board of directors kailash chand sharma, · board of directors kailash chand sharma, (managing...


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Page 1: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)
Page 2: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director)

J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director)

Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Umesh Trivedi

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;ti! itif (upto 23.04P011) :+: .u

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REGISTERED OFFICE & FACTORY : Nagpur Kalan, Ordinance Factory Road, ltarsi (M.P.) Ph. 07572 262636 Fax07572262639


: Ankit Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., (SEBI REG. No. INR 0000007670) 60, Electronic Complex, Pardeshipura, lndore M.P. Ph. 0731-2551745.

Page 3: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)


NOTICE is hereby given that the 21'' Annual General Meeting of the Members of NATRAJ PROTEINS LTD. will be held at the Registered Office of the Company at Nagpur-Kalan Ordinance Factory Road, ltarsi 4611 11 (M P.) on 29Ih ~ e ~ t e m b e r , 2012 at 2:00 P M to transact the following business:

I. ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31" March 2012 and Profit 8 Loss

Account of the company for the year ended 31"' March 2012 together with the report of the Directors 8 Auditor's lhereon on that date.

2. To appoint a director in place of Shri Giriraj Gupta, who retires by rotat~on and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment.

3. To appoint a director in place of Shri Sharad Kumar Jain, who retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-appointment. . , , , . , , , . ,. . . , . ., . ., .. . ' i. , , , , .,, ,

4. To appoint Auditors ariCl'to fix their remuneration. . , ,, .'. ,,, ..,, . . , , , .,. ,,,,' .


5. To consider and it3hought fit, to pass with or without mod~fication(s) if any, the following Ordinary Resolution:

, ::::

RESOL&D THAT Shri Pradeeo A& ia~ . who was ao~ointed an additional director bv tne Board w e 1 14' May 2012 an; on respec: of whdm a not ce ~ n u e r section 257 of tne Companies Act 1956 has &en recelveo from membeg sgn,'y~ng !hear ntent~oi to propose Snr. Pradeco Aararval as a cwrdMate for Me offace of the 0 rec'or of tne Com~anv at the fonh . , - . . . coming &nual genera1;Wtin d and apsnted as 3 director and he is liable@ retire by ro'wn. ;. ( i i ;

:: ,:.::,;:

6. To consider and &thought , ~ . ation(s) if any, the following as Ordinary Resolution: ..; . ,

,,. ,..

ions of section 198, 269, 302, 309, 310 read with ons of the Companies M, 1956 if any, Shri Sharad as thq Whole-time 0ireihor of the Company for a

@ 20%:l tpe following terms, conditions and

, , , .

c ~ t l o w a n c e s ~ ~ e r ~ d sltes s~o]ect to a maxlmlm of Rs 3.00.000 p a as dnaer 1 Re.,mbdrsement of medical expenses cf the Whole-tlme Dhector ana has famllv tne tota. cost

of which to the Company shail not exceed one month's salary in the year three months salary in a block of thr!e years.

2. Leave travel assistance: Expenses incurred for self and family in accordance with the Rules of the Company.

3. Club Fees: subject to a maximum of two clubs, this will not include admission and life membership.

4. Personal accident insurance premium not exceeding Rs. 8,0001- p.a. NOTE: For the purpose of perquisites stated in Category "A" above. "Family" means the spouse, the dependent children and dependent parents of the appointee.

CATEGORY A: i. Employers Contribution: to Provident Fund As per the Rules of the Companies Act. 1956. ii. Gratuity: As per rules of the company, subject to a maximum ceiling as may be prescribed

'.i? under the Payment of Gratuity Act from time to time. iii. Leave encashment: up to 15 days salary for every one year completed service as per the rules

of the Company.

Page 4: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Provided that the above said perquisites shall not be counted for the purpose of calculation of the remuneration payable to the Whole-time Director.

CATEGORY 8: 1. Car: The Company shall provide car with driver for the Company's business and if no car is

provided reimbursement of the conveyance shall be made as per actual on the basis of claims submitted by him.

2. Telephone 8 Cell: Free use of telephone at his residence and Cell phone, provided that the personal long distance calls on the telephone shall be billed by the Company to the Whole-time Director.

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT in the event of there being loss or inadequacy of profit for any financial year, the aforesaid remuneration payable to the Whole-time Director shall be the minimum remuneration payable by the Company.

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT there shall be clear relation of the Company with the Whole-time Director as "the Employer-Employee".

II also be entitled for the ng expenses incuned by efitsl amenities and other utives of the Company.

Place: l tan i Dated: 25th August, 201 NOTE:


2 The Comoanv has w e ansfer Books from 24" ~eptember, 2012 t o m ~eptember, 2012 (both days inclusive) for the p&se of the AGM.

3 Members holding shalib*, Liars registered against their resoective deoositow acwun t of dividend. the Comoanv or its kegistrar and ~ r i n s f e r Agent cannot act on any request receiied directly from the hembers'hoding shares in electronic form for any change of bank particulars or bank mandates, such changes are to be advised only to the depository participant of the members.

4 (a) Members are requested to notify immediately any change of address; i) To their Depository Participants (DPs) in respect of their electronic share accounts; and ii) To the Company to its Share Transfer Agents in respect of their physical

share folios, if any. (b) In case the mailing address on this Annual Report is without the PINCODE,

members are requested to kindly inform their PINCODE immediately.

(c) Non-resident Indian Shareholders are requested to inform Share Transfer Agents il* immediately:

i) Change in the residential status on return to lndia for permanent settlement. ii) The particulars of NRE Account with Bank in India, if not furnished earlier.

5 Relevant documents referred into the accompanying notice are open for inspection by the members at the Registered office of the Company on all working days, except Saturdays between 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. upto the date of meeting.


Page 5: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

6 Members who are holding shares in identical order of names in more than one folio are requested to send to the Company the details of such folios together with the share certificates for consolidating their holdings in one folio. The share certificates will be returned to the members after making requisite changes thereon.

7 Members desires of obtaining any information concerning Accounts and Operations of the Company are requested to address their questions in writing to the Company at least 7 days before the date of the Meeting so that the information required may be made available at the Meeting.

8 The Company has connectivity with the CDSL 8 NSDL and equity shares of the Company may also be held in the Electron~c form with any Depository Participant (DP) with whom the members/ investors having their depositay account. The lSlN No. For the Equity Shares of the Company is INE444D01016. In case of any queryldifficulty in any matter relating thereto may be addressed to the Share Transfer Agents Ankit Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. 60, Electronic Complex Pardeshipura, lndore (M.P.)

9 As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, facility for making nominations is now available to INDIVIDUALS holding shares in the Company. The Nomination Fwm-20 prescribed by the Government can be obtained from the Share Transfer Agent or may be down load from the website of the Ministry of Comoanv affairs~ . . . . -. . , -. . - -.

10 The SEBl has mandated the suDmisson of PAN by every participant in secLntles marKet members holding shares in elwSonlc form afe therefme rwwsted )a suMnit the PAN to the~r depository

are maintaini Accounts. ~ e m y - s holding shares in are Transfer Agen '\MIS Ankit Consultancy Pvt.

Ltd. -... '. ik !.I stating that service of To support these green their email address, so

Members who umn in the members

ses for attending the

Industries I Shri Sharad 48 B.Sc. 26 years experience 1 24.08.2009 Kumar Jain in Soya Industry Whole time and Real Estate (5.06%) Director 1 mess. Shri Pradeep 52 M.Corn. More than 20 years Aqrawal Ex~erience in independent Director I I 1 ~ekhnical Field 1 I 1 1

Industrial and Civil Construction


Date:ZSth August, 2012 Place: ltarsi


Page 6: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)



ITEM NO. 5: Shri Pradeep Agrawal was appointed by the Board as an additional director of the Company w.e.f 14m May. 2012 in order to Broad base the Board of directors and to comply with the requirement for the independent directors as per Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement as well as to utilize his expert knowledge and advises.

The Company has received a notice uls 257 of the Companies Act, 1956 from members proposing his appointment for the office of the director of the Company. Looking into his experience and qualifications, your Board recommends the appointment of him as the director of the Company and proposes to pass the respective resolution as set out in item No. 5 of the Notice for approval as an Ordinary Resolution.

Except, Shri Pradeep Agrawal, none other directors are interested or concerned in the resolution

ITEM NO. 6: Shri Sharad Kumar Jain was auuointed bv the Board as the Whole-time Director of the Comuanv w.e.f. 01.10.2011 for a period of three,: ears therefore it is reTi?d to seek approval of the members.for his appointment. .&is&, , i ! ? i ? libil"?.ii%flii~~!g!i!&i~

. hb.

Directors has conside 011 on the terms and to by the Company with

vary the terms and co ed to between the


This should be cons Whole-time Director of th@ ncern or interest of the Directors in the said re-ap@n

Except, Shri Sharad 5um;iC/Jai

...., 'g!il:i- ~:."."'.*""";iiI"'""""" ' * .

~ate :25 '~ August, 2012 .l..,Z2$9!*, ....!!* 4~j i t !~~: i l t i~ i8 j? l


Page 7: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(2fdfdd&ywe-f: 207 7-2072; C N A T R A J PROTIENS L I M I T E D )

DIRECTORS' REPORT To. The Members, Natraj Protelns Limlted

Your Board of d~rectors has pleasure in presenting their 21" Annbal report on the business and operations of the Company a ong with h e Audited Balance Sheet and Proft 8 Loss A c w ~ n t s for the year ended 31" March 2012.

1. FINANCIAL RESULTS: Financial Results of the company for the year under review along with the comparative figures for previous year

In order to strengthen t recommend any divi activities of the corn

the previous year.

