basel chronicles english - ubmc

BASEL CHRONICLES LOCKDOWN NOT KNOCKDOWN 09 SCRIPTURE AND SCIENCE TODAY 12 THEOLOGY TODAY 06 LEAD TODAY ISSUE 01 Augus 2020 The United Basel Mission Church Council, Mumbai The foundation of Christian faith is Cross. Science is the human beings research in God's creation Don't pause and give up, Stay Focused, Stay Positive and start moving.

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ISSUE 01Augus� 2020

The United Basel Mission Church Council, Mumbai

The foundation

of Christian faith

is Cross.

Science is the

human beings

research in

God's creation

Don't pause and

give up, Stay Focused,

Stay Positive and

start moving.

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UBMC Office Bearers' Desk

Theology Today

Scripture and Science Today

Lead Today


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Pastors Desk

Revolutionary Missionaries

‘Makarios’ - You are Blessed

‘Parousia’ - Coming of Christ

Church Update







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PRESIDENT: Vishal Shiri


SECRETARY: Mable Soans


TREASURER: Samuel Richard Soans



EDITOR: Pas. Vinod Issac

Rev. Jayanth Roch

Rev. Samson Balmi

Pas. Freny Issac


Pas. Freny Issac

Rev. Samson Balmi

Rev. Samuel Tatigiri


Rev. Jayanth Roch


Sarala Bijapurkar

Merwyn Samson

Suzanne Karkada


Pas. Freny Issac

Pas. Vinod Issac


Rev. Jayanth Roch

Shaila Soans

Suzanne Karkada


BASEL CHRONICLESThe purpose and missionof this magazine is to proclaim the Word of God, all over theworld, and to empower us allspiritually.

Joel Soans

Selwyn Jathanna

Sherwin Mathias

Reema Pandya

Stef Alwa

Victoria Gill


Ansty Karkada

Allwin Karkada

Ancy Johnas

Sneha Bangera

Pas. Vinod Issac


Ansty Karkada

All rights reserved. This magazine or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without priorwritten permission of the publisher, except as provided by Indian copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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n behalf of the UBMC Ocouncil office bearers and the edi tor ia l board,

it brings me immense joy and pleasure in introducing our new magazine . This "Basel Chronicles"e-Magazine will be published once in 2 months, star�ng August 2020.

The theme for the magazine which is going to be released in the month o f August i s “Lockdown not Knockdown”. Considering the present context in mind the Editorial department of UBMCC decided to keep the present theme. The magazine with the theme “Lockdown not Knockdown” is based on the prevalent pandemic situa�on which has caused the whole world to suffer from the unexpected, unpredictable, and irresis�ble virus. The writers through their various ar�cles in this digital e-magazine, aim to strengthen the

hearts and minds of the people to bring God's words of hope and assurance.

The ar�cles are focussed on the pandemic condi�on and the Chris�an Faith during the pandemic. This magazine includes contents such as; UBMCC Office Bearers Desk: This ar�cle includes the encouraging words to walk in Faith and Hope in this cri�cal condi�on through understanding the Biblical incidents. Theology Today: To understand God's word deeply through theology which explains about the present situa�on; Scripture and Science Today: It explains of how our Scriptures relate to Science and proves with answers and the Ul�mate Authority of God; Lead Today: Through this, we aspire to build up leaders imbibed w i t h l e a d e r s h i p q u a l i � e s ; Transformers (Miss ion and Ministry today): The main thing of

EDITORIALPastor Vinod Issac

UBM Christa Mahima Church- Vasai, Mumbai


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the �me - the Missio Dei (Mission of God) that has to be followed in every situa�on and con�nuously observed; Revolu�onary Mission-aries: To understand the work of the

Missionaries and to mo�vate people to be the Mission-aries of God in various fields according to God's calling. Pastors Desk: This ar�cle gives courage and hope in this hopeless situa�on. 'MAKARIOS' –You are Blessed: This ar�cle is to bring hope to the people who are living in fear and distress; 'PAROUSIA' – The Coming of The Lord: Through this ar�cle, the writer aims to help people to prepare for the coming of the Lord by understanding the signs of the �mes. The contents are focused mainly to enrich people's Faith on God and to help them in trus�ng God in all circumstances, even to overcome their fears through the words and promises of God. To have a wider coverage besides helping people to read the ar�cles in their own languages and understand its deeper meanings, we are publishing this e-magazine in three languages viz. Kannada, English and in Hindi.

This e-magazine not only publishes

ar�cles, but as it is an in-house ‘Basel Chronicles’, brings church updates of last 3 months besides keeping the congrega�on abreast of the various events and ac�vi�es.

During this lockdown period, the UBMC Council has been frui�ul in conduc�ng Online Worship Services, various ac�vi�es and compe��ons like: Dare to Shine – Drawing and Essay compe��on; Dare to Shine 2.0 – Music and Singing compe��on; Youth conference; Women's conference, Working Professionals webinar, Virtual V.B.S and Sunday School for children and also promo�ng worship services in Hindi. The magazine brings out all the updates of these various ac�vi�es and of upcoming programs and also includes Fun - games.

The main purpose of this magazine is to emphasize the importance of carrying out the mission. The digital e-magazine is going to reach out not only to all our UBMCC members, but also neighbors, friends in Mumbai, Maha-rashtra, all over India and across the World with its enriching contents and also through suppor�ve languages.

The main emphasis is every person is of importance to God. We have the responsibility and opportunity to share the truth that we have tasted with others and give them a new hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. May God help us in using this digital e-pla�orm to take His love to every house and to every person individually.



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Mr. Vishal Shiri

President, UBMCC- Mumbai

Gree�ngs to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Dear Basel Mission m e m b e r s , a n n o u n c i n g w i t h immense pleasure that we will be introducing our “Basel Chronicles”new e- magazine.

The last 5 months of 2020 has been very tough and difficult one for each of us. There is not a single person who has not been directly or indirectly impacted due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have been subjected to so much of nega�vity all around us, that has led to emo�onal, mental and physical stress.

The restric�ve environment that is around us is not conducive to socializing with families, friends and most importantly our church, for more than 5 months now. The

lockdown has imposed several re st r i c � o n s i n c l u d i n g s o c i a l distancing that has kept us away from Church, thereby depriving us of too. spiritual manna

So, during these �mes of LOCK DOWN are you KNOCKED DOWN? Though it might feel at �mes that Lockdown has led to knocking down of our spirits, if it is so, I would like to take you to the book of Genesis where Godcommanded Noah to build an Ark. We know how Noah and his family a l o n g w i t h va r i o u s a n i m a l s , birds and creatures were self-

quaran�ned. Right from the �me Noah was asked by God to build an Ark un�l the last day when he abandoned the Ark, he never ques�oned the command of God. Couple of things we need to reflect from the story of Noah that bears resemblance to the current pandemic situa�on.




