biblio - · biblio boletim informativo da biblioteca professor silva dias 2ª série...

BIBLIO Boletim informativo da Biblioteca Professor Silva Dias 2ª Série — nº 5 Maio 2000 Alguns destaques 1 Aquisições 1999 (2ª parte, L-Z) 2 Alguns destaques Completamos neste número, como anunciado, a publicação do ficheiro das obras incorporadas na nossa Biblioteca em 1999. O espólio foi enriquecido com fontes, em edição original ou reimpressa, e obras estrangeiras de difícil acesso em Portugal. Do primeiro conjunto destacamos três colecções: Scotish enlightenment series, Modern British Utopias e Political Writings of the 1790's. Do segundo, referimos as obras de reflexão historiográfica abundantes quanto ao debate norte-americano; os estudos de género; e, por fim, as obras referentes ao pensamento hispânico. Sobre o ficheiro apresentado há que explicar algumas opções quanto às obras colectivas. Reunimos na ficha destes volumes os artigos neles constantes para oferecer uma visão de conjunto dos conteúdos, embora na base de dados tenhamos já iniciado o tratamento analítico. No mesmo sentido optámos por agrupar sob um cabeçalho uniforme as colecções Modern British Utopias e Political Writings.... Excluímos os artigos das actas dos colóquios devido ao grande número de comunicações normalmente apresentado, o que tornaria a ficha demasiado "pesada". Entretanto, completámos a revisão e correcção do catálogo, o que nos permite ter preparadas 6400 fichas para integrar a Base Nacional de Dados Bibliográficos. Na nova fase da informatização, investiremos no tratamento analítico das revistas e das obras colectivas, e na construção dum léxico de indexação. Nesta fase têm-se revelado muito úteis os programas Utilitários; e esperamos retirar grande proveito do programa de gestão de periódicos. Para além dos investigadores do CHC, o número de mestrandos e de doutorandos que já privilegiam a Biblioteca Silva Dias no curso das suas investigações tornam necessário o arranque, no próximo ano lectivo, do programa de gestão de empréstimos. S.L.

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Page 1: BIBLIO - · BIBLIO Boletim informativo da Biblioteca Professor Silva Dias 2ª Série — nº 5 Maio 2000 Alguns destaques 1 Aquisições 1999 (2ª parte, L-Z) 2

BIBLIO Boletim informativo da Biblioteca Professor Silva Dias

2ª Série — nº 5

Maio 2000

Alguns destaques 1 Aquisições 1999 (2ª parte, L-Z) 2

Alguns destaques

Completamos neste número, como anunciado, a publicação do ficheiro das obras incorporadas na nossa Biblioteca em 1999. O espólio foi enriquecido com fontes, em edição original ou reimpressa, e obras estrangeiras de difícil acesso em Portugal. Do primeiro conjunto destacamos três colecções: Scotish enlightenment series, Modern British Utopias e Political Writings of the 1790's. Do segundo, referimos as obras de reflexão historiográfica abundantes quanto ao debate norte-americano; os estudos de género; e, por fim, as obras referentes ao pensamento hispânico.

Sobre o ficheiro apresentado há que explicar algumas opções quanto às obras colectivas. Reunimos na ficha destes volumes os artigos neles constantes para oferecer uma visão de conjunto dos conteúdos, embora na base de dados tenhamos já iniciado o tratamento analítico. No mesmo sentido optámos por agrupar sob um cabeçalho uniforme as colecções Modern British Utopias e Political Writings.... Excluímos os artigos das actas dos colóquios devido ao grande número de comunicações normalmente apresentado, o que tornaria a ficha demasiado "pesada".

Entretanto, completámos a revisão e correcção do catálogo, o que nos permite ter preparadas 6400 fichas para integrar a Base Nacional de Dados Bibliográficos. Na nova fase da informatização, investiremos no tratamento analítico das revistas e das obras colectivas, e na construção dum léxico de indexação. Nesta fase têm-se revelado muito úteis os programas Utilitários; e esperamos retirar grande proveito do programa de gestão de periódicos.

Para além dos investigadores do CHC, o número de mestrandos e de doutorandos que já privilegiam a Biblioteca Silva Dias no curso das suas investigações tornam necessário o arranque, no próximo ano lectivo, do programa de gestão de empréstimos.


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Aquisições 1999

(2ª parte, L-Z) [122] DPLAN4 LANE, M. S. Method and politics in Plato's statesman / M. S. Lane. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - 229 p. - (Cambridge Classical Studies) [123] FLAN2 LANG, Helen S., 1947- The order of nature in Aristotle's physics : place and the elements / Helen S. Lang. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988. - 324 p. [124] HLEM3 LEMON, M. C. The disciplin of history and the history of thought / M. C. Lemon. - reimpr. da 1ª ed. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 280 p . - 1ª ed. 1995 [125] FSCO1/7

LETTERS OF EMINENT PERSONS ADRESSED TO DAVID HUME Letters of eminent persons adressed to David Hume / ed. J. H. Burton. - facs, (reimpr.). - Londres : Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1998. - 334 p. - (Scotish enlightenment. Series I ; 7) . - 1ª ed.1849. 1ª impr. da Routledge, 1989. - Cartas de Horace Walpole, Helvetius, Bispo Douglas, Lord Lyttleton, Mirabeau, o "velho", Lady Hervey, Allan Ramsay, Coronel Barré, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Owen Ruffhead, Lord Elibank, Sir James MacDonald, Earl Marishal of Scotland, Lord Holdernesse, William Strahan, Sir Alexander Dick, Sir John Dalrymple, Lord Hardwick, Alexander Wedderburn (Lord Loughborough), George Maccauley, Lord Hertford, Mrs. Cockburn, Turgot, Sir Henry Erkine,, Sir William Pulteney, James Coutts, Edward Murphy, Sir James Stewart, Deão Tucker, D'Alembert e Mlle. De L'Espinasse, Malesherbes, Mme de Boufflers, Barão d'Holbach, Robert Wood, Marechal Conway, Sir John Pringle, Presidente de Brosses, Diderot, Mme Geoffrin, Presidente Hénault, Abade Prevôst, La Condamine, De Yverdun, Mme Le Page du Boccage, Mme Riccoboni, Buffon, Crebillon, Abade Morellet, Suard, Sir Robert Liston, Prof. Millar, Bispo Percy, Andrew Stuart. [126] CMLIM1 LIMA, Augusto C. Pires de As invasões francesas na tradição oral e escrita : subsídios / A. C. Pires de Lima. - , 1922 (Porto : tip. Sequeira. - 16 p. - Exemplar com dedicatória do autor . - Separata da Revista Lusitana, v. XXIII. [127] CMLON2

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LONG, Emile Hairstyles and fashion : a hairdresser's history of Paris, 1910-1920 / Emile Long ; ed. Steven Zdatny. - Oxford ; Nova Iorque : Berg, 1999. - 204 p. : il [130] HLYR1/2-3 LYRA, Heitor História de Dom Pedro II : 1825-1891 / Heitor Lyra. - nova edição muito aumentada. - São Paulo : Livraria Itatiaia editora, 1977. - v. : il. - (Reconquista do Brasil / dir. Mário Guimarães Ferri ; 40 ; 41) . - volume II: Fascínio 1870-1880. - volume III: Declínio 1880-1891. [131] DPMAC9 MACEDO, Jorge Borges de A adesão de Portugal à CEE : ciclo de conferências / Jorge Borges de Macedo, António de Siqueira Freire e António Marta ; apres. Almirante Fernando Fonseca ; palavras de abertura Comandante E. H. Serra Brandão, Presidente da Sociedade de Geografia. - Lisboa : Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 1986. - 60 p. . - Contém: A adesão de Portugal ao Mercado Comum: antecedentes históricos / Jorge Borges de Macedo. Portugal e a integração europeia: do plano Marshall à abertura formal das negociações de adesão / Embaixador António de Siqueira Freire. Portugal e a CEE: o processo de adesão / António Marta. [132] DPMAG2 MAGALHAES, J. A. de Breve exame do assento feito pelos denominados estados do reyno de Portugal, congregados em Lisboa aos 23 de Junho do anno de

