barossa improved grazing group · 4. misson statement to work towards its vision, bigg will:...

BAROSSA IMPROVED GRAZING GROUP Strategic Plan Rev Date Author Approved DRAFT 10/07/2015 R. Barr - 1 04/09/2015 R. Barr B. Nietschke STRATEGIC & OPERATIONAL PLAN BAROSSA IMPROVED GRAZING GROUP

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Page 1: BAROSSA IMPROVED GRAZING GROUP · 4. MISSON STATEMENT To work towards its vision, BIGG will: Cultivate a measurable improvement in Barossa farming communities’ practices through


Strategic Plan

Rev Date Author Approved

DRAFT 10/07/2015 R. Barr -

1 04/09/2015 R. Barr B. Nietschke



Page 2: BAROSSA IMPROVED GRAZING GROUP · 4. MISSON STATEMENT To work towards its vision, BIGG will: Cultivate a measurable improvement in Barossa farming communities’ practices through

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Strategic Plan


1. PLAN ON A PAGE ....................................................................................... 3

2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................... 4

3. VISION ...................................................................................................... 4

4. MISSON STATEMENT ................................................................................. 4

5. GOVERNANCE AND STRUCTURE ................................................................. 4

5.1 Advisory Committee ............................................................................... 4 5.2 Executive Team ...................................................................................... 5

6. PEOPLE AND CAPABILITY .......................................................................... 6

6.1 Who is BIGG?......................................................................................... 6 6.2 Current Relationships .............................................................................. 6 6.3 ‘People’ Opportunities ............................................................................. 6 6.4 Capability .............................................................................................. 7

7. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT .................................................................... 7

7.1 What do stakeholders get from involvement with BIGG ............................... 7

8. GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................. 8

8.1 Growth areas ......................................................................................... 8

9. COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH ............................................................ 9

9.1 Opportunities ......................................................................................... 9

10. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ............................................................... 9

10.1 Specific .............................................................................................. 9 10.2 Global ................................................................................................ 9

11. HEALTH AND SAFETY ................................................................................. 9

11.1 Systems currently in place .................................................................... 9 11.2 Systems required .............................................................................. 10

12. ACTION LIST ........................................................................................... 10

13. ACKNOWLDEGEMENTS ............................................................................. 10

14. APPENDIX ............................................................................................... 11

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Strategic Plan


The Barossa Improved Grazing Group (BIGG) was created following the initiation of the Winter

Pastures Project in 2012, a project funded by the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM board

(now known as Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty, or AMLR). The project was formed

following an informal gathering of producers from various livestock groups, with the objective of

enhancing Natural Resources Management (NRM) outcomes.

The four producer groups involved in the project; the Angaston Ag Bureau, North Rhine Sheep

Group, Barossa Mid-North Dairy Discussion Group and Mt Pleasant Beef Group, subsequently

joined together with the Koonunga Ag Bureau to form BIGG. Since the commencement of the

Winter Pastures Project, BIGG has received funding for 17 projects (see Appendix for list),

totalling over $400,000.

The projects have included technical projects such as soil moisture monitoring in grazing

systems and soil-borne diseases of sub-clover, addressing local challenges such as the recovery

of native pastures following the 2014 Eden Valley bushfire, a pasture competition, and bus

tours and case studies to share innovations and knowledge.


The vision of the Barossa Improved Grazing Group is:

A trusted and valuable resource supporting innovative, sustainable and resilient

grazing businesses


To work towards its vision, BIGG will:

Cultivate a measurable improvement in Barossa farming communities’ practices

through effective delivery of innovative and practical solutions for sustainable grazing



5.1 Advisory Committee

BIGG is a sub-committee of the Angaston Ag Bureau, which has its own advisory committee.

The committee is made up of:

At least one member from each of the five producer groups (Angaston Ag Bureau, North

Rhine Sheep Group, Barossa Mid-North Dairy Discussion Group and Mt Pleasant Beef

Group, and Koonunga Ag Bureau)

At least one representative from each of the service provider partners (Farmer Johns

and Coopers of Mount Pleasant)

At least one representative from each of the stakeholder partners (SheepConnect, AMLR

and Natural Resources SA Murray-Darling Basin (SAMDB))

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Strategic Plan

The executive committee (BIGG Chair, mentor, treasurer, two technical facilitators and

communication officer)

Any additional members as invited by the committee

The committee meets three (3) times per year, with one to two additional project specific

meetings expected per year.


