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BCAA Guidance Material for the composition of license conversion programs ICAO/Third country license conversion to EASA-conformal licenses BCAA Procedure Manual License Conversion (BCAA PM-LC), REVISION 1

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Page 1: BCAA Procedure Manual License Conversion - Revision 1 · BCAA Procedure Manual License Conversion (BCAA PM-LC), REVISION 1 . BELGIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY ... CHAPTER 6: Conversion

BCAA Guidance Material for the composition of license conversion programs

ICAO/Third country license conversion to EASA-conformal licenses

BCAA Procedure Manual License Conversion (BCAA PM-LC), REVISION 1

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0.1. Table of Contents:

0.1. Table of content ......................................................................................................................... 2

0.2. List of Effective Pages ................................................................................................................. 4

0.3. Distribution List ........................................................................................................................... 5

0.4. Record of revision ....................................................................................................................... 6

0.5. Legal disclaimer .......................................................................................................................... 6

0.6. Intro ........................................................................................................................................... 7

0.7. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 8

CHAPTER 1: General differences observed in training methods: ............................................. 9

CHAPTER 2: Conversion of third country PRIVATE PILOT LICENSES ....................................... 12

CHAPTER 3: Conversion of third country INSTRUMENT RATINGS ........................................... 14

CHAPTER 4: Conversion of third country COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSES ................................ 25

CHAPTER 5: Conversion of third country CLASS & TYPE RATINGS ......................................... 29

CHAPTER 6: Conversion of third country ATPL ...................................................................... 31

CHAPTER 7: Candidates ........................................................................................................ 33

CHAPTER 8: ATO .................................................................................................................. 33

CHAPTER 9: Deadlines .......................................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 10: BCAA ............................................................................................................... 34

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Annex I – EU 216/2008, Chapter II, Article 4 ...................................................................................... 36

Annex II – EU 1178/2011, Article 8, Legal basis for license conversion .............................................. 37

Annex III – EU 1178/2011, Annex 3, conversion PPL(A)...................................................................... 38

Annex IV – EU 1178/2011, Competency based IR, meeting partial experience ................................... 39

Annex V – EU 1178/2011, Competency based IR, meeting full experience ......................................... 43

Annex VI – EU 209/2012, PART-MED ............................................................................................... 44

Annex VII – Registration form theoretical exams BCAA .................................................................... 45

Annex VIII – Designation of examiner request form ......................................................................... 48

Annex IX – AMC1 FCL.235, Skill test PPL(A) ....................................................................................... 51

Annex X – LAPL/PPL/BPL/SPL/CPL/IR skill test report form .............................................................. 55

Annex XI – Training/skill test/prof check MPL/ATPL/Class & Type Ratings/IR ................................... 57

Annex XII – Agreement theoretical exam CB-IR ................................................................................ 58

Annex XIII – Feedback form conversion programs ............................................................................ 59

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0.2. List of Effective Pages:

Page Date Revision Latest

Revision Page Date Revision



1 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 * 41 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 *

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5 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 * 45 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 *

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7 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 * 47 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 *

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20 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 * 60 N/A N/A *

21 08/04/2015 REVISION 1 * 61 N/A N/A *

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0.3. Distribution list:

Prepared by Name Signature Date

Responsible for conversion programs Jelle Vanderhaeghe 08/04/2015

Approved by Name Signature Date

Director-general BCAA a.i. Nathalie Dejace

Director Licensing Directorate a.i. Philippe D’homme

Verified by Name Signature Date

Compliance Monitoring Manager

BCAA Danny Kleijkens

Seal of the authority

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0.4. Record of revisions:




date: Description of change: Pages: Modified by:

0 01/09/2014 Composition of original document ALL Jelle


1 08/04/2015

Addition of Competency Based IR,

Class & Type ratings, ATPL

Restructuring of the document

ALL Jelle


0.5. Legal disclaimer:

This document is composed to provide the vision/interpretation of BCAA of the EASA Air Crew

Regulations, regarding ICOA/Third country license conversions. This document does not grant legal

rights to the users. Legal reference can only be obtained from the following EU decrees, this document

is based upon:

• EU 216/2008

• EU 1178/2011

• EU 290/2012

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0.6. Intro:

There is growing demand to BCAA to provide standards for conversions of Third Country licenses (i.e.

non-EASA licenses, mostly FAA and Transport Canada issued pilot licenses, also known as “ICAO-

licenses”), into PART-FCL licenses, or “EASA conformal” licenses. The European Regulation EU 216/2008,

Chapter II, Article 4 stipulates that all pilots based and operating within European Member States,

should meet all the European EASA Air Crew Requirements (EU 1178/2011 and EU290/2012), in order to

be able to continue flying within Europe, after the 8th of April 2015. An Opt-out to this regulation can

and will be implemented by BCAA, of 1 more year. This urges all pilots flying in Belgian Airspace, using

third country licenses, to train and obtain the equivalent EASA-conformal equivalencies of their current

ratings, by the 8th of April 2016 at the latest.

On the other hand, flight training in Europe becomes increasingly difficult: Causal factors are the

unstable and deteriorating weather conditions, reduced tolerance to having airports in the

neighborhood, increasing fuel prices & taxation, etc. BCAA observes increasing interest among ATO

(Approved Training Organizations) to perform flight training, in accordance with PART-FCL requirements,

partially in the USA, or other countries with more favorable meteorological conditions.

Thirdly there is a shared interest between license holders individually, and airline operators, so their

pilots would hold both FAA and EASA conformal licenses. This is a strategic benefit, which allows to be

active as a private, or commercial pilot, worldwide.

These trends are a reality, and BCAA facilitates the conversions of licenses to a maximum, as long

Belgian competency in aviation training remains and is held to the highest standards, for candidates for

Belgian issued EASA-conformal licenses.

For this purpose, BCAA has consulted Belgian and foreign instructors and examiners, with experience in

various systems of flight training (EASA, FAA and other third countries) and has tried to identify the most

obvious differences in the various systems. Without misdemeanor, or preference for either training

systems, different approaches were identified. To our insight this is largely caused by differences in

airspace design, geographical, demographical differences, differences in procedures, support and

facilitation of emerging technologies, etc. In order to acquire an EASA-conformal license, it is important

that holders of “third country” license holders would be made aware of the existing differences, and

receive training in accordance with the current European approach to civil aviation.

Recently this Procedure Manual was updated with “Competency Based IR”, a newly added requirement

in the Update of Appendix 6 to PART-FCL, allowing holders of a third country Instrument Rating to be

converted to a full EASA-conformal Instrument Rating - IR(A).

Many regards,

Philippe D’homme,

Head of Training & Licensing Department,


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0.7. Abbreviations:

BCAA Belgian Civil Aviation Authority (NL: DGLV / FR: DGTA), the Belgian CAA, or Belgian

Competent Authority of Oversight for Civil Aviation, part of the Federal Public Service

of Mobility and Transport, based in the Rue du Progrès 56 in 1210 Brussels, Belgium

CAA Civil Aviation Authority (or “Competent Authority of Oversight”). Institute or

government body that is designated to keep oversight over civil aviation in that

country (or part thereof). It resides under EASA, for all European Member States (33

EU Member States + 5 non-EU “Contracting” States)

Candidate: Person that wishes to convert flying privileges (license/ratings) obtained in another

country (located outside of the “Member States”)

Competent Authority of Oversight: See CAA

GM & AMC Guidance Material and Applicable Means of Compliance. Addendum to the

Implementing Rules of the EU, that provide guidance to organizations and competent

authorities on how to achieve compliance with the Implementing Rules (IR).

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency, the highest civil aviation authority in Europe, under

the immediate supervision of the European Union, based in Cologne, Germany.

EASA Air Crew Regulations: European civil aviation legislation, applicable since the 8th of April 2013 in all

the Member States, at the latest. It describes the requirements for training and

obtaining cockpit and cabin crew licenses.

FAA Federal Aviation Administration, Competent Authority of Oversight in the United

States of America, American counterpart of the European EASA

HT Head of Training, post holder of an ATO, accepted by the Competent Authority of

Oversight, responsible for the correct and safe conduct of theoretical and practical

flying training

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization. Civil Aviation Organization of the United

Nations (UN). It lays down guidelines (SARP’s, or Standards And Recommended

Practices) that must be implemented by all its member states (212 worldwide) in their

national legislation

IR Implementing Rules. European Legislation, adopted by the European Commission, with

designation “EU-number-year”. For example: EASA Air Crew Regulations are

Implementing Rules, that were voted and adopted as EU 1178/2011. Implementing

Rules are applicable in their entirety in every EU Member State and should be

implemented in the national legislation of the contracting states to EASA. For EU

Member States they overrule any former national regulation, applicable to the date of

publication of the Implementing Rule.

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IR(A/H) Instrument Rating for Airplanes/Helicopters, not to be mistaken with

Implementing Rules of the EU.

Member State Member State of the EU (automatically member of EASA) and 4 other

Contracting States (not member of the EU), who implemented the EASA Air

Crew Regulations, by the 8th of April 2013 (at the latest)

PART-FCL Flight Crew Licensing. Annex I to the EASA Air Crew Regulations, (approved

under EU 1178/2011) that stipulate the training and licensing requirements

to obtain a flight crew license (Cockpit and cabin crew)

PART-ORA Organization Requirements for Aircrew. Annex VII to the EASA Air Crew

Regulations, (approved under EU 209/2012) describing the requirements for

ORGANIZATIONS to obtain an approval to be active in the field of Flight Crew


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The original version of this BCAA Procedure Manual for License Conversion (PM-LC) only covered the

license conversions of third country professional pilot licenses (commercial license with instrument

rating and multi-engine privileges) and pure leisure licenses (PPL). In the first revision of the Procedure

Manual, multiple chapters were added, describing the conditions for competency based IR, for the

conversion of non-European Instrument Ratings, Class and Type ratings and ATPL.




