bembridge parish news - holy trinity church,...

1 Bembridge Parish News SERVING : • THE PARISH CHURCH • THE CATHOLIC CHURCH • THE METHODIST CHURCH July 2014 Hard copies of the Parish News are available locally, please buy a copy and support our advertisers to make continuance of this magazine possible VICAR: Canon Andrew Menniss Tel: 872175 [email protected] ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev’d Linda Bushell Tel: 400261 [email protected] METHODIST MINISTER: Revd. Frances Watson 12 Gordon Cl. Sandown Tel: 404804 [email protected] CATHOLIC PRIEST: Fr. Anthony Glaysher Tel: 812127 [email protected] Editor: Anna Driver 1 The Ruskins, Kings Road, PO35 5NY Tel: 873283 [email protected] (Copy deadline - 8th of the preceding month) Distribution Secretary: Mrs Jenny Austen 31 Beachfield Road Tel: 872701, [email protected] Advertising Manager: Mrs Olive Light 1 Trelawny Way, PO35 5YE Tel 874218 [email protected] Please inform the clergy of sick persons and other needs for visiting and prayers The Garland Club, Ducie Beach

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July 2014

Hard copies of the Parish News are available locally, please buy a copy and support our advertisers to make continuance of this magazine possible

VICAR:Canon Andrew Menniss

Tel: 872175 [email protected]

ASSOCIATE PRIEST: Rev’d Linda Bushell

Tel: 400261 [email protected]

METHODIST MINISTER: Revd. Frances Watson 12 Gordon Cl. Sandown

Tel: [email protected]

CATHOLIC PRIEST: Fr. Anthony Glaysher

Tel: 812127 [email protected]

Editor: Anna Driver 1 The Ruskins, Kings Road, PO35 5NYTel: 873283 – [email protected]

(Copy deadline - 8th of the preceding month)

Distribution Secretary: Mrs Jenny Austen 31 Beachfield Road Tel: 872701, [email protected]

Advertising Manager: Mrs Olive Light 1 Trelawny Way, PO35 5YETel 874218 – [email protected]

Please inform the clergy of sick persons and other needs for visiting and prayers

The Garland Club, Ducie Beach

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Bembridge Parish News No. 584

Those words, set to Gershwin’s languid melody, evoke perfectly the warm lazy days of high summer. A time when, unless we work in the tourist trade, the living is easy. Sunny days and warm nights encourage us to relax. They enable us to sit, to look and to contemplate. They give us time to reflect on our lives, to think about what is really important and to put our worries into perspective.

‘Look at the birds of the air’ says Jesus. And as we look at a soaring seagull, or a darting swallow, or a splendid goldfinch, we can marvel. We can marvel at how they seamlessly fit into the harmony of God’s creation. And we can muse about how we fit into that created order too. No matter how pressing our concerns we can come to realise that we are a part of something far greater than us. That can be a comfort.

‘Consider the lilies of the field’ says Jesus. And as we consider a blooming rose, or a brilliant geranium, or a delicate fuchsia, we can marvel again. We can marvel at their intricate beauty which reflects the beauty of God. And we can consider that we too can reflect that

beauty. No matter how hopeless we might feel sometimes we are loved by God. And each time we share that love with those around us we become as beautiful as the most stunning orchid. That can be an inspiration.

Jesus is saying that we should try not to worry because we are each a precious part of God’s creation. I know only too well that it is often very difficult not to worry. But if we can use these lazy days of summer to look, to think, and perhaps to pray, then maybe we can get our worries into perspective.

As we often sing in church:

‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness,and all these things shall be .....added unto you;allelu, alleluia.’

With love

‘Summertime and the livin’ is easy’

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A service to commemorate the outbreak of World War 1

Sunday 3rd August at 6.30pm in Holy Trinity Church

A service of sung evensong with readings and prayers to mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War 1 the next day.During this service we will reflect on the impact the war had on our community and country and remember those who gave their lives.

At the end of the service we shall extinguish candles to mirror the words of Sir Edward Grey; 'The lamps are going out all over Europe.'

Canon Andrew Menniss, Vicar

Save the date………for you and your pet!

