bangalore beat 03.11.2011

BSY, Shettyʼs custody extended till Nov 15 Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: The Lokayukta special court today extended the judicial custody of former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa and former minister EssEnnKrishnaiahShetty in alleged illegal land denotification cases till November 15. The court was hearing the case as the custody of the two BJP leaders in the private com- plaints 1, 4 and 5 cases filed by advocate Sira- jinBasha ended today. Shetty and other accused in the case, Yed- dyurappa’s sons B Y Raghavendra and B Y Vi- jayendra and his son-in-law Sohan Kumar were present in the court. But Yeddyurappa did not appear before the court, citing health rea- sons. Lokayukta special judge N K SudheendraRao questioned jail authorities for not bringing Yeddyurappa to the court. Judge hearing Jayaʼs case recuses himself New Delhi: One of the three Supreme Court judges han- dling an ap- peal by J Jay- alalithaa has recused him- self from the case. The chief minister of Tamil Nadu has asked the Supreme Court to de- clare that she need not at- tend hearing scheduled for November 8 in a Bangalore court. The Supreme Court will now hear her petition tomorrow. Jayalalithaa appeared in that court on two consecutive days at Bangalore's Central Prison last month. She has been accused of corruption and of misusing her earlier term in office from 1991-96 to accumulate assets worth crores. Jayalalithaa had been directed by the Supreme Court to attend last month's hearings. She answered nearly 600 questions put to her by the judge. She says that any future questions can be answered in writing. She has used the fact that there was phenomenal security for her visit to Bangalore to bolster her petition - she says she doesn't want to inconvenience the peo- ple of Bangalore again. Her 60-km route from the HAL airport to court was sanitized. Around 1500 policemen were posted there. National Se- curity Guard commandos had escorted her as well. Boy dies after wall collapses in Mysore Bangalore Beat Bureau Mysore: A 13-year-old boy died when a wall came crashing down on him here last night. The deceased has been identified as Salman (13). The wall, which had been rendered weak due to heavy rainfall in the city over the last week, collapsed on Salman, who was sleeping next to it at Ghousia Nagar. Salman was a resident of Srirampura in Bangalore and had gone to Mysore to visit his grandmother. The body was shifted to KR Hos- pital for post-mortem. Two arrested for throwing stones Bangalore Beat Bureau Belgaum: Two members of the Maharashtra EkikaranaSamiti, accused of throwing stones and creating a tense situation here during the Kannada Rajyotsava celebrations here, were ar- rested today. The police said Rajiv Patil and Sadananda- Solanki threw stones and obstructed the Rajy- otsava Day function. The police had launched a manhunt for the two and traced them to Tilakawadi area of the city this morning. Evening daily Dabbawala gives gyan P 3 Bangalore Beat Vol. 1, Issue 363 n Thursday n November 3, 2011 No. of pages: 4 n Price: ` 2 Anna may break vrit tomorrow P4 HC GRANTS BAIL TO BSY But cannot get out of jail unless he gets relief in PCR 3 case too Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: After spending more than a fort- night behind bars, former chief minister B S Yeddyurappa got bail from the Karnataka High Court in an alleged illegal land deno- tifiation case today. The court, while granting a conditional bail, said that the BJP strongman has to pro- vide aRs 5 lakh bond and provide a surety of the like amount. The court warned him not to tamper with the evidence and witnesses in the denotification cases that are being tried at the Lokayukta special court. He has also been asked not to go out of the country. The single-judge bench of Justice B V Pintosaid that Yeddyurappa held one of the most powerful positions in the state as chief minister and he could have tampered with evidence and influence witnesses from even behind the bars. It would not make much dif- ference if he is granted bail, the judge said. The other reason for Yeddyurappa to get bail is that the PCR 2 case is that there has been no direct evidence against the BJP strongman in the case. The private complaint in the case is related to the denotification of property in Arakere Layout on the outskirts of the city. The complaint has been filed by advocate SirajinBasha, who had obtained permission from the governor to prosecute the then chief minister, at the Lokayukta spe- cial court. But Yeddyurappa’s release from the Parap- panaAgrahara Central Jail, where he has been lodged under judicial custody, would depend on the bail petition verdict before the Kar- nataka High Court in the PCR 3 case. The court put off the hearing in this case to 3 pm today. Legal experts said it would be a bit more difficult for the former chief minister to get bail in this case, as there has been direct evidence against him. There have been instances of money be- ing transferred from the account of Bala- jiKrupa Enterprises, owned by another ac- cused EssEnnKrishnaiahShetty, to Davalagiri Properties, run by Yeddyurappa’s sons B Y Raghavendra and B Y Vijayendra and his son- in-law Sohan Kumar. Arguing for Basha, well- known advocate Hanumantharaya cited de- nial of bail to 2G spectrum case accused A Raja and Kanimozhi. He said the CBI special court has stated that being powerful persons, the case ac- cused could tamper with evidence and in- fluence witnesses. The same yardstick should be applied here too, he added. There could be some relief only if the court takes a lenient view in the PCR 3 case and grant him bail, the experts said. SirajinBasha has filed five illegal land de- notification cases against Yeddyurappa. He was arrested on October 15. 2G case: No bail to Kanimozhi, other accused New Delhi: All bail applications, includ- ing DMK leader Kanimozhi and seven oth- ers, in the 2G spectrum allocation scam have been dismissed on Thursday by the special CBI court. The court also an- nounced that the trial will begin on No- vember 11. Judge OP Saini dismissed the bail pleas of all accused in the scam on three accounts. He said the three accounts on which the order is based are that the "crime committed was a deliberate of- fence, an economic offence and very se- rious in nature." He added that the ac- cused used public money in careful man- ner for their personal use. The judgement reads that the order giv- en has not been influenced by any ex- ternal factors but solely keeping in mind the facts and circumstances of the case. It further said that by no stretch of imag- ination Kanimozhi can be said to be suf- fering from any discrimination on ground of being a woman. Reasons given by the court to dismiss bail pleas: g Non opposition by the CBI has no consequence in the eye of law. g On the basis of medical papers the illness of KarimMorani is not so high as to categorise his custody as being detri- mental of health. g Kanimozhi belongs to upper eche- lons of the society and is also a Member of Parliament. By no stretch of imagina- tion she can be said to be suffering from any discrimination on grounds of being a woman alone g Rights of accused important but rights of victims and witnesses no less valuable Kanimozhi has been charged for ac- cepting bribes, criminal conspiracy to cheat the exchequer and criminal breach of trust and has been in Tihar Jail since May 2011. The court was hearing the bail application of Kanimozhi along with Kalaignar TV MD Sharad Kumar, Cineyug Films' founder KarimMorani, and Kusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Chief Ex- ecutives AsifBalwa and Rajiv Agarwal. CBI sources had told CNN-IBN that they had a feeling the bail pleas will be rejected and that Judge Saini will leave the judge- ment to the Supreme Court. Food inflation now surges to 12.21% New Delhi: Food inflation rose to 12.21 per cent during the week ended October 22, with expensive vegetables, pulses, fruits and milk, putting more burden on the common man. Food inflation, as meas- ured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), stood at 11.43 per cent in the pre- vious week. The rate of price rise of food items stood at 13.55 per cent in the corresponding week of the previous year. As per data released by the government on Thursday, vegetables became 28.89 per cent costlier on a year-on-year basis. Pulses grew cost- lier by 11.65 per cent, fruits by 11.63 per cent and milk by 11.73 per cent. Eggs, meat and fish also became 13.36 per cent more expensive on an annual basis, while ce- real prices were up 4.13 per cent. Howev- er, onions became 20.33 cheaper. Wheat prices were also down 1.54 per cent year- on-year during the week under review. Commenting on the latest food inflation numbers, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said the rise in rate of price rise was a mat- ter of 'grave concern', but at- tributed this to the festive season, which led to an in- crease in demand. "Infla- tion is still a matter of grave concern. This is also the af- fect of the festive season. November onward, the real trend for the remaining four months of the fiscal will be available," he told reporters here. On a weekly basis, inflation in the overall primary articles category stood at 12.08 per cent, compared to 11.75 per cent in the previous week. Primary articles have over 20 per cent weight in the whole- sale price index. A performer takes a break while attending a rally to create awareness for the Pollution Awareness Month, in Bangalore today. Home and transport minister R Ashok and transport department principal secretary Shankarlinge Gowda took part Rally for clean air S Radhakrishna Sriramulu wonʼt contest as independent: Eshwarappa Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: Former minister B Sriramulu will not leave the BJP, nor will he contest as an independent from the Bel- lary Rural constituency in the November 30 by-elec- tion, said party state presi- dent K S Eshwarappa here to- day. Talking to reporters at his residence, he said that Bellary is the fort of BJP. “We have the confidence that the par- ty will win the by-poll,” he added. Asked who would be the candidate from the party for the by-poll, he said the party election committee would take the decision. The party would decide on the candi- date by tomorrow, he added. But he did not give clear in- dication on the party giving the ticket to Sriramulu, who resigned as MLA recently. It almost seemed impossible that the former minister would get the ticket from the party as the BJP had earlier asked him to quit the minis- ter’s post after his name fig- ured in the illegal mining re- port filed by former Lokayuk- ta Justice SantoshHegde. The by-election has been necessitated by the resigna- tion of Sriramulu from the constituency. The last date for filing nominations for the election is November 11. BJP high command to decide by-poll candidate: CM Bellary: The BJP high com- mand will take a decision on giving ticket to former MLA Sriramulu for the Bellary Rural assembly by-election, said chief minister D V SadanandaGowda here to- day. The chief minister, who was here to take part in Ad- daPallakkiMahotsava of Sid- deshwaraShivacharya of Sri SailaPeetha in Ujjaini, said the BJP will win the by-elec- tion for sure. Asked whether Sriramulu would contest as an independent, he said, “I don’t have any information so far. But Sriramulu is still a member of the party and he also worked for the party candidate during the Kop- pal by-election.” Sriramulu will not quit the party and central leaders of the BJP would decide on the candidate for the Bellary Ru- ral by-election, he added. No reply to irrelevant people: Guv Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: “I don’t want to reply to al- legations of irrelevant people,” said gov- ernor H R Bhardwaj today, while an- swering questions on BJP president K S Es- hwarappa’s charge that he has been stalling the appointment of Justice S R Bannurmath as the next Lokayukta. “It is not true that there has been a de- lay in the appointment of Lokayukta. I dis- cussed the issue with chief minister D V SadanandaGowda only yesterday. I have told him to search for the fittest candidate for the post,” he said. The governor said that he has kept track of media reports on the Lokayukta issue, hinting that he has taken note of the allegations against Justice Bannurmath, who too has been accused of building a house on a civic amenities site at Judicial Layout in the city. Justice ShivarajPatil had to resign as the Lokayukta more than a month ago, just 11 days after taking over the post as the media exposed that he obtained resi- dential sites by providing wrong infor- mation. The governor said that considering the present atmosphere in the county, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas have to be chosen with utmost care. The Lokayukta Act it- self contains these norms and they have to be followed, he added. Guv is Cong agent: K S Bangalore Beat Bureau Bangalore: BJP state president K S Esh- warappa resumed his attack on governor H R Bhardwaj today, calling him an agent of the Congress Party. He said the governor has been creating hurdles for the day-to-day administration of the government. “He has been raising small issues to stymie the government. Continude on page 4...

