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BEST AVAILABLE COPY TRANSLATION NO. 526d DATE: DDC AVAILABILITY NOTICE This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is unlimited. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Fort Detrick Frederick, Maryland E by I h OU E C L E A R IN G H 0 U S Sý,-derl Sc, fnlfl¢c ', Techb,cal ; .... S r~qf, ld V,, 22151

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Frederick, Maryland

E by I h OU EC L E A R IN G H 0 U S

Sý,-derl Sc, fnlfl¢c ', Techb,cal

; .... S r~qf, ld V,, 22151

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Translated at the io. 4-10-61National Institutes of HealthBethesda, M/aryland

From the Russian forIDr. John F. Bell Trudy Rostovskogo na Donu

gosudarstvennoco n.-i.protivochumnogo in-ta. IV,51-63, 1945.

Zhidkaya zheltochnaya sreda dlya vyrashchivaniyaB. tularense

Liquid egg yolk culture medium forBacterium tularense


M. S. Drozhevkina

0The culturing of Bacterium tularense in artificial media

presents considerable difficulties, inasmuch as this microorganisma

requires/medium containing special nutritive conponents. Bacteriumtularense fails to proliferate unless the medium includes certainspecific albumins (in a special state of degradation), pluscarbohydrates, cysteine, and lecythin, all of them combined in certainstrictly defined proportions. Bacterium tularense is characterizedaPong others by a sharply reduced synthesizing ability, a fact vhich 1does not allow it to grow in ordinary culture media.

Bacterium tularense vas cultured for the first time on anarti'icial medium by McCoy, vho used for this purpose the type ofcoagulated egg yolk medium usually employed for Myocobacteriumtuberculosis cultures. The McCoy and Chepin medium is still preferredfor growing Pasteurella tularensis, but it has some serious short-comings. For example, this particular microorganism grows in it very "slowly; on having been isolated from the animal source and transferredto the medium, it usually requires from 2 to 3, sometimes 4 - 12 days,

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before starting to proliferate (Miller, Khatenever, Pokrovskaya, Sinay,Levchenko, etc.). In many cases it cannot be grown from dead anilallmaterial in the coagulated egg yolk medium and cultures can "e obtainedonly by repeated animal passages. Furthernore, the McCoy Medium

requires large quantities of egg yolk and a preparation methodcomplicated by the fact that the temperature of the coagulant has tobe closely watched, that the medium has to be checked for water ofcondensation, etc.

All of which has led many researchers to investigate otherculture media in the hope that one of them would prove simpler toprepare and more practical in use. Many media were proposed includingFrancis' medium (cysteine agar with sugar and blood), ascitic fluid agarwith glucose, sugar blood agar, cysteine sugar with fish hydrolyzate.12endlesson's 5% glycerin and liver agar; a medium usually dmployed forculturing the brucellosis agent, was proposed by the workers of theRostov Microbiological Institute for the propagation of laboratorystrains of Bact. tularense. They also studied the possibility of

.- ' developing vitaminized culture media, a carrot medium, in particular. •Vereninova investigated various media with a high vitamin content andfound that Bailey's liver agar was best for Bact. tularense. She

O found that the growth of the latter is considerably enhanced by asupplement of glucose and cysteine. However, this medium is lessappropriate for culturing Bact. tularense strains newly isolated fromanimal sources. Hence, she feels that while Bact. tularense can bepreserved and propagated in this medium, the latter can not serve asa primary isolation medium. Korobkova has recently proposed a newtype of propagation medium. This medium contains 1/5th yeast autolyzateinstead of the fish hydrolyzate. Korobkova has been able to modifythis medium by replacing the agar with starch. It should be addedthat all the media mentioned in the preceding are of the solid type.

