benazir income support programme (bisp)...(banners, brochures, flyers, notebooks, guides, manuals,...

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Terms of Reference (ToRs) for Hiring of Implementing Partner for BUSINESS INCUBATION FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT (BISE) COMPONENT OF THE BISP GRADUATION PROGRAMME

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Page 1: Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)...(banners, brochures, flyers, notebooks, guides, manuals, handouts, standees, posters, Facebook messages, mobile phone campaign etc.) on the

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP)

Terms of Reference (ToRs)

for Hiring of

Implementing Partner for



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ACRONYMNS ........................................................................................................................................ 3

BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................................................... 4

OBJECTIVES OF BISE GRADUATION PROGRAMME ............................................................... 5

SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................ 6

COMPONENTS OF BISE PROGRAMME ........................................................................................ 7

DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................................. 18

REPORTING ........................................................................................................................................ 19

COMPONENT WISE DELIVERABLES (ANNEX I) ........................................................................ I


IP QUARTER-WISE WORK PLAN (ANNEX III) ....................................................................... XIX

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ACRONYMNS ADB Asian Development Bank

BGM BISP Graduation Model

BGP BISP Graduation Programme

BISE Business Incubation for Self-Employment

BISP Benazir Income Support Programme

CCT Conditional Cash Transfer

CI Community Institutions

CIF Community Investment Fund

CRP/s Community Resource Person/s

HDI Human Development Index

IB Inclusive Business

IEC Information Education Communication

IP Implementing Partner

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MIP Micro Investment Plan

MIS Management Information System

NSER National Socio-Economic Registry

PMT Proxy Means Test

PSC Poverty Score Card

RFP Request for Proposal

SMT Social Mobilization Team

SSN Social Safety Nets

ToRs Terms of Reference

TVST Technical Vocational Skills Training

UCT Unconditional Cash Transfer

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1. Background

Poverty is a multifaceted phenomenon in Pakistan. According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan 2017-

18, one-fourth of the population (over 50 million people) lives below the poverty line while 38.8 percent

are multi-dimensionally poor in terms of education, health and living standards. Apart from having

limited access to education, health and other socioeconomic services, the deprived families often have

limited financial resources to use these services. A majority of them live in rural areas and are employed

in the agricultural sector.

Most graduation programmes throughout the world follow a theory of change combining various initiatives pivoted around the idea of increasing self-reliance in graduates directing them towards self-

sustenance. The figure below1 gives a typical theory of change for a graduation programme:

Figure 1: The "Graduation Model" theory of change

Since 2008, the Federal Government of Pakistan is implementing a flagship cash transfer programme

for the chronic and transient poor, the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Over the years, BISP

has evolved into the government’s flagship Social Safety Net (SSN) programme which helps

marginalized segments of society by providing Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) amounting to Rs.

5500 per quarter. The UCT is supplemented by a Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) component for

education (Waseela-e-Taleem), and graduation programmes for helping the poor out of poverty.

Over the years, BISP’s experience has highlighted that UCT is an important element of supporting ultra-

poor and saving them from destitution. However, the international best practices show that for complete

poverty alleviation, focused Graduation programmes are needed for transition to sustainable livelihoods.

Graduation of poor from SSN programmes has become an important part of the policy agenda globally.

Based on consultations with international experts from Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee

(BRAC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) &

London School of Economics (LSE), BISP and BISP Board Design Committee the BISP Graduation

Model (BGM) was designed, which aims to provide a comprehensive hand holding model with high

impact and sustainable solutions for graduating the chronic poor from poverty.

While UCT mainly addresses social dimensions of poverty, graduation strategies aim to increase

households’ income, skills, and a country’s human capital to promote long-term welfare and poverty

reduction. The government has designed a comprehensive programme to complement cash transfers with

initiatives that would help the poor also graduate out of poverty. Under BISP Graduation Programme

(BGP), two Programmes are being implemented in Phase I. The two graduation programmes are:

a. Business Incubation for Self-Employment (BISE)

1 Graduating from Social Protection? Editorial Introduction Stephen Devereux and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler


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b. Direct Cash (DC)

The BGP being implemented is based on the BISP Graduation Model (BGM). The Graduation model

was presented before the BISP Board and accepted as the Graduation Policy for BISP beneficiaries. With

the guidance of ADB, the BISP Board approved the Concept Note of Graduation Programme, including

Direct Cash Transfer model, and Business Incubation for Self-Employment (BISE) in its 29th meeting

held on January 29, 2018.

2. The Objective of BISE Graduation Programme

The objective of BISE is to reduce the incidence of poverty in the selected districts by facilitating self-

employment among BISP UCT beneficiaries. It is expected that at least 60% of the targeted BISE

beneficiaries graduate out of poverty and hence out of the BISP UCT, by the end of the programme. The

programme envisions to move the beneficiaries further up the PMT bands on a sustainable basis through


Key ingredient of Business Incubation for Self-Employment (BISE) programme is Asset Grant with

handholding. The BISP beneficiaries are motivated to volunteer and then sign consent agreement. To

allow them to establish a sustainable business and to provide protection against risks, they are to be

provided the UCT for 2 years, after which they are removed from BISP UCT system. Under the BISE,

65,000 beneficiaries will be selected for the asset grant and other components of the BISE. The

beneficiaries to be enrolled for BISE will be selected from Poverty Score Card (PSC) 2010.

A Graduation Project Management Unit (PMU), comprising of Team Leader/ Project Manager and

experts is being established in BISP Headquarters to coordinate with IP as well as BISP field formations.

The phase I of BISE component will be implemented in 5 districts, having nine sub-components, with

the trajectory of scaling up.

The districts for BISE are selected from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human

Development Index (HDI) District Ranking. The five ranked districts and the number of households in

each district (with PMT 0-16.17) are:

Five Selected Districts


District No. of UCT


No of HH UCT


Punjab Rajanpur 121,971 113,942




Upper Dir



Sindh Tharparkar 65,132 60,404

Balochistan Harnai 2,950 2,342

Balochistan Awaran 1,317 1,262

Total 241,851 218,821

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3. Scope of Work

3.1 Target Beneficiaries:

The BISE programme beneficiaries shall be eligible households in the selected districts from amongst

UCT beneficiaries. BISP will provide data of beneficiaries receiving UCT, and any other

information/data required by the Implementing Partner (IP) for the programme. The IP will then choose

an iterative process for selection of beneficiaries for BISE, those willing to join and forgo existing UCT

after 2 years.

3.2 Identification of BISE beneficiaries:

BISP will provide printed and electronic data through Management Integrated System (MIS) of BISP

UCT beneficiaries in the districts selected for BISE programme. The IP will be responsible for

identification, enrollment and registration of beneficiaries for the programme. To obtain the requisite

No Objection Certificates (NOC), if required, from Federal/Provincial/local authorities to start field

activities under subcomponents of BISE Graduation Programme shall be the responsibility of IP, BISP

may however, assist/support the IP in obtaining the same. A real time dashboard will be prepared for

BISP management and IP to track the project progress.