1828 / pelo Dr. Jm. A. de Magalhens. - (Holborn : RR. Greenlaw, 1828). - 45 p . - Texto datado de Londres 13 de Setembro. [133] FSCO1/1 MANING, Owen, 1721-1801 An inquiry into the grounds and nature of the several species of ratiocination / Owen Manning ; introd. John Valdimir Price. - facs, (reimpr.). - Londres : Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1998. - 66 p. - (Scotish enlightenment. Series I ; 1) . - 1ª ed.1750. 1ª impr. da Routledge, 1989 [134] CMMAR12 MARAVALL, José António A cultura do barroco / José António Maravall ; trad. Henrique Barrilaro Ruas. - 1ª ed. (pela 1ª ed. esp.). - Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões , 1997. - 346 p. - (Estudo geral ; 8) [135] RMAR6 MARKUS, R. A. The end of ancient christianity / R. A. Markus. - Cambridge : Canto, 1998. - 258 p. - 1ª ed. pela Cambridge University Press, 1990. [136] DPMCC1 MCCLELLAND, J. S. A history of western political thought / J. S. McClelland. - Londres : Routledge, 1996. - 810 p. [137] HMCC1a-b MCCULLAGH, C. Behan

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The truth of history / C. Behan McCullagh. - 1ª ed. - Londres : Routledge, 1998. - 327 p. [138] HMEI1 MEIRELES, Domingos As noites das grandes fogueiras : uma história da coluna de Prestes / Domingos Meireles ; apres. Maurício Azêdo ; pref. Janio de Freitas. - 2ª ed. - Rio de Janeiro : Record, 1995. - 765 p. : il. [139] DPMIL2/18-19 MILL, John Stuart Collected works of John Stuart Mill. - Londres : Routledge, 19 -19 . - v. . - vol. XVIII: Essays on politics and society. 1 / ed. J. M. Robson; introd. Alexander Brady. - reimpr. - 1996. - 30 p. - Contém: Use and Abuse of political terms. Rationale of representation. De Tocqueville on democracy in America [I], [II]. State of society in America. Civilization. Essay on government. Reform of the civil service. On liberty. - vol. XIX: Essays on politics and society. 2. - reimpr. - 1996. - p. 313- 780. - Contém: Thoughts on parlimentary reform. Recent writers on reform. Consideration on representative government. Centralization. Apendix A. Taylor's stateman. Appendix B. Appendix to Dissertations and discussions, vol. I. Appendix C. Jewett on civil service examinations. Appendix D. Substantive variants in the People's edition of On liberty. Appendix E. Substantive variants in the Peoples edition of Considerations on representative government. Appendix F. Bibliographic Index of persons and works cited in the Essays, with variants and notes [140] FSCO1/4

MILNER, Joseph Gibbon's account of christianity considered : toghether with some strictures on Hume's Dialogues concerning natural religion / Joseph Milner ; introd. John Valdimir Price. - facs, (reimpr.). - Londres : Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1998. - 263 p. - (Scotish enlightenment. Series I ; 4) . - 1ª ed.1781. 1ª impr. da Routledge, 1989 [141] DPMOD1/1-8 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys. Volume. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 8 v [142] DPMOD1/1 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1700-1737. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 411 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 1) . - Contém: Annus Sophiae Jubilaeus. The sophick constitution: or, the evil customs of the world reformed (1700). The adventures and surprizing deliverances of James Dubourdieu (1719) / [Ambrose Evans]. The adventures of Alexander Vendchurch (1719). / [Ambrose Evans]. Serious reflections during the life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1720) / Daniel Defoe. The memoirs of sig. Gaudentio di Lucca (1737) / Simon Berrington. [143] DPMOD1/2 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850

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1740-1751. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 410 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 2) . - Contém: A journey to the moon (?1740) / Pythagorlunister. The capacity and extent of the human understanding (1745) / [John Kirkby]. The life and adventures of Peter Wilkins (1751) / [Robert Paltock]. [144] DPMOD1/3 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1757-1769. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 412 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 3) . - Contém: A vindication of natural society (2nd ed., 1757) / [Edmund Burke]. The voyages, travels and wonderful discoveries of Capt. John Holmesby (1757). Rasselas (3rd ed., 1760) / Samuel Johnson. Millenium Hall (4th ed., 1778) / [Sarah Scott]. An account of the giants lately discovered (1766) / [Horace Walpole]. Private letters from an american in England to his friends in America (1769). [145] DPMOD1/4 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1778-1798. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 476 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 4) . - Contém: The travels of Hildebrand Bowman (1778) / [John Elliott]. A supplement to the history of Robinson Crusoe (1782) / [Thomas Spence]. The man in the moon, or travels into the lunar regions (2 vols, 1783) / [William Thomson]. A journey lately performed through the air (1784). The modern Atalantis, or, the

devil in an air ballon (1784). A voyage to the moon strongly recommended to all lovers of real freedom (1793) / Aratus. Modern Gulliver's travels (1796). Libellus: or, a brief sketch of the history of Gotham (1798) / A. E. [146] DPMOD1/5 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1806-1811. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 432 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 5) . - Contém: The empire of the nairs, or the rights of women: a utopian romance (4 vols, 1811) / James Lawrence. The last man, or Omegarus (2 vols. 1806). [147] DPMOD1/6 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1817-1839. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 438 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 6) . - Contém: Armata: a fragment (2 vols, 1817) / [Thomas Erskine]. New Britain (1820) / [G. A. Ellis]. The revolt of the bees (3rd. ed., 1839) / [John Minter Morgan]. [148] DPMOD1/7 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1828-1842. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 486 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 7)

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. - Contém: The voyage of Captain Popanilla (1828) / Benjamin Disraeli. The history of Bullanabee and Clinkataboo (1828). Travels to phrenologasto (1829) / [John Trotter]. Sequel Gulliver's travels (1830) / Lemuel Gulliver. Great Britain in 1841 (1831). Account of an expedition to the interior of the New Holland (1837) / ed. Lady Mary Fox. A voyage from utopia (1842) / John Francis Bray. [149] DPMOD1/8 MODERN BRITISH UTOPIAS, 1700-1850 1846-1848. - Londres : Pickering & Chatto, 1997. - 517 p. - (Modern British utopias, 1700-1850 / ed. e introd. Gregory Claeys ; 8) . - Contém: The chronicles of Clovernook (1846) / Douglas Jerrold. The Island of Liberty and Equality (1848). The triumph of woman: a Christmas story (1848) / Charles Rowcroft. A dream of reform (1848) / Henry Forrest. [150] DPMOD2 MODERN POLITICAL THEORY FROM HOBBES TO MARX KEY DEBATES Modern political theory from Hobbes to Marx key debates / ed. e introd. Jack Lively e Andrew Reeve. - 3ª reimpr. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 311 p . - 1ª ed. 1989 . - Contém: The ethical doctrine of Hobbes / A. E. Taylor. Warrender and his critics / B. Barry. Locke and Professor Macpherson / I. Berlin. Appropriation in the state of nature: Locke on the origin of property / K. Olivecrona. The discourse on Inequality and The social contract / J. I. MacAdam. Will and political rationality in Rousseau / F. M. Barnard. Burke and the ancient constitution: a problem in the history of ideas / J. G. A.

