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Contents• Essential Classes• Relationships between Classes• Overview• Web Control

– Example: Load a Web Page – Example: Download Web Content – Example: JavaScript Interaction

• FAQ• Review• Answers

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Essential ClassesOsp::Web


Feature Provided by

Contains HistoryItems to give you the complete browsing history. WebHistory

Stores the URL and title of a visited page. HistoryItem

Feature Provided by

Provides browser functionality. Web

Configures the Web browser engine. WebSetting

Provides a list of pages the Web control has visited. PageNavigationList

Provides methods for loading events. ILoadingListener

Provides methods for downloading data. IWebDownloadListener

Handles HTTP authentication. AuthenticationChallenge

Retrieves HTML element information from a hit test event. HitElementResult

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Relationships between Classes

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Overview• The Web namespace lets you track browsing history using the

Osp::Web::WebHistory class.• The Osp::Web::Controls::Web class provides the Internet

browser control that can be placed in an application GUI to: – Embed a turn-key Internet browser.

• Add a Web browser to your application justas you do any other UI control.

– Easily download and handle content.• Intercept and handle requests and responses.

– Run JavaScript inside the browser.• Run JavaScript in a Web page

with the EvaluateJavascriptN() method.• Web control is based on Webkit ( ).

Web class in an application

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Web Control (1/2)

With Web::Controls classes you can: – Handle events. – Authenticate with servers. – Get the following information about elements that have been clicked:

<tag attribute=“value”>character data</tag>• Tag name• Attributes• Character data• Images• URL

– Handle content by MIME type. – Handle loading events. – Download content directly to consume in your application.

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Web Control (2/2)

The Web::Controls namespace provides two listeners to handlebrowser events.1. ILoadingListener

– You can define custom actions by implementing this interface. – The browser engine defaults to its own actions if none are defined.

2. IWebDownloadListener – You can use the listener to handle downloads. – You can receive data incrementally. – You can decide in ILoadingListener which MIME types are routed

to this listener. –

This listener is useful when content is not supported by the frameworkand needs to be handled by the application, for example, proprietaryfile formats.

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Example: Load a Web Page

Load and display a Web page. – Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples

\Web\src\DrawWebContent.cpp , LoadUrl()

1. Construct a Web:Web::Construct()

2. Attach to a parent control:Control::AddControl()

3. Load URL:Web::LoadUrl(url)

4. The Web page displays in the Web browser control.

ApplicationApplication Content



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Example: Download Web Content (1/3)• When a URL loads, the

OnWebDataReceived() event fires,letting you decide how to handlethe data.

• WEB_DECISION_DOWNLOADpasses control to theOnWebChunkedDataReceived()event handler so you can processthe download manually.

• OnWebDatadownloadComplete()signals that the download is finished.

Web Browser Control

Load a URL



manually handle download


Save or handle data


Download is finished

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Example: Download Web Content (2/3)

Download content from Web. – Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\Web\src\

DownloadWebContent.cpp , DownloadData(),OnWebChunkedDataReceived(),OnWebDataDownloadCompleted()

1. Construct a Web:Web::Construct()

2. Attach to a parent control:Control::AddControl()

3. Set a loading listener:

Web::SetLoadingListener()4. Set a download listener:

Web::SetDownloadListener()5. Load a URL:


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Example: Download Web Content (3/3)6. When ILoadingListener::OnWebDataReceived() is called,

return WEB_DECISION_DOWNLOAD.7. Data with the URL is routed to

IWebDownloadListener::OnWebChunkedDataReceived()whenever data is received.

8. When the download is finished, IWebDownloadListener::

OnWebDataDownloadCompleted() is called.

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Example: JavaScript Interaction (1/2)

Control Google Map with JavaScript. – Open \<BADA_SDK_HOME>\Examples\Web\

src\EvalJavaScript.cpp , SetZoomLevel()

1. Construct and prepare a Web control:Web::Construct()

2. Load the URL with the HTML file:Web::LoadUrl(L"\Res\Map.html");

3. Run JavaScript:Web::EvaluateJavascriptN(L"map.setZoom(10);");

4. Redraw the page at the specified zoom level.

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Example: JavaScript Interaction (2/2)

The following snippet shows a sample of the Map.html file and how toprocess JavaScript:

<html><head><meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /><script type="text/javascript"src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">

var map;function initialize() {

var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644);var myOptions = {

zoom: 8,disableDefaultUI: true,center: latlng,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP


map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);}</script></head><body onload="initialize()">

<div id="map_canvas" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div></body></html>

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Why am I unable to load a page into a Web browser control? – Most likely your network configuration is not set properly.

To check that the configuration is valid, see Proxy Address Setting in theCommunication tutorial.

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