These are the differences observed between European (EASA), American (FAA) and other countries

regarded as “third countries” by EASA, in civil flight training, by Belgian flight instructors and examiners,

with experience in multiple systems of flight training. This document is aimed at summing up the

observed differences, without any preference, or (in)voluntary misdemeanor of either training methods,

either European, or American, or other:

1.1. VFR part of the training:


level navigation, use of track & drift lines, time ticks etc. Use of a physical map, flight log, dead

reckoning. Estimated not to be commonly used/ trained on in other ICAO PPL-training. • ESTIMATED MORE CRITICAL UNDER EASA: STALLS: Tendency is observed not to train full stall in

other ICAO PPL-training. Usually there seems to be training only up to buffet.


field landings in third countries, as in Europe (due to high demographic density in Europe, runways

of non-commercial airports, are in general considerably shorter, compared to outside Europe).

• ESTIMATED MORE CRITICAL UNDER ICAO: SLOW FLIGHTS, flying at the back of the power curve.


test on the practical skill test with FAA is profound and is characterized by in-depth inquiry in the

knowledge of procedures and technical knowledge, by the FAA examiner. • ESTIMATED MORE CRITICAL UNDER EASA: A lot of differences between ATC procedures are

observed by European license holders, when flying in the USA. Strict adherence to ICAO radio-

phraseology in Europe required.

* This list is not exhaustive

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1.2. IFR part of the training:

Most obvious differences:

• ESTIMATED MORE CRITICAL UNDER EASA: In Europe an IFR-Training flight is required to ask start-up

clearance to the Ground frequency. In the USA there are no start-up procedures for IFR-training

flights. • ESTIMATED MORE CRITICAL UNDER EASA: R/T procedures are different from Europe, and even

different between the different states within the US. Adherence to standard radio-phraseology

especially under IFR, must be emphasized on.

• DEFINITION OF INSTRUMENT TIME UNDER EASA: A flight may be logged in Europa “under IFR”,

when an IFR-flight plan was filed. Under EASA, IFR-time does not correspond to the time spent in

IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions), with limited visibility.

• DEFINITION OF INSTRUMENT TIME BY BCAA: BCAA allows logging of “Instrument Time” in the log

book, from the time of engine start-up, until shut-down, of IFR-flights, which are by definition

flights for which an IFR-flight plan was filed. For BCAA the “hobbs”-meter, that counts the duration

of the engine running time, may be used to determine the duration of the flight (not take-off to

landing) and logged in the logbook as instrument time. Bare in mind this approach may be different

with other European Competent Authorities of Oversight (CAA’s).

Differences in IR procedures:

• USE OF NDB & DME: not much emphasis on these ground based navigation aids in the US anymore,

due to widespread use of GNSS-based navigation and approaches. • Multiple GPS PROCEDURES in the US are approved and trained. Europe is running largely behind in

this field of technology in civil aviation, but these technologies/procedures are currently immerging

fast within Europe, as replacement for “classic” navigation, based on the use of ground stations.

• CONTINUOUS DESCENT: Emphasized on in Europe, for non-precision approaches (VOR/DME,

Locator- and 2 NDB approaches, etc.). In third country training, a lot of emphasis on step-down

approaches is still observed.

• USE OF RMI. Observed not to be consistently used in the third country training. Helpful for

reduction of workload and increase of situational awareness in case of “classic” navigation, based

on the use of ground stations, that are still very common in Europe and actually still are the main

navigation tools, as GNSS-navigation is currently still only emerging in Europe.

• Attention to STANDARD CALL OUTS in multi-crew environment (standardized & out loud) needs to

be emphasized on.

NOTE: This Procedure Manual is intended to be guidance material for ATO, mostly based on comparison

between the FAA and EASA training methods. Conversion programs from other than FAA licenses and

training methods can/will be accepted based on the criteria stipulated in this document, but this may

not entirely cover the needs of the candidate. As the conversion programs are at an early stage, BCAA

kindly requests candidates and ATO, to provide us with feedback, regarding the differences/nuances in

skills, strengths and weaknesses and training methods observed, especially with regards to training

methods other than FAA. This will allow BCAA to update this document and enhance the insight in the

global differences in flight training, for the benefit of the entire flying community. Contact data may be

found below, a standard feedback form can be found as Annex XI to this Procedure Manual.

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CHAPTER 2: Conversion of third country PRIVATE PILOT LICENSES:

2.1. Prerequisites for ICAO Private Pilot License conversion to an EASA PPL(A):

In accordance with the regulations described in Annex III to EASA Air Crew Regulations “Conditions for

the acceptance of licenses issued by or on behalf of third countries”, which can be found as ANNEX III to

this Procedure Manual (PM-LC) the candidate for a third country Private Pilot License, must meet the

following requirements:

• Be the holder of a third-country PPL, CPL, or ATPL license, in compliance with the requirements

of Annex I of the Chicago Convention ( = ICAO PPL)

• Have completed at least 100 hours of flight time as a pilot (total flight time)

2.2. Theory ICAO Private Pilot License to EASA PPL(A) theory:

In accordance to Annex III of EU 1178/2011 (conversion of licenses), section (a), an ICAO PPL license

holder should pass the written examinations in 2 EASA PPL(A) subject matters Air Law and Human

Performance. Candidates do not need to be proposed for the theoretical exams PPL(A) by an ATO and

are allowed to perform self-study.

Registry for the theoretical exams can be performed by filling in the “Application form for theoretical

examinations”, which can be found as ANNEX III to this Procedure Manual of License Conversion (BCAA

PM-LC), or can be found and downloaded via the following link on the BCAA website:


Upon registry for the theoretical exams, a candidate for conversion of a third country issued Private Pilot

License to an EASA conformal license, is asked to mention that only 2 subject matters instead of all 10

PPL theoretical subject matters will be taken.

NOTE: A candidate should bare in mind that the examiner may/will perform a limited theoretical

interrogation, prior to the flight. The questions are aimed towards the practical aspects of flight, but

some theoretical preparation is recommended, while preparing for the practical skill-test.

2.3. Long briefings for private pilot licenses:

These are purely theoretical briefings, to cover the practical gap and to allow conversion of an ICAO

license, into an EASA conformal pilot license. These briefings should be performed in an ATO. The total

amount of long briefings should be respected, for candidates that have no flight experience in Europe.

Deviations from duration per subject are accepted, in accordance with the specific flying experience of

the candidate(s), at the discretion of the Head of Training by the ATO.

• VFR NAVIGATION PROCEDURES (2 hours), Dead reckoning, heading/track, drift lines, keeping track

on the map, timing every x-minutes, different navigation legs, Airspace Infringements, terrain &

altitude monitoring, use of 1/250.000th and 1/500.000th map of Belgium, Belgian Airspace structure,

navigation across national borders, flying at higher altitude in Europe, flying in controlled airspaces,

diversions, European tools for flight preparation (maps, AIP, …), Belgocontrol website for filing flight

plans and flight preparation

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• AIR EXERCISES (5 hours), focusing on the established gaps between EASA and third country training

methods, as described in chapter 1.2: Stalls: training to a fully developed stall. Stall and spin

awareness. Aerodynamic awareness of stall. Recovery techniques of stall (fe. Use of foot pedals and

P-factor effects in go around). Short field landings/patterns. Navigation technique

• Flight preparation and meteorological tools available (no fixed duration): there are not as many

tools available as in f.e. the USA: no ADS-B in Europe, etc. FLIGHT PLANNING TOOLS available in

Belgium/Europe: Belgocontrol website (flight plan registration tool, preflight briefing, NOTAMS,


• AIRSPACE ORGANIZATION & RULES OF THE AIR (2 hours). European concept of Airspace

organization and Belgian specifics: Transition altitude, airspace structure, Flight Information Service

(civil and military), Rules of the Air (SERA)

• CONVERSION OF UNITS & APPLICABLE UNITS (1hour): Fuel, temperature, altimetry, distances,

weight, volume, etc.

2.4. Practical training ICAO Private Pilot License to EASA PPL(A):

• Familiarization with European/Belgian Airspace and climate (wind/rain/H-L pressure systems at

mid-latitudes) and adherence to standard ICAO R/T-phraseology, at an ATO, for the purpose of

preparing for the PPL(A) skill-test. The level of skill and safe flying demonstrated by the candidate,

to be assessed by the ATO. no extra training required if the candidate has flying experience in

Belgian/European air space and is estimated up to proficiency by the ATO.

• Flight training up to proficiency for the skill test (no legal minimum requirements), for all the air

exercises to be assessed during the PPL(A)/SEP(L) skill-test, as described in the AMC1 to FCL.235

“Skill Test”. The requirements can be found as ANNEX IV to this Procedure Manual for License

Conversion (PM-LC).

• Assessment of practical and theoretical knowledge by HT (or designated instructor) of an ATO, prior

to the skill-test PPL(A)

• Presentation of the candidate for the skill test, to an examiner (European Flight Examiner, FE), by

the HT of the ATO. There is no requirement for designation of the FE by the Competent Authority of

Oversight (BCAA), in the case of a third country private license conversion to an EASA PART-FCL

PPL(A) (This contrary to the other license/ratings conversions described in this manual).

• The HT of the ATO should document the training/results of assessment in the student training

folder of the candidate.

NOTE: A candidate holding a third country license, is exempted from the standard practical training

requirements according to PART-FCL (flight training in third countries is accepted as a credit). HOWEVER:

It is a common requirement for both the candidate and the ATO, to assure the candidate meets all the

legal requirements for the issuance of the EASA conformal license, as is applicable for candidates in

initial EASA Air Crew Regulations conformal training. This is laid down by the Non-legislative acts (II) to

EU1178/2011, Article 8, §2: “Applicants for PART-FCL licenses already holding at least an equivalent

license, rating or certificate, issued in accordance with Annex I to the Chicago Convention, by a third

country, shall comply with all the requirements of Annex I to this regulation (PART-FCL), except that the

requirements of course duration , number of lessons and specific training hours may be reduced.”

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The principal practical training requirements that must be met (and may be credited with 3rd country

training, or experience), in order to obtain an EASA conformal PPL(A)/SEP(L) are (we refer to the stated

items in PART-FCL, for the complete set of requirements):

• 45 hours of practical training (of which five may be performed on a synthetic training device)

• of which 25 hours of dual flight instruction, and

• 10 hours of supervised solo-time

• Including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time, with

• At least 1 cross-country flight of at least 270 km (150NM), landing at 2 aerodromes, different from

the aerodrome of departure *

*to be performed within 24h (interpretation BCAA)

2.5. Skill-test:

• When trained up to proficiency by the ATO, the HT (Head of Training) should propose the candidate

for the skill test to an examiner (FE, Flight Examiner).

• The ATO can select the examiner for the BCAA Skill-test to take the skill test of the candidate (due

to recently changed approach by BCAA in the designation of examiner procedure: 13/08/2014):


• All European licensed flight examiners (FE) may take the skill-test PPL, provided they adhere to the

items stipulated in this manual.

• The examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following link to the

BCAA-website: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/piloten/skilltest/

• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the candidate, as well as the ATO, as well as the

examiner (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid incomplete filling

out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the BCAA website:


2.6. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA conformal

PPL(A) with SEP(L) class rating, at the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority.

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 2 Medical Certificate, together with the

PPL(A)/SEP(L) Application form, that can be found in Annex VIII to this Procedure Manual for

License Conversion.

• Should the candidate wish to fly to and from controlled aerodromes, or use Flight Information

Service and/or Air Traffic Control Services, the candidate should present a European approved

English Language Proficiency Certificate (Third Country ELP Certificates are not accepted for BCAA

issued pilot licenses), of minimum level 4.

• Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department,

please check the BCAA website at:


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CHAPTER 3: Conversion of third country INSTRUMENT RATINGS:

3.1. Competency Based IR(A), WITH PARTIAL EXPERIENCE:

Commission Regulation EU 245/2014 of March 13th 2014, amends the EASA Air Crew Regulations

(approved by the European Commission initially as EU 1178/2011). It includes the “Competency Based

IR”, as a means for ICAO IR(A), or “EASA third country” Instrument Rating-holders, to convert their

Instrument Ratings to an EASA Air Crew Regulations compliant Instrument Rating for Airplanes. This

chapter describes the BCAA requirements/interpretation of the “Competency Based IR”.

There is a different approach, both for ICAO IR holders meeting the PARTIAL EXPERIENCE requirements

and for those meeting the FULL EXPERIENCE requirements. The license holders meeting the PARTIAL

EXPERIENCE requirements should adhere to the standard program as described in Appendix 6, of EU

245/2014, describing the “IR(A) – Competency-based modular flying training course”, Chapters 1-7 &


3.1.1. General, standard requirements, for candidates with partial experience:

• To be eligible for the “Competency Based IR” conditions, the candidate must be the holder of a

valid EASA PART-FCL compliant PPL(A), or CPL(A) license

• To be eligible for the “Competency Based IR” conditions, the candidate must demonstrate prior

instrument rating instruction and experience.

3.1.2. Assessment:

• The ATO should investigate if the candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 3.1.1.

• The ATO should be approved for an EASA PART-FCL compliant Instrument Rating Training course.

• The ATO should submit and obtain approval for an EASA PART-FCL compliant Modular Instrument

Rating Course, with the COMPETENCY BASED Instrument Rating Training course included as an

annex to the IR(A) training course manual.

• The ATO should investigate if the candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 3.1.2.

• The ATO must assess the candidate for experience, recency, theoretical and practical IR skills, and

compose a specific training program for the candidate in accordance with the experience, recency,

theoretical and practical IR-skills of the candidate, to be trained up to proficiency for the skill-test

and to meet all the legal requirements for the issuance of an EASA-conformal IR(A)-rating.

3.1.3. Theoretical Training:

• A standard Competency Based IR theoretical training should consist 80 hours of theoretical

training. The learning objectives for Competency Based IR can be found in Amendment 1 to the

AMC’s to PART-FCL: Subpart G — Instrument Rating — Section 1 , AMC1 FCL.615(b).

• The theoretical course at an ATO should be completed within 18 months.

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3.1.4. Theoretical exam:

• The candidate for the competency based IR(A), meeting partial experience requirements, is

supposed to take the full theoretical Competency Based IR(A) exam, at any of the European

Competent Authorities Of Oversight.

• EASA has communicated to all Member States it will develop specific theoretical exams, for

competency based IR in the ECQB, available towards the end of 2015. This in accordance with the

learning objectives of Competency Based IR.

• A “pass” of the theoretical IR(A) exams, will remain valid for a period of 36 months, in accordance

with PART-FCL.025 (c),(ii)

• The following items must be performed within the validity period of the theory “pass” (for BCAA):

1. Practical training, 2. Passing the skill-test and 3. Submit the application for the IR(A)-rating at

BCAA (other working methods/interpretations of “validity period may be applicable in other CAA’s).

3.1.5. Flying Training:

• A standard Competency Based IR practical training, for Single Engine Airplanes, should consist 40

hours of practical training, of which 25 hours may be performed on FNPT II.

• For the other requirements to be adhered to by the ATO, we refer to Appendix 6, of EU 245/2014,

describing the “IR(A) – Competency-based modular flying training course” Chapters 6.

3.1.6. Privileges:

• The “Competency Based IR” is a valid alternative for the initial EASA Air Crew Regulations compliant

Instrument Rating for Airplanes training.

• The endorsement on the license will be IR(A) and can be endorsed on both an EASA PART-FCL

conformal PPL(A) and a CPL(A) license.

3.1.7. ATO:

• The ATO must be approved for an EASA conformal Instrument Rating training course.

• The ATO should submit and obtain approval for an EASA conformal Instrument Rating Course, with

the COMPETENCY BASED Instrument Rating training course included as an annex to the modular

IR(A) training course manual.

• For the flight instruction requirements to be adhered to by the ATO, we refer to Appendix 6, of EU

245/2014, describing the “IR(A) – Competency-based modular flying training course” Chapter 7.

• For crediting of training outside of an ATO (with an FI(A) with IR training privileges, or IRI(A)), with

airplanes not registered within the ATO, or without an approved training program, we refer to

chapter 3.1.8.

• For ease of acceptance of training outside of the ATO, the ATO are advised to compose agreements

with instructors and candidates, prior to the beginning of the training. Furthermore, it is advised to

ATO to only accept training in accordance to the training methods, as described in the ATO

Operations and IR(A)-training manual.

• After assessment, and composition of a standard, or specific training program, the ATO should keep

a student training folder, for each candidate.

• If estimated up to proficiency, the candidate is to be proposed for the skill test, to be designated by


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3.1.8. Crediting:

• EASA Air Crew Regulations compliant PART-FCL PPL(A), or CPL(A) license holders, that can

demonstrate less than 50 hours of flight time under IFR, as PIC on airplanes, are not eligible for

crediting of theoretical training.

• We refer to Annex IV to this document, describing the credits that can be awarded to candidates

for the practical training.

• The BCAA Training Department encourages all training to be performed within an ATO, in

accordance with the ATO manuals and covered by the compliance & safety monitoring of the ATO.

• It is entirely up to an ATO to accept/decline prior experience/training performed outside of an ATO.

• It is therefore advised to both the instructor and the candidate for the competency based IR, to


• It is advised that the candidate and the instructor (FI(A) with IR(A) privileges, or IRI(A)) insure the


Contact a European ATO, that is approved for an EASA conformal IR(A) modular

training course, and explicitly approved for Competency Based IR(A) training

Compose and sign a written statement of cooperation, between all 3 parties

(candidate/student/instructor and ATO), stipulating responsibilities, training methods,

airplane used for training, insurances and guarantee of acceptance of training outside

of the ATO.

NOTE: BCAA Training Department WILL NOT intervene in discussions between students/instructors/ATO

in case of training outside of ATO. BCAA does not provide any guarantee of acceptance of previous

experience/training outside of the ATO, by an ATO. It is a shared responsibility of the candidate and the

instructor to assure cooperation with an ATO, PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TRAINING.

• Standardization between instructors in one ATO and standardization of training methods for

among other Instrument rating training, between various ATO is a lasting challenge. It is highly

recommended to both the instructor and candidate, to adhere to the training manual, use the

training folder and training methods of an ATO. Otherwise the student may suffer “negative

training” (IR-techniques that were trained within and outside the ATO are different/conflicting,

resulting in supplementary training being required).

• Bare in mind that the ATO may reject/refuse prior experience/training, obtained outside of the


• Instructors and candidates that train outside of an ATO, should consider carefully the insurance

aspects of the training: is the airplane insured for: 1. Training? 2. Generically insured for all persons

on board?

• Instructors that perform training outside of an ATO, should consider carefully the licensing aspects

of the training: The instructor must be qualified on the airplane type, to be able to act as PIC, during

the training.

• Crediting by an ATO is only to be awarded after: 1. Assessment of the logbook of the candidate, 2.

Formal assessment of the theoretical knowledge (documented in the candidate’s file), 3.

Assessment of the flying skills (IR) of the candidate by the HT (or his/her deputy), or CFI of the ATO.

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3.1.9. Training on own airplane?

• Private owners of airplanes must take into consideration the insurance and licensing aspects of the

instructor. Is the instructor insured? The instructor must be qualified on the airplane type, to be

able to act as PIC and provide instruction that can be credited by the ATO, for Competency Based

Instrument Rating, by an ATO.

• The training inside the ATO, must be performed on an airplane registered in the ATO. BCAA Training

department is in favor of full training using the fleet of the ATO. Training inside the ATO will be

performed on airplanes registered in the ATO, as approved for training, the ATO’s instructors are

standardized to and that are equipped for the exercises stipulated in the training manuals. Only if

the airplane is in line with the training fleet of the ATO, it should be added to the training fleet of an

ATO, by the BCAA training department.

