aws batch: simplifying batch computing in the cloud

© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Adrian Hornsby, Technical Evangelist @ AWS Twitter: @adhorn Email: [email protected] AWS Batch: Simplifying Batch Computing in the Cloud

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Page 1: AWS Batch: Simplifying Batch Computing in the Cloud

© 2016, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved.

Adrian Hornsby, Technical Evangelist @ AWS

Twitter: @adhorn

Email: [email protected]

AWS Batch: Simplifying Batch

Computing in the Cloud

Page 2: AWS Batch: Simplifying Batch Computing in the Cloud

• Technical Evangelist, Developer Advocate,

… Software Engineer

• My @home is in Finland

• Previously:

• Solutions Architect @AWS

• Lead Cloud Architect @Dreambroker

• Director of Engineering, Software Engineer, DevOps, Manager, ... @Hdm

• Researcher @Nokia Research Center

• and a bunch of other stuff.

• Love climbing and ginger shots.

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What to expect from this session

• Batch processing overview

• AWS Batch platform walkthrough

• API overview

• Demo(s)

• Show me the code!

• Usage patterns

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What is batch computing?

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What is batch computing?

Run jobs asynchronously and automatically across one or more


Jobs may have dependencies, making the sequencing and scheduling of

multiple jobs complex and challenging.

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Early Batch APIs (19th Century)

• Processing of data stored on decks of punch


• Tabulating machine by Herman Hollerith,

used for the 1890 United States Census.

• Each card stored a separate record of data

with different fields.

• Cards were processed by the machine one

by one, all in the same way, as a batch.

IBM Type 285 tabulators (1936) being used for batch

processing of punch cards (in stack on each machine) with

human operators at U.S. Social Security Administration

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Batch in Linux

echo "cc -o foo foo.c" | at 1145 jan 31

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Batch in Linux

echo "cc -o foo foo.c" | at 1145 jan 31

> job 1 at Wed Jan 31 11:45:00 2018

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Batch in Linux

echo "cc -o foo foo.c" | at 1145 jan 31

> job 1 at Wed Jan 31 11:45:00 2018

$ at 1145 jan 31

at> cc -o foo foo.c

at> ^D

$ atq (list jobs)

$ atrm <job_number>

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Batch computing today

• In-house compute clusters powered by open source or

commercial job schedulers.

• Often comprised of a large array of identical,

undifferentiated processors, all of the same vintage and

built to the same specifications.

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It’s like trying to fit a square into a circle

Batch computing today …

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AWS Batch

Overview & Concepts

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AWS Batch in a nutshell

• Fully managed batch primitives

• Focus on your applications • Shell scripts,

• Linux executables,

• Docker images

• and their resource requirements

• We take care of the rest!

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AWS Batch advantages




Saves time Reduces costs

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AWS Batch Components

• Jobs

• Job definitions

• Job queues

• Job Scheduler

• Compute environments

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Components relation

Batch Compute Environment **

Batch Queue (2)

Batch Queue (1)

Batch Queue (0)

Job Definition 1

Job Definition 2

Job Definition 3

Job Definition n

priorityJob 1

Job 2

Container Property






s O

n Container Property

Container Property

Container Property

** regional service

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Jobs are the unit of work executed by AWS Batch as containerized

applications running on Amazon EC2.

Containerized jobs can reference a container image, command, and


Or, users can fetch a .zip containing their application and run it on a

Amazon Linux container.

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Submit Job

aws batch submit-job --cli-input-json file://submit_job.json --region us-east-1

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Submit Jobwith dependency

aws batch submit-job --cli-input-json file://submit_job.json --region us-east-1

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Job States

Jobs submitted to a queue can have the following states:

SUBMITTED: Accepted into the queue, but not yet evaluated for execution

PENDING: Your job has dependencies on other jobs which have not yet completed

RUNNABLE: Your job has been evaluated by the scheduler and is ready to run

STARTING: Your job is in the process of being scheduled to a compute resource

RUNNING: Your job is currently running

SUCCEEDED: Your job has finished with exit code 0

FAILED: Your job finished with a non-zero exit code, was cancelled or terminated.

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Job Definition

AWS Batch job definitions specify how jobs are to be run.

Some of the attributes specified in a job definition:

• IAM role associated with the job

• vCPU and memory requirements

• Mount points

• Container properties

• Environment variables

• Retry strategy

• While each job must reference a job definition, many parameters

can be overridden.

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Job Definition

aws batch register-job-definition --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json file://job_def.json

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Job Queue

Jobs are submitted to a job queue, where they reside until they are

able to be scheduled to a compute resource. Information related to

completed jobs persists in the queue for 24 hours.

Job queues support priorities and multiple queues can schedule work

to the same compute environment.

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Job Queue

aws batch create-job-queue --region us-east-1 --cli-input-json file://job_queue.json

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Job Scheduler

The scheduler evaluates when, where, and how to run jobs

that have been submitted to a job queue.

Jobs run in approximately the order in which they are

submitted, as long as all dependencies on other jobs have

been met.

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Compute Environment

Job queues are mapped to one or more compute environments.

Managed compute environments enable you to describe your business

requirements (instance types, min/max/desired vCPUs, and Spot

Instance bid as a % of the On-Demand price) and we launch and scale

resources on your behalf.

You can choose specific instance types or choose “optimal” and AWS

Batch launches appropriately sized instances.

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aws batch create-compute-environment --cli-input-json file://job_env.json --region us-east-1

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Customer Provided AMIs

Customer Provided AMIs let you set the AMI that is

launched as part of a managed compute environment.

Makes it possible to configure Docker settings, mount

EBS/EFS volumes, and configure drivers for GPU jobs.

AMIs must be Linux-based, HVM and have a working ECS

agent installation.

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Resource Limits

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AWS Batch: Demo


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IAM Role

AWS Batch

QueueAWS Batch

Compute Env.Read/Write

Fetch & Run Demo

Job definition

AWS Batch execution


AWS Batch


Amazon DynamoDB






Submit job


Amazon S3

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Show me the code!

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AWS Batch: Typical Use cases

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AWS Batch Use Cases

High Performance Computing

Post-Trade Analytics

Fraud Surveillance

Drug Screening

DNA Sequencing



Media Supply Chain

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Financial Services: Automate the analysis of the day’s transaction for fraud surveillance.

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Life Sciences: Drug Screening for BiopharmaRapidly search libraries of small molecules for drug discovery.

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Digital Media: Visual Effects RenderingAutomate content rendering workloads and reduce the need for human intervention due to execution

dependencies or resource scheduling.

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Thank you!

Twitter: @adhorn

Email: [email protected]