backgrounder - the development of changi airport for lj

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  • 8/13/2019 Backgrounder - The Development of Changi Airport for LJ


    As at Apr 2010 1

    Changi Airports Development

    The air transport industry has seen rapid growth and has been a driving force inthe development of civil aviation and airport operations in Singapore since theearly 1900s. Over these years, Singapore saw the development of three airports,namely Seletar Airport, Kallang Airport and Paya Lebar Airport, to cater to theunprecedented demand for air transport/travel. Experiencing the strain in handlingfour million passengers per year, the Singapore government made a decision in1975 to build a brand new airport at Changi to replace Paya Lebar Airport.

    The Changi Airport Masterplan

    Changi Airports design was driven by practical considerations rather than asearch for aesthetic uniqueness. The team overseeing Changi Airportsdevelopment settled on a concept that would function and work well. In the early1970s, two teams of engineers, architects, civil aviation officials and governmentofficers were sent to study other international airports.

    The team decided that the model for Changi would be one with its central terminalbuilding for passenger processing and piers stretching out to the aircraft parkingbays. It would be a practical airport with no illusions of grandeur. The airportdesign would minimise walking distances, have clear airport signage and make itsinterior comfortable and green. The Master-Plan unveiled a three-terminal, two-runway complex set out in an H-shaped configuration.

    Reclamation works

    More than half of Changi Airports total land area is reclaimed from the sea. Tomake way for the construction of Changi Airport in 1975, almost 200 hectares ofswamp land was cleared, some 558 buildings had to be demolished, 4,096 gravesexhumed and 870 hectares reclaimed from the sea. 12 million cubic metres ofearth from nearby hills was removed to fill the swampy ground. Reclamation fromthe seabed was done using seven cutter-suction dredges round the clock. Thesand mixed with water was pumped direct from the dredging sites to thereclamation area. The job was completed within 29 months and more than 40million cubic metres of sand was used from the seabed.

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    As at Apr 2010 2

    Early Stages of Development

    The Phase I development of Changi Airport (from 1975 to 1981) cost S$1.5 billionand included the construction of a passenger terminal building (Terminal 1), arunway, 45 aircraft parking bays, a maintenance hangar, a fire station, workshopsand administrative offices, an airfreight complex, two cargo agents buildings, in-flight catering kitchens and an 80-metre high control tower.

    When Phase I was completed in 1981, Phase II development started (from 1981to 1990), comprising a second runway, taxiways, 23 aircraft parking bays, asecond fire station and a third cargo agents building. The construction of asecond passenger terminal building (Terminal 2) followed in 1986, which includedthe associated roadways, two multi-storey carparks, a people mover system(Skytrain) and a baggage transfer system between the two terminals. The Phase

    II development project cost about S$650 million.

    Location and Accessibility

    Spanning an area of 1,300 hectares, Changi Airport is located at the eastern tip ofSingapore, some 20 kilometres from the city centre. Located along the coastalline of the island, there is minimal noise pollution as flight paths are generally overthe sea.

    Changi Airport is also well-connected by major expressways, for residents and

    visitors to reach the other parts of Singapore with ease and convenience. WithSingapores extensive and free-flowing road network system, the city centre isalmost a doorstop away from the airport with a mere 20-minute drive. The groundaccess to and from Changi Airport is further enhanced with the extension of theisland-wide rail network system (Mass Rapid Transit) to Changi Airport in early2002.



    Changi Airports first passenger terminal, Terminal 1, welcomed its firstcommercial airline touchdown, a Singapore Airlines Boeing 747, flight SQ692, on12 May 1981. Terminal 1 opened for scheduled flight operations on 1 July 1981,receiving its first scheduled flight, a Singapore Airlines flight SQ101 from KualaLumpur. Changi Airport was officially declared open on 29 December 1981 bythen Minister for Defence, Mr Howe Yoon Chong.

    The structure of Terminal 1 follows a centralised terminal concept, consisting of amain five-storey block connected to four finger piers.

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    First UpgradingTerminal 1 underwent its first upgrading in the 1990s. The upgrading, which

    cost about S$170 million, was completed in 1994 and new facilities such as arooftop swimming pool, hotel-style dayrooms, and more departure gate loungesand shops were added. The terminals exterior was also refurbished withaluminium cladding replacing old tiles, and the Arrival and Departure Halls given amore modern appearance.

    Expansion of Terminal 1In 1998, Terminal 1 was further expanded. The S$420 million expansion

    project involved the extension of two existing finger piers by an additional 220m,to provide 14 more aerobridge gates. In addition, nine newly configured remoteaircraft parking stands were constructed. The last three gates in each of theextended piers were combined into a common gate holdroom specially designedto offer departing passengers a whole new experience in a more spacious andpleasant environment. A retail-cum-dining zone and a set of transfer counterswere also created.

    To improve the airside circulation of aircraft, one more taxiway was constructed togive a total of three connections linking Runways 1 and 2. Two vehicular tunnelslinking the terminal buildings and the cargo complex were also constructed tofacilitate the crossing of vehicular traffic between the terminal buildings and thecargo complex. The entire project was completed in December 1999.