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God endowed Noah with “skills” required to manage the situa�on. He wasn't a professional Ship Builder, but he prepared the Largest Vessel that mankind had ever witnessed in those days.

Despite the trials and pains of following God's command, Noah “trusted” in God and in God's plan for his people.

Noah was “pa�ent” and con�nued to “pray”, inspite of uncertain�es of the dura�on of the Flood.

During this Lockdown, we need to con�nue to God who “trust”equips us with to take on “skills”these troubling �mes. And be “pa�ent” “prayerful” and as our God is a prayer answering God. H ow m a ny � m e s i n l i fe we find ourselves passing through challenging periods during which we have li�le or no insight of what God is doing? And how many �mes are we tempted to think that no end is in sight to our trials and troubles? One of the most difficult test we face as Chris�ans is accep�ng without ques�on the �ming of God. Jeremiah Chapter 33:3 says “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and

unsearchable things you do not know.”

During this pandemic, the weakness of our flesh and the limita�ons of our judgement can create barriers that prevent us from being with God. But as the story of Noah teaches—God always has a purpose and plan for whatever He ordains for us. Just because many days or weeks or even months pass with this pain of pandemic, there is no reason to conclude that God has lost control or that He has been distracted or forgo�en you.

We must remember that God's �ming is not subject to our percep�ons. God only appoints and accomplishes that which is Perfect for You. Therefore, even during this Lockdown, we as Chris�an brothers and sisters shouldn't be Knocked Down, for our peace comes from our convic�on that all our hours, days, months, years, and circumstances are held with tenderness and love in the hands of our heavenly Father for whom a thousand years is as a day. God bless you. Stay Safe….. Amen






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During this LOCKDOWN are we really KNOCKED DOWN?

God always has a purpose and plan for whatever He ordains for us.

God’s timing is not subject to our perceptions.



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Rev. Dr. H. M. WatsonPrincipal, Professor, Systematic Theology,Karnataka Theological Collage, Balmatta, Mangalore

oday we live in a state of fear Tand anxiety and this is due to covid19. We all are affected by

it. Our life has become more unsafe and unsecure. We have become cap�ves and prisoners. We are suffering in different ways. We are deprived of many things including our religious l ife and interpersonal rela�onship. In this context how we understand God and how our faith in Jesus comes to our rescue?

thDuring 17-18 century science and technology brought tremendous changes in human thinking and world view in the Western world. Human being started to think themselves as the owners and they asserted that human being is able to achieve what he/she wants, because they are basically good. But World War I served as a turning point in faith and theological thinking. It hurled a ques�on mark against confidence in the onward and upward progress of

human civiliza�on. Human nature and achievements had come to appear far more ambiguous than the progressive hope of human achievements.

Similar situa�on is found a�er almost one century. Today the whole world is in the similar situa�on of the then Western world. The modern controlling principles of capitalism, materialism, consumerism and market-oriented globaliza�on have become the governing principles of human life. Tremendous progress in human knowledge due to science, technology and knowledge has led us to forget the Creator. God became un-necessary and un-wanted en�ty. Human beings' behavior and a�tude indicate that they can do anything as they wish and control not only our world but also the whole universe. That is why we have on the verge of occupying even other spaces. We have reached the peak of human ego and selfishness.

Covid - 19: A Theological Response


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On the other hand they have shaped our faith and theology also. Many of us are carried away by t r i u m p h a l i s m a n d p ro s p e ro u s theology. Comforts, success, wealth, power etc. are seen as the symbol of God's blessings. God's blessings are reduced to material benefits and possession. God has become an “ATM machine.” Giving has become an investment. But Covid19 came as a challenge to such world view and faith in both secular and religious spheres. It is already more than six months and humans are not able even to get a clue of this epidemic. In spite of our advance in science and medical field we are not able to find any solu�on. The epidemic has gone out of control, even in the countries which are considered a dreamland or heaven for many of us. Great theologian and a reformer Dr. Mar�n Luther King in his book God is Able has clearly said that only God is able and all our efforts and work result in vain unless they are guided by God. But the important ques�on is who is God for us? The present epidemic has challenged us to find the real God in the midst of human made gods. It is true that humans do not learn from history. We consider Bible as our sacred Scripture and indeed it is so. But for many of us it is an idle and ideal, not Gods ac�ve word which

shapes and molds our life. Here I would like to narrate two stories from the Old Testament. First, the story of the flood. Flood came as a result of human ac�vi�es, and because of human beings God's precious crea�on is affected, in fact, destroyed. We need to take note from this story that only human beings out of all God's crea�on are the cause of sin and destruc�on. It is true throughout history. Second we read about the 10 plagues that God has sent to Egyp�ans. These plagues came as a warning and punishment for the oppressors and as libera�on for the oppressed.

With this background how do we understand covid19? ● Only God who is the creator is able. We need to depend on God for our being. We cannot survive without God. As one of the great theologians said, “God is the ground of our being.”

● Only God the creator is all powerful and able. Our life become meaningless and threatened if we do not depend on him for our existence.

● Human beings are basically sinners, helpless and weak and are in need of the Healer.

● Life is more that food and body is more than clothing (Mt.6:25).


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The founda�on of Chris�an faith is Cross. In 1 Cor. 1:18 Paul says that the cross is the power of God to us who are being saved. The cross indicates that God suffered for us and with us in our sufferings. Those who suffer without specific reason are not abandoned by God. In their cry in suffering they share the fate of Jesus. The cross indicates the representa�ve character of Jesus' suffering. Let us take the challenges of this epidemic

into our mind and respond as faithful servants of Jesus Christ with our responsibility towards him, nature and our fellow-being.

The foundation of Christian faith is Cross.

God is able and all our efforts and work result in vain unless they areguided by God.

Our life becomes meaningless and threatened if we do not depend onhim for our existence.



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Pranay Bin Hiyal, B.A., B.D., M.Th., (D.Th.)Associate Professor, Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, M. P.

The most important interac�on between scripture and science is that scripture can provide at least some of the essen�al beliefs about the natural world on which modern science is based. God created the world and gave each par�cle the proper�es which determine its movements and its interac�ons with other par�cles un�l the end of �me. Without this modern science could not exist.

