best free roulette players guide and strategy book

Roulette… The Players Guide June 13 2009 Learning and understanding how to win at roulette has never been easier. A little time and effort could add to extra income on a weekly basis. Have the casinos pay you to play. Casino’s pay you to play!

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The best free roulette strategy.


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Roulette… The Players Guide

June 13

2009 Learning and understanding how to win at roulette has never been easier. A little time and effort could add to extra income on a weekly basis. Have the casinos pay you to play.

Casino’s pay you to play!

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Roulette The Players guide.

Author: David Redrock

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Table of Contents

1. Knowing the Wheel……………………………………………………………..4-5

2. Knowing the Table……………………………………………………………….5-8

3. Watch the croupier…………………………………………………………….9-10

4. Being Smart about the game…………………………………………………11

5. Basic Strategy and odds……………………………………………………12-13

6. My proven method and other methods……………………………13-23

7. Good Luck…………………………………………………………………………23-24

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Knowing the Wheel

When you walk up to a roulette table and put money down, you

are basically throwing it away to chance and most of the players I see

do just that, throw their money away. Roulette is not a race, it is a

marathon, and cramming as much money on the board as you can is a

doomsday invitation to lose it all quickly. The first step in your

knowledge base for roulette is to know the wheel. I am only going to

speak about the American style wheel, because it is what I have tested

and proven my method with.

Memorizing the wheel is not the easiest thing in the world to do,

but if accomplished can give you one of the biggest advantages you can

get playing this game. In the first figure are both versions of the wheel.

Let us look more in depth at the American style wheel.

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I am not going to discuss the

European wheel but as you can see it has

only one zero improving your odds

slightly. We will use the 0 and double 00

as reference for our roulette strategy. We

also need the table to get a grasp of what I

am referring to in regards to the numbers.

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Starting from the 00 on the top of the American wheel and make

your way counter clock wise number by number. This is what you will


Left side of the wheel:

Top of the


Middle of the


Bottom of the


1 13 36

3 24 34

5 15 32

7 22 30

11 17 26

9 20 28

Looking at the table you think duhhhh but what you did not see is that

when I was building this table I filled the middle portion first, because

there is a heavy middle section on the wheel starting from thirteen on

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the left side and continuing counter clockwise to twenty. The same is

true on the right side of the wheel. Starting from 14 moving counter

clockwise until 19 the wheel is heavy middle of the board. Below are

the numbers shown for you and this will become important later.

On the left side of the wheel, starting from 13 and going until 20 the

numbers are like this:

Middle=6 (this is 2/3 of this wheel section)



Other numbers on the left side…from 7 to 28 Top=3….Middle=3 and

that pesky 1 next to the 00=Top. The same is true for the right side of

the wheel starting from 14 counterclockwise to 19. Here are the

numbers: Middle=6 (this is 2/3 of this wheel section)



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Other numbers on the right side are 8 to 27 once again equaling 3 to 3

for the Top and Bottom, with that pesky 2 next to the 0.

As you can see knowing the wheel can go in your favor if you can

put together a couple of different concepts. Know the wheel and later

watching the croupier’s habits.

Knowing the Table

Knowing the table is a lot easier

because it is staring you in the face and

not hiding behind the croupier and the

glass. Let’s look at it again. As you can

see, 1-12 are on the top third of the board

13-24 are on the middle section of the

board and 25-36 are on the bottom

section of the board. Very obvious you say. This is true but now that

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you know where the middle is heavy in the wheel, you can make a

better decision later on how to bet.

Watch the Croupier

Now let us integrate some ideas. You know where the wheel is

heavy and you know what number is located where on the board. It is

time to study the croupier.

Often times the croupier changes every 15 minutes to an hour so

it is important to catch his or her habits early. Many people play this

game by odds, but seriously, this game is the chaos theory put to use

very well so odds are useless unless you broke the equation of

Murphy’s Law and should now rule the world. Numbers can often be

deceiving and betting on something not happening again may work at

times, but looking for habits is the best way of all to catch some distinct

rolling patterns. What you want to do is find the weakness of the game

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and that weakness is human just like any other game or system.

Croupiers throw that little pearl around the wheel hundreds of times

per day and have developed (in most cases) muscle memory often

times not even paying attention to how they roll. When you step up to

a table you will see to the left or right of the wheel the number board

telling you what number and colors have hit for the past 20 or so. This

is your first reference point. Does the croupier hit randomly or does he

have a pattern of left to right on the wheel or every 15 numbers around

the wheel per turn. That is what memorizing the wheel does for you.

