best seo practices|search engine optimization|seo course in ghaziabad

May 2014 By :-digital Marketing Paathshala Contact No :-9999957255,9871549500

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we r provided best seo courses and services in near by Ghaziabad-Noida-Delhi.What is SEO The SEO means search engine optimization. It is basically related to the up gradation of website rank on the search engine search It is done by experts who know how to upgrade the web site contents information etc They have some way like tagging bookmarking etc through which they raise the rank of the page in search engine like Google ,yahoo ,Bing ETC. Visit Here :- Fallow us on :-


  • 1. May 2014 By :-digital Marketing Paathshala Contact No :-9999957255,9871549500

2. What is SEO Relevancy Keywords Search Engines: How content is obtained Site / Domain Factors Page Factors Links Other optimization ideas 3. A subset of Search Engine Marketing Sometimes considered to be unique to SEM Focuses on the natural, organic relevancy and ranking of content in search results. Some practices extended into Search Engine Marketing (i.e. obtaining links) 4. The act of promoting content. The overall activity around using search engines to market a site or online entity. Includes: Search Engine Optimization Paid Inclusion Pay Per Click (PPC) 5. SEO SEM/PPC Pros Free (not including resources) Searchers click on organic search results more often than paid PPC links Excellent at creating awareness quickly Campaigns can be budgeted to fit a businesss needs Cons Time consuming Takes longer to see results Can be pricey ($25-$100,000 a month) Must be managed constantly (daily/weekly) ROI can be difficult to manage Clickfraud 6. White Hat/Good vs. Black Hat/Evil White Hat Follows search engine guidelines Strives for best possible search engine ranking; #1 ranking if possible Black Hat Knowingly breaks many/most of the search engine guidelines Misrepresents content via techniques Uses techniques to trick either the search engine, searcher, or both Promises #1 ranking 7. The overall goal: Search engines: to deliver the most relevant search results possible Searchers: to find the most relevant search result Site Owners: to optimize their site and its content for the most relevant searcher True relevancy has become hip; its not a fad 8. Keyword Research and Analysis Analyze Site for Crawl / Performance issues Implement Optimizations Monitor results Repeat as needed 9. The core of Search Engine Optimization Keywords are the terms used by searchers to find information The goal is to leverage and implement the same keywords throughout your content in a natural manner, to match the audience whos searching for your information and youre looking to attract Keyword discovery and analysis is never ending 10. Known keywords Ask the business owner Ask the customers Check the current server logs or analytics tool Check the site search logs Competitors keywords Look at the words in the tag / browser bar View source to view their META keywords Use tools to harvest the keywords or phrases prominent on their site 11. Always include variations of keywords Plurals (widgets, churches) Synonyms (cruise, sail, journey, tour) Stems (fish, fishing) International spelling differences (Harbor /Harbour) Online Tools Created for PPC, used for SEO as well Tools Google Adwords Keywords Tool Trellian (free trial) WordTracker (free trial) SEOBook SEOTool Keyword Suggestion Tool Use multiple tools to cross-check & validate findings in other tools 12. It depends on the context & themes of your pages the audience youre targeting (researchers, buyers) Use keywords That are being searched on That have medium to low competition That you can build quality content that site visitors will appreciate Use keywords that Aid the search engines in understanding your content Aid users and persuade them to act 13. Possible direction of search engines to determine relevancy Site/folder structure Content text Link text 14. Search Engines send bots, that spider the web. Crawls via hyperlinks 15. Content Meta Data Links Theme 16. So what happens when a search engine bot visits your site? 1. First, it checks for the robots.txt file for any instructions 2. Second, it begins to crawl, following links in your site from the current page. It also pays attention to any page level robots instructions (noindex/nofollow). 3. It grabs the content and meta data (title, description, link labels, text, attributes) 4. Adds to its index 17. Site-wide control Adhered to by most search bots Can control access to areas of your website Disallow crawling of portions of your website Can limit control to all or select search bots Placed in the root of your website More Robots.txt info: 18. Page level control Placed as a meta tag in the portion of your pages Controls who the search bot crawls through the page Variations: 19. Robots.txt/Meta Robots conflicts One set of instructions in robot.txt, different instructions in meta robot Server performance If sever not available when search bot visits, will revisit, but learns and decreases the frequency of visits If server slow, bot will crawl what it can, then move on (incomplete crawl) JavaScript Cannot follow hyperlinks embedded or generated by JavaScript Pop-ups DHTML pull-down menus 20. Dynamic URLs Example: id=20&cat=bd&cty=102&sessionid=56720938762s345h10293847nnm65748392021&cooki e=WEGQIEMCE... Numerous parameters can prevent crawling Session ids can cause crawling issues; duplicate content issues Solution Make URLs are short as possible (1000 characters too long) Up to 2 parameters OK, more a risk Do not use session ids; If multiple parameters & session ids a must, use a URL rewrite method (mod-rewrite (Apache)) Example: Before: Usability/dp/0321344758/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207686806&sr=8-1 After: Library/dp/0789723107 21. GoogleGoogle 22. Content-to-Code Ratio (example 203kb) Code used to display page vs. Content that is displayed (X)HTML + attributes & CSS (embedded & inline) & JavaScript vs. Text & Images vs. In browser, view source to view code bloat In browser, view source to view code bloat 23. How to: 1. Obtain links to your site from authoritative sources Will get crawled/indexed organically 1. Submit your site to the search engines Google Yahoo MSN Ask (?) What about the others? 