
36 September | 2010 $10. 00 TM page 8 page 26 Where an “Experience” is Not a Thing Meet The Supplier Steve Heyer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Harry & David

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w w w. b r i l l i a n t p u b l i s h i n g . c o mSeptember | 2010$10.00


page 8

page 26

Where an “Experience”

is Not a “Thing”

Meet TheSupplier

Steve Heyer Chairman and Chief Executive

Officer of Harry & David

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A S I : 9 5 2 8 0 | S A G E : 5 7 5 9 0 | P PA I : 1 1 4 1 5 4

Ca lendars | G r e e t i n g C a r d s | F o l d e r s | F r a m e s & M o r e

Few things are this simple – few this e�ective. In business, calendars are the handshake that lasts. They’re a memorable introduction – an ongoing thank you – a business card that sits front and center 365 days a year. Re-discover the impact of the desktop calendar, appearing daily with:

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B e N o t i c e d . B e A p p r e c i a t e d . B e R e m e m b e r e d .C o n t a c t W a r w i c k A t :

P : 8 0 0 . 3 8 3 . 7 1 4 9E : i n f o @ w a r w i c k p u b l i s h i n g . c o mw w w. w a r w i c k p u b l i s h i n g . c o m

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features:8 Harry & David® - Where an “Experience” is Not a “Thing”

26 Meet the Supplier - Sweda Company, LLC Introduces the Leatherman® Brand

departments: 6 publisher's letter

7 contributors: Who’s Who in the Industry

18 travel: Creating Tourism Memories

20 marketing: On Generic Branding and The Death of the Refrigerator Magnet

22 incentives: Incentive Escapes... More or Less Exciting?

28 exhibit: Keep Your Display Simple; Really Simple!

30 it’s all personal: Bring A Smile

31 ad-index

32 staying sharp: Creating a Positive Workplace

34 off the cuff




Vol. 7, No. 09 2010

4 Brilliant Results | September 2010

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Vol. 7, No. 09 2010

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Even though this is our travel issue, we couldn’t resist breaking the news

on some brilliant brands that are joining our industry. This issue will give you

some new ideas to make all your holiday giving, promotions and thank you

gifts really deliver.

Harry & David® and Leatherman®. I mean does it get any better. Talk

about brands you can certainly count on to deliver when looking for the

“Wow factor”. Who wouldn’t want a gift basket of delectable food(s) to make

an impression or a multi purpose product that won’t break when you need

it most!!

Yes, I am excited to announce that you can now order these products

from your promotional consultant or incentive partners and use them in

your marketing, motivational, and holiday gift campaigns. I know you will

not be disappointed. After all, I would love receiving anything from Harry &

David® - I mean we all love to eat delectable, fine quality food... right? And a

Leatherman® tool could really find a permanent place in everyone’s toolbox

or pocket... including mine!

In this issue you will also find out exactly what a Hot Melt Product is

and why you need to know about this intriguing item, if you ever used a

refrigerator magnet to stay top of mind with your clients.

Not to forget the importance of travel, this issue provides valuable

information about promoting an incentive escape as well as how to create

tourism memories. For those who may still be traveling to exhibit at trade

expos, be sure to read the article on the importance of keeping your display

simple and exactly how much information you can display in your booth to

achieve your goals.

Last but not least we have some tips that you can use to keep your

workplace positive.

Wow! Enjoy this issue and as always

Have a Brilliant Day!

publisher’s letter

Brilliant Publishing LLC9034 Joyce Lane

Hummelstown, PA 17036Ph: 717.571.9233Fax: 717.566.5431


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EDITORIALEditor in ChiefMaryAnne Morrill

Senior EditorMichelle Donofry

Style EditorCharity Plata

Asst. EditorMolly Anika

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSMichael Merrick Crooks, Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D.,

Arnold Light, CTC, Dave Ribble, MAS, Barry Siskind, Dr. Peter Tarlow

PRODUCTION / DESIGNArt DirectorJeremy Tingle

Brilliant Results is published monthly by Brilliant Publishing LLC,

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Number 09. Brilliant Results subscription rates: one-year $120;

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Maureen [email protected] 717-608-5869