It is still being debated whether Bact. tularense can becultured in liquid media. Many authors (in particular Dannas andBond) feel that it cannot. Karpov, Miller, Dorofeyev and others, statethat it produces a floccose growth in bouillon containing a supplementof glucose and serum. Vereninova studied the growth of Bact. tularensein a liquid medium, namely in a cysteine bouillon containing bothglucose and serum. With inoculation doses of 100 million, 250 millionand 500 million bacterial bodies she saw no proliferation, but on


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.,- -- 3 - -


using much larger doses (1 - 2 billion bacterial bodies) she noted I

within 2 - 3 days that the material in the test tubes was becoming

cloudy, that there was hydrogen sulfide formation, and the fact

that the pH of the culture medium rose from 7.4 to 7.7-

Further experiments revealed that on being t.ransferred to

this type of bouillon, Bact. tularense does not proliferate, but

begins to die off after the 4th day.

However, after having supplemented this culture editum irith

0.1% of agar, she obtained excellent results even with inoculation

as low as 1,000 bact. bodies per cubic centimeter of the medium.

This favorable effect of agar on the growth of Bact. tularenze is

explained by a statement found in Smorodintsev's work. The latter

writes, basing his statement on findings regarding the spores of

the Siberian ulcer, which proliferate in this type of bouillon

when the latter contains some agar, but fail to proliferate when

there is no agar, that the physical state of the culture m=di,.m

determines how the cultured bacteria will utilize the nutrients

offered by the medium.A 0.5-% addition of "protective-colloid"

agar-agar has a favorable, growth-stimulating effect on many types

of microorganisms. Apparently, Pasteurella tularensis. is one of

them. Smorodintsev is of the opinion that a good culture mediumcan be prepared only by considering both the nutritive characteris-tics required, and the physical state of the medium.

In her last work on the microbiology of Bact. tularense,

Vereninova writes that this microorganism can grow in an artificial

culture medium only if the latter contains the growth-stimulating

substances that are found in the egg yolk, plus vitamin B(complex),

as occurring in yeast. She adds that another component indispensable

for the growth of Bact. tularense is a protective colloid.

Sinay published his work in 1935. He was first to use a

liquid culture medium composed of 60% egg yolk end 40% physiological

saline solution. Though prepared according to McCoy and Chepin's

basic formula, this medium was not of the coagulated type. Sinay

inoculated this medium with material from the primary sites of

infection, i.e. with bubonic punctate and blood from human sources.

At the same time, he used the same material to infect rabbits..

0 .


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His study was conducted on a total of 8 rabbits. AIII of themdied presenting typical anatomico-pathological symptoms. ý.0cultures in the liquid medium were submitted to examination after

26 days. All attempts to subculture the bacterium i'ere neZative,but 6 of the animals which had been infected by means of th2inoculated culture medium died and yielded pure Bact. tularonse.cultures. Hence, the author concludes that the tularemia arcntretains its pathogenic properties in the liquid egg yolk medium butnot its faculty to proliferate, and therefore, that the liquidmedium should be employed as a preserving medium whenever theIdisease cannot be immediately transmitted to animals.

Preparing the medium. Selection ofoptimum egg yolk concentration.

The liquid medium is very simple to prepare. Like McCoy'smedium, it is composed of chicken egg yolk and physiologicalsolution. If prepared under sterile conditions and in sterileequipment, it requires no additional sterilization, and the percent-age of overgrowth is negligible, seldom exceeding 3 - 4%. Thebottled medium is placed in the thermostat for two days to makesure it is sterile. The medium was prepared by the author in aseries of batches containing different percentages of egg yolk,thus, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 4Yo. Certain parts of the 5, 10 and

30% batches were put through a Seitz filter and distributed intotest tubes. The test tubes with the filtered samples, as well asothers containing the infiltered medium are placed after havingbeen inoculated with varying doses of three Bact. tularense strains(Nos. 9 and 11, two virulent strains, and No. 10, an avirulentstrain) in the thermostat, where they kere left for 10 days at atemperature of 37o. After having been removed from the thermostat,they were left at room temperature. Their contents were dailysampled and the material was made into smear preparations and usedfor starting subcultures in McCoy's medium.

