bec 2002 philippines

The Basic Education Curriculum

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The Basic EducationCurriculum

Page 2: BEC 2002 Philippines

Report Outline

I.• Knowing the Curricu-lum

II.• Parameters of BEC

III.• Features of BEC

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Education for all UNESCO program The 1987 Philippine Constitution affirms that education is the birthright

of all Filipinos.

This means that education should be available to all Filipinos whatever their age, creed, abilities, social and economic status. Educating all Filipinos is a very great challenge to our educational system. As a teacher, you are partly responsible for addressing this educational challenge.

I. Knowing the Curriculum

A. The EFA 2015 Plan of Action

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B. Vision and Mission of BEC Curriculum


The Department of Education, envisions every learner to be functionally literate, equipped with life skills, apprecia-tive of arts and sports imbued with the desirable values of a person who is makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan, at maka-Diyos.


This vision is in line with DepEd’s mission to provide quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all and lays the foundation for lifelong learning and service for the common good.

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The demands of the learning environment, the society and the Fil-ipino learner defined the parameters that govern the elements of the curriculum. These elements include:

II. Parameters of BEC






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Expressed in terms of competen-cies

in knowledge, skills and atti-tudes.

These determine the content which

focuses on the processes and skills

of learning how to learn rather than on the content coverage of

facts and information.

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Delivered using a variety of me-dia

and resources. From the tradi-tional

textbooks resources, teachers are

encouraged to use ICT and community resources. Content is

contextualized so that the curriculum is adjusted to the sit-

uation and local culture.

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The use of multi-sensory materi-als is encouraged in teaching. Real objects, tri-dimensional

models, audio-visuals and real life situations are effective tools

in delivery of the teaching-learning process. The use of local or community resources as well as technology-driven support

materials are utilized in the learn-ing environment.

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Considers the learners as active partners rather than objects of teaching. The learners are constructors of meaning, while the teach-ers act as facilitators, enablers and managers of learning. let us learn the salient features of the 2002 BEC which is now being imple-mented in all basic education schools of the country. Its aim is to raise the quality of educa-tion of Filipino learners and graduates. The BEC empowers life-long learners through the attainment of functional literacy.

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Integrative teaching works best in the BEC. It is so because, the curriculum is treated in a holistic manner. The process is interactive, collabora-tive and innovative.

Integrative Teaching comprises the following:

1. Thematic teaching 2. Content based instruction 3. Focusing inquiry 4. Generic competency model.

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1. Thematic teaching - It links ideas to action and learning to life.

2. Content based instruction - is the integration of content learning with language teaching. The language curriculum is centered on the academic needs and interests of the learners

3. Focusing inquiry - interdisciplinary approach that uses questions to organize learning. Learn-ers become creators rather that recipients of knowledge.

4. Generic competency model- learners are en-rolled in three to four linked or related courses or subject areas. In Makabayan for instance, com-petence can be clustered into personal develop-ment, social competencies and work and special skills.

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III. Features of BEC

2. Emphasis on interac-

tive/collaborative learning ap-


1. Greater emphasis on helping every

learner be-come a suc-

cessful reader.

3. Emphasis on the use of integrative learning ap-proaches.

4. Teach-ing of val-ues in all learning areas.

6. Develop-ment of cre-

ative and critical think-

ing skills.

5. Develop-ment of self-reliant and

patriotic citi-zens.

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