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a Michael Merrick Crooks owns Crooks Advertising Alliance, a creative strike-force specializing in creative problem solving. Crooks has gained international recognition for his writing and speaking on the subjects of creativity and promotional marketing. To read more of his unique perspective or to contact him visit To see his latest project visit

b Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. For more than two decades Fortune 500 companies, educational institutions, and government organizations have relied on Dr. Barton Goldsmith to help them develop creative and balanced leadership. He is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, business consultant and author. His columns appear in over 500 publications, including the Chicago Sun-Times, the Detroit News, and the Los Angeles Business Journal. He may be contacted through his web site

c Arnold Light, CTC, CEO & President of Fire and Light has 35 years of marketing experience specializing in incentive and loyalty marketing helping multinational corporations develop and implement B2B and B2C results oriented performance improvement programs. For additional information visit

d Dave Ribble, MAS, is President of The Company Image/TCI Consulting, an award-winning promotional marketing company specializing in great ways to extend your brand and image while adhering to your budget. Ribble is available for speaking engagements, workshops and consulting. Please email him at [email protected]

e Barry Siskind is an internationally recognized trade and consumer show expert. He is the author of six bestselling business books including Powerful Exhibit Marketing. Read his newest book, Selling from the Inside Out for an in depth guide to a successful sales career. Visit Barry at

f Dr. Peter Tarlow is the founder and president of Tourism & More Inc. Dr. Tarlow has appeared on National televised programs such as Dateline: NBC and on CNBC. Dr. Tarlow organizes conferences around the world dealing with visitor safety and security issues and with the economic importance of tourism and tourism marketing. He also works with numerous cities, states, and foreign governments to improve their tourism products and to train their tourism security professionals. For additional information visit

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Where an “Experience” is Not a “Thing”

HArrY & DAVID, the premier

gourmet food gift company, is introducing the

awareness and esteem of its lifestyle brands

to the promotional products industry. When

he decided to join as the new Chairman and

Chief Executive Office of the organization,

Steve Heyer’s words gave a hint of things to

come, “Very few lifestyle brands have the

awareness and esteem that Harry & David

enjoys, and I believe we can further build

this strong brand, as well as the Company’s

heritage and reputation for authenticity,

reliability and quality, to reinvigorate

and grow the business in profitable new

directions.” Heyer speaks from experience

given his extensive leadership with

prominent consumer brands, including CEO

of Starwood Hotels and resorts Worldwide

and President and COO of The Coca-Cola

Company, Turner Broadcasting System,

Young & rubicam Advertising Worldwide

and Booz Allen Hamilton.

STEvE HEYERChairman & Chief exeCutive OffiCer

8 Brilliant Results | September 2010 www.bri l l iantpubl

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Harry & David gourmet fruit and food gifts has been

trusted by generations, not only for superior products,

but for unparalleled customer service and impeccable

guarantees. With a corporate philosophy to benefit

customers, employees, shareholders and the community

by being the best in all they do, and earn loyalty and

respect through honest relationships and responsible

actions, Harry & David will be a welcome addition to any

promotional product distributor’s offerings.

For those whose clients are looking to work with

‘green’ organizations, Harry & David is an excellent

match. Harry & David believe that minimizing their impact

on the environment is simply the right thing to do. And

they demonstrate this commitment in all aspects of their

business – from sustainable farming, to recycling, to

responsible purchasing… and they’ve been doing it for

nearly three decades.

Brilliant results recently enjoyed the opportunity to

interview Steve Heyer about the company and its entry into

this new market segment.

BR: What prompted your move to Harry & David?

SJH: Every great brand has a compelling narrative,

the back story that gives people permission to believe

in the Company, the Brand and its promise. Hollywood

couldn’t have written a better story than the true story of

Harry and David, and it is an honor and a privilege to be a

steward of such an American brand icon. The Harry and

David story of two brothers, farmers in southern Oregon

and their vision to move from commodity fruit production

to a branded lifestyle company (nobody said, or even

understood lifestyle company 75 years ago) is a tribute

to their courage and innovation. Their first client was

the Waldorf Astoria that intuitively understood the value

of special fruit baskets, (Harry and David was the first

gift basket company), recognizing that a highest quality

food gift basket would cement relationships with their

best guests, and a platform was created for continuous

innovation in food gifting and self consumption that is

unrivaled in America today. The brand’s Pacific Northwest

heritage, farm-to-table authenticity, service and industry’s

best quality and delivery guarantee coupled with the

memories and smiles Harry and David gifts have been

a part of for 75 years was an irresistible revitalization

opportunity for me to drive profitable growth while doing

something noble and almost patriotic- burnishing the

image and performance of a truly great American story

and brand. Their legacy of innovation will be reenergized

as we build on a strong foundation of leadership in brand

awareness, quality and relevance. This is a very exciting

moment to lead an industry undergoing structural change

and a brand with the heritage, power and authority

that Harry and David enjoys. Harry and David, with our

agenda of contemporization, innovation and creativity will

separate itself from the thousands of “basket companies”

that followed Harry and David’s lead. Our vision is to be

the leading business to business experience delivery and

memory creation company in the gift business.