Christ's ascension into heaven and descent into hell implies that heaven is up in the sky and hell, in the bowels of the earth. Behind this is the geocentric world of with Aristotle and Ptolemy,the central earth surrounded by the spheres of the planets and the stars, surmounted by the empyrean realm. Scripture speaks of the sun standing s�ll, implying that normally it moves around the earth so that scripture

supports the and geocentric theorynot the . The heliocentric theorypassage most o�en quoted is from the book of Joshua (10: 12–13): 'The sun stood s�ll in the middle of the sky and delayed its se�ng for almost the whole of the day.' When a theologian has expressed the truth of his faith in the context of the current world view, he can easily come to see a threat to that world view as a threat to his scripture and react accordingly.

Such problems raise the ques�on of the correct way to interpret the Bible. Those who hold that the surface meaning is true; they have diffi-cul�es when it appears to say some-thing contrary to the results of scien�fic research. Subsequently, a�er centuries, laid down some Augus�neprinciples that have been followed and developed. In this view, it is accepted that the Bible is true, which means that it is true in the sense intended by God, which may or may

Interac�on between Scripture and Science Today


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not be the surface or bare meaning of the words. The Bible is given to us for our salva�on, not to teach us things about the world that we can find out by ourselves, and o�en uses expressions adapted to the minds of its readers. This is obvious when it speaks of God's right hand, or God walking in the garden. It is also true when it adopts modes of common speech, as when it speaks of the rising and se�ng of the sun. God is the author of the Bible and the book of nature, and so we should expect both of them not only to be true but consistent and congruent with each other. We can expect them to cohere into a unified view, without a detailed concordance. The Bible does not concern itself with the details of the physical world. There exist two realms of knowledge, one that has its source in revela�on and one that reason can discover by its power. The methodologies proper to each make it possible to bring out different aspects of reality.

There are many Chris�ans, who hold that the Bible is true in the direct verbal sense of the words. People argue strongly for or against a certain posi�on on purely scien�fic grounds, but their mo�va�on comes from en�rely different considera�ons. Very o�en scien�fic theories are opposed, on scien�fic grounds, by people who are much more concerned with the

possible theological implica�ons, real or imagined, of that theory. Scien�fic problems must be tackled by scien�fic methods; it is only when this is done that it is legi�mate to discuss implica�ons. Scien�fic advances may well be ini�ated or s�mulated by theological or philosophical beliefs, but they must be assessed solely by scien�fic criteria.

Another thing that needs to be considered that does science leads to faith? To what extent can it be said that science implies, teaches or leads us to the acceptance of theological truths? At the simplest level, contem-pla�on of mountains or the starry heavens has led many directly to God. The Psalmist declares that the 'heavens show forth the glory of the Lord.' Similarly, the intricate design of the natural world, from the symmetries of plants to the compli-cated interac�ng life cycles of plants and animals, can convince us that it all must have had a designer. The natural world as providing symbols of spiritual truths since the natural world was invested with layers of meaning that we should try to discover to enhance our spiritual life.

To sum up, the principal interac�on between scripture and science is that scripture provides several of the beliefs on which science is based. On


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that basis, science can develop in accord with its internal nature, without any further influences or external constraints. In par�cular, the detailed progress of science cannot be guided by theologians or by church decrees. But they need to be complemen�ng each other to serve the lives of people. Many have emphasized the freedom of science to search for the truth, so that basic research must be free concerning poli�cal and economic authori�es, which must co-operate in its develop-ment, without hampering its crea�vity or having to serve their purposes. Like any other truth, scien�fic truth is answerable only to itself and to the supreme truth, God, the creator of human and all things. Certainly, science can enhance our apprecia�on of the wonders of crea�on, but that wonder is not different from what we

feel when we look around us. It is also possible that science provides new concepts and ways of thought useful to understand our scripture.

In this present scenario the ques�on of the pandemic turns our minds to two different direc�ons: Is the pandemic a Divine Curse or act, or it is a natural disaster. The thing is nature is from God, and the happen-ings in the nature is in Divine's control. The science is the human beings research on God's crea�on thus they cannot achieve fully, and the process of scien�fic inven�on is s�ll ON even a�er thousands of years.

Science can provide many truths regarding each and every par�cle of the Universe, but the ul�mate Truth is God is the Creator.

Those who hold that the surface meaning is true; they have difculties whenit appears to say something contrary to the results of scientic research.

The supreme truth, God, the creator of human and all things.

Scientic problems must be tackled by scientic methods.



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he first half of 2020 hasn't been Twhat anyone expected. Things have changed for all of us, and

we’re entering into a new normal—a day-to-day life that most of us have never seen before. We’re working and schooling from home, minimizing our trips out of the house, trying to figure out what our next steps will be. These are unprecedented �mes. An unexpected crisis hits and you’re a leader. What should you do? Where should you start?

Three ques�ons each of us should be asking every day during this COVID-19 crisis:1. How will I use this situa�on to get be�er every day?

2. How will I use this situa�on to help other people?

3. What ac�on will I take to improve my situa�on?

Dealing with The Plague of Our Time: Applying lessons learned from Passover

Focusing is difficult. It takes effort, strength and determina�on to stay focused and achieve goals. People in Israel Stayed focused in Preparing and Celebra�ng Passover. They didn’t focus on Death but on Life (Exodus 12:11-19 & 28). You need to be inten�onal about what you want to accomplish rather focusing on Covid-19. Keep your focus on the Promise of God, by believing and declaring over the power of darkness. What you focus on, it expands!

What we think determines what we see and do, so we need to be very inten�onal about staying posi�ve during this �me. People of Israel saw the wrath of God on the na�on of Egypt (read but not Exodus 9 to 10),affec�ng the place where they lived in “Goshen”. Now YESHUA was giving a command to be Posi�ve in preparing


Rev. Dr Samuel ShalomFounder of Kingdom Mind Ministries and Kshama Media, Mysore, Karnataka

1. Stay Focused

2. Stay Posi�ve


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and celebra�ng ‘Passover.’ You may be going through a difficult �me right now, but it’s not the end. It’s only the beginning, but if you’l l keep a powerful posi�ve perspec�ve, you will see new beginning and breakthrough in midst of Covid 19.

Be encouraged today because when you submit your life to the Lord, He promises to go before you. He is preparing a way for you. Today, cul�vate a powerful posi�ve perspec�ve.

Moving Forward is an Imagina�on. It’s an Act of Faith and produces results. Pharaoh and Egyp�ans (Exodus 12:31,) allowed Israel quickly to flee from their land. Today the Holy Spirit is

teaching a lesson, on that night People of Israel instead of focusing on Death, Crisis and Situa�on, they started moving We are (Read Exodus 12:34). going through a season where we are experiencing unexpected d isappointments , brokenness , loneliness, lost beloved ones, losing jobs and financial crisis due to the global effect. Don’t pause and give up, Stay Focused, Stay Posi�ve and start moving.

Remember—stay focused, stay posi�ve, and Start Moving. These will give you the trac�on you need to defeat the distrac�ons around you.

You need to be intentional about what you want to accomplish rather focusing

on Covid-19

If you'll keep a powerful positive perspective, you will see new beginning and

breakthrough in midst of Covid 19.

Don't pause and give up, Stay Focused, Stay Positive and start moving.

3. Start Moving



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Dr. Hansel Fredrick Karkada

Founder of Co-workers Ministry & Missionary - Mumbai

Most of us think of ministry as a work done by Pastors, Missionaries, Chris�an conference Speakers, or Evangelists. We rarely think of work done by corporate workers or homemakers. We typically believe that those who get appointed from a church or other Chris�an organiza�on are the ones who “do” ministry, while the rest of us are those to whom ministry is “done.” We want to expand your vision of ministry so that you come to view all you do, regardless of your occupa�on, as what it can and ought to be—ministry that glorifies God and influences.

The great reformer Mar�n Luther understood that ministry is more than just work done by Pr iesthood community. The defini�on of ministry is “the faithful service of God's people rendered unto God and others on His behalf to bring Him glory, build up His church, and reach out to the world.” When the Messiah gave a Mission to his disciples to preach his message to the world, he made them Ministers of

that message. If we do not properly understand

the ministry, we may not encourage, support, and respect it, nor par�cipate in it as we should. Paul, in Colossians tells us, directly and indirectly, some important things about this ministry.

When we talk of "Ministers" in the church, we should always think of servants. When we talk of "ministry" we should be thinking of serving. The people of the church do not serve the Ministers, but the Ministers serve the people.

In the same way, the message is not something that belongs to the Minister, it is something that belongs to the world and which the Minister must deliver to the world as the servant of Christ.

In Colossians, Paul men�ons many of the marks that characterise a true Minister and his ministry. To be sure, some of these apply to all Chris�ans in general, but then all Chris�ans are

Mission and Ministry Today


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- ministers to some extent, and to whatever degree one is a Minister of the Gospel, one must a�ain to the high standard set by the Lord. A Chris�an has the authority to preach the Chris�an faith. The mission of God flows directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus. To obstruct this, is to block God's purposes in and through God's people.Peters states that the Bible claims the end result of such mission is the glorifica�on of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The primary mission of Jesus Christ as stated in Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour.”

The mission of the church in reality is, a con�nua�on of Christ's earthly ministry . Jesus viewed (John 14:12)that redeeming people's souls was His whole purpose for coming to the earth. "For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost" (Ma�. 18:11). And in turn, He imparted this same objec�ve to His disciples. He said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Ma�. 4:19). The Apostle Paul later confirmed that the

ministry of bringing people to God has been imparted to all those who have been brought to Him (the church). He wrote, "God... has reconciled us to H i m s e l f t h ro u g h J e s u s C h r i s t and has given us the ministry of reconcilia�on" It is the (2 Cor. 5:18). purpose of every believer, not only Pastors and clergymen, to bring souls to Jesus Christ.

Mission refers to the idea of missionary work, where Chris�ans travel to an area to provide aid or educa�on. Evangelism is the prac�ce of spreading the Chris�an belief in salva�on. Some Chris�ans feel that they should take on this role as they believe that they can help people to discover their real purpose in life. While some evangelists tell people directly about God, others try to show God's love through their ac�ons.

So, then we have to ask what Christ's mission is. And indeed it is to proclaim the Gospel. Jesus did do that, and he demonstrated by his acts what the way out looked like, and then he became the way out.



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The purposes of the Church are Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Mission and that they are derived from the Great Commandment (Ma�hew 22:37–40) and the Great Commission (Ma�hew 28:19–20).

Another important mission of the church by means of its Ministers, is to strengthen the body of believers and equip them for works of ministry. The church should be an atmosphere of spiritual edifica�on, where God's Word is taught, where believers are grounded, discipled, and led toward

maturity. This not only serves to anchor their faith in Christ but prepares them for service. According to God's plan, each member of the body of Christ is called to serve in some aspect of ministry (Rom. 12:6, 1Cor. 12:14-31), especially as it pertains toward bringing souls to Christ (2 Cor. 5:17)

The mission of the church is the mission of Christ because the church is Christ.

When we talk of "Ministers" in the church, we should always think of servants.

The mission of the church in reality is, a continuation of Christ's earthly ministry.

According to God's plan, each member of the body of Christ is called to serve

in some aspect of ministry.



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ays have become danger-Dous. People are seized with panic syndromes. Innumer-

able have perished. Human body is exposed to every sort of peril. The infamous Covid-19 virus popularly known as ‘Corona Virus’ has shaken the world prac�cally to its very founda�on. It has caused despair and doubts of the future, making everyone paranoid of danger and death. This has also become a real challenge to the leaders of the na�ons.

Ques�ons rise in a world now seized with an iron grasp of perplex-ity. ‘How to deal with the pan-demic? What could be the solu�on for this present scenario? How to safeguard the na�on and people who is the wealth of the na�on?’ It has caused a colossal impact on Thinkers, Philosophers, Economists, Scien�sts, Doctors, Historians, Poli�cians, Spiritual leaders, and

even ordinary ci�zens.

Since this is a non-therapeu�c Virus which proved to be contagious of an extremely high order, it was only logical that the concerned authori�es declare a na�onwide hard lockdown. This lockdown is the first of its kind seen and experienced by our genera�on. But unfortu-nately, the lockdown could not resolve the problem, but only brought temporary reprieve.

Though the imposed lockdown may have controlled the spread of the virus, it created many adverse issues. Along with Covid-19 infected pa�ents, many others died with hunger and thirst. Migrant laborers fleeing the city, could not find proper shelter, sani�za�on, nor could they observe social distanc-ing. Lockdown has created many financial crises, job losses, no social connec�ons, no family �es.


Rev. Samuel Tatigiri

UBM Christha Shanti Church- Marol, Mumbai



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Life’s important occasions have been cancelled. Deceased’s own family members could not a�end funerals. Many experience the agony of loneliness. Churches, Cha-pels, Mandirs, Mosques etc. are shut down for months. Unexpected and unimaginable things are taking place. This has led many to wonder and exclaim “Alas what kind of days have come upon us!”

Seeing all these pangs of distress and miseries unleashed, few have started ques�oning God’s Author-ity, Sovereignty and His love. Can the Just, Righteous and a Loving God permit all these things to happen? Why has the world to suffer for someone else’s mistake? Where is God while all these things are hap-pening? Does it please God to see the death of human beings? Since answers seem to evade these ques-�ons, some people ul�mately feel jus�fied in concluding that “God does not exist!”

Some people feel that this pan-demic is a big lesson for mankind. Others are of the opinion that it is a �me for humans to introspect about themselves. There is also a feeling that it has helped to overcome our selfishness, ego, pride, and other immoral things inside us. Many spiritual leaders conclude that all these are fulfillment of God’s plans. Chris�ans quoted many Bible verses saying that it is the fulfillment of God’s prophesies and that Lockdown, quaran�ne, and social distancing are Biblical.

Through all the prevalent chaos and turmoil, we find ourselves clinging to a lingering hope in us, to hold on to dear life facing all the trials, and to keep believing in a be�er tomorrow. Though we do not have a guarantee of even seeing a tomorrow, we persist hoping for things. We s�ll make plans for an insecure tomorrow. It is believed ‘Hope has scope’.


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“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” says the Bible at During Isaiah’s Isaiah Ch.40: 31.�me, people of God had lost hope in the Lord due to their condi�on of exile. Many evil thoughts were rising in their minds. Many gave up on God. In that �me Isaiah comforts them with the promised assurance “they that wait upon the Lord will renew strength”. The measure of our comfort will always be the mea-sure of our confidence in the Lord. Isaiah reminds the human life is a warfare. It is evil to think bad about God in �mes of adversity. God alone should be our ul�mate hope in our en�re crisis.

The book of Hebrews at Ch.6: 19 clearly indicates “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanc-tuary behind the curtain.” Accord-ing to this verse, though we are tossed by the waves of trouble,

hope in the Lord gives us stability. In Romans Ch.5, Paul made a chal-lenging observa�on that Chris�ans can see suffering as a cause for rejoicing. It does not mean we should be happy with the pandemic. But such sufferings are worthwhile. Suffering produces endurance, a deeper trust in God. This produces character. That in turn produces hope. He concludes that hope will not disappoint us. In Romans 8: 28 Paul says, “All things work together for the be�erment of those who love Him.”

Bible is a It is a ‘Book of Hope’.Light unto our path in a dark world. It is an Oasis in a desert-like life, which hope Paul con�nues to say at 2cor..4: 8-9 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, but not despair, persecuted but not forsaken, Corstruck down but not destroyed”. Wow what an amazing thought!



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With such a faith and hope in Christ, we can never ever be disap-pointed. We can use every situa�on as an opportunity to spread the Love of God. In order to achieve these, we could conduct a meaning-ful, spirit lead VBS on the theme ‘MA419’ for children, ‘Celebrate Life’ for youth, ‘Fear not you are not alone’ for women and ‘You fed me’ for poor and needy through out-reach wing. As followers of Christ, we all turned as good Samaritans in our own way. We stood with the needy. With this, it is our experience that we are in “lockdown not knockdown” condi�on. What makes us so special is the signature of God over our lives. He has engraved us on His palms and has plans for us to give us a Hope in a

secure future. Therefore, let us dare enough to say like the psalmist as Psalm 42: 5 “why are you down-cast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet Praise him, my savior and my God”.

True safety and security are not ensured by just staying at home, but it does come from staying in connec-�on with God. Stay connected to Him and stay Blessed un�l his return. We have this highest hope that when He comes, all our sor-rows, pain and sufferings will be replaced by joy and happiness which will last eternally.


‘Hope has scope’.

we are in “lockdown not knockdown”

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength”




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i l l iam Ward a Bap�st Wmissionary was born on October 20, 1769. Ward

was a great Author, Printer, and a Translator. He was one of the founder members of the Serampore Mission in India along with William Carey and Rev. Joshua Marshman. These three were famous and were popularly known as the Ward, 'Serampore Trio'.Will iam Carey and Rev. Joshua Marshman together set up the Serampore University.

Having a passion for wri�ng, Ward wrote several books, sonnets, and short poems. Among the many books

he wrote, some of the notable wri�ngs are:“Account of the wri�ngs, Religion, and Manners of the Hindoos", "Brief memoir of Krishna-Pal, the first Hindoo, in Bengal, who broke the chain of the Cast by embracing the Gospel”, etc.

He was the founder of Prin�ng Press in India and devoted his mission completely towards prin�ng. He translated the Chris�an Bible into Bengali, Marathi, Tamil and 23 other languages. Not only did he print the Bible, he also printed books of other religions, poems etc.



Pastor John ElizerUBM Church Mumbai

William Ward

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Whenever he could get a respite from his prin�ng work, he would go to the nearby villages with a Bible in his hands to preach the Word of God. Rev. Joshua Marshman couldn't help but empha�cally say that "brother Ward has such a facility of addressing spiritual things to the heart, and his thoughts run so naturally in that channel, that he fixes the minds of all who hear him on what he says". This only portrays how heart touching and soul-searing Ward's preaching was.

Not only in the field of Prin�ng, but also in the field of Educa�on, Ward joined hands with William Carey and collected funds from different sources to form the Serampore University in Kolkata. Most importantly, he worked hard to impart educa�on to Dalits, and other backward class people and women. This invited the ire of the na�ves and upper-class people and

they were beset with many problems.

Today as we are reading, under-standing, and preaching the Bible in our own languages, we should remember his efforts, dedica�on and be thankful. Ward followed the great command which Jesus gave His followers "go to the ends of the Earth and preach my Gospel" and just like Jesus, Ward dedicated his life for the people.

As we are also dedicated in follow-ing the great command which Jesus gave, we should aspire and strive to work just like Ward, not only by preaching, but also by dedica�ng ourselves in the service of others. May the Holy Spirit guide us and use us for the Glory of God.




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The observa�on that ‘The year 2020 is a blessed year’,is rather absurd. Looking at the lives of

the people and the human history in general, no one would concur that the year 2020 is a ‘blessed year’.

The disastrous nature of the Covid-19 virus on the people sha�ering their health and l ives , added to i ts devasta�ng effect on the country’s economy, has become the main reason for this year to be accepted as ‘cursed’. Our Country, our State, the places around us, the world as a whole, has been sealed and locked down. People have been deprived of their livelihood. Daily wage workers, migrants etc., all are devastated, seized with an unrelen�ng fear psychosis of what the future holds. One cannot help butconclude that ‘the year 2020 is the year of the cursed’. In s u c h a s o m b r e s c e n a r i o o f a calamitous Covid-19 Virus, which has escalated to pandemic propor�ons,

can one say “Makarios- You are blessed”?

Jesus, while delivering his sermon on the mount to his disciples and followers, addressed them saying “ M a k a r i o s - y o u a r e b l e s s e d ” (Ma�hew 5: 3-11). The word ‘blessed’ has its roots in the Greek word ‘Makarios’ which means ‘blessed’, ‘fortunate’, or even ‘people filled with happiness’. But the word ‘blessed’ gives appropriate meaning to the word ‘Makarios’. It means people who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek, who hunger and thirst for righteous-ness, who are merciful, who are pure in heart, who are peacemakers and those who are persecuted because of righteousness are blessed. The words of Jesus Christ proclaimed the Kingdom of God. It brought hope to the hopeless, libera�on for people in bondage, healing to the sick and blessings to the cursed.


Pastor Vinod Issac

UBM Christa Mahima Church- Vasai, Mumbai


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In short, the word ‘Makarios’ in Ma�hew 5: 3-11 speaks of people’s happiness in all situa�ons of their lives. In the Old Testament, Genesis 12explains that God blessed Abraham and his family to be a blessing to all genera�ons. Blessing is the gi� from God even to the sinners. In the Old Testament blessings include earthly prosperity like – land, property, children, etc.

B u t w h e n w e c o m e t o N e w Testament, Jesus relates blessing to life in the Kingdom of God. The earlier teaching that the word ‘Makarios’ b e l o n g s to t h e r i c h , p o p u l a r, pres�gious people, has been changed through its true meaning expressed in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Dearly beloved in Christ, looking at the prevalent chao�c scenario a ques�on emerges. Has ‘Makarios’ turned to ‘curse’? No! Blessing has not become a

curse. People’s sin itself brings destruc�on to the whole world.

People’s ego, selfishness, hatred, jealousy, etc. leads them to their destruc�on. ‘Blessed’ means, being near to God, depending on God’sstrength, walking according to the word of God and following His ways. The blessedness which Jesus taught even if it is related to earthly blessings, also leads us to the Kingdom of heaven. As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always” is the call for a blessed life. Being happy in bad condi�ons or situa�ons is the character and strength of Chris�an believers. In this way, we are also blessed. May God bless us and help us through His Spirit to be a blessing for all.


Being happy in the bad condition or situation is the strength of Christian believers.

Makarios, which means blessed, fortunate or even people lled with happiness.

Especially the word Makarios in Matthew 5: 3-11 speaks of people's happiness inall situations of their lives


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eloved Readers, Gree�ngs Bto you all in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus

Christ. If you look at the world today, it is gradually turning worse due to the present pandemic situa�on of the Corona virus. Everything is in a turmoil. All the plans we made have been postponed, our dreams, hopes, aspira�ons have become upside down. Our minds have been seized in an icy grip of the darkness of anxiety.

Everywhere ‘Corona Virus’ is the main topic. Even our phone calls are filled with its messages. It is very ironic to observe, the human who was trying to touch the sky, now fears to even touch the person and things beside him/her. While people suffered with the Corona Virus on one side, they trembled on the other side at the onslaught of the Nisarga Cyclone. Coupled with this, people also suffered with swarms of locust a�ack, which sort of seem say

‘we are no less’. What a pathe�c unfortunate view of the year 2020! Day by day we witness an increase in the number of deaths. The chain of disasters is beyond human imagina�on.

Considering these things, two per�nent ques�ons emanate –

1.Whether the world is going to end slowly?

2.Is Jesus Christ coming soon?Are all these, signs of Christ’sComing?

When people started consider-ingthemselves great; God interfered and showed and exposed human weakness as can be seen in Genesis 11: 1-9 which speaks about the construc�on of the Tower of Babel by a stubborn and an adamant p e o p l e . G o d co nf u s e d t h e i r languages. Crea�on is Divine centred, created by God and for God.


Pastor Freny Issac

UBM Christa Jyothi Church, Thane, Mumbai


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Here, human beings are stewards, kept to take care of the crea�on and to be accountable to God. But from the beginning, human beings failed to be good stewards and went away from God and became incomplete beings. Human eye became blind to recognise and understand the truth. God has planned a great thing to save the people who are drowned in the dark falsity of illusion. That plan was established through the incarna�on of the Son of God, conquered in the obedience of Christ’s death on the cross. New crea�on and reconc i l ia�on happened in the Resurrec�on of Jesus Christ.

The resurrec�on of Jesus Christ is understood as the beginning of the Eschatological event because, resurrec�on related to, or belongs, to the eschatological event, or Christ ’s coming. So, in Jesus’ resurrec�on itself, eschatology has been started and this is going to be complete in its fullness in his ‘Parousia’.

The word ‘Parousia’ is derived from the Greek word, meaning “Coming” or “Presence”. “Christ’s coming” is the final event of the “Christ’s event”, which means it includes Christ’s birth, ministry, suffering and death, resurrec�on and His coming. ‘Parousia’ is the final event of the “Christevent”. The reign of God commenced at the birth of Christ and will come to its fulfilment in the ‘Parousia’. Therefore, Christ is not only a historical person, but He also belongs right from the past, through the present and to the future. The which “Christ event”started, did not end up in His resurrec�on, but is going to be completed at his coming.


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We are in the process of becoming complete in Him (Ephesians 4:13).The process of moving into “ c o m p l e t e n e s s ” i s i t s e l f , ‘prepara�on’. Those who have not been ‘prepared’ will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven with Jesus Christ, as can be seen in the parable of 10 virgins, explained by our Lord (Ma�hew 25:1-13). In Christ’s coming these two aspects are of vital importance.

1. To be ‘Awake’2. To be ‘Aware’

To be ‘Awake’: Chris�anity always teaches us to be awake. This does not imply remaining physically awake but to remain Spiritually awake. Spiritually sleeping or remaining spiritually complacent will lead us to sin. This is why, Jesus taught every believer to be always awake in his/her spiritual life (Ma�. 24:42; Luke 21:35-36; Revela�on 3:3, 16:15; Rom. 13:11-14). This awakening is to cast off all the evil deeds within us. This awakening is to come out of sinful life and to prepare with holiness and purity to meet Jesus at his coming.

To be ‘Aware’: One has to be wise in keeping the lamps burning always to meet the bridegroom. This means our spiritual light always should be rather than ‘ON’ ge�ng without oil. The one ‘OFF’who wants to live with Jesus Christ eternally, must keep his/her lamp ON with the Light of faith and hope. The person who lives in the spiritual light, must be more bright day by day through prayers and supplica�ons, through medita�ng on the word of God, through doing His will and serving Him, showing his/her light to the world by doing good works (Ma�. 5: 16). This lamp should give light un�l Christ comes and receives us to be partakers of His Kingdom.


