boar’s snore a note from our vicar t - the barony of s snore a note from our vicar t o the...

Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar To the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu, by grace of Their Calon Majesties, Vicar of Coeur d’Ennui. The year of the ram has gotten off to a frigid start, but not to fear - the Spring Equinox is but a few days away, and with it the promise of warmer, greener days ahead. Spring is always a symbol of growth and fresh beginnings. So too for us as Their Majes- ties make ready to interview the candidates in search of a new baronage for Coeur d’En- nui. Their Majesties are looking to us all for our thoughts with regard to the candidates as They work to secure our glorious future. I pray you, uphold your obligation as citizens of the barony and canton. Send our King and Queen your comments on these good folk and how they might perpetuate our group’s health and well-being. Our candidates are: •Sir Cian and HE Mistress Tatiana •TE Magnus and Winnifred •HE Marie and HL Katherine •Lord Zachariah and Lady Maaline Your letters of comment must be in the hands of Their Majesties no later than the Hour of The Rat - midnight - of the sixth day of April. As the land returns to life, so does the fervor of Society activities. Many events are on the horizon, including: •Spring Crown Tournament in the Shire of Carlsby (Lawrence, KS) •Kingdom Arts & Sciences in the Shire of Wyvern Cliffe (Jefferson City, MO) •Melon Wars in the Shire of Flinthyll (Burlington, IA) And not much beyond, Axed Root’s Social event in May. Consult the calendar, make travel plans, and go and enjoy what our kingdom has to offer. There continues to be no shortage of activity at home. A number of projects are begin- ning to take form that promise good fun and new skills. Look to these pages and our forum for more information in the days and weeks ahead. As always: I am a steward, and my duty is to serve. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas that you wish to discuss, you are welcome to visit with me at any time. I consider all such conversations a gift for my betterment and our groups’ and will receive and savor them as such. Until we next meet, health and harmony to you. From my home in the heart of the Boar Ring, at the hour of the horse on this fourth day of the third moon of the twenty-seventh year of Heisei, AS XLIX.

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Page 1: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar

To the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu, by grace of Their Calon Majesties, Vicar of Coeur d’Ennui.

The year of the ram has gotten off to a frigid start, but not to fear - the Spring Equinox is but a few days away, and with it the promise of warmer, greener days ahead.

Spring is always a symbol of growth and fresh beginnings. So too for us as Their Majes-ties make ready to interview the candidates in search of a new baronage for Coeur d’En-nui. Their Majesties are looking to us all for our thoughts with regard to the candidates as They work to secure our glorious future.

I pray you, uphold your obligation as citizens of the barony and canton. Send our King and Queen your comments on these good folk and how they might perpetuate our group’s health and well-being. Our candidates are:

•Sir Cian and HE Mistress Tatiana•TE Magnus and Winnifred•HE Marie and HL Katherine•Lord Zachariah and Lady Maaline

Your letters of comment must be in the hands of Their Majesties no later than the Hour of The Rat - midnight - of the sixth day of April.

As the land returns to life, so does the fervor of Society activities. Many events are on the horizon, including:•Spring Crown Tournament in the Shire of Carlsby (Lawrence, KS)•Kingdom Arts & Sciences in the Shire of Wyvern Cliff e (Jeff erson City, MO)•Melon Wars in the Shire of Flinthyll (Burlington, IA)

And not much beyond, Axed Root’s Social event in May. Consult the calendar, make travel plans, and go and enjoy what our kingdom has to off er.

There continues to be no shortage of activity at home. A number of projects are begin-ning to take form that promise good fun and new skills. Look to these pages and our forum for more information in the days and weeks ahead.

As always: I am a steward, and my duty is to serve. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas that you wish to discuss, you are welcome to visit with me at any time. I consider all such conversations a gift for my betterment and our groups’ and will receive and savor them as such.

Until we next meet, health and harmony to you.

From my home in the heart of the Boar Ring, at the hour of the horse on this fourth day of the third moon of the twenty-seventh year of Heisei, AS XLIX.

