background to u.s. history “indian” maize (corn) maya aztec empire

Background to U.S. History • “Indian” Maize (Corn) • Maya Aztec Empire

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

Background to U.S. History• “Indian”• Maize (Corn)• Maya

Aztec Empire

Page 2: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• Norsemen (Vikings)• Leif Erickson (1000) • Islam (Moslems)• Renaissance• Humanism• Henry the Navigator

(1394-1460)• Christopher

Columbus• Spanish Reconquest


• Ferdinand Magellan (1519)

Page 3: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• Hernando Cortes• Francisco Pizarro• Treaty of Tordesillas

1494• John Cabot 1496• Giovanni de

Verrazano 1524• Jacques Cartier

• Henry Hudson 1609• Crosby, The

Columbian Exchange

Page 4: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

Europeans and Africans to America• Roanoke Island• Sir Walter Raleigh• “Proprietary Colonies”• George Calvert (Lord


• “Quit Rents”• Mercantilist Theory• Richard Hakluyt.,

Discourse Concerning Western Planting (1584)

• Martin Luther 1517• “The Reformation”• Henry VIII• Church of England

(Anglican) 1533

Page 5: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• Calvinists• Joint Stock Company• Jamestown 1607• “Headright”• House of Burgesses

1619*• John Rolfe• Tobacco• Indentured Servant• Slavery- Jamestown• 1619*

• Puritans• James I (1603-1625)• Charles I (1625-1649)• Mayflower 1620• Mayflower Compact

Page 6: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• Act of Toleration 1649• Massachusetts Bay

Company 1629• Harvard University 1636• Roger Williams Rhode

Island 1644

• Thomas Hooker- Connecticut 1636

• Oliver Cromwell 1649• Charles II 1660-1684• James II 1685-1688• “Glorious Revolution”

1688-189• William and Mary 1689• Dominion of New

England- Sir Edmund Andros 1685

• Salem Witch Trials• Anne Hutchinson Trial


Page 7: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

Colonial North America• Lords Proprietors of

Carolina 1663• Henry Hudson 1609• New Netherland 1624

• New Amsterdam (New York) 1624

• William Penn• Quakers (Society of


Page 8: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• Pennsylvania 1681• Philadelphia 1682• Georgia 1732• James Oglethorpe

• The Navigation Acts 1660-1672

• “Triangular Trade”• Molasses Act 1733• Board of Trade and

Plantations 1696• Sir Robert Walpole-

“Salutary Neglect”• Samuel de Champlain• Quebec 1608• Huron Indians• Jesuits

Page 9: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

The French and Indian Wars:• King William’s War 1689-1697• Queen Ann’s War 1702-1713• King George’s War 1744-1748• French and Indian War 1754-1763

• French and Indian WarDate1754–1763Location North America ResultTreaty of Paris, British victory.Territorialchanges Canada ceded to Great Britain Combatants Francenative allies:* Algonquin* Huron* Ojibwa* Ottowa* Shawnee Great Britainnative allies:* IroquoisStrength3,900 regulars7,900 militia2,200 natives (1759)50,000 regulars and militia (1759)

Page 10: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

• New Orleans 1718• St Louis Cathedral (Below- a symbol of

New Orleans:)

• Fort Duquesne 1754• General James

Braddock• George Washington• William Pitt 1758• General James Wolfe• Treaty of Paris 1763

Page 11: Background to U.S. History “Indian” Maize (Corn) Maya Aztec Empire

Background to Revolution• “Pennsylvania

‘Dutch’”• “Scotch-Irish” (Scots-

Irish)• French Huguenots• “The Enlightenment”• John Locke

• Deism• Freemasonry• “The Great

Awakening”• George III 1760• George Grenville

1763-1765• Revenue Act of 1764

(Sugar Act)• “Salutary Neglect”