• ATO manuals and training procedures are dedicated to certain airplane class and types/cockpit

layout, speeds and performances. In case of too much difference with the airplanes of the ATO and

the airplane of the owner, the registry of the airplane in the ATO will be questioned/refused by the

BCAA Training Department.

The BCAA training department is in favor of an entire training of Competency Based Instrument Rating

training, within an ATO, with the standardized instructors of the ATO, in accordance with the ATO

manuals and approved training methods, using the ATO airplanes. A “difference training”, after

conversion training, outside of the ATO is favorable, to familiarize the pilot/owner once again to the

lessons learnt and to be able to correctly apply them on the own airplane, AFTER THE SKILL-TEST. The

requirements after the skill-test, for familiarization, are outside the scope of this manual and the ATO,

and can be organized largely between an instructor and candidate.

3.1.10. Use of N-registered airplanes in Belgian Airspace for Competency Based IR?

• It is the responsibility of FAA to provide answers to the question, whether or not an EASA PART-FCL

only licensed instructor may provide instruction, in Belgian Airspace, on a N-registered airplane.

The instructor must be qualified in accordance with EASA Air Crew Regulations (PART-FCL), to

provide training for a European license/ratings. However: must the instructor also possess the

equivalent/required FAA instructor ratings, to provide training on a N-registered aircraft? BCAA has

no authority over this matter.

• The instructor must be qualified on the class/type of aircraft to act as PIC during the training

• It is up to ATO to determine acceptance of instrument instruction outside of the ATO, and award

credits for it, or not and if so, up to which extent.

• The part of the training that must be performed within the ATO cannot to be performed on third

country (non-EU) registered aircraft. BCAA Training Department cannot add third country

registered airplanes to the fleet of EASA Air Crew Regulations PART-ORA conformal ATO, for

training over European territory.

• BCAA Licensing Department cannot accept N-registered aircraft for a skill test (initial test), over

European territory. The only exception to this rule is if the skill test was performed in US airspace.

Proficiency checks (recurrent tests for revalidation/renewal of a license/rating) on third country

registered aircraft, for a European license, are accepted by BCAA Licensing Department.

• The examiner must be qualified on the type of aircraft to act as PIC during the skill-test/prof check.

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3.1.11. Registering an airplane inside an ATO:

To register an airplane in an ATO, the following criteria must be met:

• Agreement of cooperation between the ATO and the owner, describing the responsibilities

• The airplane must be insured for training (specifically mentioned on the insurance document) and

must non-nominative (valid for all on board, not identity-specific)

• The airplane must be registered with a CAMO (Continued Airworthiness Maintenance Organization)

and maintained in accordance with the applicable European Regulations.




• Update of the list of aircraft of the ATO

• Modification of the ATO manuals (Operations Manual, Training Manual) and approval by BCAA of

the manuals, in case the type/class of aircraft is significantly different from the other training

aircraft used in the ATO.

• “Management of Change”, or Safety analysis of the impact on the organization, of the addition of

the aircraft to the ATO, in case of significant differences with the other training aircraft used

3.1.11. Skill-test:

• When trained up to proficiency by the ATO, the HT (Head of Training) should propose the candidate

for the skill test to BCAA. This by filling in the BCAA form for designation of an examiner, which

should be forwarded to [email protected]

• BCAA will select the examiners to take the skill test of the candidate. Up to 3 candidate examiners

may be proposed by the HT of the ATO to BCAA (any European IRE may be proposed to BCAA).

• The designated examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following

link to the BCAA-website:


• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the candidate, as well as the ATO, as well as the

examiner (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid incomplete filling

out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the BCAA website:


3.1.12. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA conformal

Instrument Rating - IR(A), at the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority.

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 2 Medical Certificate, with extra audiometry

exam (in accordance with PART-MED.A.030 Medical Certificates, item (g), which can be found as

Annex IX to this Procedure Manual), together with the PPL Application form (that can be found in

Annex V to this Procedure Manual) for an EASA PART-FCL conformal IR(A), to be endorsed on a

PPL(A) license.

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 1 Medical Certificate, together with the CPL

Application form, that can be found in Annex V to this Procedure Manual for conversion of an ICAO

IR(A), if the IR(A) is to be endorsed on a CPL(A) license. This in accordance with PART-MED.A.030

Medical Certificates, item (f), which can be found as Annex IX to this Procedure Manual.

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• For the issuance of the Instrument Rating – IR(A), the candidate should present a European

approved English Language Proficiency Certificate (Third Country ELP Certificates are not accepted

for BCAA issued pilot licenses), of minimum level 4.

The principal practical training requirements that must be met (and may be credited with 3rd country

training, or experience), in order to obtain an EASA conformal IR(A) endorsement on an EASA conformal


IR(A) (PART-FCL.610 IR):

• Hold at least an EASA PART-FCL conformal PPL in the appropriate aircraft category

• The privileges to fly at night, or

• An ATPL in another aircraft category, or a CPL

• Have completed 50 hours of cross-country as PIC

Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department, please

check the BCAA website at: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/info/

3.1.13. Validity:

Similar to an Instrument Rating obtained via the classic training method (ab initio, without prior credits

for experience/training), the rating endorsed on the PPL, or CPL license will be mentioned as “IR(A)” and

will have a validity of 1 year.

The rating should be revalidated within a period, starting 45 days prior to the expiry of the rating and

the expiry date. The IR(A)-rating may be revalidated one time out of two on a simulator, every two years

the revalidation proficiency check must be performed in flight.

In case of an expired EASA conformal IR(A)-rating, the license holder must contact an ATO for renewal

training, in accordance with AMC1 to PART-FCL.740 (not included in annex to this Procedure Manual).

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There is a different approach, both for ICAO IR(A)-holders WITH EXPERIENCE and WITHOUT. The license

holders meeting the FULL EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS are eligible to crediting of the standard program,

as described in Appendix 6, of EU 245/2014, describing the “IR(A) – Competency-based modular flying

training course”, Chapter 8.

3.2.1. General standard requirements:

• To be eligible for the “Competency Based IR” conditions, the candidate must be the holder of a

EASA Air Crew Regulations compliant PPL(A), or CPL(A) license

• To be eligible for the “Competency Based IR” conditions, the candidate must be the holder of a

valid ICAO compliant Instrument Rating for Airplanes.

• A minimum experience of at least 50 hours of flight time under IFR, as PIC on airplanes

3.2.2. Assessment:

• If a candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 3.2.1, he/she may contact an ATO, for

“competency based IR, meeting full experience requirements”

• The ATO must be approved for an EASA conformal Instrument Rating training course.

• The ATO should submit and obtain approval for an EASA conformal Modular Instrument Rating

training course, with the COMPETENCY BASED Instrument Rating training included as an annex to


• The ATO should investigate if the candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 3.2.1.

• The ATO must assess the candidate (and document it in a student training folder) for experience,

recency, theoretical and practical IR skills. Based on the assessment the HT should compose a

specific training program for the candidate in accordance with the experience, recency, theoretical

and practical IR-skills of the candidate, to be trained up to proficiency for the skill-test and to meet

all the legal requirements for the issuance of an EASA-conformal IR(A)-rating.

3.2.3. Theoretical Training/Crediting:

• According to Appendix 6, Aa “Competency Based IR(A)”, chapter 5, the standard theoretical training

of the candidate should consists of 80 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction.

• If the candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 12.1, he/she MAY be credited for the

theoretical training by the Head of Training of the ATO. The amount of crediting is to be determined

at the discretion of the HT of the ATO, it is not a legal right to be credited in full by default.

3.2.4. Theoretical exam:

• The candidate for the competency based IR(A), meeting the full experience requirement, should

take a specifically developed BCAA theoretical IR(A) exam, prior to the practical skill test, with one

of the 7 BCAA selected examiners, for Competency Based IR(A).

• The theoretical IR(A) exam with the examiner consists of 40 multiple choice questions, on 4 subject

matters: Air Law, Meteorology, Flight Planning (IR) and Performance (IR).

• This theoretical exam (multiple choice) shall be taken in English, in the presence of the examiner.

The candidate must sign an agreement to the terms and conditions of the theoretical exam, which

can be found in Annex XII.

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• Supplementary open questions (general questions regarding the 4 subject matters, flight

preparation, airspace, ATC, safety awareness and Jeppesen Introduction) to verify insight by the

candidate may be posed, prior to and during the practical skill-test by the examiner.

3.2.5. Practical Training/Crediting:

• According to Appendix 6, Aa “Competency Based IR(A)”, chapter 5, the standard practical training

of the candidate should consists of 40 hours of practical knowledge instruction.

• If the candidate meets the requirements stipulated in item 3.2.1, he/she MAY be credited for the

practical training by the Head of Training of an ATO (delegated by BCAA, to ATO). The amount of

crediting is to be determined by the HT of the ATO, it is not a legal right to be fully credited by


3.2.6. Privileges:

• The “Competency Based IR” is a valid alternative for the initial EASA Air Crew Regulations compliant

Instrument Rating for Airplanes training.

• The endorsement will be “IR(A)” and can be endorsed on both a PPL(A) and a CPL(A) license.

3.2.7. ATO:

• The ATO must be approved for an EASA conformal Modular Instrument Rating training course.

• The ATO should submit and obtain approval at BCAA, for an EASA conformal Modular Instrument

Rating training course, with the COMPETENCY BASED Instrument Rating training course included as

an annex to the IR(A) training course manual.

• For the flight instruction requirements to be adhered to by the ATO, we refer to Appendix 6, of EU

245/2014, describing the “IR(A) – Competency-based modular flying training course” Chapter 7.

• After assessment, and composition of a standard, or specific training program, the ATO should keep

a student training folder, for each candidate.

• When trained up to proficiency by the ATO, the HT (Head of Training) should propose the candidate

for the skill test to BCAA. This by filling in the BCAA form for designation of an examiner, which

should be forwarded to [email protected]

• BCAA will designate 1 of the 7 selected IRE(A) for the skill-test.