Study these numbers intently and do not bet until you think you have

an idea of what you want to do. I will tell you the best ways to bet

later, but first you must understand the concept of the bet. Before you

bet, you must be smart about the cost and the take. I will also

associate this method of croupier understanding with a very intense

and fun way to test your mind and betting skill later as a finally.

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Being Smart

Betting can be dangerous if you do not understand the limitations

of the odds against you, be smart. Roulette (especially the American

wheel) is heavily in favor of the house because of the 00. You must

understand that continuing to gamble when you are up significantly

brings your chance of winning down significantly. When you come to

the table, you come with a specific amount of money to be told to you

at a later time. You do not go to the ATM for more. You do not, when

ahead, put more down than the predetermined plan. Set a goal, get

close to it, and get out. If you lose the money that you came in with,

which is of course possible because you are human, you leave and

come back again another day, logging how much you lost and setting

that goal again. Do not make your goal to lofty even though you lost

last time, this is a cardinal mistake that leads into the greedy stay at the

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table even though you are ahead, mentality. Be nice to the croupier

often tipping a dollar or two when you win. This does a lot more for

your winning than you would think. Sure, there is some psychology

behind it, but just remember it is chaos.

Basic Strategy and Odds

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The table above tells you everything

you need to know about the odds. On the

left side is the numbers or areas you will

be betting in and on the right are the odds

of winning and the take if you win.

Looking at the table you can get an idea of

the possibilities of breaking the odds in

your favor and after reading, my proven

method you may come up with something

that you think may be better. I have run

the numbers many, many times and have not found anything better

yet. Finally, we are to the point of developing the strategy.

My Strategy and other methods

When we take all the information given in this pamphlet and put

them to affective use you will be successful playing roulette if you do

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not get greedy. You, the croupier, the board, and the wheel have to be

in harmony or this strategy and the other will not work.

First, you have studied the croupier and found a pattern or maybe

you think you can guess the next best number. That is up to you. Do

not sit at a table with no one else on it, because you have to bet for the

croupier to roll the ball. Now, you are not the only one at the table so

you sit down and give him your money.

You came to the casino with a minimum of 60 dollars and a max

of 120, so you do not hurt your budget if you have one. If you do not,

then this strategy will still work for you but on a different scale. The

reason you came in with those numbers is you will be playing 12

numbers at a time, breaking the table down into 3rd’s the natural way,

i.e.: 1-12, 13-24, and 25-36 or a mix of top and middle or middle and

bottom, that all depends on how you fill about the roll at the time.

Looking at the odds table above you can see on a ten-dollar minimum

table what you might or might not win.

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Now give the croupier your 60 to 120 dollars and get it all in 1’s

unless you are working with double than the standard amount or more

of the starting money. Now that you have an Idea of what you want to

bet on, let us look at what we should do to maximize our take. You

decide either from gut instinct or from a solid croupier read, that he or

she would roll a number on the middle section. I play this section often

because of its large area of the wheel that it is predominant.

You now take a 20 stack of your chips and set them on the table

the way that is shown here.

This shape represents

three chips.

This represents one


This will add up to twenty

total chips down and that number is subtracted from the amount you

win from hitting one of these numbers. You can cross-reference the

23 1.1 48 2.3 1.1 23

30 1.5 63 3.1 1.5 30

30 1.5 63 3.1 1.5 30

23 1.1 48 2.3 1.1 23

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odds sheet if you like. The numbers in green represent the total win

after the twenty you bet is subtracted. Add twenty to the numbers to

see the total win. The numbers with decimal points next to the total

capitol gained are the number of rolls you have just gone ahead after

winning in that quadrant. If you keep up with that math you will all

ways know how many turns you are ahead of the house. I have done

multiple versions of this technique and have found that it has the best

return on investment. If you do not feel good about the croupier’s roll

just play minimum on the color i.e.: red or black.

When playing the 3rd’s in this manor you are not obliged to play in

any of the three distinct 3rd’s. You can split the thirds. Say you think

the croupier is leaning toward 26 after you study his rolls. You may be

better suited to split the middle 3rd with the bottom 3rd to be safe. This

would mean that you put your 20 chips on the board starting from 22

to 33 or 19 through 30.

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This method has brought in a 180% return on investment on

roulette for me and I am sure it will do the same for you. Another

method that I do not consider as safe but is very respectable is if you

have a good handle on how the croupier is rolling and you have a

number in your head, take the 20 and surround the number like so:

As you see, you are using

five of your chips around a

specific hot number of your

choice. With the rest of your

chips you could stack them on

top of that specific bet or choose

four more numbers that

surround that number on the wheel. The rate of return is not as good if

you miss more than you hit with this strategy, but that is your decision.

