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Bab #8 e-Marketing

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Bab #8 e-Marketing

Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfyingcustomer requirements profitably.



11/21/2013UI3Identifying how can the Internet be used for marketing research to find out customers needs and wants?Anticipating we have seen that anticipating the demand for digital services (the online revenue contribution) is key to governing the resource allocation to e-business.Satisfying a key issue for e-marketing is how to achieve customer satisfaction through the electronic channel; this raises issues such as: is the site easy to use, does it perform adequately, what is the standard of associated customer service and how are physical products dispatched?

The e-marketing plan in the context of other plans


Operating Process11/21/2013UI5

Management Process11/21/2013UI6

SOSTAC #111/21/2013UI7Situation where are we now?Objectives where do we want to be?Strategy how do we get there?Tactics how exactly do we get there?Action what is our plan?Control did we get there?

SOSTAC #2 a generic framework for e-Marketing planning11/21/2013UI8

Inputs to the e-Marketing plan from situation analysis


SWOT Analysis


Market segmentationNissan vs Infinity , Toyota vs Lexus, Pepsodent vs Close Up, Teh Botol vs S-Tea, dllSegment dalam acara TV dan mapping produk yang pas.11/21/2013UI11Market segmentation is the key of robust marketing strategy development ... it involves more than simply grouping customers into segments ... identifying segments, targeting, positioning and developing a differential advantage over rivals is the foundation of marketing strategy.

Stages in target marketing strategy development




ChannelsChannels requiring integration as part of integrated e-marketing strategy11/21/2013UI14

The Elements of The Marketing Mix11/21/2013UI15

Tipping Point : The Law of The FewPenggunaan tokoh, seperti Deddy Mizwar untuk Promag, Komeng untuk Yamaha, Rhenald Kasali untuk Tolak Angin, dll11/21/2013UI16This suggests that the spread of any new product or service is dependent on the initial adoption by connectors who are socially connected and who encourage adoption through word-of-mouth and copycat behaviour. In an online context, these connectors may use personal blogs, e-mail newsletters and podcasts to propagate their opinions

Tipping Point : Stickiness FactorHit, Datsun/Suzuki, Indomie dan Bangsa Indonesia, Tag Nokia vs Sony Ericsson, dll11/21/2013UI17Excellence: perceived as best of breedUniqueness: clear one-of-a-kind differentiationAesthetics: perceived aesthetic appealAssociation: generates positive associationsEngagement: fosters emotional involvementExpressive value: visible sign of user valuesFunctional value: addresses functional needsNostalgic value: evokes sentimental linkagesPersonification: has character, personalityCost: perceived value for money.

Tipping Point : The power of context

11/21/2013UI18Gladwell suggests that like infectious diseases, products and behaviours spread far and wide only when they fit the physical, social and mental context into which they are launched. He gives the example of a wave of crime in the New York subway that came to an abrupt halt by simply removing the graffiti from trains and clamping down on fare-dodging. It can be suggested that products should be devised and tested to fit their context, situation or occasion of use.

Malcolm Gladwell #1 hunting buku, saya menemukan kompilasi karya Malcolm Gladwell dalam box set dengan harga khusus. Namun karena belum pernah membaca satu pun buku karya beliau saya memutuskan untuk membeli satu buku saja yang judulnya paling akrab dan mengingatkan saya akan judul buku ustadz Budi Prayitno ataupun yang secara isi mengingatkan saya akan fenomena Trim Tab nya Steven Covey dalam salah satu training yang pernah saya ikuti. Judul lengkap-nya sebenarnya Tipping Point : Bagaimana Hal2 Kecil Berhasil Membuat Perbedaan Besar.

Nah apa tipping point yang dimaksud Gladwell jurnalis kelahiran 1963 dengan rambut ala vokalis Maliq & dEssentials ini ? dalam buku ini sangat banyak contoh yang dikemukakan dan diceritakan dengan menarik. Secara contoh kasus misalnya seperti yang dialami Hush Puppies, merk salah satu produsen sepatu yang sempat drop, namun berkat sekumpulan anak muda yang menjadikan ini sebagai trend, dan kemudian menular, dan akhirnya dijadikan sebagai salah satu ikon dalam dunia fashion, dan Bummm ! Hush Puppies mengalami kebangkitan kedua hanya dlam dua tahun dan dapat ditemukan hampir di setiap Mall.