3.3 Beneficiary selection and eligibility criteria:

The beneficiaries selected under BISE will receive UCT for two years. The beneficiaries will partake in

the following:

i) Entry criteria: Existing BISP UCT beneficiaries who are willing to join the programme and have

the business potential to be selected for BISE. In addition, equal number of beneficiaries from

each Province are aimed to be selected, as far as possible.

ii) Exit Strategy: The beneficiaries crossing UCT PMT cut-off score will be considered as


iii) Re-Entry in UCT: In the cases where poor beneficiaries do not succeed in graduating, they will

be re-enrolled by BISP for UCT.

After selection of beneficiaries in the target districts, the IP will gather PSC data afresh and BISP will

run it to get their current Proxy Means Test (PMT) score to exclude beneficiaries exceeding UCT

eligibility cut-off. The IP will collect written consents from the respective beneficiaries stating their

willingness and interest in joining BISE programme. The selection of beneficiaries for BISE Graduation

Programme will be finalized in consultation with BISP.

The beneficiary receiving asset grants shall be able to run self-employment models and have strong

commitment to be part of the graduation programme, including contributing to the financing of the

saving plan. The IP will maintain records of all beneficiaries, including those receiving support from

other programmes. These records will include the names, the PSC score, the support provided, and the

expected change achieved.

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4. Components of BISE Programme

4.1 COMPONENT 1: Social mobilization

IP will launch a communication and social mobilization campaign immediately upon receipt of the

detailed data from BISP for reaching out the beneficiaries and enrolling them for the programme. The

beneficiary data to be provided to the IP will include household roster information with contact details,

i.e. CNIC number, phone/mobile number, village, UC and Tehsil name, BISP household ID and PMT

and any other information as per requirement.

The IP through various modes of communication will inform the BISP beneficiaries about the model of

the programme.

A. The social mobilization campaign may include preparing adequate information material

(banners, brochures, flyers, notebooks, guides, manuals, handouts, standees, posters, Facebook

messages, mobile phone campaign etc.) on the programme for BISE initial endorsement and its


B. The information shall be neutral and free of any political references.

C. A computer application (App) will be developed in consultation with BISP to align it with BISP

database. The App will be used to enroll the beneficiaries and to track their progress over time.

COMPONENT 9: Compulsory Savings

COMPONENT 8: Health Insurance




facility for business expansion through

community institutions



vocational skills to at least one-third of the selected



- Asset transfer through


and assets acquired


- Development of Micro Investment Plans for all

COMPONENT 1: Social Mobilization

Beneficiaries - Elaborate, extensive,

social mobilization

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D. The IP may engage BISP Beneficiary Committees (BBCs) in addition to existing Community

Institutions (CIs). Community Institutions are referred to group of 8-10 BISE beneficiaries sharing

same locality / village grouped together for the purpose of BISE program including but not limited

to compulsory saving, CIF etc.

E. The functions of the CIs could include the following:

• Undertake a campaign in villages for awareness about the scheme/project.

• Mobilization of households in target districts for the enrolment/registration.

• Advising beneficiaries’ households wishing to avail the benefits of the programme.

• Providing any other service mutually agreed between BISP, IP and CIs.

• General awareness campaigns and promotion sessions.

IP shall use multiple methods for disseminating the project information and mobilizing the target

beneficiaries. These methodologies will also include informing the public at large and all stakeholders,

including federal and provincial governments, BISP, government departments and policy makers etc.

IP will develop a Consent Form, with the approval of BISP, for the BISE beneficiaries which may

include the introduction, offer and willingness of the beneficiary to join the programme. The respective

beneficiary will sign an agreement of willingness with the IP to join the programme and discontinuation of

UCT after two years.

4.1.1 Enrollment of BISE beneficiaries

The IP will enroll the beneficiaries. The methods employed may include the following:

a) Enrollment desks equipped with the social mobilization material and App may be maintained

at the IP’s Local Offices and CI offices, where available.

b) Mobile Enrollment camps fully equipped with the social mobilization material and App. may

be established at the Revenue Village and Union Council level.

4.2 COMPONENT 2: Preparation of Micro Investment Plan (MIP)

For those receiving Income Generating Grants (IGG), an initial/brief business plan(s) shall be prepared

by the IP with each selected BISE beneficiary. This business plan may outline the most appropriate type

of investment and also indicate working capital needs, costs and revenue streams. The MIP will be

finalized in more detailed form after the business coaching/mentoring.

4.3 COMPONENT 3: Improving Business Skills through Coaching/Mentoring

All BISE beneficiaries will receive 5-15 days entrepreneurship training. The Capacity building

programme will specially target 65,000 persons in business coaching, which may include:

a) Basic Numeracy Skill

b) Book keeping and accounts management skills

c) Basic skills for marketing and sales

d) Customer Service

e) Life Skills and Entrepreneurship

The beneficiaries will not be sent to general vocational training institutions. The overall objective of the

capacity building component is to enable the BISE beneficiaries to firstly learn managerial and business

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skills to improve productivity and incomes and secondly be more aware and informed about their rights

and obligations.

4.3.1 Capacity Building vis a vis business coaching/mentoring

The objective of business coaching/mentoring will be achieved through basic training sessions including

on job coaching. This may be imparted to the Programme Staff of IP and BISE beneficiaries in the

following categories:

a) Programme staff of IP and stakeholders

i. Programme orientations

ii. Orientation on Programme Implementation Plans and compliance thereof

iii. Programme staff and selected community persons to be trained as Trainers to manage and

conduct training of (a) and (b)

iv. CIs representatives to be trained to participate in the implementation of all project activities

especially CIF and IGG.

b) BISE Beneficiaries

i. Improving business skills including value chains;

ii. Awareness raising on health, education, rights and obligations;

iii. Selected community persons to be trained as master trainers to provide various services as

specialists to guide the beneficiaries on job to run their businesses successfully.

4.4 COMPONENT 4: Asset Transfer/Income Generating Grants (IGG)

Developing asset base of the BISP beneficiaries is an integral part under BISE through increase in

income on sustainable basis. This will involve asset transfer on permanent basis to an estimated 65,000

beneficiaries. Beneficiaries with the potential to run sustainable livelihoods will receive an asset grant

of about PRs 40,000 from BISP.

A contractual arrangement will be made up with the beneficiary linking the asset grant to three major


▪ the continuation in receiving handholding including business coaching/mentoring,

▪ the continuation in BISP’s CCTs for education and preventive health participation (if available),


▪ Graduation out of poverty and hence out of the UCT programme.

The IP will help with identification and purchase of the asset. Whereas, the funds to purchase the asset

will be directly transferred into the beneficiary accounts by BISP. The IP will support and assist in

maintenance of records for the asset at every level and report to BISP accordingly. While finalizing the

category and type of productive assets required, the following basic principles will be adhered to:

▪ The asset generates ample cash flows that contribute towards immediate and long term basic

requirements of the beneficiary;

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▪ The business established from the asset/IGG can be up-scaled; and

▪ There is sufficient demand for the business in the locality and it contributes towards economic

activity and efficiency in the area.