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Page 1: Bangalore Beat 03.11.2011

BSY, Shettyʼscustody

extended till Nov 15

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The Lokayukta special court todayextended the judicial custody of former chiefminister B S Yeddyurappa and former ministerEssEnnKrishnaiahShetty in alleged illegal landdenotification cases till November 15.

The court was hearing the case as the custodyof the two BJP leaders in the private com-plaints 1, 4 and 5 cases filed by advocate Sira-jinBasha ended today.

Shetty and other accused in the case, Yed-dyurappa’s sons B Y Raghavendra and B Y Vi-jayendra and his son-in-law Sohan Kumarwere present in the court. But Yeddyurappa didnot appear before the court, citing health rea-sons.

Lokayukta special judge N K SudheendraRaoquestioned jail authorities for not bringingYeddyurappa to the court.

Judge hearingJayaʼs case

recuses himselfNew Delhi: One of the three Supreme Court

judges han-dling an ap-peal by J Jay-alalithaa hasrecused him-self from thecase.

The chiefminister ofTamil Naduhas asked theS u p r e m eCourt to de-clare that sheneed not at-tend hearingscheduled for

November 8 in a Bangalore court. The SupremeCourt will now hear her petition tomorrow.

Jayalalithaa appeared in that court on twoconsecutive days at Bangalore's Central Prisonlast month. She has been accused of corruptionand of misusing her earlier term in office from1991-96 to accumulate assets worth crores.

Jayalalithaa had been directed by theSupreme Court to attend last month's hearings.She answered nearly 600 questions put to herby the judge. She says that any future questionscan be answered in writing. She has used thefact that there was phenomenal security for hervisit to Bangalore to bolster her petition - shesays she doesn't want to inconvenience the peo-ple of Bangalore again. Her 60-km route fromthe HAL airport to court was sanitized. Around1500 policemen were posted there. National Se-curity Guard commandos had escorted her aswell.

Boy dies afterwall collapses

in MysoreBangalore Beat Bureau

Mysore: A 13-year-old boy died when a wallcame crashing down on him here last night.

The deceased has been identified as Salman(13).

The wall, which had been rendered weak dueto heavy rainfall in the city over the last week,collapsed on Salman, who was sleeping next toit at Ghousia Nagar.

Salman was a resident of Srirampura inBangalore and had gone to Mysore to visit hisgrandmother. The body was shifted to KR Hos-pital for post-mortem.

Two arrested for throwing stones

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Belgaum: Two members of the MaharashtraEkikaranaSamiti, accused of throwing stonesand creating a tense situation here during theKannada Rajyotsava celebrations here, were ar-rested today.

The police said Rajiv Patil and Sadananda-Solanki threw stones and obstructed the Rajy-otsava Day function.

The police had launched a manhunt for thetwo and traced them to Tilakawadi area of thecity this morning.

Evening dailyDabbawala gives gyan P 3

BangaloreBeatVol. 1, Issue 363 n Thursday n November 3, 2011 No. of pages: 4 n Price: ` 2

Anna may break vrit tomorrow P4

HC GRANTSBAIL TO BSY But cannot get out of jail unlesshe gets relief in PCR 3 case too

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: After spending more than a fort-night behind bars, former chief minister B SYeddyurappa got bail from the KarnatakaHigh Court in an alleged illegal land deno-tifiation case today.

The court, while granting a conditionalbail, said that the BJP strongman has to pro-vide aRs 5 lakh bond and provide a surety ofthe like amount. The court warned him notto tamper with the evidence and witnessesin the denotification cases that are being triedat the Lokayukta special court. He has alsobeen asked not to go out of the country.

The single-judge bench of Justice B VPintosaid that Yeddyurappa held one of themost powerful positions in the state as chiefminister and he could have tampered withevidence and influence witnesses from evenbehind the bars. It would not make much dif-ference if he is granted bail, the judge said.

The other reason for Yeddyurappa to getbail is that the PCR 2 case is that there hasbeen no direct evidence against the BJPstrongman in the case. The private complaintin the case is related to the denotification ofproperty in Arakere Layout on the outskirtsof the city. The complaint has been filed byadvocate SirajinBasha, who had obtainedpermission from the governor to prosecutethe then chief minister, at the Lokayukta spe-

cial court.But Yeddyurappa’s release from the Parap-

panaAgrahara Central Jail, where he has beenlodged under judicial custody, would dependon the bail petition verdict before the Kar-nataka High Court in the PCR 3 case. Thecourt put off the hearing in this case to 3 pmtoday. Legal experts said it would be a bitmore difficult for the former chief minister toget bail in this case, as there has been directevidence against him.

There have been instances of money be-ing transferred from the account of Bala-jiKrupa Enterprises, owned by another ac-cused EssEnnKrishnaiahShetty, to DavalagiriProperties, run by Yeddyurappa’s sons B YRaghavendra and B Y Vijayendra and his son-in-law Sohan Kumar. Arguing for Basha, well-known advocate Hanumantharaya cited de-nial of bail to 2G spectrum case accused ARaja and Kanimozhi.

He said the CBI special court has statedthat being powerful persons, the case ac-cused could tamper with evidence and in-fluence witnesses. The same yardstick shouldbe applied here too, he added. There couldbe some relief only if the court takes a lenientview in the PCR 3 case and grant him bail, theexperts said.

SirajinBasha has filed five illegal land de-notification cases against Yeddyurappa. Hewas arrested on October 15.

2G case: No bail to Kanimozhi,other accused

New Delhi: All bail applications, includ-ing DMK leader Kanimozhi and seven oth-ers, in the 2G spectrum allocation scamhave been dismissed on Thursday bythe special CBI court. The court also an-nounced that the trial will begin on No-vember 11.

Judge OP Saini dismissed the bailpleas of all accused in the scam on threeaccounts. He said the three accounts onwhich the order is based are that the"crime committed was a deliberate of-fence, an economic offence and very se-rious in nature." He added that the ac-cused used public money in careful man-ner for their personal use.

The judgement reads that the order giv-en has not been influenced by any ex-ternal factors but solely keeping in mindthe facts and circumstances of the case.

It further said that by no stretch of imag-ination Kanimozhi can be said to be suf-fering from any discrimination on groundof being a woman.

Reasons given by the court to dismissbail pleas:

g Non opposition by the CBI has noconsequence in the eye of law.

g On the basis of medical papers theillness of KarimMorani is not so high asto categorise his custody as being detri-mental of health.

g Kanimozhi belongs to upper eche-lons of the society and is also a Memberof Parliament. By no stretch of imagina-tion she can be said to be suffering fromany discrimination on grounds of being

a woman aloneg Rights of accused important but

rights of victims and witnesses no lessvaluable

Kanimozhi has been charged for ac-cepting bribes, criminal conspiracy tocheat the exchequer and criminal breachof trust and has been in Tihar Jail sinceMay 2011. The court was hearing the bailapplication of Kanimozhi along withKalaignar TV MD Sharad Kumar, CineyugFilms' founder KarimMorani, andKusegaon Fruits and Vegetables Chief Ex-ecutives AsifBalwa and Rajiv Agarwal.

CBI sources had told CNN-IBN that theyhad a feeling the bail pleas will be rejectedand that Judge Saini will leave the judge-ment to the Supreme Court.

Food inflation now surges to 12.21%

New Delhi: Food inflation rose to 12.21 percent during the week ended October 22,with expensive vegetables, pulses, fruitsand milk, putting more burden on thecommon man.

Food inflation, as meas-ured by the WholesalePrice Index (WPI), stoodat 11.43 per cent in the pre-vious week. The rate ofprice rise of food itemsstood at 13.55 per cent in thecorresponding week of theprevious year. As per datareleased by the government on Thursday,vegetables became 28.89 per cent costlieron a year-on-year basis. Pulses grew cost-lier by 11.65 per cent, fruits by 11.63 percent and milk by 11.73 per cent. Eggs, meatand fish also became 13.36 per cent moreexpensive on an annual basis, while ce-real prices were up 4.13 per cent. Howev-er, onions became 20.33 cheaper. Wheat

prices were also down 1.54 per cent year-on-year during the week under review.

Commenting on the latest food inflationnumbers, Finance Minister Pranab

Mukherjee said the rise inrate of price rise was a mat-ter of 'grave concern', but at-tributed this to the festiveseason, which led to an in-crease in demand. "Infla-tion is still a matter of graveconcern. This is also the af-fect of the festive season.November onward, the real

trend for the remaining four months of thefiscal will be available," he told reportershere.

On a weekly basis, inflation in theoverall primary articles category stood at12.08 per cent, compared to 11.75 percent in the previous week. Primary articleshave over 20 per cent weight in the whole-sale price index.

A performer takes a break while attending a rally to create awareness for thePollution Awareness Month, in Bangalore today. Home and transport

minister R Ashok and transport department principal secretary Shankarlinge Gowda took part

Rally for clean airS Radhakrishna

Sriramulu wonʼt contest asindependent: Eshwarappa

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: Former ministerB Sriramulu will not leave theBJP, nor will he contest as anindependent from the Bel-lary Rural constituency inthe November 30 by-elec-tion, said party state presi-dent K S Eshwarappa here to-day.

Talking to reporters at hisresidence, he said that Bellaryis the fort of BJP. “We havethe confidence that the par-ty will win the by-poll,” headded.

Asked who would be thecandidate from the party forthe by-poll, he said the partyelection committee wouldtake the decision. The partywould decide on the candi-date by tomorrow, he added.

But he did not give clear in-

dication on the party givingthe ticket to Sriramulu, whoresigned as MLA recently. Italmost seemed impossiblethat the former ministerwould get the ticket from theparty as the BJP had earlierasked him to quit the minis-ter’s post after his name fig-ured in the illegal mining re-port filed by former Lokayuk-ta Justice SantoshHegde.

The by-election has beennecessitated by the resigna-tion of Sriramulu from theconstituency. The last date forfiling nominations for theelection is November 11.

