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chema, @tblname, @statname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin set @rowsetcount = @rowsetcount + 1 set @qtbl = @tblcatalog + '.' + @tblschema + '.' + @tblname dbcc show_statistics(@qtbl, @statname) with stat_header join density_vec tor fetch ff_csr into @tblcatalog, @tblschema, @tblname, @statname end close ff_csr deallocate ff_csr --- drop temp table drop table #spstattab if @rowsetcount = 0 begin select TABLE_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), TABLE_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_CATALOG = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_SCHEMA = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_NAME = convert(sysname, null), STATISTICS_TYPE = convert(smallint,0), COLUMN_NAME = convert(sysname, null), COLUMN_GUID = convert(uniqueidentifier, null), COLUMN_PROPID = convert(int, null), ORDINAL_POSITION = convert(int, null), SAMPLE_PCT = convert(smallint, null), LAST_UPDATE_TIME = convert(datetime, null), NO_OF_RANGES = convert(int, null), COLUMN_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TUPLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), TABLE_CARDINALITY = convert(bigint, null), AVG_COLUMN_LENGTH = convert(int, null) where 1=0 end end go set nocount off

grant execute on sp_table_statistics_rowset to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_column_constraints' go /* Procedure for 6.5 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname varchar(225) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname varchar(225) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin

-- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid ,@cnstname ration ,@cnstid ,@cnstatus ,@dbname int -- the object id of the table varchar(225) -- name of const. currently under conside int int varchar(30)

-- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name varchar(225)


-- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. if @tblname like '%.%.%' and substring(@tblname, 1, charindex('.', @tblname) - 1) db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr insensitive cursor for select c.constid, c.status, from sysconstraints c, sysobjects o where = @tblid and = c.constid and ((c.status & 0xf)=1 and (@dropcnst & 16) 0 or (c.status & 0xf)=2 and (@dropcnst & 32) 0 or (c.status & 0xf)=5 and (@dropcnst & 2) 0) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnstatus, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if ((@cnstatus & 0xf) in (1, 2)) ---- primary key, unique begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab

end else if (@cnstatus & 0xf) = 5 begin if (select col_name(id, colid) from sysconstraints where colid > 0 and constid=@cnstid) = @colname begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnstatus ,@cnstname end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0)


values (@cnstname)

end go dump tran master with no_log go if (charindex('7.00', @@version) = 0 and charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 7.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_oledb_column_constraints go /* Procedure for 7.0 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname nvarchar(776) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname nvarchar(776) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid ,@cnstname ation ,@cnstid int sysname int -- the object id of the table -- name of const. currently under consider

,@cnsttype ,@dbname

character(2) sysname

-- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name sysname


-- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. select @dbname = parsename(@tblname,3) if @dbname is not null and @dbname db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr cursor fast_forward for select id, xtype, name from sysobjects where parent_obj = @tblid and ((xtype = 'PK' and (@dropcnst & 16) 0) or (xtype = 'UQ' and (@dropcnst & 32) 0) or (xtype = 'D ' and (@dropcnst & 2) 0)) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnsttype, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if @cnsttype in ('PK','UQ') begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end

end else if (@cnsttype = 'D ') begin

id) = @colname

if (select col_name(@tblid, info) from sysobjects where id=@cnst begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end


fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnsttype ,@cnstname end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0)

end go

if (charindex('8.00', @@version) = 0) begin print '' print '' print 'Warning:' print 'you are installing the stored procedures ' print 'on a pre 8.0 SQL Server.' print 'Ignore the following errors.' end else drop proc sp_oledb_column_constraints go /* Procedure for 8.0 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_column_constraints (@tblname nvarchar(776) -- the table to check for constraints ,@colname nvarchar(776) -- the column to check for constraints ,@dropcnst smallint) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @tblid ,@cnstname ation ,@cnstid ,@cnsttype ,@dbname int sysname int character(2) sysname -- the object id of the table -- name of const. currently under consider

-- Create temp table create table #spcnsttab (cnst_name sysname

collate database_default NOT NULL)

-- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. select @dbname = parsename(@tblname,3)

if @dbname is not null and @dbname db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end -- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @tblid = object_id(@tblname) if @tblid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@tblname,@dbname) return (1) end -- STATIC CURSOR OVER THE TABLE'S CONSTRAINTS declare cnst_csr cursor fast_forward for select id, xtype, name from sysobjects where parent_obj = @tblid and ((xtype = 'PK' and (@dropcnst & 16) 0) or (xtype = 'UQ' and (@dropcnst & 32) 0) or (xtype = 'D ' and (@dropcnst & 2) 0)) -- ONLY 6.5 sysconstraints objects for read only -- Now check out each constraint, figure out its type and keys and -- save the info in a temporary table that we'll print out at the end. open cnst_csr fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid, @cnsttype, @cnstname while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if @cnsttype in ('PK','UQ') begin -- get indid declare @indid smallint select @indid = indid from sysindexes where name = object_name(@cnstid) and id = @tblid if (@colname = index_col(@tblname, @indid, 1)) and (index_col(@tblname, @indid, 2) is null) begin -- ADD TO TABLE insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end

end else if (@cnsttype = 'D ') begin if (select col_name(@tblid, info) from sysobjects where id=@cnst id) = @colname begin insert into #spcnsttab values (@cnstname) end end fetch cnst_csr into @cnstid ,@cnsttype ,@cnstname

end --of major loop close cnst_csr deallocate cnst_csr -- Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. select 'constraint_name' = cnst_name from #spcnsttab drop table #spcnsttab set nocount off return (0)

end go

grant execute on sp_oledb_column_constraints to public go dump tran master with no_log go print '' print 'creating sp_oledb_indexinfo' go /* Procedure for 6.5 server */ create procedure sp_oledb_indexinfo @objname varchar(225) -- the table to check for indexes ,@indname varchar(225) as begin -- PRELIM set nocount on declare @objid int, -- the object id of the table @indid smallint, -- the index id of an index @status int, @dbname varchar(30), @OrigFillFactor tinyint, @i int, @thiskey varchar(32), @tptr varbinary(16) -- pointer for building text strings. ---- Check to see that the object names are local to the current database. if @objname like '%.%.%' and substring(@objname, 1, charindex('.', @objname) - 1) db_name() begin raiserror(15250,-1,-1) return (1) end ---- Check to see if the table exists and initialize @objid. select @objid = object_id(@objname) ---- Table does not exist so return. if @objid is NULL begin select @dbname=db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@objname,@dbname) return (1) end select @indid = indid, @status = status, @OrigFillFactor = OrigFillFactor

from sysindexes where id = @objid and name = @indname -- IF NO INDEX, QUIT if @indid is NULL begin raiserror(15472,-1,-1) --'Object does not have any indexes.' return (1) end -- create temp table create table #spindtab ( status int, OrigFillFactor tinyint, index_keys text NOT NULL, ) -- Now check out each index, figure out its type and keys and -- First we'll figure out what the keys are. select @i = 1 while (@i 8 05Q0SPlf #ei1D@:9a W3$7T1s0/ ?0vZ 0 000000000001111'1-1V1h111/?.222 b2."23#"">&`0f` b " d "zF "z. w`A `+%"O 7'? p.p.)p.`52?$1:)@'&1p.p.p.(=

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