4.4.1 General Procedures for Implementation of IGG

After formation of MIPs a detailed analysis will be conducted to process transfer of funds to BISP beneficiaries

based on their plans. The funds for purchase of asset will be directly transferred into the beneficiary account by

BISP. Once funds transferred to the beneficiary, the IP will prepare a list of potential vendors based on

type of assets and guide IGG beneficiaries to purchase items of her/his choice from these vendors. Other

than provision of assets, IP field teams will develop the capacities of beneficiary households in asset

and business management, financial literacy, and maintenance of income and expenditure records at

household level through organization of capacity building sessions at village and union council level.

4.4.2 Non-eligible Activities for IGG

The amount shall not be used by the beneficiaries for:

i. Property/real estate development;

ii. Commercial construction;

iii. Hazardous/toxic chemicals and/or waste (products in classes1A &1B or formulations of products

in class II of WHO);

iv. Plastic bags, radio-active material;

v. Tanneries;

vi. Timber, logging, deforestation;

vii. Explosives, armaments, ammunition, mining Cultivation/processing of poppy and/or other

prohibited varieties;

viii. Poaching/hunting;

ix. Informal cross-border trade.

4.4.3 Record Keeping and Monitoring of IGG/asset by IP

The IP will maintain separate records for the IGG interventions, and record grants disbursed to each

beneficiary. The asset transferred may preferably be tagged. The records maintained by IP should reflect

the past and current status of IGG amount disbursed and number of beneficiaries reached. For this

purpose the IP should have an MIS record of IGG. The IP will institute effective monitoring system at all

levels and develop adequate reporting formats. The IP will ensure field verification and utilization of

IGG through its field and monitoring staff.

4.5 COMPONENT 5: Technical and Vocational Skills Training (TVST)

One of the key activities under the BISE programme is to provide Technical and Vocational Skills

Training (TVST) to selected BISP beneficiaries or their nominees from the household. Purpose of TVST

is to design and implement demand driven training programmes that provide open access to the labor

market and enhance income generating opportunities, with regards to self-employment. These trainings

will target approximately One-Fourth of the BISE beneficiaries or their nominees from the same


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4.5.1 Categories &Types of Skills Trainings

The following may be included in different categories and types of TVST:

1. Agriculture & Livestock Sector

a) Floriculture

b) Poultry Farming

c) Citrus Production

d) Chili Processing

e) Cotton Picking

f) Cotton Processing

g) Pine Nuts Processing

h) Meat Technician

i) Agriculture Farm Supervisor

j) Agriculture Field Assistant

k) Veterinary Assistant

2. Auto & Diesel

a) Auto Mechanic

b) Motorcycle Mechanic

c) Auto Electrician

3. Computer Applications

a) Computer Application for Business

b) E-commerce

c) Auto CAD Operator

d) Computer Application & Office Professional

e) Graphics Designing (Print & Media)

f) Web Designing

4. Construction & Civil Work

a) Architecture Drafting

b) Quantity Surveyor

c) Civil Surveyor

5. Electrical

a) Building Electrician

b) Industrial Electrician

c) Motor Winding

d) Solar Technician

e) Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Appliances

f) Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

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g) Plastic Blow & Injection Moulding

6. Electronics

a) Mobile Phone Repairing

b) Electronics Technician

c) Computer Hardware & Network Professional

d) IT Lab Technician

7. Employment & Misc.

a) Driving

b) Domestic Worker

c) Car Wash

d) Safety Officer

8. Energy

a) Bio Gas Plant Supervisor

b) PV Panel Installation

c) Solar Water Heater Installation

d) Micro Hydel Power Technician

9. Gemstone, Fashion Jewelry& Foot ware

a) Gemologist

b) Gemstone Carver

c) jewelry Manufacturing

d) Shoe Technician

10. Healthcare & Beautician

a) Skin Care

b) Hair Stylist

c) Beauty Therapy

d) Clinical Assistant

11. Hospitality & Hotel Management

a) Hotel Management

b) Cooking

c) Food & Beverage Captain

d) Waiter

e) Kitchen Organization

12. Mechanical

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a) Welder / Fabricator

b) Plumber

c) General Fitter

d) Machinist & Lathe operator

13. Stitching and Dress Designing

a) Domestic Tailoring

b) Leather Garments Stitching

c) Dress Designing

d) Embroidery

e) Industrial Stitching

14. Textile

a) Computer Textile Designing

b) Computer Pattern Designing

c) Screen Printing & Computer Designing

d) Textile Fitter

e) Textile Weaving

Training contents will be finalized depending upon the training needs and accordingly potential trainees

will be placed at appropriate place /workshop /institute in relevant trade/business for the formal skills

training/on job training/ apprenticeship. If a training institute is contracted for conducting the skills

training, each training cost will not exceed PKR 15000 per beneficiary or beneficiary nominee

4.5.2 Operational Procedures for Implementation of TVST

The TVST will be offered to the eligible beneficiaries in line with the social mobilization roll out

process. As soon as the CIs are formed, the TVST potential beneficiaries/their nominees will be

identified from among BISE beneficiaries. The eligibility criteria for TVST beneficiaries will include:

a. Be the selected BISE beneficiary or nominee

b. The intended trainee should ideally be between the ages of 17–50 years old.

c. There may preferably be equal gender representation for trainees in this component

d. Differently abled men and women can participate in trainings.

The CIs may facilitate the IP’s in identification, selection, and registration of beneficiaries for the TVST

component. The institute providing the TVST must be accredited/registered with Trade Testing and

Selection Board. The type of training/trades may be selected based on the demand of the community and

potential to generate employment/income. The TVST training will preferably be conducted at the local

level (within or near the target districts). A training plan will be developed after sufficient numbers of CIs

are formed. The IP will ensure monitoring and proper record keeping of all the TVST activities.

4.5.3 Post training support to the TVST trainees

After completion of the training, CI and IP will provide follow up support to the skilled beneficiaries so

that the trained persons are able to find jobs or start their own businesses. Trained persons will also be

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provided information by the IP and CIs about the Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) working in the area

and their procedures so that some of them may access financial resources from the MFIs to access capital

for initiating their own businesses. The IP will ensure all required training arrangements, documentation

and reporting required, given in their contract, are maintained and timely shared with BISP.

4.6 COMPONENT 6: Inclusive Business (IB) Value Chain (VC) / Market Linkages

Inclusive business (IB) is the direct approach through which the private sector contributes to make

economic growth more inclusive. Under IB component, the IP will identify commercially viable

companies to help integrate selected BISP beneficiaries in their value chains/employment and pay better

than market rates in supplier/employer models.