Pocock. Jeremy Bentham and the public interest / J. A. W. Gunn. Two concepts of politics and democracy: James and John Stuart Mill / Alan Ryan. On some criticisms of historical materialism / G. A. Cohen. On some criticism of historical materialism. A reply / H. B. Acton. [151] RMON1 MONCADA, Luís Cabral Mística e racionalismo em Portugal no século XVIII : uma página de história religiosa e política / L. Cabral de Moncada. - Coimbra : Casa do Castelo, editora, 1952. - 98 p. [152] DPMON6 MONICA, Maria Teresa Errâncias miguelistas (1834-1843) / Maria Teresa Mónica. - Lisboa : Cosmos, 1997. - 593 p. - (Cosmos História ; 15). - Oferta da autora. . - Obra resultante da dissertação de Mestrado em História Cultural e Política. [153] HMUN1a-b MUNSLOW, Alun Deconstructing history / Alun Munslow. - 1ª ed. - Londres : Routledge, 1997. - 226 p. [154] DPNAB1 NABUCO, Joaquim

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O abolicionismo / Joaquim Nabuco ; pref. José Thomaz Nabuco. - facs. - Recife : Fundação Joaquim Nabuco : Editora Massangana, 1988. - IX, 256 p. - (Abolição / Fundação Joaquim Nabuco ; 1) [155] FNAM1 NAMORADO, Egídio A escola de Viena e alguns problemas de conhecimento : ensaio / Egídio Namorado. - Coimbra : Atlântica, 1945. - 125 p. [156] FNEV2 NEVES, Maria do Céu Patrão Estudos blondelianos : por ocasião da morte de Maurice Blondel (1861-1949) / Maria do Céu Patrão Neves ; pref. Gustavo de Fraga. - Ponta Delgada : Universidade dos Açores, 1999. - 205 p. - Colectânea de artigos anteriormente apresentados a colóquios ou integrados em obras colectivas. . - Contém: O tema do conhecimento em L'action (1893) de Maurice Blondel. Existirá uma antropologia em L'Action (1893)?. O sentido do humano : entre o determinismo e a liberdade. Consciência crítica e sentido da diferença em La pensée de Maurice Blondel. A consciencia na sua tripla relação. A filosofia integral de Maurice Blondel (a propósito do centenário da Lettre). O realismo integral e espiritual de Maurice Blondel. A estrutura triática da filosofia de Maurice Blondel (o trinitarismo blondeliano). [157] GDIC NICOLIELLO, Nelson Diccionario del latín jurídico : vocablos, aforismos, reglas, brocardos y siónimos latinos del lenguaje jurídico, con cital del

Derecho positivo relacionadas con ellos, de la Argentina, Brasil, España, Portugal y Uruguay / Nelson Nicoliello. - Barcelona : José M.ª Bosch, 1999. - 314 p [158] ESOLS1 OLSZAK, Norbert Histoire des banques centrales / Norbert Olszak. - 1ª ed. - Paris : PUF, 1998. - 127 p. - (Que sais-je? / dir. Anne-Laure Angoulvent-Michel ; 3385) [159] HORA1 THE ORAL HISTORY READER The oral history reader / ed. Robert Perks e Alistair Thomson. - Londres : Routledge, 1998. - 479 p. [160] FPEI1/3 PEIRCE, Charles Santiago Sanders, 1839-1914 Writings of Charles S. Pierce : a chronological edition / Charles S. Peirce. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1986. - v. (20 vols. previstos) : retrato . - Vol. 3: 1872-1878 / ed. Max H. Fisch... [et al]. - 1986. - 633 p. - Contém: Educational text-books, II. Lecture on practical logic. Third lecture. [Toward a logic book, 1872-1873] (inclui além das notas manuscritas, cartas e alguns artigos publicados em revistas). The fixation of belief. How to make our ideas clear. The doctrine of chances. The probability of induction. The order of nature. Deduction, induction, and hypothesis. Comment se fixe la croyance. Comment rendre nos idées claires. Ferrero's Esposizione del metodo dei minimi quadrati. Photometric researches.

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[161] HPEL1 PELICO, Silvio História da instrucão popular em Portugal / Silvio Pélico, Filho. - Lisboa ; Porto ; Coimbra : Lumen, empresa internacional editora, 1923. - 232 p. - Exemplar com dedicatória do autor a Álvaro Coelho [162] GBIB PENSAMENTO ECONOMICO PORTUGUES (1750-1960) Pensamento económico português (1750-1960) : fontes documentais e roteiro bibliográfico= Portuguese economic thought (1750-1960) : documentary sources and bibliographical guide / coord. José Luís Cardoso ; colab. António Almodovar ... [et al]. - Lisboa : CISEP, 1998. - 296 p. + cd-rom [163] TPER /1-2 PEREIRA, Isolina Rosa Prior Ladeira Alves História de um paradigma : o método de João de Deus e as escolas móveis / Isolina Rosa Prior Ladeira Alves Pereira. - Lisboa : UNL/FCSH, 1998. - 2 v. . - Vol I: 657 p. - Vol. II: 346 p. - documentos. - Dissertação de doutoramento no ramo da História das Ideias, especialiade de História e Teoria dos Paradigmas, apresentada à FCSH da UNL, sob orientação da Professora Doutora Zília Osório de Castro. [164] DPPER2 PEREIRA, José Esteves O pensamento político em Portugal no século XVIII : António Ribeiro dos Santos / José Esteves Pereira. - Lisboa : imprensa Nacional, 1983. - 430 p. - (Temas portugueses)

[165] FPER11 PERFIL DA INVESTIGACAO CIENTIFICA EM PORTUGAL Perfil da investigação científica em Portugal : filosofia = Profile of scientific research in Portugal / coord. Fernando Gil. - Lisboa : Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Observatório das Ciências e das Tecnologias, 1999. - 259 p. : quadros, gráf. [166] DPPER5 PERRON, Jacques du Droite et gauche, tradition et révolution / Jacques du Perron. - Puiseaux : Pardès, 1991. - 486 p. - (Dextres) [167] PPHI3 PHILOSOPHERS ON EDUCATION Philosophers on education : new historical perspectives / ed. Amélie Oksenberg Rorty. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 480 p. . - Contém: The ruling history of education / A.M. Rorty. Socratic education / P. Woodruff. Plato's counsel on education / Zhang Lo Shan. Aristotelian education / C. D. C. Reeve. Augustine on what we owe to our teachers / S. Harrison. Augustinian learning / P. L. Quin. Aquinas's critique of education: against his own age, against ours / A. MacIntyre. Maimonides on education / J. Stern. Descartes, or the cultivation of the intellect / D. Garber. Hobbes: truth, publicity and civil doctrine / J. Waldron. Hobbes on education / R. Tuck. Spinoza and the education of the imagination / G. Lloyd. Locke: education for virtue / J. W. olton. Locke on the education of paupers / P. Gay. Leibniz as a theorist of education / P. Riley.

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Condorcet and Adam Smith on education and instruction / Emma Rothschild. Hume on moral sentiments, and the difference they make / A. C. Baier. Rousseau'seducational experiments / A. O. Rorty. Training to autonomy: Kant and the question of moral education / B. Herman. Jeffersonian ambivalences / E. T. H. Brann. A romantic education: the concept of Bildung in early german romanticism / F. C. Beiser. Hegel on education / Allen W. Wood. A Nietzschean education: Zarathurstra/Zarathustra as educator / R. Schacht. John Stuart Mill: democracy as sentimental education / E. Anderson. The past in the present: Plato as educator of nineteenth-century britain / M. F. Burnyeat. Moral education in and after Marx / R. W. Miller. Deweyan pragmatism and american education / A. Ryan. Learning from Freud / A. Phillips. Enlightenment and the Vienna Circle's scientific world-conception / T. E. Uebel. Education and social epistemology / A. I Goldman. Traditional shi'ite education in Qom / R. P. Mottahedeh. The yeshiva / M. Halbertal e T. H. Halbertal. Civic education in the liberal state / W. Galston. [168] FPIN1 PINHO, Arnaldo Cardoso Leonardo Coimbra : biografia e teologia / Arnaldo Cardoso de Pinho. - Porto : Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Centro Regional do Porto : Lello editores, 1999. - 271 p. - (Filosofia e religião) [169] RPLO8 PLONGERON, Bernard Théologie et politique au siècle des lumières (1770-1820) / Bernard Plongeron. - Genebra : Droz, 1972. - 405 p. - (Travaux d'histoire éthico-politique ; XXV) [170] DPPOL7/1-8

POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 8 v [171] DPPOL7/1 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Radicalism and reform : responses to Burke 1790-1791. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 386 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 1) . - Contém: A letter from the Earl Stanhope to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke (Dublin, 1790) / Charles Stanhope. Vindication of the rights of the men (2nd ed.., 1790) / Mary Wollstonecraft. Short observations on the right Honourable Edmund Burke's Reflections (1790). Thoughts on the commencement of a new parliament (1790) / Joseph Towers. Observations on the Reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the revolution in France (1790) / [Catherine Macaulay]. Letters on the revolution in France (1791) / Thomas Christie. Vindiciae Gallicae (3rd. ed., 1790) / James Mackintonsh [172] DPPOL7/2 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Radicalism and reform : responses to Burke 1791-1792. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 410 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 2) . - Contém: Thoughts on government: occasioned by Mr. Burke's Reflections (4th ed., 1791) / George Rous. An address to the National Assembly of France: containing strictures on Mr. Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France (Cambridge, 1791) / [M. Du Fresnoy]. A letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke (2nd ed., 1791) / [Brooke Boothby]. Observations on the Right Hon. Edmund