BJP high commandto decide by-pollcandidate: CMBellary: The BJP high com-mand will take a decision

on giving ticket to formerMLA Sriramulu for the BellaryRural assembly by-election,said chief minister D VSadanandaGowda here to-day. The chief minister, whowas here to take part in Ad-daPallakkiMahotsava of Sid-deshwaraShivacharya of SriSailaPeetha in Ujjaini, saidthe BJP will win the by-elec-tion for sure. Asked whetherSriramulu would contest asan independent, he said, “Idon’t have any informationso far. But Sriramulu is still amember of the party and healso worked for the partycandidate during the Kop-pal by-election.”

Sriramulu will not quit theparty and central leaders ofthe BJP would decide on thecandidate for the Bellary Ru-ral by-election, he added.

No reply to irrelevantpeople: Guv

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: “I don’t want to reply to al-legations of irrelevant people,” said gov-ernor H R Bhardwaj today, while an-swering questions on BJP president K S Es-hwarappa’s charge that he has beenstalling the appointment of Justice S RBannurmath as the next Lokayukta.

“It is not true that there has been a de-lay in the appointment of Lokayukta. I dis-cussed the issue with chief minister D VSadanandaGowda only yesterday. I havetold him to search for the fittest candidatefor the post,” he said.

The governor said that he has kepttrack of media reports on the Lokayuktaissue, hinting that he has taken note of theallegations against Justice Bannurmath,who too has been accused of building ahouse on a civic amenities site at JudicialLayout in the city.

Justice ShivarajPatil had to resign as theLokayukta more than a month ago, just11 days after taking over the post as themedia exposed that he obtained resi-dential sites by providing wrong infor-mation.

The governor said that consideringthe present atmosphere in the county, theLokpal and Lokayuktas have to be chosenwith utmost care. The Lokayukta Act it-self contains these norms and they haveto be followed, he added.

Guv is Congagent: K S

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: BJP state president K S Esh-warappa resumed his attack on governorH R Bhardwaj today, calling him an agentof the Congress Party.

He said the governor has been creatinghurdles for the day-to-day administrationof the government.

“He has been raising small issues tostymie the government.

Continude on page 4...

Page 2: Bangalore Beat 03.11.2011

CITY 2Thursday, November 3, 2011

Contact: M : 9900948514


Bangalore Beat



Candidates withtwo-wheelers


638 ERS SBC SPL Ernakulam Jn 0430 000637 SBC ERS SPL Bangalore City 000 17156228 BANGALORE EXP Shimoga Town 0430 0006227 SHIMOGA EXP Bangalore City 000 23306222 MYSORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 0500 05306221 CHENNAI EXPRESS Mysore Jn 2300 23456517 BANGALORE MAIL Chennai Central 0525 0002657 BANGALORE MAIL Chennai Central 0535 0002658 CHENNAI MAIL Bangalore City 000 22452607 LALBAGH EXPRESS Chennai Central 2125 0002608 LALBAGH EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 06306021 BANGALORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 0735 (Sunday) 0006022 CHENNAI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2130 (Sunday)101S RMAS SBC PASSENGER Chennai Central 1900 000102SR SBC MAS PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 09152008 SHATABDI EXPRESS Chennai Central 1050 and2230 0002008 SHATABDI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1615 and 06002639 BRINDAVAN EXPRESS Chennai Central 1320 0002640 BRINDAVAN EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14306523 BANGALORE EXPRESS Chennai Central 2005 0006524 CHENNAI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 08005626 GUWAHATI-BANGALORE Chennai Central 1840 (Tue, Thu) 0005625 BANGALORE - GUWAHATI Bangalore City 000 2330 (Wed, Fri)2429 RAJDHANI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1835 (Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu)2430 RAJDHANI EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 0725(Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat) 0002627 KARNATAKA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 18302628 KARNATAKA EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 1340 0006217 SWARNA JAYANTHI EXP Bangalore City 000 1925 (Fri)6218 SWARNA JAYANTHI EXP Hazrat Nizamuddin 0830(Wed) 0002647 KONGU EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2315 (Sun)2648 KONGU EXPRESS Hazrat Nizamuddin 0200 (Fri) 0001013 COIMBATORE EXPRESS Mumbai 2215 23001014 LOKMANYA TILAK EXP Coimbatore 1225 12456529 UDYAN EXPRESS Mumbai Central 0905 0006530 UDYAN EXPRESS Bangalore City 00000 20006507 JU BANGALORE EXPRESS Jodhpur Jn 0400(Sat, Mon) 0006508 JODHPUR EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2125 (Mon, Wed)1017 CHALUKYA EXPRESS Dadar Mumbai 2225(Except Wed) 0001018 CHALUKYA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 0620 (Except Thu)6509 AII SBC EXPRESS Ajmer Jn 0400 (Sun, Tue) 0006510 AJMER EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2125 (Tue, Thu)6501 AHMEDABAD EXPRESS Ahmedabad 0800 (Thu) 000

6502 AHMEDABAD EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1330 (Sun)6831 MYSORE EXPRESS Thanjavur 0555 06306832 THANJAVUR EXPRESS Mysore 1845 19007086 SECUNDERABAD EXP Bangalore City 000 17007085 BANGALORE EXPRESS Secunderabad 0715 000790 KACHEGUDA EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1800 (Sat)789SC MYS Secunderabad 1030 (Sun) 1020 (Sun)9775 JAIPUR EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1100 (Thu, Sat)9776 JP BANGALORE EXPRESS Jaipur 1630 (Wed, Fri) 0007209 SESHADRI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 13157210 SESHADRI EXPRESS Kakinada Town 1235 0006525 KANYAKUMARI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2145 6526 BANGALORE EXPRESS Kanyakumari 0655 0008563 PRASHANTHI EXPRESS Vishakapatnam 1000 0008564 PRASHANTHI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14006732 TUTICORIN EXPRESS Mysore City 2100 21156731 BANGALORE EXPRESS Tuticorin City 0635 06500621 SBC TVC EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 2215 (Sun)6321 TRIVANDRUM EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 1845 (Thu)6322 BANGALORE EXPRESS Trivandrum 0940 (Thu) 0002079 JAN SHATABDI EXP Bangalore City 000 0600 (Except Tue)2080 JAN SHATABDI EXP Hubli City 2030 (Except Tue) 0006591 HAMPI EXPRESS Hubli City 0630 0006592 HAMPI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 22056593 HAMPI LINK EXPRESS Nanded 0630 0006589 RANI CHENAMMA EXP Bangalore City 000 21006590 RANI CHENAMMA EXP Kolhapur 740 0002725 HUBLI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14302726 INTERCITY EXPRESS Hubli City 1350 000213 TIPUPATI PASSENGER Mysore Jn 2015 2030214 SCMYSORE PASSENGER Tipupathi 0725 08106205 TIPPU EXPRESS Mysore Jn 1325 0006205 TIPPU EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 14156215 CHAMUNDI EXPRESS Mysore Jn 0950 0006216 CHAMUNDI EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 18156519 JTJ SBC EXPRESS Jolarpettai 0815 0006520 SBC JOLARPET EXPRESS Bangalore City 000 17300235 BANGALORE PASSENGER Mysore Jn 0400 0000236 MYSORE PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 2355571SR SA SBC PASSENGER Salem Jn 1850 000572SR SBC SA PASSENGER Bangalore City 000 0730584SW SBC FAST PASSENGER Hospet Jn 0610 000

Train No. Train Name Station Arrival B’lore Departure B’lore Train No. Train Name Station Arrival B’lore Departure B’lore


KAANCHAANA (U)Ragini Dwivedi, DiganthAnupama (10.30, 1.30, 4.30, 7.10pm) Fame (Lido) (1 pm) Fame (White-field) (1.05 pm) Gopalan (Rajara-jeshwari Nagar) (10.10 am, 1.10 pm)Inox (Jayanagar) (1.10 pm) Inox (JPNagar) (3.40 pm) Inox (MagrathRoad) (12.55 pm) Inox (Malleswaram)(10 am, 3.55, 9.30 pm) Nandini (11am, 2, 5, 8 pm) Siddhalingeshwara(11, 2.30, 6.30, 9.30 pm) Venkatesh-wara (Avalhalli) (11.15 am, 2.30,6.15, 9.15 pm) Vinayaka (MysoreRoad) (10.30 am,1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm)

NAANALLA (U/A) Tarun, Shubha Poonja, AnanthNag, Rangayana Raghu, BhatBhumika (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm) Savitha (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30,7.30 pm)

PUTHRA (U) Diganth, Supreeta, Rupa SriVishal (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm)

PARAMATHMA (U) Puneeth Rajkumar, Aindrita Ray,Deepa Sannidhi, Ramya BarnaCauvery (11.30 am, 2.30, 6, 9.30pm) Cinemax (1.30 pm) Ganesh

(10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm)Gopalan (Bannerghatta Road) (4.15pm) Gopalan (Rajarajeshwari Nagar)(4 pm, 7.25 pm) Gopalan (MysoreRoad) (3.50 pm) Goverdhan (11.30am, 2.30, 6, 9 pm) InoxMalleswaram) (6.20 pm) PVR Cine-mas (10 am, 1, 6.30 pm) Santhosh(10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm) Uma(10.15 am, 1, 4, 7 pm) Vajreshwari(10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm)Veeresh (10.20 am, 1.20, 4.20, 7.20,10 pm )

SAARATHEE (U/A) Darshan, Deepa, RangayanaRaghuAdarsha (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm) Balaji (Tavarekere) (10 am, 1,5, 8 pm) Inox (Malleswaram) (12.25pm) Mohan (11.30 am, .30, 6.15,9.15 pm) Mahadeshwara (11.15 am,2.15, 6.15, 9.15 pm) Nalanda (10.15am, 1.30, 4.45, 7.45 pm) artaki 7.30pm) Prasanna (10.15 am, 1.15, 4.15,7.15 pm)

LOKAVE HELIDA MAATHIDU (U/A) Kailash (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.30pm)

KALLA MALLA SULLA (U)Bharathi (11 am, 2.30, 6, 9.15 pm)Krishna (KR Puram) (10.30 am, 2, 8pm) Triveni (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30,)

PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 (A)Katie Featherston, Sprague Gray-denCinemax (1.15 pm) Cinepolis (12.30pm, 7.40 pm)

THE WHISTLE BLOWER (A)Rachel Weisz, Monica Bellucciand Vanessa RedgravePVR Cinemas (9.50 pm)

THREE MUSKETEERS (U/A)Logan Lerman, Matthew Mac-fadyen, Ray Stevenson‘3D’ PVR Cinemas (10 am, 6.35 pm)