4.6.1 Engagement models:

Companies with IB models either engage the target groups as suppliers, distributors or wage earners

with the purpose to create new jobs and higher income for them, or as customers with the purpose to

deliver affordable relevant services and goods to them. The IB component will preferably be

implemented with three companies. An IB agreement will outline the responsibilities of the respective

IB Company, IP and of BISP. After being identified by the IP, BISP will provide funds to the IB

Company/s directly for engagement with the beneficiaries. There are a good number of companies –

especially in agribusiness, health, renewable energy, finance, and housing – that promote IB investment

models. Examples of large companies are business models from Nestle (milk), Engro (milk and organic

rice), Metro (vegetables), Serena hotel chain (nuts, honey) and some other larger companies. There are

also medium-sized local companies engaging the poor as suppliers for fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices,

milk, organic produce, and many other products.

4.6.2 Steps for Graduation through IB:

• The IP will identify commercially viable business enterprises for IB intervention;

• BISP will enter into an agreement with the IB companies directly for the transfer of funds to engage

with the beneficiaries

• The companies shortlisted/selected by IP will invest money in IB model and BISP will finance up to

49% of total investment cost of IB intervention

• The selected BISE beneficiaries (approx. 5,000) will be engaged through mutual consent between IP

and selected companies, with the approval of BISP.

4.7 COMPONENT 7: Community Investment Fund (CIF) for BISE beneficiaries

The CIF is a revolving fund for additional financing which will be set up to finance (a) working capital

of BISE beneficiaries and (b) investments where the beneficiaries might wish to pool their funding for

joint businesses. BISP will transfer the amount for the pool funds directly into the community accounts

for use and benefit of community institutions and eventually the BISE beneficiaries. The

repaid/recovered loans will be used in the community and remain in the community. The IP will train

the community to set up and manage disbursement and recovery of loans. It will also set up a transparent

monitoring system for the use of these revolving community funds (with or without interest). The IP,

with the support of BISP field offices, will monitor of CIF and CIs managing CIF.

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4.7.1 Following are the key features of the CIF:

1. The CIF will be used to provide small loans to the BISE beneficiaries and act as a revolving


2. The amount for the revolving fund will be transferred by BISP directly into the community

accounts for use by the CIs and eventually BISE beneficiaries;

3. CIF Loan size may be between PKR 500 – 50,000 on an agreed rate. Loan period should not

exceed 12 months, repayable in installments or lump sum depending on local cash flows.

4. IP will select/form an appropriate CI to participate in the management of CIF. It can be a

BBC or CI of BISE beneficiaries. IP will ensure the capacity building of the CIs for

managing CIF;

5. The community will be the owner of the CIF, while IP and BISP will provide assistance in

the management of the CIF to ensure its proper utilization in a transparent and effective


6. CIF will be used only for business expansion;

7. The graduates of TVST component under BISE may also benefit from the CIF loans;

8. IP will manage the CIF in partnership with existing or new CIs. Hence the CIs will act as

intermediaries to receive applications for loans from BISP beneficiaries. IP will conduct a second

appraisal of loan applications to confirm the appraisal done by the CI and to ensure transparency

and that the loan is used for business expansion only.

9. The loans from CIF may be provided at a service charge/interest rate decided by the

concerned CI in consultation with IP. The rates can be periodically reviewed/changed by

the CI in consultation with IP/BISP. The community will be allowed to recover this service

charge in any form that is acceptable e.g. an upfront fee, a deduction from the loan amount

or in instalments;

10. In terms of disbursements from the CIF, all the transactions should ideally be done through

banking channels. However, for the purposes of collection/repayment of loans cash transactions

can be used in areas where access to banking is limited.

11. IP will closely monitor the CIF performance and evaluate the results of this investment to

ensure its proper utilization for income generation purposes.

12. The CIF will be available with the community even after completion of the project and will

therefore help the beneficiaries sustain their businesses and also sustain the CIs to continue

serving the BISE beneficiaries.

4.7.2 CI Roles and Responsibilities

a) The IP will form CIs comprising of BISE beneficiaries or use the existing BBCs (where


b) IP will open pool accounts in NBP and BISP will place the CIF funds in those accounts for loan


c) The CI will review the application for loan in the name of beneficiary and send a

proposal/recommendation to the IP.

d) Postdated specialized deposit slips showing date, bank name, bank account and installment

amount will be provided to the loan beneficiary by CI/bookkeeper. On due date, the loan

beneficiary will visit nearest branch of the bank and will deposit the loan installment.

e) Bank will send the details of the deposit to IP/CI and the IP would update the loan beneficiary

ledger in the BISP MIS.

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f) CI will ensure loan recovery on or before due date.

g) CI will maintain the record of beneficiaries

4.7.3 Record Keeping of CIF

The CIF details (name, amount, date of disbursement, purpose, duration) would be recorded into the CIF

Record Register by the CI/Book keeper, and signature or thumb impression of the beneficiary members

will be taken on it. The CIF beneficiary will also be provided the CIF passbook and records will be

updated on this by the CI/BK. Their payment schedule of the loan, and the list of income generating

activities by CIF should be clearly explained to the CIF beneficiaries.

4.7.4 CIF Service Charges and Utilization

Each CIF beneficiary will pay agreed service charges, the CI will decide about the utilization of the

services charges of the loan. However, primarily the service charges will be used for running the CIF

operations including paying an honorarium to the book keeper.

4.7.5 CIF Repayment

All CIF amounts will be paid in monthly/quarterly instalments as agreed. Repayment of CIF

installments will be the responsibility of the beneficiary. The beneficiary will repay CIF installment

directly to the CIF Pool Account. The Book Keeper will record the repayments of the installments in

the CIF pass book of the beneficiary and issue an official receipt. In case of CIF recovery paid to the CI

in cash the Book keeper will then deposit the amount in to the CIF's P ool Account.

4.7.6 Subsequent Loans to beneficiaries

Once sufficient CIF loan recoveries have been made, the CI can start the process of releasing next round

of CIF to beneficiaries in the 'waiting list' (first come first serve). Priority would be given to waiting list

members. Later, when beneficiaries from the earlier rounds of CIF come back for new support, the

CI/Book Keeper will decide to provide subsequent CIF support to its members reviewing the household's

performance regarding utilization and on-time recovery of the previous round of CIF.

4.7.7 Monitoring of CIF Intervention

The IP will institute effective monitoring system at all levels, and develop adequate reporting formats as

required by BISP. The IP should ensure field verification and utilization of CIF funds through its field and

monitoring staff. The IP will maintain a tracking sheet of CIF beneficiaries and monitor the use and

benefits of the CIF amount by the beneficiaries.

4.8 COMPONENT 8: Health Insurance

All the BISE Beneficiaries will receive health insurance cover under the programme. The aim of health

insurance is to improve enabling environment for business investments through enrolling beneficiaries

and their families in health and disability insurance schemes. This may include pre-determined rates for

services based on diagnosis or medical/surgical procedures. Insurance will be financed for two years as

part of the BISE Programme. The IP will serve as contact and advisory focal point for the selected

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BISE beneficiaries. The health insurance provider will be selected by the IP and the insurance premium

costs per year per family will be negotiated by the IP and approved by BISP. The health insurance

provider must be at least of international ISO standards AA-. The health insurance service to be available

to all enrolled beneficiaries throughout the country, irrespective of district of residence. The premium

rates shall not be more than insurance programmes being implemented by the federal and provincial

governments. Moreover, in the districts where federal/provincial health insurance is available to BISP

beneficiaries, the health insurance will not be provided under BISE to avoid duplication.