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Burke's pamphlet, on the subject of the frech revolution (1st ed., Dublin, 1791) / Benjamin Bousfield. Strictures on the new political tenets of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke (1st ed., 1791) / Charles Pigott. A letter to the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, in reply to his 'Reflections on the revolution in France, etc.' (Dublin, 1791) / [John Scott]. Strictures on the letter of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke on the revolution in France (1791). Answer to the reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke (1791) / M. Depont. Remarks on the letter of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, concerning the revolution in France (2nd ed., 1791) / Capel Lofft. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France (3rd. ed., 1792) / John Priestley. A vindication of the revolution society, against the calumnies of Mr. Burke (1792). [173] DPPOL7/3 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Radicalism and reform : 1790-1792. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 446 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 3) . - Contém: A discourse on the love of our country (5th ed., 1790) / Richard Price. Lessons to the young prince (6th ed., 1791) / [David Williams]. The political crisis: or, a dissertation on the rights of man (1791). The rights of the poor (1791) / Thomas Bentley. The rights of kings (2nd ed., 1791) / [William Cuninghame]. The confederacy of kings agains the freedom of the world (1792). A defense of Dr. Price and the reformers of England (York, 1792) / Christopher Wyvill. Advice to the privileged orders (1792) / Joel Barlow. Brief reflections upon the liberty of the british subject (Canterbury, c. 1792) / John Butler. The perverse definition imposed on the word equality (?1792). A few words, but no lies, from Ruger Bull to his

brother Thomas (1792). Review of the constitution of Great Britain (3rd. ed., Paris, 1792) [174] DPPOL7/4 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Radicalism and reform : 1793-1800. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 442 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 4) . - Contém: Justice to a judge. An answer to the judge's appeal to justice (2nd ed., 1793) / William Hughes. Knove's acre association (1793) / [James Parkinson. The village association or the politics of Edley /1793) / [James Parkinson]. More reasons for a reform in parliament (1793). Address of the London Corresponding Society to the other societies of Great Britain (1793). Reason urged against precedent (1793) / Henry Yorke. Address of the british convention (1793). The government of the people (Paris, 1793). Peace and Union recommended to the associated bodies of republicans and anti-republicans (1793) / William Frend. An address to the Hon. Edmund Burke from the swinish multitude (1793) / [James Parkinson]. Extermination, or an appeal to the people of England, on the present war, with France (1793). Petition of the friends of the people (1793). A convention the only means of saving us from ruin (3rd. ed., 1794) / Joseph Gerrald. The catechism of man (1794) / William Vaughan. Thoughts on civil government (1794) / Henry Yorke. Peace and reform, against war and corruption (2nd ed., 1794) / Daniel Stuart. A vindication of the London Corresponding Society (1794) / [James Parkinson]. Peaceful discution, and not tumultuary violence, the means of redressing national grievance (1795) / John Thelwall. A political freethinker's thoughts on the present

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circumstances (1795). Church and king morality (1795). Resistance to oppression, the constitutional right of britons (1795). [175] DPPOL7/5 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Loyalism : responses to Paine 1791-1792. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 413 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 5) . - Contém: A defense of the constitution of England against the libels that have been lately published on it, particularly in Paine's pamphlet on the rights of man (1791). Remarks on Mr. Paine's pamphlet, called the Rights of man (Dublin, 1791). A new friend on an old subject (1791) / [Frederick Hervey]. Considerations on Mr. Paine's pamphlet on the Rights of man (Edinburgh, 1791). Rights upon rights with observations upon observations (1791). Cursory remarks on Dr. Priestley's Letters to Mr. Burke, and strictures on Mr. Paine's Rights of man (1791). A rejoinder to Mr. Paine's pamphlet, entitled, Rights of man (1791) / [William Sewell]. A letter from a magistrate to Mr. William Rose, of Whitehall, on Mr. Paine's Rights of men (1791) / John St. John. Slight observations upon Paine's pamphlet (1791) / [Thomas Green]. Rights of citizens, being an examination of Mr. Paine's principles, touching governement (Dublin, 1791) / [William Cusack Smith]. Defense of the Rights of man, being a discussion of the conclusions drawn from those Rights by Mr. Paine (1791). A british freeholder's adress to his countrymen, on Thomas Paine's Rights of man (1791) / [George Mason]. The republican refuted: in a series of biographical, critical and political strictures on Thomas Paine's Rights of man (1791) / Charles Harrington Elliot. Letters to Thomas Paine, in answer to his late publication on the Rights of man (1792) / [Graham Jephson]. An answer to the second part of Rights of man (1792) / [Frederick

Hervey]. The reason of man: with strictures on Rights of man, and others of Mr. Paine's works (Canterbury, 1792) / [John Jones]. Intercepted correspondence from Satan to citizen Paine (c. 1792). [176] DPPOL7/6 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Loyalism : responses to Paine 1792-1793. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 409 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 6) . - Contém: A rod in Brine, ou tickler for Tom Paine, in answer to his first pamphlet, entitled the Rights of man (Canterbury, 1792). A protest against T. Paine's 'Rights of man? (5th ed., 1792) / [John Bowles]. Various opinions of the philosophical reformers considered: particularly Paine's Rights of man (1792) / Charles Hawtrey. Cursory remarks on Paine's Rights of man (1792) / [D. Rivers]. Strictures on the character and principles of Thomas Paine (5th ed., Portsmouth, 1792) / Alexander Peter. Constitutional letters, in answer to Mr. Paine's Rights of man (1792). A letter to Mr. Paine, on his late publication (1792). Observations on the appeal from the new to the old whigs, and on Mr. Paine's Rights of man (1792) / Sir Brooke Boothby. A fourth letter to Thomas Paine, in answer to the second part of the Rights of man (1792). The rights of god, occasioned by Mr. Paine's 'Rights of man? (2nd ed., Birmingham, 1792) / Rev. John Riland. A short view of the rise and progress of freedom in modern Europe, as connected to the causes which led to the french revolution... in answer to the calumnies of Thomas Paine (1792). An address to the inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland: in reply to the principles of the author of the Rights of man (1793). A whopper for levelling Tommy (1793).

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[177] DPPOL7/7 POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Loyalism : 1791-3. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 412 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 7) . - Contém: Patriotism and the love of liberty defended (1791) / John Somers Cocks. Speculations, occasioned by the progress of a democratic party in England (1791) / [Thomas Green]. A brief reply to the observations of Ben Bousfield, Esq. on Mr. Burke's pamphlet, respecting the revolution in France (Dublin, 1791). A vindication of the right Honourable Edmund Burke's Reflections on the revolution in France, in answer to all his opponents / [Thomas Gould]. By the king a proclamation (1792). A letter to the farmers and manufacturers in Great Britain and Ireland (1792). Letters on the principles of the french democracy (Dublin, 1792) / William Hamilton. Parliamentary reform, as it is called, improper in the present state of this country (2nd ed., 1792) / [Alexander Dalrymple]. An adress to the Right Hnourable William Pitt, on the probability of a revolution in this country (1792). A dissertation on government, with the balance considered (1792) / [William White], Mr. justice Ashhurst's charge to the grand jury for the county of Middlesex (1792) / William Henry Ashhurst. Reasons for contentment (1792) / [William Paley]. Equality, as consistent with british constitution (1792) / [William Paley]. A few plain questions, and a little honest advice, to the working people of Great Britain (Newark, 1792). A letter to the people of England, on their present situation (Egham, 1792). Dialogues on the Rights of Britons (1792) / [John Bowles]. A trip to the island of equality, or, an extract from russian voyages (1792). One penny-worth of truth from Thomas Bull, to his brother John (1792) / [William Jones]. [178] DPPOL7/8

