bio mimi cri

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  • 7/29/2019 Bio Mimi Cri



    Biomimicry - An IntroductionBiomimicry - An Introduction

    The conscious emulation of nature by turning towards it as a mentor can be called

    as Biomimicry.Biomimcry as the name suggests, indicates the mimicking of the

    biological designs, processes & laws to the design of human systems.

    Biomimicry (from bios meaning life, and mimesis meaning to imitate) is a

    new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and

    processes to solve human problems. Studying a leaf to invent a better solar cell is an

    example. The core idea is that nature has already solved many of the problems

    humans are grappling with. Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate

    engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most important,

    what lasts here on Earth. All organism, plants, animals, fungi, algae, and bacteria

    must grow, maintain, feed, and reproduce to ensure their short-term and long-term

    sustainability. The same can be said for humans. But the way industrial humans have

    gone about meeting their needs is quite different from the way other organisms

    survive, and therein lies the root of our sustainability crisis. However, the

    characteristics displayed by natural systems evolving, adaptive and sustainable are the

    exact same characteristics that have to be striven for, in our human systems today.

    Application of Biomimicry to Civil Engineering


    The structures of biological systems such as the beehives, termite nests, the cell

    membrane, spider webs or other organelles-are available to humankind. The nature is

    always available as both an inspirational model as well as a view of the progress of bio-

    materials and a means to break away from stagnant patterns and realize the expanded

    possibilities afforded by technology and bios-centered thinking. The structural patterns

    found in the living organisms has revealed the intriguing facts that their application in the

    designing of our buildings will definitely help us achieve economy and disaster resistant

    building construction.


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    Rob Beug has defined bio-architecture as an investigation into the potential for

    biological organisms to influence architecture.

    Every living organism on Earth represents a perfectly functioning system, welladapted to the environment as a result of the millions of years of evolution.

    The last two centuries, however, have seen a deterioration of this relationship

    between architecture and nature. Today, buildings are usually looked at as isolated

    machines, and nature is largely ignored. To a large extent, this alienation from the natural

    world was made possible by technological advancements brought on by the industrial


    The mechanical systems that allowed this comfort also allowed buildings to be

    divorced from their environment, as buildings no longer needed to be designed to

    maximize sun and wind, or use local materials. Unfortunately some very serious

    repercussions of this approach are now becoming apparent.

    Environmental crisis, suggests a number of measures to be taken for achieving

    heating energy and water economy, garbage recycling and more efficient elimination of

    auto exhaust gas pollutants. In particular, it proposes to cover unused surfaces in the city

    courtyards, facades and roofs with vegetation.

    The choices architects make in designing buildings have a big impact on the

    health and sustainability of our planet. When one begins to look at how life forms

    function and adapt, it becomes clear that if an organism is to survive, it must fit within

    the natural cycles of life. In nature, everything is interdependent and being constantly

    recycled. Buildings must fit in with these natural cycles as well.



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    As stated by Rob Beug Bio-architecture is explained as:

    An investigation into the potential for biological organisms to

    influence architecture. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings, which are,

    conceptualized as living organisms.

    Buildings and other large structures that are similar to plants or

    animals in form or function.

    A style and method of design and construction.

    Orderly arrangement of parts in an organic way; structure: the bio-


    Given the current global environmental imperatives, it is essential to develop a

    philosophical approach in which buildings are seen less as isolated machines and

    more like organic systems. Recognizing this relationship and building on it, has the

    potential to inform an architecture that not only produces more ecologically sound

    buildings, but also can create rich, meaningful and pleasurable spaces.


    A relationship between biology and architecture may seem like a strange conceptat first thought, but in fact there are many parallels between buildings and life forms.

    Living organisms have evolved over millennia in a competitive system that forces them

    to optimize their functionality and efficiency that are very important issues, especially

    when the environmental imperatives of today are considered. Life forms are often very

    beautiful and fascinating and as architecture is also an art, there are obvious relationships

    here as well.

    These relationships are categorized into two main types:

    Aesthetics: Associations, which deal with the look or outward appearance.

    Functional: Associations dealing with how things work, energy and waste systems.


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    This section will look at associations between the appearance of buildings and

    that of living organisms. Architects in their buildings have used visual features of life

    forms such as colors, symmetry, patterns and shapes.