REAL STEEL (U/A) Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly,Dakota GoyoPVR Cinemas (9.40 pm)

Movie ListingsKANNADA


TELL ME OH KKHUDA (U/A)Esha Deol, Vinod Khanna, Dharmendra, Rishi KapoorCinemax (10.30 am, 10 pm) Cinepolis(10 am, 3.30 pm) Fame (Lido) (9.40pm) Fame (Whitefield) (9.40 pm)Gopalan (Bannerghatta Road) (1.15pm) Inox (Jayanagar) (9.40 pm)Inox (JP Nagar) (1.05 pm) Inox (Ma-grath Road) (10.20 am, 9.30 pm)Inox (Malleswaram) (10 am, 9.40

pm) Tribhuvan (4.30 pm, 7.30 pm)

DAMADAMM (U/A)Himesh Reshammiya, Sonal Se-hgal, Purbi JoshiCinemax (7.40 pm) Cinepolis (10.05am, 9.25 pm)

SAHEB BIWI AUR GANGSTERJimmy Sheirgill, Mahie Gill, Ran-deep HoodaAbhiman (2, 5, 8 pm)



SEVENTH SENSE (U/A)Suriya, Shruthi HassanMurali (Gokula) (11.30 am, 2.30 pm)Vinayaka (Marathahalli) (11 am, 2,5.30, 8.30 pm) Tirumala (10 am,1.45, 5.30, 8.45 pm) Venkateshwara(KR Puram) (11 am, 2.45, 6.15, 9.30pm

OOSARAVELLI (U/A) Tamanaah, Shaam, PrakashKapali (10.15 am, 1.15, 4.15, 7.15pm) Krishna (Bommanahalli) (11.15

am, 2.30, 6.30, 9.30 pm) Rajara-jeshwari (Mallathahalli) (1.30 pm,4.30, 7.15, 9.30 pm) Srinivasa(Thaverekere) (10 am, 1, 5, 8 pm)Vaishnavi (11.15 am, 2.15, 6.15, 9.15pm)

DOOKUDU (U/A) Mahesh Babu, SamanthaBanashankari (Hongasandra) (11,2.15, 6.15, 9.15pm) Lakshmi (Ram-morthinagar ) (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30,9.30 pm) Movieland (10.30 am,1.30, 4.30, 7.30 pm)

RA.ONE (U/A) Shahukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor

‘3D’ Abhinay (10.30 am, 1.30, 4.30,7.30 pm) Anand (10 am, 1, 4, 7pm) Cinemax (10 am, 1, 4, 7, 10pm) Cinepolis (10 am, 11, 1, 2, 4,5, 7, 8, 10 pm) Eshwari (11.15 am,2.15, 6.15, 9.15 pm) Everest (11am, 2.15, 6, 9.30 pm) Fame (Lido)(11.15 am, 2.30, 5.45, 9 pm) FameShankarnag) (11.15 am, 2.30, 5.45,9 pm) Fame (Whitefield) (10.10am, 10.45, 11.15, 2, 2.30, 4.45,5.15, 5.45, 8, 8.30, 9 pm) Gopalan(Bannerghatta Road) (10 am, 1, 4,7, 10 pm) Gopalan (RajarajeshwariNagar) (10 am, 1, 4, 7, 10 pm) HMTCinemas (4.15, 7.05, 9.45 pm) Inox(JP Nagar) (10.05 am, 11.15, 2.30,4.30, 5.45, 7.45, 9 pm) Inox (Ma-grath Road) (10.45 am, 2, 5.15,8.30 pm) Inox (Malleswaram) (11.15am, 2.30, 5.45, 9 pm) Lakshmi

(Gottigere) (10 am, 1, 5, 8 pm)Manasa (11.30 am, 2.30, 6.30,9.30 pm) PVR Cinemas (10 am,10.40, 12.15, 1.20, 2, 3.25, 4.40,5.20, 8, 8.40, 8.50 pm) Vaibhav(Sanjay Nagar) (11.30 am, 2.30,6, 9.30 pm) Urvasi (10.45 am,2.30, 6, 9.30 pm) Rex (10 am, 1,4, 7, 9 pm) ‘2D’ Cinepolis (12.30pm, 9 pm) Fame (Lido) (10 am,12.55, 3.30, 6.45 pm) Gopalan(Mysore Road) (10 am, 12.55, 7.10,10 pm) Inox (Jayanagar) (11.15 am,2.30, 3.25. 5.45, 9 pm) Inox (MagrathRoad) (10 am, 11.5, 1.15, 2.30, 4.30,5.45, 7.45, 9 pm) Inox (Malleswaram)(10.45 am, 12.25, 2, 3.30, 5.15, 6.35,8.30 pm) PVR Cinemas (10 am, 10.45,12.30, 3.30, 5.15, 6.40, 9 pm)Renukaprasanna (10.30 am, 1.30,)5.30, 8.30 pm)

Liquor consumption tocross 19K m litres by ʼ15Bangalore: Registering a robustgrowth of about 30 percent onYoY basis, alcohol consumptionin India will cross 19,000 millionlitres by 2015 from the currentlevel of 6,700 million litres, apexindustry body Assochamhas said.

India’s alcoholic beverage mar-ket comprising beer, wine andspirits will reach over Rs 1.4 lakhcroremark in 2015 from currentsize of about Rs 50,700 crore, saysan industry specific analysis ofthe Associated Chambers of Com-merce and Industry of India (As-socham).

Sizable middle-class populationwith rising spending power anda sound economy are certain sig-nificant reasons behind increasein consumption of alcohol in In-dia, according to an Assocham-study on 'Latest Trends in Do-mestic Liquor Market’.

India is one of the fastest-grow-ing alcohol markets in the worldand largest consumer of whiskey whichaccounts for almost 80 percent of theentire liquor market. Owing to India’saffinity for hard liquor, whiskey marketwhich currently stands around Rs 40,500crore is expected to cross Rs 54,000 crore-

mark within the next two years.But with the number of youngsters

and income levels on the rise, popularityof beer madefrom malt is increasing andis expected to reach 2.4 billion litres by2012, said the study.

Indian liquor market which isdivided into various categories like– IMFL (Indian made foreign liquor),imported liquor, domestic liquorand country-made liquor – is brim-ming with growth. Of late, Indianconsumers have developed fondnessfor imported liquor and the marketis crowded with various foreignbrands.

Awareness about health benefitsassociated with moderate drinkingis another significantfactor behindthis upsurge as now more andmore Indians are adopting ahealthy lifestyle, highlights thestudy.

Urbanisation together with ever-changing social norms, increasedalcohol availability, high-intensitymarketing and relaxation of over-seas trade rules have equally con-tributed to increased alcohol con-sumption.

A significant but worrisome rea-son for increased liquor consump-

tion is that boys and girls in their youthare resorting to drinking at a young agedue to high disposable incomes, lackof parental supervision, changing societynorms and peer pressure.

Almost 45 percent of 12th graders in

metropolitan cities in India excessivelyconsumealcohol and teenage drinkinghas risen by a whopping 100 percentduring the course of last 10 years, thestudy revealed.

India ranks as one of largest alcoholicbeverage markets across the globe con-sidering that almost 70 percent of alcoholin south-east Asia is produced in India.Besides, India’s contribution in total al-cohol beverage imports in the region isnearly 10 percent.

Kerela and Punjab are leading liquor-consuming states, with Kerala aloneaccounting for 16 percent and Punjabaccounting for 14 percent of all theliquor consumed in India.

Further, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana,Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Ra-jasthan, Tamil Nadu and West Bengalare leading liquor-consuming states inthat order, accounting for 40 percent ofall the liquor consumedin India. Unionterritories of Chandigarh and Pondicher-ry also record high consumption levelsand together account for almost 6 per-cent of all the liquor consumed acrossIndia. Nearly 15-20 percent of the liquorconsumed annually is estimated to becounterfeit, causing tax loss to the stategovernments and brand reputation dam-age to the manufacturers.

FKCCI welcomes govt decision on procurementBangalore: Micro, small andmedium sector enterprises(MSMEs), including khadi, villageand coir industries, constitutean overwhelming majority of thissector, contributing significantlyto the gross domestic product.

In the overall production/valuechains, however, MSMEs arehighly susceptible to volatilemarket conditions. To addressthese inherent problems, manycountries have put in place publicprocurement policies to supportMSMEs and to ensure a fair shareof market to such entities.

Government guidelines pro-vide for support in marketing ofMSME products through pricepreference, reservation of prod-ucts for exclusive purchase fromMSMEs, issue of tender sets freeof cost, exemption from paymentof earnest money, etc. In practice,however, most of these facilitiesare not being provided to MSMEsby government departments/central public sector industries,etc. In the current context of de-clining industrial output, MSMEswould have a market access prob-lem. FKCCI president JRBangerais

happy that the central govern-ment took the decision that allcentral ministries/ depart-ments/PSUs have to procure 20%of their annual purchases fromthe MSME sector.

Bangera is confident that themeasure will helppromoteMSMEs by improving their mar-ket access and competitivenessthrough increased participationby MSMEs in government pur-chases and encouraging linkagesbetween MSMEs and large en-terprises.

Passing out paradefor paratroopers held

Bangalore: An Attestation Pa-rade, or the passing out parade,of 184 recruits from the ParachuteRegiment Training Centre washeld here yesterday.

They were passing out aftersuccessful completion of 34weeks’ training and joined thefolds of the parachute regimentas paratroopers.

The parade was reviewed byAir Commodore BS Yadav, airofficer commanding, Air ForceStation, Yelahanka.

Air Commodore Yadav urgedthe new recruits to imbibe thebasics tenets of a soldier namely

“Imandari”, “Wafadari” and “Ba-haduri”, and complemented theparatroopers on their impressiveturnout and impeccable drill.

The parade was commandedby Recruit SubhashUikey. Amongthe award winners were RecruitSuleman Ansari, who won theGill medal for overall best recruit,while the best in endurancemedal went to Recruit Karade-Samadhan.

Cheema Medal for best Recruitin physical training went to Re-cruit Pavita Singh.Chettrimedalfor best recruit in drill went toRecruit SubhashUikey.

Zeishah, Aakankshafrom JNC win RJ contest

Bangalore: ZeishahAmlani andAakanksha from JyotiNivas Col-lege were crowned winners ofthe Quick Heal Radio One CollegeChampions 2011.

Ten selected finalists from thecity’s top 10 prestigious collegesvied for the top honours. Thewinners will get to host a weeklyradio show for three months on94.3 Radio One.