4.8.1 General Procedures of Health Insurance (HI)

Under the programme, all BISE beneficiaries will be provided with HI to cover the health risks as per

the list agreed with the Service provider. For each household covered, a premium will be paid by the

IP to a selected insurance provider to provide insurance coverage (for example against hospitalization,

disability and other catastrophic health shocks). The amount of premium and coverage will be decided

after negotiation with the insurance company. The insured households will not receive the benefits of

the insurance beyond the duration of the BISE programme period. The insurance company to provide

panel facilities to the BISE beneficiaries, this system shall ideally be cash free, i.e., the insurance

company settles all the bills directly with the facility.

4.9 COMPONENT 9: Compulsory Saving Scheme

All the BISE Beneficiaries will have to engage in an incentive based compulsory saving scheme. The

monthly minimum saving amount per household should be Rs 300. BISP through IP will contribute 50%

incentive to the savings (maximum contribution Rs. 500 per month). The savings account of each BISE

beneficiary will be managed by the IP with monthly statements to each beneficiary. Beneficiaries will

have to save for a minimum of 12 months before they can use the funds.

In selected cases, the saving account can also be used as collateral for getting sound microfinance. The

funds can only be used for investment purposes, for housing and sanitation related purposes, and for

catastrophic health and other reasons in the immediate family. They cannot be used for ordinary

consumption, the extended family needs, and dowry.

4.10 Monitoring and Evaluation:

The IP will set up a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanism and will map all the activities

including the implementation milestones and results. In line with the targets and monitoring information,

the IP will set up a detailed work plan to be endorsed by BISP. This work plan will also be used to trigger

action for any change in methodology or improving internal systems in case of any deviation from the

agreed performance and expected outcomes.

All types of monitoring activities and reports will result in identification of certain action items. These

action items will be in the form of specific and practical recommendations for improvement or

correction. The IP monitoring team will prepare a monitoring action plan on monthly basis and regularly

update BISP M&E/PMU. The BISP M&E team including the field monitors and field offices will

prepare their plan for spot checks and verifications.

There will be separate reporting from both the IP and the tehsil BISP office. A separate monitoring tool

will be developed with details and indicators for monitoring project outcomes. The IP will share

quarterly/annual and any other monitoring reports with BISP.

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An independent midline and end-line impact assessments will be done by a third party after developing

a baseline agreed with BISP.

The financial disbursement of Asset Transfer/IGG, Inclusive Business and CIF will be made directly

from BISP to beneficiaries, CIF accounts and the financial institutions respectively. The estimated

value of these three components is PKR 3.025 billion.


The following deliverables are required to be submitted by IP to BISP:

I. IP Resource Mobilization Report (2 copies) The Implementing Partner would be required

to submit updated work plan (one submitted with the proposal) with mobilization report,

including offer letters/contract agreements of key experts and non-key staff, copy of rent

agreement for office space and vehicles and putting up of sign board etc

II. Quarterly Progress Reports (3 copies each) also indicating component wise progress, issues

and corrective measures adopted along with future recommendations

• A Baseline PSC survey report of selected BISE beneficiaries in the target districts

• Dashboard Development

III. Annual Progress Report (3 copies each) including physical and financial progress against

activities, inputs, outputs and outcomes, issues and challenges, mitigation strategy, course

correction measures, way forward, along with attachments exhibiting details of BISE


• End-line PSC survey Report of BISE beneficiaries in the target districts. The report

should clearly indicate change in PMT scores and profile of beneficiaries graduating out


IV. Project Completion Report (3 copies) including physical and financial progress against

activities, inputs, outputs and outcomes, issues and challenges, lessons learnt and SWOT

analysis of BISE Graduation design including scalability of programme.

V. Other project related work and reports as required by BISP, Government and development

partners. All reports should include component wise information as and when

implementation takes place.

VI. All the payments will be made to IP by BISP after the reports/deliverables are verified by

the PMU monitoring team.

6. The expected starting date of the programme is February 2020 while expected Contract

Implementation period is 30 months (up to June 2022).

7. Component wise deliverables at Annex I.

8. CVs of Key Expert and Non- Key Staff of IP at Annex II. NGOs are also required to provide CVs

of Non-Key Staff. Although, CVs of non-key staff will not be scored individually but evaluated

objectively and considered in the overall evaluation of the proposal. The proposed PM are estimated

input of each key expert, NGOs can propose input of the key and non-key experts including any

additional expert based on their detailed workplan and methodology to deliver the required output.

9. The estimated budget of BISE as per detailed Terms of Reference (TORs) program is US $ 8 million

or PKR 936 million (at an estimated exchange rate of PKR 117= US$ 1)

10. A template for IP’s work plan is attached at Annex III, to be filled in by the IP

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Process for Coordination/Communication for IP:

• The IP shall carry out coordination and communication for all planning and execution of

activities related to BISE Graduation Programme primarily with BISE Project Management Unit

(PMU) Team Lead. The BISE PMU lead will be the focal point for BISE.

• The ownership/custodian of the BISE Programme will be under Complementary Initiative (CI)

wing, headed by DG CI. He/she will be the connecting point between IP, PMU, BISP, ADB and

other stakeholders. All final approvals will be done by DG CI.

• In the absence of DG CI, the Director BISE (Graduation) will be responsible for all

communication and coordination with the IP.

Unit Team Lead











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Programme Deliverable-wise payment

Sr. Reports Payment Component Unit=No. of


* Payment Ceiling

(%age of contract


1 IP Resource Mobilization Report + updated Work Plan within 7 days of signing of contract (2 copies)

Upon submission and approval of

mobilization report along with

updated work plan by BISP

within 15 working days



10% Mobilization Advance (against bank guarantee)

2 Quarterly Report 1 +

Baseline PSC Survey

Report + Dashboard


(3 copies each)

Within 30 days after 1st quarter

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR1 by BISP

within 15 working days

Identification 30000



Shortlisting, enrollment and

poverty survey

3 Quarterly Report 2

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 2

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR2 by BISP

within 15 working days



Shortlisting, enrollment and poverty survey




Micro Investment Plan and

business coaching


4 Quarterly Report 3

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 3

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR3 by BISP

within 15 working days


Shortlisting, enrollment and

poverty survey




Micro Investment Plan and

business coaching


Skills Training 2000

Asset Transfer/IGG 8000

Health Insurance 8000

5 1st Annual Report +

Quarterly Report 4

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 4

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of Ist Annual Report/

QR4 by BISP within 15 working


Micro Investment Plan and

business coaching

25000 10%

Skills Training 2000

Asset Transfer/IGG 22000

Working Grants/CIF 5000

Inclusive Business 1667

Health Insurance 12000

6 Quarterly Report 5

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 5

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR5 by BISP

within 15 working days

Skills Training 4000 13%

Asset Transfer/IGG 10000

Working Grants/CIF 10000

Inclusive Business 1667

Health Insurance 15000

7 Quarterly Report 6

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 6

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR6 by BISP

within 15 working days

Skills Training 4000 14%

Asset Transfer/IGG 10000

Working Grants/CIF 10000

Inclusive Business 1667

Health Insurance 15000

Savings 7000

8 Quarterly Report 7

(3 copies)

