basketball camp spain summer 2011

S S p p a a n n i i s s h h & & B B a a s s k k e e t t b b a a l l l l C C a a m m p p A A l l i i c c a a n n t t e e 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 Basketball Camps Spain 945 15 17 19 [email protected] Learn Spanish, take part in an International Development Basketball Camp, make friends from different countries, enjoy the beach and have fun...

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Spanish language + Basketball Camp ALICANTE SPAIN 2011International basketball camp in Spanish and English, with coaches and assistants from both Spain and the USA. It is an International Development Basketball Camp for campers aged 14 to 17 who already have experience of playing basketball.The campers will be in an ideal environment in which they will not only be able to reap maximum enjoyment from their stay abroad, but also enjoy the perfect conditions to practise their Spanish and develop their basketball skills under the guidance of Spanish and American coaches and Spanish native teachers.


Page 1: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

SSppaanniisshh && BBaasskkeettbbaallll CCaammpp AAll ii ccaannttee 22001111

B a s k e t b a l l C a m p s S p a i n ✆ 9 4 5 1 5 1 7 1 9 b a s k e t @ z a d o r s p a i n . c o m

http://www.basketbal l

Learn Spanish, take part in 

an International Development 

Basketball Camp, 

make friends from different 

countries, enjoy the 

beach and have 


Page 2: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Improve your Spanish and

your basketball

at the Internacional Spanish and

Basketball Camp in Alicante

SS pp aa nn ii ss hh && BB aa ss kk ee tt bb aa ll ll CC aa mm pp SS pp aa ii nn :: AA ll ii cc aa nn tt ee 22 00 11 11


S p a n i s h & B a s k e t b a l l C a m p A L I C A N T E S p a i n ✆ 9 4 5 1 5 1 7 1 9 b a s k e t @ z a d o r s p a i n . c o m

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International   basketball   camp   in   Spanish   and   English,   with  coaches  and  assistants  from  both  Spain  and  the  USA.     It   is   an   International   Development   Basketball   Camp   for  campers  aged  14   to  17  who  already  have  experience  of  playing  basketball .   Spanish   +   Basketball   camp   overseas   with   training   sessions   in  Spanish   and   English   (3   hours   a   day   Monday   to   Friday),   3  Spanish   classes   a   day   from   Monday   to   Friday,   activities   in  Alicante,  sightseeing  and  excursions  and  beach  at  the  weekend. Spanish  Language  +  Basketball  camp  dates   2  weeks :   f rom  17th   to  30th   Ju ly  2011  1st  week :  1  week   f rom  17th   to  23rd   Ju ly  2nd  week :  1  week   f rom  24th   to  30th   Ju ly  Age :  14   to  17  years  old  Co ‐ed  basketbal l  camp :  Basketbal l  camp   for  boys  and  gir ls    

 Spanish  &  Basketball  Camp  Alicante  2011  Highlights   Locat ion :   Al icante,   Residence ‐Dormitory   Vi l la   Univers itar ia   and  basketbal l  courts  at  Al icante  Univers i ty .     

Spanish   course :   3   hours   per   day   of   Spanish   c lasses   with   teachers   with  extens ive  exper ience  of  Spanish   teaching.   

Development  Basketbal l   camp :  4  hours  per  day  devoted   to  basketbal l :  1 ‐hour   lectures,  1.5  hours  of   train ing   focuss ing  on   indiv idual   technique,  1.5  hours  of  group   tra in ing.   

Accommodation :   Resident ia l   Basketbal l   Camp.   ***   hotel ‐res idence   in  mini ‐apartments   with   swimming   pool,   gym,   TV   room,   computer   lab   with  internet  access,   fu l l  board…  L ive ‐ in  chaperones.   

Activi t ies :   res ident ia l   part ic ipants   at   the   basketbal l   camp   jo in   up   with  the   part ic ipants   of   the   tennis ,   sa i l ing ,   and   surf ing or   golf   camps   to   take  part   in   guided   s ightseeing   vis i ts   scheduled   for   the   weeks   the   basketbal l  camp   takes   place:   these   inc lude   the   c i ty   of   Al icante   (Santa   Bárbara  Cast le,   Museum   of   Archeology,   Museo   Fal lero) ,   beach   act iv i t ies   and   a  shopping  centre   tr ip .   

Excursions:   weekend   act iv it ies   for   part ic ipants   attending   both   weeks:  Valenc ia,  Terra  Mít ica  theme  park. . .   

Timetable :   act iv it ies   throughout   each   day   and   during   the   weekend   for  part ic ipants  attending  both  weeks  of  the  Spanish  and  Basketbal l  Camp.   

Insurance:   travel ,   medical ,   acc ident   and   c iv i l   l iabi l i ty   insurance   for   al l  internat ional  part ic ipants   

Options:   day  or  res ident ia l  camp  

Page 3: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Enjoy high quality facilities

at the Internacional Basketball Camp in Alicante Spain

BB aa ss kk ee tt bb aa ll ll CC aa mm pp FF aa cc ii ll ii tt ii ee ss


The   main   locations   for   the   Spanish   and   Basketball   Camp   in  Alicante  are:    La  Vil la  Universitaria  Residence  Dormitory   the  University  of  Alicante  Sports  Complex   the   centre   of   Alicante   for   beach   tr ips,   visit ing   the   city  

centre,  Santa  Bárbara  Castle,  the  “el  Barrio”  quarter   Zador   language  School   in  Alicante   is  on  Alicante  city  centre:   Avenida  de   la  Constitución,  14  03002  ALICANTE    Spanish  +  Basketball  Camp  arrival  points   Arrival  of  residential  participants :  Sunday   17th   or   24th   from   16:00   at   the   Vil la   Universitaria  residence  reception,  Calle  de  Vicente  Savall  Pascual,  16   03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE     Arrival  of  day  participants:  Monday   18th   or   25th   at   09:00   at   the   Vil la   Universitaria  residence  reception,  Calle  de  Vicente  Savall  Pascual,  16    03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE    Language  +  Basketball  Camp  pick‐up  points   Pick‐up  of  day  participants  from  Monday  to  Friday :  In   front   of   the   Sports   Complex   at   the   University   of   Alicante  campus   between   18:00   and   18:15   or   between   18:45   and   19:00  at  the  exit  to  the  El  Mercado  TRAM  station.   Pick‐up  of  residential  participants:  Saturday  24th  or  30th  between  09:00  and  12:00  at  the  reception  of  the  Vil la  Universitaria  residence    Calle  de  Vicente  Savall  Pascual,  16    03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE.  

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Page 4: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Spanish classes with a communicative


at the internacional

basketball camp in Alicante


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From   Monday   to   Friday,   participants   at   the   basketball   camp  have   4   language   classes   lasting   45  minutes   each   (15   hours   of  Spanish  classes  per  week):   3  hours  of  English  classes  for  Spanish‐speakers    3  hours  of  Spanish  classes  for  non‐Spanish‐speakers   Communicative  approach   Spanish   c lasses   take   on   a   communicat ive   focus .   Working   on   oral   and  written   comprehension   and   express ion,   the   prior i ty   i s   developing  communicat ion  sk i l l s .   The   subject   content  of   the   c lasses  var ies   s igni f icant ly   in  accordance  with  the   part ic ipants ’   age.   Of   course,   lessons   also   inc lude   basketbal l ‐re lated  vocabulary   to   al low   fore ign   part ic ipants   to   be   able   to   understand   the  Spanish  coaches  and  ass istants .   In   c lass,   an   emphasis   i s   placed   on   developing   oral   express ion,   with  lessons   structured   around   the   complet ion   of   exerc ises   cont inual ly  focused   on   putt ing   into   pract ice   the   vocabulary,   grammatica l   structures  and   communicat ive   funct ions   that   are  most   important   in   our   dai ly   l ives ,  each   adapted   to   the   course   level :   act iv i t ies   in   pairs ,   ro le ‐plays ,  presentat ions. . .   Small  groups   Each  c lass   i s  of  a  maximum  s ize  of  10  students   ( the  average  s ize   i s  7 ‐8) .   Levels  of  Spanish  classes  for  foreigners:  

