bee (earlington, ky.). (earlington, ky) 1903-08-20 [p...

a Mvim ti J Pr L t 2 THE BEE ARLINGTON KY MORTON HALL WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Another shipment of Iron Beds in a large variety of and splendid combination of colors Price 3 and uji GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES MORTON <Ss HALL Furniture Carpets and Mattings Funeral Directors Madisonvllle Ky a IE > r I SHOT LoeflJ11 Do you eat steak Go to Heppel- old stand the Rock House Billard Summers has been laid up with rheumatism this week A heavy rain fell in the Hanson k neighborhood Tuesday night filling the creeks to overflowing g Dr Williams purchased this week a nice 4 room cottage on cross Main street at Morton Gap from John Coyle of this city Henry Drexler will sell you fresh meat at the honest price Hepples old stand the Rock House A small blaze occured at the Vic ¬ toria mines Tuesday night one of the small outhouses being consumed i Rey JW Lester preached Sat- urday ¬ k night and Sunday night at a Barnsley to a large attentive con ¬ gregation Quite a number of Earl t ington people went to hear him For the best meat in Earlington call on Henry Drexler in the Rock House Hepples old stand Miss Anna Rice of this city will make the Old Point in a short time and will then proceed to New York where she will purchase her fall stock of millinery IThe Hopkins Counry Fair Associ ¬ ation has leased the Paducah fair grounds and will give an old fash- ioned ¬ country fair there sometime in October A Little Outcast which will be seen here this coming season is the popular play ot the hour As a viv ¬ id and dramatic picture of modern New York Life it outranks all other plays of the season WANTEDYoung man 18 to 20 years of age good penman smart at figures for weigh clerk at Daniel Boone mines Address TR Troen dle Vice President and General Manager Dawson Springs Ky Mr vaught of Portland Oregan has secured employment with the L N and will reside in the house lately occupied by Mr Igleheart Mrs Vaujrbt is a sister of Mrs E M Orr of this oUr Mrs A T Hanner and little grandson who have been spending the summer with her mother and sister Mrs H S Corey left for her home in Peoria Ill Sunday night accompanied by Miss Mayne Todd of the Grapevine country Miss Elizabeth Givens of Mad sonyille who was one of the pleaS- ure seekers at Lakeside Park Mon ¬ day night and who was badly injur ¬ ed by being thrown from a buggy on number 11 hill while returning home io reported to be improving satisfac ¬ torilyr Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Cham ¬ berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and Perhaps a Life Saved A short time ago I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea t and believe I would havo died if I had not gotten relief says John J Patton a leading citizen of Patton Ala A friend recommended Cham- berlains ¬ Colic Cholera and Diar ¬ rhoea Remedv I bought a 25c bot tle and after taking throe doses of it r was entirely cured I consider It the best remedy in the world for bowel complaints Dru1storer ¬ Farlington ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar uogs end stops the cough t r i t Summer Joys What joy the summers bringinl A tree where shadows flit And a mockin bird asingin In the green sweet top of it And sounds of bees ahummln- In meadows drenched with dew i Hints of the harvest comin The harvest thats for your Atlanta Constitution Mr John Twyman has again erect- ed the popular boxbail in our miss- and has laid a new floor and other ¬ wise fixed it up in first class style The young people Mid folder otios al ¬ so can now spend a good man hours playing x ball Miss Lizzie Dean of Eariington and her friend Miss Birdie Hall of Madisonville who have been visit ing the Owedsboro Chautauqua a week or more returned to Madison ¬ ville Monday where Miss Lizzie visit a few days before returnin home Rumor savs there will be two more weddings in our town in the near future The signs are good as we cant help but notice That wonderful little Godoflove does swoop down on our town sometimes and my 1 what havoc ho does play while hfe tarries A Little Outcast company broke all records for a long season being out for fortysix and a half weeks and playing all the principal cities of the country It is now booked opons ¬ ng Mr O P Webb brought to this office Monday one of the largest bunchest of tomatoes ever seen in Earllngfou There were seven large full grown well devolped tom ¬ atoes on one stem the whole weigh ¬ ing over five pounds As a tomato grower Mr Webb is a succes For Sale A nice gocart as good as new Cost 17 Has been used very little For terms apply to this office Suspected Murderer Arrested at Norton ville A man giving his name as Thos Cook was here Monday and claimed to be a union miner from Coal Creek He looked around making few en- Quires ¬ until he came in contact with Rule Clark who gave him a paper to read containing valuable inform ¬ ation which he seemed to appre- ciate ¬ and soon moved out of town Cook was arrested at Nortonville by Roy Blanks as asuspected mur ¬ derer from Mt Vernon 111 The officers at that place were notified and came to Nortonville Wednes- day ¬ morning The prisoner proved to