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR7 by BISP

within 15 working days

Skills Training 4250 15%

Asset Transfer/IGG 15000

Working Grants/CIF 4250

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Within 30 days after

Quarter 7

Health Insurance 15000

Savings 10000

10 2nd Annual Report +

Quarterly Report 8

(3 copies)

Within 30 days after

Quarter 8

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of 2nd Annual Report/ QR8 by BISP within 15 working days

Savings 48000 6%

11 Quarterly Report 9

(3 copies) Within 30 days after

Quarter 9

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of QR9 by

BISP within 15 working



12 Final Report +

Quarterly Report 10

(3 copies) Within 30 days after

Quarter 10

Submission and Acceptance/

Verification of Final Report/

QR10 by BISP within 15

working days


Shortlisting, enrollment

and poverty survey

100000 65000


Micro Investment Plan

and business coaching


Skills Training 16250

Asset Transfer/IGG 65000

Working Grants/CIF 29250

Inclusive Business 5000

Health Insurance 65000

Savings 65000

*Proportionate payment to be made to the IP. The targets will be translated in financial terms and payments shall be made


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Annex II


Team Composition & Qualification Requirements for the Key Experts

1. Team Leader/Project Manager (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in Development Economics/ Business Administration/ Project

Management or any other related field.

• Skills in poverty reduction, social protection and Graduation; including but not limited to

Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English, Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 10 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such

as ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are preferred.

• At least 5 years’ experience in developing, leading, managing and monitoring development


• Good communication skills and pragmatic approaches to overcome internal administrative

obstacles in organizations, and external coordination challenges with partner


• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Provide overall leadership and technical guidance for BISE implementation as per

approved design; monitoring and ensuring timely submission of reports;

• Develop Work plan and budget and receive approval from BISP;

• S/he will be responsible to work in close coordination with BISP for allocation of tasks to

his/her team;

• Organize recruitment and training of IP Project Staff members;

• Regularly check the implementation progress of BISE;

• Act as overall chief of Administration, Accounts and Finance of BISE;

• Based on the results of the monitoring reports, prepare a programme evaluation report for


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• Be responsible for policy implementation, feedback and advice on design improvement;

• Coordinate with relevant Govt. Departments and other relevant stakeholders including but

not limited to BISE districts;

• Coordinate and act as a focal point for all communication with BISP

• Responds to the queries and requirements of BISP/ADB.

• Any other related task assigned from time to time.

2. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Expert / Deputy Team Lead (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ and 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Monitoring and Reporting/ Project Management/ Business

Administration/ Economics or any other related field.

• Skills in reporting, monitoring and evaluation for poverty reduction, social protection and

Graduation; including but not limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro

financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• At least 5 years’ experience in developing monitoring and evaluation tools and plans,

implementing reporting frameworks, developing LFAs and establishing theories of change

• Formulating and conducting baseline, mid-line and end-line surveys for BISE


• Working with external MIS and updating regular reports on stakeholder monitoring systems

• Good communication and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Reinforce the results framework of BISE and ensure its implementation, and achieve desired

results and quality within available timeframe;

• Oversight and implementation of extensive baseline, mid-line and end line surveys in target


• Support impact assessment firm for all required processes

• Develop/maintain monitoring and reporting systems for BISE as required/directed by BISP,

produce timely reports and analysis.

• Draft timely progress reports for BISP, and advice on possible improvements for mid-line

and end-line surveys

• Liaise with BISP team for deliverable based payment to IP

• Coordinate with the BISP design expert for regular updates on BISE impact for marketing of

the programme

• Any other related responsibility assigned by BISP.

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Additional Responsibilities as Deputy Team Lead:

• Provide management and technical guidance for BISE implementation as per approved

design; monitoring and ensuring timely submission of reports under the team lead;

• Develop Work plan and budget and receive approval from BISP;

• S/he will be responsible to work in close coordination with project implementation team;

• Organize recruitment and training of IP Project Staff members;

• Distribute and delegate tasks related to Administration, Accounts and Finance of BISE;

• Oversight of monitoring reports, prepare programme evaluation reports for BISP;

3. Social Mobilization Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Participatory Development/ Business Administration/ Data

Management or any other related field.

• Skills in poverty reduction, community engagement and Graduation; including but not

limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• At least 5 years’ experience in community engagement processes, from data gathering to

analysis to community mobilization.

• Innovative engagement techniques (electronic and print media) with both internal and

external parties.

• Data gathering and analysis for Baseline, mid line and end line surveys.

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Ensure coordination of activities and timely execution, based on the work plan defined with

the programme;

• Development and Implementation of BISE social mobilization strategy;

• Draft internal and external reports, communication material, terms of reference, promote the

exchange of best practices and innovative approaches;

• Support Office in preparation of regular reports to BISP;

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• Support to monitoring team/third party for baseline, mid-line and end-line surveys within

target districts;

• In collaboration with internal and external partners actively identify and contribute to the

project advocacy and outreach and ensure that information materials, tools and advocacy

publications are produced and effectively disseminated;

• Coordinate the signing of consent letters for BISE beneficiaries

• Management of the project’s media and communication strategies, in close consultation with

BISP team

• Ensure tracking of latest developments and issues in BISE in the media that require attention

and on which BISP should respond;

• Any other related work assigned by senior management.

4. Asset/Procurement Management Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Sales and Retail/ Business Administration/ Finance Management/

Management Sciences/ Statistics or any other related field.

• Skills in rules and regulation for government and donor procurement rules for poverty

reduction, social protection and Graduation; including but not limited to Asset Transfer,

Business Coaching and Micro financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• Should have minimum five (05) years of experience in the procurement processes,

development sector demonstrating evidence of achieving results and graduation to responsible

positions, asset management processes, from asset shortlisting to purchase to management.

• Knowledge and experience of PPRA rules, ADB rules and regulation for procurement

• At least one year experience in Micro-business coaching and mentoring

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• All responsibilities for the Procurement & Contract Management functions pertaining to

project implementation;

• Proper documentation of all procurements as per the instructions of Government of Pakistan,

Asian Development Bank and/or other donors, including selection and preparation of Standard

Documents/formats prescribed for various stages of procurement;

• Maintaining close liaison with all Implementing Parties in the project including but not limited

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to Manual/Plans and procurement & contract management;

• All procurement activities relevant to BISE component and sub-component implementation

• Shall conduct shortlisting, purchase and/or sale of tangible and intangible assets especially


• Shall manage and execute all activities from shortlisting to management of livestock assets

until turned into profitable business and conclusion of the programme

• Ensure coordination of activities and timely execution, based on the work plan defined within

the programme

• Support office in preparation of regular reports to BISP

• Address grievances and redressals of beneficiaries regarding asset management

• Any other tasks assigned by the programme lead or project implementation team

5. Skills Development Expert (4)

Person Months: 96

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: MBA/ Project Management or any other related field.