  A1  or  Beginner     A2  or  Upper  Elementary     B1  or   Intermediate     B2  or  Upper   Intermediate  

 On  the   f i rst  day  of  the  Spanish  course,  the  students  undergo  a  placement  test  and  oral   interv iew  with  the   teacher  responsib le   for   level  al locat ion.     Students   are   provided   with   teaching   mater ia ls   for   each   c lass,   but   must  br ing  their  own  exerc ise  book,  pens,  penci ls  and  pocket  dict ionary.   Spanish   lessons  take  place  Monday  to  Fr iday   f rom  09:00  to  12:00.     Teachers   Al l   teachers  of   Spanish   c lasses   for   fore igners  are  nat ive   Spanish   speakers  with  extensive  exper ience   in  the   teaching  of  the   language.  

Page 5: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Take part in a basketball development camp

at Internacional Basketball Camp in Alicante Spain

BB aa ss kk ee tt bb aa ll ll CC aa mm pp


Basketball   ski l ls   development   camp   for   boys   and   girls   aged   14  to   17.   4   hours   of   basketball   per   day:   themed   basketball  lectures,   individual   technique   training   circuits,   workshop  focusing   on   shooting   and   developing   team‐play   from   3x3   to  5x5.   Training   sessions   and   lectures   are   carried   out   in   Spanish  and  English.   .   Basketball   lectures  (1  hour)   

Psychology  and  basketbal l     The  10  commandments  of   the  bench     Learn  by  watching  a  basketbal l  match     Being  a  basketbal l  player :  the  pros  and  cons     Work  and  succeed    

Shooting  tra in ing  and  group   tra in ing       Warm‐up  (20  minutes)   

In it ia l  warm ‐up   in  whole  group  with  a  dynamic  and   fun  game  that  adapts  the  ru les  of  basketbal l    Games  with  stretches    Stretching   in  groups  to  begin  concentrated   ind iv idual   technique  sess ions.   Individual  technique  training  stations  (12  minutes  per  station)


boat  work  stat ion     pass  and  play     out ings ,  recept ions     play ing  without  the  bal l    

defense  balance,  pressure. . .       Shoting  station  (20  minutes)  

dr i l l s   in  real  shoot ing  s ituat ions     improving   form  and  touch     

Teamwork   in  basketball  (1  hour)   Tra in ing  aspects  which,  although   ind iv idual ,  we  need  a  partner   for  success,  so   focus  on  reading   the  defense   (pass ing  s i tuat ions,  use  of   locks,  1x1,  2x2,  3x3   . . . ) .  Free  play  and  reading  of  the  game.  developing  dri l l s  progress ive ly   f rom  3  x  3,  to  4  x  4  and  5  x  5.   Coaches  and  assistant  coaches   Sport ing   consultant   in   the   planning   of   basketbal l   sk i l l s   development  tra in ing   sess ions:  David  Gil ,   senior   basketbal l   coach   and   ass istant   to   the  coach  of  Caja  Laboral  Baskonia.   Camp   coaches:   Alex   Navarro,   senior   basketbal l   coach;   and   profess ional  basketbal l  player  Shay  Mil lar  West.    Assistant   coaches   with   extens ive   exper ience   of   coaching   at   Caja   Laboral  Baskonia  youth   levels  and  at  camps  organized  by  the  Fundac ión  Baskonia.  On ‐s ite  physiotherapist  at  tra in ing  sess ions.    