The competition was designedas a live on-air show to bringout the best radio talent and thebest college presenters on radio(a team of two) through an in-tercollegiate competition. Tencolleges were identified by au-dition centres. The ten finaliststhen battled against each otheron-air and the winners pickedby listeners.

The finalists were trained fortwo weeks in various aspects ofradio programming, productionand jockeying.

The process of choosing thewinner involved assessing the‘radio worthiness’ – musicknowledge, humor, ability tohandle pressure, think on their

feet and, finally, how well team-mates combine with each other.

The nine other teams thatreached the finals were: Adit-yaRanjan and Aleesha fromDayanandSagar College, Asrar-Faiq and Kavitha from AmitySchool of Business, RennieRamesh and Parinka from CMSJain College, Imran Khan andBijo Thomas from Ramaiah In-

stitute Of Management Studies,Pratik Jain and Simi Jassak fromSindhi College, Greeshma andRaj from ShriMahavir Jain Col-lege, Obleesh and Shaan fromBaldwin College, Suhail and Chuifrom TJohn College, and SamMathew Thomas and Rhea Naomi from New Horizon Collegeof Engineering.

Zeishah Amlani and Aakanksha from JyotiNivas College, whowere crowned winners of the Quick Heal Radio One College

Champions 2011.

Air Commodore BS Yadav, air officer commanding, Air ForceStation, presents awards to paratroopers.

Youth Congress prez takes oath


dental courseBangalore: NarayanaHruday-alayachain of dental clinicshaslaunched “AAID Maxicourse AsiaBangalore” on ‘IMPLANT DEN-TISTRY’ at NarayanaHrudayalayaHealth City.

AAID Maxicourse Asia is acomprehensive course to traindentists in implant dentistry inassociation with the AmericanAcademy of Implant Dentistry.The course has 300 hours of lec-tures, including live surgeries,demonstrations and hands-onsessionsby more than 15 speakersfrom different parts of the world.

In the country, over 17 percentof the aged population is eden-tulous (total loss of all tooth),the remaining 78.3 percent havesome teeth missing. Advancesin dental technologies enabletreatment of edentulism in aquick and efficient manner. Thecombination of dental implantsand dental prosthetics is one ofthe best options to resolve theproblem of missing teeth.

The cost of implant procedureis primarily because of implantprosthesis and cost of expertise.The cost of implant can bebrought down by doing morenumber of implant proceduresin the country where there is agreat need. The cost of expertisecan only be addressed by trainingmore dentists in the procedure.India has the largest number ofdental colleges in the world,churning out in excess of 23,000dentists annually. Only 10% ofthese graduate dentists get todo post-doctoral specialisation.

With the new programme,NarayanaHrudayalayaaims toaddress the issue of trained ex-pertise by promoting and en-couraging more of similar courseslike AAID Maxicourse to makethese niche procedures like im-plantology affordable and ac-cessible. During the 10-month-programme, NHDC will provide50 implants free of cost for needypatients.

Selectionfor Army

Boysʼ SportsCompany

Bangalore: Selection trials forArmy Boys’ Sports Company willbe held at the ASC Centre andCollege on Old Airport Road,fromNovember 17-19.

The selection will be held forhockey and football. Those whoare in the age group of 11 to 16years can take part. They shouldreport at the venue at 9 am alongwith their original copy of birthcertificate, certificates of partic-ipation in district and above levelgames, if any, kit for participationin selection for respective games,certificates of educational qual-ifications and six copies of recentphotographs.

The boys enrolled in the BoysSports Company will be givenfree of cost educationin Englishmedium schools upto 12th stan-dard. It is mandatory for theboys enrolled to join the Armyafter passing 12th standard.

Contact the officer command-ing, Boys Sports Company, ASCCentre and College, Bangalore-560 007 or call: 080-25598196.

Film workshopon Saturday

Bangalore: Kurt Inderbitzin, CEOof actor Nagarjuna's InternationalSchool of Film and Mediain Hy-derabad, is holding a filmmakingworkshop for students at RoyalOrchid Central Hotel in Bangaloreon Saturday.

Founding dean of WhistlingWoods International in Mumbai,Inderbitzinhas worked with mul-tiple Hollywood production com-panies as director and producer.Inderbitzinwill hold a one-hourclass on film direction, followedby a one-hour interactive careerworkshop. The session will beheld from 11 am till 1 pm.

The filmmaking workshopispart of ISFM’s tour of India tohelp students understand howfilm is taught at an internationallevel, as well as to talk aboutdifferent career options in theIndian film industry. Attendeeswill also have the opportunityto interact with Inderbitzinandask him how to launch a careerin film and media. The two-hourseminar is free. But pre-regis-tration is essential as seats arelimited. FCall ISFM on 040-4914-1234 or 08790113331,or [email protected].

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: Membership drivefor the Youth Congress in thestate is vibrant. The Youth Con-gress members have a huge re-sponsibility in steering the partyin the state, said Rizwan Arshid,who took oath as Youth Congresspresident here yesterday.

The 29-year-old said, “Thosewho show good leadership skillswill get tickets for local, assemblyand even Lok Sabha elections.

The oath-taking ceremony offormer president of the Chama-rajpet Congress Committee wasattended by high-profile Congressleaders. Amid applause and

cheers from his supporters, Ar-shid took oath along with fewhundred other office-bearers ofthe Youth Congress. Youth Con-gress national president RajivSaterji and general secretaryBiswarjit Mahanty deliver theoath of office. Congress statepresident G Parameshwara, op-position leader in the assemblySiddaramaiah, GandhinagarMLA Dinesh Gundu Rao, Bya-trayanapura MLA Krishna ByreGowda, D K Shivakumar, Priyan-ka Kharge, Manjula Naidu, Veer-anna Mathikatte, U K Kadir, RaniSatish and others took part.

More than 5,000 people hadassembled for the ceremony.

Page 3: Bangalore Beat 03.11.2011

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: Raj Cup finals be-tween teams led by actorsSudeep and Shivarajkumar hadan ugly ending.

Eye witnesses say it all startedwhen Pradeepfrom Sudeep’steam started bowling his firstover after Shivajkumar’steamwon the toss and elected to bat.

The batting side, which al-legedly had seven professionalcricketers, felt that Pradeep’sbowling action a suspect. Thebatsmen complained to theircaptain, while when Kichchahimself took over the ball.

The batsman at the creasetook the opportunity and hit twoconsecutive boundaries.Glorify-ing the runs, the crowd support-ing Shivarajkumar’s team startedteasing Sudeep. “The actor whocould not take it anymore, startedwalking back to the pavilion,”theeyewitness said.

But as he was walking backto the pavilion, Sudeep com-plained loudly that a celebritymatch is being played by pro-fessionals. This infuriated somefrom the opposite team, whostarted pulling and pushingSudeep. Some of his fans ran into save their hero, further esca-lating the situation.

But soon, all were mollifiedand they returned to their re-spective places. In the end, Shiv-arajkumar’s team won the cup.

Sudeep said that Shivarajku-mar was nowhere in the picturein the whole episode and wasnot to be blamed. But it wassome supporters who were withone of the producers who createda ruckus on the ground, he latertold someone close to him.Kichcha did not want to hurtthe crowd and create a scene atthe Raj Cup. He stayed backthrough the entire proceedings.

Sudeep, who will soon be di-recting Shivarajkumar’s film,saidthat some people who are withthe Hat-trickhero are misusinghis name. But this will no wayaffect his relationship with Shiv-arajkumar, he said.

It was also heard that becauseof this incident, not many stars

participated at the Rajyotsavafunction. Darshan and Vijay,who were present at the match,did not turn up for the celebra-tion.

They all felt that professionalcricketers playing in a celebritymatch did not make sense. Theysaid professional players practice

everyday, while film stars playonce in 15 days, that too for fun.It would have been good if onlycelebrities participated.Despiteall these issues, they took partbecause of Shivarajkumar.It wasalso said the main target of therabble-rousers was Kichcha, whomanaged to keep his cool.

CITYThursday, November 3, 2011 3CITY EVENTSGeneralOur School: Discourse byHiremagalur Kannan, next toPolice Station, BSK 2nd Stage,6.15 pm.

Andhra Pradesh HandicraftsCorporation: ‘Lepakshi CraftBazaar,’ HMT Grounds, Jala-halli, 10 am.

BNM Institute of Technology:‘Router Architecture’ by P Pri-akanth, Kongu EngineeringCollege, Tamil Nadu, SeminarHall, BNMIT, 12th Main, BSK2nd State, 2.30 pm.

Apollo Hospital: National Con-ference on “Importance ofBones,” Apollo Hospital, Ban-nerghata Road, 11 am.

Sri Shankara Jayanti Mandali:Discourse on “Panchadashi”by Shivram Agnihotri, Mandalipremises, ShankarakrupaRoad, Jayanagar, 6.30 pm.

CulturalIndian Institute of World Cul-ture: “Savitri and New Music”by Richard Eggenberger, Wa-dia Hall, B P Wadia Road, 6.15pm.

ReligiousGita Gnana Yagna: BhagavadGita Chapter 18th, Kanyaka-parameshwari Temple, R PRavishankar Hall, 8th Cross,Malleswaram, 6.45 pm.

Devagiri Sri Guru SevaSamithi: Talk on “YakshaPrashna” by Ananthacharya,Raghavendra Mutt, 24th Main,BSK 2nd Stage, 6.30 pm.

Bangalore Tamil Sangam:Yoga classes, Sangam office,Annaswamy Mudaliar Road,6.30 am and pm.

TheatreNandlal ki Leela: Thursday,November 3rd, 2011. 7:30 9 p.m. Ranga Shankara,No 36/1 2nd Phase, 8th Cross,JP Nagar Nandlal ki Leela isadapted from a short story byBhisham Sahni. The play re-volves around Nandlal, a no-body who tries to work hisway through bureaucracy andthe absurdity of everyday life.

Eating OutThe Grand Indian Lunch Buf-fet @ Turquoise: Thursday,November 3rd, 2011. noon to3 p.m. Turquoise, No 9, 2nd &3rd Floors, 17th A Main, Ko-ramangala Experience theGrand Indian Lunch buffetconsisting of over 35 dishesevery weekday with around 5starters, 4 vegetarian gravies,2 non vegetarian gravies , 7desserts and lots more.

Lunch Buffet @ Applewood:Thursday, November 3rd, 2011.12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Apple-wood, No 760, 100 Feet Road,Indiranagar A Global and In-dian lunch buffet, which in-cludes soups, starters, maincourse and desserts, priced atRs. 299 plus taxes per head.

