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  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Digital Image ProcessingIntroduction, Advantages, and Applications


    Syed Muhammad Munavvar HussainB.Sc. Electrical Engineering

    University College of Engineering and TechnologyBahauddin Zakariya University, ultan



  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Table of Contents

    Chapter No.



    Introduction to Digital Image Processing 3

    Chapter No. "


    Origins of Digital Image Processing

    Chapter No. #


    !"e Basics of Digital Image Processing #ystems 12

    Chapter No. $


    $%%lications of Digital Image Processing 1

    Chapter No. %


    &itations 27


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    &"a%ter o,

    !ne picture is "orth #ore than ten thousand "ords.


    Introduction of Digital ImageProcessing


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    'hat is the Digital Image Processing(

    It .ill /e /etter to start /y dictionary definitions of t"e .ords:

    Digital) o%erating /y t"e use of discrete signals to re%resent data in t"eform of num/ers, 2

    Image)an image from atin imago or %icture is an artifact5 usually t.o-

    dimensional5 t"at "as a similar a%%earance to some su/6ect--usually a

    %"ysical o/6ect or a %erson, 1

    Processing) to %erform o%erations on data according to %rogrammed


    !"us t".e definition of t"e digital image %rocessing may /e gien as:

    $%igital i#age processing is the use of co#puter algorith#sto perfor# i#age

    processingon digital i#ages.&

    Digital image %rocessing is electronic data %rocessing on a 2-D array of num/ers,

    !"e array is a numeric re%resentation of an i#age, +

    It is a su/field of digital signal %rocessing5 and digital image %rocessing "as many

    adantages oer analog image %rocessing8 it allo.s a muc" .ider range of

    algorit"ms to /e a%%lied to t"e in%ut data5 and can aoid %ro/lems suc" as t"e

    /uild-u% of noise and signal distortion during %rocessing, 3

    Image %rocessing o%erations can /e roug"ly diided into t"ree ma6or categories:

    1, Image &om%ression

    2, Image En"ancement and 9estoration

    3, easurement E;traction

    Image com%ression is familiar to most %eo%le, It inoles reducing t"e amount of

    memory needed to store a digital image, 4

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Interest in digital image %rocessing stems from t.o %rinci%al a%%lications areas:

    1. Im%roement of %ictorial information for "uman inter%retation

    2. Processing of image data for storage5 transmission5 and re%resentation for

    autonomous mac"ine %erce%tion )

    $n image nay /e defined as a t.o-dimensional function5 f;5 y5 ."ere ; and y are

    s%atial %lane coordinates5 and t"e am%litude of f at any %air of coordinates ;5 y

    is called t"e intensity or gray leel of t"e image at t"at %oint,

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    !"ere is no general agreement among aut"ors regarding ."ere image %rocessing

    sto%s and ot"er related areas5 suc" as image analysis and com%uter ision5 start,

    #ometimes a distinction is made /y defining image %rocessing as a disci%line in

    ."ic" /ot" t"e in%ut and out%ut of a %rocess are images, !"is is /elieed to /e a

    limiting and some."at artificial /oundary, 'or e;am%le5 under t"is definition5

    een t"e triial tas@ of com%uting t"e aerage intensity of an image ."ic" yields

    a single num/er .ould not /e considered an image %rocessing o%eration, On t"e

    ot"er "and5 t"ere are fields suc" as com%uter ision5 including learning and /eing

    a/le to ma@e inferences and ta@e actions /ased on isual in%uts, !"is area itself is

    a /ranc" of artificial intelligence $I ."ose o/6ectie is to emulate "uman

    intelligence, !"e field of $I is in its earliest stages of infancy in terms of

    deelo%ment5 .it" %rogress "aing /een muc" t"an originally antici%ated,!"e area of image analysis also called image understanding is in /et.een image

    %rocessing and com%uter ision, )

    !"ere are no clear-cut /oundaries in t"e continuum from image %rocessing at one

    end to com%uter ision at t"e ot"er, ?o.eer5 one useful %aradigm is to consider

    t"ree ty%es of com%uteriAed %rocesses in t"is continuum: lo.-5 mid-5 and "ig"-

    leel %rocesses, !"e logical %lace /et.een image %rocessing and image analysis is

    t"e area of recognition of indiidual regions or o/6ects in an image, !"us5 ."at is

    called t"e digital image %rocessing encom%asses %rocesses ."ose in%uts and

    out%uts are images and5 in addition5 encom%asses %rocesses t"at e;tract

    attri/utes from images5 u% to and including t"e recognition of indiidual o/6ects5

    as a sim%le illustration to clarify t"ese conce%ts5 consider t"e area of automated

    analysis of te;t, !"e %rocess of ac=uiring an image of t"e area containing t"e te;t5