Page 2: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

Barony of Coeur d’Ennui Meeting December 15, 2014

Offi cer Meeting – In attendance: Seneschal, Herald, Chronicler, Knight Marshal, Exchequer, Deputy Seneschal, Webminister

Webminister• good other than a password change was forced by domain holder – email sent to seneschal

Knight Marshal • Going well – everyone likes site. • 2 new fi ghters show up inconsistently but they are THERE! • Looking good, good attendance.

Herald • everything is good • Files not yet received

Exchequer • Receipts – give them to me! • All exchequer offi cer fi les received.

Chronicler • Send me stuff !!!!!

Seneschal • Currently we are not having any legal issues

Kevin talked to Yoshi – need to get plans for events for next year – Warrior Child? Anything?

Queen’s Prize• Do we want to host this event?

Coronation bid for summer 2016 due this summer 2015

Yule Court Post Mortem:• A&S not on the website• Signing

Opinions on making the offi cer’s meetings closed: • Yes and no

Arbitrary decisions made – •Phone call received about cde having an event on the books for February – yes or no on whether or not to do it – 3 events in 4 months is a bad idea and it was decided we would not do that –

We will be discussing @ January meeting – budgets for the offi ces.

Lilies party and banners for Lilies • Baronies have been asked to help build banners for Lilies o No specifi cs had by Edward – Aislinn has been consulting with Yoshi There are specifi c devices she wants on them • Lilies party – decide quickly if the barony is going to do a party and what day to do it. o Wednesday? Thursday? o Theme or just a party?

-Meeting Closed-

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Barony of Coeur d’Ennui Meeting January 19, 2015

Offi cer Meeting – In attendance: Vicar, Seneschal, Herald, Knight Marshal, Chronicler, Webminister, MoAS, Exchequer

Chronicler• Get me Snore stuff

MoAS• No A&S January due to weather. • Next A&S is with Shandra – how to use museum websites to help research • March is tentatively Yoshi regarding shoes • Would like to hold quill making class as part of a 3 month series – quills, ink, sign your name

WebMinister • All the updates to the website should be done • Will be pruning old email addresses we aren’t using/ there isn’t any activity on • Domesday done • possible blue card issue (individual)• Offi cer titles/descriptions change on the website still outstanding

Knight Marshal • FP going well, good, consistent attendance. • Mixup on contract for after xmas break – been worked out – practice this week (1/20) will be the school on 50th street (Crossroads Elementary) instead of the usual school • People are very happy with using the schools and it’s going well

Herald• Historical fi les not yet received• Books received• If anyone is doing anything heraldic let Tatiana know

Exchequer • We have money! • Still has not received any receipts from Yule Court

Seneschal • As a group we are legally in compliance. • Per last offi cer’s meeting one thing we discussed was doing budgets today –

Vicar • 4th quarter reports have not all been received. Please copy Yoshi – ‘ use the [email protected] • Budget stuff – If we decide to replace the Baronial coronets the estimate is between $600-$1400 o Let Yoshi know if you think we should or should not do this. • MRC is now offi cially defunct/done/dead • Court will be quarterly beginning with the fi rst quarter of 2015 • Offi cer meetings will be closed to only offi cers beginning with the February Offi cer Meeting o If you have questions or concerns contact Yoshi

Yoshi – how do we build comradery, build our group, better forms of communication

Update from Their Majesties – giving our situation a great deal of thought and this is something they want to give a maximum amount of thought and want it resolved - want to “do right” by us

Events – think about what would an investiture look like? Keep it in mind • Sites, etc. • Zach – Scandinavian days in story city would love to have us

-Meeting Closed-

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Barony of Coeur d’Ennui Meeting February 16, 2015