Chocofest: 3rd, 2011. 11 11 p.m. Baskin Robbins,No 218, New BEL Road,Chocolate lovers are treatedto a host of indulgent flavourslike choco chips mousse,chocolate ice cream, threecheers chocolate, maltedchoco fudge, world classchocolate, mint milk chocolatechips and more. There’s alsoan offer where patrons cantake home a family pack onthe purchase of a party packof any of the chocolate flavors

Rajasthani Food Festival:Thursday, November 3rd, 2011.noon to 11:30 p.m. Umerkot,No 30 AST Foods, ST Bed, 80Feet Road KoramangalaUmerkot presents a RajasthaniFood Festival. The specialmenu, designed by chef SanjayTyagi, showcases dishes thattrace their roots back to theVaishnav, Jain, Rajput, Mar-wari communities, and somehave Mughal influence as well.

Grills & BBQ Food Festival atOpus: Thursday, November3rd, 2011. noon to 11:30 p.m.Opus, Chakravarty Layout, 1stCross, Palace Cross Road,Sankey Road Rohan D’Souza,Opus’s head chef, celebratesthe art of grilling with a specialmenu of live grills and barbe-cue. Guests can look forwardto favourites like New Yorkchicken wings, z xglazedpork chops, grilled lamb ribsand more.

Thai Food Festival: 3rd, 2011.noon to 11:30 p.m. Feast, Sher-aton Bangalore At BrigadeGateway, 26/1, Dr RajkumarRoad, Malleswaram-Rajajina-gar Feast, at Sheraton Banga-lore at Brigade Gateway, ishosting a Thai Food Festivalfeaturing Thai street food aswell as fine Thai dining. Guestscan expect regional specialitieslike Tom Yum Goong, Mas-saman Curry, Som Tam, Phad

Phrik Thai Dum Pla, WoonBai Toey and more.


Swarovski Charm Collection:Thursday, November 3rd, 2011.10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Swarovs-ki, 1st Floor, Monarch Plaza,Brigade Road, Symbolic,quirky, feminine or offbeat,the charm collection allowswearers to express their per-sonalities through miniatureworks of art.


Paradise Regained: Thursday,November 3rd, 2011. 10 7 p.m. Kynkyny Art, No148 Embassy Square, InfantryRoad, Kynkyny Art presents‘Paradise Regained’, a showdepicting the natural worldin its many shapes, forms,colours and patterns. Thepaintings tell stories of indige-nous ecosystems and familiarlandscapes.

Nostalgia Upfront and Person-al: Thursday, November 3rd,2011. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. CrimsonArt Gallery, Hatworks Boule-vard, No 32, CunninghamRoad, Vasanthnagar Crimsonpresents Nostalgia Upfrontand Personal, an art exhibitionfeaturing artists such as likeGopal Adivrekar, YusufArakkal, Azis TM, Badri-narayan and NS Bendre,among others.

Solo Show @ Renaissance:Thursday, November 3rd, 2011.11 a.m. to 7 p.m. RenaissanceGallerie, No 13 Westminster,Cunningham Road, An exhi-bition of paintings by GayatriShantaram from Paris at Ren-aissance.

TheatreJagriti Theatre: Suar ChalaSpace Ko a play for children,written and directed by ShailiSathyu. Ramagondanahalli,Varthur Road, Whitefield, 7pm

Ranga Shankara: Leela Nand-lal Ki — a play written byBhisham ahni and directedby Munish Sharma. 36/2, 8thCross, II Phase, JP Nagar, 6.30pm

ExhibitionRenaissance Gallerie: Paint-ings by Gayatri Shantaram.104,Westminster, 13, Cunning-ham Road, 11 am to 7 pm

Sumukha Gallery: The Key-board of Small paintings byukesh Sharma. Wilson Garden,24/10, 7th Main, BTS DepotRoad, Wilson Garden, 11 amto 8 pm

Gallerie Third Eye: HarmonywithArt an art exhibition byRD Roy and Satish Biradhar.2nd Floor, Yemlur Main Road,next to Logican IT Park, be-hind HAL Airport 10 am to 6pm.

Karnataka ChitrakalaParishath: Sojourn-III — anart exhibition by Sajal K Mitraand Sanjay Mehta. Art Com-plex, Kumara Krupa Road, 11am to 7 pm

Nostalgia: Upfront & Personalan art exhibition featuringartists like KM Adimoolam,Gopal Adivrekar, Altaf, YusufArakkal, Azis TM, Badri-narayan and NS Bendre,among others. The HatworksBoulevard, Cunningham Road,11 am to 7pm.

Apparao Galleries: The Sar-torial World — a cross-disci-plinary art show. The Presi-dency, 82 St Marks Road,Ground Floor, adjoining Bish-op Cotton Boys School, 11 amto 6 pm

Kynkyny Art Gallery: ParadiseRegained a group show ofpaintings by Radhika Nee-lakantan, Prakash Ghadge andGanapati Hegde. 33/200, NSIyengar Steet, Nehrunagar,Kumara Park, 11 am to 7 pm

Theatre Jagriti Theatre: Suar ChalaSpace Ko — a play for children,written and directed by ShailiSathyu. Ramagondanahalli,Varthur Road, Whitefield, 7pm.

Ranga Shankara: written byBhisham Sahni and directedby Munish Sharma. 36/2, 8thCross, II Phase, JP Nagar, 6.30pm.

S Renaissance Gallerie: Paint-ings by Gayatri Shantaram.104,Westminster, 13, Cunning-ham Road, 11 am to 7 pm .

Keyboard for Small Things:paintings by Mukesh Sharma.Wilson Garden, 24/10, 7thMain, BTS Depot Road, WilsonGarden, till 8 pm.

Gallerie Third Eye: Harmonywith Art — an art exhibitionby RD Roy and Satish Birad-har. 2nd Floor.


AknisreeKarthikBangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: Can you identify yourtiffin box if it gets shuffled amongsimilar looking ones at your of-fice? Are you capable of per-forming your tasks without theaid of any technology? How oftendo you commit errors, howeverlittle, while at your job? Are youpart of a huge organisation thathas not seen strikes or any formsof protests for the last fewdecades?

If the answers for these ques-tions are no, no, little and won-der, then you must learn a fewthings from dabbawalas of mega-lopolis Mumbai.

One most astounding fact thatstands out in the operations ofthese low-tech labourers, whodeliver food boxes from theircustomers’ homes to offices, isthat they commit error only oncein 6 million instances.

Dr Pawan G Agarwal, chiefexecutive officer of the MumbaiDabbawala Association, was inthe city yesterday to give hisgyan to management students

of Adarsh College.“For dabbawalas, work is wor-

ship. They did not apply for anyISO or Sigma certification. Butthey were awarded 6 Sigma cer-tificate and ISO certification.They might not know the valueor weight these certificates carry,but they know that they need todeliver the ‘dabbas’ to their cus-tomers intime for lunch,” saidthe ‘management guru’ who hasdone his PhD on the ‘SupplyChain Management of Dab-bawalas of Mumbai” in his mo-tivational speech inspiring thefuture managers. Agarwaltoldthe wonder-eyed youngsters:“Students expect packages be-fore work. They must expectpackages after work and not be-fore it.”

He said, “Honesty matters alot in the work we do. For in-stance, fearing increased numberof thefts, some customers havesent their salaries through emptytiffin boxes with the confidencethat it will reach their homessafely. This is the kind of confi-dence we have earned from ourcustomers after all these years.”

Many high-profile companiesregularly invite dabbawalas todeliver talks on their successfuland stupendous supply-chainsystem. Virgin Mobile owner

Richard Branson too visited themand insisted on taking a photo-graph with them to hang it athis office, which could serve asan example to his company

workers. Currently,Agarwal iscarrying out his research on ‘pa-perwalas’ and is all set to meetformer President Abdul Kalamfor his research as our past pres-

ident too has worked as a pa-perwala.Value-added services

If in a hurry, their customersforget to carry articles like spec-tacle, files etc to their offices,the dabbawallas deliver themalong with the lunch boxes.

Agarwal stated how dab-bawalas have also been success-ful in uniting quarrelling couples.In an instance, a husband leftto office after quarrelling withhis wife with a note that he willnot return home.

But the wife sent a letter inthe tiffin box to his angry hus-band apologising and expressingher love. The husband in returnreturned the empty tiffin boxstuffed with two movie ticketsfor the night.

CodingThe Dabbawals use simple re-

sources like match sticks to codethe tiffin boxes. If the customerworks at different floors theyuse the floor numbers. They useno name and no address to code.

Sudeep, Shivarajkumarʼs teams havea showdown at Raj Cup finals

Sudeep and some representatives from the team led by actor Shivarajkumar clash during thefinal of the Dr Raj Cup in the city.

Actor Shivarajkumar and players from his team take a victory lap after winning the cup.

Dr Pawan G Agarwal, chief executive officer of the Mumbai Dabbawala Association, lecturesmanagement students at Adarsha College in the city.

3,000 extra services for Bus Day tomorrow

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The BMTC will ex-tend more than 1,500 bus servicesand will ply them for an extendedtiming of 7 am till 10 pm as partof Bus Day programme tomor-row. These buses will add 3,000more services to the city tomor-row.

The Bus Day, conceived to en-courage Bangaloreans to usemass transport systems, is heldon the fourth of every month.

The Bangalore Metropolitan

Transport Corporation has cho-sen Old Airport road (ITPB), Sar-japur road, Hosur road, Ban-nerghatta road, Kanakapuraroad, Mysore road, Magadi road,Tumkur road, Bellary road,Thanisandra road, Hennur road and Old Madras road, wheremost of the IT and other companies are situated, for thespecial services.

To reduce pollution, the BMTC will also ply more Euro-IV emission standard busestomorrow.

Nokia announces3rd developer meet

Bangalore: Nokia has an-nounced the third edition of theNokia Annual Developer Con-ference in the city tomorrow.Themed ‘Nokia Blue-Re-volution’, the conference is ex-pected to be one of this year’sbiggest platforms in the countryfor mobile app developers.

The conference will enableparticipants to discover latestdevelopments in the mobile tech-nology sector and explore inno-vations that simplify life, helppeople connect, communicateand access information in an ex-periential manner.

Content providers and devel-opers can register for the eventat conference will also coverunique and interesting sessionson Nokia with Windows Phone,Symbian platform and Java, WebApps on S40.

Participants can get insightsinto the mobile app economy

from Nokia and leaders from theindustry as well as the views ofthe analysts from the domain invarious sessions during thecourse of the conference.

India has the largest and mostvibrant pool of qualified devel-opers in the world.