Br: As a brand building guru, what strategies are you

planning to implement to grow the Harry & David brand in

the promotional and incentive sectors?

SJH: It is apparent to us that we have a remarkable

opportunity to leverage the equity and strengths of our

consumer brand and transfer those strengths to your

clients’ work lives. We are after all, consumers too. And

importantly, we are all people, and we have learned that

the humanity and caring communicated through food and

wine gifts are unique in the strength of the bonds created

between gifter and recipient. We also know that every

ritual and celebration you can think of has had food as its

centerpiece, so why not use the emotional and connecting

power of food and wine to literally fuel relationships that

drive business success? And, interestingly, food and wine

connects us more powerfully than other gifts can because

it is shareable, making teams, not just individuals feel

appreciated and the primary recipient look and feel like

a hero. In addition, our products, our processes and our

price points have been designed for either traditional one-

time gifting or for increased frequency and recency since

we know staying top of mind with customers, staff and

potential clients is essential and that multiple touch points

throughout the year galvanizes relationships and assures

you are there when new opportunity arises. Advertising

campaigns are never developed for one day a year, or as

a one shot communication so why shouldn’t promotions,

incentives or gifts have ongoing legs and build momentum

for your clients? Our proprietary “Of The Month” brand and

auto-ship capabilities coupled with our gift list management

services makes this uniquely possible.

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Building on the strengths of our quality and product

variety we have created a gift concierge capability to

help our clients design different, better and special

gifts that connect with their constituents with a

demonstrable caring just not available anywhere else.

In addition, our customization capabilities and ability

to scale will help us help you as a solutions provider

for your clients. For the same reasons our food gifts

resonate so well with individual consumers, corporate

buyers understand that food expresses gratitude –

in PERSONAL terms – it nurtures us, it sustains us,

making an emotional connection that creates powerful

feelings, the whole purpose behind a great promotion

or incentive program. Sometimes clients forget that

their corporate relationships are, at the end of the day,

with people, and fostering relationships on a human

and personal level can best be accomplished by

touching the heart and spirit of a business relationship

which is less about the logo and more about the care

and thoughtfulness that goes into the gift and its

presentation. We have also learned that there are

eight tools that if used properly make all the difference.

1. High quality, not necessarily high cost. 2. Strong

brand. 3. Idea-driven. 4. Personalized. 5. Customized.

6. reliable and Guaranteed. 7. repetitive messaging.

8. An “experience” not a “thing”.

Taken together, food products and services that

allow the gifter to create a personal and brand-tailored

expression of care generates the most effective and

meaningful experience and relationships follow.

Br: How can Fortune 500 companies incorporate

the Harry & David brand into their marketing, branding

and motivational campaigns?

SJH: We believe in partnerships and alliances with

our customers where if you can dream it we will do

it. Said another way, if you can imagine a creative

execution we will invest in it to bring it to life and if any

client needs a little help in the imagination department

our Marketing Solutions Group will work with the

sales rep or the client’s marketing team to integrate

a company’s campaigns, products or promotions

with our products and packaging to create an idea

driven promotion. There are, in my opinion, a few

key requirements for a great program. First, as I said,

it should be idea-driven and really underscore what

the gifting company is and stands for. Second, it has

to feel authentic. If another company can execute

your program by ripping off your logo and replacing

theirs, that gift or promotion isn’t working hard enough

to communicate how your company is different and

doesn’t capture the corporate style, values or tone of

voice that should be front and center. Also, because of

our scale, technology and systems we can insert other

promotional items and messages in our packages like

CDs, t-shirts, mugs into our packages alongside our

food products or create proprietary hard goods to

accompany our food gifts. For an even more custom

connection we can curate a unique gift and “kit” our

food products into custom packaging and designer

vessels as keepsakes.

