bethany lutheran church - n.b5z.netbethany lutheran church mission statement reaching out in...

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave. Burlington, Iowa Phone: (319) 752-3621 Pastor’s Cell: (360) 623-2184 Bethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and Love - We Are God’s People. Our Staff Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Cory Byrne, Choir Director/Organist Amanda Stevenson-Cosgrove, Dir. of Youth & Family Sue Hermansen, Admin. Asst. Michelle Huppenbauer, Financial Sec’y Mike & Tammy Morris, Custodians Volume 58 Issues 9 September, 2018 SEPTEMBER - A MONTH OF SERVING It has been a good summer at Bethany. An important and huge maintenance project was completed. Our parking lot was resealed by wonderful volunteers of Bethany. Our Bethany-sponsored Scout Troop followed up with striping. Beginning in September we share social outreach events for the community. On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve an Italian dinner at the Salvation Army. Beginning at 4:00 pm. On September 4 our Paint-A-Thon servants start their annual mission of prepping and painting a home in Burlington. This will go on all week with plans to fin- ish on Friday, September 7. On Saturday, September 8, we have our “God’s Work - Our Hands” outreach beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Messiah. There will be a breakfast, followed by a commissioning service, then off to do our projects in the community. If you have a suggested activity, please call me at Bethany. In October we have the annual CROP Walk. The date is Sunday, Oc- tober 14, beginning at Community of Christ Church (901 S. 12th) at 1:30 p.m. We will share more information as that date approaches. We are very fortunate to have the active outreach that our Social Ministry Committee is engaged in through the year.

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Page 1: Bethany Lutheran Church - n.b5z.netBethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and ... On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve

Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church 2515 Madison Ave.

Burlington, Iowa

Phone: (319) 752-3621

Pastor’s Cell: (360) 623-2184

Bethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement

Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and Love - We Are God’s People.

Our Staff

Rev. Paul Hermansen, Pastor Cory Byrne, Choir Director/Organist

Amanda Stevenson-Cosgrove, Dir. of Youth & Family

Sue Hermansen, Admin. Asst. Michelle Huppenbauer, Financial Sec’y

Mike & Tammy Morris, Custodians

Volume 58 Issues 9 September, 2018


It has been a good summer at Bethany. An important and huge

maintenance project was completed. Our parking lot was resealed by

wonderful volunteers of Bethany. Our Bethany-sponsored Scout Troop

followed up with striping.

Beginning in September we share social outreach events for the

community. On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve an

Italian dinner at the Salvation Army. Beginning at 4:00 pm. On September

4 our Paint-A-Thon servants start their annual mission of prepping and

painting a home in Burlington. This will go on all week with plans to fin-

ish on Friday, September 7. On Saturday, September 8, we have our

“God’s Work - Our Hands” outreach beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Messiah.

There will be a breakfast, followed by a commissioning service, then off to

do our projects in the community. If you have a suggested activity, please

call me at Bethany.

In October we have the annual CROP Walk. The date is Sunday, Oc-

tober 14, beginning at Community of Christ Church (901 S. 12th) at 1:30

p.m. We will share more information as that date approaches.

We are very fortunate to have the active outreach that our Social

Ministry Committee is engaged in through the year.

Page 2: Bethany Lutheran Church - n.b5z.netBethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and ... On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve


MINISTRY Please help remember Bethany’s mem-

bers who are in nursing homes or home-

bound by sending them a card. A birth-

day or a “thinking of you” card is a spe-

cial way of showing God’s love. During

the summer months, take a minute to

send a card with a short note - these

folks would love to hear from you.

Names and addresses are available on

the table in the fellowship hall. Please

remember to mark the spreadsheet if

you send a card.


We are in need of the following supplies for the kitchen:

Paper towels


Cascade dishwasher soap

Dish washing soap

Coffee creamers,

flavored and plain


In August an excellent suggestion was given to

me to have our Wednesday Bible study at the

Parkside Brewery next door. On our first night

everything was great except for the acoustics.

We could not hear each other. In the meantime,

we are exploring other options.

Our Sunday night Exodus study will resume at

7:00 p.m. on September 9. We meet in the fel-

lowship hall. We start at Exodus 32.

Our Wednesday night Confirmation classes will

start on September 19 at 6:30 p.m.