With more than 2,00,000Nokia mobile app developers inIndia and over 20 Indian devel-opers belonging to the NokiaMillionaire League, mobile appdevelopment is emerging as oneof the most sought after fieldsin the country. Consumer de-mand for relevant and creativemobile phone apps is increasingrapidly with more users down-loading apps. Nokia’s focus ison nurturing a culture of inno-vation in the mobile app industryand support Indian mobile appdevelopers with world class toolsand insights to help them developrewarding mobile applicationsfor the global mobile marketplace.

Medical eduprogrammeorganised

Bangalore: The fourth continu-ing medical education pro-gramme was conducted byIMSA,Karnataka chapter, in as-sociation with Rajarajesh-wariMedical College on Wednes-day. IMSA president Dr Jagde-shanK inaugurated the pro-gramme. Interactive scientificsessionson arthritis, the impor-tance of yoga for joint pain andthe role of anaesthesia in criticalcondition were conducted byeminent speakers Dr Gerard, Dr-Paulo Sandroni, Dr NManek andDrChandrashekarof Mayo Med-ical School,Rochester, US.DrRaniDevadossdelieverd the welcomeaddress. The programme wasconducted by DrSachin Sinha,college principalDr Usha, DrNaveen, Dr Rohitand others. Doc-tors from different parts of south-ern states attended.

Theatre insttto celebrateanniversary

Bangalore: Sankula Theatre In-stitute is celebrating its anniver-sary at K H Kalasoudha, Hanu-manthanagar, on Sunday.

The institute trains studentsin performing arts,like bhara -tanatyam, western dance, theatreand film acting, light music, clas-sical vocal, instruments. Institutestudents will hold several showsas part of the anniversary.

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The City CrimeBranch sleuths today arrestedthree persons for receiving lakhsof rupees in cricket betting, butfailing to return the money towinners. The police said thatthe three accused had collected

bets for the recent India-EnglandT20 match. In the event of Indiawinning the match, the bettorswould have got Rs 70 per Rs 100bet and Rs 40 if they lost. Thearrested have been identified asMahesh, a resident of BTM Lay-out, Rajiv Kumar alias Rajiv fromMysore and Sridhar alias Siddu

from Mysore.The police recov-ered Rs 5.5 lakh from Maheshand arrested the accused justbefore they were to leave forGoa. The main accused in thecase have gone undergroundand the police have launched amanhunt for them, a press notefrom the CCB stated.

3 arrested for cricketbetting racket

Mahesh, a resident of BTM Layout, Rajiv Kumar alias Rajiv from Mysore and Sridhar aliasSiddu from Mysore were arrested for cricket betting racket.

Page 4: Bangalore Beat 03.11.2011

Printed and published by B M Arun Kumar vide RNI Registration No. KARENG/2010/33126. Published by SAM Global Media, # 37, 1 Floor, 2nd Main, N. R. Colony, Bangalore - 560 019. Editor: B M Arun Kumar Printed at Lavanya Mudrana, #19, 15th Cross, Thyaarajanagar, Bangalore – 560 028. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation in any language in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material or for material lost or damaged in transit. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Bangalore only.

NEWSThursday, November 3, 2011 4

Anna may breakhis maun vrit

tomorrowNew Delhi: Anna Hazare, whohas not spoken a word in 17days, is expected to end his vowof silence tomorrow and headto Delhi.

The anti-corruption crusaderbegan his "maunvrat" on October16 at his village Ralegan Siddhiin Maharashtra for 'atma shanti'(peace of soul).

Since then, he communicatedby writing notes. The personalphysician of the 74-year-old hadexpressed concern that thoughMr Hazare has not been speak-ing, he continuously thinks andthis has resulted in stress, leadingto an increase in blood pressure.

The Gandhian has had a lotto think about. In recent days,his core team has been in somedisarray. He has also written tothe Prime Minister to warn thathe will begin another round ofcampaigning against corruptionif the government does not passthe Lok Pal Bill in the WinterSession of Parliament.

"I will begin my hunger strikeagitation on the last day of theSession if the Jan Lokpal Bill isnot passed in the House and theteam will tour various states toeducate people about the issue,"Mr Hazare said in his letter toPrime Minister ManmohanSingh.

Criticism for his close aidesfor singling out the Congressand campaigning against it inthe recent Hisar by-election also seems to have been onAnna's mind. He wrote to thePM saying that when he, alongwith his team, would visit statesheaded for election, they wouldcampaign against corrupt parties,but would not target any onepolitical party.

Today, Team Anna will onceagain appear before the Parlia-mentary Standing Committee onPersonnel and Law and Justiceon November 3 and 4 to presentits views on anti-corruptionmeasures that it believes the LokPal Bill should include.

This will be Team Anna's sec-ond appearance before the Com-mittee and the first after Mr Haz-are undertook a 13-day fast inAugust demanding that theJan Lokpal Bill be passed inthe Monsoon session of Par-liament.

Soon after the Lokpal Billwas referred to the Commit-tee, Mr Hazare and his as-sociates had deposed beforethe panel saying it shouldask the government to with-draw the Lokpal Bill in itspresent form as it would "en-courage corruption".

The Jan Lokpal Bill draftedby Team Anna was referredto the Committee by Depart-ment of Personnel and Training(DoPT); the Government's LokpalBill introduced in LokSabha inAugust was referred to the panelon August 8 this year.

Bedi returns excessfare to Indore bodyIndore: Tema Anna member Ki-ranBedi, under attack for over-charging organisations by inflat-ing her travel bills, has returnedRs 16,000 in excess air-fare shehad charged from an Indore or-ganisation in 2009 after it soughta refund on “ethical grounds”.

AbhyasMandal president Shiv-ajiMohite said, “We have receiveda cheque for Rs 16,346 from Bedi’sNGO, India Vision Foundation,as she had assured us day beforeyesterday.”

Bedi had been invited to give

a lecture by the organisation inMay 2009. She was paid Rs 38,871on account of two-way businessclass fare for Delhi-Indore air

journey. Following recent mediareports which claimed that sheused to travel economy class onher lecture tours but chargedthe organisers for business classticket, Mandal had sent her ane-mail seeking refund of excessamount on “ethical grounds”.

Bedi had defended her actionsby saying that the excess moneywent to her NGO.

However, she later said thatthe over-charged money wouldbe returned.

Delhi CBItakes over

Shehla probe

Bhopal: A CBI team from Delhiarrived inBhopal totake over theinvestigationsinto the mur-der of RTI ac-tivist ShehlaMasood. Theteam, com-prising JointDirector Ke-shav and DIG

Arun Bosra, arrived on Wednes-day to take charge of the probeinto the killing of the RTI activist,who was shot dead by an uniden-tified person in front of her resi-dence in the posh Koh-e-Fiza lo-cality on August 16.

The team members interactedwith their counterparts in Bhopalunit and reviewed the investi-gations done so far.

The Bhopal unit of the CBIhad been looking into Shehla'smurder since the first week ofSeptember and even announceda reward of Rs five lakh for any-one giving information leadingto the arrest of the assailant(s).

The Delhi CBI is handling theprobe as the Bhopal unit failedto make any headway.

Will G20 listen to PM?Cannes: The G20 summit kicks off in Canneson Thursday under the shadow of escalatingeuro zone worries.

World markets have been in turmoil afterthe Greek Cabinet backed the Prime Minister'scall f or referendum on EU debt deal.

And now the 8 billion euro bailout hasbeen held till that referendum takes place.

There is an acknowledgement from theIndian side that this summit is going to be

even more challenging than the previousone because most countries at this point oftime find themselves in different stages interms of the recovery and the recession.

India is very clear, another stimulus pack-age for the global economy is not going tobe good news for emerging economies likeIndia because that will mean that India im-ports inflationary pressure.

Inflation continues to be the number one

challenge as far as the Indian governmentis concerned.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh makingit very clear that there should be addedfunds given to emerging and developingeconomies to pull them out of the currentdifficult phase of growth and that whateverneeds to be done to put the global economyback on track ought to be done post theG20 summit.

High inflation due tofestive demand: FM

New Delhi: Finance minister Pranab Mukher-jee today expressed grave concern overrising food inflation, even as he attributedthe latest spike in prices to increased demandduring the festive season.

Food inflation, at 12.21 per cent for theweek ended October 22, climbed to a nine-month high.

"Food inflation is still going high. It isdangerously above double-digit figure,"Mukherjee told reporters here.

The finance minister, however, said therecent spike in prices of food items was dueto increased demand during the ongoing

festive season."This (high food inflation) is the effect of

festive season demand. November onwards,the trend for remaining four months (of thefiscal) would be available," he said.

Mukherjee also termed the price situationas a matter of 'grave concern' as food inflationhas been in double digits for three consec-utive weeks.

According to the Wholesale Price Index(WPI) released by the Ministry of Commerceand Industry, the surge in food prices hasbeen mainly due to expensive vegetables,pulses, fruits and milk, putting more burden

on the common man.It was 11.43 per cent in the week ending

October 15. While food prices are going up, there has

been some decline in non-food primary ar-ticles, Mukherjee said.

Inflation in non-food articles, includingfibres, oil seeds and minerals, was at 6.43per cent in the reporting week as against7.67 per cent a week earlier.

On a weekly basis, inflation in the overallprimary articles category stood at 12.08 percent, compared to 11.75 per cent in the pre-vious week. PTI

Amar allowedto go to

SingaporeNew Delhi: A Delhi court todayallowed former Samajwadi Partyleader Amar Singh to visit Sin-gapore for the treatment of hiskidney infection.

Tis Hazari court on Thursdaygranted permission to AmarSingh to go to Singapore fromNovember 8 -30. Court has askedhim to furnish a fixed deposit ofRs 5 lakh. Earlier, RajyaSabhaMP Amar Singh, an accused inthe 2008 cash-for-vote scam case,moved a Delhi court seeking itspermission to go abroad for treat-ment of his kidney ailment.

In an application to SpecialJudge SangitaDhingraSehgal,Singh said he had been under-going treatment at Singapore'sMount Elizabeth Hospital fol-lowing his kidney transplant andhe needed to go there for regularcheck-up. The court issued noticeto the Delhi Police for Nov 3 forits response on Singh's plea.

Singur: HC staysredistribution of Tatas' land

Kolkata: The Calcutta High Courttoday granted continuation ofthe stay of the trial court ordervalidating the Singur Land Re-habilitation and DevelopmentAct which has been challengedby the Tatas.

The stay order passed by thehigh court means that West Ben-gal government cannot distributeland among farmers until thematter is heard. The court willhear the case from November 8onwards.

A division bench of justicesPinaki Chandra Ghose and Mri-nal Kanti Chaudhuri passed theorder granting continuation ofthe stay till disposal of the appeal.On September 28, Justice I PMukherjee while validating the

Singur Act had stayed the oper-ation of the order till Novembertwo so that any aggrieved partywas able to file an appeal.