POLITICAL WRITINGS OF THE 1790S Loyalism : 1793-1800. - Londres : William Pickering, 1995. - 452 p. - (Political writings of the 1790s / ed. Gregory Claeys ; 8) . - Contém: Village politics: addresses to all mechanics, journeymen, and day labourers in Great Britain (4th ed., 1793) / [Hannah More]. A new dialogue between Monsieur François an John English on the french revolution (c. 1793). Plain reasons for adopting the plan of the societies calling themselves the Friends of the People (Edinburgh, 1793) / A. Scott. An address to the inhabitants of Great Britain on the dangerous and destructive tedency of the french system of liberty and equality (York, 1793) / Thomas Moore. A short answer to the declaration of the perssons calling themselves the Friends of the Liberty of the Press (1793) / John Bowles. The example of France a warning to Britain (4th ed., 1794) / Arthur Young. A friendly address to the reformers of England (1794). A concise sketch of the intended revolution, in England (1794) / [William Atkinson]. Equality: a sermon (1794) / John Hurdis. Remarks upon the principles and views of the London Corresponding Society (1795). Thoughts on the english government: letter the first (1795) / [John Reeves]. Thoughts on the defence of property (1797) / Uvedale Price. Three warnings to John Bull before he dies /1798). Loyalty necessary to self-preservation (Bromley, 1798). Modern ohilosophy and barbarism: or a comparison between the theory of Godwin and the practice of Lycurgus (?1798) / W. C. Proby. A country Parson's address to his flock (1799) / Francis Wollaston. An examination of the leading principle of the new system of morals (2nd ed., 1799) / Thomas Green. Reflections at the conclusion of the war (2nd ed., 1801) / John Bowles. [179] CMPOL POLOWETZKY, Michael

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A bond never broken : the relations between Napoleon and the authors of France / Michael Polowetzky. - Londres ; Toront : Associated university Presses, 1993 . - 191 p. [180] FPOP11 POPPER, Karl, 1902-1994 All life is problem solving / Karl Popper ; trad. Patrick Camiller. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1999. - 171 p. [181] FPOP10 POPPER, Karl, 1902-1994 The world of Parmenides : essays on the presocratic enlightenment / Karl Popper ; ed. Arne F. Petersen, com a colab. de Jorgen Mejer. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 328 p. [182] FPOP12 POPPERS'S OPEN SOCIETY AFTER FIFTY YEARS Poppers's Open society after fifty years : the continuing relevance of Karl Popper / ed Ian Jarvie e Sandra Pralong. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1999. - 217 p. - Obra dedicada a Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) . - Contém: Personal recollections of the publication of The open society / E. H. Gombrich. The future is open: a conversation with Sir Karl Popper / Adam J. Chmielewski e Karl R. Popper. The open society and its enemies: authoroty, community, and bureaucracy / Mark A. Notturno. Popper and Tarski / David Miller. Popper's ideal types: open and closed, abstract and concrete societies / Ian Jarvie. The sociolgical deficit of The open society, analyzed and remedied / John A. Hall. A whiff of Hegel in The open society / John Watkins.

The problem of objectivity in law and ethics / Christoph Von Mettenheim. Minima moralia: is there an ethics of the open society? / Sandra Pralong. What use is Popper to a practical politician? / Bryan Magee. The polish church as an enemy of the open society: some reflections on post-communist social-political transformations in Central Europe / Andrzej Flis. Life after liberalism / Adam J. Chmielewski. The notion of the modern nation-state: Popper and nationalism / Joseph Agassi. Is there causality in history? / Cyril Höschl. Marching popperian theory to practice / Fred Eidlin. [183] FPOR1 PORFIRIO Isagoge / Porphyre ; trad. A. de Libera e A.-Ph. Segonds ; introd. e notas A. de Libera. - Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998. - 100 p. - (Sic et non / dir. Alain Libera). - Texto em grego, latim e francês. [184] DPPOR36 PORTUGAL E OS CAMINHOS DO MAR SECULOS XVII-XIX Portugal e os caminhos do mar séculos XVII-XIX / coord. Zília Osório de Castro . - [Lisboa] : ed. Inapa, 1998. - 181 p. : il., mapas . - . - [Lisboa] : ed. Inapa, 1998. - 181 p. : il., mapas . - Contém: Introdução / Zília Osório de Castro. Portugal e os tratados de Vestefália / Maria Luísa de Bivar Black. A diplomacia portuguesa no Congresso de Paz de Utreque / Isabel Cluny. O eixo estratégico do Atlântico: os tratados de Santo Ildefonso e do Pardo / Júlio Rodrigues da Silva. Dos mares fechados ao mar aberto: tratados de São Petersburgo / Zília Osório de Castro e José Saldanha. Confluências no Índico: tratados do Transval, tratado da

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Índia / Maria Cecília de Sousa Cameira. Os tratados: textos integrais anotados. [185] PPOR1/5-6 PORTUGAL. Leis, decretos, etc. Chancelarias Chancelarias portuguesas. D. Duarte / dir. A. H. de Oliveira Marques ; ed. João José Alves Dias. - Lisboa : Centro de Estudos Históricos/UNL, 1998-1999. - 517 p. . - Volume I, tomo 1: 1433-1435. - 1998. - 517 p. - Volume II: Livro da Casa dos Contos. - 1999. - 223 p. [186] DPPOR38/1-3 PORTUGAL. Leis, decretos, etc. Collecção da legislação antiga e moderna do reino de Portugal. Parte II, Da legislação moderna. - Coimbra : na Real Imprensa da Universidade, 1806. - t. - Por resolução de S. Magestade de 2 de Setembro de 1786 . - Tomos I a III. [187] DPPOR40/1-2 PORTUGAL. Leis, decretos, etc. Legislação de ciência e tecnologia 1995-1999. - Lisboa : Ministéria da Ciência e Tecnologia, 1999. - 2 v . - vol. I: . - 227 p. - vol. II: Separata empresas. - 28 p. [188] DPPOR41 PORTUGAL. Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia

1995-1999 MCT / Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia. - Lisboa : Observatório das Ciências e das tecnologias, 1999. - 115 p. [189] CD1 PORTUGAL. Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Observatório das Ciências e das Tecnologias Livro branco do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico português 1999-2006 / Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Observatório das Ciências e das Tecnologias. - Lisboa : Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia. FCT. OCT, 1999. - : cd-rom . - Índice: Introdução. Contributos para o Forum Permanente de Política de Ciência e Tecnologia. Perfis da investigação científica em Portugal. Programas estratégicos e de interesse público. Apresentações públicas e debates. Avaliação das unidades financiadas pelo Programa Plurianual. Avaliação dos laboratórios do Estado. Estatísticas de ciência e de tecnologia. Política tecnológica e inovação. Cultura científica. [190] HPOS1a-b THE POSTMODERN HISTORY READER The postmodern history reader / ed. Keith Jenkins. - Londres : Routledge, 1997. - 443 p. Contém: The postmodern condition / J-F. Lyotard. The illusion of the end / J. Baudrillard. Sequel to history / E. Ermarth. Romancing the postmodern: feminism and deconstruction / D. Elam. White mythologies: writing History and the West / R. Young. Migrance, culture, identity / I. Chambers. Literary criticism and the politics of the New Historicism / E. Fox-Genovese. Postmodernizing history: right-wing revisionism and the uses of theory / C. Norris. Critical theory, historical materialism, and

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the ostensible end of marxism: the poverty of theory revisited / B. Palmer. The discourse of history / R. Barthes. Nietzsche, geneology, history / M. Foucault. Language and historical representation / H. Kellner. The challenge of poetics to (normal) historical practice / R. Berkhofer. Telling it as you like it: postmodernist history and the flight from fact / G. Himmerfarb. Return to essentials / G. Elton. History, historicism, and the social logic of the text in the Middle Ages / G. Spiegel. Telling the truth about history / J. Appleby, L. Hunt, M. Jacob. Outside literature: texts in history / T. Bennett. Making history: reflections on feminis, narrative, and desire / S. S. Friedman. History andpostmoernism / L. Stone (dois textos). History and postmodernism / P. Joyce. History and postmodernism / C. Kelly. History and postmodernism /Spiegel. Historiography and posmodernism/ F. R. Ankersmit. Historiography and post modernism: reconsiderations / P. Zagorin. History, language, iideas and postmodernism: a materialist view / N. Kirk. The end of social history? / P. Joyce. Starting over: the present, the postmodern and the moment of social history / G. Eley e K. Nield. The end of social history? A brief reply to Eley and Nield / P. Joyce. Probing the limits of representation / S. Friedlander. Historical emplotment and the problem of trut / H. White. "Never again" is now / H. Kellner. From exception to exemplum: the new approaches to Nazism and the "Final solution" / W. Kansteiner. The Holocaust and problems of representation / R. Braun. Is it possible to misrepresent the Holocaust? / B. Lang. [191] HPOU1 POU, Pablo Jauralde Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645) / Pablo Jauralde Pou. - Madrid : editorial Castalia, 1999. - 969 p.