Ordinary members have no fixed term, but can participate in a three year review of their

position, with a succession plan to be defined when a member wishes to resign from the


The position of chair has a tenure of three (3) years, with the incumbent having the option to

retain the position for up to two terms. With one year remaining in the position, a successor will

be identified and allocated as deputy chair.

The treasurer is assigned by the Angaston Ag Bureau and therefore tenure will be set by the


These reviews will be conducted in the first meeting of each calendar year.

Rules of appointment

A representative on the committee will abide by the following rules:

Confidentiality will be maintained

Majority consensus will be applied for votes

Members must declare any conflict of interest, then the chair will assess whether they

must recuse themselves.

Members are expected to attend at least two (2) meetings per year

A member who does not attend shall send a proxy on their behalf


The committee members representing their producer groups are entitled to a succession plan.

This will be developed in conjunction with the individual members producer group.

To develop potential successors, committee members are invited to bring guests to meetings .

5.2 Executive Team

BIGGs day-to-day operations are currently managed by a team consisting of:

BIGG Chair: Voluntary role taken on by a producer group representative. Responsibility

is ensuring the team’s actions are in line with BIGGs strategy, and approval of key

documents (e.g. monthly invoices and expenses, project reports, grant applications) and

managing employment of team members

Mentor: Experienced professional whose role is to provide information and advice to the

team. Voluntary role.

Treasurer: Manage the group’s finances. This is currently a voluntary role with a small

stipend but if project load increases the position may require increased remuneration.

Technical facilitators: Project managers responsible for execution of R,D&E projects and

development of relationships and new projects. These roles are part time paid positions,

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Strategic Plan

and tenure is dependent on projects and funding to suit the facilitators’ skills and


Communication officer: Manage communication on a general and project-specific basis,

including writing applications for grants. This role is part-time paid position (currently



6.1 Who is BIGG?

BIGG is managed by the executive team for its members, with direction provided by the

advisory committee and support provided by external stakeholders and consultants.

Advisory committee and executive team: As defined in 5.1 and 5.2.


Producers with an interest in improved pastures and/or improved NRM practices in their

livestock systems. BIGG maintains a database of approximately 250 people considered

members, though no formal membership is required.

External Stakeholders:

These are groups and/or organisations who provide funding and technical support to BIGG,

including but not limited to:

Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges

Natural Resources SA Murray Darling Basin

Coopers of Mount Pleasant

Farmer Johns

National Landcare Program

RDCs – MLA, AWI, Dairy SA


External Consultants:

Specialists who provide technical support to BIGG on specific projects.

Geographic Coverage:

BIGG have a focus on the Barossa area, as defined by the BIGG region map. This map will be

incorporated into the next revision of this plan.

6.2 Current Relationships

The informal assessment is that BIGG has strong relationships with current partners

(consultants and stakeholders) though there has not been a formal assessment.

Action: Commence a feedback process with partners to ascertain whether BIGG is meeting their


6.3 ‘People’ Opportunities

BIGG aims to improve the services and support offered to its core membership base (i.e. .

producers from the Angaston and Koonunga Ag Bureaux, North Rhine Sheep Group, Barossa

Mid-North Dairy Discussion Group and Mt Pleasant Beef Group).

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Strategic Plan

Producers not currently engaged

As there are producers in the Barossa region who have not engaged with the group an

opportunity exits to gain their involvement.

Possible strategies:

Action: Define a project to engage with groups not currently involved with BIGG within the

BIGG boundaries (eastern producers, young people) and enact when a suitable funding

opportunity arises.

Linkages with new service providers

While BIGG has strong relationships with some local service providers, there exists an

opportunity to engage with others (e.g. Truro Agencies)

Action: Approach these service providers to propose a collaborative project when a potential

project opportunity arises.

