric MTP’s are less widely

available than adult MTP’s

Chidester et al., J Trauma Acute Care Surg.,2012

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Pediatric Mass TransfusionActivated when 1 circulating blood volume has been lost


Evidence of massive hemorrhage, hemodynamically unstable and already received 40ml/kg crystalloid

Chidester et al., J Trauma Acute Care Surg.,2012

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Pediatric Mass Transfusion Ratio of FFP/PRBCs/Platelets 1:1:1

Most resembles whole blood Ratios of 1:1:1 has shown to have

survival benefits in adult literatureAdult data may not be generalized to

pediatrics Controversy exists between proper

blood products ratioFurther pediatric research is needed

Chidester et al., J Trauma Acute Care Surg.,2012

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Pediatric Mass Transfusion Higher FFP/PRBCs ratio has not been

statistically shown to have increased survival in childrenHwu study at Washington University in St.

Louis “Adoption of pediatric MTP in one study

led to a fourfold decrease in length of time to FFP transfusion”15 min unthaw time for FFP

Nosanov et al., American Journal of Surgery, 2013

Hendrickson et al, Transfusion, 2012

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Complications of MTP

FFP transfusion associated with increased risk of respiratory distress and ARDS

Increased susceptibility to hyperkalemia secondary to blood product transfusionK+ slowly leaks out of RBC’s during storage

and can increase K+ concentrations9 case reports of pediatric hyperkalemic

cardiac arrest due to MTP in literatureCardiac patients and neonates increased riskMean K+ 9.2 mmol/L (6.3-12mmol/L)

Lee et al, Transfusion, 2013

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Recombinant Factor VIIa

Useful adjunct for control of bleedingEnhances production of thrombin on the

surface of activated platelets Adult studies have documented

decreased blood product requirementsNo sufficient pediatric studies

No change in mortality in MTP Lower incidence of thromboembolic


Chidester et al., J Trauma Acute Care Surg.,2012

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MTP and Organ Donation

MTP activation in one study showed 2 incidences where viability of organ donation was made possible1 patient with nonsurvivable injuries which

was a non MTP patient was rejected as an organ donor due to severe hemodilution

Chidester et al., J Trauma Acute Care Surg.,2012

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MTP Learning Points

Activate when one circulating blood volume was lost or evidence of massive hemorrhage, hemodynamically unstable and already received 40ml/kg crystalloid

Monitor K+ and consider transfusion associated hyperkalemic cardiac arrest

Consider recombinant Factor VIIa

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Summary Trauma activation helps mobilize more resources and

facilitates quicker definitive care Keys for successful communication in the ED

Closed loop / confirmatory feedback Minimize hierarchy Be receptive/ approachable Remember/utilize chain of command

Quick and effective initial management is imperative in scalp lacerations

Potential for scalp lacerations to cause hemorrhagic shock

Utilize Mass Transfusion Protocol when dealing with an actively hemorrhaging patient

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References1. Dehmer, J.J., M.D, et al. Massive transfusion and blood product use in the pediatric trauma patient. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery.

2010;19:286-291. doi:10.1053/j.sempedsurg.2010.07.002.

2. Lee, A.C. et al. Transfusion-associated hyperkalemic cardiac arrest in pediatric patients receiving massive transfusion. Transfusion. 2013 doi:10.1111/trf.12192.

3. Hendrickson, J.E., et al. Implementation of pediatric trauma massive transfusion protocol: one institution's experience. Transfusion.2012;52:1228-1236. doi:10.1111/j.1537-2995.2011.03458.x.

4. Nosanov, L., et al. The impact of blood product ratios in massively transfused pediatric trauma patients. The American Journal of Surgery. 2013.

5. Chidester, S.J. A pediatric massive transfusion protocol. The Journal of Trauma, Acute Care, and Surgery. 12012;73 :1273-1277. doi:10.1097/TA.0b013e318265d267.

6. Turnage, B. & Maull, K. Scalp laceration: an obvious 'occult‘ cause of shock. Southern Medical Journal. 2000;93:265-266.

7. Lemos, M.J., & Clark, D.E. Scalp lacerations resulting in hemorrhagic shock: case reports and recommended management. The Journal of Emergency Medicine.1988;6:377-379.

8. Sykes, L.N. Management of hemorrhage from severe scalp lacerations with Raney clips. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 1989;18:995-996.

9. Fitzpatrick, M.O., & Seex, K. Scalp lacerations demand careful attention before interhospital transfer of head injured patients. Journal of Accidental Emergency Medicine. 1996;13:207-208. doi:10.1136/emj.13.3.207

10. Chalfin, D.B., et al. Impact of delayed transfer of critically ill patients from the emergency department to the intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine. 2007;35:1477-1483.

11. Selbst, S.M., et al. Preventing Medical Errors in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2004; 20:702-709.

12. Alvarez, G. & Enrico Coiera. Interdisciplinary communication: an uncharted source of medical error?. Journal of Critical Care 21. 2006:236-242.

13. Coiera, E.W., et al. Communication loads on clinical staff in the emergency department. Medical Journal of Austrailia. 2002;176:415-418.

14. Sutcliffe, K.M. et al. Communication Failures: an insidious contributor to medical mishaps. Academic Medicine. 2004; 79:186-194.

15. Vernon, D.D. et al. Effect of a pediatric trauma response team on emergency department treatment time and mortality of pediatric trauma victims. Pediatrics. 1999;103:20-24.

16. Perno, J.F., et al. Significant reduction in delayed diagnosis of injury with implementation of a pediatric trauma service. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2005;21:367-371.

17. Donchin Y. et al., A look into the nature and causes of human errors in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine. 1995;23:294-300

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Special Thanks

Thank you to Dr. Rachel Tuuri, Dr. Olivia Titus, Dr. Scott Russell, Dr. Fred Tecklenburg, and Madeline Gehrig for their help.