[192] CMQUI2 QUINONERO, Juan Pedro De la inexistencia de España / Juan Pedro Quiñonero. - Madrid : Tecnos, 1998. - 449 p. - (Ventata abierta) [193] DPRAN1 RANGEL, Alberto A educação do príncipe (esboço histórico e crítico sobre o ensino de D. Pedro II) / Alberto Rangel. - Rio de Janeiro : Livraria Agir editora, 1945. - 294 p. [194] ESREA1/1 REALOJAMENTO E INTEGRACAO SOCIAL Realojamento e integração social : a população do vale de Algés perante uma operação de requalificação urbana. - Lisboa : Colibri, 1998- . - (Socinova / dir. Rui Santos) - . Volume 1, Construção indicial e estratégia de observação / Maria Margarida Marques... [et al] 184 p : quadros. [195] DPREN3 RENOUVIN, Pierre Introduction à l'histoire des relations internationales / Pierre Renouvin e Jean-Baptiste Duroselle. - Paris : Armand Colin ed. - 527 p. - (Agora / dir. François Laurent ; 182) [196] DPRES1 LA RESTAURACION, ENTRE EL LIBERALISMO Y LA DEMOCRACIA

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La restauración, entre el liberalismo y la democracia / ed. Manuel Suárez Cortina ; colab. Á. Barrio Alonso... [et al]. - Madrid : Alianza editorial, 1997. - 391 p. - (Alianza Universidad ; 890) . - Contém: La restauración (1875-1900) y el fin del imperio colonial. Un balance historiográfico / Manuel Suárez Cortina. El conservadurismo canovita y los orígenes de la restauración: la formación de un conservadurismo moderno / Fidel Gómez Ochoa. La manchas del leopardo: la difícil reforma desde el sistema y la estrategias de la socialización conservadora / María Jesús González Hernández. La crisis del liberalismo en Europa y en España: Canalejas en la encrucijada de la restauración / Salvador Forner Muñoz. La democracia frailófoba. Democracia liberal y anticlericalismo durante la restauración / Julio de la Cueva Merino. El sueño de la democracia industrial en España, 1917-1923 / Ángeles Barrio Alonso. Demócratas sin democracia. Republicanos sin república. Los demócratas españoles e italianos en el apogeo y crisis del Estado liberal, 1870-1923 / Manuel Suárez Cortina. [197] CMRIB1 RIBEIRO, Darcy O povo brasileiro : a formação e o sentido o do Brasil / Darcy Ribeiro. - 2ª ed., 13ª reimpr. - São Paulo : Companhia das Letras, 1999. - 476 p. : graf. . - 1ª ed., 1995 [198] GCAT RODRIGUES, José Fragmentos para uma ilha dos amores / José Rodrigues ; textos de Agostinho da Silva e Vasco Graça Moura. - Lisboa : espaço d'arte TLP, 1993. - 68 p. - Catálogo de exposição.

[199] HROD1 RODRIGUES, Urbano A vida romanesca de Teixeira Gomes / Urbano Rodrigues. - Lisboa : Ed. Marítimo-colonial, 1946. - 329 p. [200] DPROR1 RORTY, Richard Pragmatismo y politica / Richard Rorty ; trad., introd. e ed. Rafael del águila. - Barcelona : Paidós : I.C.E./U.A.B, 1998. - 124 p. - (Pensamiento contemporáneo ; 55) [201] RROS2 ROSENZWEIG, Franz The star of redemption / Franz Rosenzweig ; trad. da 2ª ed. de 1930 por William W. Hallo. - Londres : University of Notre Dame Press, 1985. - 445 p. [202] GDIC THE ROUTLEDGE DICTIONARY OF TWENTIETH-CENTURY POLITICAL THINKERS The Routledge dictionary of Twentieth-century political thinkers / ed. Robert Benewick e Philip Green. - 2ª ed. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 277 p. [203] FROU1/1-10 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY

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Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1993-1999. - 10 v [204] FROU1/1 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY From the beginning to Plato / ed. C. C. W. Taylor. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1997. - 494 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; I) . - Contém: The polis and its culture / Robin Osborne. The Ionians / Malcolm Schofield. Heraclitus / Catherine Osborne. Pythagoreans and Eleactics / Edward Hussey. Empedocles / M. R. Wright. Anaxagoras and the atomists / C. C. W. Taylor. The sophists / G. B. Kerferd. Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics : Thales to Plato / Ian Mueller. Socrates and the beginnings of moral philosophy / Hugh H. Benson. Plato : metaphysics and epistemology / Robert Heinaman. Plato : ethics and politics / A. W. Price. Plato : aesthetics and psychology / Christopher Rowe. [205] FROU1/2 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY From Aristotle to Augustine / ed. David Furley. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1999. - 457 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; II) . - Contém: Aristotle the philosopher of nature / David Furley. Aristotle's logic and metaphysics / Alan Code. Aristotle : aesthetics and philosophy of mind / David Gallop. Aristotle : ethics and politics / Roger Crisp e Trevor J. Saunders. The peripatetic school / Robert W. Sharples. Epicureanism / Stephen Everson. Stoicism / Brad Inwood. The sceptics / Michael Frede. The exact sciences in hellenistic times : texts abd issures / Alan C. Bowen. Hellenistic

bioligical sciences / R. J. Hankinson. Neo-platonism / Eyjólfur K. Emilsson. Augustine / Gerard O'Daly. [206] FROU1/3 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Medieval philosophy / ed. John Marenbon. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998 . - 510 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; III) . - Contém: Boethius : from antiquity to the Middle Ages / John Marenbon. From the beginnings to Avicenna / Jean Jolivet. Averroes / Alfred Ivry. Jewish philosophy / Colette Sirat. Philosophy and its background in the early medieval west / Rosamond McKitterick e John Marenbon. John Scottus Eriugena and Anselm of Canterbury / Stephen Gersh. The twelfth century / John Marenbon. Methaphysics and science in the thirteenth century : William of Auvergne, Robert Grosseteste and Roger Bacon / Steve Marrone. The intellectual context of later medieval philosophy : universities, Aristotle, arts, theology / Stephen Brown. Bonaventure, the german dominicans and the new translation / John Marenbon. Thomas Aquinas / Brian Davies, OP. The Paris arts faculty : Siger of Brabant, Boethius of Dacia, Radulphus Brito / Sten Ebbesen. Henry of Ghent and Duns Scotus / Stephen Dumont. Ockham's world and future / Arthur Gibson. Walter Burley, Peter Aureoli and Gregory of Rimini / Stephen Brown. Late medieval logic / Paul Vicent Spade. Late medieval philosophy, 1350-1500 / Zénon Kaluza. Paris and Oxford between Auroli and Rimini / Chris Schabel. Suárez and later scholaticism / Jorge Garcia. [207] FROU1/4 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY

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The renaissance and seventheenth-century rationalism. - reimpr.. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1999. - 444 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; IV) . - 1ª ed., 1993. - Contém: The philosophy of the italian renaissance / Jill Kraye. Renaissance philosophy outside Italy / Stuart Brown. Science and mathematics from the renaissance to Descartes / George Molland. Francis Bacon and the man's two-faced kingdom / Antonio Pérez-Ramos. Descartes : methodology / Stephen Gaukroger. Descartes : methaphysics and the philosophy of mind / John Cottingham. Seventeenth-century materialism : Gassendi and Hobbes / T. Sorell. Spinoza : metaphysics and knowledge / G. H. R. Parkinson. The moral and political philosophy of Spinoza / Hans W. Blom. Occasionalism / Daisie Radner. leibniz : truth, knowledge and methaphysics / Nicholas Jolley. [208] FROU1/5 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY British philosophy and the age of enlightenment / ed. Stuart Brown. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 395 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; V) . - Contém: Lord Herbert of Cherbury and the Cambridge platonists / Sarah Brown. Science and british philosophy : Boyle and Newton / G. A. J. Rogers. Locke : knowledge and its limits / Ian Tipton. Locke's political theory / Ian Harris. George Berkeley / David Berman. David Hume on human understanding / Anne Jaap Jacobson. Hume : moral and political philosophy / Rosalind Hursthouse. British moralists of the eighteenth century : Shaftesbury, Butler and Price / David McNaughton. The french enlightenment I : science, materialism and determinism / Peter Jimack. The french enlightenment II : deism, morality and politics /