Offi cer Meeting: In attendance: Vicar, Seneschal, Chronicler, Deputy Seneschal, Knight Marshal, Herald, MoAS, ChatelaineAR Seneschal, AR Marshal, Seneschal • The Crown thanks us for our gift of largesse • We have a new Chatelaine – Alexandra Vazquez de Granada • Offi cers – read the Calontir version of your offi ce’s handbook prior to reading the society versionChatelaine• Pattern library idea - o Let’s have a check out system o Gloves, pouches, etc. Herald• We have had some registrations – Uji!• Silk banner for Lilie’s o $200 approximate costKnight Marshal• 15 people at FP last week o 10 fi ghters, 5 spectators• 3/10 and 3/17 no fi ghter practice due to scheduling confl icts o Zach is looking for alternate sites and will post if one is found MoAS• Sir Yoshi will be teaching Japanese Shoes for March A&S • Working on calligraphy themed classes for future – ink & pen classesChronicler• Letters from baronial offi cers no later than March 4th • Published immediately following Gulf WarsExchequer• Things are great! Domesday is in • We have $$AR Seneschal • Things are going well • Active members in meetings, several went to Clothiers

-Thread started on the forum re: Golden Thimble-Turkish Bazaar after Gulf, before Lilies-Uji – Queen’s Prize – two bids received -

Populace Meeting:

Vicar – Welcome – • Preparing for war! • HE Edward Blythe o Offi cer recap o New Chatelaine - Alexandra Vasquez de la Granada o Wanna be a seneschal deputy or chat dep –contact them • Shandra called up – thank you for becoming chatelaine o Short oath of Service • Shandra – announcements o 1. Pattern library o 2. Event steward for The Golden Thimble in November Competition – Project Runway meets Iron Chef Help needed! Mini-competitions will be held during the event • If you have ideas – let Shandra know • KM – FP is a great place to hang out if you have the evening open • HE Gracye – we have A&S coming up – How to make a quill pen – Ly Yulia – April - Bring an x-acto knife please • HE Winifred – pass the hat • Yoshi – welcome to newish folks! o Thank you war attendees for REPRESENTing Calontir! • Yoshi – been in communication with TRM – thank you for the feedback – very appreciaed They are taking a next step forward – they are requesting candidates at this time • More information will be forthcoming as it is available • Ed – banner painting!!!! • Shandra – TRM thanks you for the largesse we sent them – they really really appreciated it – copy of the letter will be in the next Snore Other news – • Demi con – do we want to have a presence there? o Schedule confl ict with the Axed Root event o How can we advertise at DemiCon and still support AR’s event?

Any last questions?

~Meeting Closed~

Page 5: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

F B O Unto the populace of the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui comes greetings from Master Edward Blythe, seneschal of the greatest Barony in Calontir.

Things in the barony continue to progress. While it seem s that at-tendance seems to have dropped off locally over the past couple of months, I am confi dent that is just the normal decline that seems to happen in the winter months.

I want to take a few moments and welcome some new offi cers. Mistress Tatianna has taken over in the offi ce of Herald, Her Ladyship Winnifred took over as Exchequer, and Lady Alexan-dra took over as the Chatelaine. Wel-come everyone and we are obviously in good hands.

I also want to thank Mistress Kateryn, Lady Ximenia and Lady Langreth for the years of service and eff ort they put into their positions. It is only through the eff orts of members like them that the Barony can continue.

In the next couple of weeks many members of the Barony and Kingdom will be headed south to attend Gulf Wars. I hope everyone’s trips there and back are uneventful and as short as possible. While I hope that every-one has all the fun they can handle.

In service to Crown and Coronet,Edward Blythe

In ServiceEdward Blythe, OP

Seneschal, Barony of Coeur d’Ennui

Greetings one and all.

I hope your winter has been an art fi lled season.

I am sorry that we had to cancel Janu-ary’s A&S but am happy to announce Lady Julia de Brescia has graciously rescheduled to Aprils A&S. A reminder, if you have available bring your own Exacto type knife.

I would like to thank Lady Alexandra Vazquez de Granada for her wonderful presentation for February’s A&S night. There was much ooohing and ahhing done by all those present.

I am working on getting other class-es lined up. I am hoping to focus on classes that are very hands on, although if you have an idea for a class you would like to see OR teach, please let me know.

