
Asanas for Balancing Chakras  Wheels of Life & Chakra Balancing by Anodea Judith Healing Yoga by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati The Spiritual Science of Yoga by Goswami Kriyananda First Chakra (Muladhara ) Salabhasana (locust), janu sirsasana (head to knee), supta padangustasana (hand to foot). Movements such as stamping the feet and jumping to stimulat e and release energy. Eating less and eating lighter foods t o reduce excess energy. Kandasana (root), upavista konasana (wide angle forward bend), parsvakonasana (extended side angle), ekapadasana (one-foot, or warrior 3). Paschimottanasa (seated forward bend), bhujanasana (cobra), virasana (hero), uttanatavasana (leg lifts). Affirmation: I will do what won’t have to be undone. Second Chakra (Svadisthana) Supta badha konasana ((bound cobbler), pelvic tilts, standing hip circles, leg lifts. Adequate intake of water. Biking, walking, sexual activity. Taking time to tune into your own emotional realm. Ardha chandrasana (half moon), padmasana (lotus), setu bandhasana (bridge), prasarita padottanasana (wide legged standing forward bend) among other poses. Kapotasana (pigeon), trikonasana (triangle), garudasana (eagle), dhanurasana (bow), setu bandhasana (bridge), salabhasana (locust). Affirmation: I will look to a philosophy that increases the “do’s” and decreases the “don’t’s.” Third Chakra (Manipura) Phalakasana (plank), stomac h crunches, belly rolls. To increase fire: risk-taking, eating hot foods, avoiding iced drinks. To decrease fire: limiting spicy foods and caffeine, taking time to relax and meditate. To enhance the third chakra, abdominal-strengthening poses: surya namaskar (sun salutations), navasana (boat), virabhadrasana (warrior I, II & III), twists. To cool the chakra: restorative, passive backbends.  Kukkutasana (cock balance), viparitakarani (reverse, or legs up the wall), chakrasana (wheel), navasana (boat). Affirmation: If I wish my consciousness to grow, I must feed it, rest it, exercise it. Fourth Chakra (Anahata) Standing yoga mudra, matsyasana (fish), bhujangasana (cobra), alternate nostril breathing. Emotional practice--release grief through crying, talking. Expres s gratitude and forgiveness. Bhujangasana (cobra), ustrasana (camel), gomukhasana (cow face), vasisthasana (side plank), parivritta janu sirsasana (rotating head to knee), halasana (plough), supported savasana (corpse). Child’s pose, jathara parivartanasana (prone spinal twist), parsvottanasana (head to knee side stretch). Affirmation: Anything that is truly mine can never be taken from me. Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha) Neck rolls, sarvangasana (shoulderstand), karnapidasana (knee pressing ear pose), halasana (plough). Chanting, mantra repetition, listening to music, writing as Urdhva bhujangasana (raised cobra), vajrasana (thunderbolt), sirsasana (headstand), sarvangasana (shoulderstand), matsyasana (fish), vrksasana (tree), trikonasana (triangle), maya bandha (the great lock). Sarvangasana (shoulderstand), ardha matsyendrasana (half spinal twist), setu bandhasana (bridge), karnapidasana (knee pressing ear). Affirmation: Self-expression makes for self-preservation.

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Asanas for Balancing Chakras

  Wheels of Life &

Chakra Balancing 

by Anodea Judith

Healing Yoga

by Swami Ambikananda


The Spiritual Science of 


by Goswami Kriyananda

First Chakra


Salabhasana (locust),

janu sirsasana (head to

knee), suptapadangustasana (hand

to foot). Movements

such as stamping the

feet and jumping to

stimulate and release

energy. Eating less and

eating lighter foods to

reduce excess energy.

Kandasana (root), upavista

konasana (wide angle

forward bend),parsvakonasana (extended

side angle), ekapadasana

(one-foot, or warrior 3).


(seated forward bend),

bhujanasana (cobra),virasana (hero),

uttanatavasana (leg lifts).

Affirmation: I will do what

won’t have to be undone.

Second Chakra


Supta badha konasana

((bound cobbler), pelvic

tilts, standing hip circles,

leg lifts. Adequate intakeof water. Biking,

walking, sexual activity.

Taking time to tune into

your own emotional


Ardha chandrasana (half 

moon), padmasana (lotus),

setu bandhasana (bridge),

prasarita padottanasana(wide legged standing

forward bend) among other 


Kapotasana (pigeon),

trikonasana (triangle),

garudasana (eagle),

dhanurasana (bow), setu bandhasana (bridge),

salabhasana (locust).

Affirmation: I will look to a

philosophy that increases the

“do’s” and decreases the


Third Chakra


Phalakasana (plank),

stomach crunches, belly

rolls. To increase fire:

risk-taking, eating hot

foods, avoiding iced

drinks. To decrease fire:limiting spicy foods and

caffeine, taking time to

relax and meditate.

To enhance the third chakra,


poses: surya namaskar (sun

salutations), navasana

(boat), virabhadrasana

(warrior I, II & III), twists. Tocool the chakra: restorative,

passive backbends.


Kukkutasana (cock balance),

viparitakarani  (reverse, or 

legs up the wall), chakrasana

(wheel), navasana


Affirmation: If I wish myconsciousness to grow, I

must feed it, rest it, exercise


Fourth Chakra


Standing yoga mudra,

matsyasana (fish),

bhujangasana (cobra),

alternate nostril

breathing. Emotional

practice--release grief 

through crying, talking.

Express gratitude and


Bhujangasana (cobra),

ustrasana (camel),

gomukhasana (cow face),

vasisthasana (side plank),

parivritta janu sirsasana

(rotating head to knee),

halasana (plough), supported

savasana (corpse).

Child’s pose, jathara

parivartanasana (prone

spinal twist),

parsvottanasana (head to

knee side stretch).

Affirmation: Anything that is

truly mine can never be

taken from me.

Fifth Chakra


Neck rolls,



karnapidasana (knee

pressing ear pose),

halasana (plough).

Chanting, mantra

repetition, listening to

music, writing as

Urdhva bhujangasana (raised

cobra), vajrasana

(thunderbolt), sirsasana

(headstand), sarvangasana

(shoulderstand), matsyasana

(fish), vrksasana (tree),

trikonasana (triangle), maya

bandha (the great lock).



matsyendrasana (half spinal

twist), setu bandhasana

(bridge), karnapidasana

(knee pressing ear).

Affirmation: Self-expression

makes for self-preservation.

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self-expression, prayer.

Sixth Chakra


Yogic eye exercises,

meditating upon a color,

creating beauty in the

environment, keeping a

dream journal.


Not addressed. Siddhasana (perfect pose),

gomukhasana (cow face),

padmasana (lotus),

vajrasana (Zen), sirsasana


Affirmation: The moon shines

by the light of the sun.

Seventh Chakra


Padmasana (lotus),

sirsasana (headstand).

Yogic eye exercises,

meditating upon a color.

Not addressed. Same asanas as those for 

the sixth chakra. Affirmation:

An optimistic atmosphere

helps take the place of 

sunshine in the winter 



Marianne Woods Cirone teaches yoga at the Provena-St. Joseph Hospital in Elgin and to breast cancer patients

at Living Well in Geneva. She is certified as a yoga teacher through the Temple of Kriya Yoga. Marianne can be

E-mailed at [email protected].

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