• Foreign ATO may also apply for Competency Based IR, for a Belgian license holder, as long as the

above mentioned BCAA conditions are met and the candidate is proposed to one of the selected

examiners in chapter 3.2.11.

3.2.8. Crediting:

• EASA PART-FCL conformal PPL(A), or CPL(A) license holders, that can demonstrate more than 50

hours of flight time under IFR, as PIC as PIC on airplanes, are eligible for crediting of theoretical and

practical training.

• It is up to the HT of the ATO, to award the credits to candidates, based on the assessment of both

the theoretical and practical IR(A) skills of the candidate. The assessment should be documented in

the candidate’s student training folder.

• It is entirely up to an ATO to accept/decline prior experience/training performed outside of an ATO.

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“Shopping” by candidates to find the cheapest/easiest solution is discouraged by BCAA, as both a

theoretical and practical assessment are both a requirement for the ATO, prior to admitting any

candidate for Competency Based IR to an ATO. Furthermore a correct price estimate can only be

determined, after the candidate has been assessed both for theoretical knowledge and practical IR-skill.

Any other “standard price” may not correspond to the actual needs of the candidate in order for the

candidate to be trained up to proficiency and “ready for the skill-test”.

3.2.9. Skill-test:

• When trained up to proficiency by the ATO, the HT (Head of Training) should propose the candidate

for the skill test to one of the 7 selected examiners for competency based IR (list: see Chapter

3.2.11 of this Procedure Manual). This by filling in the standard BCAA form for designation of an

examiner, which should be forwarded to [email protected]

• The candidate for the competency based IR(A), meeting the full experience requirement, should

take a specific theoretical IR(A) exam, prior to the practical skill test, with one of the 7 BCAA

selected examiners.

• The examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following link to the

BCAA-website: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/piloten/skilltest/

• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the examiner, as well as the application form

for the Instrument Rating (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid

incomplete filling out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the

BCAA website: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/formulieren/inschrijvingen/

3.2.10. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA conformal

Instrument Rating - IR(A), AT THE BELGIAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (other Competent

Authorities may impose different standards for Competency Based IR).

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 2 Medical Certificate, together with the PPL

Application form (that can be found in Annex IX to this Procedure Manual for conversion of an ICAO

IR(A), to be endorsed on a PPL(A) license. This in accordance with PART-MED.A.030 Medical

Certificates, item (g), which can be found as Annex VI to this Procedure Manual, which imposes an

additional audiometry test for the issuance of an IR(A), on a PPL(A) license.

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 1 Medical Certificate, together with the CPL

Application form, that can be found in Annex IX to this Procedure Manual for conversion of an ICAO

IR(A), to be endorsed on a CPL(A) license. This in accordance with PART-MED.A.030 Medical

Certificates, item (f), which can be found as Annex VI to this Procedure Manual.

• For the issuance of the Instrument Rating – IR(A), the candidate should present a European

approved English Language Proficiency Certificate (Third Country ELP Certificates are not accepted

for BCAA issued pilot licenses), of minimum level 4.

The BCAA Training Department strongly recommends candidates to obtain a valid ELP-certificate, of

minimum level 4, PRIOR TO THE SKILL-TEST, to avoid licensing issues, after the skill-test. This is however

not a legal requirement, but a convenience, as the entire CB-IR exam (theory and practical part) are to

be executed in English.

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The principal practical training requirements that must be met (and may be credited with 3rd country

training, or experience), in order to obtain an EASA conformal IR(A) endorsement on an EASA conformal


IR(A) (PART-FCL.610 IR):

• Hold at least a PPL in the appropriate aircraft category

• The privileges to fly at night, or

• An ATPL in another aircraft category, or a CPL

• Have completed 50 hours of cross-country as PIC

Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department, please

check the BCAA website at: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/info/

3.2.11. Designated examiners:

• Candidates for Competency Based Instrument Rating, meeting the full requirements, must –after

being assessed by an ATO, after receiving theoretical and practical training and being estimated up

to proficiency– be proposed by the ATO, to a BCAA selected examiner.

• This is the list of examiners selected by BCAA for Competency Based IR for candidates meeting the

full experience requirements:

Mr. Daniël Poelman (NL/FR/ENG), Senior CB-IR examiner),

Mr. Danny Stokbroekx (NL/FR/ENG, Senior CB-IR examiner),

Mr. Peter Ulenaers (NL/FR/ENG),

Mr. Jan Evens (NL/FR/ENG),

Mr. Daniël Donnay (FR/ENG),

Mr. Eric Royant (FR/ENG),

Mr. Serge Raskin (NL/FR/ENG),

• BCAA does not accept Competency Based IR skill tests, for candidates meeting the full experience

requirements, taken by other examiners (IRE)

• The price of the theoretical/practical exam is fixed at: 315 € (+VAT) + Transport costs of the

examiner, fixed at 0,3468 €/km (Index related/Valid until 06/2015)

• The examiner will check the following items in flight:

Accuracy and parameter tolerance

Airspace classification and airspace structure

Flight preparation methodology

Flight preparation tools used (Meteo, submission of flight plans)


Adherence to PANS-OPS (DOC 8168), NOT TERPS

Comprehension of SID/STAR and approach plates

Standard ICAO Radio phraseology

Continuous descent instead of Step-down in non-precision approach

Instrument approach based on ground-based beacons, instead of GNSS

Safety awareness

This list is not exhaustive

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3.2.12. Remarks:

• There is no “Competency Based IR” foreseen in the EASA Air Crew Regulations, for holders in

categories of aircraft, other than Airplanes (A). Holders of an Instrument Rating on Helicopters, or

Airship, are not eligible for “Competency Based IR”.

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CHAPTER 4: Conversion of third country COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSES:

4.1. Legal reference for ICAO Commercial Pilot License conversion to an EASA

CPL(A)/IR(A)/MEP(L): EU 1178/2011, Article 8, Chapter 3. See Annex III to this BCAA Procedure Manual for Licensing


4.2. Prerequisites for ICAO Commercial Pilot License conversion to an EASA


Hold or have held a valid ICAO conformal Commercial Pilot License CPL, or Air Transport Pilot license

ATPL, with Instrument Rating – IR(A) and Multi-Engine Piston Land class rating – MEP(L).

4.3. Theory ICAO Commercial Pilot License and Airline Transport Pilot License to

EASA ATPL(A) theory:

In accordance to Appendix III of EU 1178/2011 (Conditions for the acceptance of licenses issued by or on

behalf of third countries), an ICAO-CPL(A), or ATPL(A) license holder, should pass all theoretical written

examinations (14 subject matters for ATPL). Training shall be offered by an ATO, via presence, or

distance learning. Proposal by the ATO to the authority, prior to registration for the theoretical exams, is

mandatory. All theoretical examinations shall be passed at one European CAA (Civil Aviation Authority)

of choice. The proposal of the candidates remains valid for a period of 12 months after the candidate

was proposed. In this period the candidate must have started the theoretical examinations.

All theoretical examinations must be passed within a period of 18 months, counted from the end of the

calendar month when the candidate first attempted a theoretical examination (EASA PART-FCL.025, a &

b). After passing the final theoretical exam successfully, the theoretical credit will remain valid for 36

months. Within that period of validity, the EASA CPL(A) license and IR(A) rating must be obtained.

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4.4. Long Briefings for commercial licenses:

These are purely theoretical briefings, to cover the practical gap and to allow conversion of an ICAO

license, into an EASA conformal pilot license. The total amount of long briefings should be respected.

Slight deviations from duration per subject are accepted, in accordance with the specific flying

experience of the candidate(s).

• VFR NAVIGATION PROCEDURES (2 hours), Dead reckoning, heading/track, drift lines, holding the

track on the map, timing every x-minutes, different navigation legs, Airspace Infringements, terrain

& altitude monitoring, use of 1/250.000th and 1/500.000th map of Belgium, navigation across

national borders, flying at higher altitude in Europe, flying in controlled airspaces, diversions,

European tools for flight preparation (maps, AIP, NOTAM), Belgocontrol website for flight

preparation, meteo briefing, NOTAM, AIP,… • IFR NAVIGATION PROCEDURES (2 hours): Differences between for example FAA TERPS (FAR AIM

and Jeppesen Intro) and European PAN-OPS (very important differences in various parameters, for

example: protected areas have different minima, etc.) • IFR OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES/SOP (2 hours): Interceptions & holdings must be executed with

higher precision, due to airspace constraints. Descent profiles, Top of Descent, continuous descent

profile, Vertical Speed vs Ground Speed, MDA/DA, SITUATIONAL AWARENESS IN DESCENT AND ALL

OTHER PHASES IN FLIGHT. Highlight the fact that “uncontrolled IFR” is not commonly accepted in


• AIR EXERCISES (5 hours), focusing on the established gaps between EASA and third country training

methods: stalls: there seems to be a lack of systematic training to a fully developed stall (only

allowed for speed drop until stall speed, or stall warning, not until buffet or effective stall). Stall

and spin awareness. Aerodynamic awareness of stall. Recovery techniques of stall (fe. Use of foot

pedals and P-factor effects in go around). Short field landings/patterns. Navigation techniques

• ASYMMETRIC FLIGHT (2 hours): remedial training of all influencing factors of asymmetric flight.

• METEOROLOGY TOOLS AVAILABLE (no fixed duration): there are not as many systems available as

in f.e. the USA: no ADSB in Europe, etc. FLIGHT PLANNING TOOLS available in Belgium/Europe

• AIRSPACE ORGANIZATION & RULES OF THE AIR (2 hours). European concept of Airspace

organization and Belgian specifics: Transition altitudes,

• CONVERSION OF UNITS & APPLICABLE UNITS(1hour): Fuel, temperature, altimetry, distances,

weight, volume, etc.

