bibliography primary sources -...

Bibliography Primary Sources Sayyed Qutb's Own Work Qutb, Sayyed. (1945), Al-tasawwur al-Jannii fii al-Quran (The artistic conception in the Quran) (Lebanon: Daru-shshuruq, n.d.) Qutb, Sayyed. (1946). Tift mina al-qaryah (A boy from the village). (Jeddah: Darus-Saudiyah Linnashir, n.d) Qutb, Sayyed. (1946) Al-madiina al-mas-huurah (The enchanted city). Cairo: Daru-shshoruq, n.d. Qutb, Sayyed. (1949) Al-' adaala al-ijtimaa' iyyah Fit-Islam, (Social justice in Islam). Beirut: Daru-shshoruq, 1967 Qutb, Sayyed. (1951) Ma'rakat al-islaam wa al-ra'smaaliyyah. (The Battle between Islam and Capitalism (Beirut: daar al-shuruuq. 1966) Qutb, Sayyed. (1951). Al-salaam al- 'aalamii wa al-islaam. (Islam and universal peace) (Beirut: Maktabt Wahba Bin Abidin, 1967). Qutb, Sayyed. (1953) Diraasaat islaamiyyah. (Studien in Is1am).Beirut: daar al- shuruuq. 1973 Qutb, Sayyed. (1960). Haadaa ai-diin. (This religion of Islam). Beirut: daar ai- shuruuq.n.d Qutb, Sayyed. (1960) Ai-mustaqbai lihaadaa ai-diin. (The future belongs to this Religion) Beirut: Daru-shshoruq, 1978

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Page 1: Bibliography Primary Sources - Primary Sources Sayyed Qutb's ... (Mission of Poets in Life


Primary Sources

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shuruuq. 1973

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Page 2: Bibliography Primary Sources - Primary Sources Sayyed Qutb's ... (Mission of Poets in Life

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