    %re%rocessing t"at image5 e;tracting segmenting t"e indiidual c"aracters5

    descri/ing t"e indiidual c"aracters in a form suita/le for com%uter %rocessing5

    and recogniAing t"ose indiidual c"aracters are in t"e sco%e of ."at is called

    digital image %rocessing in t"is re%ort, )


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    The *uture of Digital Image Processing

    !"e digital Image Processing is no. finding .ide range of uses in differenrt

    modern a%%lications, 'e. of t"em in ."ic" researc"er are trying deelo%ments


    E;%ert #ystems

    Parallel Processing

    eural et.or@s 7

    $nd many more(


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    &"a%ter o, "

    Things "hich "e see are not 'y the#selves "hat "e see (..

    It re#ains co#pletely unkno"n to u

    "hat the o')ects #ay 'e 'y the#selves and

    apart fro# the receptivity of our senses.

    *e kno" nothing 'ut our #anner of perceiving the#.

    Immanual ant

    !"e Origins of Digital ImageProcessing

    +rief history


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    One of t"e first a%%lications of digital images .as in t"e ne.s%a%er industry5

    ."en %ictures .ere first sent /y su/marine ca/le /et.een ondon and e. Cor@,

    Introduction of t"e Bart-lane ca/le %icture transmission system in t"e early

    1*20s reduced t"e time re=uired to trans%ort a %icture across t"e $tlantic from

    more t"an a .ee@ to less t"an t"ree "ours, #%ecialiAed %rinting e=ui%ment coded

    %ictures for ca/le transmission and t"en reconstructed t"em at t"e receiing end,

    !"e first digital %icture .as %roduced in 1*21 from a coded ta%e /y a telegra%"

    %rinter .it" s%ecial ty%e faces,

    *igure ")

    $ digital %icture %roduced in 1*21 from a coded ta%e /y a telegra%" %rinter )

    $fter 1*215 t"e ca%a/ility of coding images .as im%roed ra%idly, ?o.eer5 t"e

    /asis for ."at .e call a modern digital signal %rocessing is due to t"e

    reolutionary inention of t"e digital com%uter, 1

    !"e formal esta/lis"ing of t"e De%artment of Image Processing DIP at t"e

    $stronomical O/seratory of "ar@o ational niersity s"ould /e referred to

    t"e middle of t"e 70-t"s ."ile its origin can /e traced u% to t"e +0-t"s ."en t"e

    first attem%ts to correct t"e errors of %"otometry of %lanetary discs for t"e effects

    of atmos%"eric /lurring "ad /een underta@en at t"e $O ", ust at t"at time

    t"e %ro/lem of seeing t"roug" t"e tur/ulent atmos%"ere /ecame of great

    im%ortance for astronomical studies5 as .ell as for some a%%lied tas@s connected

    .it" t"e international safety monitoring, $s a result5 a great num/er of ne.


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    met"ods to o/tain information a/out t"e fine s%atial structure of astronomical

    o/6ects "ad a%%eared ."ic" stimulated deelo%ment of t"e o/sering and

    %rocessing tec"ni=ue5 and5 t"at is een more im%ortant5 a noticea/le %rogress in

    understanding t"e %ro/lem "as /een ac"ieed,

    *igure #)

    !"e first %icture of t"e oon /y a ,#, spacecraft +angerta@en in 1*+4

    Inestigation of statistical %arameters of t"e atmos%"ere res%onsi/le for t"e

    image degradation .as fulfilled /y t"e DIP staff in 1*74-05 ."ic" "ad "el%ed

    t"em to formulate t"e general strategy to reac" t"e "ig" angular resolution in

    ground-/ased o/serations *,

    $%%lication of interferometeric tec"ni=ue to telesco%ic o/serations /ecame an

    im%ortant ste% in oercoming t"e natural limit of resolution %osed /y t"e

    atmos%"ere, ?o.eer5 all t"ese met"ods needed a rat"er %o.erful image

    %rocessing tec"ni=ue, But at t"at time a digital %rocessing tec"ni=ue could not

    %roide %rocessing of "ig"-informatie astronomical images in a reasona/le time,

    In addition5 no digital lig"t detectors e;isted at t"at time, !"at is ."y a co"erent