• Skills in module development for poverty reduction, training material development and

execution for various technical and vocational courses

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• At least 5 years’ experience in skill trainings, strategy development, module

development for various TVST, group assessment management,

• Liaison with practical training service providers and execution of business coaching and

technical & vocational skills training

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Ensure coordination of activities and timely execution, based on the work plan defined with

the programme;

• Developing and/or oversight of training institute course modules for TVST

• Draft internal and external reports, terms of reference, TVST courses execution

• Support Office in preparation of regular reports to BISP;

• Development of business coaching and training modules and execution of training sessions;

• Identification of service providers for technical training in BISE components, along with

regular progress reports and ensure beneficiary training

• Development of course assessments or oversight of training institutes if needed

• Any other related work assigned by senior management.

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6. Microfinance Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Finance and Accountancy/ Business Administration/ Economics/

Microfinance or any other related field.

• Skills in microfinance management, financial accounting for poverty reduction, social

protection and Graduation; including but not limited to Asset Transfer and Business

Coaching will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• Familiarity with Government and private sector microfinance regulations and procedures.

• At least 2 years’ experience in microfinance client management, microfinance loans and

microfinance reporting tools and processes/regulations.

• Good communication and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Will arrange training and provide business advisory support to Project partners / beneficiaries

on microfinancing in the targeted areas,

• Produce timely reports and analysis, and regular oversight of microfinance component

• Support Project partners and beneficiaries for securing microfinancing from MFIs and

implementing other business supporting interventions under Project.

• Will Pro-actively and effectively develop and nurture working relationship with MFIs

• The Microfinance expert will provide technical assistance beneficiaries in business

management and finance and linkage to financial institutions for access to finance

• Will be responsible to conduct training needs assessment of existing beneficiaries

• Will identify beneficiaries for credit/loans and review, revise, and upgrade their business

plans that receive technical assistance to access finance from MFIs.

• Excellent analytical skills, including ability to evaluate projects and business operations on

technical, commercial, managerial, and financial grounds

• Document progress, resolve issues, and initiate improvements when needed

• Prepare reports on activities, outputs and outcomes for BISP management

• Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of microfinance


• Any other related task assigned by higher management.

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7. Business Facilitator/Networking Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Business Administration/ Mass Communication/ Social Sciences or any

other related field.

• Skills in project management and communication for poverty reduction, social protection and

Graduation; including but not limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro

financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations.

• At least 1-2 years of experience in working for International Development Partners such as

ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected.

• At least 5 years’ experience in communication strategy development.

• Innovative engagement techniques with stakeholders

• Experience in network building including but not limited to community organizations, public

and private sector

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Able to map provincial, regional and national organizations as service providers or

stakeholders for BISE implementation

• Regular reporting for network building in BISE

• Assist in creating strong market linkages to ensure absorption of trained BISE beneficiaries

in economic activity

• Should develop and implement market surveys for development programmes in target


• Should liaise with BISP in mapping of stakeholders

• Ensuring that all stakeholders are well informed of BISE activities and goals

• Any other related work assigned by senior management.

8. Health Insurance Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Economics/ Business Administration (actuarial sciences)/ Computer/

Communication or any other related field.

• Skills in Project Management for poverty reduction, social protection and Graduation;

including but not limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro financing will be

strongly desirable.

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• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• Should have at least 5 years’ experience in dealing with health insurance companies for

shortlisting and provision of service provider

• Should have at least 3 years’ experience in providing and negotiating health insurance plans

• Should have at least 3 years’ experience in the health services sector for the relevant BISE

target group.

Major Job Description:

• Shall consult on the development, modification and supplement the list of medicines,

medical supplies, list of technical, medical services covered by health insurance providers

• Shall guide on steps, procedures and policy analysis of health insurance for BISE


• Manage and operate the health insurance solutions

• Shall conduct an annual renewal of health insurance plans

• Shall provide regular monitoring and reporting of health insurance plans to project lead and


• Any other task assigned by project team and/or BISP.

Team Composition & Qualification Requirements for Non Key Staff

9. Social Mobilizers/ Media and Outreach Coordinators (5)

Person Months: 120

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Media and Journalism or any other related


• Skills in project advocacy and campaigning for poverty reduction, social protection and

Graduation will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years’ experience in communication and campaign development for

development projects

• At least 5 years of experience working for national and regional organizations with focus on

design and development of poverty reduction and social protection programs

• Designing and implementing media and communication strategies for donor and

organization projects

• Good reporting and writing skills.

• Experience in designing infographics for survey collection and collation for target audience.

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Major Job Description:

• Will be responsible for all social mobilization processes including, advocacy, awareness and

information sharing of project

• Shall draft and distribute all project communication

• Shall distribute and sign all consent forms with beneficiaries

• Shall establish enrollment desks (including mobile enrollment camps) for enrolling BISE


• Liaise with the communication expert to develop outreach strategy

• Respond to the queries and requirements relevant to all stakeholders

• Shall engage in all activities outlined in the social mobilization strategy

• Draft internal and external reports, communication material, terms of reference, promote the

exchange of best practices and innovative approaches;

• Support Office in preparation of regular reports to donor;

• Carry out all media management of the BISE programme in the field

• Focus on crafting proper branding and messaging, demonstrating the concrete, measurable

contributions of BGP in addressing BISP’s priorities

• All other tasks assigned by project team.

10. Asset/ Procurement Officers (5)

Person Months: 120

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s degree in Economics/ Finance/ Statistics or any related field

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 2 years of experience working for National and Regional Organizations with focus

on design and development of poverty reduction and social protection programs

• Should have minimum two (02) years of experience in the procurement and asset management


• Knowledge and experience of PPRA rules for procurement

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Shall be responsible for the Procurement & Contract Management functions

• Shall maintain and draft documents for Procurement and Asset Management;

• Maintain liaison with the Asset/Procurement Management Expert for all procurement and

contract management related tasks;

• Respond to the queries and requirements relevant to all stakeholders

• Shall execute activities from shortlisting to management of livestock assets until turned into

profitable business;

• Support office in preparation of regular reports to BISP

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• Ensure timely execution of tasks and activities based on the work plan defined within the


• Address grievances and redressals of beneficiaries regarding asset management

• Any other tasks assigned by the programme lead or project implementation team

11. Field/M&E Monitors (8)

Person Months: 192

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Economics or any other related field.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 2 years’ experience in formulating and conducting baseline, mid-line and end-

line surveys.