The results of these tests are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 shows that in the 10% medium, regardless of theinoculation dose, there is active bacterial growth already after24 hours. A single loop of this medium, if transferred to McCoy'smedium, produces on it a solid layer of bacterial growth. It isworth mentioning that the 24-hour growth of strain No. 11 in the10% medium was better than in the 20% and 30% media.


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In the 5% =ediu=, bacterla. prolifcrc-tion could be obhervcdduring the early days only with --azsive inoculation doses. Aro'ndthe 10th day, all the 5% test tube cultures showed bacterial grow--th,but not as active as that presented by test tubes containina otheregg yolk concentrations.

Proliferation in those test tubes which contained samples ofthe filtered medium was much poorer than in test tubes containing thenon-filtered medium. Apparently, the filter retains certain substanceswhich are essential if Bact. tularense is to grow.

On the strength of her findings, the author has come to theconclusion that the 10% concentration is best: regardless of the sizeof the inoculation dose it produces, even in 24 hours, a higher numberof cultures than the other concentrations.

hozrogeneous, and clearly brings out the Bact. tularense even in

Graa-stained smear preparations. The 30% and 40% media, on the otherhand, are of a coarse texture so that in preparations stained byGram's method, the bacterium is not readily distinguished from thesurrounding granulations.0-'

The 10% medium is superior, because cultures can be isolatedIn it within a very short time and because it is more economical,inasmuch as it requires small amounts of egg yolk. Actually, one eggyolk yields enough culture medium to supply 30 to 40 test tubes.

Determining the minimum Pasteurella tularensisinoculation dose in the liquid medium.

The superiority of the liquid over the coagulated egg yolkmedium has been experimentally demonstrated. The first two experimentswere conducted using three different strains of Bact. tularense. Thenthe swze experiments were repeated using 9 other strains obtained fromvarious sources. Procedure: A series of test tubes, each containingsome 5 cc of the 10% culture medium, were seeded with predeterminedbacterial doses according to e.-coli standard. For the first 10 duys,the seeded test tubes were left in the dark, then kept at room tempera-ture. Their contents were daily sampled and the sample material was-

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used for smear preparations. In a parallel control test, test tubeswith McCoy's coagulated egg yolk medium were inoculated with the samedoses of the bacterium.

The experimental results in question are givon in Sable 2. :-,eyshow that Bact. t.ularense grows better in the liQuid Q odium t7-_l inMcCoy's medium: in the latter, the first signs of -rcr:t~a apcar onlyafter 2 - 3 days, while in the liquid medium the cultures are so welldeveloped, in general,, within 24 hours, that even one loop of thematerial transferred to McCoy's medium produces a dense growth on thelatter. In these tests, the minimum inoculation dose which wasestablished for most (8 out of 9) of the strains tested was approx-imately 5 bacterial bodies (by the e.-coli standard), whereas on McCoy'smedium, the minimum dose was 500 bacterial bodies for 5 of the strainsand 1,000 b.b. for the remaining.

Hence, these experimental results warrant the statement thatthe liquid medium which was used by the author requires an inoculationdose 100 times lover than the McCoy's medium. Also, tha-t it proIuccs

* bacterial proliferation within 24 hours, while McCoy's mcaium producesIt only on the 2nd or 3rd day.

Years of expe.-ience have brought Korobkova to the conclusionthat "the better the -ulture medium, the smaller the inoculation dosecapable of producing a. culture of a given microorganism in this medium."

Vereninova's experimental findings prove that in semi-liquidcysteine agar the minimum inoculation dose is 1,000 bacterial bodies,and in cysteine bouillon supplemented with serum and glucose, 1 billionb.b. According to various writers, including the author herself, theminimum inoculation dose on McCoy's medium is 500 b.b.