be the man wanted and was car ¬ ried back to Illinois on 62 Wednes ¬ day Cook is said to have killed his sisterinlaw in the Illinois town and a reward of 100 was offered for arrest Pretty Eagle Dead A special from Owensboro to the CourierJournal under date of Aug 18 Chief Pretty Eagle a noted Indian chief of the Mohawk tribe died here at noon today He had been predicting his death for a day or two and died from heart failure His wife whom he recently married at Morganfield Ky was with him Chief Pretty Eagle as will be rem ¬ embered by Earlington people oper- ated ¬ extensively at this place about a year ago and has lately been going the rounds at the different fairs in charge ofa tribe of full blood Indians While Pretty Eagle was not cut out fora Sunday school superintendent he may have had some good traits successfully con ¬ cealed from the public gaze and wo trust his swift foot is now pursue lug the elusive antelope in the sil ¬ van shades of the happy hunting grounds 2880 St Paul and Return TheMonon Route will from now until Sept 80 sell round trip tickets to St Paul and Minneapolis at 2880 from Louisville Low rates also to other points in the Northwest Ad ¬ dress EH Bacon D PA Monon Route Louisville Ky WANTEDTo sell or trade a lot of nice jersey cows with calves for any old thing W C McLeod Suicide Prevented The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide has been dis ¬ covered will interest many A run system or despondency invariably precedes suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide like ¬ ly At the first thought of self de ¬ struction take Electric Bitters It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system Its also a great Stom ¬ regulatorOnly by Bt Drug PARKERS BALSAMClMiue n growthNewer ray flair to 1U rauthtal Ctaa dlMuc t hilt fcUic LOcad UOO tDrn tt I + PERSONALS + Tom Stone and family spent sev ¬ eral days lastweek visiting relative- in the country Mr Porter of the PQrter Install- ment ¬ Company was over Monday + on business wht ° several days retruned home this week cliildreny are a friend- in the country Charlie is keeping houseMisses Daisy Rice and Daisy Lee Brashear of Hopkinsvllle are visit ¬ ing Mr and Mrs WL Rice a fe days fromg Charlie Eades has returned from a visit to Central City Miss Leura Stodghill of near Hanson is visiting friends here this week Mr and Mrs O P Webb visited friends in the country Sunday Miss Annie Ashby Mrs Nannie Sisk nnd Mr and Mrs Mildred Toombs have returued from a visit to Dawson Springs much improved in health and looks Paul M Moore who was called to Denver on account of the serious illness of his brotherinlaw return ¬ ed home Tuesday accompanied by his two little nieces Margaret and Elizabeth Kemp Ped Porter of the L N was in Louisville this week Deglan McGrath an old Earling ¬ ton boy but now of Nashville Is visiting here this week Miss Blanche Edmondson is visit ing friends in Providence this week Miss Hanley of Madisonyille is visiting the family of Hamilton OBrien this week The children ot Engineer W W Farnsworth who have been visiting relatives in the city returned homo this week Misses Annie and Grace Fugate of Madisonville and Pearl Berry of Sebree spent Sunday with Miss Nannie Browning J Y Montague a brother of our popular telephone manager of Brownsville Tenii stopped off a few hours on his way to Evansville this week Mr and Mrs Paul Price spent Sunday with his parents in Madi ¬ son Aiile Miss Cathleen Cory of this city is spending the week with her uncle J L Todd and family in Madi sonville this week Miss Charlie Davis is visiting Mrs Geo Luton of Nashville this weekf Miss Sallie Colbert of this city aud Miss Sallie McGrath of Nash- ville ¬ left Tuesday morning to visit the family of Jas Sullivan at Tex arkana Ark Miss Pauline Davis who has been visiting friends in Montgomery Ala for several days returned home Tuesday Mrs Will Robinson and Miss Maggie Fendwick who have been visiting friends and relatives in Springfield for several days return- ed ¬ home Monday Miss Edith Waller of Hopkinsville who has been visiting her aunt Mrs Lily Chatten returned home Mon ¬ dayMiss Minnie Bourland returned Saturday from Owensboro where she attended the Chautauqua several days Mrs Fannie Currie of Owensboro is visiting her parents at Nebo this week and will visit friends here be- fore ¬ returning home Mrs J F Lloyd is visiting in Nashville this week Mrs Phil Raber of St Louis is visiting her mother Mrs Colbert a few days Mr and Mrs Thos Roblnsoh who have been visiting friends in St Charles the past week returned home Monday The Misses Craig of Madisonville are visiting Miss Tillie Adams Frank Gebhart of Hopinsville and Fene Hairison of Nashville were here Sunday on the excursion train A party of Earlington and Mad isonvlllo people went to Dawson Springs Sunday and spent the day The Misses Hendrix of Madison ¬ ville entertained a number of their friends at Lakeside Park Monday night Mrs Bell an estimable ladyof Russollviile Ky who has boon visiting Mrs Fred Feller returned home this week Eugene Grant and Miss Minnie Gnggs of this city visited friends in Nobo Sunday Misses Myrtico Bailey Beuluh and Jessie 3ourlandoitMadison vUle were > y Y rt Mr and Mrs C M Kenny of