While it may seem a long way off , Kingdom A&S is April 11 in Wyvern Cliff e (Jeff erson City, MO) Entries need to be in no later than March 29. Even if you do not enter I highly recommend going. It is always amazing to see the great works of our Kingdom.

Finally I’d like to mention Baronial Championships. Our Gracious King and Queen have put forth the call for Letters of intent from candidates wishing to be considered for Baronage. For all those not sending letters I’d like you to think about en-tering the Baronial A&S


In Service HE Gracye of Lokwode

In Service HE Gracye Of Lokwode , CGCS, CLM, CT, CSH Mistress of Arts & Sciences

Fine citizens of Coeur d’Ennui, your Chronicler issues you a challenge. Want The Boar’s Snore to be a fun read? Send me some fun stuff ! I am always looking for submissions, especially as your new Chronicler. Want to share your experience with leatherworking? Period sewing techniques? Did you read a super interesting article on period hair styles or button casting? Let me know! We’ll put it in and share the fun!

Submissions can be emailed to : Maaline of Coeur d’Ennui [email protected]

Greetings unto the populace of Coeur d’Ennui from your Knights Marshal

First I would like to thank all who have made this winter’s fi ghter practices a resounding success. We have had good attendance and fun fi ghting. Most specifi cally I would like to thank HL Hugh du Puy for both fi nding our current fi ghter site and for his contribution of time that allows us to use it.

As the weather warms and outdoor fi ghting season approaches I encourage all to look to their armor and equipment to insure it is ready for the rigors that lie in the future. It is a sad day when you travel many miles only to fi nd your armor is broken or a key piece is missing. I have contemplated a workshop where those with more skill can teach and assist all who need it so all our kits can be ready for the challenges ahead. If you are interested please contact me and we will see if we can get a time to get together.

I close this missive with an invitation. Please come to our winter fi ghter practice site. If you are a fi ghter, bring your toys, if not, bring yourselves. It is a wonderful site and there is room for all

Yours in service

Yours in ServiceCian mac Cu’Roi’Knights Marshal, Barony of Coeur d’Ennui

Greetings unto the members of the Boar Ring from Lady Alexandra Vazquez de Granada, called Shandra.

I have been granted the opportunity to serve the Barony as Chatelaine, and I am very excited about this chance to help the Barony grow. In the next few months, I will be implementing some new projects that I hope will benefi t both new and current members of the Barony.

Page 6: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

The fi rst project I would like to implement is a “pattern library” that can be used by all members of the Barony. We have many talented folks who have made many fantastic patterns for clothing, accessories, furniture, and other items, and I would love to have a copy of any patterns to share with anyone who needs them.

I will soon have approved brochures and business cards available for download, which anyone can hand out as needed. Not sure yet where those will be located, but I’ll let everyone know once they’ve found a home.

I look forward to working with everyone during my tenure as Chatelaine.

Yours in Service to the Barony,

Doña Alexandra Vazquez de GranadaChatelaine, Barony of Coeur d’Ennui

From the Populace

Fun Irish Cook Book Recipes


6-8 potatoes,1 head of cabbage1 ½ cups milk4-8 Tbs buttersalt and pepper as needed

Scrub potatoes and boil in salted water. Quarter, core and fi nely shred cabbage. Put in a small amount of boiling water. Boil rapidly, turning occasionally until cooked and the water evaporated. Peel potatoes and mash in milk. Immediately stir in cabbage and heat well.

Taste for seasoning.

Serve in a warm dish and slightly hollow the center of the vegetables. Place butter in the hollow to slowly melt in.

Barm Brack – makes two loaves.

3 ½ cups fl our pinch of salt 6 TB butter1 tsp mixed spice 2 eggs½ oz fresh yeast 2 TB candied peel1 tsp sugar ¾ cup raisins,1 ¼ cups warm water¾ cup sultanas ¾ cup currants ( I substitute dried fruits when I make this and soak them and the raisins in whiskey overnight for a richer fl avor) ½ cup castor sugar

For glaze: 2 TB castor sugar, 1 tsp water.