    The diversity of shapes, colors and patterns in living organisms is utterly

    immense. Even though much of living matter is profoundly beautiful, there is a functional

    basis to everything. This can range from patterns that camouflage the organisms to avoid

    being eaten, to bright colors that attract other creatures for mating or pollination. Forms

    evolve to meet environmental conditions, maximizing the ability of the organism to

    survive and reproduce.

    The beauty of the natural world hasbeen a source of inspiration to

    architects and builders for thousands

    of years. Egyptian temples were

    adorned with plant shaped columns, arranged informations to mimic

    forest canopies.

    The ancient Greeks corinthian column was a

    celebration of nature with its leaf like elements,

    while the spirals of the ionic column bring to mind

    the graceful shape of sea shells.

    This spiral minaret from the Great Mosque of

    Samarra (842) in present day Iraq seems to be

    clearly inspired by the spiral shape of a seashell.

    Unusual buildings arouse curiosity in people.

    However, organic forms also seem to always be


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    popular with the general public. Curving, flowing shapes are found in all living

    organisms. These organic shapes are part of our innate conception of beauty.

    Using life forms as a source of decorative inspiration can be quite appealing, and

    even useful in the sense that it can attract people to the building, and thus potentially

    make it more successful and / or profitable. Elements that are strictly decorative are not

    the only way to accomplish this and do not represent the best value. Delving deeper into

    natural systems, to find the underlying structural and functional principles, could provide

    for a more meaningful and even greater visual appeal than decoration alone.

    Every element in a living organism has a purpose; beauty is the result of

    good design, not the goal of it. The same principle is applied to architecture.

    FUNCTIONAL ASSOCIATIONSThis section will look at some well-established analogies between biological

    forms and buildings, particularly in relationship to animals. It is shown how well the

    functions of the organisms can be mimicked to emanate efficient functional system in our



    Buildings, like animals, input food (energy) and expel waste materials. Building

    waste, in the form of combustion emissions or garbage from operations or construction,

    often can not be broken down by natural means. This creates an imbalance in the global

    system, and is ultimately unsustainable over the long term.

    The solutions to this problem are complex but ultimately very simple - buildings

    must fit within the global balance of life. Energy inputs must come from sustainable

    sources, and waste must be recyclable, either by natural or by technological means. The

    Design section will highlight many methods by which this can be achieved.


    Animal circulatory systems are often likened to water or air distribution

    systems in buildings. Just as many mammals and insects have heat exchangers in their


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    circulatory systems, similar systems exist for buildings, which can greatly reduce heat

    lost through exhaust air or combustion gases.


    The ventilation systems are compared to the respiratory system of the living

    organisms. Buildings must perform a similar function of warming and filtering outside

    oxygen as required. Natural ventilation, if properly designed like by using atriums filled

    with plants and water can not only provide pleasurable and relaxing spaces, they provide

    pure, humid air which can be used to condition other spaces within the building, reduce

    energy consumption and makes the place comfortable.

    Building envelopes In buildings the outer walls could be compared to skin.

    Currently, most building skins function only to isolate interior from exterior, however

    many of the more sophisticated systems employed by animals to stay warm or cool can

    be applied to buildings. Ventilated cavity skins work by placing a second layer of glass

    on the outside of the usual window or exterior wall. This airspace, traps solar radiations

    just like a polar bears black skin or fur do. This heat can be used for heating and

    reversibly, to cool the building by opening vents at the top to create a stack effect and

    draw cool air into the building.


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    The Telus building retrofit in Vancouver by Peter Busby

    includes a new second skin with a ventilated cavity over the

    existing building facade.


    Most buildings today are static entities, however adding operable elements, which

    respond to environmental conditions, has greatpotential to increase energy efficiency.Studying how muscles work could provide valuable clues to make buildings more

    responsive and therefore efficient.The capacity for movement would have many

    advantages for buildings. These could include:

    Solar Tracking - maximizing solar exposure throughout the day

    Adjustable Louvers - to tune the building to seasonal changes

    Shutter systems - to keep heat in or out.

    Wind Catchers - to either capture wind for use in ventilation, mechanical energy or

    electrical generation.

    The Venezuelan pavilion from Expo 2000 Fruito Vivas and Otto Frei has external panels,

    which open and close much like a flower.


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    Norman Fosters retrofit of the Reichstag in Berlin

    incorporates a rotating shading device in the new

    glass dome. In some ways, it mimics the

    heliotropism of plants like sunflowers as they move

    with the sun.


    Gyorgy Doczi,(1994) The Power of Limits.Shambhala Publishing Inc., London

    www.Bio-Architecture - ENG.htm