Your directors also good parity on export of DOC. However, the crops and as the mem s, an agricultural product. which is purely dependent monsoon and the climatic conditions of the C

WlND POWER DIVISION The company is having Wind Power Mill in the state of Tamil Nadu for 750 KW capacity. The wind mill has generated 1192476. Units during the year.

4. DIRECTORS: The Board consists of executive and non-executive directors including independent directors who have wide and varied experience in different disciplines of corporate functioning.

Shri Pradeep Agrawal, was appointed as the Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. 14'%ay, 2012. The Company has received a notice from a member under sedion 257 of the Companies Ad. 1956. signifying his intention for appointment as a director of the Company at the forthcoming annual general meeting.

Shri Sharad Jain had been appointed as the Whole-time Director. The Board had appoint him w.e.f. l* Oct, 2011 for a period of 3 years on the terms, conditions and remuneration as set out In the notice of the forthcoming annual general meeting.

Tbe office of Shri Hitesh Yadav as a director was ceased w.e.f. 23* Sept., 2011.

Shri Giriraj Gupta and Shri Sharad Kumar Jain will retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.

Your directors submit necessary resolutions for respective appointments before the members of the Company.

G o

Page 8: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

5. DEPOSITS: Your Company has not accepted deposits from the general public within the meaning of the provisions of section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956. There was no overdue/unclaimed deposit as at the date of the Balance Sheet. The Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank of India or any other Court or Tribunal against the Company has passed no order.

6. DIRECTORS' RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT: In accordance with the provisions of section of 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956,your directors state that: . In the preparation of accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed. . Accounting policies selected were applied consistently. Reasonable and prudent judgments and

estimates were made so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of March 31. 2012 and the profits of the company for the year ended on that date. Proper and sufficient care has been taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting 'records in accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities. The annual accounts of the company have been prepared on the going concern basis.

7. SHARE CAPITAL 8 LISTING: The Equity Shares of the Company may also be kept in the electronic form as your company has connectivity from the Central Depository SqiceD::btdi.:(CD§L).Ianrt~N~lI~&~t~~Services Ltd. (NSDL) to provide facilities to all members and jpyestors to hold the Company's shares in dematerili'ied form. Equity shares are listed wittithe Mumbai, Madhya:pa?e:and Ahmedabad ~toc&xchan~es. The Company is regular in payment of anpa l listing fees to all the %&Exchange and there were80 suspension of trading in any stock exchange during the year under review. The Company has also applied @r granting permission for trading of the Equity Shares at the platform of NSE und.5 the permitted category throsgh the MPSE.

,.,.., ... The company had forfeite8: 793000 partly paid up equ#$!shares of Rs. 10 each onj$ls' March 2012 on which Rs. 31.53.300 was remained unpaid. hares of Rs. 10 each as fully paid up.

8. PERSONNEL: The Company continues ta,have cordial

, . 9. AUDITORS: Mls. Bhutoria Ganesan 8 Co., Chart Auditors of the company retires at the close of this Annual rece~ved conflrmar on from the A-dlton that ther re-appointment wll be wlthln the mlts prescr oed under sectlon 224118) of the Cmoan~es k t . 1956 The Audit Comm ttee of the Board has recommended thew re- appointmeni. he necess~ry'resolutidnis ,..,, being plac&kfore ,.. the shareholders for a&roval. ...

:,: ... , . 10. AUDITORS' REPORT;::

. ,

The report of the auditors'& the cb tory and therefore do not call for any further comments a 217(3) of the Companies Act. 1956.

11. INSURANCE: The assets of cornpar+ arcadequately insured agai r risks, which has been considered necessary by the management: ...

, , , (I ' ..'. ,.:;, ,.,: <::,, , , ...... ,,


Information as required under sectio;l 217(l)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of particulars in the Report of the Board of Directors) Rules 1988 have been annexed herewith as Annexure A.

13. COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE: In terms of the provisions of section 383(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company has obtained Compliance Certificate from Jain Gupta B Co., Company Secretaries and enclosed with the Directors Report, as Annexure C.

14. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Corporate governance assumes a great deal of importance in the business life of the company. The driving forces of the corporate governance at company are its core values, belief in people, entrepreneurship.

,.sstomer's orientations and the Pursuit of Excellence. The company's goal is to find creative and productive ways of delighting its stakeholders, ie., investors, customers and associates, while fulfilling the role of a responsible corporate representative committed to the best practices.

Your company has complied with the mandatory requirements of Clause 49 of the listing agreement within the stipulated time. Report on the Corporate Governance has been annexed to the Directors' Report as Annexure 8.

Page 9: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

MANAGEMENT DISCUSSIONS AND ANALYSIS REPORT: A.lNDUSTRYSTRUCTUREANDDEVEL0PMENTS: As so many new projects for SOYA industries have commissioned in past in the state of Maharashtra and surrounding areas of the state of Madhya Pradesh, to get advantage of the Soya production in the crushing activities. 8. BUSINESS OVERVIEW AND FUTURE OUTLOOK: While we cannot predict a further performance will believe considerable opporlunities will exist for sustained. profitable growth, not only in the developing countries but also in the developed westem countries. The Company plans to launch oil in consumable packing to take the retail market, for good profitability. C. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS AND THEIR ADEQUACY: The Company has reasonable system of internal control comparing authority levels and the powers, supervision, checks, policies and the procedures. The Company is having the Audit Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Umesh R. Trivedi. The said Committee reviews the adequacy of internal controls systems and the Compliance thereof. Further the annual financial statement of the company are reviewed and approved by the committee and placed before the Board for the consideration. The Committee also reviewed the internal controls system during the vear. D. ENVIRONMENTS, SAFETY AND BHPR<OY -T(OWt The comoany e taklng 'he step6 for the environment safet). ano the enerqy ccnt#rvaLtsm Your company has recorded further reductio~$It? specific energy c n over the previo through productivity improvements, induction $# innovative energy-e ess technologies of energy stream where feasible. if To conserve grouno water, your company has embarker3 on ralnwater harvestlnq p4ects at the manufactunng sole and greenlng of banen land around factory Furthwa comprehens~ve health chwk of all its employees

Statement made in the m p e n t d~scussion and , are forward looking state nts wlt

. aikifysis report as regards pectations or predictions Actual performance

may deviate from the expl ' t o r i F. SWOT ANALYSIS FO$HE Strengths: ;I:; :a

Strong R 8 D capab& well Integrated supply c q n . Ability to deliver cost$aving . High quality of man wer resod. .. . centralized manuk$ing act@&.

Weaknesses: iJ1' A\*!\r ~.&ufactu"n~ act ivgs are q$!pl is directly related to the

:&k monsoon. Since, the bulky DOC are based on the availability of racks', om and when required and distuld the dispatch he The Comoanv's pro& beina indirectlv exoorted. which has exchan isk and the oaritv of the profitabiliiy isbased oi?&.e&hange the profiiabiliiy of the Company was also affed&.\4-

Threats: Monsoon activities. Competition from the manufacturbrs.

Opportunities: Good monsoon will provide good opportunities to the company. - Price competitiveness.

G. MARKETING AND EXPORT: Though the Company does not export directly, but it plans for direct export in wming season for better realization. The Company's exportigross revenue largely effects the exchange ratio of Indian Rupee viz a viz US $and Euro $. 15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Your directors wish to olace on record their sincere aooreciation and acknowledae with aratitude for the assistance, cooperation' and encouragement by valued 'customers, suppliers, bankers, siareholdecs and ,wployees of the company and look forward for their continued support.

Place: ltaroi Dated: 2 ~ ' ~ ~ u g u s t , 2012

For and on behalf of the Board



Page 10: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Annexure A to the Directors' Report: [Information as per the Companies (Disclosure of particular in Report of Board of Directors) Rules,


b) Total Amount (Rs. In lacs)

c) Rate per KW (in Rs.)

)a) Coal ( M.T.)

b) Total cost (Rs. In lacs

gy. the company had a

year Nil).

Partlcuiars of the employees as requjred under section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of the Employees) Rules 1975, are not applicable as none of the employee of the company is drawing more than Rs. 60,00.000/- P.A. or Rs.5, 00.0001- P.M. for the part of the year, during the year under review.

For and on behalf of the Board

Place: ltarsi Dated: 25th ~ u ~ u s t , 2012


Page 11: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)




1. COMPANY'S PHILOSOPHY ON CODE OF GOVERNANCE: The Company's philosophy on code of Governance as adopted by the Board is as under:

(i) Ensure that the quantity, quality and frequency of financial and managerial information, which management shares with the Board, fully places the Board members in control of the company's affairs.

(ii) Ensure that the Board exercises its fiduciary responsibilities towards shareowners and creditors. thereby ensuring high accountability.

(iii) Ensure that the extent to which the information is disclosed to present and potential investors is maximized.

(iv) Ensure that the decision-making is transparent and documentary evidence is traceable through the minutes of the meetings of the BoardICommittee thereof.

(v) Ensure that the Board, Employees and all concerned are fully committed to maximizing long-term value to the shareow-@@~(#)%)

(vi) Ensure that the cgl.e'Values of the :I

2. BOARD OF DIRECTOM: (i) Details of Directors: ::: The Company is having Six directors in th on of four independent directors in the Board of directors of the Co y as at 31'' March 2012

':: are as under: ,,, --- /Directors 7 Executive/

Shri Giriraj Gupta Shri Hitesh Yadav' Shri Sharad Kumar Jain

, ,... b h r i Pradeep Agrawal 31 N E S / I ~ & ~ ~ _:i.,:::: ,,...