• DIFFERENCES IN MEL, Minimum Equipment lists (no fixed duration)

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4.5. Practical training for ICAO Commercial Pilot License conversion to EASA


• 1 hour of evaluation, in flight (SEP) to check the level of the candidate (at discretion of the Head of

Training of the ATO)

• 8 hours VFR training (SEP), Air exercises and navigation, patterns, emergencies

• 2 hours VFR training MEP(L) class rating, focus on asymmetric training

• 10 hours of ME-IR, of which a maximum of 5 hours on FNPT II • 2 hours Skill Test (MEP/IR/CPL)

Modifications to the distribution of the type of training (SEP VFR/IFR and MEP VFR/IFR) may be applied

in limited numbers, in the individual training programs, 21 hours of conversion training is an minimum

for BCAA, in order to approve the program, for all Belgian approved and foreign ATO, if the candidate

applies for a Belgian EASA-conformal commercial license with multi-engine and instrument rating. Extra

training, in order to be up to proficiency, if required, prior to proposing the candidate for the skill-test.

Logical order must be adhered to in the training: First the VFR SEP section, followed by the IFR SEP, then

only followed by MEP VFR and finally MEP IFR, this for the assurance of the quality of the training.

NOTE: A candidate holding a third country license, is exempted from the standard practical training

requirements according to PART-FCL (flight training in third countries is accepted as a credit). HOWEVER:

It is a common requirement for both the candidate and the ATO, to assure the candidate meets all the

legal requirements for the issuance of the EASA conformal license, as is applicable for candidates in

initial EASA Air Crew Regulations conformal training. This is laid down by the Non-legislative acts (II) to

EU1178/2011, Article 8, §2: “Applicants for PART-FCL licenses already holding at least an equivalent

license, rating or certificate, issued in accordance with Annex I to the Chicago Convention, by a third

country, shall comply with all the requirements of Annex I to this regulation (PART-FCL), except that the

requirements of course duration , number of lessons and specific training hours may be reduced.

The principal practical training requirements that must be met (and may be credited with 3rd country

training, or experience), in order to obtain an EASA conformal CPL(A)/IR(A)/MEP(L) are (we refer to the

stated items in PART-FCL, for the complete set of requirements):

IR(A) (PART-FCL.610 IR):

• Hold at least a PPL in the appropriate aircraft category

• The privileges to fly at night, or

• An ATPL in another aircraft category, or a CPL

• Have completed 50 hours of cross-country as PIC


• 70 hours of flight time as PIC (10 may be performed as PICUS)

• 20 of which shall be VFR cross-country flights as PIC (10 may be performed as PICUS)

• This shall include a VFR cross-country flight of at least 540 km (300NM), with 2 full stop landings at

2 aerodromes different from the departure aerodrome, flown as PIC (NOTE: BCAA only accepts the

various flight stages of this “Long Nav” flight, only if they are performed within 24 hours)

MEP(L) (PART-FCL.720.A):

• 70 hours of flight time as PIC on airplanes

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4.6. Candidates already holding a European CPL(A):

Candidates that are the holder of, or that are in the conditions for the issuance of an EASA PART-FCL

conformal CPL(A) license, may be credited from 21 hours minimum training, to a minimum of 15 hours

of practical training, for the issuance of an EASA PART-FCL CPL(A)/ME-IR(A)

4.7. Skill-test:

• When trained up to proficiency by the ATO, the HT (Head of Training) should propose the candidate

for the skill test to BCAA. This by filling in the standard BCAA form for designation of an examiner,

which should be forwarded to [email protected]

• BCAA will select the examiners to take the skill test of the candidate. Up to 3 candidates may be

proposed by the HT of the ATO to BCAA. Any European qualified examiner may be proposed, BCAA

has the liberty to select from the list of proposed examiners, or designate another.

• The designated examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following

link to the BCAA-website:


• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the candidate, as well as the ATO, as well as the

examiner (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid incomplete filling

out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the BCAA website:


4.8. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA PART-FCL

conformal CPL(A) with Instrument Rating - IR(A) and MEP(L) class rating/ME-IR at the Belgian Civil

Aviation Authority.

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 1 Medical Certificate, together with the PPL-

CPL Application form, that can be found in Annex V to this Procedure Manual.

• For the issuance of the Instrument Rating – IR(A), the candidate should present a European

approved English Language Proficiency Certificate (Third Country ELP Certificates are not accepted

for BCAA issued pilot licenses), of minimum level 4.

• Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department,

please check: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/info/

4.9. Additional ICAO Airplane Single Engine Land (ASEL) to SEP(L) rating (added

to an EASA CPL(A) license, after the conversion of an ICAO Commercial license):

• No extra training legally required, if estimated up to proficiency during evaluation, or during

training for CPL(A)/IR(A)/MEP(L)-privileges.

• Extra training, in order to be up to proficiency, if required, to be determined by the HT of the ATO.

• Minimum 1 hour skill test with examiner, on a SEP(L)-airplane

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5.1. Legal reference: EU 1178/2011, Annex III, C, Acceptance of Class and Type Ratings. See (also) Annex III to this BCAA

Procedure Manual for Licensing Conversion.

5.2. Prerequisites for ICAO class and type rating conversion to EASA class and

type ratings:

• Hold a valid ICAO conformal class or type rating in a license issued by a third country.

• The license holder complies with the experience requirements and prerequisites for the issue of the

applicable type, or class rating, in accordance with PART-FCL.

• Is currently in flying practice

• The license holder can demonstrate at least 100 hours of flight experience in that class, for a class


• The license holder can demonstrate at least 500 hours of flight experience in that type, for a type


5.3. Theoretical requirements for ICAO class and type rating conversion:

No additional theoretical requirements, if the candidate is the holder of a EASA PART-FCL conformal

license, with the applicable EASA PART-MED conformal Class 1, or 2 Medical and a valid English

Language Proficiency endorsement (minimum level 4, if applicable) on the license.

5.4. Long Briefing requirements for ICAO class and type rating conversions:

No additional long briefing requirements, if the candidate is the holder of a EASA PART-FCL conformal

license, with the applicable EASA PART-MED conformal Class 1, or 2 Medical and a valid English

Language Proficiency endorsement (minimum level 4, if applicable) on the license.

5.5. Practical training requirements for ICAO class and type rating conversions:

No additional long briefing requirements, if the candidate is the holder of a EASA PART-FCL conformal

license, with the applicable EASA PART-MED conformal Class 1, or 2 Medical and a valid English

Language Proficiency endorsement (minimum level 4, if applicable) on the license AND the candidate

meets the requirements stipulated in chapter 5.2.

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5.6. Skill-test:

• A candidate that meets the requirements as laid out by the applicable European legislation, for the

conversion of an ICAO class, or type rating, is advised to contact and ATO, but is not legally obliged

to consult an ATO, to be proposed to an examiner.

• The candidate can select the examiner of choice (European approved CRE/TRE, with valid privileges

as examiner on class/type) to take the skill test of the candidate (due to recently changed approach

by BCAA in the designation of examiner procedure: 13/08/2014):


• All European approved examiners, that meet the requirements, may take the skill-test, provided

they adhere to the items stipulated in this manual.

• The examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following link to the

BCAA-website: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/piloten/skilltest/

• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the candidate, as well as the ATO, as well as the

examiner (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid incomplete filling

out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the BCAA website:


5.7. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA conformal

class, or type rating on the EASA PART-FCL conformal license, at his/her Competent Authority of


• The candidate should present a valid European Class 1 Medical Certificate, together with the “Skill

test Class Rating Report Form”, or the “Skill test Type Rating Report Form”, that can be found in

Annex X to this Procedure Manual for License Conversion.

• For the issuance of the type rating (including instrument rating), or class rating that requires the use

of the radio (FIS/ATC) the candidate should present a European approved English Language

Proficiency Certificate (Third Country ELP Certificates are not accepted for BCAA issued pilot

licenses), of minimum level 4.

• Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department,

please check the BCAA website at:


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6.1. Legal reference:

EU 1178/2011, Article 8 “Conditions for the acceptance of licenses from third countries”. Added as

Annex II to this BCAA Procedure Manual for Licensing Conversion.

6.2. Prerequisites for ICAO ATPL conversions to EASA to EASA PART-FCL ATPL(A):

• Hold a valid ICAO conformal ATPL license, issued by a third country.

• The license holder complies with the experience requirements and prerequisites for the issue of the

an ATPL license, in accordance with PART-FCL.

• Is currently in flying practice

6.3. Theoretical requirements for ICAO ATPL conversions:

In accordance to Article 5 of EU 1178/2011 (Conditions for the acceptance of licenses issued by or on

behalf of third countries), an ICAO ATPL(A) license holder, should pass all theoretical written

examinations (14 subject matters for ATPL). Training shall be offered by an ATO, via presence, or

distance learning. Proposal by the ATO to the authority, prior to registration for the theoretical exams, is

mandatory. All theoretical examinations shall be passed at one European CAA (Civil Aviation Authority)

of choice. The proposal of the candidates remains valid for a period of 12 months after the candidate

was proposed. In this period the candidate must have started the theoretical examinations.

All theoretical examinations must be passed within a period of 18 months, counted from the end of the

calendar month when the candidate first attempted a theoretical examination (EASA PART-FCL.025, a &

b). After passing the final theoretical exam successfully, the theoretical credit will remain valid for 36

months. Within that period of validity, the EASA CPL(A) license and IR(A) rating must be obtained.

6.4. Long Briefing requirements for ICAO ATPL conversions:

No additional long briefing requirements, if the candidate is the holder of a valid ICAO ATPL license, is

currently in flying practice and holder of the applicable EASA PART-MED conformal Class 1, or 2 Medical

and a valid English Language Proficiency endorsement (minimum level 4, if applicable) on the license.

6.5. Practical training requirements for ICAO ATPL conversions:

No additional long briefing requirements, if the candidate is the holder of a valid ICAO ATPL license, is

currently in flying practice and holder of the applicable EASA PART-MED conformal Class 1, or 2 Medical

and a valid English Language Proficiency endorsement (minimum level 4, if applicable) on the license.