S p a n i s h & B a s k e t b a l l C a m p A L I C A N T E S p a i n ✆ 9 4 5 1 5 1 7 1 9 b a s k e t @ z a d o r s p a i n . c o m

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Page 6: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Live in a modern


at the internacional

basketball camp in Alicante


FF uu ll ll bb oo aa rr dd RR ee ss ii dd ee nn tt ii aa ll SS uu mm mm ee rr CC aa mm pp


S p a n i s h & B a s k e t b a l l C a m p A L I C A N T E S p a i n ✆ 9 4 5 1 5 1 7 1 9 b a s k e t @ z a d o r s p a i n . c o m

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The  residence   is   located  next  to  the  University  of  Alicante,  which  also  houses  the  basketball  courts.      Players   l ive   in  4‐person  apartments  with  2  twin  en‐suite  rooms  and  a  small  common   l iving  area  containing  a  small  fr idge  and  a  microwave.      Villa  Universitaria  Residence‐Dormitory   Players   l ive   in   4 ‐person   apartments   with   2   twin   en ‐su ite   rooms   and   a  smal l  common   l iv ing  area  conta in ing  a  smal l   f r idge  and  a  microwave.   Al l  rooms  are  equipped  with  air  condit ioning  and   internet  connect ion.     The   res idence   housing   part ic ipants   in   the   Spanish   and   Basketbal l   Camp  has  been  carefu l ly  selected  and   inspected  by  Zador  staff .   Outs ide   of   the   summer   period,   i t   i s   a   univers i ty   res idence   offer ing  comprehensive,  modern   fac i l i t ies .   Summary  of  the  services  the  residence  offers:   

café ‐Restaurant     l ibrary     TV  and   internet  room     laundry     swimming  pool     open ‐air  basketbal l  court    

 The  res idence  provides  bedding  and  towels .    Players  should  bring   their  own  towel   for  tra in ing  and   for  use  at   the  swimming  pool/beach.   Al l  players  should  arr ive  on   the  Sunday  before  the  camp  begins  and  vacate   the  apartments  on   the  Saturday  on  which  the  camp  week   they  are  attending  ends.     1   l ive ‐ in  chaperone  per  20  players    Full‐board  accommodation   Part ic ipants  at   the  Spanish  and  Basketbal l  Camp  have  al l   their  meals   f rom  Monday   to  Fr iday  at   the  res idence  restaurant:      Sportsman’s  breakfast :   f ru it ,  cereal ,    milk,  ham  or  cheese,  bread  ro l l     Lunch:   self ‐serv ice   with   starter   ( from   three   choices) ,   main   course  

( from   three  choices)  and  desert   ( f rom  two  choices)     Snack  after  the  basketbal l  tra in ing  sess ions:  sandwich, fru it  and  water.   Evening   meal:   self ‐serv ice   with   starter   ( from   two   choices) ,   main  

course   ( f rom   two  choices)  and  dessert .     At   the   weekend,   players   part ic ipat ing   in   both   camp   weeks   have  

breakfast  and  an  evening  meal  at   the   res idence,  and  are  provided  with  a  packed   lunch  to   take  on  excursions.    


Page 7: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Make friendo from different countries

at the internacional basketball camp in Alicante SPAIN

AA cc tt ii vv ii tt ii ee ss


In   addition   to   Spanish   classes   and   basketball   training,   a   range  of   other   activit ies   are   organized   for   basketball   camp  participants   that   take   place   after   training   and   – for   players  attending  both  weeks  –  on  Saturday  and  Sunday:         Sight‐seeing  and  activities   in  Alicante  

  Al icante  c i ty  centre     Santa  Bárbara  Cast le ,  offer ing  a  spectacular  view  of  Alicante     the   Museum   of   Archeology,   where   students   can   f ind   out   more  

about  Al icante’s  ear l iest  history     the   Museo   Fal lero,   where   students   can   learn   more   about   the  

tradit ional   fest iva ls  of  Al icante.     the  Museo  de  Belenes  or  the  Bul l f ight ing  Museum     beach   fun     afternoon  shopping  tr ip  or    tapas  at  a  restaurant     karaoke.  

