‘being church’ in boston spa ‘being church’ in boston spa

‘BEING CHURCH’ in BOSTON SPA ‘BEING CHURCH’ in BOSTON SPA ‘BEING CHURCH’ in BOSTON SPA ‘BEING CHURCH’ in BOSTON SPA Sunday 26th September 2021 please join us at 10.30am Harvest Fes*val & Holy Communion led by Revd Uell Kennedy Welcome team Steward 1 - Val Woodhams; Steward 2 - Barbara Hudson Welcomer - Jackie Marsden Organist - Jackie Faulkner We are collec!ng items for the Foodbank and they may be brought to the Harvest service Coffee and cake will be served a'er the service and then followed by HARVEST ON THE HILL AT 1.00pm and picnic (see page 4) A prayer for Harvest: Lord of the harvest, the !me of sowing and the !me of reaping are yours. The !me of weeping and the !me of singing are yours, too. Thank you for the !me of sowing and the !me of reaping. Let there be harvest in your world. We pray for those places in the world where the crops have failed and for those where poverty is the result of human aggression and human greed. We pray for a harvest of peace and plenty and we promise to work with you for it, both reaping and sowing. from Roots on the web material This week’s lec,onary readings: Numbers 11.4-6,10-16,24-29; Psalm 19.7-14; James 5.13-20; Mark 9.38-50 Sunday 3rd October Note: No morning service in Boston Spa Circuit Eco Service at Wetherby Methodist Church at 10.00am will be led by Revd Steve Jakeman & Alan Bell Let us also join with Christians across Britain and Ireland to pray for the Glasgow climate talks and to present our climate pledges to the Government. Supporting

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Sunday 26th September 2021 please join us at 10.30am

Harvest Fes*val & Holy Communion led by Revd Uell Kennedy

Welcome team

Steward 1 - Val Woodhams; Steward 2 - Barbara Hudson Welcomer - Jackie Marsden Organist - Jackie Faulkner

We are collec!ng items for the Foodbank and they may be brought to the Harvest service

Coffee and cake will be served a'er the service and then followed by

HARVEST ON THE HILL AT 1.00pm and picnic (see page 4)

A prayer for Harvest: Lord of the harvest, the !me of sowing and the !me of reaping are yours. The !me of weeping and the !me of singing are yours, too. Thank you for the !me of sowing and the !me of reaping. Let there be harvest in your world. We pray for those places in the world where the crops have failed and for those where poverty is the result of human aggression and human greed. We pray for a harvest of peace and plenty and we promise to work with you for it, both reaping and sowing.

from Roots on the web material This week’s lec,onary readings: Numbers 11.4-6,10-16,24-29; Psalm 19.7-14; James 5.13-20; Mark 9.38-50

Sunday 3rd October

Note: No morning service in Boston Spa Circuit Eco Service at Wetherby Methodist Church at 10.00am

will be led by Revd Steve Jakeman & Alan Bell

Let us also join with Christians across Britain and Ireland to pray for the Glasgow climate talks and to present our climate pledges to the Government.



FRIDAY 10th September—LUNCHTIME CONCERT: Charlotte Rowan & Charlotte Stevenson

Barbara Hudson writes...

About 55 people, some regular, some visitors attended the concert on Friday 10th September featuring Charlotte Rowan, violin, accompanied by Charlotte Stevenson, piano. I am so full of praise of them. The programme consisted of 9 items of varied pieces. Starting with Danse espagnole de ‘la vida breve’ and finishing with Carmen fantasy, you could hear the castanets. Charlotte Rowan made the violin sing and Charlotte Stevenson accompanied her perfectly. I think they could read each others minds. This is their 4th visit to Boston Spa and I for one hope there will be more. Charlotte Rowan is a charming young woman with an amazing talent, and introduced each piece with a lot of interesting knowledge of the composers. After the concert, refreshments including delicious homemade cakes were served by the Ladies of the Church. And next month on Friday 8th October at 1.00pm: Adam Parrish on piano— Adam is a classically trained pianist, organist, musical director and composer. At five years old, he first saw Rick Wakeman in concert and was inspired to pursue a musical life. In 2016 he graduated from York St John University with a degree in Music. He currently holds Musical Director positions for a number of theatre organisations and choirs including Stockport Choral Society, Brookdale Youth Theatre and the Kaleidoscope Players (Derby). He is also the Organist of the Whittington Benefice in Chesterfield. Aside from this, he regularly tours around the U.K. both as a soloist and alongside other established artists such as legendary guitarist “Gordon Giltrap”. Venues which he has performed in include: the Royal Albert Hall, Blenheim Palace, Union Chapel and Durham Cathedral. Adam has also been involved in a number of high profile recordings and commissions. In 2020, he was invited to play keyboards for a charity tribute single to the late Dame Vera Lynne which featured members of Jools Holland’s Band and was also commissioned by Manchester Council to compose a symphonic work for full orchestra. Adam is a young man who takes great pleasure in arranging the music he performs in a very personal style on piano and organ. We are delighted to be able to welcome him to Boston Spa next month. Admission is £5, payable on entry, no booking required. Coffee and tea with cakes, served after the concert.


Donald invites you to join with church friends each Wednesday at 11.00am at The Crown restaurant bar. We look forward to seeing you there!


Friday 17th September—Paul Kerensa and friends: This was one of the first big events at our church since the pandemic hit. Those who attended were treated to an excellent evening’s entertainment with Steve Price showing his skills as a master magician to great effect. Paul Kerensa entertained us with a really funny musical run through the book of

Exodus! After the interval Jo Enright kept us entertained with her own unique brand of humour, anecdotes and the stories she observes about people she sees.

One final observation—it’s a pity that many more didn’t attend, you missed a really good night, definitely star billing and quality!!

Jim Murison

Jo Enright during her performance


Church Council Mee<ng: Monday 11th October at 7.00pm. Members of Church Council who have reports to present should send them to Jackie Marsden by Friday 1st October.

Other Dates for the diary in October:

Ping Pong and Table Tennis meet as usual on Mondays at 3.00pm and 5.00pm

Sunday 10th October is Homeless Sunday. The service at 10.30am will be led by Barbara Hudson and other worship leaders.

Sunday 17th October is the start of One World Week. The service at 10.30am will be led by Revd Steve Jakeman.

Circuit Mission & Growth: Remember in your prayers those in the Circuit who are involved in this project, and we should use the breakthrough prayer:

A prayer for God to break through in the life of our churches: God of love, God for all, your purposes are more beau;ful than we can possibly imagine. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us let go of all that holds us back. Open our lives and our churches to new seasons of humility and faith, of change and growth. Shake us up with the Good News of Jesus and show us the way. Amen

Please join us for coffee and fellowship in the Wesley Room after the service each Sunday


Let us give thanks

* Bring your own picnic and SOMETHING TO SIT ON

Arranged by ‘Christians Together’ in Boston Spa, Clifford, Thorp Arch, Bramham & Walton

The Kairos Movement is being led by Revd Andy Lindley in Acomb, York who is heading up the new e-circuit initiative. He is co-leader of the Kairos Movement and will be Superintendent of the associated Kairos circuit from September 2021. You can find our more on the website: www.kairosmovement.org.uk

The vision is to create a new non-geographically defined Circuit which provides a District-wide ‘new place for new people’ to be supported in exploring faith, growing in community and following Jesus. It will be very interesting to follow this project in the coming months—let’s remember those involved in our prayers.