Eyansville visited friends in Febo Saturday and Sunday Mr Kenny is the well known foreman of water power for the L N Mr Leech Guest a son of Dave bores one week Mr Guest once lived hero and was born in the houso where Mr D E Evansnow livesMrs E M Orr and sister Mrs Vaught were in Madisonville one day this we6k shopping J < Mrs Will Bobinsonjand gio Fonwick were in Nashvilleone Springfields nlght for- Graves county where hew ll spend a few days visiting relatives Miss Sadie Stokes will visit friends noxtweekw MrsCH McGary wasinMadl Bonvllle Wednesday shopping Mrs D F Cardwell and Miss Pearl Bailey of Mamtou visited Mrs G T McEuon this week Henry Rodgers and J B Robin- son ¬ had a big hunt this week Mrs Aubery Shreoves is spend ¬ ing a month in Nashville visiting relativesSam of Kuttawa was in town Tuesday The father and brother of our pop ¬ ular townsman C J Martin who have been visiting him for several days returned home this week Miss Gladys Jordon of Guthrie is visiting her cousins the Fawcett children this week Miss Hall of Madisonville visited the family of Ernest Rash last week Mr and Mrs ER Rash were in Madisonville Sunday Mr and Mrs Rash of Madison ¬ ville spent Sunday with their son J R Rash of this city Roy Henry of Hopkinsville spent Sunday with Mrs Turner Mr John Maloney of Providence uisited his son James Maloney of this city one ditty this week Mrs O P Webb and C M Browning visited in the country TuesdasW Lacy the popular meat man of Hopkinsville was here Monday The interstate commerce com ¬ mission has ordered another temporary extension until Oct 15 of the time within which a number of railroads must com ¬ plete their equipment The commission will meantime con ¬ sider the further extension of the law and the question of the location of grabirons on engines The roads granted the exten ¬ sion are the Pennsylvania Erie Santa Fe Denver Rio Grande Colorado Southern Boston Maine Grand Rapids Indiana Chicago Erie New York Sus- quehanna Western New Jer ¬ sey New York Long Island Norfolk Western and possi ¬ bly the LehIgh Valley the Hart well Railway company and the Potomac Fredericksburg Pied ¬ mont CHICAGO LABOR UNIONS ARE SUED FOR DAMAGES I Large Sums Wanted in Litigation Engen ¬ dered by Recent Strikes Ohicago Aug 18 Damage suits against labor unions and members of unions aggregating 86000 were filed in Chicago courts today John M Stiles paintiug contractor who alleges that his business has been ruined by labor unions sued the pain ¬ ters district council and unions affiliated with it m the building trades council for 50000 The Kellogg Switchboard Supply company filed two suits each for 15000 against unions involved in the strike which tor rorized Chicago several weeks ago and is still on In addition to these cases six young women employes of the Kellogg company have sued eight women who participated in the Kellogg strike for slander and libel each case being for 1000 damages Puts an End to It All A grievous wail ofttimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs Dizziness Backache Liver complaint and Constipation But thanks to Dr Kings New Life Pills they put an end to it all They are gentle but thorough Try them Only 26o Guaranteed by St Ber- nard ¬ Drug Store Tafibrchndreatcsure n I Jd JUST RECEIVED 50 rolls Mattins a- tCRN5114W Prices from i6c to 35C designsr a i Lb And the bottom has dropped out on the price of 1ISHOE eT i It Fine line of 1 Laces and Embroideries r w r Trunksand Telescopes And a general line of Dry Goods Notions Etc Come and see No trouble to show goods JAS CRENIUW WOOL AND GINSENG I will pay highest cash prices for Wool Hides Ginseng Feath ¬ ers Metal and Scrap Iron Special prices for Scrap Iron in carload lots Call and mew GLAZER Madisonville Ny OFFICE AT FOLEYS CARRIAGE SHOP EVERYTHING NEW Get Your Goods We have just thrown open our doors to the public and have a complete line of all kinds of 4 Such as Quartered and Plain Oak Suites Rock ¬ ers Diners Extension and Center Tables FoldI ing Beds and Hall Trees In fact we keep everything usually found in a first elites furni ¬ ture store Fit up your house by contributing a small amount of your earnings each week By so doing and trading with us you make no mistake Yours to please PORTER INSTALLMENT COMPANY Pay for Them- Afterward FURNITURE 126 S MAIN STREET- MADISONViLLE KY Who Has Learned Will the dear longsuffering public ever learn wisdom and prudence and become provident The long periods of zerosuffering to which a large portion of the public is subjected annually should teach a lesson and the people should rise in their might and change the worn old adage about hay to read Get Coal While c The Sun Shines If those who do not live on a coal foundation had filled their coal bins and coal houses liberally in the warm weather when coal and hauling is cheap and the roads good and had not like grasshopper fiddled the sum ¬ rigorsthey for warmth during the cold snaps and coal shortages of the past few years which all remember so well St Bernard Coal intheyearexceptSundays youif against Jack Frost with St Bernard Coal Order Now All Grades Coke also of superior quality for baso burning stoves and heating furnaces St Bernard Mining Co INCORPORATED J EARLINGTON KY

