be your number one!

BE YOUR NUMBER ONE! Don't risk anything – except your life! MATTHIAS NOWAK

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Post on 08-Dec-2021




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BE YOUR NUMBER ONE!Don't risk anything – except your life!


“You cannot teach a person anything;

you can only help him find it within himself."

Galileo Galilei

My book is not about answers. It is about looking at visions, dreams

and success from the Nowak perspective. Not that my perspective is

necessarily the best, it is simply better for you to have multiple

perspectives to choose from yourself.

It is my wish that this book will help you benefit from my experience

as a coach, but also as a human being. Because, let's not kid

ourselves, we live in an unusual time. We all, come hell or high water,

have to function. In these circumstances, your autonomy, even the

essential things, can get lost, both as a coach and as a person. So you

can look forward to reading many fresh, new and surprising ideas, on

top of my core motivational techniques. Even one or more beautiful

FC Bayern stories! I will put things in plain terms, without being

hurtful to anyone. My years at Bayern were my most successful time

as a coach. Nevertheless, each of step along the way has brought me

further, always following the motto: Changes ahead!

As a person, however, I was completely lost and got into a major life

crisis. It was only through a very painful process of inner change, and

with kind support from above, that I was able to regain freedom in

my life. Not only in football (soccer, for American readers), but also in

life. I am sure at the end of the book you will be surprised at what I

have in store for you. Who knows, maybe it will actually mean for

you, what it did for me: get out, change, enjoy your own freedom as

a coach and as a human being!

Now it's time to buckle up and let yourself be surprised:

Be Your Number One!


Breathless. I cannot imagine anyone stopping reading until they have

finished the last page of "Be Your Number One". When was the last

time someone publicly took you on a no-holds-barred tour de force

through his life and “the most beautiful pastime in the world”,

including his time at record champions FC Bayern Munich, like

Matthias Nowak here? Anyone else would have ended up with a

string of more or less exciting anecdotes. Not so with with Nowak,

who confidently calls up his “Nowak’s Eleven” and casually

intersperses thought-provoking wisdom. A red thread runs through

this book. This journey of self-discovery and with it the discovery of

God, humility and, incidentally, the meaning of life, has absolutely no

hints of caution or the esoteric. Matthias Nowak, externally the

happy-go-lucky Westphalian, blessed with a keen mind and an

attractive exterior, is always in full swing, is not afraid to look silly, all

to help the big picture win out in the end. Just like the countless

teams that Germany's number one brain trainer pushed to victory

with meticulous craft. And when I, as a former employee of the

Munich Lions, sing the praises of a convinced Bayern Munich fan,

who raves about the magic of the Säbener Straße grounds page after

page, and also mentions his encounters with Uli Hoeneß and the

Müller-strikers in passing, it is an expression of

my respect for this unique, I almost want to say

genius coach. This esteem developed when

Matthias showed and explained to me the

exercises for our future bestseller Beweg Dein

Hirrn (Move Your Brain) during our joint stay in

Seefeld in Tyrol. This respect did not diminish

when the coach from Chiemsee had to go

through the wringer of disappointed expectations and health

problems, in order to finally be certain what really matters in this life.

And that's exactly what he, the trickster and ball magician, tells us

here. This book will not leave anyone cold and most of you - I will bet

on it - will gain lifelong benefits in insight and savviness. Get started.

Anything else is not an option.

Jörg Seewald Journalist (FAZ), author, mediator (certified) and Musikentdecker (egoFM)


"Nowak’s Eleven"

Part I - My life as a coach before FC Bayern Munich

Chapter 1 - Nowak as a Young, Hungry Coach

Chapter 2 - Nowak and his Funeral

Chapter 3 - Nowak and the Coaching Question

Part II - "Mia san Mia" - my time at FC Bayern Munich

Chapter 4 - Nowak on the Fast Track

Chapter 5 - Nowak Solves Problems

Chapter 6 - Nowak and his Mentors

Chapter 7 - Nowak and his "Moonshots"

Chapter 8 -Nowak and the Curse of Good Deeds

Part III - The time remaining

Chapter 9 - Nowak and his “Life Lie”

Chapter 10 - Nowak Combines “Mia san Mia” with “Real


Chapter 11 - Nowak with ”Deep Learning” and a final Vision