Peter Jimack. The scotish enlightenment / M. A. Stewart. The german aufklärung and british philosophy / Manfred Kuehn. Giambattista Vico / Antonio Perez-Ramos. Rousseau and Burke / Ian Harris. [209] FROU1/6 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY The age of german idealism / ed. Robert C. Solomon e Kathleen M. Higgins. - reimpr. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 408 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; VI) . - 1ª ed., 1993. - Contém: From Leibniz to Kant / Lewis White Beck. Kant's copernican revolution / Daniel Bonevac. Kant's moral and political philosophy / Don Becker. Kant : Critique of judgement / Patrick Gardiner. Fichte and Schelling : the Jena period / Daniel Breazeale. Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit / Robert C. Solomon. Hegel's logic and philosophy of mind / Willem de Vries. Hegel, spirit, and politics / Leo Rauch. The young hegelians, Feuerbach, and Marx / Robert Nola. Arthur Schopenhauer / Kathleen M. Higgins. Kierkegaard's speculative despair / Judith Butler. [210] FROU1/7 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY The nineteenth century / ed. C. L. Ten. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1994. - 466 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; VII)

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. - Contém: The early utilitarians : Bentham and James Mill / G. L. Williams. Whewell's philosophy of science and ethics / Struan Jacobs. J. S. Mill : ethics and politics / R. F. Khan. J. S. Mill : logic and methaphysics / John Skorupski. Sidgwich / C. A. J. Coady. Comte and positivism / Robert Brown. Nietzsche / Robin Small Dilthey / Michael Lessnoff. Logic and the philosophy of mathematics in the nineteenth century / John Stillwell. Philosophy of biology in the nineteenth century / Jagdish Hattiangadi. The separation of psychology from philosophy : studies in the sciences of mind 1815-1879 / Edward S. Reed. American pragmatism : Peirce / Cheryl Misak. American pragmatism : James / J. E. Tiles. Green, Bosanquet and the philosophy of coherence / gerald F. Gaus. Bradley / T. L. S. Sprigge [211] FROU1/8 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Twentieth-century continental philosophy / ed. Richard Kearney. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1994. - 524 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; VIII) . - Contém: The beginnings of phenomenology : Husserl and his predecessors / Richard Cobb-Stevens. Philosophy of existence I : Heidegger / Jacques Taminiaux. Philosophy of existence II : Sartre / Thomas R. Flynn. Philosophy of existence 3 : Merleau-Ponty / Bernard Cullen. Philosophy of religion : Marcel, Jaspers, Levinas / William Desmond. Philosophies of science : Mach, Duhem, Bachelard / Babette E. Babich. Philosophies of marxism : Lenin, Lukács, Gramsci, Althusser / Michael Kelly. Critical theory : Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas / David Rasmussen. Hermeneutics : Gadamer and Ricoeur / G. B. Madison. Italian idealism and after : Gentile, Croce and others / Giacomo Rinaldi. French structuralism and after : de Saussure, Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, Lacan, Foucault /

Hugh J. Siverman. French feminist philosophy : de Beauvoir, Kristeva, Irigaray, Le Doeuff, Cixous / Alison Ainley. Deconstruction and Derrida / Simon Crichley and Timothy Mooney. Postmodernist theory : Lyotard, Baudrillard and others / Thomas Docherty. [212] FROU1/9 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Philosophy of science, logic and mathematics in the twentieth century / ed. Stuart G. Shanker. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 461 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; IX) . - Contém: Philosophy of logic / A. D. Irvine. Philosophy of mathematics in the twentieth century / Michael Detlefsen. Frege / Rainer Born. Wittgenstein's Tractatus / James Bogen. Logical positivism / Oswald Hanflin. Logical positivism / Oswald Hanflin. The philosophy of science today / Joseph Agassi. Chance, cause and conduct : probability theory and the explanation of human action / Jeff Coulter. Cybernetics / K. M. Sayre. Descartes'legacy : the mechanist / vitalist debates / Stuart Shanker. [213] FROU1/10 ROUTLEDGE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Philosophy of meaning, knowledge and value in the twentieth century / ed. John V. Canfield. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1997. - 466 p. - (Routledge history of philosophy / ed. G H. R. Parkinson e S. G. Shankar ; X) . - Contém: Philosophy of language / A. P. Martinich. Formally oriented work in the in the philosophy of language / Nino B. Cocchiarella. Metaphysics I (1900-45) / William James DeAngelis.

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Metaphysics II (1945 to the present) / Bernard Linsky. Ethics I (1900-45) / Michael Stingl. Ethics II (1945 to the present) / Robert L. Arrington. Epistemology / Paul K. Moser. Wittgenstein's later philosophy / John V. Canfield. Political philosophy / Arthur Ripstein. Feminist philosophy / Sarah Lucia Hoagland e Marilyn Frye. Philosophy of law / Calvin G. Normore. Applied ethics / Justin Oakley. Aesthetics / George Dickie. Philosophy of religion / Edward R. Wierenga. [214] FSAI1 SAITA, Thomas P. The problem of being modern : ou the german pusuit of enlightenment from Leibniz to the french revolution / Thomas P. Saine. - Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1997. - 370 p . - O presente volume é uma versão inglesa, revista e aumentada, de Von der kopernikanischen bis zur französischen: die auseinandersetzung der deutschen frübaufklärung mit der neuen zeit, Berlim, 1987. [215] FSAR1 SARTHOU-LAJUS, Nathalie, 1967- L'éthique de la dette / Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus. - Paris : PUF, 1997. - 229 p. - (Questions) . - Obra que tem origem na tese de doutoramento defendida na Universidade Jean-Moulin (Lyon III9, a 31 de Maio de 1995. [216] FSCO1/1-14 SCOTISH ENLIGHTENMENT

Scotish enlightenment. - fasc. - Londres : Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 19 -19 . - v. . - Colecção destinada à publicação de fontes e estudos relevantes do iluminismo escocês, é constituida por três séries, das quais a biblioteca adquiriu a primeira (8 volumes) e terceira (6 volumes). A 3ª série é editada como subcolecção de History of British philosophy. [217] DPSHE2 SHEARMUR, Jeremy The political thought of Karl Popper / Jeremy Shearmur. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 217 p. [218] CMSIM4 SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR Simone de Beauvoir : a critical reader / ed. Elizabeth Fallaize. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 208 p. . - Contém: Rereading the Second sex / J. Okely. Sex and gender in Simone de Beauvoir's Second sex / J. Butler. Beauvoir: the weight of situation / S. Kruks. 'Independent women' and Narratives of liberation? / T. Moi. The master-slave dialectic in The second sex / E. Lundgren-Gothlin. The father in Memoirs of a dutiful daughter / F. Jeanson. Mudering the mother in Memoirs of a dutiful daughter / A. Hugues. Encounters with death in A very easy death and the in decline in Adieux: a farewell to Sartre / E. Marks. self-encounter in She came to stay / H. Barnes. She came to stay: the phallus strikes back / J. Heath. Mythical discourse in The woman destroyed / A. Ophir. Narrative strategies and sexual politics in Beauvoir's fiction / E. Fallaize.