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Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1903-08-20 [p 2] Dr Williams purchased this week a nice 4 room cottage on cross Main street at

a Mvim ti J PrL





JUST RECEIVEDAnother shipment of IronBeds in a large variety of

and splendidcombination of colorsPrice 3 and uji


MORTON <Ss HALLFurniture Carpets and Mattings

Funeral Directors Madisonvllle Ky





I SHOT LoeflJ11

Do you eat steak Go to Heppel-old stand the Rock House

Billard Summers has been laid upwith rheumatism this week

A heavy rain fell in the Hansonk neighborhood Tuesday night filling

the creeks to overflowing

g Dr Williams purchased thisweek a nice 4 room cottage on crossMain street at Morton Gap fromJohn Coyle of this city

Henry Drexler will sell you freshmeat at the honest price Hepplesold stand the Rock House

A small blaze occured at the Vic ¬

toria mines Tuesday night one ofthe small outhouses being consumed


Rey JW Lester preached Sat-urday


k night and Sunday night ata Barnsley to a large attentive con ¬

gregation Quite a number of Earlt ington people went to hear him

For the best meat in Earlingtoncall on Henry Drexler in the RockHouse Hepples old stand

Miss Anna Rice of this city willmake the Old Point in a short timeand will then proceed to New Yorkwhere she will purchase her fallstock of millinery

IThe Hopkins Counry Fair Associ¬

ation has leased the Paducah fairgrounds and will give an old fash-ioned


country fair there sometimein October

A Little Outcast which will beseen here this coming season is thepopular play ot the hour As a viv ¬

id and dramatic picture of modernNew York Life it outranks allother plays of the season

WANTEDYoung man 18 to 20years of age good penman smart atfigures for weigh clerk at DanielBoone mines Address T R Troendle Vice President and GeneralManager Dawson Springs Ky

Mr vaught of Portland Oreganhas secured employment with theL N and will reside in the houselately occupied by Mr IgleheartMrs Vaujrbt is a sister of Mrs EM Orr of this oUr

Mrs A T Hanner and littlegrandson who have been spendingthe summer with her mother andsister Mrs H S Corey left for herhome in Peoria Ill Sunday nightaccompanied by Miss Mayne Toddof the Grapevine country

Miss Elizabeth Givens of Madsonyille who was one of the pleaS-ure seekers at Lakeside Park Mon ¬

day night and who was badly injur¬

ed by being thrown from a buggy onnumber 11 hill while returning homeio reported to be improving satisfac ¬

torilyrViolent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by Cham ¬

berlains Colic Cholera and DiarrhoeaRemedy and Perhaps a Life Saved

A short time ago I was takenwith a violent attack of diarrhoea

t and believe I would havo died if Ihad not gotten relief says John JPatton a leading citizen of PattonAla A friend recommended Cham-berlains


Colic Cholera and Diar ¬

rhoea Remedv I bought a 25c bottle and after taking throe doses of it

r was entirely cured I consider It thebest remedy in the world for bowelcomplaintsDru1storer ¬Farlington ¬

Foleys Honey and Taruogs end stops the cough




Summer Joys

What joy the summers bringinlA tree where shadows flit

And a mockin bird asinginIn the green sweet top of it

And sounds of bees ahummln-In meadows drenched with dew i

Hints of the harvest cominThe harvest thats for your

Atlanta Constitution

Mr John Twyman has again erect-ed the popular boxbail in our miss-and has laid a new floor and other ¬

wise fixed it up in first class styleThe young people Mid folder otios al¬

so can now spend a good manhours playing x ball

Miss Lizzie Dean of Eariingtonand her friend Miss Birdie Hall ofMadisonville who have been visiting the Owedsboro Chautauqua aweek or more returned to Madison ¬

ville Monday where Miss Lizzievisit a few days before returninhome

Rumor savs there will be twomore weddings in our town in thenear future The signs are good aswe cant help but notice Thatwonderful little Godoflove doesswoop down on our town sometimesand my 1 what havoc ho does playwhile hfe tarries

A Little Outcast company brokeall records for a long season beingout for fortysix and a half weeksand playing all the principal citiesof the country It is now bookedopons ¬


Mr O P Webb brought to thisoffice Monday one of the largestbunchest of tomatoes ever seen inEarllngfou There were sevenlarge full grown well devolped tom¬

atoes on one stem the whole weigh ¬

ing over five pounds As a tomatogrower Mr Webb is a succes

For Sale

A nice gocart as good as new Cost17 Has been used very little For

terms apply to this office

Suspected Murderer Arrested at Nortonville

A man giving his name as ThosCook was here Monday and claimedto be a union miner from Coal CreekHe looked around making few en-


until he came in contact withRule Clark who gave him a paperto read containing valuable inform ¬

ation which he seemed to appre-ciate


and soon moved out of townCook was arrested at Nortonvilleby Roy Blanks as asuspected mur ¬

derer from Mt Vernon 111 Theofficers at that place were notifiedand came to Nortonville Wednes-day


morning The prisoner provedto be the man wanted and was car ¬

ried back to Illinois on 62 Wednes ¬

day Cook is said to have killedhis sisterinlaw in the Illinois townand a reward of 100 was offered forarrest

Pretty Eagle Dead

A special from Owensboro to theCourierJournal under date of Aug18 Chief Pretty Eagle a notedIndian chief of the Mohawk tribedied here at noon today He hadbeen predicting his death for a dayor two and died from heart failureHis wife whom he recently marriedat Morganfield Ky was with himChief Pretty Eagle as will be rem ¬

embered by Earlington people oper-ated


extensively at this place abouta year ago and has lately beengoing the rounds at the differentfairs in charge ofa tribe of fullblood Indians While Pretty Eaglewas not cut out fora Sunday schoolsuperintendent he may have hadsome good traits successfully con ¬

cealed from the public gaze and wotrust his swift foot is now pursuelug the elusive antelope in the sil ¬

van shades of the happy huntinggrounds

2880 St Paul and Return

TheMonon Route will from nowuntil Sept 80 sell round trip ticketsto St Paul and Minneapolis at 2880from Louisville Low rates also toother points in the Northwest Ad ¬

dress E H Bacon D P A MononRoute Louisville Ky

WANTEDTo sell or trade a lotof nice jersey cows with calvesfor any old thing W C McLeod