    For  participants  attending  both  camp  weeks:  

  day   at   the   beach   in   Al icante,   Vil la joyosa   or   on   the   I s land   of  

Tabarca     fu l l ‐day   excurs ion   to   Terra   Mít ica,   Terra   Natura,   Acualandia   or  

the  City  of  Arts  and  Sc iences  of  Valenc ia .   Monday   to   Fr iday, act iv i t ies   last   for   approximately   1.5   to   2   hours   ( from  18:30   to  20:30)     Saturday   act iv i t ies   last   for   approximately   8 ‐10   hours,   from   10:00 ‐11:00  unt i l  20:00.     Al l   publ ic   and   pr ivate   transport   and   any   necessary   entrance   pr ices   are  inc luded   in   the   camp   pr ice.   Refreshments,   ice   creams   and   other  purchases  which   the   students  wish   to  make   are  not   inc luded   in   the   camp  pr ice.     *     The   act iv i t ies  mentioned above   are   planned   for   the  whole   of   Ju ly   and  are   rotated  each  week.  Part ic ipants  at   the  basketbal l   camp   take  part   in  the   planned   act iv it ies   during   their   stay   alongs ide   both   Spanish   and  fore ign  part ic ipants   f rom  the   tennis ,  sai l ing,  windsurf ing  or  golf  camps.

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Page 8: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Enjoy many activities from

the morning to the evening

at the internacional

basketball camp in Alicante


TT ii mm ee tt aa bb ll ee


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The  fol lowing   is  an  outline  timetable  for  the  Spanish  and  Basketball  Camp,  and  may  be  subject  to  minor  modifications.   Typical   Monday   to   Friday   timetable   for   residential  participants   7:30  —  Wake ‐up  and  wash  8:15  —  Breakfast  9:00  —  Spanish  c lasses  12:15  —  swimming   t ime  13:00  —  Lunch  14:30  —  Technica l   lectures  and  videos  on  basketbal l  15:00  —  Basketbal l   tra in ing  

10'  Warm ‐up  20'  Counter ‐attack  session  4  12 ‐minute  stat ions  each   focus ing  on  a  different  element  of  indiv idual   technique    Drinks  break  1hr  30’  Group  sess ions   (1x1,  2x2,  5x5,  shoot ing  competit ion…)  

18:00  —  Shower  and  snack  18:30  —  Tr ip  to  the  centre  of  Al icante   ( inc luding  the  c i ty  centre,  cast le ,  beach,  shopping,  evening  tapas,  karaoke,  Museo  de  Hogueras,  scavenger  hunts   in  Engl ish  and  Spanish…)  20:30  —  Arriva l  back  at  the  res idence    21:00  —  Evening  meal  22:00  —Films,  games,  group  act iv it ies  23:00  —  Bedt ime  snack  and   l ights  out   Day  part ic ipants  at   the  camp   leave  after  basketbal l   tra in ing  at  18:00 ‐18:15,  and  do  not  take  part   in  the  weekend  act iv i t ies .   Typical  Week‐end  timetable  for  players  attending  both  weeks   Saturday:  Day  at  the  beach  9:30  —  Wake ‐up  and  wash  10:00  —  Breakfast  11:00  —  Travel  with  chaperones   to  the  El  Post iquet  beach   ( located   in  the  centre  of  Alicante) ,  to   the  San   Juan  beach  or  by  boat  to  the   I s land  of  Tabarca:  beach  vol leybal l ,  games,  swimming. . .    13:30  —  Picnic   lunch  and  games  16:30  —  Back  to   the  beach,  more  games  19:30  —  Arriva l  back  at  the  res idence     Sunday:  Excursion  9:00  —  Wake ‐up  and  wash  9:30  —  Breakfast  10:00  —  Departure   for  Valenc ia   to  vis i t   the  City  of  Arts  and  Sc iences,  Terra  Mít ica,  Acualandia  or  Terra  Natura.  20:00  —  Arriva l  back  at  the  res idence  20:30  —  Evening  meal  21:30  —  Games  at  the  res idence  22:30  —  Free  t ime  23:00  —  Bedt ime  snack  and   l ights  out   *  Al l   the   t i cket  entrance  or  pr i ces   fo r   the  act iv i t ies  are   inc luded   in   the  pr i ce .  However ,   i f  campers  want   to  dr ink  or   to  eat  something  out  of   the  camp,   they  have   to  pay   fo r   them.  