    Second UpgradingThe upgrading works of the Departure and Arrival halls of Terminal 1

    commenced in February 2000 at a cost of S$56 million. The west end of theDeparture Hall was extended to provide additional check-in islands. All check-incounters were replaced with newly designed and more customer-friendlycounters. Plasma screens replaced the LED displays above the check-incounters. The newly configured check-in islands increased the total number ofcheck-in counters from 126 to 160.

    The Arrival Hall was also extended outwards, nearer to the kerbside, so as to air-condition the taxi queuing area. This change also allowed more natural light intothe arrival hall. In addition, full glass-faade frontage across the Arrival Hall wasintroduced to improve the see-through aesthetics.

    The old aerobridges in Terminal 1 were replaced with new ones with glassfacades and wider passageways. In addition, these aerobridges were alsoequipped with automatic docking which helped to speed up the docking process,thereby shortening the waiting time for passengers to disembark from the aircraft.

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    As at Apr 2010 4

    Upgrading-In-ProgressIn May 2008, a major upgrading programme of Terminal 1 commenced. This is

    scheduled to be completed in 2011. The works, at an estimated project cost ofabout S$500 million, will rejuvenate the 27-year-old terminal and enhance thepassenger experience at Changi Airport.

    The concept for Terminal 1s face lift is Tropical City. Works will refurbish theterminals interior design and finishes, as well as improve passenger flow at keyareas. Areas to be upgraded include the exterior faade, Departure Kerbside,Departure Check-in Hall, Departure Transit Mall and Arrival Hall.

    In line with the theme, the architectural and interior design will create a warm andfamiliar feeling for travellers. Landscaping will be integrated with the interiordesign to maintain the original warmth and welcoming ambience of the terminal.

    On top of enhancing the aesthetics of the terminal, the processing capacity of keyareas, such as the Departure Check-in Hall, will be improved. Older sections ofthe finger piers will be expanded and seating in the gate holdrooms enhanced.

    As part of Terminal 1s upgrading works, services and facilities offered will beimproved. The building will also be expanded to allow for the provision of newpassenger facilities while expanding the retail and F&B offerings.


    Changi Airports Terminal 2 welcomed its first commenced flight, a SingaporeAirlines flight SQ23 from Amsterdam, on 22 November 1990. The terminal wasofficially opened on 1 June 1991 by then Prime Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong.

    The structure of Terminal 2 also follows a centralised terminal concept,concentrating facilities and services in the main complex of the six-storey building.Connected to the finger piers are two five-storey carparks, enabling passengersand visitors to enter the passenger terminal building under complete cover. A

    terraced multi-level ceiling is designed to allow natural light in, giving theDeparture Hall a warm and cosy ambience.

    With Changi Airport operating two terminals, an automated passenger moversystem, called Skytrain, was also introduced to provide a rapid link betweenTerminals 1 and 2. In addition, an inter-terminal baggage handling systemconsisting of computerized high speed cars running a network of rails inunderground tunnels was also in place to enable baggage to be transferredbetween the two terminals.

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    As at Apr 2010 5

    Expansion of Terminal 2The capacity of Terminal 2 was expanded in a project, which started in

    October 1992. The expansion project costing S$330 million involved theconstruction of two new finger piers. The two finger piers provide 22 additionalaerobridge gates. The south-east pier with 11 aerobridge gates was completed inAugust 1995. The north-east pier was operational in June 1996. Terminal 2 nowhas a total of 35 aerobridge gates.

    Major UpgradingTerminal 2 underwent a S$240 million upgrading in April 2003. The upgraded

    T2 now has a modern look with the clever use of lush greenery and glass tointroduce more lighting into the terminal building. A new glass canopy to shieldtravellers from the sun and the rain was built over the entrances at the departurelevel. Other improvements to the physical appearance included glass panels atthe departure level to let in more natural light, new escalators for better access toeating outlets, a new skylight above the north departure immigration hall and anew lift in the north immigration arrival hall for less mobile passengers. There isalso an interesting leaf-shape ceiling structure above the check-in islands thatenhances the ambience at the check-in areas.

    The upgrading has also allowed for more space to be freed up for new retail andfood & beverage outlets. The upgrading also allowed the reorganisation of spaceand layout to maximise the commercial potential of Changi Airport. The Terminal2 upgrading was completed in mid 2006.


    Changi Airports newest passenger terminal, Terminal 3, opened for scheduledflight operations on 9 January 2008. The terminal welcomed its first scheduledflight, a Singapore Airlines flight from San Francisco.

    In order to meet the increase in air traffic, the construction of Terminal 3commenced in October 2000. Terminal 3 is constructed on a piece of open landopposite Terminal 2 and cost S$1.75 billion. The 380,000-square metre terminal

    is a seven-storey building with three basements and four above-ground levels.