    o%tical %rocessor /ecame t"e most natural instrument to fulfill image %rocessing

    in t"e +0-t"s5 ."en t"e first industrial lasers a%%eared,


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    !"e first attem%t to a%%ly a co"erent o%tical deice for %rocessing astronomical

    images .as underta@en at t"e $O " in 1*70, By 1*73 a co"erent o%tical

    %rocessor .it" t"e e;cellent tec"nical %arameters "ad /een created /y t"e efforts

    of t"e DIP staff5 3545 and for long /ecame t"e main instrument for soling a

    .ide range of %ro/lems connected .it" image %rocessing, *

    any of t"e tec"ni=ues of digital image %rocessing5 or digital %icture %rocessing

    as it .as often called5 .ere deelo%ed in t"e 1*+0s at t"e et Pro%ulsion

    a/oratory5I!5Bell a/s5niersity of aryland5 and a fe. ot"er %laces5 .it"

    a%%lication to satellite imagery5 .ire%"oto standards conersion5 medical

    imaging5 ideo%"one5 c"aracter recognition5 and %"oto en"ancement,1But t"e

    cost of %rocessing .as fairly "ig" .it" t"e com%uting e=ui%ment of t"at era, In

    t"e 1*70s5 digital image %rocessing %roliferated5 ."en c"ea%er com%uters and

    dedicated "ard.are /ecame aaila/le, Images could t"en /e %rocessed in real

    time5 for some dedicated %ro/lems suc" as teleision standards conersion, $s

    general-%ur%ose com%uters /ecame faster5 t"ey started to ta@e oer t"e role of

    dedicated "ard.are for all /ut t"e most s%ecialiAed and com%ute-intensie


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    &"a%ter o, #

    There-s #ore to it than #eets the eye.

    F1*t" century %roer/

    !"e Basics of Digital ImageProcessing #ystems


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    *undamental Steps in Digital Image Processing

    !"ere are seeral different ste%s inolced in t"e image %rocessing8 listed a fe.

    of t"em are:

    *igure $)

    'undamental ste%s in digital8 image %rocessing


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    *igure %)

    Im%ortant ste%s inoled in digital image %rocessing


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Image ,nhancement

    Image defects ."ic" could /e caused /y t"e digitiAation %rocess or /y faults in t"e

    imaging set-u% for e;am%le5 /ad lig"ting can /e corrected using Image

    En"ancement tec"ni=ues, 11

    *igure -)

    Image En"ancement and 9estoration

    !"e image at t"e left of 'igure ) "as /een corru%ted /y noise during t"e

    digitiAation %rocess, !"e GcleanG image at t"e rig"t of 'igure ) .as o/tained /y

    a%%lying a median filter to t"e image,

    *igure )

    $d6usting t"e image "istogram to im%roe image contrast


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    $n image .it" %oor contrast5 suc" as t"e one at t"e left of 'igure +5 can /e

    im%roed /y ad6usting t"e image "istogram to %roduce t"e image s"o.n at t"e

    rig"t of 'igure +,

    *igure /)

    &orrecting for a /ac@ground gradient

    Components of an Image Processing System

    $s recently as t"e mid-1*0s5 numerous models of image %rocessing systems

    /eing sold t"roug"out t"e .orld .ere rat"er su/stantial %eri%"eral deices t"at

    attac"ed to e=ually su/stantial "ost com%uters, ate in t"e 1*0s and early in t"e

    1**0s5 t"e mar@et s"ifted to image, 1


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    *igure 0)

    &om%onents of a digital image %rocessing sytem


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    &"a%ter o, $

    or a long ti#e, I li#ited #yself to one color////

    as a for#of discipline.

    Pa/lo Picasso

    $%%lications of Digital Image

    Processing #ystems


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1



    There is a 2ide range of applications of the digital image processing3

    all of 2hich may not be discussed in this short report. That is 2hy 2e

    shall enlist them and discuss only a fe2 in detail in this section later.