Suicide Prevented

The startling announcement thata preventive of suicide has been dis ¬

covered will interest many A runsystem or despondency invariablyprecedes suicide and something hasbeen found that will prevent thatcondition which makes suicide like ¬

ly At the first thought of self de ¬

struction take Electric Bitters Itbeing a great tonic and nervine willstrengthen the nerves and build upthe system Its also a great Stom ¬

regulatorOnlyby Bt Drug


growthNewer rayflair to 1U rauthtalCtaa dlMuc t hilt fcUic

LOcad UOO tDrn



Tom Stone and family spent sev¬

eral days lastweek visiting relative-in the country

Mr Porter of the PQrter Install-ment


Company was over Monday +

on businesswht °

several days retruned home thisweekcliildrenyare a friend-in the country Charlie is keeping

houseMissesDaisy Rice and Daisy Lee

Brashear of Hopkinsvllle are visit¬

ing Mr and Mrs W L Rice a fedaysfromgCharlie Eades has returned froma visit to Central City

Miss Leura Stodghill of nearHanson is visiting friends herethis week

Mr and Mrs O P Webb visitedfriends in the country Sunday

Miss Annie Ashby Mrs NannieSisk nnd Mr and Mrs MildredToombs have returued from a visitto Dawson Springs much improvedin health and looks

Paul M Moore who was called toDenver on account of the seriousillness of his brotherinlaw return ¬

ed home Tuesday accompanied byhis two little nieces Margaret andElizabeth Kemp

Ped Porter of the L N was inLouisville this week

Deglan McGrath an old Earling ¬

ton boy but now of Nashville Isvisiting here this week

Miss Blanche Edmondson is visiting friends in Providence this week

Miss Hanley of Madisonyille isvisiting the family of HamiltonOBrien this week

The children ot Engineer W WFarnsworth who have been visitingrelatives in the city returned homothis week

Misses Annie and Grace Fugateof Madisonville and Pearl Berry ofSebree spent Sunday with MissNannie Browning

J Y Montague a brother of ourpopular telephone manager ofBrownsville Tenii stopped off afew hours on his way to Evansvillethis week

Mr and Mrs Paul Price spentSunday with his parents in Madi ¬


Miss Cathleen Cory of this city isspending the week with her uncleJ L Todd and family in Madisonville this week

Miss Charlie Davis is visitingMrs Geo Luton of Nashville thisweekfMiss Sallie Colbert of this cityaud Miss Sallie McGrath of Nash-ville


left Tuesday morning to visitthe family of Jas Sullivan at Texarkana Ark

Miss Pauline Davis who has beenvisiting friends in MontgomeryAla for several days returnedhome Tuesday

Mrs Will Robinson and MissMaggie Fendwick who have beenvisiting friends and relatives inSpringfield for several days return-ed


home MondayMiss Edith Waller of Hopkinsville

who has been visiting her aunt MrsLily Chatten returned home Mon ¬

dayMissMinnie Bourland returned

Saturday from Owensboro where sheattended the Chautauqua severaldays

Mrs Fannie Currie of Owensborois visiting her parents at Nebo thisweek and will visit friends here be-


returning homeMrs J F Lloyd is visiting in

Nashville this weekMrs Phil Raber of St Louis is

visiting her mother Mrs Colbert afew days

Mr and Mrs Thos Roblnsoh whohave been visiting friends in StCharles the past week returnedhome Monday

The Misses Craig of Madisonvilleare visiting Miss Tillie Adams

Frank Gebhart of Hopinsville andFene Hairison of Nashville werehere Sunday on the excursion train

A party of Earlington and Madisonvlllo people went to DawsonSprings Sunday and spent the day

The Misses Hendrix of Madison ¬

ville entertained a number of theirfriends at Lakeside Park Mondaynight

Mrs Bell an estimable ladyofRussollviile Ky who has boonvisiting Mrs Fred Feller returnedhome this week

Eugene Grant and Miss MinnieGnggs of this city visited friendsin Nobo Sunday

Misses Myrtico Bailey Beuluhand Jessie 3ourlandoitMadisonvUle were > y



Mr and Mrs C M Kenny ofEyansville visited friends in FeboSaturday and Sunday Mr Kennyis the well known foreman of waterpower for the L N

Mr Leech Guest a son of Daveboresone week Mr Guest oncelived hero and was born in thehouso where Mr D E EvansnowlivesMrs