Pet Service – Sunday 3rd August at 10.30amIn the Cloisters garden

Come and join us for this popular service where we will celebrate and bless our pets. You can bring anything from a hamster to a horse! In the past we have had lots of dogs, a few cats, tortoises and even a stick insect.

It’s all very relaxed. We sing cheerful songs, there will be a chance for you to tell us about your pet, and every pet will be individually blessed.

So I hope to see you there. .... Woof, woof!

Canon Andrew Menniss, Vicar

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Bembridge Windmill W.IOur President, Brenda Reynolds, opened our May meeting by welcoming members and one visitor and reporting on current matters. These included upcoming events of other Island W.I.s, our display in Holy Trinity Church for the Flower Festival, our stall at the Bembridge Street Fair and our own Cream Tea, which takes place on  the

afternoon of Thursday 12th June and will be a WW1 themed event to mark the 100 year anniversary of its beginning.  

Brenda also reported on the presentation of the sensory cushions made by our Craft Club, led by Chris D’Arcy, to The Elms Nursing Home that afternoon, and attended by some of our members.  They all agreed it had been a lovely afternoon and extremely rewarding to meet and chat with the residents and staff. 

Reports were also given by our Secretary, Winifred Ratcliffe and Treasurer, Chris D’Arcy.

Our Speaker this month was Ellen Clare, the current custodian of Bembridge Windmill for the National Trust, who told us a little about the history of the Windmill itself and some of the millers who had owned and worked at the windmill since it was built, in the 1700’s.

We had a lovely outing earlier in the month to Thompsons Garden Centre where Mrs. Ursula Thompson told us about the history of the firm since starting it with her

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This photograph of Ducie beach dates from the early 1900s and shows the ladies’ Bathing Club and the Garland Club. The clubs were formed by Col. Moreton in the 1890s.The Garland Club was destroyed by a land mine in 1941 as was nearby Pitt House. Nobody was hurt or killed during the raid.The Ducie beach was, and still is, a wonderful sheltered place where children play happily in the shallow water. The breakwaters were put in by the gardeners from Eastcliff in the 1890s during the winter months.

John Woodford June 2014

husband, on a very small scale, in the 1970’s.  It was all very inspirational.  Her P.A. of many years, Gill, then demonstrated how to get the best results from our hanging baskets.

In June, we visited Puckpool Park for a spot of golf followed by supper.

Our meetings are held at 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month at The Cloisters, High Street, Bembridge. Visitors and new Members are always welcome. Contact Brenda on 811022 or visit our web site for further information

Our July meeting will be a members’ evening which will include a quiz.

The Garland, Ducie Beach

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Bembridge Harbour Family Fun Weekend 25th to 27th July 2014

Come and join in the fun on Saturday 26th July on Bembridge Point Beach from 11am! There’ll be Children’s Games and Races with lots of prizes to be won, a Sandcastle Competition, and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance team will be there.

Tackt-Isle will be running taster sessions on Paddleboards and Kayaks from 11am (no previous experience necessary) with fun events and races later in the day. The RNLI Lifeboat will be in the Harbour and will be open to the public.

Round the day off at the Annual “Dance on the Duver” – information and tickets –

A Bembridge Harbour Fireworks Display will start at about 10.30pm - if you’re not dancing the night away the best view is from Bembridge Point Beach.

On Sunday 27th July Brading Haven Yacht Club are running their Great Bembridge Paper Boat Race - all are welcome to come along and participate or spectate. Build a boat out of (mainly!) paper and see if it can win a race between 2 pontoons (separate classes for children and adults). Notice of Race (the rules!) and Entry Form available from BHYC, Bembridge Sailing Club, Bembridge Library, Bembridge Harbour Office and RNLI. The entry form must be sent in advance please. Proceeds from the event will go to the Bembridge RNLI.

A Barbecue will be available at Brading Haven Yacht Club – all are very welcome!!

More information on all the above at

tel: 01983 872828

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Bembridge RNLI Lifeboat News

Lifeboat rescues during May

Around midday on Friday, 9th May, the all-weather lifeboat “Alfred Albert Williams” was requested by Solent Coastguard to assist a windsurfer in Sandown Bay, who had become separated from his windsurfing rig. On arrival it was found that, with the help of some other windsurfers, he had made his way back to shore and was OK, despite being exhausted. His windsurfing rig had also been recovered, so the lifeboat was stood down and returned to station by 1pm.

