bellerive sixth form prospectus

Bellerive Sixth Form Faithfully serving Catholic Education in Liverpool since 1844

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Bellerive Sixth Form Liverpool


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BelleriveSixth FormFaithfully serving Catholic Education

in Liverpool since 1844

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Bellerive gives you opportunities that willmake you stand out from other studentsin the city when applying for university.“

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We are delighted to introduce Bellerive FCJ CatholicCollege’s prospectus for students making applications forour mixed Sixth Form.

We have a thriving and very successful Sixth Form and with eachyear, it successfully continues our tradition of providing a broadeducation where Bellerive students enjoy learning, develop skillsand realise talents to become informed, independent, confident,articulate and responsible young adults, successful in all that theyset out to achieve.

We are very proud of the fact that so many of our studentschoose to continue their education at Bellerive on completion oftheir GCSE courses. We are also pleased to welcome studentsfrom other schools and faiths, who wish to benefit from thefantastic opportunities Bellerive has to offer. We offer a broadcurriculum with wide range of subjects; over twenty five are onoffer which gives our students an excellent choice of pathways.

Bellerive has a tradition of achieving excellent results. We areproud of the success of our students and the overwhelmingmajority of students enjoy a 100% pass rate. Most of our Year 13students go on to their university of choice, including the RussellGroup of higher educational establishments and Oxbridge

We are in process of building an ambitious, state of the art, SixthForm building on the Elmfield site. We want the very best, modernlearning environment for our students with the best facilities forthe Bellerive students.

We hope that many of you who are currently Bellerive students,will choose our Sixth Form to begin this new and exciting phasein your educational journey. We already know you well and are inthe best position to guide you to fulfil your academic ambitionsand to prepare you to embrace the challenges of university andadult life. If you are a new student considering Bellerive SixthForm, we welcome you warmly and know that you will readilybecome part of our community.

Sister Brigid Halligan Mrs Louisa AllerstonHeadteacher Head of Sixth Form

Welcome to Bellerive FCJ Sixth Form

This college givesyou help and supportwhenever youneed it.“ “

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We offer you the chance to take a combination ofacademic A levels, applied A levels and vocationalcourses. There is a very wide range of subjects to choosefrom, the provisional option blocks are found at the backof the prospectus. Students may choose one subjectfrom each of the blocks. Each subject is allocated fivehours of teaching time and students are expected tospend at least three hours per subject engaged inindependent study.

In Year 12, students may take up to four AS subjects.In year 13, students may continue with four A2 subjectsif they wish or drop to three. It is expected that you willachieve grade D or higher in AS in order to progress to A2.

Academic Programme

The Wider Curriculum General Studies

In year 12, students follow our AS level General Studiesprogramme. General Studies is a subject whichencompasses all aspects of the world around us. It dealswith politics, ethics, literature, language, culture, scienceand technology.

Lessons normally take the form of structured debatesabout current events or themes relating to specificmodules. Students develop their ability to analyseinformation and make balanced arguments. The skillsand knowledge obtained by completing the GeneralStudies course provide students with the necessary toolsto be productive employees, leaders, and citizens.


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All students follow the NOCN Level 2 and 3 certificate ofReligious Education which aims to develop the religiousliteracy of the students and encourages them to furthertheir knowledge and understanding in the study andpractice of religion.

They will study a range of diverse religious beliefs,and explore their own position on faith through thinkingabout their experiences of life and the values ofcontemporary culture. They will develop their moralreasoning skills which they will be able to relate to oneor more religious traditions.

Religious Education

The Faiths Sixth Form Partnership

We have developed a strong and successful partnershipwith Archbishop Blanch, St Hilda’s and St Margaret’s.The aim of this collaboration is to extend the opportunitiesavailable to students enrolled at any one of the SixthForms. Students are able to choose to study from arange of subjects at a partner school. This allows us tooffer a much wider choice of subjects than otherproviders. These include those which are not widelyavailable such as Music, Government and Politics,Drama and Theatre Studies. Don’t worry about travel;where necessary, transport is provided.