Cream the hour or until it has doubled in size. Add beaten eggs, fruit, sugar and melted butter. Beat well. Half fi ll two greased bread tins with the mixture and put back to rise in a warm place covered with a cloth. Leave for an hour to let it rise to the top of the tins. Heat oven 375 degrees. Bake for 50 minutes or until it is fairly fi rm and brown.

Dissolve 2 TB of sugar in 4 tsp of water over heat, boil for ½ minute and brush this glaze over the loaves as they come out of the oven.Steak Stew (I have seen diff erent versions of this mixed with ¼ cup lager or stout or whiskey)

4 TB butter1 lb. lean beef/round steak2 sliced onionsthyme sageparsley bay leafsalt and pepper, 1 cup stock 3 potatoes.

Cut up the meat and brown it in half the butter. Add onions and cook 2-3 more minutes. Add herbs tied with a thread, pour in stout and stock and season to taste. Top with peeled and sliced potatoes. Cover closely and cook gently at 300 degrees for two hours until ready.

The Ballymaloe Cook Book by Myrle Allen.

Submitted by Lady Sadbh Bheansidhe

Page 7: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

Silk Banner Painting and Various Ways to Destroy All Your Hard Work

By Tatiana DieugardeOne of the projects the Barony has taken on for Lilies XXXIX is to make 4 silk banners for the war. We are going to do this as a hands-on class sometime in April or May depending on the weather.

To get you pumped, I thought I would go over the basics of silk banner painting along with the myriad of ways I have screwed it up. Honestly, I have destroyed more banners than most people will ever own. As with any project, there are diff erent methods. As you practice this art, you will fi nd your own unique ways to mess it all up. Enjoy!

Here is the list of supplies we will be using:

• Silk – we will be using 10 oz. Habotai silk – this is sometimes called “China Silk”. It has a smooth fi nish. If the silk is too thick, it will take more dye to color it and the resist may not penetrate the fabric evenly. If the silk is too thin, it will rip in the fi rst few days of Lilies.• Dyes – I use Jacquard Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Paints – this is a concen trated dye that will produce vibrant colors and can be set in the fabric by ironing. Pay attention to how the dye is set. If you try to heat set a dye that is supposed to be steam-set, there will be tears.• Resist/Gutta – I am using Jacquard Clear Water Based Resist - this is a clear rubbery liquid that is used to draw lines on the fabric. This line of resist will create a barrier between the diff erent colors. This particular resist will wash out of the fabric once the dyes are set. Pay attention to whether the resist is meant to be removed from the work once you are done and what exact process (dry-cleaning, solvents, water, etc.) is used to remove it. • Applicator bottles with metal tips to hold the resist• Paint Brushes• Synthrapol Detergent – is a pre-wash and after-wash for the silk. Yes, these steps are necessary.• Frame to stretch the silk – this can be made of wood or PVC pipe. The frame should be bigger than your banner. The frame needs legs or feet that hold the silk off of the table. • Clips to hold the fabric on the frame. I use binder clips that are secured to a pvc pipe frame with rubber bands.


Prep Fabric: Wash silk with Synthrapol to remove any sizing in the fabric. Dry the fabric to almost dry then fi nish with an iron. I prefer to cut my fabric to the size of my banner and then hem the edges with a zigzag stitch. I also lightly draw my design on the fabric with a pencil.

How to mess it up: o Forget to prewash which causes the dye to look blotchy o Draw the line with a heavy hand so that it shows on the fi nished banner o Do a poor job of zigzagging your edges and the banner will go to tatters within a few days at Lilies

Stretch the silk on the frame: I attach the rubber bands to the binder clips, wrap one end of the rubber band around the frame and then use the binder clip to grab the hemmed edge of the fabric. When I get all of the clips evenly attached to the silk and the frame, it will create a trampoline eff ect that keeps the fabric taut. How to mess it up: o Make the tension too tight so the clips come unattached at an inopportune moment causing the fabric to fl ap in the breeze sending a splatter of wet dye across the entire banner. o Make the tension too loose so that the fabric can sag causing dye to pool.