Ceased w.e.f 23.09.201 $ # A p p o ~ w . e . ~ I

(ii) Details of Board Meetlngs held during tbe year: Durtng Ins fit~anc'al year 201 1-12, there was total 10(Ten) meetngs of the Boara or dire-tors of the Company. Details regaroing the oate, venue, sfreneth of the Board and o~redors present at lhe respective meetings are as n nnrler .., .....,, '.. . , . .; ,.....,.,. ::<,., . ' , ~ . . . . , ,

j%%aoard Meetings 1 &la& ' b m l stiengih ' 1 No. if ~irectors 1 ;::' 1- 1 %?Wqs of the Board


01/12/2011 Itarsi, M.P. 06/01/2012 Itarsi, M.P. 14/01/2012 Itarsi. M.P. 14/02/2012 Itarsi, M.P. 4 12/03/2012 Itarsi, M.P.

Itarsi, M.P.

3. CODE OF CONDUCT The Board of directors of the Company has laid down a Code of Conduct for 311 Board members and members of senior management of the company. The Board Members and Senior Management have affirmed compliance with the "Code of Conduct" for the year ended March 31, 2012.

'**4. AUDIT COMMmEE: (A) Brief description of terms of reference:

(i) Review with the management the quarterly/half-yearly financial statements.


Page 12: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(ii) Hold separate discussion with Head-Internal Audit, Statutory Auditors and among members of the Audit Committee to find out whether the company's financial statements are fairly presented in conformity with the Accounting Standards issued by the Central Government.

(iii) Review the company's financial and risk management policies and the adequacy of internal control systems.

(iv) Review the adequacy of accounting records maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1956.

(v) Review the performance of Statutory Auditorj and recommend their appointment and remuneration to the Board, considering their independence 8 effectiveness.

(vi) Perform other activities consistent with the Company's Memorandum and Articles, the Companies Ad, 1956 and other Governing Laws.

(vii) Review and recommendation for the appointment of the Cost Auditors and the Cost Audit Record and Reports.

ommittee to express the Annual General

1 ; 1 2'"ugust,201 1 ; R. Trivedi, in which

. , .., , , , , . . . . , . . , ..,.,, ,, ."'.. ,.. . . . , . , . , proper quorum was pwsent. ,...,. ., ,. ,.., ...

The Committee consid6red the draft 3rinual &untsj@ the ye&~$bll-12. ~ h a i ~ o m m i t t e e also reviewed financial and risk makgement p o l 9 j o f the Cqqjpsr&;md . , , , , , , . . . , , . . .defiUldts, . . . if any in payment to the creditors, financial institutions and reasons t w g f . ., ., ,.. ., .. .. .., .,,., '... ..,. . , . , , , . . . . . , , , , . ,

, . . , . . . , . , 5. .SHAREHOLDER~'I~F~\~ESTORS&&VANCE C&MM~TTEE: (A) Brief description of t k m s of refj#rice:

., . , , . . , . . , .... , The Company has a i#hareholdaml Grievance 8Fransfer Committee' at the Board level to look into the Redressing of sharehdglers andiim%stor's comple'i~ts like: (i) Transfer of Shbes,$p~a(ld de1.a~ in confirmation ..., in D-mat of shares. (ii) Non-receipt of~nnua!ifj*~,&g;;jii ,;;?;;;:: i ; . ::.

,.. ,,,.,, ..... '., ..... ,.., ..... ', ... ',, ,.~'.'..,'.., '., .... '. .. , ,,., ' , . . ,

'Ceased w.e.f. 23.09.2011 #Appointed w.e.f. 14" May. 2012

(i) Name and designation of Compliance Otficer : Shri K.C.Sharma, Managing Director

(ii) Number of shareholders complaints received during the year : 2 (iii) Number of complaints solved during the year : 2 (iv) Number of complaints pending at the end of the year : 0

The Company has given powers to implement transfer, transmission and D-mat of Shares to the Share Transfer Agent and to resolve the relating problems as professional agency. The Committee meets only on specific nature of complaints not resolved within a period of 14 days from the date of its receipts.

6. REMUNERATION COMMITTEE: (a) Brief description of terms of reference:

The terms of reference of the Committee are to review and recommend compensation payable to the executive directors. The Committee also ensures that the compensation policy of the Company provides for performance- oriented incentives to management.

Page 13: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

d -- -21' NA TRAJ PRO TIENS - L 1~-0.

Director NEDIIND Director NEDllND

Mr. Hitesh Yadav' Director NEOIIND Mr. Pradee A rawal# Director NEDllND -- Member

During the year under review, one meetings of the Remuneration Committee was held.

(c) Payment of non-executive directors and composition of the Committee: The Company is not paying any remuneration to the non-executivelindependent Directors except, sitting fees for the attending of the Board or the committee meetings.


at large. Register of contracts containing transactions in which directors are interested is placed before the Board regularly for its approval.

During the last three years there was no penalty, strictures imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBl or any Statutory Authority, on any matter related to capital markets.

10. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION: Quarterly results of the Company are published in leading newspapers such as Freepress Journal in English and Chotha Sansar in Hindi. The results were promptly submitted to the Stock Exchanges where the shares of the Company are listed. The Management Discussion and Analysis have been given in the Directors' Report.

11. GENERAL INFORMATION TO SHAREHOLDERS (i) Date, Time and Venue of Annual General : 2 9 ~ September. 2012

Meeting at 2.00 P.M. at Nagpur Kalan, Ordinance Factory Road, ltarsi (M.P )

Page 14: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(ii) Financial Calendar: First Quarter Results Second Quarter Results Third Quarter Results Results for the year ended

(iii) Dates of Book Closure

: April 2012 to March 2013 On 12Ih ~ugus t , 2012 On or before 14'"ov., 2012 On or before 14Ih ~ e b . , 2013 On or before 14th May, 2013

: From 24Ih Sept. 2012 to 29Ih Sept, 2012.

(iv) Board meeting for consideration : ~ 5 ' ~ ~ugust . 2012 of Annual Accounts

(v) Posting of Annual Report : On or before 41h Sept.. 2012

(vi) Last date for receipt of Proxy : 27Ih Sept., 2012

(vii) Listing on Stock Exchanges :'The Stock Exchange, Madhya Pradesh Mumbai Stock Exchange Ltd., Mumbai

'The Stock Exchanae. Ahemdabad The Compatiy has passet! special resol~ton for me volmtary del~sr~ng of shares from the Stock exchange Maonya Pradesh and Ahmedabad at the Annual General Meet~ng neld on 29 09 2004

,.. ... (viii) Scrip Code ,,. ,.,

The Stock ~xchangg Madhya Pradesh ;:I!&fi. The Stock Exchangs, Ahemdabad $@#L Mumbai Stock Exchanae Ltd.. Mumbai :%0119

(xii) Demateriallsation/Rematerialisation: Based on a SEE1 directive, Company's shares are traded in electronic (demat) form. As on 31"

.** March 2012, the Company's shares are held by shareowners in dematerialized form, aggregating 19.51 %of the Equity Share Capital.

NSDL : 516,004 forming 13.77%% of the total equity capital CDSL : 2,15,271 forming 5.74%% of the total equity capital

Page 15: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

., . (Xiv) C

,..! ,. ,

(xiii) Distribution of Share owning as o n 31"' March, 2012:

. . . . Under pledge. Promoters holding.

(xvi) Details of shares credited in the : There were no instance for returning the undelivered suspenseaccount shares therefore, no shares were credited in the escrow account as

per Clause 5(a) of the Listing Agreement. (xvii) Address for Comrnunicalion : Shareholders should address their correspondence to the Company's

Share Transfer Agent, Ankit Consultancy Pvt. Lid.. 60, Electronic complex. Pardeshipura, lndore (M.P.) and may also contact at the registered office of the Company.

(xviii Plant Location. Head Oftice 8 : Nagpur-Kalan Ordinance Factory Road, Address for correspondence ltarsi (M.P.)

car) By order o f the Board

% to Total v i n g of Non I %Of Share Nominal Value of Owners Holders

Place: ltarsi Dated: 25'" August, 2012

Share Amount Rs.



Page 16: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in full conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Accounting Standards issues the financial statements. The Management of Company accepts responsibil~ty for the integrity and objectivity of these financial statements, as well as, for estimates and judgments relating to matters not concluded by the year-end. The management believes that the financial statements reflect fairly the form and substance of transactions and reasonably presents the company's financial condition, and results of operations. To ensure this, the company has installed a system of internal controls, which is reviewed, evaluated and updated on an ongoing bass. Our internal auditors have conducted periodic audits to provide reasonable assurance those he company's established policies and procedures have been followed. However, there re inherent limitations that should be recognized in weighing the assurances provided by any system of internal controls. MIS. BHUTORIA GANESAN 8 CO, Chartered Accountants, the Statutory Auditors of the Company have audited these financial statements.

A.K.SONI K.C.SHARMA MANAGER (F 8 A) MANAGING DIRECTOR Itarsi, 25Ih ~ u ~ u s t , 2012

DECLARATION This is to confirm that all the m . ~ ~ ~ @ , ~ ~ t h ~ i ~ a @ a , & i ~ ~ k X , s , : ~ ~ ~ ~ @ e ~ ~ r Management personnel have affirmed compliance with the lade of Conduct, applicable to them as laid d&&by the Board of Directors in terms of clause 49(l)(D)(li),i~fthe Listing Agreem ... into with the Stock w a n g e s , for the year ended

,,.. ,".. March 31, 2012. ,., . , ,,,, fi\ ,,. For, NATRAJ PROTEINS~.~TD. ~ ' . '.. ' .. .,.