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Therefore, Christ ’s ‘Parousia’ expects complete prepara�on from us. Those who don’t wear the wedding garment, will not be eligible to a�end the wedding banquet The (Ma�hew 22: 12-14).�me that God has given us now, is not an opportunity, but a warning. The one who is aware of this warning bell, will be ready for His ‘Parousia’ and will not wait for another opportunity. In a famous quote, C. Joybell says, “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin”. So, this is the �me where we are all ‘locked down’, but not ‘knocked down’. This is the �me to prepare ourselves to encounter the final Christ’s event, where there will be a new beginning.

“Kartanu baruva dinavu bhaktarige” (the day of the coming of the Lord- for the

believers and for the faithful one)Aa dinavu tumbanandavu (that

day will be the day of joy)Yaryaru siddharagalillavo (for those who did not prepare)

Aa dinavu tumba dukhakaravu (the day will be the day of

weeping) Ennesu Raajanu baruva (My King Jesus will come)

Asankhya Dootharodane (With the mighty crowds of angels)

May God bless us all and help us in preparing to meet Him in ‘HisParousia’.


Creation is Divine centred, created by God and for God.

In Jesus' resurrection itself eschatology has been started.

The reign of God has already started in the birth of Christ and coming to be in itsfullness in the Parousia.

Christ's Parousia expects complete preparation from us.



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Here are some things that our viewers have to say...

Thank you Jesus, to watch live good Friday Service at our house..

Loved it!

Did you know...?• More than 1.35 lacs of viewership was received to our YouTube channel

over the last 3 months.• More than 25,000 hours(>1,000 days) of total watch �me was spent

watching content on our YouTube channel.• More than 1,500 People have subscribed to our YouTube channel.• People across 16 na�ons have been reached thus far. People from United

Arab Emirates, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, NewZealand etc. join watching with us.

• 67% of people belong to the age group of 45 years and above.

• Do feel free to like, comment and share our YouTube channel.



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UBM Mumbai Pastors

Guest Speakers

Here are some things that our viewers have to say...

Simply loved and felt blessed listening to the special song in hindi! Has been an absolute privilege and blessing to be a part of this service, connec�ng from overseas. Thankyou so much UBm church and the team for the efforts in pu�ng this together.


Thanking all the pastor's and the UBM team for arranging the seven words of jesus on the cross, for giving us the opportunity to hear this service at our respec�ve homes even in this lockdown period.GOD bless


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*#DareToShine#* is a programme ini�a�ve of the UBMC Council to encourage and engage the elderly, young and the small to par�cipate in various ac�vi�es like Drawing and Wri�ng compe��on during the lockdown period. The programme consisted of nearly 400 par�cipants in Drawing compe��on and around 300 par�cipants in Wri�ng Compe��on. The elderly and the young par�cipated with great enthusiasm. This *#DareToShine#* programme helped people to express their talents through digital media. It also helped in engaging and encouraging our UBM members who are across the globe.

#DARE TO SHINE#Drawing and Writing Competition



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DareToShine 2.0 is another programme ini�a�ve of the UBMC Council to encourage people to express their God given talents in music. It has brought both Singing and Instrumental compe��ons as Basel Crooner - Solo Vocals, Basel Virtuoso - Solo Instrumental and Basel Fam-Jam. small children to people who are above 60 years From , wonderfully responded to the Compe��on with their beau�ful voices and with their musical instruments. It is a channel for all our UBMC families to come up with their endowed gi�s. People of our UBM Churches all around the world have par�cipated. It is greatpleasure to see a number of singers and vocalists in our Churches.

#DARE TO SHINE 2.0#The Web Concerto



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The United Basel Mission Church Mumbai Youth Department:

We would like to share our Mo�o

Vision: Equip & Empower The Youths of Mumbai UBMC.Mission: Go Make Disciples of All Na�ons Ma�hew 28:19-20Strategy: REACH | CONNECT | GROW | SERVE

The UBMC Youth Department organised many events for Youths in this Lockdown Period through Digital media.

According to the Gods word in wePhilippians 4:4 – “Rejoice in the Lord always”conducted a big online Youth Leadership Conference on the theme Celebrate Life.Bro Anand Pillai, the Guest speaker for this event exhorted all the youths through his message on “Daniel’s Life in Nebuchadnezzar’s World” and lead Bro. Selvamus in Praise and Worship songs. Before conduc�ng this Event, our Youths were ac�vely involved in par�cipa�ng in various kinds of challenges like posts on Instagram and Facebook, Videos on Celebrate Life, Anthyakshari Challenge, storytelling etc. A pre-event was held on , and was declared 20th May 22nd Mayas a Day of Fas�ng and Prayer dedicated to the Celebrate Life event, which was conducted on There were around 24th May. 400 Youths who had par�cipated from across the world 31st May. From onwards �ll now, Central youth fellowships, Zonal Fellowships and Local Church level Felloships were successfully conduc�ng . We have reached all youths through our fellowships and connected with Youths all around the world. To help them grow Spiritually we are regularly having Bible Study every Wednesday and“SOLA SCRIPTURA” GAP - God Answers Prayers Intercessory Prayer �me on every Fridays. To serve God, leadership is very important. To iden�fy volunteers who are willing to serve God with full commitment, we have planned to give them “Leadership Training”.Leaders from this training will be equipped to serve God, across Mumbai and in the various areas of the whole world.




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The UBMCC Youth Department has organised on “Celebrate Life 2.0”July 5th, 2020 in the evening at 5pm onwards, for all the youths on Zoom. Pastor Samarth Shukla has been invited as guest speaker and to lead in praise and worship. and from other Nearly 200 people from UBMCchurches and also from other countries have par�cipated in the program and spiritually blessed. Pastor Samarth Shukla wonderfully lead in praise and worship songs and preached on the topic and, “Honour”encouraged all the par�cipants through the God's word.


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The UBMCC Youth Department has organised Online Working Professionals Webinar on July 19th 2020, for all the working professionals of all the age groups. As the working professionals have been vulnerable due to this lockdown situa�on, this webinar was conducted on the topic to empower them. “Ignite” Rev. Dr Allan Palanna was the guest speaker for the program. Rev. Dr Allan Palanna through the word of God encouraged and strengthened all the par�cipants through his message and also answered the ques�ons of the par�cipants. Nearly have par�cipated to 180 working professionalsthis event and spiritually blessed.