Resist: The resist is coerced into the applicator bottles, the plastic cap is snapped on and the metal tip is screwed onto the plastic cap. Now you use the bottle to draw the resist on the following your pencil lines. There shouldn’t be any gaps or breaks in the line or the dye will cross over into an area you don’t want it to. Allow the resist to dry. It will turn from shiny to dull when dry. How to mess it up: o Fail to notice that lines don’t quite touch until blue dye starts fl owing into an area that is supposed to be white. o Squeeze the applicator bottle so tightly that the cap pops off creating a big splotch of resist. o Drag the edge of your hand through the wet resist smearing your line.

Page 8: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

Apply Color: Now comes the scary part. Apply the color starting in the middle of the design and allow the dye to wick to the edge of the resist line. Work quickly keeping a wet edge as you go (if the dye has a chance to dry and you apply wet dye to it, it will create lines). Allow to dry for 24 hrs.

How to mess it up: o Drop the cup of dye on the banner. o Dribble dye from the brush as you move from one area to the next. o Flick the brush sending a shower of dots everywhere. o Use so much dye that the resist starts to dissolve and the color escapes. o Paint an area the wrong color. o Drag your hand through the wet dye.

Setting the Color: The dye is not permanently in place until you “set” or “fi x” it. How you set the dye (Steam, Heat, or Chemical) depends on which dyes you use. Follow the directions. Seriously. To heat set the dye, use a dry iron on the silk setting, cover your work with a press cloth, and iron small areas of your work for 2-3 minutes using circular motions. Iron the whole thing. Get paranoid and iron it again.

How to mess it up: o Forget to change the steam setting on the iron so that it splurts water and leave water marks everywhere in addition to dying part of your ironing board cover. o Not ironing every inch of your work for 2-3 minutes so that the color washes out of part of your banner.

Remove Resist: To remove the water soluble resist, wash the work in warm water with Synthropol. The resist will feel slimy when wet. Once it is no longer slimy, you’re done. Throw it in the dryer until almost dry then fi nish with a dry iron. Other ways to destroy your banner: o Let the dogs run loose in the area in which you are working. o Knock the frame off of the saw horses into the dirt while the dye is wet. o Try to get a spot of color out of silk with bleach – bleach eats silk. Who knew?! o Work outside while birds are migrating.

Silk dying can be fun, but it can also be challenging. Don’t let that scare you. If you are just learning, boo-boos are part of the process. Expect them and learn from them. Now, go make your own mistakes!

Good Luck!!

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Recipe - Candied Orange Peels, submitted by HE Gracye of Lockwode

Orange peels,* Water Sugar

*I try to peel my oranges into 8 to 12 even pieces. is gives a nice presentation

Take the orange peels and place in sauce pan. Add enough water to cover. Heat over medium high until you reach a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes .Drain off water. Repeat this step twice more. Rinse peels with cool water until they can be handled.

Remove the white pith. I use a small sharp knife and basically let out the pith, you want just the orange part to remain.

In your sauce pan add 2 cups white sugar and one cup of water. is is also called a basic simple syrup in a separate bowl place about 3 cups of sugar and set aside.

Heat the simple syrup at a low temp until the sugar dissolves. Add in the peels.

Bring the pot up to a simmer stirring occasionally. Continue to simmer until the peels become translucent. Fish out the peels and toss into the bowl of sugar, toss about until covered, remove from bowl and place in a single layer to cool and dry.

Store in an air tight container.

*For a spicy variation add a tablespoon of powdered ginger to the bowl of tossing sugar.

***TIP: Never bring the peels and syrup to a hard boil. is will keep the peels so er and chewy.

Historical Tidbits #40

Tidbit #351. In 1571 Queen Elizabeth I created a law that called for everyone over the age of 7 to wear a hat on Sundays.

Tidbit #352. The fi rst female Doctor recorded was Merit Ptah, in Ancient Egypt around 2700 B.C. Some believe she was the fi rst woman recorded by name in any of the sciences.