Today’s values are more centered around “what I know” and “what I have experienced” than “what I can show off”. Helping

clients be their best selves is one wildly powerful

promotion or gift.

10 Brilliant Results | September 2010 www.bri l l iantpubl

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On Time Delivery

Awesome Customer Service! Quality Pro

ducts [email protected] Phone: 800-685-2403 Fax: 800-565-6202ASI: 64635 PPAI: 143269 SAGE: 50656

Promote your brand with quality identification products from KB Innovative Products.Expect the best, don’t put your company name on anything less.

Br: What makes Harry & David special and

different from other food purveyors in the promotional

and incentive sectors?

SJH: 1. Brand: Our history, heritage, legacy; our

farm-to-table authority, our curatorial capability,

our authenticity and reputation for trust, quality and

innovative leadership and the smiles we have put on

the faces of America for 75 years.

2. Quality of product: We make, bake or grow 85%

or our products, ensuring first-hand quality control. The

authority we have established in fruits, confections,

baked goods, and other gourmet items over the last 75

years is unprecedented. Other food gifting companies

assemble different products from outside vendors.

3. Order handling: We have a state-of-the-art

order and service system, complete with a team of gift

concierge and account services specialists.

4. Curation: We don’t just sell great specialty

foods, we search for the best components and blend

them to deliver an experience, matching flavors,

textures, spices, notes which provides for an optimal

bundle of foods, wines, snacks, treats that taken

together make a moment and educate the recipient

giving them the opportunity to repeat the experience

and enrich their lives. Our curation gives people the

opportunity to sample and enjoy life enabling a new

and affordable definition of “wealth”. Today’s values

are more centered around “what I know” and “what I

have experienced” than “what I can show off”. Helping

clients be their best selves is one wildly powerful

promotion or gift.

5. Shipping: We have a core competency in shipping

that has been refined overtime. Our world-class direct

to consumer business ships over 8 million packages a

year. We are capable of drop shipping one at a time or

thousands at a time.

6. Depth of product: A promotional product

distributor would have to outsource to a number of

specialty vendors to replicate our exclusive offering,

while giving up precious margin.

7. Business to business commitment: We are

intentionally shifting our focus from B2C to B2B

leveraging our strong consumer base and brand

for more reach, concentrated customization, new

customer acquisition and scale.

8. Our Emerging Culture: We are a proud lot.

There is great passion and commitment to quality and

to the creation of scintillating experiences. We love

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new and our favorite word is “next”. We believe in work that

matters and what makes a difference, our products deliver

WOW! or we will re-invent them.

9. Our Promise: Happiness Delivered- we live it.

10. Our B2B Promise: Hand-picked, hand packed,


Br: Can you give our readers examples of how your

products can be, or have been, successfully co-branded to

increase business ROI?

SJH: We recently completed a project with a promotional

product distributor in Portland to produce and deliver as

needed, with a two day turnaround, custom cheesecakes. Our

cheesecakes were logoed and kited with logoed plates and

cutlery for a large insurance company. regional representatives

take this “Party in a Box” to high performing sales offices and

celebrate. These cheesecake get-togethers have become an

exciting ritual in this company and a key part of their culture

of appreciation and connection. We’re also building a similar

turn-key “Meeting in the Box” offering with our Wolferman’s

breakfast products, so that a sales representative can use this

product to “make a memorable moment” to demonstrate an

extra effort and level of thoughtfulness and attention for his or

her client.

Br: Of the marketing campaigns Harry & David has

developed which one(s) do you feel is the most notable/

recognizable and what was the key(s) to its success?

SJH: I like marketing campaigns that allow us to do well by

doing good.

A few exAmples:• In the last 6 months we have been putting real energy in

the brand with things like Moose Munch For Our Troops

leading up to July 4th and sent to the Middle East—we

send our Moose Munch bars packaged with spoons and a

bowl because we learned that the troops loved our product

but that it melted in the heat and they liked eating them like

cereal with a spoon.

• We have created a “pink pear” campaign supporting a

breast cancer cure.

• We also market our environmental commitment, our

organic and gluten free and sugar free products.

• Overall, we are about “Happiness Delivered” and our

company is dedicated to that promise for your clients.

Our cheesecakes were logoed and kited with logoed

plates and cutlery for a large insurance company. Regional representatives take this “Party in a Box” to high performing sales offices and celebrate.