E M Orr and sister MrsVaught were in Madisonville oneday this we6k shopping J <

Mrs Will Bobinsonjandgio Fonwick were in Nashvilleone

Springfieldsnlght for-

Graves county where hew ll spenda few days visiting relatives

Miss Sadie Stokes will visit friends

noxtweekwMrsCH McGary wasinMadlBonvllle Wednesday shopping

Mrs D F Cardwell and MissPearl Bailey of Mamtou visitedMrs G T McEuon this week

Henry Rodgers and J B Robin-son


had a big hunt this weekMrs Aubery Shreoves is spend ¬

ing a month in Nashville visiting

relativesSamof Kuttawa was

in town TuesdayThe father and brother of our pop ¬

ular townsman C J Martin whohave been visiting him for severaldays returned home this week

Miss Gladys Jordon of Guthrieis visiting her cousins the Fawcettchildren this week

Miss Hall of Madisonville visitedthe family of Ernest Rash last week

Mr and Mrs E R Rash were inMadisonville Sunday

Mr and Mrs Rash of Madison ¬

ville spent Sunday with their sonJ R Rash of this city

Roy Henry of Hopkinsville spentSunday with Mrs Turner

Mr John Maloney of Providenceuisited his son James Maloney ofthis city one ditty this week

Mrs O P Webb and C M

Browning visited in the country

TuesdasWLacy the popular meat

man of Hopkinsville was hereMonday

The interstate commerce com ¬

mission has ordered anothertemporary extension until Oct15 of the time within which anumber of railroads must com ¬

plete their equipment Thecommission will meantime con ¬

sider the further extension ofthe law and the question of thelocation of grabirons on engines

The roads granted the exten ¬

sion are the Pennsylvania ErieSanta Fe Denver Rio GrandeColorado Southern BostonMaine Grand Rapids IndianaChicago Erie New York Sus-

quehanna Western New Jer¬

sey New York Long IslandNorfolk Western and possi ¬

bly the LehIgh Valley the Hartwell Railway company and thePotomac Fredericksburg Pied ¬




Large Sums Wanted in Litigation Engen ¬

dered by Recent Strikes

Ohicago Aug 18 Damagesuits against labor unions andmembers of unions aggregating86000 were filed in Chicago

courts today John M Stilespaintiug contractor who allegesthat his business has been ruinedby labor unions sued the pain ¬

ters district council and unionsaffiliated with it m the buildingtrades council for 50000

The Kellogg SwitchboardSupply company filed two suitseach for 15000 against unionsinvolved in the strike which torrorized Chicago several weeksago and is still on

In addition to these cases sixyoung women employes of theKellogg company have suedeight women who participatedin the Kellogg strike for slanderand libel each case being for1000 damages

Puts an End to It All

A grievous wail ofttimes comes asa result of unbearable pain from overtaxed organs Dizziness BackacheLiver complaint and ConstipationBut thanks to Dr Kings New LifePills they put an end to it all Theyare gentle but thorough Try themOnly 26o Guaranteed by St Ber-nard


Drug Store





50 rolls Mattins a-

tCRN5114WPrices from i6c to 35C designsra i Lb

And the bottom has dropped out on the price of

1ISHOE eT i It

Fine line of 1

Laces and Embroideries r w r

Trunksand TelescopesAnd a general line of

Dry Goods Notions EtcCome and see No trouble to show goods



I will pay highest cash prices for Wool Hides Ginseng Feath ¬

ers Metal and Scrap Iron Special prices for Scrap Iron in carloadlots Call and


GLAZERMadisonville Ny



Get Your


We have just thrown open our doors to thepublic and have a complete line of all kinds of

4Such as Quartered and Plain Oak Suites Rock ¬

ers Diners Extension and Center Tables FoldIing Beds and Hall Trees In fact we keepeverything usually found in a first elites furni ¬

ture store Fit up your house by contributinga small amount of your earnings each week Byso doing and trading with us you make nomistake Yours to please



Pay for Them-




Who Has LearnedWill the dear longsuffering public ever learn wisdom

and prudence and become provident The long periodsof zerosuffering to which a large portion of the public issubjected annually should teach a lesson and the peopleshould rise in their might and change the worn old adageabout hay to read

Get Coal While c

The Sun ShinesIf those who do not live on a coal foundation had filled

their coal bins and coal houses liberally in the warmweather when coal and hauling is cheap and the roadsgood and had not like grasshopper fiddled the sum ¬rigorstheyfor warmth during the cold snaps and coal shortages of thepast few years which all remember so well

St Bernard CoalintheyearexceptSundaysyouifagainst Jack Frost with St Bernard Coal Order NowAll Grades Coke also of superior quality for basoburning stoves and heating furnaces

St Bernard Mining CoINCORPORATED