Tidbit #353. Benjamin Franklin is in the International Swimming Hall of Fame.

Tidbit #354. When Emperor Hirohito died in 1989, he was buried with a microscope and a Mickey Mouse watch.

Tidbit #355. Adolph Hitler’s great, great-grandmother was a Jewish maid.

Tidbit #356. No formal treaty was ever signed to end the Hundred Year war (1337-1453) between England and France.

Tidbit #357. The Nika Riots of 532 A.D. were actually a group of sports clubs that formed a militia to fi ght rising taxes from Emperor Justinian (483-565 A.D.)

Tidbit #358. An international group of genetic scientists found that about 8% of men living in the former Mongol Empire are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

Tidbit #359. The Order of the Hatchet (a women’s knighthood order) was founded in 1149 by Raymond Berenger, Count of Barcelona.

Tidbit #360. The King of Siam off ered Abraham Lincoln elephants to help in the Civil War.

Caoimhin McKee

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Page 14: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

An Article

With my fi rst year in the SCA coming to a close, now is as good a time as any to refl ect on the whirlwind of activity that has gone on since my fi rst event, all those months ago.

Of all the events that I was able to take part in, I could not pick just one to be my favorite. During a hefty portion of my time, I was honored to serve as an assistant to White Hawk Herald during the reign of Their Majesties Agamemnon and Gwen. I was given the opportunity to learn a great deal about Court Heraldry from Master Rhodri. Being able to sit in during Court Prep was a fascinating time, seeing how the docket for Court can be put together, as well as the other preparations required to Court run as smoothly as possible. Then there was the experience of standing behind the thrones during Court itself. It is one thing to be in the crowd, watching someone receive a well-deserved award, but to see the recipient’s reaction is something altogether diff erent.

Of all the Courts I had the honor of standing in, a few stick out in my mind. The fi rst would be Court at Crown Tournament. During this Court, I was blindsided with my Award of Arms. During Court prep that day, I approached Master Rhodri to see if he wanted me to sit in, to which he asked me to come back later. Being new, and oblivious, I thought nothing of it, and went on my way. When I was called into Court, it took a moment for me to process that I was the one called. At that realization, I frantically tried to fi nd a place to set my mug down, on Their Majesties’ side-table? No, that’s for them. After fi nding a place on the fl oor near my feet, I made my way in front of the thrones. Their Majesties then proceeded to ask me if I knew why I was called up, to which I replied that I didn’t. It was then that the reason was made clear, and the Award announced. Once that happened, I couldn’t help but shed tears of joy. Having worked so closely with this Crown, I grew fond of them, so to be awarded Arms meant so much to me.

The next event so engrained in my memory was Toys for Tots. This event marked my fi rst attempt (sort of) at Heralding a Royal Court. Fortunately, I tag-teamed it with Her Ladyship Hrefna. There were two Elevations on the docket (pre-prepared by Master Rhodri) for that Court, Esther bat Moshe and Luckie of Falcon’s Keep. Her Ladyship served to Herald Esther’s Elevation, and a good portion of Court proper.

I had the tail-end of Court, and Luckie’s Elevation. It was a powerful moment to read Luckie’s Laurel scroll, and seeing the emotion of those gathered before the thrones.

Lastly was my fi rst Royal Court (any Court, for that matter) on my own at Yule Court. I had to deal with Court prep, and Court itself, the whole package. The events of this Court were fairly standard from my view, albeit with some fumbled words and the like on my end. One thing that really stood out to me was in the moments preceding Court. I was standing next to Lady Agnes von Heidelberg, who was on Her Majesties retinue, and she turned to me and mentioned that, despite my smaller size, she felt that I took up even more space than Master Rhodri.