K.C.SHARMA MANAGING DIRECTOR Itarsi, 25Ih ~ u g u s t , 201


TO The Board of directors Natraj Proteins Limited

We have examined the c stipulated in Clause 49 of Listing Agreement e& ancial year beginning lS'April 201 land ending 04i31

The Compliance of coneion the management. Our examlnatlon was lirniteddt& r ed by the Company for ensuring the compliance of t'e. ate Governance. It is ne. dit nor an expression of opinion on the financial stateme We have conducted our r ned by the company and furnished to us for review and the information and explanations given to us by the company. Based on such review, in our opinion, the Corporate Governance Report of the company, referred to above, reflects on a fair basis the status of compliance by the company with the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of the Stock Exchanges, relating to Corporate Governance, for the FY 201 1-12 and that no investors grievances is pending for a period exceeding one month against the Company as per the records mentioned by the Share DepartmenVShare Transfer Agent of the Company.

We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance or as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.


Place: Bhopal R.GOKULAKRISHNAN Date: 2sth August, 2012 PARTNER

M.N. 402792 Firm Reg.No. 004465C


Page 17: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)



CIN: L00153MPl990PLC006090 Nominal Capital: Rs.50.000,000

To, The Members ~ ~

NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED Nagpur Kalan, Ordnance Factory Road ltarsi (M.P.) We have examined the registers, records, books and papers of NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED (the Company) as required to be maintained under the Companies Act. 1956, (the Act) and the rules made there under and also the provisions contained in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company for the financial year ended 31" March 2012 (from 01.04.2011 to 31.03.2012). In our opinion and to the besl of our information and according to the examinations carried and explanations furnished to us by the Company and its management, we certify that in respect of the aforesaid financial year:

I. the the company provisions has of the kept ~;&d"fie:nj,.s~~gb8WP'r"~~~hBIi:Hd8i&m~0 a n d . m @ ~ , ~ d . a U reois~~,as.s&ated jpm4 e p r e ." 'A' to this certificate, as per

... S+rein have been recorded. '": 2. the company has ;&d the forms and retqWi*:gated in Annexure '&$!to this certificate, with the

Registrar of Compt!nies within the time pre&%ld:gd"b8der the Act and the Ruf& .., made there under. ,..

3. the Company bein&,~ublic Limited company h a ~ t h e comments not required,

o ~3~ Sept., 2011 and

2011 was held on ~ 3 ' ~ the resolutions passed

ompanies, referred under

that section.

,... 11. the company has obtiihgd neceSsary approval from the members p u f , ~ ~ to the provisions of section

314 of the Act, where eveP!~ii,'@dgie~~~ii:i~::~!::::~-~~:::"':::::H~~x::"iiiij11;~~~~ .... .... :::.. ....... ... :i ....... r.,:.,r..:ir::;.-,- -*..s

12. the Board of directors or duly constituted committee of directors has approved the issue of duplicate share certificates.

13. the company: I. has delivered all the certificates on transferltransmission of shares during the year under scrutiny

in accordance with the provisions of the Act. However, there was no allotment of securities during the financial year.

11. was not required to deposit any amount in a separate Bank Account as no dividend was declared during the financial year 201 1-12.

Ill. was not required to post warrants to any member of the company as no dividend was declared during the financial year 201 1-12.

IV. was not required to transfer any amount to the Investors Education 8 Protection Fund as there *.* was no amount due for transfer to the above said account relating lo unpaid dividend, application

money due for refund, matured deposits, matured debentures and the interest accrued thereon as remain unpaid or unclaimed for a period of 7 years.

V. has complied with the requirements of section 217 of the Act.

Page 18: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

14, the Board of Directors of the company is duly constituted and appointment of directors, were duly made. However, there were no appointment of additional directors, alternate directors and directors to fiil casual vacancies during the year under scrutiny.

15. The appointment of Whole-time Director has been made in compi~ance with the provisions of section 269 read with Schedule Xltl to the Act, except that the Form 23, 32 and 25C were filed after the prescribed time with late filing fee.

16. the company has not appointed any sole seiling agents during the financial year. 17. the company was not required to obtain any approvals of the Central Government. Company Law

Board, Regional Director, Registrar andlor such authorities prescribed under the various provisions of the Act during the financial year.

18. the directors have disclosed their interest in other firmsicompanies to the Board of directors pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under.

19. the company has not issued any shares 8 other securities during the year under the review. 20. the company has not bought back any shares during the financial year. 21. there was no redemption of preference shares or debentures during the f~nancial year. 22. there were no transactions n tMng.tflammpa~ta MepUI,abeyanse the rights to dividend, rights

shares and bonus shares pe egistration of transfer of shares. ,,,

23. the company has nofinvitedla~ce~ted any @&isitli,including any unsecured loans falling within the purview of section 58A during the financial yea.

24, the amount borrow* by the company from the financial institutions, bankj and others during the financial year ending 31" March 2012 are with in.@r,rowing limit of the companlf.

25. the company has not made any loans and adva$j$ or given guarantee or prpided securities to other body corporate and gnsequently no entries have been made, in theregister kept for the purpose. ......... :.::. ..

26. the company has flbt altered the p@@jpns of [email protected]~@lsndu,m with respect to situation of the company's registeredoffice from on@S~td&anothedgting the y@r under scrutiny.

27. the company has nQt altered thecp@isio"$;rjf, th$&morand&$ with res&t to the objects of the company during the year under sqttcRy . . . . . . . , ,' .:,' : . ,. . , ,..: . . . . ,.' , ,,"

28. the company has n i l altered the &isions of t ~ : ~ b & t i ~ with respect to name of the company during the year under scrutiny. ..,. ,,.

29. the company has not altered the'provisions of'ihe Memorandum with respe& to share capital of the company during theyear underwutiny. ., ,

30. the company has notaltered its'hrticles of ~sso i i i t i on during the financial year,

31. there wasiwere no & s e c u t i i r i n i & ~ , :or ghoy caLfse,ndice% received by the Company and no fines or penalties.()r a n ) ! t & e r ~ ~ ~ e n $ w $ s imposed on he company duting the financial year for . . . . . . . . . . ., . . offenses under the Act. ... . . , ...

..;>, ;::, !,: : . ,,. ,, '

32. the Company hasnot recelved%ny morie~.8s security from it$ employeks during the financial year.

33. the Company has not es;iblished&$ ~eparitte1Nstfor:its emplbysesiili418 of the Act.


Date: 25'' ~ u g u s t . 2012 Place: lndore



Page 19: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(2/Ik4dE+w'.. 207 /I-20,?2? -




Section 143 --

Section 150

1 1 togither with copies of c e d i f k k e t ~ . Minute Book containing minutes of Section 193 t----4

I Board Meeting General Meeting

- Audit Committee - Remunerat~onCommittee

Reoister of ~articulars of contracts in which Directors are interested Section 301

Vremat of Shares

... : :: .,.

,.. ..' ~ - . ,,...,.. ,;::::::' ,:#&exure-~ ,.,.:.,:,

Forms and ~eturni).as filed'@the Compafiy.Wth Registrar of Companies, during the financial year ::. ...

S.No. / Form No. i6

1 - - Form 32 1303(1) 2310912011 1 0411OI2011 Yes a -

N A - - A - - 022146369

2 Form 8 125 23/01/2012 31/01/2012 Yes h A 03079521 5



Date: 25* August, 2012 Place: lndore



Form 8 Form 23AC & 72ACA

11/11/2011 ( Yes I N.A. 161 23/09/2011



383 (1A)






21/03/2012 ppp




Yes N.A.

Yes N.A. P71627566

Page 20: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)



1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Natraj Proteins Ltd. as at 31.03.2012 and the relative Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended on 31-03-2012 and also cash flow statement for the year ended on that date. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes, examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also inciudes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management. as we1 as eva uaiing the overa I presentar~on of the financoal statements. We believe that our auolt prov des a reasonable oasls for our opinion


3. As required by ,me Companies (~udit@y'&:M@t) Order 2003 as a@ded by Companies (Auditor's Report) (Mendment) order, 2004, issued'by the Central Governme# of lndia in terms of sub section (4A) ofij~ection 227 of the Compqnies Act, 1956, we encloe in the annexure a statement of the matttjrs specified in the paragraghi4 .~'.,, and 5 of the said order. ;i[

,., .' . ~ ", .. ~l.; '*, ...

.., .,',*, ... ',.,, :1:

4. Further to our comhents in the Annexure r e f e i f ' t o above, we report as tha# i) We have' obtained all thfiijairformation ~@d;ik#g#f!jUl$js whicF;,to the best of our

knowledge and belief we&iiiE#yjary for,&i;p'Li&%$ii:@#@Ur audit. ii; ii) In our odinion, the ~orn@$ ha&&ept #!pr book$iiifi@ccounts i(S required by law so

far as appears from outt#mina8ik:~f~&@e book$:Kj:y :ii .., iii) The BalaEce Sheet a ~ j ~ t a t e m e n f # ~ ~ ~ ! ~ & ~ and Cash f low Statement dealt

with by this report aregiagreement -dk#ijfh%i . . , ,::of accounts.iK iv) In our opinion, the ~ d i i i e Sheet, P,ggig& loss Account and Cashi)low Statement dealt

with by this report ,c6Ijply with th&i&counting Standards refkitred to in section ..., 21 l(3C) df the CoqpWies Act 195djiiij; ... ,,*. .',.

v) On the tiasis of w r i w r e p r e s e n t a s received from the ~ i r e c t q b f the company as on 31st March, 2012, ,and,,!hknn,onrecord by.the..,Roard of DirgCtors, we report that none of the dire&$ - i4i:diquajfi#ifij& (. . _ nn 31" )??ar~:P~1'2Zlfrbm tieing appointed as a director 16, te rm&%jfw rg) ,#:g)?b qection.(13 $,pedign g74 cfjthe Companies Act, ..., ,.,'.,,.* ,,,, .,,,,,, ,::::;: :. : : . . .. , 1956. :1 ! : , ., ,,,, ,,

... . ' ... I..... ::: . : . .,. , ,, '., ,,,. , :::

vi) In our opiGon arid?&fh& bestof& 1nioriafkn.aid i c h d i h g to # explanations given to us, Yle said statement of Accounts, read together with the "NOtFS" thereon, gives information as~requ i r~ :g f tbe ,Eo~nie~;AFt ,.,,.. ...... . ...... ?+:: UWinths;:: ::::::::..;.::! ,,, r so required and give a true and fair view in conform~fy with the Account~ng prlhclples generally accepted in India:

i) In the case of Balance Sheet of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31.03.2012.

ii) In the case of Statement of Profit and Loss, of the Profit of the company for the year ending 31.03.2012.

iii) In the case of Cash Flow Statement of the cash flows, of the Company for the year ended on that date.