Malcolm Gladwell #2

11/21/2013UI20Contoh lain adalah saat Inggris menyerbu Amerika, saat itu seorang pemuda bernama Paul Revere yang secara kebetulan mendengar rencana Inggris untuk menjadikan Amerika menjadi neraka (1775) , memutuskan untuk melakukan gerak cepat, berkuda sepanjang daerah yang akan diserang dan memobilisasi massa. Kesungguhan yang dia perlihatkan dan kemampuannya memilih orang pertama di setiap kota yang didatangi, menyebabkan sangat banyak orang yang tergerak sehingga Bumm ! lagi2 Inggris mendapatkan perlawanan yang sangat sengit. Ada banyak contoh lain yang diangkat Gladwell, seperti tingkat kriminalitas di New York, penyebaran penyakit kelamin, produsen sepatu Airwalk, dll, namun tidak akan seru kalau saya bahas disini. Jadi cukup dari dua kasus ini, kita akan coba analisa apa faktor penting dari kedua kasus diatas ? ketika kita ingin sesuatu memiliki multiplier effect dan sukses, diperlukan sosok yang mampu memberikan value pada ide/produk/pesan yang ingin ada hasilkan. Sosok tersebut harus sosok yang punya kredibilitas, mempunyai network yang luas, senang membantu orang lain dan mempunyai pengaruh. IMHO, itu juga mungkin kenapa promosi produk biasanya memilih tokoh yang terkenal, seperti Deddy Mizwar untuk obat2 maag menjelang dan selama ramadhan. Memilih sosok seperti ini meski hanya satu orang akan menyebabkan pengaruh yang sangat besar pada produk kita.

Malcolm Gladwell #3

11/21/2013UI21Gladwell juga mengungkap fenomena 150, sebagai patokan untuk menciptakan team yang kompak dan dapat mengutilisasi peer pressure secara maksimal. Model ini digunakan dalam ketentaraan , salah satu sekte agama yang mempunyai keyakinan kuat dan juga salah satu pabrik paling sukses di dunia yaitu produsen Gore-Tex.

Kalau merefer pada teori Gladwell, ada tiga hukum yang menjadi dasar yaitu The Law of The Few (hukum tentang yang sedikit), The Stickiness Factor (faktor kelekatan), dan The Power of Context. Pada contoh sosok yang saya sebut pada paragrap diatas, disinilah berlaku The Law of The Few, meski sedikit tetapi memiliki dampak signifikan, ditambah dengan kelekatan dan memahami konteks yang ada dalam lingkungan yang kita jadikan sebagai objek. Sebenarnya fenomena Trim Tab juga memiliki dampak yang sama, seperti sirip kecil yang menjadi bagian sirip yang lebih besar pada kemudi kapal laut. Ini sebuah buku yang penting meski seperti yang disimpulkan salah satu rekan saya yang memang kutu buku, Gladwell kadang terasa bertele-tele yang sangat terasa saat penggambaran Sesame Street. Namun tetap saja apa yang diamati Gladwell dan proses yang dia lakukan dalam menganalisa hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang unik dan tidak aneh kalau buku ini menjadi best seller internasional

The main elements of the promotional mixMengingat cukup banyak hotel yang nakal memberikan review pada hotel-nya sendiri seakan akan pelanggan, maka orang beralih ke blog yang dianggap lebih fair. 11/21/2013UI22


Automated OptionsThe consideration of the tactics by which people can be replaced or their work automated11/21/2013UI23Autoresponders. These automatically generate a response when a company e-mails an organization, or submits an online form.E-mail notification.Automatically generated by a companys systems to update customers on the status of their order, for example, order received, item now in stock, order dispatched.Callback facility. Customers fill in their phone number on a form and specify a convenient time to be contacted. Dialling from a representative in the call centre occurs automatically at the appointed time and the company pays, which is popular.Frequently asked questions (FAQs). For these, the art is in compiling and categorizing the questions so customers can easily find (a) the question and (b) a helpful answer.On-site search engines. These help customers find what they are looking for quickly and are popular when available. Site maps are a related feature.Virtual assistants come in varying degrees of sophistication and usually help to guide the customer through a maze of choices

Traditional vs Online


BrandsProportion of buyers have purchased from different brands from those they initially considered.11/21/2013UI25Large home appliances, 47%Financial products and services, 39%Holidays and travels, 31%Mobile phones, 28%Cars, 26%.Clothing/accessories, 22%Computer hardware, 21%Garden/DIY products, 17%Home furnishings, 6%.