Another variant of this particular strategy is the uses of 20 chips on the

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board, much like my primary betting style, accept this style utilizes the

wheel, and the board is just there to monitor the wheel. The table and

wheel are locked in a balance of opposing forces that can be seen by

the pictures below.

The numbers that are covered on

the table are the left side of the wheel

and I call it area LM (left middle). You

see how it can be easily remembered.

Look at the table. The chips stack points

toward the ‘X’ in the middle (‘X’ marks the spot). The same can be said

for the RM section of the, wheel or right middle section, see below.

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The numbers on the board point

away from the center and in the center,

the chips create a circle like shape. Now

that you can see the LM and RM portion

of the wheel on the table, let us look at

what I call the top and bottom of the wheel.

Looking at the wheel to the right you can see

the numbers that will be on the board. The

layout below is what your chips will look like

if you bet on a top and bottom wheel bet.

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You can split the top and bottom relatively easily by looking at the

wheel diagram. As I stated earlier, utilizing around 20 chips you cover

the section of the wheel you think the croupier will hit base on your

analyzing their previous roles. Now on to a very dissimilar method.

Many people play thirds and most utilize the 2 to 1 odds method

and I do not believe the return is worth the time or money. I will

explain it to you anyway. Utilizing the table minimum, you put one

stack of table minimum chips on a third of your choice (left, middle,

right, or top, middle, bottom) and another minimum stack on another

third of your choice. If you win on one of these thirds, you are up 5 or

10 dollars depending on the table minimum. After winning the starting

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amount back, (10 or 20 dollars depending on the minimum table bet),

you double your bet until you have reached the second starting

amount, which was either 20 or 40 dollars. People do have success

utilizing this method, but it is slow and sometimes can be very boring,

because you are just blindly putting money down on the 3rds. This

system goes on and on until you get board or the wheel beats you.

Another method I came across by a gambling pro was a percentage play

that is hot and cold depending on the roll. First things first, you are

playing with bigger chips. You will be getting chips in 5 dollar

increments and playing three of them on one color i.e.: red or black.

Utilizing 2 of your five, five dollar chips you will be choosing a number

of your choice, odds (35to1), and a split of your choice, odds (17-1).

You cannot change the numbers chosen or you reduce your chance of

hitting them. The odds of the table have now been turned in your favor

at a rate of 53% chance of winning. I personally prefer to use 6 five

dollar chips, which give you around a 56% chance of winning. You

come out even on the color win and you have a better chance of

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winning on the board numbers. The key to this one is to not change

color or numbers and get out when you hit big and try it again another


Earlier I wrote about surrounding a number when you have an

idea what the croupier might hit. That is an ok strategy, but as

strategies go, they are all ways evolving and getting better. I will be

updating this book until I have figured out as much as possible about

this game, but on to the strategy. There is a technique called timing the

croupier, that takes quite a bit of practice. I just recently found it to be

an amazing and difficult way to bet. One day I was sitting at a table and

a man was betting a standard minimum bet on the table. No big deal,

but wait he change his bet immediately after the croupier rolled and

stacked towers of chips on two or three numbers. I started to follow

him around on the table and won with him. He was winning about 25

percent of the time, but when he hit, he hit really big. The key to this

man’s betting system was timing the croupier’s roll. He and I now

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watch for the best and most consistent croupier, in terms of rolling

ability, and play that table. If the croupier is erratic then do not sit

down at that table. What I mean by erratic is this. You have now sat

down or are standing up next to the wheel, because that is where you

have to be to read the croupier’s roll. When the croupier roll, do they

spin the wheel at the same speed every time or do they change it up?

You want a croupier who spins and rolls the ball the same every time

and you will know. Watch his spin, when it leaves his hand what

number did it come out on? Remember that number and wait for the

ball to land. Where did the ball land? Did it land directly across from

his release point three out of five rolls, or was it generally in the same

area relative to where it left his hand? If this is the case, you have just

made your first croupier and can now begin to calculate landing

positions of the ball based on where the ball was released.

These techniques are the only tried and true methods that I have

come across. I hope that next time you go to the casino, you go for fun,

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get out when you are ahead and never be to serious, because you will

not enjoy the true chaotic numbers game of the best game in the world


There will be numerous updates to this manual, so be sure to

register for updates to the manual.