But now that the reign of Agamemnon and Gwen has come to a close, I have taken the time to relax a bit, I’ve been able to help people, both in our Kingdom and afar, with their Heraldic submissions. The most memorable submission that I got to consult on was the one for a friend of mine in Atentveldt, Geoff rey Frost. Geoff rey has been in the Society for many, many years, but never got around to registering a name or device. As a good friend, both mundanely and in the Society, I off ered to consult with him, and take care of his submission packet, to which he eagerly agreed. Luckily, I was able to keep an eye on his sub mission, as well as my own fairly easily, as they were both submitted at close to the same time. Only recently was the fi nal decision published by the College of Arms, both his submissions and my own were success fully registered.

With this huge slew of activity fi nally slowing down, I now look forward to the future, learning new skills, and honing old ones.

Tanaka Ujimori

Page 15: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of “101 Dalmatians”, here is St. Hubert getting permission from on high to breed spotted hounds. Artwork submitted by Lady Sadbh Bheansidhe

Would you like to make your veryown Falcon Tabard but don’t have a

Falcon pattern? Fret no more! The two patterns below are available to the public

for use in the SCA at:

Page 16: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

Baronial Court - Baronial Court, or gatherings of the Boar Ring, are conducted in medieval attire and are held on the third Monday of the money. Currently presided over by the Vicar of Coeur d’Ennui, HE Akitsuki Yoshimitsu. Location: Community of Christ Church, 4504 Ashworth Rd., West Des Moines, IA. 7:00pm

Arts and Sciences - Arts & Sciences night is held the fi rst Monday of each month. Each month there is a diff erent topic of discussion or class on an art or science. Location: Community of Christ Church, 4504 Ashworth Rd., West Des Moines, IA. 7:00pmFor more information contact the Minister of Arts & Sciences at [email protected].

Fighter Practice - Fighter Practice is held each Tuesday evening at 7:00pm. Bring your armor and hone your skills in armored combat. If you would like to try your hand at armored combat, there is loaner armor available. For location or other additional information, please contact the Knight’s Marshal at [email protected].

Bardic Circle - Come try your hand at a period instrument, singing, dancing... whatever your interest is! Held at the home of Lady Ysoria and Lord Kjarten. For address, date and time please contact the Chronicler at [email protected].

Other interests? - Fine Gentles... do you have another activity you have interest in that you do not see here? If so, please ask one of us about it. If we cannot give you information on your topic of interest, we are able to point you to someone who can give you the information. Embroidery, weaving, cooking, falconry, woodworking, carving, sewing, pewter work, bright metal work, medieval dancing, camping in the SCA, whatever your fancy... we can help!

is is the ird Quarter 2014 issue of the Boar’s Snore, a publication of the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui of the Society for Creative Anachro-nism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.). e Boar’s Snore is available from Melissa McCall [email protected]. It is not a corporate publication of SCA, Inc., and does not delineate SCA, Inc. policies. Copyright © 2014 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting photographs, articles or artwork from this publication, please contact the Chronicler at [email protected] who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contrib-utors.

Clip art contained in this publication is courtesy of Dover Publications, Inc

ExchequerHE Winnifred d’[email protected]

ChroniclerLady Maaline of Coeur d’[email protected]

SeneschalHE Edward [email protected]

Minister of Arts & SciencesHE Gracye of Lokwode [email protected]

Knights MarshalSir Cian mac Con [email protected]

HeraldHE Tatiana [email protected]

VicarHE Akitsuki [email protected]

Equestrian MarshalSir Alexander Caithnes of [email protected]

WebministerLord Joseph [email protected]

ChatelaineLady Alexandra Vazquez de [email protected]

Page 17: Boar’s Snore A note from our Vicar T - The Barony of s Snore A note from our Vicar T o the populace of the barony and canton, greetings and well wishes from Akitsuki Yoshimitsu,

His Excellency Yoshi, Vicar of Coeur d’Ennui, is taking applications from our populace members who have an

interest in serving our Barony as Archer Marshal. If you would like to become a Deputy Offi cer, please

contact the person currently holding that offi ce.If you are interested or have any questions about these

offi ces please contact HE Akitsuki Yoshimitsu at [email protected].

Paid membership in the SCA is required to hold an offi ce.