For BHUTORIA GANESAN B CO Chartered Accountants Firm Reg No: 004465C

-.* PLACE: BHOPAL Date:25/08/2012


M.NO 402792

Page 21: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)


[Referred lo in our Report of even date on the Accounts of NATRAJ PROTEINS LTD. as at and for the year ended 31" March 20121

1. (a) The company is maintaining proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets.

(b) The fixed assets have been physically verified by the management in accordance with regular programme of verification, which, in our opinion, is reasonable having regard to the size of the company and the nature of its assets. Discrepancies have been appropriately dealt with in the books of account.

(c) The Company has not disposed off any substantial part of fixed assets during the year.

2. (a) The management has conducted Physical verification of inventories at all its locations at reasonable intervals during the year.

(b) The procedures of physical verification of inventory followed by management are in our opinion. reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the company and the nature of its business.

(c) The company is main@Gv.:prpp,er:fe%r+ g f ~ n u W , s n d , . w ~ t e r i a i .,,,. discrepancies were noticed on physical ver~f~catiorl,. ' . .. .,. .,.

3. (a) The company,&s taken loans, unserm&iftcm companies, firms o( other parties covered in the register maintained under section 301 of tne Conipanies Act. 1956. There are twenty two parties and amount involved is.Rs.152.03 Lacs.

(D) The rate of ~ntercsi and other terms arid c;cna,t!ons of unsecured sans ta6en by the company, are prlma fac~e not prejud c al :o the merest of the company.

(c) The payment *he principal amountand interest%ejdeqragylar; .,, (v':,, ,,.. .,.,, ,.. ..,. ..,:::::::::-i, ..:. ,,... .,,.., (d) There is no ov&ciue of more t h & $ i f $ c s . ,'$::

' ,'." '::,, . ,' . .

4. In our opinion, a& according i"@gatioe?&d expl+@on given '@ us, there are adequate internal systems camrnensuratel"niffi the si!&@:'@.compa?~and the nature of its business, for the purchase of invenbry and fixe&g$sets and f6lt..@tht)w:#~bbds , ..., and ~er$zes. During the course of audit, we have not-tome acro+.diny continuing:%hreret6 t6Wct major wea%sses has been noticed in the internal contrdh respect Fthkse areas. ;,?C:''' ,..

... 5. (a) As per the nformat on and explanal~ons given lo us the transacl~ons needed lo be entered lnro a

reglster in pursLance of section 301 of the Cornpantes Act.1956 have been entered

(D) As per the nformat on and explanations given to us tne rransacrtons have been carned 01.1 at pnces wh ch are reasonable hawngregerd to thopmva l,ng market p czs al the relevant tlme

..., :;:,:. . . ,. ,... .' .. ,

6. The company has !kt a q q f w ' t& $blic.&t!ing the&& withln the meaning of sec 58A of the companies Abt 1958 M issued l)y t kd '~esbve Bank &India and the provisions of sectlons 58A and 58AA of the Act and the rules framed there under. No oder has been oassed bv the

company Law ~ o a r d ~ ~ i ~ a l : ~ ~ n y , ~ a ~ , . ~ r i ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ . .,..... ,.,.. !-,:. .... : ...,. ..:. .. .. :..: ~ g ) g i & ~ ; ~ s r i T ; .... , ,.... of India or a& court o; any other tribunal in this respect.

7. In our opinion, the company has an internal audit System However the same has to be strengthened in commensurate with its site and nature of its business.

8. We have broadly reviewed the books of account maintained by the company pursuant to the rules made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under section 209(l)(d) of the Act, in respect of the company's products to which said rules are made applicable and are of the opinion that prima facie, the prescribed accounts and records have been maintained. Further that the Company's product are subject to the Cost Audit.

9. (a) The company is generally regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund, Investor education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income-tax, Sales-tax, Wealth Tax. Service Tax. Custom Duty. Excise Duty. Cess and any other Statutory Dues with the appropriate authorities to the extent applicable. (b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of such statutory dues were in arrears, as at 31st March 2012, for a period of more than six months from the date they become payable.

Page 22: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(c) According to theinformation and explanations given to ~ I S , and as per the records of the company, income tax, sales tax, service tax, custom duty, excise duty, Mandi tax and Cess which have not been deposited on account of dispute are given below :

Name of the ~ a t u r e of - T u t e d ypxelnp to Forum where the dispute I L ta tue I dues Amount (Rs. in which

' ~ f ~ ~ ~ B ~ f o r e 1995-96. Commission. - Petition

I I 1 1 1996-97' 1 has been ' filed with 1 1 L M . P . H ~ court for stay

;:, 1 Xlzdp

M.P.Commercial . Tax

M.P Commerc~al Tax

1 Appellate Board,, B h o p ~

1 2002 1 I 1 Appellate Board, Bhopal ' 1 10. The company does not have any accumulated losses at the end of the financial year and it has not

incurred cash losses in the year under report and in the immediately preceding financial year.

11. Bssed on our audit pmcedures, and as per the information and expianations given to us, the company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution, bank or debenture holders.

12. According to the information and explanations given to us and based on the documents and records produced to us the Company has not granted any loan and advances on the basis of security of by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.

13. The provisions of special statute applicable to chit fund, nidhi or mutual benefit fundlsocieties are not applicable to the company.

14. In our opinion the company is no1 ,dealing or trading in shares, securities, debentures and other investments and hence. the requirements of Para 4(xiv) of the above order are not applicable to the company.

15. According to the information and explanat~ons given b us, the company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from banks or financial institutions.

16. As per the records produced, the term loans have been applied for the purpose for whlch such loans were obtained.

17. According to the information and explanations given to us and on an overall examination of the balance sheet and cash flow statement of the company, we report that funds raised on short-term basis have not been used for tong term investment.

18. During the year the company has riot made'any preferential allotment of shares to parties or companies covered in the register maintamed under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. .

19. There are no debentures issued by the company during the year thatrequire creation of security or charge and therefore the requirement is notapplicable.

20. During the year under audit, there was no public issue of shares.

21. Based on the audit procedures performed for the purpose of reporbng the true and fair view of the financial statements and as per the information and explanations given to us by the management we report that no frauds on or by the company have been noticed or reported during the course of our audit.

PLACE : BHOPAL DATE : 25/08/2012

For BHUTORIA GANESAN 8 CO. Chartered Accountants Firm Reg No: 004465C



Page 23: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

( 3 2 1 w - - NA TRAJ PROTIENS L~MW) .-


~ o t r r r r r n r d r rbuueform un i n , e g r r ; p o n o f f ; n u n ~ ; ~ I s ~ ~ ~ ~ n n n n

A, per our R q m d r v m dete a n o d d

For BHUTORIA GANESAN 8 CO Chartered Accountants Firm Registralion no: 004465C



R.Gokulakrirhnan Partner Membership no: 402782


PLACE: ITARSI DATED : 2510812012

Page 24: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)



(I) Revenue from Operations (gross1 Less: Excise duty Revenue from operatloos (net)

(11) Other Operating Income

11111 Other income

Total Revenue [l+11+111)

Exceptional llems

Extraordinary Items

Profit! (Loss) Bebre Tax

Tax expensee:

Profit I (LOSS) for the year '

Earning Per Equity share

Diluted (Rsl

.VOW rr/<rredlo oboue/orm an hlagralparr u/FinoncMS~.*nmrr

.Isp., our Repa,, o/rvsn d.,. onnnhhd

For BHUTORIA GANESAN LL CO. Charlered Accountants, Firm Regstralion no: 0044656



RGokulaknshnan PaRner

r&Membership no: 402192 J.P.AGRAWAL DIRECTOR

PLACE: ITARSI DATED : 2510812012

Page 25: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)





r A 5 H C6htH<TEI> I.HO\IOI'IHATINC A < ' T 1 \ I ~ l ' I Y l ( A l


YEAH ENDED 31.03.2012


YEAR ENDED 31.03.2011


~4231~1114) 4hdOOO 1 1511,7,,1 ,

(1 31?900)


1119116 d 197g5725 ii27O571) 155111724Y

' l2467hl791 11




1249361 1



~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ - ~ " t i ilcdalacl < .#lllral WII'

Srlc Pnl~csds nl i n cd A \ \ L ~

Illlcrr..l Rrrolvrll

haxi Cuncnl \ r i c a

V E I CA\H I SLO in lP4VLSTlh.C .\CT.IVlrlhS (Bl


Pnmcccdr irnmit i,nbrcurid I o.cni Roierd

Procrr'l, Rcpr>mcl:l finm or Term" LC,"$ Lorn\ lricl< H<lrrowllg3 6asn Ballkl

Pri,cueds ul Sh.8" T a n Bi,m.r.lngs F k s I#ici.rcrl Prld

Crll in hrrzr.. mi-s~ucd l n m m S b H i ~ l d r > i , ,

NET CASH ( I ' S ~ ) G R ~ > M ' M ' ~ N A K ~ G ASTIVITTES o

(g25411bill 0

1707414 lY9hXIOSl



(53,,5571 11 I 1617859(lV I386503111



Cash and Cash Equi,aleots include: (a) Cash i>n Hand

@)Halance, will? U I I ~ E In C v r l ~ n ~ Acc~lunc~

3726016 2073iil9

1 393021 1 1 10420102

7651867 1 12493LII

st., I . t Y ~ \ s ~ l l n P < Y ~ U w l r i I b l l b C ~ ~ I ( F V I IV \L lh ls l l+8+C1