    1. &om%uter ision

    2. 'ace detection

    3. 'eature detection

    4. ane de%arture .arning system

    5. on-%"otorealistic rendering

    6. edical image %rocessing

    7. icrosco%e image %rocessing

    8. or%"ological image %rocessing

    9. 9emote sensing13

    Images from 4arious 1pplications

    . ,ngineering

    *igure 5)

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Engineering a%%lication

    ". Medicine 6M7 Image8

    *igure )

    $ edical a%%lication---agnetic resonance imaging

    $ magnetic resonance imaging instrument 9I scanner uses %o.erful magnets

    to %olarise and e;cite "ydrogen nuclei single %roton in .ater molecules in

    "uman tissue5 %roducing a detecta/le signal ."ic" is s%atially encoded resulting

    in images of t"e /ody, In /rief5 9I inoles t"e use of t"ree @inds of

    electromagnetic field: a ery strong of t"e order of units of teslas static magnetic

    field to %olariAe t"e "ydrogen nuclei5 called t"e static field8 a .ea@er time-arying

    of t"e order of 1 @?A for s%atial encoding5 called t"e gradient fields8 and a

    .ea@radio-fre=uency 9' field for mani%ulation of t"e "ydrogen nuclei to

    %roduce measura/le signals5 collected t"roug" an9' antenna,

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    *igure ")

    P"otogra%"y and Digital Image Processing

    *igure #)

    Digital Image Processing in $stronomy


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    *igure $)

    'ingure Prints Detection

    *igure %)

    icense Plate 9eaders


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Digital camera images

    Digital cameras generally include dedicated digital image %rocessing c"i%s to

    conert t"e ra. data from t"e image sensor into a color-corrected image in a

    standard image file format, Images from digital cameras often receie furt"er

    %rocessing to im%roe t"eir =uality5 a distinct adantage digital cameras "ae

    oer film cameras, !"e digital image %rocessing is ty%ically done /y s%ecial

    soft.are %rograms t"at can mani%ulate t"e images in many .ays, 12

    Computer vision

    Computer vision is t"e science and tec"nology of mac"ines t"at see, $s a

    scientific disci%line5 com%uter ision is concerned .it" t"e t"eory for /uilding

    artificial systems t"at o/tain information from images, !"e image data can ta@e

    many forms5 suc" as a ideo se=uence5 ie.s from multi%le cameras5 or multi-

    dimensional data from a medical scanner,

    $s a tec"nological disci%line5 com%uter ision see@s to a%%ly t"e t"eories and

    models of com%uter ision to t"e construction of com%uter ision systems,

    E;am%les of a%%lications of com%uter ision systems include systems for:

    &ontrolling %rocesses e,g, an industrial ro/otor an autonomous e"icle,

    Detecting eents e,g, for isual sureillance or%eo%le counting,

    OrganiAing information e,g, for inde;ing data/ases of images and image


    odeling o/6ects or enironments e,g, industrial ins%ection5 medical

    image analysis or to%ogra%"ical modeling,

    Interaction e,g, as t"e in%ut to a deice for com%uter-"uman interaction,

    1nimal Trac9ing

    In order to collect s%atial information a/out an animalGs moement /y means of

    digital image %rocessing tec"ni=ues t"e information "as to /e collected

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    se=uentially, !"is can /e ac"ieed /y analyAing su/se=uent image frames of a

    digitiAed ideo, By means of e;tracting t"e H- and C- coordinates re%resenting

    t"e %osition of a mouse for eac" indiidual image frame5 t"e %at" can /e

    measured, Ideally5 time as an additional information5 s"ould /e included, If t"e

    images are ca%tured and analyAed at a constant framerate or5 alternatiely5 t"e

    e;act time for eac" coordinate %air is e;tracted simultaneously5 alua/le

    information li@e s%eed5 sto%s5 etc, can /e calculated from t"e data, !al@ing a/out

    timelines5 it "as to /e noted t"at de%ending u%on t"e framerate time resolution

    t"e total %at"lengt" may ary to a great e;tend,

    *igure -)

    $ mouse is digitiAed to c"ec@ its moements 13

    Medical imaging

    edical imaging refers to t"e tec"ni=ues and %rocesses used to create imagesof

    t"e "uman /ody or %arts t"ereof for clinical %ur%oses medical %rocedures

    see@ing to reeal5 diagnoseor e;amine disease or medical science including t"e

    study of normalanatomyand %"ysiology,

    $s a disci%line and in its .idest sense5 it is %art of /iological imaging and

    incor%orates radiology in t"e .ider sense5 radiological sciences5 endosco%y5

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    medical t"ermogra%"y5 medical %"otogra%"y and microsco%ye,g, for "uman