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Insurance, transfer service and physiotherapist

at the internacional basketball camp in Alicante Spain

II nn ss uu rr aa nn dd ee aa nn dd TT rr aa nn ss ff ee rr


A   physiotherapist   responsible   for   the   physical   conditioning   of  the   players   is   on   hand   during   all   basketball   training   sessions,  together  with  f irst‐aid  qualif ied   instructors.         Seguro  de  enfermedad   Al l   internat ional   camp   part ic ipants   are   covered   by   health,   acc ident,  travel  and  c iv i l   l iabi l i ty   insurance   inc luded   in   the  camp  pr ice:     Medical  assistance,   repatr iat ion  and  re locat ion   for  health   to  your  country  of   or ig in ;   robbery   of ,   search   for   and   loca l izat ion   of   baggage;   delays   of  tr ip   and   baggage;   acc ident   whi le   travel l ing   24   hours;   c iv i l   l iabi l i ty   and  legal  defence.            Optional  cancellation   insurance   I f   required,   part ic ipants  may   take   out   an   opt ional   cancel lat ion   insurance  pol icy .     You   can   emai l   us   to   have   more   in format ion   about   the   scales   of  cancel lat ion  cover  and  grounds   for  c la im.   dic‐up  and  drop‐off  service  upon  request   I f   you   wish   to   be   col lected   by   a   member   of   the   camp   staf f   f rom   the  tra in/bus   stat ion or   Al icante   airport ,   please   complete   the   Transfer  Service  sect ion  of   the  Registrat ion  Form.     The  cost   for   th is  serv ice  var ies  depending  on   the  place  and   t ime  of  arr iva l  or  departure.     The   price   i s   also   af fected   by   the   player’s   age   i f   he/she   i s   f ly ing   as   an  unaccompanied  minor   and   requires   col lect ion   and   transfer   by   a  member  of  staff .     At   an   addit ional   cost ,   Zador   provides   th is   direct   res idence   transfer  serv ice  24 ‐hours  a  day.      For  day   campers ,   transport   f rom/to  Al icante   c i ty   centre  or  other  areas   in  the  c i ty ,   i s  not   inc luded   in   the  camp  price.   

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Page 10: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Check the arrival and

departure times

at the Internacional

Basketball Camp in Alicante


CC hh ee kk -- ii nn aa nn dd CC hh ee cc kk -- oo uu tt


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      Arrival  place   Arrival  of  residential  participants:  

Sunday  17th  or  24th   f rom  16:00  at   the  Vi l la  Univers itar ia  res idence  recept ion,    Cal le  de  Vicente  Saval l  Pascual ,  16    03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE     In  case  of  ear ly  arr iva ls ,  there  wil l  camp  counsel lors  to  welcome  part ic ipants.  Lunch  th is  day   i s  not   inc luded   in   the  pr ice.  Chaperonees  wil l  accompany  players   to  the  Res idence  restaurant  for   lunch.   

Arrival  of  day  participants:  Monday  18th  or  25th  at  8:45  at  the  Vi l la  Univers itar ia  res idence  recept ion.  Cal le  de  Vicente  Saval l  Pascual ,  16    03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE    

Departure  place   Pick‐up  of  day  participants  from  Monday  to  Friday :  

In   f ront  of  the  Sports  Complex  at  the  campus  of   the  Univers ity  of  Al icante  between  18:00  and  18:15  or  between  18:45  and  19:00  at  the  exit  to   the  El  Mercado  TRAM  stat ion   (Tram   t icket   i s  not  inc luded   in  the  pr ice)   

Pick‐up  of  residential  participants:  Saturday   24th   or   30th   between   09:00   and   12:00 at   the   recept ion  of   the  Vi l la  Univers itar ia  res idence    Cal le  de  Vicente  Saval l  Pascual ,  16    03690  San  Vicente  del  Raspeig  ALICANTE     In   case   of   late   departure,   lunch   th is   day   i s   not   inc luded   in   the  camp   pr ice.   Part ic ipants   can   have   lunch   at   the   Residence  Restaurant .  