• Working with external MIS and updating regular reports on stakeholder monitoring systems

• Good communication and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Assist M&E Expert in developing progress reports, monitoring frameworks and survey

requirements from time to time;

• Closely liaise with M&E Expert for spot checks, survey development, technical assistance for

monitoring and any other task related to monitoring and evaluation of BISE Graduation


• Support impact assessment firm for all required processes

• Ensure implementation of extensive baseline, mid-line and end line surveys in target districts

• Any other related responsibility assigned by M&E Expert

12. IT Officers (5)

Person Months: 120

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s degree in IT or any other related field.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

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• Experience in supporting systems development teams for technical app development

• Support in systems lifetime development methodologies

Major Job Description:

• Assist systems development expert in all tasks related to dashboard/app development

• Regularly update, edit and/or delete information related to sub-component reporting or


• Support systems developer in conducting training for use of dashboard in project

implementation offices

• Any other tasks assigned by the systems development expert

13. Assistant FinanceOfficers(5)

Person Months: 120

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s degree in Finance/ Commerce/ Accounting or any related field

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• Should have minimum two (02) years in handling of financial statements, budgets and


Major Job Description:

• Assist IP Finance team in all finance related activities of BISE;

• Perform all other tasks assigned by the IP Finance team.

14. Assistant Admin/HROfficers(5)

Person Months: 120

Field Presence: 5 District Offices

Education and Training:

• Bachelor’s degree

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• Should have minimum two (02) years’ experience in office administration/HR activities

Major Job Description:

• Support the management in administrative/HR matters for all project activities;

• Perform all other tasks assigned by the IP admin team.

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15. Finance Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s Degree in: Finance/ Accounting/ Business Administration/ Economics or any other

related field.

• Skills in financial accounting for poverty reduction, social protection and Graduation;

including but not limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro financing will be

strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu.

Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years of experience working for national and international organizations in finance.

• Some years of experience (at least 1-2) in working for international development partners

such as ADB, World Bank, USAID and DFID are expected. Familiarity with Government

structures, operations, and procedures.

• At least 5 years’ experience in developing financial, budget and audit reports

• Experience in financial statements, accounting and auditing

• Good communication and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Develop/maintain accounting system of BISE as required/directed by BISP,

• Produce timely financial reports and analysis, and regular oversight of programme budget

• Liaise regularly with BISP Finance team for consistent auditing update and disbursement of


• Oversight of BISE documents for timely disbursement of funds

• Prepare annual audit reports, with the help of BISP internal and external audits

• Any other related task assigned by higher management.

16. Communications and Outreach Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s degree in Mass Communications/ Media and Journalism or any other related


• Skills in Project Management and Communication for poverty reduction, social protection

and Graduation; including but not limited to Asset Transfer, Business Coaching and Micro

financing will be strongly desirable.

• Fluency in oral and written English and Urdu and/or any other local language

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Experience and other factors:

• At least 5 years’ experience in coordinating development projects

• At least 5 years of experience working for National and International Organizations with

focus on design and development of poverty reduction and social protection programs

• Designing and implementing media and communication strategies for donor and

organization projects

• Good reporting and writing skills.

Major Job Description:

• Design and implement project communication and media strategy

• Respond to the queries and requirements relevant to all stakeholders;

• Ensure coordination of activities and timely execution, based on the work plan defined within

the programme;

• Draft internal and external reports, communication material, terms of reference, promote the

exchange of best practices and innovative approaches;

• Support Office in preparation of regular reports to donor;

• In collaboration with internal and external partners actively identify and contribute to the

project advocacy and outreach and ensure that information materials, tools and advocacy

publications are produced and effectively disseminated;

• Synching the IP media campaign with BISP’s media campaign

• Including media outreach strategy in social mobilization plan

• Focus on crafting proper branding and messaging, demonstrating the concrete, measurable

contributions of BGP in addressing BISP’s priorities

• Any other related work assigned by senior management.

17. Veterinary Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Degree in Veterinary Sciences or any other related field from a recognized university

• Shall possess a license for practicing veterinary medicine

• Fluency in English, Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• Should have at least 5 years’ experience in veterinary medicine

• Good reading and writing skills

• Preferably experience in working with public and private veterinary hospitals

Major Job Description:

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• Shall support asset management expert in acquiring and managing all livestock (asset)

• Shall advice BISE beneficiaries about livestock general care, medical conditions and

treatments (feeding and housing)

• Address all grievances and complaints of beneficiaries regarding livestock (asset)

• Any other task assigned by project team and/or BISP.

18. Systems Development Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• A university degree or 16 years of education in Computer Sciences CS (4 years) or a related


• Training in extensive Web, Windows Services, Encryption, application development in

.Net/VC, PHP, Android & WPF application development Framework is required.

• Working experience from certified software development & product companies is preferred.

• Preference will be given to graduate from HEC approved top ranking local and foreign recognized universities

Experience and other factors:

• At least 4+ years working experience as Software Developer on enterprise level projects in organizations preferably.

• Proven programming experience with Databases such as Oracle and Open source (large scale Systems).

• The candidate should have strong background in system design and implementation (UML,

modeling, documentation) including knowledge and experience with Systems lifecycle

development methodologies

Major Job Description:

• Develop the relevant dashboard/app and maintain it for the BISE implementation

• Document all technical details and architecture of BISE programme

• Perform all necessary software maintenance, including coding, testing, debugging,

upgrading and modifications of software requested by relevant stakeholders

• Update the progress on sub-component activities on the dashboard/app regularly and align

with BISP database

• Liaise with the communications and outreach expert for any project campaigning

• Regular reporting of information added, edited or deleted on dashboard/app

• Support the project implementation team in any other tasks assigned.

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19. Gender Expert (1)

Person Months: 24

Field Presence: IP HQ

Education and Training:

• Master’s degree in Gender Studies/ Anthropology/ Social Policy Studies or any other

related field

• Skills in gender analysis in research design and methodologies for poverty reduction,

social protection and Graduation; will be strongly desirable

• Fluency in English and Urdu and/or any other local language.

Experience and other factors:

• Should have experience in research and analytical skills and well versed with the gender

concepts and country wide gender specific issues

• Experience in research design and methodologies, contribute in survey studies and

reviewing the technical component implementation with a gender lens

• Experience in working with government institutions and international or non-governmental

organizations supporting gender and development work in the specific area of intervention;

• Strong communication skills, and ability to liaise with various stakeholders, including government officials, private sector and BISP.

Major Job Description:

• Assist in gender mainstreaming of BISE Programme implementation

• Assess and identify potential gender-differentiated impacts of the project

• Provide a gender balance in all project reporting, deliverables and implementation


• Develop and document good practices and lessons learned on gender at all component

implementation stages

• Conduct interviews, surveys, working session as part of a multi-stakeholder consultative

process to programme counterparts.

• Support the team lead and project implementation team in all other tasks assigned.

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Annex III IP Quarter-wise Work Plan

Quarterly Progress (Component-wise)






Tot al

















Social Mobilization

Upper Dir






Micro Investment

Plan (MIP)

Upper Dir






Business Mentoring

& Incubation

Upper Dir






Asset Transfer Grant

Upper Dir




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Skill Development

Upper Dir







Investment Fund

Upper Dir






Health Insurance

Upper Dir






Compulsory Savings

Upper Dir






Inclusive Business

Upper Dir




