bell ringer 9/1/2015 why do historians label years as b.c. (or b.c.e) and a.d (or c.e.)? what do you...

Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

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Page 1: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Bell Ringer 9/1/2015

Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)?

What do you think B.C. means?

What do you think A.D. means?

Page 2: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Bell Ringer 9/3/2015

Provide the numerical years for the following:

Fourth century = ____________.

8th century = ______________.

Fifteenth century= ___________.

19th century = ______________.

Page 3: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

The Byzantine Empire330 CE- 1453

EQ: What factors lead to the rise of an empire?

Page 4: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Time Byzantine Empire emerged during—

Ancient Time (Late Antiquity)

Middle Ages

Page 5: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Geography The largest the empire had ever been in 555 AD

Page 6: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Activity 1: European Map

Look on the map on page 40 and at your current European map.

What current European countries were part of the Byzantine Empire in the past.

Page 7: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

The Break from RomeThe Break from Rome• 284 AD there is a split between the western

and eastern parts of the Roman Empire• Western Roman Empire— capital in RomeEastern Rome Empire—capital in Constantinople

Page 8: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Fall of the Western Empire

476 CE Western Roman Empire falls

Germanic tribes invade

Western Empire was divided into many kingdoms that adopted many of the customs of Rome

Page 9: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Eastern Roman EmpireWestern Empire fell in 476 CE, but the Eastern Roman Empire continued to prosper for 1,160 more years

Became known as the Byzantine Empire

Constantinople becomes the capital of the Byzantine Empire

Page 10: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Activity 2: Constantinople’s Activity 2: Constantinople’s LocationLocation

• Located exactly where Europe meets Asia• Between the Mediterranean and Black Sea• Why is this a perfect location?

Page 11: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Activity 3: Byzantine Empire Video1. Language of the Byzantine Empire –

______________________. 2. The Byzantine Empire did not adopt

______________ as their official language. 3. Compare and contrast Roman and Byzantine


4. What’s a pagan, for example: The Romans were pagans?

5. Where is the Byzantine Empire located? 6. Name the emperor that recaptured the Western

Roman territory.

Similarities Differences

Page 12: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

The Age of JustinianThe Age of Justinian

1. Recovered land that had been previously taken over by invaders.

2.2. Expanded the Byzantine Expanded the Byzantine empire to reach its empire to reach its greatest sizegreatest size

3.3. Built the famous church of Built the famous church of Hagia SophiaHagia Sophia and the and the Hippodrome Hippodrome (a huge (a huge arena)arena)

• He ruled the Byzantine empire from 527 to 565.• Determine to reestablish the Roman Empire in the entire Mediterranean world. • During his reign, Justinian:


Page 13: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 14: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

4. Created Justinian’s Code, a written law code for the Byzantine Empire-This law code became the model for later European countries to follow

5. Had power and authority over the Had power and authority over the Church (Christians) Church (Christians) – he appointed the he appointed the patriarchpatriarch: the : the

leader of the Christian Church in the leader of the Christian Church in the Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire

Page 15: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

6. Promoted industrySent two monks to China and had them steal silk worm eggs to bring back to ConstantinopleAfter 550 AD silk weaving became Constantinople’s major industry

Page 16: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Review Primary Sources

Definition & Examples

Descriptions or pictures of an event by someone who actually saw or lived through that event.

E.g., diaries, journals, photos, eyewitness reports.

When analyzing Primary Sources ask the 5 “W” questions.

1. Who created the primary source?

2. Why was the source created—what was the purpose and its intended audience?

3. What is the source about?

4. Where was the source created?

5. When was the source created?

Page 17: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Activity: Primary Sources

Work with your partner to discuss the following documents (PART A)

Carefully read the primary sources #1-6

Remember the five questions that you should ask when analyzing primary sources.

NOTE: Procopius was a historian who accompanied Roman general Belisarius in the wars of the Emperor Justinian. He wrote The Wars of Justinian, the Buildings of Justinian and the celebrated Secret History.

Page 18: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 19: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Byzantine ReligionByzantine Religion• Roman Empire had been

Christian and the Byzantine Empire were Christians also

• The Christian faith held the Empire together

• Byzantines believed God had commanded their state to preserve the “true” Christian faith.

Page 20: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Iconoclast Controversy, 730 AD

In Constantinople, religious icons were sold in markets.

small art objects that depict Jesus, Mary, or Christian saintsIcons upset the Byzantine Emperor many prayed to them as gods, so he banned them Pope in Rome wanted icons to be used

Pope condemned the Emperor

The division between the Western and Eastern Church begins

Page 21: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

The Eastern Church (Byzantines) refuses to accept authority of the Pope over the Church 1054 AD, the differences between the Eastern and Western churches caused a schism, or permanent split; in the Christian Church Two separate Christian Churches now formed:

The Eastern Orthodox ChurchThe Roman Catholic Church

Pope Leo v. Patrarch Cerularius

Page 22: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

• Pope controlled Church affairs

• People accepted pope’s claim to authority over all Christians

• Priests prohibited from marrying

• Latin was language of the Church

• Use of holy images permitted.

• Byzantine emperor controlled Church affairs

• People rejected pope’s claim to authority over all Christians

• Priests kept right to marry • Greek was language of

the Church • Emperor outlawed the use

of icons, or holy images • Eventually worship of the

icon would return.

Western European ChristianityByzantine Christianity

Christianity in East and WestChristianity in East and West

Page 23: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?


How did the split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church affect the future of the Byzantine Empire?

Page 24: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Bell Ringer: Empires Date

EQ: What factors led to the rise and to the fall of an empire?

Page 25: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Downfall Constantinople 1. Advancement of Seljuk Turks (Muslims) who moved into Asia Minor •In 1071 the Seljuk Turks defeated Byzantine forces in Manzikert•Byzantine Emperor asks Western Europe for military help to fight the Seljuk Turks

Page 26: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

2. Byzantine gets involved in the crusades, thus weakening the Byzantine empire

•By Fourth Crusade (1203) – Western Europeans turn against Byzantium, sacked it and reduced Imperial power

Page 27: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Fall of the Byzantine EmpireFall of the Byzantine Empire

3. Constantinople fell to the

Ottoman Turks in 1453

Constantinople was renamed Istanbul

Page 28: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 29: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Byzantium became Constantinople became…

When the Turks took over they renamed the city

They named it Istanbul and it became their capital

It is now the largest city in TurkeyHas a population of over 10 million!

Page 30: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 31: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 32: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Byzantine Byzantine AccomplishmentsAccomplishments1. Mosaics

Pictures made of many tiny pieces of colored glass

2. Illuminated manuscriptsBooks decorated with elaborate designs, beautiful lettering, and miniature paintings

3. Preservation of Greek and Roman writings

4. Cyrillic alphabet

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Page 34: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Illuminated Manuscripts

Page 35: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Cyrillic Alphabet

Page 36: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

More Hagia SophiaMore Hagia Sophia

In 1935 it became a museum.

Page 37: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Hagia Sophia

Emperor Justinian I built a great cathedral known as the Hagia Sophia

Church of the Holy Wisdomimmense dome over a massive open spaceJustinian compared himself to Solomon (who built the great temple in Jerusalem)became a mosque after the Muslims arrivednow a museum

Page 38: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 39: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 40: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 41: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?
Page 42: Bell Ringer 9/1/2015 Why do historians label years as B.C. (or B.C.E) and A.D (or C.E.)? What do you think B.C. means? What do you think A.D. means?

Hagia Sophia