bottled water is evil powerpoint

Bottled Water is Evil

Upload: kristenamber

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Bottled Water is Evil

Page 2: Bottled water is evil powerpoint

• Did you know that we spend almost $110 dollars a year on bottled water? That doesn’t seem like a lot, but in the end it is, especially when what we are getting is something that is essential to life and merely free, right our of our own faucet!

Page 3: Bottled water is evil powerpoint

• I know what you’re thinking, “Yuck I’m not drinking fucking faucet water that’s disgusting!” But did you know that a quarter of the bottled water purchased is simply filtered tap water?? 60-70 percent of it is exempt from FDA standards. It is basically the same thing as filtered faucet water. Don’t be fooled by fancy advertising and common ignorance! Also, don’t be contradictory, this is the same water most of us use for our pets, our they any different than us??


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Okay, So why is it evil then? You’re just some crazy hippie..

• Yes. True. But really, making one small choice can help a lot in the long run. Here is the TRUTH about bottled water…

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We move almost 40,000 18-wheelers worth of water around the country every week–a tremendous waste of energy resources.• You think about making your trip

to the store to pick up your water, but do you think about the journey your water has made previous to that? It could have come from all the way across the country! Or even Canada! What about the plastic? Where did that come from? It didn’t fly here! It took gasoline at some point, that’s just more pollution we don’t need to put in your air!

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Plastic, it’s fucking shit. Just trust me on this one. That’s a whole nother presentation in itself; but for now..• It takes three times the water in a bottle to produce

the bottle and fill it. That’s just to make the bottle. So really when you’re drinking one water bottle you’ve wasted three. Wasteful selfish Americans, and you wonder why we have such a bad wrap. You’re probably saying who cares!? Clean water shouldn’t be taken for granted! There are people who don’t have any.

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• I’m sure by now you are sick of my rant. I could go on forever, because the simple fact is, bottled water is not all its chalked up to be. We are so set in our ways and comfortable that we are afraid to make a change and will find silly excuses not to. If you don’t care for my hippie bullshit that’s fine, but just give me a chance to persuade you in the same way the big bottled water companies do, pretty pictures..

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So Before you go and open up a new water bottle and unconsciously toss yours in the recycling, stop! KEEP your old bottle and simply fill it up again! One small gesture can go a long way!

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