While Kalyan Bandopadhyayappearing on behalf of the WestBengal government prayed thatthe stay be restricted to 645 acresof leased out land to the Tatas,the division bench rejected theappeal and said that stay wouldbe applicable to the entire 997acres.

Tata Motors had moved thedivision bench challenging theorder of the trial court, prayingfor continuation of the stay ofthe operation of the judgementand also the validity of the SingurLand Rehabilitation and Devel-opment Act, 2011.

Guv: Society will succeedif co‑op sector shines

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: Society will succeedif the cooperative sector suc-ceeds, said governor H R Bhard-waj while inaugurating the fifthbranch of Sri Charan CooperativeBank at Jayanagar this morn-ing.

He said Indian banks did notsuffer a complete collapse liketheir counterparts in the UnitedStates as there were strict controlsin place. US banks collapsed be-cause of excess mortgage. “I amsure that our banks will not col-lapse and they have been doinga great service to the country.”

Cooperative banks shouldspread their operations wide andextend help to larger sections ofthe people.

“We have adopted globalisa-tion and liberalisation policies

from other countries. But thereis a lot to learn from the theoriespropounded by Mahatma Gandhiand Vinoba Bhave,” he said.

Former Chief Justice of IndiaM N Venkatachalaiah said thecountry needs to get itself pre-pared for the huge technologicalrevolution that will transformthe world in another 10 years.“The world will completelychange from what we know now.But we are not yet prepared forthat revolution. The focus nowshould be to get ready and reapmaximum advantage out of it.We should progress well by2020.”

Banks must adopt better tech-nologies. Courts in other partsof the world have already gonemiles ahead. “In many countries,virtual courts have been set up,where the judge would sit in

one, place while advocates arguefrom different parts of the coun-try,” he said.

Bangalore Beat BureauBangalore: “Everyone should

heed to the advice of governorH R Bhardwaj. For there is a lotof value in it,” said former ChiefJustice of India M N Venkatacha-laiah while sharing a dais withhim at the inauguration of fifthbranch of Sri Charan CooperativeBank at Jayanagar today.

“Those who take governor’sadvice will not fail. You knowwhat has happened to those whodid not pay heed to him,” hesaid, hinting at former chief min-ister B S Yeddyurappa, who hasbeen lodged at the ParappanaAgrahara jail in judicial custodyfor his alleged involvement inalleged illegal land denotificationcases.

Textile policy will changeto attract investment

Bangalore Beat Bureau

Bangalore: The state governmentwill make modifications in theSuvarna Vastra Neeti or the textilepolicy (2008-13) to adopt require-ments of the industry, said tex-tiles minister Varthur Prakashhere today.

He said the changed policywould spur change and bring inmore investments to the stateunder the sector. The policy willalso be extended to technicaltextile industries in the comingdays.

The state holds the secondposition in sericulture and cottonproduction, amounting to Rs7,000 crore. The state has a shareof 18 percent in the total textileexports from the country. Kar-nataka is also the first state toadopt the textile policy, he said.

The state has trained over68,000 beneficiaries in the sector,and another 22,600 students areattending training this year. Thegovernment has set aside Rs 10crore for the purpose.

The sector attracted invest-ments worth over Rs 5,000 crorein the Global Investors’ Meet

held in the state. Many factorieshave been set up in Shimoga,Bijapur, Gejjalagere of Nanyaand Hassan.

The state is extending financialaid to power looms. The statehas over 89,000 power looms.While the Karnataka PowerTransmission Corporation Ltdhas been supplying power tothese units at Rs 5.90 per unit,the textiles ministry is extendinga rebate of Rs 1.25, amountingto Rs 15 crore.

Under the integrated hand-loom development scheme, Rs11.76 crore has been spent to setup 23 handloom clusters and 17handlooom groups. The ministryis planning to bring 43,818 weav-er families under the MahatmaGandhi Bhundkar Bima Yojana,which is both life and medicalhealth insurance scheme.

Over the last two years, it hasoffered Rs 1.05 crore assistanceto 9,717 students of the commu-nity. 235 weavers have been givenRs 1.44 lakh relief.

The ministry has extended Rs4.29 crore loans at 3 percent in-terest to 12,533 beneficiaries.

To improve the handloom sec-

tor, the ministry has extends 20percent for setting up these units.The government has alreadyspent Rs 4.35 crore for the pur-pose.

The ministry took part in theTechno Tex 2011, an internationalconference, held in Mumbai re-cently. “We pushed for anotherRs 500 crore investment in thesector. We are expecting the in-vestments to flow in,” he added.

The government is planningto set up textile parks in Gulbargaand Bellary, for which the centralgovernment has to give the greensignal. Similar parks will alsocome up in Belgaum, Chikball-paur, Chitradurga, Tumkur andKolar. All those industries settingup units in these parks wouldget a rebate of Re 1 per unit ofpower.

The Karnataka Handloom De-velopment Corporation hasbrought weavers under variouswelfare programmes initiated bythe state government.

The Union ministry has re-leased Rs 170 lakh for setting upjacard mills, catalytic converters,CAD/CAM software and otherequipment.

Goernor H R Bhardwaj and former Chief Justice of India M N Venkatachalaiah take part inthe inauguration of fifth branch of Sri Charan Bank at Jayanagar, Bangalore, today.

Shehla Masood

10 killed asbus, truck

collide Sambalpur: At least 10 people, includingfive women, were killed and 15 othersinjured in a collision between a pas-senger bus and a truck in the districttoday.

The bus from Bargarh was proceedingto Rourkela when it collided head-onwith the truck RPT truck near Babuband-ha on NH-6 under Burla police station.

While seven persons died on thespot, three others were declared deadat VSS Medical College Hospital atBurla, police said.

The 15 injured were also admitted atthe same hospital where the conditionof five was stated to be serious.

Local people staged a demonstrationand put up road blockade near the sitefor some time demanding immediatesteps for improvement and repair ofthe NH, saying the highway was in abad shape.

Efforts were on to remove the mangledvehicles to resume smooth traffic move-ment in the highway.

Guv is Congagent: K S

Continued from page 1Though the state government wanted

Justice S R Bannurmath as the Lokayuk-ta, the governor has rejected it,” Esh-warappa added.

“This is clearly indicates that thegovernor does not want the BJP to runthe government and he has been actingon the instructions of the Congress atthe Centre,” he said. “I don’t knowwhat was the problem in making JusticeBannurmath the Lokayukta…”

Govt committed toprotect cows: Minister Bangalore: The BJP governmentin the state is committed to pro-tect the cow and end slaughterof these animals, considered sa-cred, said animal husbandryminister Revu Naik Belamadihere today.

Inaugurating a one-day All-Religion Parliament Session, hesaid, “When various religiousorganisations came forward witha proposal to pass a law againstcow slaughter two years ago,we passed the law. An intensedrive has been taken up to stopcow slaughter, he added.

“But this has not meant thatcow slaughter has completelystopped. There is a long way togo. Efforts of all religious insti-tutions and the people can bringan end to it,” he said.

“The Cow Slaughter Act of1964 had allowed slaughter ofcattle which are old and non-milking. But our government op-posed this view and passed alaw banning slaughter of allcows. Madhya Pradesh, Gujaratand Uttarakhand too are nowthinking of passing such a law,”he claimed.

The All-Religions Parliamentwas organised by the Cow Prog-eny Protection Force (CPF) andAnimal Protection Force (APF).Jain acharayas, munis, sadhus,sadhvis, former minister andMLA Ramachandra Gowda andothers took part.

Women from the Jain community take part in the All-Religion Parliament on protection ofcows, held in Bangalore today.

S Radhakrishna

Spot‑Fixing: Explosiveclaims stun UK court

London: Explosive claims about corruptionin Pakistan's cricket team stunned a Londoncourtroom Wednesday as three guilty playersand their agent spoke out on each other'sroles as they awaited sentence.

Judge Jeremy Cooke was due to pass sentenceon Pakistan's former Test captain SalmanButt, fast bowlers Mohammad Aamer and Mo-hammad Asif, plus their agent Mazhar Majeed,whose guilty plea can now be reported.

They could each be jailed for up to sevenyears for conspiring to accept corrupt paymentsand up to two years for conspiring to cheat byarranging deliberate no-balls in a case thathas rocked a sport rooted in ideals of fairplay.

With the four stood in the dock, their lawyerssent claims and counter-claims flying acrossthe packed Court 4 at Southwark Crown Court.

Butt, 27, who became a father Tuesday forthe second time just 30 minutes before beingfound guilty, watched as his lawyer said headmitted his career was over and he stood tolose his family.

The lawyer for Majeed, 36, pleaded in miti-gation – a submission which included a stringof extraordinary claims about what was goingon within the Pakistan team.

Accepting that his client was facing jail, hetold the court of the agent's frustration at the"lies" the jury had heard from the defendants,the BBC reported.

The lawyer said Butt had approached Majeedin 2009 to get involved in fixing and that Buttand another player, who is not among thethree in the dock, had taken him to a meal inMarch 2010 to push him into fixing.

He said Majeed was introduced to a myste-rious bookmaker called Sanjay, who was run-ning the racket.

Majeed claimed that of the £150,000($240,000, 175,000 euros) he received froman undercover newspaper reporter with theNews of the World tabloid, Asif got £65,000

and Butt £10,000.The judge then

heard that Asif wasgiven such a hugeamount to keephim from joininganother fixing rack-et.

Lawyers for Buttand Asif dismissedthe claims aboutthe sums of cash.

Cooke also dismissed claims that Aamerwas only involved in one episode of spot-fix-ing.

He said that text messages sent from murkycontacts in Pakistan suggested that the talentedyoungster was also implicated in fixing duringthe preceding Test at The Oval.

Aamer claimed he was being leant uponand feared for his future in national side if hedid not take part in the conspiracy.

"I refuse to accept that basis of plea on thematerial I have seen," Cooke said.

"There are certainly texts and the like whichsuggest that Aamer's first and only involvementwas not limited to Lord's, it was not an isolatedand one-off event," Cooke said.

Meanwhile former Pakistan captains urgedthe Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) to act imme-diately to save future players from corrup-tion.

"We desperately need to save our futuregenerations after what happened to Butt, Asifand Aamer," Rashid Latif, who blew the whistleon match-fixing in 1995, said.

"We have not done enough in the past andthat's what we are paying for."

Fellow former skipper Aamer Sohail saidthe PCB had to be more pro-active.

"The PCB should have played a more pro-active role last year... brought the playersback to Pakistan immediately and tried themunder our code of conduct," he said.