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Comments from UBM Youths



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Every Wednesday

Every Friday


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VBS 2020


During this Lockdown period, in spite of all the challenges, the U.B.M. Church Council Sunday School Department organised an online virtual Vaca�on Bible School (V.B.S.),which was held from Monday 18 th May to Saturday 23 rd May. It was conducted in two Sessions – Beginners to Juniors from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and for Intermediates to Seniors from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The theme of the V.B.S. was M.A. 419 - based on Ma�hew 4:19 – Jesus call to His Disciples “Come Follow Me”. It was a Journey on theFlight of Life – where one experiences the following – Welcome, Security Check,Turbulence, Signal Tower and Safe Landing. from the Scripture Union Ministry was the Director Bro. Dinesh Salianfor this V.B.S. A total of 249 Children a�ended the V.B.S. and 22 teachers helped conduct the classes and 5 Volunteers helped in the Technical support that was needed. We thank God for enabling us to successfully conduct this V.B.S. We also acknowledge and thank all the Pastors, Office Bearers, Leaders and Co-ordina�ng Team Members and Parents, for their support.



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The U.B.M. Church Council Sunday School Department has set up an online Virtual Sunday School, which commenced from Sunday 7 th June, 2020. The first Sunday was a General Class which was conducted by Bro. Dinesh Salian from the Scripture Union Ministry. Following this, regular Sunday School lessons are undertaken every Sunday wherein Children join the General Assembly, and a�er a �me of prayer, there is singing. A�er this, the children disperse to their respec�ve classes. Currently we have 336 Children who are divided into 14 Classes, which are taken up by 31 teachers. The teachers are constantly in touch with the children through WhatsApp, wherein the Children submit their classwork as well as homework to their respec�ve Class Teachers. The Children are following the CE & CI Series during the Virtual Sunday School. We thank God for the ac�ve involvement of all the Children and Teachers.





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WOMEN'S EVENT REPORT: Joshua 1:9 – “The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”Gree�ngs to you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.The current pandemic situa�on caused by the Corona Virus more popularly known as ‘Covid-19’, has caused great uncertainty and perplexity in the minds of every individual. For �ding through this current situa�on, there is a need to be spiritually re-vitalized with the re-assurance that God is with us. Hence, the Women’s wing of the UBMCC Mumbai, organized the women’s conference on 14 th June 2020 which was held online at 5.00 pm on Zoom. The theme was- “Be fearless you are never alone”.

We had the happy privilege of having Dr. Mrs. Sahana Maben from Mangalore and Rev. Shashikala Alva from Bangalore, deliver the word of God during this event. We are happy to say that 393 women had par�cipated. During this event, several compe��ons were held for ac�vi�es like All the par�cipants Bible quiz, Fancy dress and Jigsaw puzzle.very enthusias�cally par�cipated and showed remarkable talents. We, as women, are looking forward to conduct more such similar programmes in near future to extol God’s name, build a strong Church, society and family rooted in Christ.




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It is our desire that the Outreach Ministry be referred to with the �tle This �tle “BEYOND”.‘BEYOND’ has been specifically chosen because, the need of today’s ministry is beyond human comprehension. While on Earth, Jesus during His ministry had made the startling revela�on coupled with a firm assurance recorded at Ma�. 28:18-19, the words of which say “All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all na�ons…” While sending His disciples to do the ministry, He cau�oned them to “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" (Mat 10.16). This is a clear indica�on to a child of God to be wise and sincere enough in serving the Lord.

In order to undertake this ministry, we have devised a ‘Vision’ to incorporate the Master’s plan with the mission focussing on viz. Revive self, Release a Team, Reach out and Rebuild.

How do we go about this? There are two ways. Internally and Externally.Internallyⴕ By iden�fying dedicated persons desiring to serve the Lord in season and out of season.ⴕ By star�ng a worship service in Hindi language in every local church.ⴕ By turning the exis�ng co�age prayers into cell-groups where neighbours and friends are invited.ⴕ By organizing special events on special occasions for friends and family members.ExternallyThere are several services that can be rendered or undertaken viz.ⴕ Therapeu�c service: Every church can adopt a Hospital to pray, to counsel, to donate medicines, distribute

fruits etc.ⴕ Mercy Ministry: Conduct Food drives, regular visits to orphanages and old age homes.ⴕ Environmental Service: Plan�ng saplings with the help of local authori�es and traffic assistance.ⴕ Cleanliness service: Iden�fying a beach or other such areas needing cleanliness.ⴕ Awareness service: Involving in Na�onal and Interna�onal Day observa�ons such as World Tobacco Day,

World Women’s Day etc.ⴕ Use of technology: Spreading the love and Gospel of Christ through various media pla�orms.







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The United Basel Mission Church Council Mumbai has organised a half day online on June 6th 2020, on the theme Pastors Conference "GDP - God's Driven Purpose for me" Rev. C. A. Benjamin. was invited as a special speaker. Rev. Benjamin through his message encouraged all the Pastors of our UBMCC, the trials & troubles that each Pastor will undergo, and how to handle the Pressure. And he also explained about the Pit falls that all pastors face & how to overcome it. The great thing is that the Prize which the Pastors enjoyed a�er coming through all these things. The Prize include - transformed lives, Church growth, personal growth, congrega�on shaped by the word of God, strong families, love for the Word & Prayer, mentoring and modeling and Serving people. Rev. Benjamin through his personal experience & through Word of God, encouraged all the Pastors.



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The United Basel Mission Church Council Mumbai had organised a half day's online Pastors' Conference on June 6 th 2020, on the theme GDP - God’s Driven Purpose Rev. C. A. Benjamin and Dr. Anup Soans for me. were invited as Guest Speakers. The Conference began with Bro. Anup Soans giving a detailed explana�on on Moses and Jesus Leadership. He explained about people behind the scenes, who work behind the scenes in bringing great leaders to the world and for God’s Driven Purpose. Bro. Anup Soans mo�vated all the UBMC leaders through his message. Rev. C. A. Benjamin began his message by highligh�ng what the word LEADER stands for, by explaining it in an acronym form.

L - One who Leads & willing to LeadE - ExampleA - Abide, Accountable AvailableD - Disciplined & DependableE - Emp�es HimselfR - RealThrough his message, Rev. Benjamin explained Jesus' style of leadership and

expressed some key points that the leaders should follow. The program was frui�ul and enriching.




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On 2nd Webinar on : the mandate formissions.By Br. Gladson Anchan

9th.Youth with the mission.By Benny Prasad

16th Laying a founda�onBy Daniel Chindwal

30thPriesthood of all believersBy Dr. Lorraine Francis




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We intend to use 50% of the funds raised towards outreach initiatives (Covid affected members, HIV Patients, Transgenders, Missionaries, etc.)

and balance 50% towards digital nitiatives.

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