black crusade house rules

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  • 7/25/2019 Black Crusade House Rules


    Chapter II: Character Creation (pg. CR 70/CE 86)

    Stage 4: Explore The Paion!hen generating a "eretic# the pla$er %&t chooe a Pri'e# igrace an' a oti*ation# reg&larl$

    thi +o&l' en,orce characteritic change that %ight not ,it the pla$er- *iion o, hi "eretic. &t

    no+ thi ha change'# thi ho+e*er i not en,orce'# &t open &p a %ore ,ree +a$ o, a,,ecting ho+

    the heretic- ,ailing ha*e a,,ecte' hi%# e*en rena%ing the% (Tho&gh thi %&t e %oti*ate' to the

    )# a pla$er %a$ till chooe to &e the% a the$ are in the oo1.

    Each character %a$ elect &p to three o, the ,ollo+ing on&e:

    +5 to one Characteristic (excluding Infamy)

    +3 to two Characteristics (excluding Infamy)+3 to one Characteristic (excluding Infamy) and +1 Wound

    +2 Wounds

    +3 Infamy

    +5 Corruptionxchange two characteristics

    !n extra starting !c"uisition (with a +2# modifier to $alue)! +1# %ituational &odifier to a specific type of 'est (suect to *&s discretion)

    For each bonus selected above, the character must select one of the following penalties:

    ,5 to one Characteristic (excluding Infamy)

    ,3 to two Characteristics (excluding Infamy)

    ,3 to one Characteristic (excluding Infamy) and ,1 Wound

    ,2 Wounds,3 Infamy

    +5 Corruption

    ! ,1# %ituational &odifier to a specific type of 'est (suect to *&s discretion)

    Note that any given value can only be adjusted by a single selection (positive or negative). It is notallowable to stac three selections to get !" #ounds or !$% &orruption, nor can more than one

    additional 'cuisition be taen in this manner.

    Example. Jason has rolled characteristics, chosen both the race Space Marine and archetype Sorcerer,

    for his new heretic named Quixos. Jason now has to choose Quixos's failings, which is when readingthrough the options prove that choosing is tricy Jason wanted Quixos to have a Martial !rowess as

    !ride but with "anged #eaponry as focus, but the raw rules of the boo doesn't allow this. $s Quixos's

    %isgrace, Jason wanted to pic &ubris, but it doesn't fit as Quixos' &ubris is that he loses intelligencewhen Jason wanted &ubris to be one of ntelligence, that Quixos taes on any riddle, conundrum,

    seeing himself as a pure genius and that all others are about e(ual to a )rox. *ut with the new rules of

    how Jason can pic freely from the choices and then add, subtract what he saw fit, Jason's final "esult

    for Quixos looed lie this, which fitted better to his vision.

    !ith ne+ r&le 2&ixo 3ailing loo1 li1e thi:

    *allistic !rowess+ - *allistic Sill, / #eapon Sill, 0 #ound.

    &ubris+ - ntelligence, - 1ellowship.

    $rcance+ / ntelligence, / #illpower, 2 #ounds.

    !itho&t the ne+ r&le the choice +o&l' loo1 li1e thi intea':

    Martial !rowess+ - #eapon Sill, - ntelligence.

  • 7/25/2019 Black Crusade House Rules


    &ubris+ 2 nfamy, 3 ntelligence.

    $rcane+ 3 4orruption, 2 ntelligence, / Strength.

    Chapter I: Talent an' Trait (pg. CR 554/CE 50)!hen generating a "eretic an' pla$ing the ga%e Pla$er are a+ar'e' Experience Point (P) to

    pen' a the$ pleae on S1ill# Characteritic an' Talent. In lac1 Cr&a'e- Core R&leoo1 thereare a et a%o&nt o, Talent a*aliale# &t acro the other ga%e ,ro% !arha%%er 40000

    Rolepla$ing a%e there exit talent that 'o not exit in lac1 Cr&a'e. &t i, agree' et+een

    oth the a%e ater () an' Pla$er# thi lit o, a''e' Talent %a$ e &e' an' o&ght $ oth

    Pla$er an' accor'ingl$. Incl&'e' in thi lit are ne+ Talent ,ro% other ga%e an' alo Core

    Talent that ha*e een change' accor'ingl$.

    &hanged alents:a%e: Step $side

    ecription: 'he -eretic can sway his ody out of the path of an attac./ causing it to pass through thin air0 -e

    may ma.e an additional odge once per ound0 In effect this gi$es him a second eaction that may only e

    used to odge/ allowing two odges in a 'urn0 -owe$er/ he may still only attempt a single odge against one


    Prere9&iite:$gility+ 35, %odge

    Tier: 2,lign%ent: 6naligned

    a%e: Swift $ttac

    ecription: 'he -eretics speed and martial aility allow him to land flurries of lows0 !s a 4ull !ction/ he

    may ma.e two melee attac.s on his 'urn0 If he has the 'wo,Weapon Wielder 'alent and is wielding two melee

    weapons/ he gets the ad$antage of %wift !ttac. with only one of the weapons/ and a single attac. with the other0

    If he has the 'wo,Weapon Wielder 'alent and is wielding a melee weapon in one hand and a gun

    in the other/ he gets the ad$antage of %wift !ttac. with the melee weapon and a single attac. with the gun0

    Prere9&iite: #eapon Sill /-

    Tier: 2,lign%ent:7horne

    a%e:8ightning $ttac

    ecription: 'he -eretics speed with weapons is legendary/ allowing him to launch flurries of attac.s0 !s a 4ull

    !ction/ the character may ma.e three melee attac.s on his 'urn0 'he effects of this 'alent replace those of %wift

    !ttac. rather than adding to them0 'he use of ightning !ttac. may not e comined with ual %tri.e0 If the

    xplorer has the 'wo,Weapon Wielder 'alent and is wielding two melee weapons/ he gets the ad$antage of

    ightning !ttac. with only one of the weapons/ and a single attac. with the other0 If he has the 'wo,Weapon

    Wielder 'alent and is wielding a melee weapon in one hand and a gun in the other/ he gets the ad$antage of

    ightning !ttac. with the melee weapon and a single attac. with the gun0

    Prere9&iite: Swift $ttac

    Tier: /,lign%ent:7horne

    a%e: 9wo#eapon #ielder :*allistic;Melee?

  • 7/25/2019 Black Crusade House Rules


    'alent or %.ill0@