The Sixth Forms share a common vision and work closelywith one another to provide the best learning community

in a supportive and caring environment for young adultsof a wide variety of faiths, cultures and abilities.

Students are made to feel welcome at a partner schooland are assured of quality learning and teaching. We willwork together with students to help them achieve successand realise their dreams. It’s not just about study; thepartnership also extends opportunities to participate injoint activities and to socialise.

The Partnership is committed to providing qualityeducational opportunities for young adults of the21st century and we work closely together to qualityassure the Sixth Form provision.


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Pastoral care and support has been consistently judged asoutstanding by Ofsted. Each student has a form tutor who hasa central role in the life of the Sixth Form. The students havea daily tutor period and our form tutors are experiencedteachers, used to supporting our Sixth Formers. They arepeople that you will go to discuss your progress in your studiesand any concerns that you have.

Whilst Sixth Form students are encouraged to be independent,contact with parents is highly valued and intrinsic to theprogress made by the student. Parents are invited to SixthForm events and letters are sent home to keep parentsup-to-date with school and Sixth Form information.

The progress of students is regularly monitored by our internaltracking system and a report, which outlines the target grade,current grade and effort grade for each subject, is sent homethree times per year.


Pastoral Support

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The concept of the DofE is simple – anyone aged between 14 and24 can do a programme at one of three progressive levels which,when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silveror Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

At Bellerive we encourage the students to undertake an award asit is highly valued by both universities and employers. Studentsselect and set objectives in each of the following areas:

Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community.

Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.

Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests.

Expedition: planning, training for and completion of anadventurous journey in the UK or abroad. This programme isheavily subsidised by the school.

Opportunities for Self Development and Leadership

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

During your time in Sixth Form, there are numerous opportunitiesfor you to develop your leadership and responsibility skills.These include:

Sixth Form committee


Form representatives

Charity work

Model United Nations



There is a friendlyatmosphere betweenstudents andteachers.“ “

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We give individual support and advice to each studentregarding their choice of subject and institutions forfurther education. Students are encouraged to attenduniversity open days and ‘taster’ courses. All studentsreceive one to one practical help with their applicationforms and interview techniques.

Representatives from a wide range of universities areinvited to speak with the Sixth Form about university lifeand the application process.

We attend the Higher Education Fair at the University ofLiverpool and we have a visit to Edge Hill University wherestudents attend workshops on the UCAS process, studentfinance and writing an effective personal statement.

We have close links with the University of Liverpool andselected students have the opportunity to participate in

the Realising Opportunities Programme which aims tosupport students from traditionally under representedbackgrounds with their applications and entry into theUniversity of Liverpool and other research intensiveuniversities.

Bellerive has many students who have successfullycompleted the Realising Opportunities Programme.

OxbridgeOur potential Oxbridge students are prepared via abespoke variety of activities including visits, workshopsand mock interviews. We have excellent links with bothCambridge and Oxford universities and their liaisondepartments.


Applying for University

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The common room is the lively hub of the Sixth Formcommunity. Students socialise and relax in the comfortableroom. They have their own kitchen with kettle, toaster andmicrowaves. There is a separate resource base for theexclusive use of Sixth Form students with 50 networkedcomputers.

Year 13’s academic year culminates with two very specialevents. The Leavers’ Mass, a beautiful occasion when all thestudents celebrate their achievements at Bellerive. They cometogether in the Chapel to give thanks for all their success, theblessings they have received and the friendships they havemade.

The Sixth Form Prom is organised by the student committee,and highlights the end of the year when they can celebrateand enjoy letting their hair down with their friends.

Student Life at Bellerive

Dedicated membersof staff are friendlyand can offer youextra help.“ “


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I chose Bellerive Sixth Form because of its highreputation and I am glad that I did.I love the surrounding environment and also the schoolethos. I feel as if this school is one big happy familyand I am part of it now.“ “

Come and see for yourself.

We look forward towelcoming you to Bellerive!

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Bellerive FCJ Catholic CollegeWindermere TerraceSefton ParkLiverpool L8 3SB

Telephone: 0151 727 2064Fax: 0151 727

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