1. Monitor your indexed pages 24. Trusted Feed to push your content into Google Generate Site Maps online - Can be used for both Google & Microsoft Live Search 25. Domain / Site Page Elements Links 26. Age of site Builds prominence, credentials Inbound link popularity into site Topical inbound link relevancy into site Link/Content topical theme Frequency of new inbound links Number of queries over time where site appears in results Keywords in Domain Keywords in folder structure 27. Age of document Freshness of document Page filename (use keywords, hyphens as separators) #/Quality/Relevance of inbound/outbound links Page theme (content focused on a single topic, not topically scattered) Leverage CSS layouts with external stylesheets and external JavaScript to increase Content-to-Code ratio 28. One of the most important things you can do fast Unique title for every page on your site Should contain one or two keywords, specific to the content on the page Most important keyword/phrase at beginning of Repeat keyword/phrase up to 2 times Limit to approx. 65 characters Will appear as browser window title, link label in search results Write the title to be persuasive to humans 29. Code example: Rubber Widgets Largest Selection of Rubber Widgets Dreamweaver example: 30. What about dynamic pages? Use variables in the to interject keywords for the content of that page/record Example: - Best Select of 31. Meta tags placed in portion of page Example/Syntax: Description: Not used by search engines for relevancy; displayed as result snippet under link label & above URL. Limit to 100-200 characters Keywords: Banished long ago by search engines due to spamming. No value 32. Glacier Bay Highlights - Alaskan Glacier Bay Cruise Save up to $300 per cabin - ends 3/31/08! This Alaskan Glacier Bay cruise itinerary is a perfect shorter getaway cruise in the beautiful remote wilderness of Alaska's ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages Glacier Bay Highlights - Alaskan Glacier Bay Cruise = 33. Everything visible in a web browser Keywords implemented should support the overall theme of the page Factors Keyword prominence: where on the page it appears Main keywords at beginning of content, supporting keywords throughout the middle, then the primary repeated again near the end of the content Keyword density: how often your keywords appear in relation to all other words on the page (goal: 5-7%) Keyword frequency: number of occurrences on the page Search engines also look at content around the keywords; check for theme relevancy 34. Include primary or supporting keywords in your highest heading tag () Place supporting keywords in these heading tags Make sure it makes sense to humans Use CSS to format the look of standard HTML headings If graphical text desired for headings, consider image replacement methods 35. Emphasize text & keywords to show search engines & users that this is important to the theme of the page. Use for bold Use for emphasize Do not use or (outdated/obsolete) Only emphasize short segments of words (1-4 words). Any more loses impact & value of emphasis; everything is emphasized; dilutes keyword meaning 36. Give your images descriptive filename Include keywords where it makes sense Use the alt attribute to provide information about the image Short description of image Include keywords where it makes sense Make sure it makes sense to humans Aids in usability Dont stuff keywords here; considered Dont use images in place of text. If required, consider image replacement techniques 37. Important part of overall search algorithm However, not as important as it once was Links within your site to pages within your site (internal links) have some value Inbound links to your site/pages/content from quality, authoritative sources (external links) considered unbiased, proof that your content is quality The links anchor text is very important Should contain relevant keywords Raises the links value 38. Obtain links only from quality, authoritative sources related or relevant to your site Strive for top sites (example: CNN, Wikipedia) Top sites have good PageRank Google term for the quality of inbound links Can view PageRank levels from Google Toolbar Top sites have been around a while Links to any page on your site; not just homepage Deep linking good Do not obtain links from shady sources Link farms, rings Link exchanges from sources of little/no Page Rank Do not purchase links from others 39. Blogs create a blog link to your site comment on other subject related, relevant blogs RSS Feed Syndication Syndicate information from your site / blog to be displayed on other websites Control the anchor text Press Releases submitted to online PR distributors Link back to your site Articles topics of expertise, syndicated on the web Link back to your site Industry Sources / Subject Authority Websites 40. Google Webmaster Central Internal & External (inbound) links Yahoo link:[URL] 41. Google Base / Product Search / One Box Google Base: Online database of products. Originally created for classifieds Can upload information about your products Google Product Search (formerly Froogle) Shopping search engine providing searchable index of products for purchase Google One Box For certain keywords, displays content above the organic search results 42. Use an Analytics tool to monitor your site Visits Conversions Referrals Sites, URLS, Keywords Use a Monitoring tool to monitor your sites ranking Ranking (based on keyword) Research competitors Age Inbound links Keywords used 43. Perform detailed keyword analysis Make sure your site is crawlable Use Web Standards to create clean, light pages Implement keywords on appropriate page elements Obtain links from quality, authoritative sources Design/implement with the user first, then the search engine in mind Catch this and like videos at 44. Search Engine Relationships Bruce Clays Search Engine Relationship Chart Keyword Tools (online) Google AdWords: Keyword Tool Trellian Keyword Discovery Wordtracker SEOBook SEOTools Keyword Suggestion Tool Keyword Tools (client-based) Web CEO 45. Analytics Google Analytics (Web-based - Free) Stat Counter (Web-based - Free) Mint (Web-based - Fee) Omniture (Web-based - Fee) Webtrends (Web-based Fee) Monitoring Web CEO (Client-based Trial/Fee) SEO Tool Rank Checker (Web-based Free/Fee) SEO for Firefox (Browser-based) Google Toolbar (Browser-based) 46. Books Search Engine Marketing Mike Moran & Bill Hunt Search Engine Optimization for Dummies Peter Kent Building Findable Websites Aaron Walter Search Marketing Strategies James Colborn Web Analytics Demystified Eric Peterson Web Metrics Jim Sterne The Online Copywriters Handbook Robert Bly 47. Web Sites Search Engine Land SEOmoz Web Engine Watch Podcasts (search for these in iTunes or Google) Daily SearchCast SEO 101 Online Courses Search Engine Optimization 48. Questions? Nikhil Bhatla [email protected] Web: