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  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


    Question Booklet No ....................................

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    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


    10P 293 9

    No. of Questions/m;jit m u : 150Time f f1T [: 20 hours ~2 [Full Marks I ~ 450

    Note : (1) Attempt as many questions as you can. Each question carries3 (Three) marks. One m rk will be deducted for eacb incorrectanswer. Zero mark will be awarded for each unattemptedquestion.


  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech



    3 Which of the following aqueous solutions will conduct quitc well anelectric current?1) Sugar 2) HCI

    4. I ppm is equal to1) 1 mg/L in water3) 1 g/L in water

    5. Pascal Pa) is a unit of

    3) Glycerol

    2) l ~ g L in water4) 1 pg/L in water

    1) Density 2) Concentration 3) Mass

    4) Pure water

    4) Pressure6 Which of the following elements is most abundant n earth s crust?

    1) Iron 2) Aluminium 3) Calcium7. Granite is n example of

    1) Igneous rock3) Metamorphic rock

    2) Sedimentary rocks4) Detrital rock

    8 Which of the following is not a group of clay minerals?1) Montmorillonite 2) lllite 3) Dolomite

    4) Sodium

    4) Kaolinite9. Which of the following represents the most heavily leached soil type?

    1) Laterite 2) Podzol 3) Mollisol10 Emissions from volcanic eruptions will cause

    1) Cooling of earth2) Warming of earth3) No change in temperature of earth4) Cooling-warming cycles on the earth

    2 )

    4) Aridisol


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    11 \Vhich of the following is not correct?(1) Proton has a unit charge +1(2) Proton has a mass number 13) Electron has a mass number 04) Neutron has a unit charge. - 1

    IOP 293 9

    12 \Vhich of th c following is the latest period in Coenozoic era representingorigin of humans?1) Cretaceous 2) Triassic 3) Tertiary (4) Quaternary

    13. Angstrom A) is equal to2) 1O- 8 m

    14. Which of the following forms in a graph gives an accurate indication ofcorrelation between two variables?1) Histogram 2) Pie-chart3 ) Regression line (4) Scatter diagram

    15. The age of earth is estimated to be1) 4.6-4.9x la yrs 2 ) 4.6-4.9x IO yrs3 ) 4.6 - 4.9 x 1O 0 yrs (4 ) 4.6 -4.9 x 10]2 yrs

    16 Formation of deep cavities n soil due to running water is known as1) Sheet erosion

    (3) Gully erosion(2) Rill erosion(4) Slip erosion

    17. Which of the following is an important ore of aluminium?(1) Haematite (2) Bauxite (3) Magnetite (4) Lignite

    3 J Tum Ovw-

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    18. The type of classification of pIants and animals based on evolutionaryrdationship is called1) Natural classification 2) Artificial classification

    (3) Phylogenetic classification (4) Phonetic classification19 The spring tides arises due to forces of moon and sun acting in the same

    line on every1) Full moon day

    (2) New moon day(3) Full moon day and new moon day(4) Spring scason

    20. The soil formed from the material transported through gravity is calledl) Aeolian (2) Colluvial (3) Alluvial (4) Glacial

    21 The hottest geographical zone out of the following is(1) Torridzone(3) South temperate zone

    2) North temperate zone(4) Frigid zone

    22 The major reservoirs of phosphorus occurs nl) Plant biomass

    (3) Agricultural fields(2) Sedimentary rocks(4) Atmosphere

    23 The depth of oceans is measUred in1) Meters (2) Feet (3) Fathoms (4) Nautical miles

    24 Archaeopteryx is a connecting link betweenI) Fishes and Amphibians

    (3) Reptiles and Birds(2) Amphibians and Reptiles(4) Birds and Mammals

    I 4 ) ontinued J

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    25 According to S1 system the unit of energy isI) Watt (2) Joule 3) Newton 4) Calorie

    26 Genetic material in Tobacco Mosaic Virus TMV) isI) RNA 2) DNA 3) Pentose sugar 4) Purines

    27. Which of the following are called suicide bags of a cell ?1) Lysosomes (2) Ribosomes (3) Liposomes (4) Oxysomes

    28 Muramic acid is found n the cell wall of(1) Flowering plants(3) Algae

    (2) Gymnosperms4) Bacteria

    29. Excretory organs of earthworms are called asl) Malpighian tubules

    (3) Kidneys(2) Contractile vacuoles(4) Nephridia

    30. Which of the following is a true fish?(1) Starfish(3) Catfish

    2) Cuttlefish(4) Silverfish

    31. Life cycle of vascular plants is dominated by1) Diploid stage

    (2) Haploid stage(3) Sporophyte stage(4) Diploid and Sporophyte stage

    I 5 ) TuroOver)

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    lOP 293 9

    32. Which of the following statements is not true ?I) Red. brown and green algae are mostly aquatic

    (2) Bryophytes are non-vascular plants(3) Ferns and horse tails are vascular plants(4) Gymnosperms are the simplest vascular plants

    33. Which of the following has radial and bilateral symmetry?1) Cnidarians (2) Arthropods (3) Echinoderms (4) Molluscs

    34 The defining features of viruses are1) DNA core and protein coat

    (2) Nucleic acid core and protein coat(3) DNA core and lipid envelop{4) Nucleic acid core and plasma membrane

    35. Which of the following is not characteristic of the animal kingdom?

    1) Multicellularity; cells form tissues. organs. 2) Exclusive reliance on sexual reproduction(3) Embryonic development during life cycle

    , (4) Motility at some stage of the life cycle36. Which of the following is biologically mediated wastewater treatment?

    1) Primary treatment(3) Tertiary treatment

    (2) Secondary treatment(4) Advanced treatment

    37. Which of the following is the ecomark of India ?I) Peacock

    (3) Lotus flower(2) Wooden flute(4) Earthen pitcher

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    lOPIl93 9

    38 Who is the environmentalist associated with ~ h i p k o movement ?1) Medha Pateka

    (3) Rajendra Singh(2) Anil Agarwal(4) Sunderlal Bahugnna

    39. Sea birds playamajor role in cycling ofwhich of the following nutrients?1) Nitrogen (2) Phosphorus (3) Carbon (4) Sulphur

    40. Eutrophication of lakes and ponds is caused by(1) Nitrates and Phosphates(3) Nitrates and Carbonates

    (2) Calcium and Magnesium(4) Phosphates and SuIphates

    41. Which of the fqllowing heavy metals in the industrial eflluents causedMinamata disease?(1) Mercury (2) Lead (3) Cadntium (4) Nickel

    42 MethaemogIobinemia (blue baby syndrome) is caused due to which ofthe following type of water pollution?I) Phosphate pollution

    (3) Arsenic pollution(2) Mercury pollution4) Nitrate pollution

    43 Overgrazing of grasslands y cattle often results n(1) Sustained productivity of soil(2) Desertification(3) Retention of useful species(4) Salinization

    ( 7 J Tum Over)

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    44 Which of the following gives an econonuc value for environmental. 0Impacts

    I) Battelle Evaluation System2) Sorensen network analysis

    (3) Hedonic Price method(4) Leopold Matrix method

    45 Bhopal gas tragedy occurred due to leakage of(1) MIC (2) DDT (3) SO,

    46 Carrying capacity of a system in an index ofl) The threshold of stress on the environment

    (4) Dioxins

    2) The adverse impact that some activity has on the environment(3) The input-output analysis of project activity4) The impact assessment of the environment

    47. Which method is suitable for nitrogen and phosphorus removal fromwastewater?I) Primary sedimentation

    (2) Aerobic secondary trealroent(3) Anaerobic secondary trealroent4), Tertiary treatment

    48 Select the correct pair(1) Jacob Monad Operon Model(2 ) Robert Hook - Nucleus3 ) Robert Brown - acterialtransfonnation

    (4) Griffith - Cell( 8 1 Continued

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    lOP/293 9

    49 The molarity of one liter of water is1) 1 M [2) 18 M [3) 55.5M [4) 273.15M

    50 Which of the following is not a component of RNA?1) Thiamine [2 Guanine [3 Cytosine (4) Adenine

    51 Progressive accumulation of some n o n ~ b i o d e g r d b l e chemicals throughthe food chain is known as1) Ecological balance[3 Trophic structure

    2) Biological magnification[4) Biodegradation

    52. Which of the following s correct about CFCs?1) These are toxic, unstable nd costly chemicals used n refrigeration

    [2) These take a few hours to reach the stratosphere[3 These deplete moisture in the stratosphere[4) Thesc stay n the stratosphere for 65-110 years

    53 Which form of mercury is toxic to us ?[1) Elemental form[3 Dimethylated form

    [2 Monomethylated form4) Chlorinated forms

    54. Permissible limits of BOD [EPA. 1986) for discharge of wastewater ininland surface water is1) 20 ppm [2) 30 ppm [3) 100 ppm (4) 250 ppm

    55 Which of the following industries emits noxious mercaptans ?[1) Optical glass industry[2) Coir industry[3) Paper and pulp industry[4) Textile industry

    ( 9 ( TurnOver)

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    56. Which activities are NOT prohibited in Coastal Regulation Zone CRZ)?l) Storage of hazardous wastes(2) Dumping of municipal waste3) Mining of sand and rocks

    (4) Camping sites57. A country has 6.5 million population and its annual growth rate is 2 .

    After how many years its population will become 13 million?l) IS years (2) 25 years (3) 35 years (4) S years

    58. A saline-sodic soil showsl) High ESP. high pH

    (3) High ESP. high EC59. Which combination s correct?

    (1) Kaziranga National Park2) Daehigam National Park3) Keoladeo National Park

    (2) High pH; high EC(4) High pH. high ESP. high EC

    - Rajasthan- Jammu Kashmir- Orissa4) Nandan Kanan National Park - Assam

    69. Which of the following is NOT true?1) Pyramid of energy is always upright2) Grazing food chain predominates in a shallow water system3) Energy flows in an ecosystem in a cyclic manner4) Organochlorine Pesticides in a food web tend to biomagnify

    61 Wangari Maathai has won which prize/honour for environmentl) Nobel Prize 2) World Peace Prize3) World Awareness Prize 4) Honoured by the WWF

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    62. Which acid is associated with fertile soil ?1) Humic acid3) Nitric acid 2) Acetic acid4) Sulphuric acid


    63. Burning o fossil fuels drastically affects one o the following cycles1) NItrogen cycle3) Carbon cycle

    2) Phosphorous cycle4) Water cycle

    64. The Chernobyl disaster was caused by a1) Nuclear test2) Nuclear reactor accident3) Nuclear waste disposal leak4) Nuclear weapon accident

    65 How does temperature change in the stratosphere with increasing height?1) It decreases 2) It increases3) t remajns the same 4) It keeps on fluctuating

    66. Which o these is a hot spot o biodiversity?1) Deccan plateau3) Shivaliks

    2) Western ghats4) Chilka

    67 What is the source of energy in sun?1) Nuclear fission reactions 2) Nuclear fusion reactions3) Thermal reactions of gases 4) Thermal dissociation o gases

    68. Permissible limits o NO, in residential areas 24h basis) as per NAAQSIS

    1) 30l g/m3 2) 60llg/m 3) 80llg/m 4) 120l g/m3I Tum Over

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    lOP 293 9

    69. Which coefficient of correlation T) indicates the strongest correlationbetween two variables?I) 0.535 2) -0.550 3) -0.905 4) 0.885

    70. Which is not a measure o dispersion?I) Range3) Mode

    2) Quartile deviation4) Mean deviation

    71. n a grazing food-chain the energy available to each successive trophiclevel isI) 50 of the preceding trophic level2) 10 of the preceding trophic level3) 90 of the preceding trophic level4) Equal to the preceding trophic level

    72. Which of the following is NOT true for humus?1) I t is easily decomposable2) I t is a dark amorphous substance3) It contains fulvic acid4) It is an index of fertile soils

    73. Which of the following is the main source oflly ash?1) Solar Power Plant3) Thermal Power Plant

    2) Hydel Power Plant4) Nuclear Power Plant

    74. Which form of coal has maximum calorific value?I) Anthracite 2) Bitumen 3) Lignite 4) Peat

    12 J Continued

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    75. Which of the following industries fall under green industry ?1) Sugar industry 2) Coir industry3) Vegetable oil industry 4) Instant Coffee industry

    76. Which of the following is NOT true about arsenic?1) t is a component of some insecticides2) It attacks the SH group of enzymes


    3) Its presence in high concentration n groundwater causes severe skinlesions

    4) Once inside the body it cannot pass out with urine77 Concentration of CO in vehicular exhaust is approximately

    1) below 20 (2) 35 3) 50 4) above 7078. he size of the RSPM is

    2) 15-20 micrometer1) Below 10 micrometer3) 23 micrometer 4) Above 25 micrometer

    79 UV radiations arc filtered y ozone present in1) Troposphere 2) Stratosphere 3) Mesosphere 4) Thermosphere

    80. Which of the following has the maximum global warming potential permolecule?1) Nitrous oxide3) Methane

    2) CO24) CFCs

    81. Which of the following fuels bums cleanest?1) Coal 2) Lignite 3) Petroleum

    1 3

    4) Natural gasTurnOver)

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    Bl. The speed of wind required for running a wind mill should be minimumI) 5 km h 2) 25 kmlh 3) 35km/h 4) 40kmlb

    83. Performance of Ocean Thermal Energy Convasioil depends on(1) Surface area of the ocean(2) Large Temperature difference between surface and bottom layers(3) Large pressure difference between surface and bottom layen4) Height of tide.

    84. The reliability of Gaussian plume model is[I) 98 (2) 95 (3) 70 (4) 50

    85. Which of the following particles has the maximum penetrating capacitythrough solids ?

    (2) Beta particlesI) Alpha particles3) Gamma rays (4) Radiations in visible range

    116 Increasing Carbon dioxide concentration in environment has theroOowing effccts[lJ Causes changes in rainfaO pattern2) Doesnt affect soil moisture3) Decr

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    89. .Maximum OZDIIC depiction nCCUr in(2) Antarctic1) Arctic(3) Equator (4) Anywhc:rc onlbc globe

    90. Westerlies arc the winds blowing from(1) Easllo West(3) West to East

    (2) North to West4) We.t to South

    91. The chemical formula of CFC12 i1) CF,Cl, 2) CFCl, (3) 0I F2

    92. The major goal ofElA is best explained as( 1) Benefits of deve oprru:nt on the environment(2) Damage of development on the environment

    (4) CHF,

    (3) Residual beneficial impacbl of dc\'o1opment all the environment(4) Assessment of the balance between the bendibl aud c1a""'ll" of

    evelopment on the environment93. In India EIA comes into force in

    (I) 1972 (2) 1986 (3) 1994 (4) 200094. As per MoEF. 1994 gauttc notification, EIA is mandaImy for bow many

    polluting Ictivities 7(1) 25 (2) 29 (3) 32 (4) 5

    9S. Whit can be the mllllimum DO level of I water body 1I125'C?I) 8.2 rug/l

    (3) 12.2 rug l(2) 9.1 mgII(4) 14.9 rug/l

    I l' i )

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    lOP 293 9

    96 Which of the following has maximum albedo?1) Soil 2) Water 3) Vegetation 4) Snow

    97 Solar constant of earth isI) 1 cal/crnz/min3) 3 cal/crn 2/min

    2) 2 cal/cm2/min4) 4 cal/cm 2 /min

    98. An isobaric surface is n invisible surface in the atmosphere on which1) Concentration of gases is everywhere same2) Temperature is ~ v r y w h e r e same3) Pressure is everywhere same4) Solar energy is everywhere same

    99 The species on which existence ofa particular ecosystem depends is knownas1) Keystone species3) Endangered species

    2) Endemic species4) Ecotone

    100. Which bacterial genus plays a role in rnicrobialleaching of low-gradeores?I) Azotobacter3) Streptococcus

    2) Thiobacillus4) Nitrosornonas

    101. Which of the following is NOT one of the objectives of sludge stabilizaUoD

    I) To reduce odour 2) To reduce sludge solids3) To reduce pathogens 4) To reduce phosphorus content

    6 I Continued )

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    102 What s breakpoint chlorination?I) The point after which the chlorine added s used for killing microbes2) The point after which the chlorine added s used for oxidation of

    org nic m tter3) The point after which the chlorine added is used for ki11ingmicrobes

    nd oxidation of org nic m tter4) The point after which the chlorine added is librated as free chlorine

    103 Which one is a water borne disease?I) Schistosomiasis3) Cholera

    2) Malaria4) Dengue

    104 Which of the following is an example of x s tu conservation?I) Biosphere reserve3) Gene bank

    2) Sanctuary4) Gene Farm

    105 Expanding population s indicated by which age-pyramid?1) Pyramid shaped3) Urn shaped

    106 Pick up the correct statement

    2) Bell shaped4) Polygonal shaped

    I) Obligate anaerobic bacteria flourish in the presence of oxygen.2) Facultative anaerobic bacteria flourish only in the absence ofoxygen.3) Facultative aerobic bacteria flourish n the absence of oxygen and

    can also grow in presence of oxygen4) Facultative anaerobic bacteria flourish in the absence of oxygen and

    can also grow n presence of oxygen107 The secondary treatment of wastewater s mediated mainly by

    1) Bacteria 2) Mosses 3) Coagulants 4) Lichens17 Tum Over)

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    lOP 293 9

    108. Activated sludge s theI) Aerated sludge in the aeration unit2) Sludge settled in the humus tank3) Sludge in the secondary tank after aeration and rich in microbial

    mass4) Sludge in the secondary tank after aeration and rich in nutrients

    109. The popular disposal method of solid waste in India sl) Incineration 2) Landfill 3) Pyrolysis 4) Dumping

    110. An important index of organic pollution n case of a stream isl) Colour (2) COD 3) Alkalinity 4) Turbidity

    111. The maximum damage to the Taj Mahal s because of the gasU) CO, 2) CO 3) SO, 4) NOx

    112. Which of the following pair s NOT correctly matched?l) BOD - Strength of sewage2) Methane - Product of anaerobic decomposition

    (3) COD - Biodegradability of waste water(4) Nitrate - Methemoglobinemia113. Which of the following treatments reduces the salinity of the water?

    I) Reverse osmosis(2) Electrodialysis(3) Flash mixing and sedimentation4) Freezing

    114. Which of thefollowing pairs s correctly matched ?l) Lime soda process - Softening

    (2) Nalgonda technique - Fluoride removal(3) Aeration - Coagulation4) Ozonation - Souring

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    Q. 115 to 119 consist of two statements, one labeUed as Assertion Al andthe other labelled as Reason Rl. You are to examide these two statementsand mark your answer accordingly using the following codes:1 1 oth Al and R) are true and R) is the correct explanation of A)2) oth A) and R) are true ut R) is nota correct explanation of A)3) A) is true ut R) isfalse4) A) 15 fillse ut R) is true

    J 15. A): Complex food webs provide greater stability to ecosystems incomparison to linear food chains.

    R) : Co -generic homotaxis- increaJcs resistance stability of an ecosystem_

    116. Al: Tropical forests show closed nutrient cycles.Rl : Nutrients in tropical forests are circulated in the biotic components

    via mycorrhizae.,117. Al: Regions of high precipitation have acidic soils.

    R) : Oxides and sesquioxidcs of iron and aluminium are very resistantto leaching.

    118. Al: Clostridium is anaerobic and can fix atmospheric Nitrogen.R) : Nitrogenase responsible for nitrogen fixation is sensitive to oxygen.

    119. Al: pH of normal rainwater is slightly acidic.Rl: Ambient air always has excess of oxides of sulphur.

    120. Acid rain occurs when the pH falls below1) 4.5 2) 6.0 3) 6.5 4) 5.6

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    lOP 293 9

    121. The World Summit on Sustainable Development was held at1) Stockholm3) Kyoto

    (2) Rio de Janeiro(4) Johannesberg

    122. Which of the following NGOs s associated with Chipko Movement?l) Kalpavriksh

    (2) Shrishti3) Dasholi gram Swara ya Manda

    (4) Green Peace

    123. Which Article in the Constitution of India recognizes environmentalprotection as a fundantenta duty of every citizen of India ?1) Article 423) Article 42A(g)

    (2) Article 45A(4) Article 51A(g)

    124. As per the Forest Act, which o the following is a non-forest activityin a reserve forest?1) Rubber tree cultivation2) Shelter-wood Cutting3) Native tree cultivation

    (4) Making water holes and pipelines in thetorest125. Declaration of Human Rights and Environment was drafted by the

    United nations tl) Stockholm (2) Geneva

    126. WWW stands for1) Wide ware web

    (2) World wide web(3) Website of westem world(4) Widest word website

    20 )

    (3) Vienna 4) Norway


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    127. Which of the following projCl:ts raised much debate over the socioeconomic issue 'Jf displacement and rehabilitation of native people?1) Sardar Sarovar Project

    (2) Aravalli mining(3) Silent Valley Project4) Jaduguda Uranium Mining Project

    128. Which of the toHowing is an important source ofbiodiesel ?1) Sorghum 2) Jatropha 3) Sugarcane

    129. Noise level considered as Threshold afpain is( ) 90 dB 2) 100 dB 3) 12 dB

    130. Which of the following is not correct about GIS?I) It involves superimposing thematic maps

    (2) It is a software based technique

    4) Castor

    4) 140 dB

    (3) There is no need for physical surveys in its interpretation(4) It makes t . . : . ~ c of information on a large number of inter-relatedphysical as wei as biological aspects

    131. BT Cotton is an example of(1) Hybrid vigor(2) GMO(3) Hyperaccumulator of heavy metals(4) Biostabilizer

    132. Temperature required to initiate the process of nuclear fusion is about( ) IO,OOO C(3) I billion C

    (2) I million"C(4) I trillion C21 I Tum Over)

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    IOP 293 9

    L33 EthanoL can be easiLy obtained from substances rich in1) Lipids3) Proteins

    2) Carbohydrates(4) Secondary metabolites

    L34 Which of the following is concerned with phasing out ofCFCs ?1) Montreal Protocol

    (3) Outer space treaty(2) Ramsar convention(4) SAARC summit

    L35 Photochemical smog formation starts withI) NO,3) Hydrocarbons

    L 6 ~ PAN is the

    (2) SO,4) VOCs

    (1) Initiation material of Photochemical smog2) Intermediate product of Photochemical smog3) Termination product of Photochemical smog4) Harmless product of Photochemical smog

    [37. Methane in biogas accounts for(1) 50-68 (2) 80-86 (3) 90-94 (4) 100

    l38 Water vapouIs are present n the1) Troposphere3) Mesosphere

    L39 URL stands for

    2) Stratosphere4) Thermosphere

    1 Uniform Resource Locator{ } Universal Resource Locator3) Unlimited Resource Locator4) Upgraded Resource Locator

    22 ) Continue I

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  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


    IOP/293 9140 Which of the following acids has maximum percentage in acid rain?

    1) Hydrochloric acid3) Nitric acid (2) Sulphuric acid4) Acetic acid141 The pollutants which are emitted from identifiable point source are

    called as1) Primary pollutants3) Tertiary pollutants

    2) Secondary pollutants4) Ordimirypollutants

    142 Oil in water causes fish mortality by affecting1) Scales 2) Eyes 3) Nose (4) Gills

    143 Due t climate change more wanning than global average will occur(1) At poles3) n tropics

    2) At equator4) n temperate zone

    144 Although CFCs are used in areas of human habitation yet maximumozone depletion occurs1) At equator3) n Antarctica

    2) At Arctic region4) n tropics

    145 The most inaportant indoor air pollutant is1) CO 2) S02 3) Radon

    146 Chemicals or agents that cause cancer are called1) Teratogenic

    (3) Carcinogenic(2) Mutagenic(4) Neurotoxic2 3

    4) Methane

    Tum Over)

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


    IOP 29319

    147 Atmospheric ozone concentration is measured n1) Decibel scale3) Kilometers 2) Dobson units4) Liters

    148 High volume sampler is used for measurement of1) Water quality3) Noise quality

    2) Soil quality4) ir quality

    149. West-Gaeke methodconcentration of

    S used for measurement of atmospheric

    1) NO 2) SO, 3) CO 4) CO,150. Environmental clearance to the developmental projects n the State s

    given by1) State Pollution Control Board2) State Environment Department3) State Expert Appraisal Committee4) State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority

    24 )

    AglaSem Admi
  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


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    9. 1m' ~ ant . . r.m i\;Ir.r '

  • 8/21/2019 BHU PET 2010 Tech in Enrironmental Sc $Tech


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