The following day, at around 5pm, the all-weather lifeboat went to the aid of a 24 foot yacht with four persons aboard, aground off Hardway Sailing Club, near Gosport in Portsmouth harbour.

Initially, the yacht had got into difficulty with only the skipper aboard, but three members of the nearby sailing club had attempted to assist in a dinghy, without success, and had also became stranded on the yacht. On arrival, the lifeboat set up a tow line using the lifeboat’s onboard “Y” class dinghy, refloated the vessel and safely berthed it on the Hardway Sailing Club’s pontoon. The lifeboat returned to station at 6.45pm.

A week later, on the 18th May, both the all-weather and inshore lifeboats were called into action by the Coastguard and the Police after it had been reported that a speedboat had been stolen from Sandown Bay. It appeared that the owner had seen his boat boarded by someone and made off in the direction of Bembridge. The boat was found aground off Black Rock ledge near Whitecliff Bay, unmanned and with a lifejacket drifting nearby.

Both lifeboats carried out a search along the shoreline for the missing person until a Police launch, whilst recovering the speedboat, confirmed that the suspect had managed to get ashore and had been duly apprehended.

Bembridge Street Fair

Despite being a cool, damp afternoon, the weather did not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the crowds visiting the Bembridge Street Fair on 26th May. The Bembridge Lifeboat Guild stall was situated, appropriately alongside the restored “Queen Victoria” lifeboat, and did a brisk trade in bric-a-brac and lifeboat souvenirs with £365 being taken over the course

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of the afternoon. This will go directly towards the lifeboats and helping to save lives at sea.

Visitors to the Lifeboat Station

Since the second week in April, an automatic counter has been installed in the offshore boathouse to accurately record visitor numbers to the lifeboat station. Up to the end of May, a total of 4,300 visitors had been recorded. These numbers would indicate that the station is without doubt, becoming one of the “must-see” visitor attractions on the Island.

Opening times for July

The Lifeboat souvenir shop and offshore boathouse will be open every day throughout July, from 11am to 4pm.

Ken OrchardBembridge RNLI Lifeboat Guild Press Officer

01983 873139

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A BIG THANK YOU to everyone for their hard workat the Street Fair on Monday 26th May

The refreshments raised just over £600 and the stall £350 with a further £150 from the sale of large bric-a-brac at

St. Helen’s boot fair on Sunday.

Well done everyone.

The Street Fair 26th May 2014

A few thank yous to people .......

Apart from the weather distraction this year everyone seemed to enjoy the day. Many thanks to Pete and the RAYNET guys, the Sea Scouts, Andrew, Kate & Sarah (my committee) and the small band of helpers who assisted as Stewards on the day. But let’s not forget the residents of the High Street, who put up with this event once a year!

Many Thanks – Geoff Giles

The Prayer CircleWe are a small group in the village who are

willing to pray for anyone who asks us.We all have times when problems weigh heavily:

maybe due to bereavement, money worries, ill health or family problems,

to name just a few..........If you would like us to pray for you in confidence

then just contact either: Robert 874018, Jean 873507 or Jackie 875004.

(After 9.00 a.m. and before 7.00 p.m.)They will pray for you and pass your request to

the rest of the Prayer Circle.

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WEEKEND SERVICES ALL YEARSaturdays: 6.00 pm Vigil Mass at Ryde

Sundays: 7.45 am (said) Mass at Ryde 9.15 am (sung) Mass at Bembridge 9.15 am Mass at St Mary’s, Ordinariate mass – Father Jonathan 10.00 am Mass - at both Quarr Abbey and St. Cecilia’s Convent 11.00 am (sung) Mass at Ryde

Mondays: 2.00 pm Rosary – St Michaels, Bembridge

Tuesdays: 9.30 am Rosary & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.00 am (said) Mass at Bembridge

Bembridge Village Band

is pleased to announce as a result of

your support at their Concert on

the 1st June, £508.63 was raised

for the charity “Help for Heroes”.

Thank you to all of you. Angela Holland


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WALLS ROAD, BEMBRIDGEParish Priest: Fr. anthony Glaysher

(Catholic Parish Priest of St. Mary’s Ryde with St Michael’s Bembridge)

Tel: (01983) 812127 E-mail: [email protected]

Parish Office E-mail: [email protected] web site:

St Michael's Report

A big “thank you” to all who supported our Silent Auction on the May Bank Holiday Monday, many interesting items were donated and £650.00 was raised, part of which will go towards new hymn books. 

Father Anthony is still recovering and has been told to rest. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes. Thanks also to Father Ken who has been covering some masses.

Congratulations to Gary May who is training as a deacon for the parish. Gary has recently received the ministry of Acolyte at Portsmouth Cathe-dral, which is an important stage in his training journey.

Thursday 24th July Annual parish will be outing to Bournemouth, including a visit to the Sacred Heart church. More details and application forms can be found at the back of the church.

Guided tours of St Mary’s church, Ryde are available every Wednesday this month at 12 noon.

Guided tours of Quarr Abbey are available in July and August every Tues-day at 11 am starting at the bookshop. Tours are free and do not need to be booked in advance.

Yvonne Rowles

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HOLY TRINITY CALENDARVicar: Canon Andrew Menniss (01983) 872175E-Mail: [email protected] Priest: The reverend Linda Bushell (400261)E-Mail: [email protected]:

SunDay SErViCES8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (Book of Common Prayer)10.30am Parish Communion with STEPPinG STonES for children at Holy Trinity (Common Worship)

1st SunDay oF EaCH monTH10.30am Thank God it’s Sunday! Worship for all ages

JULY 2014Wednesday 2nd 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

SUNDAY 6th THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Thank God it’s Sunday! Worship for all ages

Monday 7th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Triniy

Tuesday 8th 7.00pm Taizé prayer and worship at St Lukes

Wednesday 9th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

SUNDAY 13th THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones 12.30pm Baptism at Holy Trinity

Monday 14th 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 16th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

Friday 18th 10.00am Bembridge Primary School Leavers’ Service

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Saturday 19th 2.00 – 4.00pm Holy Trinity Church Garden Party

SUNDAY 20th THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

Monday 21st 9.00am Monday Meditation at Holy Trinity

Wednesday 23rd 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

SUNDAY 27th THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion with Stepping Stones

Monday 28th 9.00am Monday Meditation

Wednesday 30th 9.30am Matins at St Luke’s 10.00am Holy Communion at St Luke’s

BAPTISMS10th May Megan Mary Louise Smith18th May Sophia Connie Rose Love

WEDDINGS10th May Christopher Parsons & Annie Payne10th May Nathan Smith & Sara Wall17th May Jonathan Simper & Carole Taylor

FUNERALS 6th May Geoffrey Manning16th May Barbara Hobbs23rd May Pansy Rolf11th June Betty Battersby11th June Jessie Hepworth


GARDEN PARTYSaturday 19th July

from 2 – 4 pmIn the Cloisters

GardenChildren’s games

tombola, books, etc.bric-a-brac, raffle and refreshments

Lots of funAll welcome

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Our church is situated in Foreland Road


miDWEEk EVEnTS anD SunDay WorSHiP

Sunday 6th 10.30am Local Arrangement, Church Worship Group

Sunday 13th 10.30am Multiplex Worship Rev Frances Watson Sacrament of Holy Communion

Sunday 20th 10.30am Local Arrangement, Mr Andy Hough

Sunday 27th 10.30am All Age Worship Local Preachers, Mrs Jenny Dyer

aCTiViTiES anD GrouPS in THE CHurCHEvery Monday inmonth 2.00pm Monday Prayer Hour

Every Wednesday in month 10.00am Café Church 2.45pm Wednesday Welcome 8.00pm Nite Lite (For teenagers – during term time)Every Thursday 10.00 am to in term time 12 Noon Tots (During term time)

Rev. Frances Watson Ph. 01983 404804Email: [email protected]

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Weekly classes and weekend entertainmentAvailable for Private Hire

Licensed Bar – Kitchen – Disabled Access

Tel: 07756 296249 / 01983 873311 email: [email protected]

RICHARD BUCKLEYquality painting & decorating

dry-lining, tiling, artexing, coving & skimming, ceiling & wall repairs


(01983) 874665 – 07866 197 430

S. S. J. CONTRACTORS LTDFor Building Works

Tel/Fax: (01983) 875050

87-89 High StreetBembridge,Isle of Wight. PO35 5SF

Montessori Schools Association Nursery in BembridgeQuality care and education for 2 – 5 year olds · Funded places available

Enquiries to mrs Seymour tel: 01983 874481email: [email protected]

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July at Carisbrooke Priory

open door service, every Thursday at 12noon followed by lunch in the dining room also prayer ministry available after the service at approx.

Speakers for Open Door

July 3rd Canon Alan Brown (Communion) July 10th Rev’d Roger Whatley July 17th Rev’d James Cook July 24th Rev’d David Marrow July 31st Anne Linington

Friday July 11th at 7.30pm “Quintisle” a quintet of island musicians – see website for details.

art at the Priory on every Monday 9.30am - 4.00pm in main lounge, for details contact George 522062 or at Priory during opening hours on 523354

Tea rooms open 10.00am - 4.00pm Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday

House and Garden during opening hours – Monday-Friday, 10.00am-4.00pm

Christian Listening by appointment Ring Marjorie 523354

Carisbrooke Priory is a member of The Quiet Garden Scheme.

Arrangements can be made for group visits to the Tea Room and Gardens – Contact Administrator on 523354.

Email: [email protected]


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Bembridge Cloisters Lunch Club

We would like to invite mature people from the Bembridge community to join us for lunch....

Do you like to meet new people?

Are you new to the village?

Feel a little lonely?

Fed-up with eating on your own?

Cannot be bothered to cook for one?

Simply like company and a chat?

Then the Cloisters Lunch Club could be for you...

We meet throughout the year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from around midday until 1.30 pm and commence serving lunch around 12.30 pm. We use the newly refurbished Cloisters main hall, behind the Library. A fixed two course freshly cooked meal (eg. Roast’s, Cottage Pie, Fish Pie and delicious desserts) is prepared by our chef Michael and served by our cheerful team of volunteers.

The cost is £5.00 (special dietary requirements can normally be accommodated).

We have 20 to 30 diners and the atmosphere is convivial and relaxed.

Transport can be provided for a nominal fee to/from the Cloisters.

So if you would like to join us, or simply want further information then phone either Christine on 872032, or Diana on 874527

– we would love to see you.

We would love to see you

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Bembridge Evening Townswomen’s Guild

Annette Halls our Vice Chairman took over the chair for the evening in the absence of our chairman Phyl Liddiard.

We began the evening with a talk about Alzheimer’s disease, the effect it has on both the sufferers and the carers, and what is being done on the island to help and support everybody who is affected.  We have about 2,000 workers in this field and about 6,000 volunteers here on the Isle of Wight. Most of us are not very well informed about the disease and unfortunately nobody really wants to talk about it or address the problem. Our speaker explained what the disease is and how it manifests itself, what is being done in the form of social awareness of the problem and where to go for help and back up.

There were a lot of interesting questions from the members and we all felt we had come to a better understanding of the subject.

After a welcome cup of coffee we discussed the activities of the previous month. Eve Dyer was thanked for her beautiful flower arrangement for the flower festival in Holy Trinity. Hilary Haley was presented with a bouquet from the meeting to thank her for her tireless work on our Tombola at the Street Fair. Although the weather was a little disappointing on the day we were very pleased with the support from the members of the community and it was great to announce that we will be sending a cheque for £200 to John’s Club, to help in the wonderful work they do here on the island.

We also received a letter of thanks from the Community Library for the money we raised for them at our last Coffee Morning.

The walk organised by Diana Hetherington during the month was greatly enjoyed and calling in on the Chocolate Apothecary, our speaker from last month, proved to be a very popular!!!

The activity group also had a great time at LA Bowls and are keen to have more trips there very soon.

Marion Morgan is hoping to organise a visit to Haven Street Railway centre for a trip on a train and a cream tea in July - put my name down for that one.

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The Friends of Holy Trinity were invited in 2013 to provide refreshments for an Open Garden in the High Street. As we were busy fundraising for the Cloisters appeal we gladly accepted and served cream teas on three separate occasions at the end of the most amazing garden I have ever been in!