    %at"ological inestigations,

    easurement and recording tec"ni=ues ."ic" are not %rimarily designed to

    %roduce images5 suc" as electroence%"alogra%"y EE and

    magnetoence%"alogra%"yE and ot"ers5 /ut ."ic" %roduce data susce%ti/le

    to /e re%resented asma%si,e, containing %ositional information5 can /e seen as

    forms of medical imaging, 14

    ,lectron microscopy

    !"e electron microsco%e is a microsco%e t"at can magnify ery small details .it"

    "ig" resoling due to t"e use of electrons as t"e source of illumination5

    magnifying at leels u% to 250005000 times,

    Electron microsco%y is em%loyed in anatomic %at"ology to identify organelles

    .it"in t"e cells, Its usefulness "as /een greatly reduced /y immun"istoc"emistry

    /ut it is still irre%lacea/le for t"e diagnosis of @idney disease5 identification of

    immotile cilia syndrome and many ot"er tas@s


    'luorosco%y %roduces real-time images of internal structures of t"e /ody in a

    similar fas"ion to radiogra%"y5 /ut em%loys a constant in%ut of ; rays5 at a

    dose rate, &ontrast media5 suc" as /arium5 iodine5 and air are used to isualiAe

    internal organs as t"ey .or@, 'luorosco%y is also used in image-guided

    %rocedures ."en constant feed/ac@ during a %rocedure is re=uired, $n image

    rece%tor is re=uired to conert t"e radiation into an image after it "as %assed

    t"roug" t"e area of interest, Early on t"is .as a fluorescing screen5 ."ic" gae

    .ay to an Image $m%lifier I$ ."ic" .as a large acuum tu/e t"at "ad t"e

    receiing end coated .it" cesium iodide5 and a mirror at t"e o%%osite end,

    Eentually t"e mirror .as re%laced .it" a !> camera,

  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    Nuclear medicine

    Images from gamma camerasare used in nuclear medicine to detect regions of

    /iological actiity t"at are often associated .it" diseases, $ s"ort lied isoto%e5

    suc" as 123I is administered to t"e %atient, !"ese isoto%es are more readily

    a/sor/ed /y /iologically actie regions of t"e /ody5 suc" as tumors or fracture

    %oints in /ones,

    Pro:ection radiography

    9adiogra%"s5 more commonly @no.n as ;-rays5 are often used to determine t"e

    ty%e and e;tent of a fracture as .ell as for detecting %at"ological c"anges in t"e


  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    &"a%ter o, %

    *hen so#ething can 'e read "ithout effort,

    0reat effort has gone into its "riting.

    Enri1ue 2ardiel 3oncela



  • 8/11/2019 Barron Lectura 1


    1. en,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJImage

    2. "tt%:JJ...,/ores,comJcoursesJintroJ/asicsJ1K."atis,"tm

    3. en,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJDigital image %rocessing

    4. "tt%:JJ.e/,uct,ac,AaJde%tsJ%"ysicsJlaserJ"an/uryJintroKi%,"tml

    5. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods. Digital !age "#o$essing. "ea#son

    Ed%$ation.Ele&ent' ndian Re(#int) 2005.

    6. "tt%:JJs"o.,doc6aa,com:0+J/oo@Ji%i6Jc")J"tmlJc")Kt,"tm

    7. "tt%:JJ...,r-s-c-c,orgJrsccJ3,"tml

    , c'arlane

    9. "tt%:JJ...,astron,@"ar@o,uaJdi%J/rief,"tm

    10. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJDigitalKimageK%rocessing

    11. "tt%:JJ.e/,uct,ac,AaJde%tsJ%"ysicsJlaserJ"an/uryJintroKi%,"tml

    12. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJDigitalKimageK%rocessingL$%%lications

    13. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJImageK%rocessingL$%%lications

    14. "tt%:JJ...,%"enoty%ing,deJdigital,"tml

    15. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJedicalKImageKProcessing

    16. Er"ardt- 'erron, Theory and Applications of %igital I#age 3rocessing.

    niersity of $%%lied #ciences5 Offen/urg,

    17. "tt%:JJen,.i@i%edia,orgJ.i@iJedicalKimageK%rocessing