    Terminal 3 has an annual handling capacity of 22 million passengers, bringing thetotal handling capacity of Changi Airport to about 70 million passengers per year.This new terminal building provides 28 additional aerobridge gates, increasing thetotal number of aerobridge gates in Changi Airport to 92. Eight of the aerobridgegates are designed for the new generation of large aircraft, the A380.

  • 8/13/2019 Backgrounder - The Development of Changi Airport for LJ


  • 8/13/2019 Backgrounder - The Development of Changi Airport for LJ


  • 8/13/2019 Backgrounder - The Development of Changi Airport for LJ


    As at Apr 2010 8

    Expansion of Budget TerminalThe Budget Terminal underwent an expansion programme from mid-2008 to

    mid-2009 to increase the terminals handling capacity from 2.7 million passengersper annum to 7 million.

    The S$16 million expansion project involved the addition of seven check-incounters as well as the installation of additional baggage handling equipment.Three more passenger boarding gates were constructed, bringing the totalnumber of boarding gates to ten. The kerbside at the arrival hall was widened tocreate more room for arriving passengers waiting for vehicles to pick them up.The terminals total floor area was also increased from 25,000 to 28,700 squaremetres.

    Comparing Changi Airports terminals

    Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Terminal 3 Budget Terminal

    Terminalfloor area

    280,020 m 358,000 m 380,000 m 25,000 m

    Handlingcapacityper annum

    21 million 23 million 22 million 7 million

    No. ofaerobridgegates

    29 35 28 There are noaerobridge gates

    Total costof terminalbuilding(and itsassociatedworks)

    S$585 million S$838 million S$1.75 billion $45 million

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    As at Apr 2010 9



    Logistics has always been an integral part of Singapores economy. ChangiAirport plays a dynamic role in air cargo transshipment in the Asia Pacific region.

    Situated at the northern end of the airport, the Changi Airfreight Centre (CAC) isan integrated 24-hour service centre dedicated to airfreight. The 47-hectare CAC

    is operated as a Free Trade Zone (FTZ) with round-the-clock cargo services.Companies within the FTZ can move, consolidate, store, breakdown and repackcargo without documentation or custom duties. Cargo agents can take delivery oftheir shipments within four hours of unloading from airplanes, while urgentshipments can be handled within an hour. The ease with which shipments can beunloaded and distributed has greatly enhanced the growth of transshipment cargoat Changi. Sea-to-air transshipment is facilitated by expressways and advancedinfrastructure connecting the seaport and the airport. Within the FTZ at the CAC,air-to air transshipment requires the least documentation or customs dutyformalities.

    In the fast-paced airfreight industry, airlines, cargo agents, shippers andconsignees prefer a one-stop service provider. With its centralised andintegrated facilities, CAC offers exactly that. Within the CAC, there are nineairfreight terminals operated by the ground handling agents at Changi Airportnamely Singapore Airport Terminal Services (SATS) and Changi InternationalAirport Services (CIAS).In addition, there are four cargo agents buildings whichprovide warehouse and office space to over 200 international and local freightforwarders as well as two express courier centres and 12 freighter aircraft parkingbays fronting the airfreight terminals.


    In line with Singapores vision to be the leading integrated logistics hub in theAsia-Pacific region, a S$35 million Airport Logistics Park of Singapore (ALPS)with a total land area of 26 hectares opened in March 2003. ALPS isconveniently located next to Changi Airport in a Free Trade Zone (FTZ). Itprovides a distinctive advantage for 3PLs because products coming intoSingapore can undergo modification and be flown out to any of the worldsmarkets without leaving the FTZ. This means extensive time and cost savings

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    As at Apr 2010 10

    as government duties, taxation and customs formalities can be avoided, andpaperwork reduced.

    As ALPS is gazetted as an FTZ, there is a Customs Checkpoint in ALPS for theexclusive use of the tenants, thereby allowing swift response to rapidly changingcustomer demands. ALPS helps to promote quick turnaround and value addedlogistics activities ideal for high-tech, high value technological products, andfulfilment of orders through electronic commerce.

    Awards and Accolades

    Changi Airport has a consistent record of accolades from around the worldincluding more than 340 awards. It received its first Best Airport award in 1988,

    from readers of Business Traveller UK magazine. It has since won this award for22 consecutive years.

    Changi Airports Air Traffic Growth

    In 1937, when Singapores first commercial airport was opened, there were 2,735passenger movements and 32 tonnes of airmail in the whole of Malaya.

    During Changi Airports first year of service in 1981, the number had grown to8.1million passengers, almost 200, 000 tonnes of airfreight and approximately

    63,100 aircraft movements. In 2009, Changi Airport handled 37.2 millionpassengers, 1.63 million tonnes of airfreight and 240,360 aircraft movements.

    1981 2009 Increase

    Passenger movement (million) 8.1 37.2 4.6xCargo handled (million tonnes) 0.19 1.63 8.6xNumber of scheduled airlines 35 86 2.5xNumber of City Links 70 201 2.9xNumber of Country links 45 60 1.3xNumber of weekly scheduled flights 1,400 4,900 3.5x