Research and development facilities

BIGG has one project with an RDC (MLA funded, soil-borne diseases of sub-clover) but does not

have strong relationships with others. Potential groups for collaboration include AWI, Livestock

SA, SASAG, Dairy SA, CSIRO, Dairy Australia, DAFF, universities and the GRDC (for R&D

projects potentially involving site trials in the BIGG region). These relationships would help

access funding and leading field researchers.

Action: Monitor grants with RDCs and apply for relevant topics.

6.4 Capability

To ensure BIGG remains effective, the capability of its team must be assessed and monitored.


All BIGG team members do not currently have roles assigned. Role definitions will allow for

members to understand theirs and others’ contributions to BIGG, their responsibilities and

provides them with a basis upon which they can measure their performance.

Action: Roles will be defined for each of the advisory committee positions, and executive team

(where not already present).

Performance review

To ensure continued effectivness, employed staff (technical facilitators and communication

officer) will be reviewed against their role definition on a 12 monthly basis, nominally in July.

This review will be performed by the chair with assistance from relevant advisory group



7.1 What do stakeholders get from involvement with BIGG

BIGG benefits from working with external stakeholders, however these stakeholders also need

to gain value from the relationship.

The reasons stakeholders would engage / invest in BIGG include:

Exposure to community / producers

Ability to meet their engagement / extension targets (e.g. NRM officers)

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Strategic Plan

Help in getting their message out

Exposure to improve their profile (e.g. service providers)

There is currently no simple and effective messaging for stakeholders demonstrating BIGGs

value proposition.

Action: Develop a stakeholder kit including fact sheets, advocate statements etc to ‘sell’ BIGG

to potential new stakeholders.


8.1 Growth areas Geographical:

BIGG has traditionally operated in the Barossa region, however is currently expanding to the

Eastern Hills due to a developing relationship with SAMDB.

The group is focussed on maintaining and improving its service to producers within the existing

area (as defined by the BIGG regional map, see section 6.1), however will aim to expand

advertising and communications boundaries to ensure events are well subscribed.

Primary Industries:

The group currently focuses on grazing pastures for livestock. However many operations in the

region are mixed-farms so there is a potential to expand into grains and viticulture.

BIGG will consider projects that cover other farming opportunities only where they align with

grazing systems, such as mixed grazing/grape-growing or grazing/grain-growing.

Project Topics:

Potential areas of interest for further growth include:

Topic Discussion Possible Funding

Pasture varieties and

grazing management Optimise grazing systems AMLR

Soil biology

Address a research gap for Barossa soils, this

project would require high investment with a

long response time GRDC, AWI

Precision agriculture Core business for both pastures and grain crops SAMDB

Climate variability

There is an extension gap for adaption to

climate change. Possible funders SAMDB, GRDC

Innovations and new

technology (inc. virtual

fencing) This is a key NRM extension opportunity SAMDB, AMLR

Biosecurity Reduce the spread of infectious diseases

Marketing of products

Improve sale values of products through

marketing and understanding markets PIRSA

Action: Monitor arising funding opportunities, considering the potential to align to these interest

areas to develop future projects.

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Strategic Plan


BIGG has recently developed a communications strategy (attached).

9.1 Opportunities Publish articles for RDC Publications: AWI, MLA, Dairy SA

Secure ongoing funding for communication officer role so that the communication

strategy can be enacted in the next financial year


10.1 Specific


BIGG will conduct three yearly reviews of the group’s strategy and committee positions.


Reviews are conducted as compulsory grant reporting.


In the future, all events will include post-event surveys, as well as incorporate the SAMDB

evaluation framework where relevant.


As per page 6, BIGG will implement stakeholder surveys to evaluate the success and

opportunities within current relationships.

People and Capability

As defined on page 7, team members will have their performance reviewed annually against

their role description.

10.2 Global

BIGG has identified an opportunity to introduce monitoring and evaluation of its overall

achievements compared to the group’s vision.

Options for measuring BIGGs performance include:

Producer surveys on intentions and actual practice change

Outputs: reports, comms, attendance

Field KPIs to meaure NRM outcomes: groundcover via UAVs or satellite, ecological


Action: Obtain funding and develop system for improved monitoring and evaluation.