Influence of BrandSource : BrandNewWorld: AOL UK/Anne Molen (Cranfield School of Management)/Henley Centre, 200411/21/2013UI26

Marketing Plan Framework #1Situation analysisDi Metrodata, mulai dari perubahan kurs, perkembangan perdagangan internasional, regulasi, sampai data2 dari Gartner digunakan sebagai referensi. 11/21/2013UI27Internal auditsCurrent Internet marketing audit (business, marketing and Internet marketing effectiveness)Audience composition and characteristicsReach of web site, contribution to sales and profitabilitySuitability of resources to deliver online services in face of competition.External auditsMacro-economic environment.Micro-environment new marketplace structures, predicted customer activityCompetition threats from existing rivals, new services, new companies and intermediaries.Assess opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis)Market and product positioningMethods of creation of digital value and detailed statement of customer value propositionMarketplace positioning (buyer, seller and neutral marketplaces) Scope of marketing functions.

Marketing Plan Framework #2Objectives statement11/21/2013UI28Corporate objectives of online marketing (mission statement)Detailed objectives: tangible and intangible benefits, specific critical success factorsContribution of online marketing to promotional and sales activitiesOnline value proposition

Marketing Plan Framework #3Strategy definition11/21/2013UI29Investment and commitment to online channels (mixture of bricks and clicks)Market and product positioning aims for increasing reach, new digital products and new business and revenue modelsTarget market strategies statement of prioritized segments, new segments, online value proposition and differential advantage. Significance of non-customer audiences?Change management strategy (Which new processes, structures and responsibilities will be required?).

Marketing Plan Framework #4Tactics11/21/2013UI30Product. Creating new core and extended value for customers, options for migrating brand onlinePromotion. Specify balance of online and offline promotion methods. Role of CRM (incentivization to acquire new customer registrations and opt-in e-mail to retain customers, Chapter 9)Price. Discounting online sales, options for setting pricing, new pricing options, e.g. auctionsPlace. Disintermediation and reintermediation, seller, buyer or neutral salesPeople, process and physical evidence. Online service delivery through support and characteristics of web site.

Marketing Plan Framework #5Actions11/21/2013UI31Specify TasksResourcesPartnering and outsourcingBudget including costs for development, promotion and maintenance.TimescaleStaff.ImplementationKey development tasks analysis of business and audience needs, scenario-based design, development of content, integration of databases, migration of data, testing and changeoverProject and change managementTeam organization and responsibilitiesRisk assessment (identify risks, measures to counter risks) Legal issuesDevelopment and maintenance process.

Marketing Plan Framework #6Control11/21/2013UI32Identify a measurement process and metrics covering:Business contribution (channel profitability revenue, costs, return on investment)Marketing effectiveness (channel outcomes leads, sales, conversion rate, channel satisfaction)Online marketing effectiveness (channel behaviour page impressions, visitors,repeat visits, conversion rates).

Summary #1* e-Marketing is the application of technology to achieve marketing objectives, defined by the Chartered Institute of Marketing.* Penggunaan e-Marketing untuk komunitas pengguna yang tidak akrab dengan teknologi menjadi tidak efektif. 11/21/2013UI33The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably *e-Marketing can be considered a subset of e-business and is equivalent to sellside e-Commerce.An e-Marketing plan is often developed separately from an e-Business strategy. The SOSTAC framework is used to introduce the elements of an e-marketing plan.Situation analysis involves a consideration of the external environment with the emphasis on levels of customer access to the Internet, benchmarking of competitors and new entrants.

Summary #2

11/21/2013UI34Objective setting a key objective is setting the online revenue contribution or the percentage of sales that will be achieved online. For companies where direct sales are not practical because of the nature of the product companies may set objectives for how the web will affect marketing communications, customer service and cost reductions.Strategies through evaluating the suitability of product for direct sale a company may define a replacement (product suitable for direct sale, e.g. airline tickets) or complementary strategy (product unsuitable for direct sale, e.g. FMCG or consultancy services). Replacement strategies may involve changing distribution networks. Complementary strategies will involve using the Internet as an additional marketing communications channel.

Summary #3* KIA National Manager ikut dalam forum komunitas pengguna., dan dengan demikian dapat mendengar langsung keluhan pelanggan.11/21/2013UI35Tactics e-marketing tactics can be reviewed through varying the elements of the marketing mix: Price, Place, Product, Promotion, People, Processes and Physical evidence.Actions the planning of e-Marketing strategy by identifying resources and timescales.Control control can be achieved through monitoring customer satisfaction and channel performance via the web site and traditional channels *.