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[219] DPSIM3 SIMONS, Jon Foucault and the political / Jon Simons. - reimpr. da 1ª ed. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1996. - 152 p. - (Thinking the political / ed. Keith Ansell-Pearson e Simone Critchley) . - 1ª ed. 1995 [220] HSNO1 SNOOKS, Graeme Donald The laws of history / Graeme Donald Snooks. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 293 p. [221 DPSOC1 THE SOCIAL CONTRACT FROM HOBBES TO RAWLS The social contract from Hobbes to Rawls / ed. David Boucher e Paul Kelly. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1994. - 276 p. . - Contém: The social contract and its critics: an overview / David Boucher e Paul Kelly. Hobbes's contractarianism: a comparative analysis / Murray Forsyth. John Locke: social contract versus political anthroplogy / Jeremy Waldron. Locke's contract in context / Martyn P. Thompson. History, reason and experience: Hume's arguments against contract theories / Dario Castiglione. Rousseau, social contract and the modern Leviathan / Jeremy Jennings. Kant on the social contract / Howard Williams. Hegel's critique of the theory of social contract / Bruce Haddock. Marx against the social contract / Lawrence Wilde. Contractarianism and international political theory / John Charvet. Women, gender and contract: feminist interpretations / Diana Coole. Gauthier's contractarian morality / Margaret Moore. Justifying 'justice': cantractarianism,

communitarianism and the foundations of contemporary liberalism / Paul Kelly. Economic justice: contractarianism and Rawl's difference principle / Rex Martin. [222] ESSOM2 SOMBART, Werner El burgués : contribuición a la historia espiritual del hombre económico moderno / Werner Sombart ; trad. María Pilar Lorenzo, rev. Miguel Paredes. - 7ª ed. - Madrid : Alianza editorial, 1998. - 371 p. - (Historia y geografía. Ensayo ; 93) [223] DPSTA4 STAVRAKAKIS, Yannis Lacan and the political / Yannis Stavrakakis. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1999. - 188 p. - (Thinking the political / ed. Keith Ansell-Pearson e Simon Critchley) [224] CMSTE1 STEEL, Valerie Paris fashion : a cultural history / Valerie Steele. - 2ª ed. revista e aumentada. - Oxford ; Nova Iorque : Berg, 1998. - 327 p. : il. [225] HSTO1 STOCKTON, David Cicero : a political biography / David Stockton. - Oxford ; Nova Iorque :Oxford University Press, 1971 (cop.). - 359 p

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[226] FSUA1 SUAREZ, Francisco Disputes métaphysiques / F. Suárez ; texto integral, apres., trad. e anot. Por Jean- Paul Coujou. - Paris : Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1998. - 344 p. - (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques / Jean-François Courtine) [227] DPTHO2 THOMAS, D. A. Lloyd Locke on government / D. A. Lloyd Thomas. - reimpr. da 1ª ed. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1998. - 141 p. - (Routledge philosophy guidebooks / ed. Tim Crane e Jonathan Wolff) [228] ESTOG1 TOGALI, Teodoro Dario Keynes and the neoclassical synthesis : Einsteinian versus Newtonian macroeconomics / Todoro Dario Togali. - Londres : Routledge, 1998. - 377 p. - (Routledge studies in the history of economics ; 21) [229] DPTWE1 TWENTIETH CENTURY POLITICAL THEORY Twentieth century political theory : a reader / ed. Stephen Eric Bronner. - Londres ; Nova Iorque : Routledge, 1997. - 415 p. . - Contém: The public sphere / J. Habermas. Liberty and revolution / B. Croce. The future of mandkind / K. Jaspers. Justice as fairness: political not metaphysical / J. Rawls. The search for the Great Community / J. Dewey. The public and the private realm / H. Arendt. The procedural republic and the unencumbered self / M. J. Sandel. On being conservitive / M. Oakesshott. What is liberal

education? / L. Strauss. The adversary culture and the new class / N. Podhoretz. Conclusion to beware anarchist!: A life for freedom / A. Souchy. In the midst of crisis / M. Buber. Beyond the legitimate state / R. P. Wolff. From the rights of man to socialism / J. Jaurès. Democracy and dictatorship / R. Luxemburg. Liberal socialism / C. Rosselli. Aphorisms on socialism / H. M. Pachter. What is to be done? / V. I. Lenin. The revolution against capital / A. Gramsci. The dictatorship of the proletariat / J. Stalin. On the correct handling of contradictions among the people / Mao Tse-tung. Scenes and doctrines of nationalism / Maurice Barrès. Fundamental ideas / B. Mussolini. What the Falange wants /. Primo de Rivera. Nation and race / A. Hitler. The state of contemporary philosophy and the tasks of an Institute for SocialResearch / M. Horkheimer. Theses on the philosophy of history / W. Benjamin. Liberation from the affluent society / H. Marcuse. Introduction to the postmodern condition: a Report on knowledge / J.-F. Lyotard. Truth and power / M. Foucault. Contingent fondations / Judith Butler. Introduction to orientalism /E. W. Said. The doctrine of the sword / M. K. Gandhi. Concerning violence / F. Fanon. Building new men / Che Guevara. Socialism and the american negro / W. E. B. Dubois. Letter from Birmingham jail / M.L. King, Jr. The balott or the bullet / Malcolm X. Introcuntion to the second sex / S. Beauvoir. Introduction to the politics of woman's liberation / J. Freeman. Conclusion to woman's consciousnesss, man's world / S. Rowbotham. The marter's tools / A. Lorde. Eoclogy and freedom / A. Gorz. Epilogue to the death of nature / C. Merchant. The world as laboratory / U. Beck. The end of history? / F. Fukuyama. Into the future / S. E. Bronner. [230] ESBLA2 UGARTE BLANCO, Juana

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Discurso historia informatica : la palabra economía en los textos económicos españoles del siglo XVIII / Juana Ugarte Blanco ; pref. Maurice Tournier ; apres. Clara Giner. - Oviedo : Universidad de Oviedo, 1996. - : quadro, gráf. 144 p [231] LUSQ2/1-2 USQUE, Samuel Consolação às tribulações de Israel / Samuel Usque ; estudos introdutórios Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi e José V. de Pina Martins. - Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien, 1989. - 2 v. . - vol I: . - 409 p. - contém os estudos. - vol. II: 288 p. - facs. da edição de Ferrara, 1553. [232] FVAL1 VALENTIM, Helena Topa, 1968- Predicação de existência e operações enunciativas / Helena Topa Valentim. - Lisboa : Colibri, 1998. - 128 p. - (Estudos / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Hunanas da Universidade Novas de Lisboa ; 2) . - Dissertação de mestrado em Linguística: teoria do texto, apresentada à FCSH/UNL. [233] ESVAZ2 VAZ, Francisco António Lourenço A difusão das ideias económicas de António Genovesi em Portugal / Francisco Lourenço Vaz. - Lisboa : Centro de História da Cultura, 1999 . - separata de Cultura- revista de história e teoria das ideias, v. XI (2ª série), p. 553-576.

[234] ESVAZ1 VAZ, Francisco António Lourenço O pensamento de D. José de Azeredo Coutinho, Bispo de Elvas / Francisco António Lourenço Vaz. - Marvão : Câmara Municipal, 1998 . - separata de IBN Maruan: revista cultural do Concelho de Marvão, nº8 (Dez. 1998), p. 309-324 [235] CMVAZ1 VAZ, Francisco António Lourenço Pinelo : uma aldeia aldeia com história e tradições / Francisco António Lourenço Vaz ; fotografia Filomena Branco e Paulo Pires. - Pinelo : [s.d.], 1999. - 39 p. : il. [236] GCAT VEIGA, Raul da Silva Catálogo de documentos do cartório de D. Luís da Cunha (1709-1749) / Raul da Silva Veiga. - Coimbra : INIC : Centro de Estudos de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da FLC, 1991. -533 p. - (História Moderna Contemporânea ; 8) [237] HVIC4 VICENTE, António Pedro Almeida em 1810 : primeira etapa de uma invasão improvisada / António Pedro Vicente. - Coimbra : Faculdade de Letras, 1987 . - Separata da Revista de História das Ideias, v. 8, pp. 879-902.

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[238] LVIC1 VICENTE, Gil Obras de Gil Vicente / Gil Vicente ; antologia de Isabel Allegro de Magalhães ; estudos de Luciana Stegagno Picchio... [et al]. - Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1999. - 84 p. - (História e antologia da literatura portuguesa século XVI) [239] DPXAV1 XAVIER, Ângela Barreto "El rei aonde póde, e não aonde quer" : razões da política no Portugal seiscentista / Ângela Barreto Xavier. - Lisboa : Colibri, 1998. - 193 p. - (Estudos / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa ; 1) [240] FYOV2 YOVEL, Yirmiyahu Kant et la philosophie de l'histoire / Yirmiyahu Yovel ; trad Jacqueline Lagrée. - Paris : Méridiens Klincksieck, 1989. - 266 p. - (Philosophie / dir. Olivier Bloch) [241] DPZAN1 ZANGER, Abby E. Scenes from the marriage of Louis XIV : nuptial fictions and the making of absolutist power / Abby E. Zanger. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1997. - 244 p. : il.