My initial reaction, when I first knocked on the door of White Cottages was that it was going to be a very small garden. How wrong I was. It went on and on and on and we served the teas at the very end in part of the next door neighbours’ garden. It was lovely to witness the delight of those who visited the garden. The garden is owned by Nik Pierce who this year has seen all his hard work rewarded for one of his very own lilies being nominated the best UK and European introduction in 2014.

Daylilies, Hemerocallis, Cultivation, gardening, people; Nik explains how it all started.........

I could start with Jan & Andy Wyers (A La Carte Daylilies), but before that was my first garden, before that, the Isle of Wight, but originally, Alfred, my father, who likes to think he knows pretty much everything and to whom

Our very popular Tea-at-3 will once again be held in the garden of Ann Gilham in Darts Lane on June 28th. This is definitely an afternoon to cherish as well as support a good cause. There will be the most amazing plants, crafts, and CAKE and tea. If you want a real treat then be there!!!

We then discussed our “Christmas Meal”, but only to make sure we had a venue booked.

Competition winners were Britt, Marianne, Daphne and Gill Offer

The best flowers were from Ann, Eve and Gill

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month in the Methodist Church hall at 7.30pm and any ladies are welcome to come and join us.

Dot Harrison Press Sec.  872992

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I will always be a child. Dad, was a gardener. A rather safe, pedestrian one although spirited, keen and inspiring at the time, this is what I grew up with. Of course, I showed no interest as a youth, but I did a degree in art and that is never wasted, it had to come out somewhere. I grew up and got a mortgage, bought a house and had a garden. So in this small town garden, I shingled and decked (it was the 80’s) and for the planting, with the Kniphofia “milkmaid” and various crocosmia...… I pondered, can’t you get a yellow daylily?

So, a little later whilst holidaying on the Isle of Wight, ‘The Plantfinder’ in hand, I ring and speak to Jan Wyers and ask if she has a “yellow daylily”.

So there you go, that’s how it started. How it ends?

Well? I moved to the Isle of Wight in 2001, (White Cottage) with a 200 foot garden, several hundred registered varieties of daylily, (including some yellow ones) and thousands of seedlings. I know pretty much everything there is to know about daylilies, of course.......I take after my father.

The reality is, I am still just a keen but amateur hobby gardener (with a website that reflects this ( and it was a lovely holiday to the island and inspiring people like my Dad & Jan & Andy that have led to me to enjoy cross pollinating Hemerocallis, and one of my introductions being nominated the best UK & European introduction in 2014.

Next open garden is 13th July but garden can be viewed by appointment via website.

It is actually in flower today and this flower measured 10 inches across. It is classified as an ‘unusual form’

because it is not the traditional trumpet or rounded type

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There are no Horticultural Society events this month, but there is still plenty to do.  Gardens open locally under the National Garden Scheme include 1 White Cottages, High Street, Bembridge and Blue Haze, 24 Beachfield Road, Bembridge on Sunday 13th July, and High Vista, Seaview Lane, Seaview on Sunday 20th July.  And, if you want to venture further afield, the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show runs from 8th ‐ 13th July.   Pickofthismonth’splants


Hostas have become increasingly popular in recent years and there are now over 7200 named cultivars. They come originally from the woodlands of China, Japan and Korea. They’re hardy, shade‐tolerant and easy to grow. They can also be grown in full sun, but do need to be kept moist. They work well in borders or as specimen plants in pots – but do protect them from slugs and snails which can reduce to leaves to ribbons in no time. They do flower but are grown mainly for their vibrant, patterned foliage in shades of blue, green and gold. Look out for the new Hosta ‘Andy Murray’! 

ThingstodoinJuly1) July is the ideal time to plant autumn‐

flowering bulbs. These include pink‐flowered Nerine, also known as the Guernsey Lily, which do well in Bembridge. They need good drainage and a good “baking” in summer, so plant them in a sunny spot with the neck of the bulb just visible.   

2) Deadhead your plants to encourage more flowers and a longer show, and to keep them looking tidy. Roses, petunias and begonias will all benefit from this. Fuchsias, helpfully, often deadhead themselves!  

3) For something exotic, try sowing oriental vegetables such as pak choi, choi sum, mibuna and mizuna which are all members of the Brassica family. If you sow too early – before midsummer ‐ they will be more prone to bolting. Keep them well‐watered and protect them from slugs.