, , ,, , , , . , , ,,,

Cash and (,ill Cqulvrlalli as ion L 4 i l l l I Opsnzn~ B.?lrncr

Car11 andCarh tqu>ralml\ ar ol! i I i~ZII I :<lv i l r lg Halnlrr

lnrreaserDacrrrx in Clnrlnj Cash B l l a i r



Chnrlered Arcounlsnt, Firm Yegiatrslion nn: 004465C


R.Gok",.* Psrtnlr Msmbprrblo no: 402792





,, 1249?hll



Page 26: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)





PAR1 L . ARI I $0 . P E 3 : on , ! I A . u V I A l I ~ : 1 ~ ~ 1 2 0 1 0 I t q ? l ~ 1 1 1 ( I l ~ l d

I ) O ' I > I ~ 1 I I I O I ? L I 2011.1i) 1 101:;o' 1 -L">oI? 1 : 1 1 > ~ 1 1





N d n j Proteins Ltd. Notes forminu Dart o f the flnanclal st*asnte


Note 1 Share Capital

Palgculars AS at 31103120121 As at 3143.2011 Amomnt I Amwm

(a) Authonsed 1 I

2201043758 0

2201043758 2753683

0 89855797

5887476 53998321

50.00.000 Equlty shares o l Rs.101 each 4 , .

ib) Issued Share CapttalSubscnbed 8 Paidup

Equity shares of Rs.10 each 37.470.000.00 4540000 (3747,000 Equily Shares ot Rs. 10 each ) ( Prerbvs yBar. W W O E~99ha186 01 RS 10 each

Less:Cali in arrean 34665M






I I I I 1.11 lormr r.pnlr anachea 100~u.w mares Inr loraar, ras c l . one . a5r cI en. h nares ra. ra lar .r .c H1 1- nv r,arr Ed., ro'le. ol Fo h i , o r ! ~ 5 r * ~ c I en I<


0 L893110699

2291410 0

29356877 6023221




vote oer share

Solvent Exfradion Unit

. . 1 11 Reconciliation of No of sharer autstmdino ir aiven below:.


3220038 0

846868 2373167

1708789 664378





WlndMil l 201 1-2012


3889780 38750968






201 1-2012



Adj not related to Segments


3833312 0


3145882 153306J





28782200 082222331






3589780 38750968



~~ ~ - - - - ~ ~ . . ~


3261802 28782200



1 3) Detalls d lhrrrhoidsrs holdlng more than 5% shares of the total number o l sharer issued by thecornpan)


As at 31-03-2011 4540000

0 0


Partisukm Equity Shares at the beqinninq of the year Add: Shares issued dunnq thevear Less: Shares foifelted during the veer Equitv shares at ths and 01 the year


As at 31.03-2012 4540000

0 793000




Name of the share holder

Equlty shares of Rs 10 each fully pad up

S K Arwa

J P Agrawal

Nandklshare Meha


0 2204263793


846868 62228964

7566265 54662699

19288232 35404467

1896944051 0

1896944081 2291410


3250275945 7556284


8298301 L6651175

As at31-03-2012 As at 31-032011 Number







% o f holdlnq n the class


5 95%


% ot holdlnq in lhe class


Less than 5%


Page 27: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

2 2 - 2 2 I ~ N A TRA J PR 0 TIENS 1 IMITEO

1 d) (I) siares s s ~ e d rorconsiderstion olher man cash in 1ar15 flnannal years - NI (ii) Sharer lrslled by way 01 bonus in la.! 5 inancial yoon - Nil i i i l sharer tauoh1 bac~ n ar t5 flnanciai vears - ~ i l

11.51 Deteilr of calls unpaid

I I I I Equity shares wlth volinq nghfs 1 793000 ) 4716700 01 0

During the year ihe company lorleltad 793000 equQ sharer .against whichcall in arrears was due Amount ongnally received against the foeiled shares nave been grouped lo resewer & surplus amount asamer thal Genera! ~ o s e w e .


E0"lI" shares With vatin0 ,.htS Aggregate of calls unpaid

-by Directors by OhreR

- b y O t e n

11.6) Details ollorfeitsd shares

(Refer Note: 1.6) Closing Balance

(b) General Reserve ( openinglend Closing balance)

(C) Surplus in the Stalemenl o fpml i t &Loss Opening Balance

C l o ~ i n g Balance ':

Term Loan Bank from Banks Ib) Unsecursd loan from

Directors and Relatives

I class of shares

,.,, ... ,., ., .. , : , ). ... , , , . , Term Loan from Banks : ',,) ' ,', :, ,

, ,

.'.. Term loan -Ii ~ ~ . ~ : Q U ~ ~ Y ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : A I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ : : ~ ~ , , : : : ; ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ U I ~ I 14.00%

I3.l.alsscured L ~ ~ " ~ from I

As a 3 1 March, 2012

AS at 31 arch, 2012 I AS at 31 arch. 10'1'1

w Term loan - I from Andhara Bank , Term loan - I1 from Andhra Bank SUB TOTAL

Number Or



Aa at31 Marsh, 2011

Number 01 shares

*mount in RS




~rnount in R*


Plmountarlglnslly paid up


Number 01 shares


Security: Term loan - I from Andhra Bank secured against hypothecation of specific assets acquired out of Term Loan ( Office Building, Godawn Building 8 Upgraded Machiner~es )

Term loan Ii f rom Andhra Bank is seucired b y hapothecation o f asets acquired o u t

of Term loan ( WlndMi l l ) and Equitable Mortgage of land on which Wind Mill is

erected a t Navneetakrishnapuram. Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu.

(3.1.b) The installments due with!" 1 2 months f rom t h e date of Balance Sheet have

been grouped under Other Currrent Liabilities as "Current Maturi t ies of Long Term

Borrowings. ( Refer note no: 7 )

Directors and Relatives

~ o t a l

~rnauntorigina~~y paid up







Page 28: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)



The Deferred Tax Assets & Liabilities comprise of tax effect o f the following timingdifferences:.

DETAllS OF DEFERREDTAX L ABI-IT ES AS LhDER 131 03 2012 13110312011 I I


Deferred Tax Liability

On account of difference in depreciation as per books and income tax



Difference between books and Tax wr i f~dau in : \ l aWHrhd .a%@* , . ' : " ,,, , ( '.:: - ~ 1 6 1 3 0 9 ( .,.. 63541063.00

As at 31-03-2012



As at 31-03-201 1





(Deferred'ax Asset)/ Deferred Tax L~abilty D-ring the year


,,. . , .. ,. ,.,., . , , . , . , . , ,.,., '. 1 . . ~ 309,131 011

::::' 5.1. The working capital borrowing* are sec$%$by way of first+&e on hypothecation of all stocksand receiveable and clalms are collateraly secured by way of first $arge on iggntire fixed assWbf the company excluding assets +ated out of Term Loan -11. Working Capital and Term loan fr& Bank ~ rew l& !~y~u i r~&y ,way of,persqnal auarantce of 3 directors of the company and lien

, ., on FDR Rs. 154 lacs with interest 'Us. 1 6 X ~ : ' l & j ~ ~ ~ a ' 1 , 0 ~ r ( 1 1 2 . . i ' , , :, . , , .

:::: ( ., :;I;.:: :..,: ,:' ,::.:::., ..., '.., . ,. ,. . , , . ,

141768.0011 \766099.00)

Defer tax Liabiltiy for earlier year$: . ,

5 2 Tne snon term oorron ngs aga nsl ware house receipts fpm Ananra Bank Is secure0 by way of plnoge of Ware nodse rece pls and co aterly secLrea oy exlentlon of cdlaterzi seruc lles avafiab e for Work ng Caplta and personal Odarantee of 1 D rectors .


21557&321 22365749

5 3 Tne Snon Term Borronlngs agalna Ware Ho,sq Recetpts from Axs Bank s pr mardy Secdreo oy nay of pleage of Ware rlodse Rece pts ano co ale-ly secLrea bf nay of Persolla1 Guarantee ot 2 Diwtors ofthe Company

, , ,.. ' ,,, ,'.,. ., ..,. , ,. '...., . , , ., .,. , ...,,

1 5.4. The Short Term Borrowings against Ware House Receipts from lndusind Bank is primarily secured by way of pledge of Ware House Receiptsand collatedy secured by way of Personal Guarantee of one of Director of the Company.