Page 11: Basketball Camp Spain Summer 2011

Read this page to prepare your camp

for the Internacional Basketball camp in Alicante SPAIN

ÍÍ tt ee mm ss tt oo bb rr ii nn gg


Workout  gear  and  daily  clothes  for  1  week  5  T ‐Shirts  and  5  gym  shorts    5  pairs  of  socks  2  pairs  of  basketbal l  shoes   ( I t   i s  not  a  good   idea  new  shoes)  Ankle,   knee   and   wrist   supports   or   any   other   protect ive   aids   worn   by  players .    Protect ive   tape   for   strapping   body   parts   such   as   f ingers   in   case   you  usual ly  do.  Compeed  Bl isters    Creams  or  gels  used  to  warm  up  muscles,   i f  appl icable .  Dai ly  Clothes:  casual  clothing  Shorts ,  pants ,  T ‐Shirts  F leece   jacket  or  sweaters  and   th in  ra incoat    Plenty  of  socks  and  underwear  Pi jamas/nightdress    Beach   towel ,  2  bathing  suits ,  bathing  cap,  hat   for   the  sun  Shoes   or   sandals   and   f l ip ‐ f lops   for   the   shower,   the   swimming   pool   and  the  beach  Sunglasses    Smal l   toi letr ies   kit   or   basket   so   your   chi ld   can   carry   and   keep   track   of  essent ia ls   such   as   soap,   shampoo,   toothpaste,   toothbrush,   f loss ,  deodorant,  comb  and  brush.    Sunscreen    Fun    Towels   for   the  shower,  the  swimming  pool  and   the  beach  *   E lect r i c i ty   supp ly   in   Spa in   i s   AC   220   Vol ts ,   50   Hertz .   Sockets   meet   European  regu lat ions   and   use   the   round   p in   system.   Br ing   adaptors   and   make   sure   that  the  e lect r i ca l  app l iances   you  are  go ing   to  use   ( computer ,  mobi le  phone   charger ,  shavers ,   fun…)  work  at   th i s  vo l tage .       Put   your   ch i ld ' s   name   or   in i t ia l s   on   everyth ing   —clothes ,   hat ,   swimsu i t ,  towels—  with  e i ther  a   l aundry  marker  or   i ron ‐  or  sew ‐on   labe l s .    *  Laundry  bag   fo r  wet  or  di r ty  c loth ing  with  your  ch i ld ' s  name    Documents,  medicines  Passport   (Or ig inal  and  2  copies)  2  photos    Medicat ion   i f   needed.   Send   medicat ion   in   i ts   orig ina l   container ,   along  with   expl ic it  dosage   instruct ions   to   the   camp  nurse   or  healthcare   fac i l i tyin   a   plast ic   bag   with   part ic ipant ’s   Name   in   a   label .     A   s igned   medical ‐re lease   form   should   accompany   al l   prescr ipt ion  medicat ion   ( in   Engl ish  or  Spanish) .    First ‐aid   kit   with   adhesive   bandages,   ibuprofen,   paracetamol   or   other  medic ines  your  kid  could  need.  Parental  Permiss ion   form.    Medical  Cert i f icate  and  Release  and  Waiver  *   I f   camper  has   glasses  or   contact   lents ,  br ing  2  glasses  and   contact   lens  c leaner.     For  the  Spanish   lessons  Pocket  dict ionnary .    Some  mater ia l   for  the   lessons   (notebook,  pens…)   Other   items  Backpack   or   something   s imi lar   to   go   to   the   Camp,   for   off ‐campus  act iv it ies  and  excurs ions.  Camera  and  batter ies  Cel l  phone   (and  charger)  /cal l ing  card

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