An additional discussion format I am exploring

is to have a monthly gathering where we talk

openly about our different political feelings. I

am doing research on how to go about facilitat-

ing such an experience in a way that honors Je-

sus. I will keep people posted.

SEPTEMBER ACTIVITIES The Retired Nurses will have a covered dish

luncheon on Friday, September 7, at Noon, in the fellowship hall.

. Boy Scout Troop #25 has their regular weekly

meetings on Tuesdays.


A volunteered is needed to be the

usher captain for the month of De-

cember. If you would be inter-

ested in filling this position, please

contact Dan or Julie Wischmeier.

Thank you.

WHEN: Monday, September 17

TIME: 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Bethany Lutheran Church

To schedule an appointment, email

Jeff Engle at [email protected] or

online at


The Janssens are again inviting us to

their home for the annual wiener roast

on Sunday, September 30, beginning at

4:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to share.

Page 3: Bethany Lutheran Church - n.b5z.netBethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and ... On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve

“...Jesus came to Bethany...there they made him a sup-

per; Martha served...Mary...anointed the feet of Je-sus...and the house was filled with the fragrance of the


John 12:1-3


When you read this September Chimes I am hoping that all of you will have had an opportu-nity to do some vacationing. This past summer, more than any time I can remember, we had some of the best trips ever! What made them so great? Without a doubt it was the people we went to see. The family and friends we visited went out of their way in extending hospitality to us. We also experience that same hospitality from you, the members of Bethany, who invite us into your homes. The Bible talks a lot about hospitality. In all four Gospels there is an account of Jesus being invited into the home of beloved friends on the eve of Holy Week. I think it is significant to note that, before Jesus would experience His immeasurable suffering, rejection, and death, He would be embraced by people who dearly loved Him and extended extravagant hospitality to Him. In forty years of being a pastor it has been a high priority to see new people joining the con-gregations I serve. What I have noticed is that people who join churches do so because they feel drawn to them. I am very grateful that Bethany has a Godly hospitality. That is who we are. The friendliness of Bethany is genuine. In the times we are living in people are hungering even more to be loved. Bethany loves people with the heart of Jesus. Being a place of gracious hospitality is one of the qualities God tries to develop in all churches. But there is another characteristic churches need to have in order to grow. Congrega-tions will not grow unless they intentionally invite others to come to their church. Several years ago a study was done on churches that were growing. In every case growing churches were grow-ing because they had intentionally decided to grow. Yes, Bethany will grow if we, the members, make it part of our daily activity to include inviting people to our wonderful church. One of the ways that will make inviting people to Bethany easy to do is to tell people how good it feels to go to Bethany. This is easy to do because we naturally like to tell others about what we like. People tell me they like the Cubs. People tell me the music they like, books they read, movies they watch, res-taurants they dine at. We love to talk about all that blesses us. I am very thankful to be at Bethany and never hesitate to tell people so. Pray that God will put people on your heart to invite to Bethany. You will be giving them a Godly blessing. In Christ,

Pastor Paul

Page 4: Bethany Lutheran Church - n.b5z.netBethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and ... On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve

2 - Elaine Loots; Jennifer Ward

3 - Jeff Bloomer

4 - Tyler Burch

7 - Mark Loots

10 - Malissa Schoof

11 - Erin Taylor

12 - Myrna Zabloudil

13 - Carol Gard; Austin Timber-


14 - Sara Sladky

19 - Robert Staub; Connie Tisor

20 - Donald Ruppert

22 - Lynda Johnson; Merle Tisor

24 - Lucas Chelf; Jessica Tharp

25 - Emmerich Adam, Jr.; Dan

Harken; Sam Morehead; Eliza-

beth Roy; Sue Swanson

26 - Patricia Chacey; Garret Cole-

man; Ruth Harken

27 - Julie Etchison

29 - Abbey Coleman; Kenneth


30 - Marilyn Huth; Jeffrey




Head Ushers: Dan & Julie Wischmeier

September Team Captain: Steve Rogers


2 -

9 - 16 - 23 -

30 -

Communion Assistants 2 - Amy Unglaub; Joe Gerdes; Mike Hopp

9 - Amanda Stevenson-Cosgrove; Sue Swanson; Jessica King

16 - Dan Harken; Mike Hopp; Teresa Morehead

23 - Julie Chubb; Jeff & Kim Engle 30 - Mike Morris; Amy


Fellowship 2 - 9 -

16 - 23 -

30 -

Missionary Support 2 - 9 -

16 - 23 -

30 -

Acolytes 2 - Benjamin Chelf 9 - David King

16 - Tyler Burch; Sam More-head 23 - Jonathan Chelf

30 -Aaron Morehead; Mason Fritz

Lector 2 - Sue Hermansen 9 - Bill Mundt 16 - Jeff Engle

23 - Todd Sladky 30 - Gerald Janssen

Greeters 2 - Dan & Ruth Harken 9 - Bill Mundt

16 - Bob Sogard; Ann Zaiser 23 - Gerald & Lila Janssen 30 - Jackie & Julie Chubb

Flowers 2 - Gerald & Lila Janssen 9 - Bill & Pam Taylor 16 -

23 - Dan Wischmeier 30 - Richard & Holly Wil-


Altar Guild Marlys McClurg; Mary Ann Schoof-Schleif; Debbie

Hoxie; Carol Dodge

September 2018 Lay Leaders

Page 5: Bethany Lutheran Church - n.b5z.netBethany Lutheran Church Mission Statement Reaching out in Worship, Fellowship, Learning, and ... On September 2 Bethany volunteers prepare and serve


The Burlington Lutheran Churches have de-

cided to discontinue L.I.F.T. (Living in Faith

Together) at this time. We felt that the

program was no longer fulfilling its original

goals and the time of our volunteers could

be best used elsewhere. We will, however,

be participating with our brothers and sis-

ters from Faith, Trinity, and Messiah in

family events throughout the year meant to

bring us together in fellowship and fun!

Each church will take turns hosting an event

for our families and youth of all ages. An-

nouncements will be made in the bulletin and

during church on these upcoming events.


Rally Sunday will be September 9. We will

meet in Crapo Park at the shelter house by

the pond. All are invited and encouraged to

bring a dish for this potluck. Bring a yard

game or fishing poles for a fun time! We

will start at 11:00 am.


Confirmation will begin September 12, at

6:30 p.m., with a parent/student meeting.

We will meet at Bethany. Confirmation

usually begins for our youth when they are

entering 7th grade. This meeting is for

new students and those who are starting

their second year of the program. See

Amanda for more details.



We are always looking for volunteers when

it comes to youth! It can be as small as

providing snacks for children’s sermons,

Sunday school or confirmation (our kids love

food!), to being a mentor, teaching Sunday

school, hosting a youth supper, co-directing

the Christmas program (I haven’t asked

Todd Chelf, but I think this one is locked

down!), or filling in as a leader for confir-

mation. There are many ways to show your

support for the future of our church. In-

terested? Contact Amanda or Pr. Paul to-



If your student is unable to fulfill his/her

duties, please find a replacement for that


September 2 - Benjamin Chelf

September 9 - David King

September 16 - Tyler Burch; Sam Morehead

September 23 - Jonathan Chelf

September 30 - Aaron Morehead; Mason Fritz

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The meetings for September that have been scheduled as of the publishing of this newsletter are listed below. Watch the bulletins for any date and time changes or additional meetings sched-uled. WELCA TBA Social Ministry Committee TBA Men’s Breakfast Saturday, September 15, 8:00 a.m. Executive Committee Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 p.m. Church Council Sunday, September 16, 10:15 a.m. Property Committee Monday, September 10, 6:30 p.m. Worship & Music Committee TBA



August 5 77 August 12 110 August 19 108 August 25 13 August 26 83


August 5 $ 3,254.40 August 12 2,856.23 August 19 3,524.40 August 26 1,536.00 Total $11,171.03

Thank you for your generosity and

faithful trust in God to provide your

needs! God believes in you and has a

great future planned for Bethany.

PLEASE NOTE The deadline to submit information for the monthly Chimes is the 25th of the month.

You’re welcome to email your submissions, leave a note on the desk in the office, or call

the church office.

ALSO! Because of Federal Privacy laws, if you or a

member of your family are hospitalized and

would like the Pastor to visit, you must con-

tact the church and let us know.

If you change your mailing

address, please let the office know ASAP.

For every returned piece of mail we get for

an incorrect address, we are charged 75