- Secured Loans from Banks (5.1.a) Bank Borrowings for Working Capital ( Secured) (5.2.a) Short term loan on Warehouse Receipt from Andhra Bank

(5.3 a) Short term loan on Warehouse Receipt from Axis Bank

(5.4.a) Short term loan on Warehouse Receipt from lndusind Bank

220972097 41996176


159312007 0


472916980 309131011


60694080 99819200

Page 29: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Disclosure under Section 22 of MSMED Act, 2006 (Chapter V- Delayed Payment t o Micro and Small Enterprises)

Note 6 :Trade p a y a b l e ~

Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises

Information in respect of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act. 2006; based on the information available v the company. The required disclosures are given below


Trade payables

Particulars 1 FY 2011-2012 IF.Y 2010-2011 I

The Principal amount ( Interest - Nil) remaining unpaid to any supplier 1265649 I 261988 as at the end of the accounting year I

Amount in Rs


The amount of interest accured and remaining upaid at the end of I NIL I NIL accounting year I

Amount in Rs


Total 12,375,165.00 61,840,093.00

NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED Notes forming part of the financial statements

The amount of further interest remianing due and payable even in the succeeding years unlil such date when the interet dues as above are actully paid to the Small enterprises for the purposes of disallowance as

section 2 3 of the MSMED Act, 2006

Note 7. Other Current liabilities


Payables . (i) Statutory Dues (ii) Expenses,Payable



Current Maturit~es of long term borrowings ( Ref note no: 3(l) (b) )

Advance from Customers Against sales

Credit balances in Current Aic (Re1 Note: 7.1)

Amourtt in Rs

5.049.375 4,902.119

49461 79 1032351

605,771 737,431

1 b)Provision for Income tax( Net of advance tax & TDS) 1 24,591,0091 9,515,381 (

Note : 8. Short-term provisions Particulars

(a) Provision for employee benefits: Provision for Empolyees Retirement Benefit - obligation

for the year 2011-2012


Amount in Rs


' ? Total

Amount in Rs

24,958,627 ( 9.51 5,381

Page 30: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)
Page 31: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

( 21~ddA+k.. 2~11-20f2 / NA TRAJ PROTIENS LIMITEL

Note 10: Long-term loans and advances ( unsecured. Considered Good except otherwise stated)


Security deposits Deposits Unsecured considered good Less: Provision for doubtful deposits

Other Advances Advances Unsecured considered good

Note 13.: Trade receivables



Advence VAT year 2006-07

I) other sank s s ~ a n c e s hsvlng mstvn~y p e i p morethan 12

11.21 Marain Monsv:

'.. '., ..,. ,'... ., Note (12): Inventories , . . ,.~.,,, ... ,...

Amount in Rs

2,556,246 0




Amount in Rs

2,309,569 0





Particulars Trade receivables outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they were due for payment #

Unsecured, considered good Doubtful

Other Trade receivables Unsecured, considered good

Total -

Amount i n Rs

41 16953 0

41 16953

41 132658

41 132658

4524961 1

Amount i n Rs

2888165 0





Page 32: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

I - Total 76548671 1249361' Note 15. Short-term loans and advances I unsecured. Considered Good e x c e ~ t otherwise stated)

Note 14. Cash and Bank Balances

I Particulars I Amount in Rs I Amount in Rs

Particulars Cash and Cash Equivalents (a) Cash on hand (b) Balances wlth banks -Current Acwunts

(a) Securlty Deposits Unsecured . Considered Good

(b) Loans and advances to employees Unsecured, considered good

) Prepaid expenses - Unsecured

Advance for raw mat . ' 24,212,021

Amount in Rs 1 Amount in Rs



1&102123 9890325 Fatty Acid iB89044 618957 Lecithin 26830097 20358098 Clay ( Soya Mitti) S& ,~,. iiB53219 ... 223851

Wheat Paddy Soyabeen Tour Gram

I~ess: Excise Duty I 17256941 17781481

Empty gunny bags Loss due to trading with NCDEX

Sub Total (b) Revenue from operations (a+bJ

2586928 (65350)

44891837 2199453884



86724573 1891171198

I I I Revenue from Operations ( Net) I 21977281901 1889393050

Page 33: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(2ra14n*rru?/E&2aef: 2 U I I - 2 0 7 2 ;- NA TRA J PRO TIENS L /MITE

NOTE NO: 17: OTHER OPERATING INCOME I Particulars I Amount in Rs I Amount in Rs

Income from W~nd Mill ( Energy) Coal Dust Cenvat Refund Excess Provision on VAT written backNAT refund Railway Claim


Note 18. Other income

1 Particulars I Amount in Rs ) Amount in Rs





Note no: 19.1 Details of Material Consumed under broad head as follows


Total Total in '(a+b)

31209900 1900572596


5550858s 171 543366t

Consumption of Raw Matreial & Process Inputs

Consumption of Hexane

Consumption of Refinery and other chemicals

Soya Crude Oil

Soya DOC 1,855,872,248 1 1,646,683,691

82,745.338 12,705.980

Page 34: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Note 20: Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods and Work in Progress

Amount in Rs

(Increase )I Decrease of etock o f . t M . W & Tgtsya) ( 20,461,330.00 1 (36.972.086.00)

IZ feed Gram

Less : Opening stock of trading goods Tour Cattle feed Paddy Gram

@ Increase of stock of trading goods Total(b) Total (a)+(b)


596,244 1,079,936

1079936 0 0 0

0 52001 10

11993641 59881 50

1079936 23181901 483,692.00 1 22.101.965.00

20,945,022.00 1 (14,870,121.00)

Page 35: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Note 21 EmDlovee benefits expense . .

I Particulars I Amount i n Rs I Amount in RI I

Salaries Staff welfare Workers canteen expenses Labour Welfare fund Contributions to provident fund Bonus Directors Remuneration Ern~lovees Retirement Benefit 1 obliaation for current vear as oer acturial

Note 22 : Finance costs

. . . - valution)

I Particulars I Amount in Rs I Amount in Rr

3676181 Total I 96692851 724

. , . . . . . ... ' .... I I . , , , , , . , , :,. Total ~,,...,.. .,'. ., I 38:650,314 1 24,676,

Interest exDensesm &@s Term Loan Working Capitai

Bank Commission/ Processin

Othars Unsecured loans

Consumption of coal , ,

Power charges Diesel consumption 8 D.G.s@~ expenses Repairs and ~aintenance-P&M,refinery,

1,709. 19,854, 1,868,


oiler Maintenance expense$ Labexpenses .'.


Repairs and ~ainlenance-~lectricals Transportation . ' Advertisement ., .. .. Legal Expenses Oftice Ex~enses ... ,..

insurance Expenses Printing BSMtionery Professional BConsultancy F Security Personnel Charges

Amount in Rs



Audit Fees -

For Statutory Audit For Tax Aud~t For Certification Work ( Quarterly Limited Review) Soya DOC Expenses Telephone Expenses Travel Expenses Vehicle Maintenance Godown Building Maintenance Expenses Road maintenance Bad Debts Written off Other Miscelleous Expenses Brokerage VATICST Drum Loading Tin container Expenses


200,000 75,000 36,000

104,894,026 123,423 478,875 227,130 424.737 203,690 68,462 388,202 1,927,165

18,221 249,851 107.837

174,951 265

150.00 50,OO 32.00

77,985,4( 126,83 268,69 179.97 27.22 612.24

364.40 1,583,8€ 158,91 196.3: 101.6i


Page 36: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Note no: 24 Earnings Per Share

1 Particulars I Asat I Asat 1

per share

Net Profit as per P&L Account


Weiahted averaqe number of Eauitv Share

For Basic Earnings per share

For Diluted Earnings per share

31.03.201 1

( EPS is calculated by divic) 1

Computation of Profit for Basic and Diluted Earnings

I .'.

the equity share holders,#the weighted averageliij'jiji:ijj .," ' .'a'.. ..., '.. : :i .,a .... ' ...,. number of equity share3t)utstanding) .,,

: I Basic Earning Per ~ha r< ! ( Rs)

Page 37: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Note no: 25 : Significant Accountina Policies other Notes to Financial Statements for the year:- 201 1-2012


I . Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements The financial statements are prepared on the historical cost convention basis in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles and the Accounting Standards referred to in Section 21 1 (3C) of the Companies Act .


~ ~ m a t e r i a l , At cost or market value whichever is less. Cost is determined on FIFO basis

I --

Stores 8 Spares Consumables, packing ose cost of stores, spares. material. ials purchased in the last

considered. Cost includes rocuring the material,

able vaiue whicheverx ,.. ... ..'

--- or market value ~ h i & ever is-lower. ~ o s t x

Chartered Accountant of India guidelines.

Cash and Cash equivalen!i. for the comprise c*h at bank and in hand and short term investments witgran origi

. .. 4. Recognition of lncomeiand ... ~x&%i tu re ,. . ::; Items of Income and ~ x ~ g n d i t u r llowing which are being accounted for on cash k s i s antum with reasonable accuracy :- ,,.

, ~ , a. Capital Subsidy ,.. b. Insurance Claims . .,

c. Withheld 'payments on ad

5. Fixed Assets and Capital Work in Progress Fix& Assets and Work in Progress are accounted on historical cost basis

6. Indirect Expenses on Expansion In respect of independent project, indirect expenses relating to the project are accounted separately and shall be capitalized at the time of commencement of commercial production. In respect of expansion facilities which are carried concurrently with production facilities of existing units, expenses on administration and supervision incurred on expansion (the bifurcation of which between production and construction activities could not be ascertained) are charged to revenue as the total amount of such expenses is not considered material in the context of expansion expenditure.

7. Depreciation w? Depreciation on all fixed assets put to use is provided on straight line method at rates specified in

Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956 on pro rata date basis, except for Refinery on which depreciation on written down value method at the rate specified in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act is adopted on pro rata date basis.


Page 38: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

8. Impairment Loss Impairment loss is provided to the extent the carrying amount of assets exceeds their recoverable amounts. Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's net selling price and its value in use. Value in use is the present value of estimated future cash flows expected to arise from the continuing use of the asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life. Net selling price is the amount obtainable from sale of the asset in an arm's length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties, less the costs of disposal. During the year there is no impairment loss of any asset. 9. Borrowing Costs Borrow'ng cost directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of fixed assets is capitalized as part of the cost of the asset, up to the date the asset is put to use. Other borrowing costs are charged tothe Profit and Loss Account in the year in which they are incurred. 10. Retirement Benefits. Contribution to Provident Fund is accounted on accrual basis. All Leave encashment dues for the year are settled with in the same year.