The liquid egg yolk medium proposed by the author producescolonies from inoculation doses of 50 or even 5 b.b. Which proves thatit is superior to all the other media now being used.

Viability of Bact. tularense remaining in theliquid medium for long periods of time without

re seeding

The question whether Bact. tularense survives in the liquidmedium when kept in the latter for protracted periods of time has


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received considerable attention. For example, according to ihatencverand Levchenko, in sealed test tubes on coagulated eg yol2 medium.,it survives at room temperature for 2 to 2-1/2 months without reseeding.0'Hara states that cultures keptr on a solid medium at room tecraturesurvive for two weeks without lifficulty, but that a-ftr 3 - 4 weeksunder these conditions and without reseeding, they no 1o:.Zcr c=' bcsubcultured.

The viability of !:=teurella tularensis was stutýiý on thrUestrains cultured in the liquid medium. In this test a total of 110test tubes had been seeded with different inoculation dozes. Thesetest tubes were kept in closets, "t a su.nmertime room temparattuec(24 - 300C). The viability of the cultures was tested every two weehaby transferring some material from each of the test tubes to McCoy'smedium.

Table 3 demonstrates that the bacteria started to die offgradually after remaining for two months in the liquid medium, althoughafter 5 months, the test tube strains were still able to producecolonies from minimum inoculation doses. Conversely, the controlbacteria grown in McCoy's medium, under identical conditions, all diedwithin a month. Hence, it has been experimentally demonstrated thatPasteurella .tularensis survives for a long time in the liquid medium,even when survival conditions are unusually poor.

The lO00 liquid egg yolk culture medium: Grorithcharacteristics and morphology of Pasteurella

tularensis in the medium.

From the practical point of view, it is extremely importantto know that the liquid culture medium in question can be prepared inadvance in large quantities and then supplied, as the need aris&s, toepidemiological teams working in the field and to outlyingepidemiological laboratories.

The preliminary findings of some experiments set up to determinehow long the liquid culture medium can be used after it has beenprepared indicate that its keeping properties are quite satisfactory.For exazple, bacterial growth in this medium after the latter had beenkept in test tubes under the usual storage conditions (in closets) for2, 3 and even 4 months, -and then inoculated with Bact. tularense, wasas active as in the freshly prepared medium.


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The 10% egg yolk medium, when bottled is pale yellow, oaaouaand slightly opalescent in the incident liGht. Aftcr the freshlyprepared medium has stood for one or two days, a thick, viscouzdeposit settles at the bottom of the test tube. Apparently, hc•cvcr,this is of no importance as far as.the Bact. tularense - jmwin-characteristics of the medium are concerned, since bacterial gro'-his as good in test tubes containing the deposit as in those wNherethere is none.

Pasteurella tularensis produces no changes in the madi'= asit proliferates in it. It proliferates spreading in a diffuse rnnner,°and forming no surface pellicle and no bottom deposit.

Examined in smears prepared with the liquid medium, ?asteurellatularensis shows an elongated form and appears larger in size thanwhen cultured in McCoy's medium.

On carefully inspecting the microorganism in question inliquid medium smear preparations, the author observed (especiallyduring the first 15 to 24 hours after seeding) a large number ofbacteria arranged in pairs and seemingly linked together by lons,delicate filaments. These thread-like shadows connecting separatebacteria were already mentioned by Khatenever and O'Hara. O'Earais of the opinion that these filaments are a special, characteristicfeature of Pasteurella tularensis. When these threads are present,it means that the process of bacterial proliferation is very active.Sometimes, one finds the bacteria arranged in fours and Cives,forming little chains. By and by, as the bacterial population con-tinues to proliferate in the medium, the bacteria begin to formlittle groups. It is mentioned by Ihatenever, Miller and others,that in the liquid medium Pasteurella tularensis shows various forms(particularly vibrioid, elongated and twisted forms), and also thatthe changed microbial forms stain unevenly, showing inside the bodyone or more deeply stained granules. However, when culturescontaining such forms are transferred to the coagulated egg yolkmedium, they produce bacteria which are typical from the bacterio-logical point of view. Altered forms of the type mentioned havebeen observed in test tubes which had been allowed to stand for along time. Examination of smears prepared with material from thesetest tubes showed that while the first forms cultured in them werenormal, by the 24th or 25th day the cultures were almost entirelycomposed of the altered forms. later, however, the number of theatypical forms decreased so that after another 5 or 6 days the


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bacteria appearing in the smears were all typical.

The capsule of Pasteurelýa tuiarenzis is't.oncd byKhatenever, Bereninova, Karpov, and others. Accordin; to ithe capsule is more readily observed in smears prpar-d with serumsuspensions than with physiological solution supensions. Stainedin liquid egg yolk culture smears, the capsule appears clearly againstthe pale pink background provided by the medium. Furthermore, thecapsule shows better in liquid egg yolk smears prepared with culturesgrown from organ fragments.

Animal experiments

After having ascertained that Pasteurella tularensis can becultured in the liquid egg yolk medium, the author performed aseries of experiments on animals. The purpose of these studies wasto determine whether time could be gained in establishing thebacteriological diagnosis of tularemia by seeding the liquid mediumwith material from the organs of dead or diseased animals, and omittinganimal passages. She realized, at the same time, that the rodentsreaching the laboratory table would be apt to present diff6rebtf stagesof the disease.

Pasteurella tularensis cultures isolatedfrom animal sources by seeding the liquidculture medium with organ fnigments.

The animal material in these studies consisted .f laboratoryanimals which had died of tularemia after having been experimentallyinfected with the disease. The organs (spleen, glands, liver, lungs)of the animals were removed, treated with alcohol and singed. Thentwo more or less equal pieces were cut from the center of each organand used, one, to inoculate the liquid egg yolk medium, the other toinoculate McCoy's medium.

The animals tested by this method numbered ten (8 white mice,2 guinea pigs). In the liquid medium, the first signs of bacterialproliferation were generally observed within 24 hours, in McCoy'smedium only on the 2nd and .•rd day. Table 4 presents the data onwhite mouse No. 100 and guinea pig No. 97, two cases which are citedas examples.

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Table 4.Isolating Pasteurella tularensis in liquid ecg yolk cultures inoculated

with organ fragn.;r.nts fron e-cad -nimals.

a) White .rrnuz: 3o. 100Nedium J - nocua~tioh •t •r'i•:l____

Medium Growing Glands Snloen I Livcr j Lunr-z BloodSperiod ...

UquiI eggyolk m. 24 hrs + -* + + +

_4 days + + + + +

Coagulated 24i hrs- I - I - -

_o _ l days ++ , -

*The test tube with material from the spleen was cracked. It overgr•cwwith extraneous bacteria so that a Pasteurella tularensis culturecould not be isolated.

b) Guinea pig No. 97Liquid eggyolk m. 24 hrs + + ++ +S•days + + +++

Coagulated 24 hrsMcCoy's m. 4 days - +

It was easier, therefore, to isolate Pasteurella tularensis fromliquid egg yolk cultures produced by organ fragments from animals dead oftularemia than from similar cultures in McCoy's medium.

Bact. tularense isolated in liquid egg yolk mediumseeded with organ fragments from sacrificed animals.

The experiments in question were conducted on white mice and guineapigs. Tae first group of animals consisted of 5 white mice, each of whichwas subcutaneously inoculated with a dose of 100 million bacterial bodies.

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The infected mice were successively sacrificed, the first being killedl 6hours, the second 24, the third i48, and the last 72 hours after theyhad been infected. It was demon.strated in subsequent cult=r- t`ztz thatwhereas Bact. tularense could be isolated in the liquid eCg yol-k r=;di=even when the latter had been inoculated with naterial from tC z1uekilled only 6 hours after the infecting injection, in lcCoy'l ;r~ i- thismaterial produced no Bact. tularense cultures. When the liquia mediurnwas inoculated with material obtained from the various organs of themouse that had been killed 24 hours after the injection, the tularcmiaagent could be isolated within 20 hours. On McCoy's medium, on the otherhand, bacterial growth did not start until the third day and, fu-.-thcrore,the Bact. tularense cultures could not be obtained from all the orjanu(material from lungs and injection site produced no cultures).

In the second group, the mice were infected with considerablysmaller doses (1,000 bacterial bodies) of the same Bact. tularecse strain.In this test, the superiority of the liquid egg yolk medium was broughtout even more forcefully. For example, inoculation material fromanimals which had been sacrificed 6 to 24 hours after the infectinginjection, produced Pasteurella tularensis cultures only in the liquidmedium, but none in McCoy's medium. In the case of animals killed 2days after the infecting injection, cultures were isolated in the liquidO medium by inoculating it with material from the injection site and withblood, while McCoy's medium produced cultures only when it was inoculatedwith the blood. Additional data on these tests can be found in Table 5.

Table 5. Pasteurella tularensis isolated in liquid egg yolk mediuminoculated with material fiom live animals. Test animals: white micesubcutaneously infected with tularemia (infect, dose 1,000 b.).

Tinme after Inections Glands I Spleen Liver Lung Bloodii~ection site It_________________ ______

Liq. qMcCoy, Lq. McCo y Liq. McCoy L CoI Lq McCoy!med.1med. :med. med.imed. med. !med. med. imed, meda. med. med.

S24 hrs. + - + ..-.1 8 hrs. + - + + + . .

b 96 brs. + + - + + + + -

168 ...... + ,, + +1 68hrsJ + - • '+ t+ + - - -

---- ,-,9ml~

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Experiments in which cuinca :ics were subcu'tancouzly inrectadwith individual doses of 500 million bacterial bodliea fully confirmed,

animal killed 6 hours and another killed 24. hour- t -- " fccUnzinjection; material from a third (inection site, .L lver, bio~&),killed 48 hours after the inlcction, procucv1 Zact. tu!"rzn:c cul'-u;es,but only on the liquid medi=. C- 1.-cCoy' c.iun there was absolutely

no proliferation. On this medium, Bact. tularense was sccessful.lycultured only from one guinea pig which had been killed 5 days afterthe infection.

The corresponding results are presented in Table 6.

Table 6.Tests on guinea pigs infected with individual subcutaneouz dozes of

500 million bacterial bodiesTire after InjectionI

infecti se I Glands I Spleen Liver Lung BloodLiq. McCoy Liq.l McCoy Liq. McCoy Liq. McCo{ Liq .Mc Q McCoymed.. med. ,ed.t med. Jomed med.•n,•Ame. md. med ed. med. med.

S24 hrs + " +TO48 hrs + + +P-4

1 20 hrs + + + + + + +

-288hrs + + + . . . .j

Symbols: + = first signs of growth.- no growth.

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It should be mentioned that Bact. tularense cultures "e_-reobtained (but only in the liquid egg yolk medium) from tae organs ofa guinea pig which was chloroformed on the 12ta day, having "urviveithe infection.

The 10% egg yolk medium is botter tthan I-cCoy's nedium forculturing Pasteurella tularensis from the organs of animals which haveeither died of tularemia or which are killed at various sta-es ofthe disease, because it requires smaller inoculation doses ard becausethe Bact. tularense grows in it faster. This statement is borne outby the results of experiments in which the minimum inoculation aoscfor test tube cultures was established.

This last series of experiments fully confirms the fact thatin animals which have died of tularemia, or which are infected withtularemia, the bacteriological diagnosis can be more rapidlyestablished by making use of the liquid egg yolk medium.

Conclusions. 'I. -Thbeliquid egg yolk culture mediumihw•&6-been investigated

as a potential culture medium for Bact. tularense% it was found that()it is excellent for isolating this bacterium from animal sources.

2. The optimum egg yolk concentration of the physiologicalsolution Is 10%.

3. The liquid egg yolk medium requires bacterial inoculation doseswhich are i0O times lower than those required by McCoy's medium, andBact. tularense proliferates in it much more rapidly than in the latter.

4. Bact. tularense survives in the liquid egg yolk medium fora long, tie"(5 months),even under unfavorable storage conditions.

5. The liquid egg yolk medium is better than McCoy's coagulatedegg yolk medium for isolating Bact. tularense in biological test animals.The bacterium is cultured in it from dead or killed animal sources morerapidly and the culturing results are positive in a larger number ofcases.

6. It can be hoped on the strength of the present experimentalresults that it will be possible to obtain Bact. tularense culturesin the liquid medium directly, without animal passages and furthermore


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that during epizootic periods and outbreaks of . . ng pcopleit will be possible to isolate it even from h"iuz-n c~ z.

7. Tho liquid egZ yolk z.ciun iz more Yccz:orzcal ------ ycCoy'"medium, its preparation recui:.n loss cg yoll -

8. The only drawbach:c the liquid cgg yolk rc&iu iZ th _t is topaque so that bacterial growth cannnt be r-%croscopically observed in it.'


1. Vereninova, N.: The culturing characteristics of Bact. tularence,Vest. M. E. i P., vol. XVII, No. 1-2, 1938.

2. Vereninova, N.: Doct. theses, Vest. M. E. and P. (Jubilee Number),1944.

3. Vol'ferts: Tularemia - A Review. Vest. M. E. and P., Vol. XIV, No. 2,1935.

4. Daunas and Bond: Studie's on the culturing characteristics of Bact."tularense, 1935. Reviews - Tsentr. refer. med. zhurn., Vol.

XVIII, No. 5, p. 648.

5- Dvizkov: Tularemia. Klinich. medits., Vol. VIII, No. 13, 1930.

6. Dorofeyev; Sheep tularemia. Soy. veterinariya, No. 6, 1938.

7. Karpov: Tularemia handbook. Novosibirsk, 1937.

8. levchenkot The bacteriological diagnosis of tularemia. Zhurn.mikr. i izmnxo., Vol. XIII, No. 3, 1943.

9. Miller, A. A.: Tularemia and new findings in its epidemiology.Soy. vrach. gaz. No. 8, 1935.

10. Miller and Stradomskiy: Tularemia [no reference given].

11. Olli, V. and Mikhaylova, A. : Excperiences with the application ofyeast media in the inoculation of biological tularemia preparations.

-Vest. M. E. and P., Jubilee Number, 1944.


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"12. Reviews. Vest. M. E. and P., Vol. XVIII, Numbers 3-4, 1939.

13. Pokrows2kaya, M. P.: T~ularezia (No. refecronce].

i 114. Sinay, G. Ya..: The d1a',osis of tularemia. Zhurn M.E. ± I =un.Vol. XV, No. 1, 1935.

15. Sinay and Berinskaya, A. N.: Tularemia [No reference).

16. Smorodintsev, A. A.: Significance of the physical state ofnutritive media used for bacterial cultures. Tr. epid. i bakter. im. Pastera, Vol. I, 1935.

17. Collection of papers published under the editorship of Sinzy.Microbiological test methods in infectious diseases. Chapteron Tularemia.

18. Khatenever, L. M.: Tularemia. Soy. vrach. gaz., No. 7, 1935.

19. VIEM collection, published under the editorship of Miatenever.'* The tuleremia infection. Miatenever - Chapters VI and VII.

April 12, 1961. W•arfieled: Translator

W: mr

Trnslated at theNational Institutes of HealthBethe sda, Maryland