Objective: Ensure the safety of everyone working with BIGG

11.1 Systems currently in place

Insurances (indemnity, public liability and personal injury) are in place

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Strategic Plan

Project / event specific safety and risk analyses

11.2 Systems required

An overarching BIGG risk assessment and safety plan must be developed.

Action: Identify funding and develop a safety plan


Actions from this strategic plan have been assessed in terms of urgency, developing one, three

and five year targets.

One year Three year Five year

Commence a feedback

process with partners to

ascertain whether BIGG is

meeting their needs.

Monitor arising funding

opportunities, considering the

potential to align to the list of topics

to develop future projects.

Monitor grants with

RDCs and apply for

relevant topics

Obtain funding and develop

systems for improved

monitoring and evaluation.

Approach new service providers to

propose a collaborative project when

a potential project opportunity


Identify funding and develop

a safety plan

Develop a stakeholder kit including

fact sheets, advocate statements etc

to ‘sell’ BIGG to potential new


Define a project to engage

with groups not currently

involved with BIGG within the

BIGG boundaries (eastern

producers, young people)

and enact when a suitable

funding opportunity arises.


The development of this document has been supported by:

Natural Resources SAMDB 2014/15 Connecting Communities Grant

2014 Ag Ex Alliance Sustainability Award Prize

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BIGG Project List

No. Project Source $(ex GST) Status

1 Winter Pasture NRM AMLR Sustainable Industry Grant 2012-13 $55,000 Completed

2 Soils Dairy Focus Paddocks DEWNR 2012-13 NRM Community Grant $23,510 Completed

3 Sheep Connect Focus Farm Sheep Connect $10,000 Completed

4 Bus trip- Fleurieu and Barossa

AMLR Community Action Grant 2012-13 $4,860 Completed

5 RAPPA fencing Caring for our Country $20,000 Completed

6 Sustainable Pasture Challenge

DEWNR State NRM Community Grant $29,700 Completed

7 Soil Moisture Monitoring Caring for our Country $45,000 Completed

8 BIGG Case Studies AMLR Community Action Grant 2013-14 $5,000 Completed

9 Property planning AMLR $10,000 Completed

10 Events AMLR $10,000 Completed

- AgEx small group award Ag Ex/DEWNR $2,000 -

11 Root diseases MLA Participatory R&D Grant $70,000

12 Institutional development of BIGG

Natural Resources SAMDB Connecting Communities Grant

$25,000 Completed

13 Native Pastures AMLR Sustainable Industry Grant 2014-15 $50,000

13 Native Pastures SAMDB (top-up for AMLR Sustainble Industry Grant 2014-15)


14 Grazing in Vineyards AMLR Community Action Grant 2014-15 $5,000

15 Watercourse Revegetation 25th Anniversary Landcare Grant 2014-15 $20,000

15 Watercourse Revegetation AMLR (top-up for 25th Anniversary Landcare Grant 2014-15)


16 Recovery of Native Grasses after the Hutton Vale Fire

AMLR $4,000

17 Engaging the community and young people in NRM throughout the Barossa region.

Natural Resources SAMDB Connecting Communities Grant


Total $434,485

Strategic Planning Workshop Details

The workshop to define this strategy was held on 6 March 2015 at Nuriootpa Research Station

with the following participants:

John Squires – Facilitator

Rebecca Barr – Coordinator / Communication Officer

Brett Nietschke – Technical Facilitator & Koonunga Ag Bureau

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Georgie Keynes – Technical Facilitator

Mark Grossman – Chair

Bruce Hancock – Mentor

Michael Evans – Treasurer

Kym Haebich – SAMDB

David Woodard – PIRSA

James Graetz – Angaston Ag Bureau

Graham Keynes – North Rhine Sheep Group

Joe Keynes - Mt Pleasant Beef

Shaun Falkenburg – Farmer Johns

A draft of the strategic plan was then presented to the BIGG Advisory Committee on 29 April

2015, before being finalised in June 2015.

Communication Plan

See document 2014-12-17 BIGG Comms Strategy