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6.6. Skill-test:

• A candidate that meets the requirements as laid out by the applicable European legislation, for the

conversion of an ICAO class, or type rating, MUST NOT consult an ATO, to be proposed to an


• The candidate can select the examiner of choice (European approved CRE/TRE, with valid privileges

as examiner on class/type) to take the skill test of the candidate (due to recently changed approach

by BCAA in the designation of examiner procedure: 13/08/2014):


• All European approved examiners, that meet the requirements, may take the skill-test, provided

they adhere to the items stipulated in this manual.

• The examiner must register the skill test at least 24 hours in advance, via the following link to the

BCAA-website: http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/nl/luchtvaart/vergunningen/piloten/skilltest/

• The appropriate skill test form must be filled out by the candidate, as well as the ATO, as well as the

examiner (it is advised to fill in these documents right after the skill-test, to avoid incomplete filling

out). The relevant skill test forms can be downloaded via the following link to the BCAA website:


6.7. Licensing requirements:

• When the candidate has successfully passed the skill-test, he/she may apply for the EASA PART-FCL

conformal ATPL(A) license, at the Competent Authority of Oversight of choice (all Member States).

• The candidate should present a valid European Class 1 Medical Certificate, together with the “Skill

test Class Rating Report Form”, or the “Skill test Type Rating Report Form”, that can be found in

Annex X to this Procedure Manual for License Conversion.

• The candidate should present a European approved English Language Proficiency Certificate (Third

Country ELP Certificates are not accepted for BCAA issued pilot licenses), of minimum level 4.

• Information regarding address, opening hours and payment, of the BCAA Licensing Department,

please check the BCAA website at:


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CHAPTER 7: Candidates:

• ALL CANDIDATES that wish to apply for an ICAO license conversion via the BCAA Procedure Manual

for License Conversion, should contact an ATO (Approved Training Organization, according to EASA

Air Crew Regulations and that have the training courses for the licenses/ratings conversion is

sought for on their scope of training. These ATO were formerly known as RF, for PPL only, or FTO,

for commercial licenses and associated ratings. For the list of BCAA approved ATO, we refer to the

BCAA website: www.mobilit.belgium.be

• The Head of Training should compose an individual or standard conversion program for each

candidate (or group of candidates with similar training/experience level and background), that must

be approved by BCAA (except for PPL).

• This Procedure Manual is to be used for reference, for the composition of the training programs, by


• The candidate should acquire a Medical Class 1 or 2 medical certificate, issued by an AeMC

(Aeromedical Center), or AME (Aeromedical Examiner), in accordance with EASA Air Crew

Regulations, PART-MED. Non-EASA Member State, third country medical certificates are not

recognized, by lack of bilateral agreements. GM (General Medical Practitioners) issued certificates

are not accepted by the BCAA Medical Section.

• The candidate should acquire an ELP-certificate, issued in accordance with EASA Air Crew

Regulations, PART-FCL.055, of at least level 4. ELP certificates issued by European LAB (Language

Assessment Bodies), or ELP-test centers, recognized by a European Competent Authorities of

Oversight, are acceptable (under conditions) to BCAA for issuance of the “ENGLISH” rating on a

Belgian EASA conformal license. Non-EASA Member State ELP-certificates are not acceptable, by

lack of bilateral agreements. The ELP-test is ideally acquired prior to the skill-test, so the examiner

can determine whether the candidate has obtained a level 4 or not (ELP is a licensing requirement,

no longer a prerequisite for the skill test. This also due to change in the ELP requirements by BCAA,



• All European approved ATO may submit a training program for license conversion, in accordance

with this BCAA Procedure Manual for License Conversion, together with a copy of the ATO approval

certificate and a copy of its Approved Training Courses (Annex to the Approval Certificate). Training

validity and acceptance can only be guaranteed for BCAA issued conversions of licenses and ratings.

• ATO must dispose of training course approvals for providing initial training, in the appropriate

category, in order to be able to provide conversion training PPL(A), CPL(A), IR(A), MEP(L), etc.

• Upon registry, the ATO should compose a student training folder for each candidate.

• The HT should compose a training program for a candidate (or ideally a group of candidates, if the

situation permits), taking into account the specific requirements of the candidate (established by an

evaluation flight, or verification of the logbook) and submit it for approval to BCAA.

• The HT, CMM and instructors of the ATO should monitor adherence to the approved training

program. This includes adherence to the number of hours of theoretical and/or flight training, the

type of training that was approved as well the logical sequence of the training.

• The HT shall ensure the candidate is a holder of a valid EASA theory credit (relevant for the type of

license applied for) and is trained up to proficiency, prior to proposing the student for the skill test,

to an examiner (to be designated by BCAA, or not, according to the type of conversion program).

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CHAPTER 9: Deadlines:

• According to actual status of European regulations and current communication surrounding it, all

“third country” license holders should meet the legal requirements, by the 8th of April 2016 AT THE

LATEST, to continue flying within European member states, or on foreign registered airplanes,

based in Europe.

• Conversion programs may be continued after the 8th of April 2016, in accordance with this

procedure manual. Candidates may no longer fly solo, or act as PIC, based on third country

privileges (license/ratings), until trained up to proficiency and an EASA PART-FCL conformal license

and appropriate ratings is obtained.

• Candidates for a CPL/ATPL-conversion program should consider the constraint that the CPL(A) and

IR(A) skill-test must be completed within the validity period of the CPL-or ATPL-theory, this is 3

years after the date of passing the final theoretical exam.


• All training/conversion programs, destined for Belgian license holders, or in cases where a Belgian

license/rating will be applied for after conversion training, must be approved by the BCAA Training


• BCAA Coordinator License Conversion: [email protected] , 0032 2 277 43 77

• General contact, in case of absence: [email protected] 0032 2 277 43 11

• All observations/feedback/remarks are also welcome, so the BCAA Training Department can

continue to update and improve the content of this document. Feedback may be provided by the

standard feedback form which can be found as Annex XIII to this Procedure Manual.

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ANNEX I: EU 216/2008: Common European rules of civil aviation and

establishment of the European Agency for Safety in Aviation:



Article 4

Basic principles and applicability

1. Aircraft, including any installed product, part and appliance, which are:

(a) designed or manufactured by an organization for which the Agency or a Member State ensures

safety oversight; or

(b) registered in a Member State, unless their regulatory safety oversight has been delegated to a

third country and they are not used by a Community operator; or

(c) registered in a third country and used by an operator for which any Member State ensures

oversight of operations or used into, within or out of the Community by an operator established or

residing in the Community; or

(d) registered in a third country, or registered in a Member State which has delegated their regulatory

safety oversight to a third country, and used by a third-country operator into, within or out of the

Community shall comply with this Regulation.

2. Personnel involved in the operations of aircraft referred to in paragraph 1(b), (c) or (d) shall comply

with this Regulation.

3. Operations of aircraft referred to in paragraph 1(b), (c) or (d) shall comply with this Regulation.

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ANNEX II: EU 1178/2011: Legal basis for “Third country license acceptance”:

Article 8

Conditions for the acceptance of licenses from third countries

1. Without prejudice to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 and where there are no agreements

concluded between the Union and a third country covering pilot licensing, Member States may

accept third country licenses, and associated medical certificates issued by or on behalf of third

countries, in accordance with the provisions of Annex III to this Regulation.

2. Applicants for Part-FCL licenses already holding at least an equivalent license, rating or certificate

issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention by a third country shall comply with all

the requirements of Annex I to this Regulation, except that the requirements of course duration,

number of lessons and specific training hours may be reduced.

3. The credit given to the applicant shall be determined by the Member State to which the pilot applies

on the basis of a recommendation from an approved training organization.

4. Holders of an ATPL issued by or on behalf of a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the

Chicago Convention who have completed the experience requirements for the issue of an ATPL in

the relevant aircraft category as set out in Subpart F of Annex I to this Regulation may be given full

credit as regards the requirements to undergo a training course prior to undertaking the theoretical

knowledge examinations and the skill test, provided that the third country license contains a valid

type rating for the aircraft to be used for the ATPL skill test.

5. Airplane or helicopter type ratings may be issued to holders of Part-FCL licenses that comply with

the requirements for the issue of those ratings established by a third country. Such ratings will be

restricted to aircraft registered in that third country. This restriction may be removed when the pilot

complies with the requirements in point C.1 of Annex III.

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ANNEX III: EU 1178/2011: Legal basis for conversion of PPL-licenses:




1. A PPL/BPL/SPL, a CPL or ATPL license issued in compliance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the

Chicago Convention by a third country may be converted into a Part-FCL PPL/BPL/SPL with a single-pilot

class or type rating by the competent authority of a Member State.

The pilot shall apply to the competent authority of the Member State where he/she resides or is


2. The holder of the license shall comply with the following minimum requirements, for the relevant

aircraft category:

(a) pass a written examination in Air Law and Human Performance;

(b) pass the PPL, BPL or SPL skill test, as relevant, in accordance with Part-FCL;

(c) fulfil the requirements for the issue of the relevant class or type rating, in accordance with

Subpart H;

(d) hold at least a Class 2 medical certificate, issued in accordance with Part-Medical;

(e) demonstrate that he/she has acquired language proficiency in accordance with FCL.055;

(f) have completed at least 100 hours of flight time as a pilot.

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ANNEX IV: EU 1178/2011: IR(A) — Competency-based modular flying training

course, meeting PARTIAL EXPERIENCE requirement


1. The aim of the competency-based modular flying training course is to train PPL or CPL holders for the

instrument rating, taking into account prior instrument flight instruction and experience. It is designed to

provide the level of proficiency needed to operate aeroplanes under IFR and in IMC. The course shall

consist of a combination of instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the

privilege to provide training for the IR and flight instruction within an ATO.

2. An applicant for such a competency-based modular IR(A) shall be the holder of a PPL(A) or CPL(A).

3. The course of theoretical instruction shall be completed within 18 months. The instrument flight

instruction and the skill test shall be completed within the period of validity of the pass of the theoretical

knowledge examinations.