Gratuity behg administered by a trust is computed as 15 days salary, for every completed year of service or Dart thereof in excess of 6 nOnttrs and is oauabitKbn retirement !fermlnatronl resianalion. The benefit vests on the employee c he Gratuity plan &pany is a defined benefit scheme w by the insurer to a Gratuity Trust Fund established to whereby these contributions are t

11. Preliminary and S Preliminarv and share placemenibasis) e 12. Taxation: Provision for curre y as per applicable provisions of the lnco ns of the appellate authorities in Compan 13. Taxes on lncome Tax expenses compri x at the applicable en substantively enacted rates. Current tax re axable income for the reporting period. De taxable income and accounting income fo of reversal in one or more subsequent p accordance with provisions of the Income d using the tax rates and tax laws that have b

14. NCDEX Transa The Company is m oya bean oils and Soya De - Oiled C tc. The Company deals on National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Ltd (NCDEX) through broker. The net gain or loss is accounted for in the books afler the transaction is squared up. Gain or loss is recognized in case of cor~ipleted transaction till the year end. 14. Contingent Liabilities Contingent liabilities are disclosed after a careful evaluation of facts and their legal aspects. B) OTHER NOTES: CONTINGENT LIABILITIES l.(a)Estimated amount of capital commitments on contracts to be executed net of advances is Rs. Nil lacs '" (Previous year Rs. NIL. Bank guarantees issued on

behalf of the company Rs. 19.26 lacs (Previous year Rs. 18.00 lacs) 1 .(b) In respect of demand from the Income Tax department, the case is before the Settlement Commission. The company has already remitted tax of Rs.39.80 lacs under protest and shown under advances. As per the legal opinion obtained by the company, there will not be any demand and the entire


Page 39: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

( r a f & d & m m - , ~ TRA J PRO T I E N S L IM/TED

amount is likely to be refunded. However tax on income surrendered before the Commission amounts to Rs.15.90 lacs is shown as contingent liability. The company has filed petition in Honorable High court of M.P for granting stay for referring the case back to the Commissioner Income Tax. The Honsrable High Court granted the stay in favour of the company. Further details in this case is awaited. 1. (C) In respect of demand from the Commercial tax department, the company filed appeal with the Appellate commissioner, Commercial Tax, Bhopal. The amount of Entry Tax demanded in the notice is Rs.0.53 lacs related to the year 2006-07.

1. (d) In respect of demand Rs. 6,32,244 from the commercial tax department for the period 01-04-2006 to 31-03-2007, the company filed an appeal with the M.P Commercial Tax Appellate Board, Bhopal. Against the demand the company already deposited Rs.127000.

2. Sundry Debtors and Sundry Creditors balances are subject to confirmation.

3. The figures of previous year have been reclassified and lor regrouped wherever necessary to confirm to current year classification or group. 4. During the year 201 1-12 the com d. An excess provision on VAT account Rs. 15,14.Q$J;I;#%lti@~~rb&rdli8i@,;II~ ption used for estimating VAT payable as on 31-03-2011~ii~!'' 5. WIND MILL POWER;@OJECT: In respect of Wind Mill &enerator at Navneeta 6. Sale of Generated $wer during the year 2011;12 is 11,77,116 units. ( .. , us Year: 1398312 Units). ... .' ,.. , ..,. .,. ..

7. Income tax provis& account h under Advance ~a#:alc for the yea(s,%sessment i

8. Related Party ~is+sure (As ide Related partv R e l a t i o n d i ~ s

a) Where control exists :: Kailash Cnand Sharma. JP.Agrawal. Sharad Kumar Jain.

b) Key Management Personnel:: Shri.Kailash Cnand Sharma. Managing Director .,' .,.'.,', C) Relatives of Key an dement @$nnel : ~ r . & & s h Sharma related to ~af iaging ... Director ... (d) Other Related ~ a r t i e $ a ~ l ~ ~a&ijji; Traders, ,,., ,.'.,,, . ,..,, .,. ... The parties listed under:@) abo&%re not re~atsbart ies as per requiremen&f Accounting Standard 18. However, as an ,,, a b ~ n d a ~ ~ c a u t i ~ f t p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ u d s d ~ f o r . .... -..::?:: ......:.: ., :, , m a k i . , fi,MnQal , ,

etement ,.: more transparent. I.' .... .:::::,:::.:!:::. .,..,,. .

In respect of above part&, th*#iis'fitiij~ra~Islii"#jtbr doybtfgl.~]&p ~ ~ o $ 3 1 S ' ! ~ a r c h 2012 and no amount has been wri#en off or wi]&en wjwriffi:th&'*% iqire$p&r@@e&s d b f r o m l b them. ... ,,,,,,, ::!'!. ,,... :':!.!!,..,:::$ '," ,.., ::"" ,. .,..., r. ....... :,..., :. , :. ::;: ,; :,,: ; ,,:

9.ln accordance withibe revised accounting standard -15 aregiven d i 0 w which is certified by the actuary and relied upon b?%&.,audi!~~~~; j ~ ~ i f ~ ~ ! ~ 9 ~ j c ! ~ f ~ $ j e s .~ummarwl%e components of net benefit expenses recognized in the p f o f f F % ~ $ s s . 8 b ~ # d . e b n W ~ 6 ~ f I i t y status and amounts recognized in the balance sheet for the'gratuity.

I The company has funded the liability

1 II Change in Plan Assets Fair value of the plan at 31-03-2012131-03-2011 14,36,416


1 Actual Return I 1 Frnnlover's CI

Nil 1 I 30001313

- 1 Plan assets at 31-03-2012131-03-2011 1 14,36,416 I 1346831 1

111 I For the ~ u r ~ o s e of arriving at the liabilitv on 1 . . 1 going concern basis, the Actuary used ' Projected Unit Credit Method

I Retirement Age , 60y&%4

Page 40: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

Withdrawal Rates

1 Future Salary Rise Rate of Discounting Mortality Table

5% at younger ages and reducing to 1%

to older ages according to


1 VII I Balance Sheet Statement 1 31-03-12 1 31-03-11

5% at younger ages and reducing

to 1 % to older ages according to

graduating scale. 6%per annurn

8.00% per annurn LIC (1 994-96) ULTIMATE

The actuarial value of Gratuity Liability calculated on the above assumptions works

I Actuarial (Gain) l Loss on obligations

Amount in Rs I Amount in Rs - 1 Present value of the Obligation at 31-03- 17.76.068 1 13,18,865

graduating scale. 5.75% PA 8.00% PA

LIC (1 994-96) ULTIMATE

31,630 1 1.59.384

- - 1 Balance Sheet

I PBO at the end - Closing Balance

2012 Fair Value of plan assets at 31-03-2012 Un-funded liability at 31-03-12 Unrecognized actuarial gainllosses Unfunded liabilitv recoanized in

17,76,068 1 13,18,865

14,36,416 3,39,652 NIL NIL

13,46,831 (27.966) NIL NIL

Page 41: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

(2fp8d-dkd., 2 0 f f - 2 0 f 3 ~ ~ NA TRA J PRO TIENS 1 /MI

I ( expenses I

1 For Earlier Years I NIL I NIL I Total to be shown in P. & L. Account 1 N.A. I N.A


J.P.Agrawal Managerial r K.C. Sharma Managerial Ritesh Sharma, Related to Managing Director - Remuneration paid during the year Rs. 5.95 lacs. Sharad Kumar Jain- Managerial remuneration paid Rs. 3,00,000

MIS. Saurabh Traders, ltarsi - Purchase of soya bean from Saurabh Traders Rs. 2712.47 (Previous year: 361 1.61 Lacs. )

310341 Amount in Rs 78,366 1.01,538 N.A.

(2,09,249) N.A

31 03-12 Amount in Rs


13. Additional information required under Schedule VI of the Companies Act 1956.

1 (Gain)/ Loss recognized as on 31.03.12 I Net Loss to be shown in PBL alc as

2,35,479 3,67,618

Page 42: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)


Value of imported and indigenous Raw material 8. Stock consumed and percentage thereof including trial run period:

\ 1 Indigenous 18693.63 100% 16599.25 Lacs Lacs

S.N. 1


FIRM R&) NO. 004465C 3,. .'. . .

Particulars Raw Material: Imported

is;: J.P AGRAWAL ' l t ! L : ~ .i....,........ ..,..,, .. . ,,* ,.,,... DIRECTOR '-~:sl~:~#~g~~~:~f&fi:;q:!f:

Year 201 1-2012



Year 2010-201 1



Page 43: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)

NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED Registered Office : Nagpur-Kalan,

Ordinance Factory Road, ITARSI (M.P.)

PROXY FORM INYe ........................................................................................ of being a member1 member of

NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED, hereby appoint ..................... of ................... or failing

mylour proxy to attend and vote on rnylour behalf at the adjourned Meeting of the 21S' Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Saturday the 29'h September, 2012 at the Registered Office at Nagpur-Kalan, Ordinance Factory Road, ltarsi (M.P.) at 2.00 p.m.

As witness mylour hand(s) this ......................................... day of Sept. 2012

Folio No./Client ID No.

Affix Rs. 11- Revenue Stamp

No. of Share Held - Signed ................................... day of Sept. 2012 the said .........


Registered Office : Nagpur-Kalan, Ordinance Factory Road, ITARSI (M.P.)


r Folio NO. I Client ID NO. NO. OF SHARE HELD


1 I hereby record my presence at the 215'Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Friday, 29'" I

September 2012 at 2.00 P.M.


1. Shareholder of Proxy holders are requested to bring the attendance slip with them, when they come to the Meeting and hand it over at the entrance duly signed.

2. Joint Shareholders may obtain additional Attendance Slip on request.

Page 44: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, · BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kailash Chand Sharma, (Managing Director) J. P. Agrawal, (Whole Time Director) Sharad Kumar Jain, (Whole Time Director)


If undelrvered please return to NATRAJ PROTEINS LIMITED Nagpur-Kalan, Ord~nance Factory Road, 'TARSI (M P)461 111