4. The course shall comprise:

(a) theoretical knowledge instruction to the IR(A) knowledge level;

(b) instrument flight instruction.


5. An approved competency-based modular IR(A) course shall comprise at least 80 hours of theoretical

knowledge instruction. The theoretical knowledge course may contain computer-based training and e-

learning elements. A minimum amount of classroom teaching as required by ORA.ATO.305 has to be



6. The method of attaining an IR(A) following this modular course is competency-based. However, the

minimum requirements below shall be completed by the applicant. Additional training may be required

to reach required competencies.

(a) A single-engine competency-based modular IR(A) course shall include at least 40 hours of

instrument time under instruction, of which up to 10 hours may be instrument ground time in an

FNPT I, or up to 25 hours in an FFS or FNPT II. A maximum of 5 hours of FNPT II or FFS instrument

ground time may be conducted in an FNPT I.

(i) When the applicant has:

(A) completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the

privilege to provide training for the IR;


(B) prior flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes, under a rating providing the privileges

to fly under IFR and in IMC these hours may be credited towards the 40 hours above up to

maximum of 30 hours,

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(ii) When the applicant has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than specified in

point (a)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 40 hours up to a maximum of 15


(iii) In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight time under

instruction in an aeroplane at an ATO.

(iv) The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours.

(b) A multi-engine competency-based modular IR(A) course shall include at least 45 hours

instrument time under instruction, of which up to 10 hours may be instrument ground time in an

FNPT I, or up to 30 hours in an FFS or FNPT II. A maximum of 5 hours of FNPT II or FFS instrument

ground time may be conducted in an FNPT I.

(i) When the applicant has:

(A) completed instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or an FI(A) holding the

privilege to provide training for the IR;


(B) prior flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes, under a rating giving the privileges to fly

under IFR and in IMC, these hours may be credited towards the 45 hours above up to a

maximum of 35 hours.

(ii) When the applicant has prior instrument flight time under instruction other than specified in

point (b)(i), these hours may be credited towards the required 45 hours up to a maximum of 15


(iii) In any case, the flying training shall include at least 10 hours of instrument flight time under

instruction in a multi-engine aeroplane at an ATO.

(iv) The total amount of dual instrument instruction shall not be less than 25 hours, of which at

least 15 hours shall be completed in a multi-engine aeroplane.

(c) To determine the amount of hours credited and to establish the training needs, the applicant

shall complete a pre-entry assessment at an ATO.

(d) The completion of the instrument flight instruction provided by an IRI(A) or FI(A) in

accordance with point (a)(i) or (b)(i) shall be documented in a specific training record and signed

by the instructor.

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7. The flight instruction for the competency-based modular IR(A) shall comprise:

(a) procedures and maneuvers for basic instrument flight covering at least:

(i) basic instrument flight without external visual cues;

(ii) horizontal flight;

(iii) climbing;

(iv) descent;

(v) turns in level flight, climbing and descent;

(vi) instrument pattern;

(vii) steep turn;

(viii) radio navigation;

(ix) recovery from unusual attitudes;

(x) limited panel; and

(xi) recognition and recovery from incipient and full stall;

(b) pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate air

traffic services documents for the preparation of an IFR flight plan;

(c) procedure and maneuvers for IFR operation under normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions

covering at least:

(i) transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off;

(ii) standard instrument departures and arrivals;

(iii) en route IFR procedures;

(iv) holding procedures;

(v) instrument approaches to specified minima;

(vi) missed approach procedures; and

(vii) landings from instrument approaches, including circling;

(d) in-flight maneuvers and particular flight characteristics;

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(e) if required, operation of a multi-engine aeroplane in the above exercises, including:

(i) operation of the aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with

one engine simulated inoperative;

(ii) engine shutdown and restart (to be carried out at a safe altitude

unless carried out in an FFS or FNPT II).

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ANNEX V: EU 1178/2011: IR(A) — Competency-based modular flying training

course, meeting FULL EXPERIENCE requirements

8. Applicants for the competency-based modular IR(A) holding a Part-FCL PPL or CPL and a valid IR(A)

issued in compliance with the requirements of Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention by a third country may

be credited in full towards the training course mentioned in paragraph 4. In order to be issued the IR(A),

the applicant shall:

(a) successfully complete the skill test for the IR(A) in accordance with Appendix 7;

(b) demonstrate to the examiner during the skill test that he/she has acquired an adequate level of

theoretical knowledge of air law, meteorology and flight planning and performance (IR); and

(c) have a minimum experience of at least 50 hours of flight time under IFR as PIC on aeroplanes.


9. The content and duration of the pre-entry assessment shall be determined by the ATO based on the

prior instrument experience of the applicant.


10. The holder of a single-engine IR(A) who also holds a multi-engine class or type rating wishing to

obtain a multi-engine IR(A) for the first time shall complete a course at an ATO comprising at least 5

hours instrument time under instruction in multi-engine aeroplanes, of which 3 hours may be in an FFS or

FNPT II and shall pass a skill test.

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ANNEX VI: EU 1178/2011: PART-MED – Medical Requirements:

MED.A.030 Medical certificates

(a) A student pilot shall not fly solo unless that student pilot holds a medical certificate, as required for

the relevant license.

(b) Applicants for and holders of a light aircraft pilot license (LAPL) shall hold at least an LAPL medical


(c) Applicants for and holders of a private pilot license (PPL), a sailplane pilot license (SPL), or a balloon

pilot license (BPL) shall hold at least a Class 2 medical certificate.

(d) Applicants for and holders of an SPL or a BPL involved in commercial sailplane or balloon flights shall

hold at least a Class 2 medical certificate.

(e) If a night rating is added to a PPL or LAPL, the license holder shall be color safe.

(f) Applicants for and holders of a commercial pilot license (CPL), a multi-crew pilot license (MPL), or

an airline transport pilot license (ATPL) shall hold a Class 1 medical certificate.

(g) If an instrument rating is added to a PPL, the license holder shall undertake pure tone audiometry

examinations in accordance with the periodicity and the standard required for Class 1 medical

certificate holders.

(h) A license holder shall not at any time hold more than one medical certificate issued in accordance

with this Part.

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ANNEX IX: AMC1 FCL.235 Skill test PPL(A)


(a) The route to be flown for the navigation test should be chosen by the FE. The route may end at the

aerodrome of departure or at another aerodrome. The applicant should be responsible for the flight

planning and should ensure that all equipment and documentation for the execution of the flight are on

board. The navigation section of the test should have a duration that allows the pilot to demonstrate

his/her ability to complete a route with at least three identified waypoints and may, as agreed between

the applicant and FE, be flown as a separate test.

(b) An applicant should indicate to the FE the checks and duties carried out, including the identification of

radio facilities. Checks should be completed in accordance with the authorized checklist for the airplane

on which the test is being taken. During pre-flight preparation for the test the applicant should be

required to determine power settings and speeds. Performance data for take-off, approach and landing

should be calculated by the applicant in compliance with the operations manual or flight manual for the

airplane used.


(c) The applicant should demonstrate the ability to:

(1) operate the airplane within its limitations;

(2) complete all maneuvers with smoothness and accuracy;

(3) exercise good judgment and airmanship;

(4) apply aeronautical knowledge;

(5) maintain control of the airplane at all times in such a manner that the successful outcome of a

procedure or maneuvers is never seriously in doubt.

(d) The following limits are for general guidance. The FE should make allowance for turbulent conditions

and the handling qualities and performance of the airplane used:

(1) height:

(i) normal flight ± 150 ft

(ii) with simulated engine failure ± 200 ft (if ME airplane is used)

(2) heading or tracking of radio aids:

(i) normal flight ± 10 °

(ii) with simulated engine failure ± 15 ° (if ME airplane is used)

(3) speed:

(i) take-off and approach +15/–5 knots

(ii) all other flight regimes ± 15 knots


(e) The skill test contents and sections set out in this AMC should be used for the skill test for the issue of

a PPL(A) on SE and ME airplanes, or on TMGs.

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ANNEX XII: Agreement theoretical exam for Competency based IR:

1. The CB-IR theoretical exam is taken in the presence of the examiner designated by BCAA to

the skill-test. The entire exam (conversation – theoretical part – practical part) will be taken

in English.

2. The theoretical exam consists of 40 questions, on 4 subject matters. The examiner is not

allowed to help the candidate with the questions. The theoretical exam is to be taken in 1


3. All electronic devices are to be turned off during the theoretical exam: mobile phones,

cameras and other devices must be turned off, and handed to the examiner, for the

duration of the theoretical exam.

4. Unauthorized use of electronic devices, communication with 3rd parties and/or any other

form of acquiring the correct answers, not based on own knowledge, will be interpreted as

attempted fraud, leading to a cancellation of the exam. This will be reported to BCAA and

may lead to exclusion from another theoretical exam for the duration of 1 year.

5. Any attempts of copying the questions, by writing them down, copying, or photographing

them, will be treated with equal repercussions as the topics addressed in item 4.

6. After 1 hour the theoretical exam sheet is handed over to the examiner, for correction. The

candidate is requested to leave the exam room, to allow the examiner to grade the exam


7. An overall 75% is required to pass the theoretical exam. In case of a “fail” for the

theoretical exam, the practical skill test may not be taken. Theoretical retraining may be

suggested by the examiner, in collaboration with the HT of the ATO.

8. The candidate has at least 1 hour after receiving the theoretical pass, to prepare the flight.

If the candidate feels unfit to fly, or adverse weather, technical, or other conditions are

impairing safety, the flight portion of the skill test may be postponed, either at the request

of the candidate, or the examiner (or third party, related to the ATO).

9. The flight portion of the CB-IR skill-test should have a duration of at least 1h30 (Hobb’s

meter). The standard IR(A) skill test program and report form should be adhered to and

completed by the candidate/examiner/ATO, after the skill test.

The candidate: The examiner:

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