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Br: What, in your opinion, makes a promotional

or incentive product successful?

SJH: It needs to be thoughtful, relevant, and

WOW!. “Thoughtful” means it is in the brand’s voice

and connects through a meaningful idea to the

company’s relationship objectives. relevant means

appropriate for the occasion and the celebratory

moment. And Wow!, means WOW!—an indelible

memory. A great program also needs to work the

3S’s—simplicity, surprise and a smile? Smiles are

a currency more powerful than battery acid. Our

clients report that recipients love opening a Harry

& David gift--- the exciting and grand reveal of the

hidden contents, the discovery in our curation of

the perfect component “moment makers” and the

party-in-a-box upon consumption and sharing.

Couple that experience with creative customization

options and you achieve the WOW! Of course, we

also continue to offer the tried and true traditional

customization options that include imprinted ribbon

and variable printed hang tags, but we offer corner

sleeve decorating for our banquet boxes. The

message can be tailored to the gift, to a particular

event or used as an invitation or redemption offer.

Br: Use of social media is currently a hot topic,

how does Harry & David utilize (plan to use) this

technology and how can organizations incorporate

the Harry & David brand into their social media


SJH: Social media is very pervasive and we

have a long history of embracing innovation in this

sector. We already have a tremendous fan following

on the major social outlets. For example, the

average Facebook user has 130 friends and when

a customer chooses to be a “fan of our brand” they

are also choosing to show their friends their affinity

and affiliation with our brand. There is nothing more

powerful than the opinion of the “21st century’s

definition of an expert”—friends. What I say about

Harry and David may be interesting to some, but

what friends say to friends about Harry and David

is a power that can’t be overstated. Our goal is to

turn customers into zealots and use the viral power

of social media for accelerating brand strength for

the benefit of our shareholders and distributors. We

intend to provide more tailored programming like

recipes, holiday tips, celebrity blogs, webisodes,

favorites, create your own, contests and promotions

etc. that people can interact with and roll around in

because it builds lasting relationships as long as

we never break the consumer’s trust. We have an

extremely loyal and passionate “fan base” that will

grow dramatically as we invest in more things to do,

win, learn, make and share that make everyday more

memorable and memorable moments exceptional.

Br: What do you see as the future of promotional

and incentive merchandise and how is it changing?

SJH: The distributors we’ve talked to are looking

for innovation. This includes new products and new

levels of customization. Today’s corporate buyers are

quite savvy in that they research products and ideas

using various search engines prior to contacting

their preferred distributor. They often know what

they want and certainly study the programs that

The message can be tailored to the gift, to a particular event or used as an invitation or redemption offer.

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Three days of contacts, content, and creativity.



- Richard R., Director, Business Services, Illinois,

2009 Attendee

“I can gather a lot of di�erent ideas in

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Coming here spurs creativity…you can learn how they have

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* Pho

to is

a re



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Page 16: BR_0910_ForWeb

they and their competitors have activated in the past. Increasingly

that includes rOI analysis, and, in my opinion, it should. So we

partner with promotional product firms to fully understand the

goals of each program and leave no stone unturned to bring the

creativity to bear assuring that our products maximize client ROI.

As I said earlier, frequency is also a trend we think we are well

suited to exploit. Leading companies are no longer comfortable

only gifting at the Holiday time. We are building frequently

replenished break room/pantry programs that will ensure

continuous connection and emotional reminders. There are any

number of appropriate ways to nurture relationships throughout

the year with our products, whether it is a holiday gift that keeps

on giving like our fruit, wine, moose munch of the month club

expertise or other moments we can uniquely support like saying

thanks, observing service anniversaries and birthdays, safety and

wellness program successes or as a simple thank you for a job well

done, and of course, everyday team-building. Gifting throughout

the year, particularly with branded, quality food and wine renews

existing relationships and strengthens loyalties.

BR: Do you have any final thoughts or advice for

our readers?

SJH: A few final thoughts:

1. Promotions and gift programs need to capture the

soul of the brand and demonstrate heart with a

purpose that ties to a very clear business objective

2. recipients know when you have an “institutional”

program and when you “care about me”-

each has a role but if the roles are confused

or homogenized save your money

3. Great companies and brands do

business with like companies

4. If a competitor can adopt another company’s

program and it feels as authentic from each

– create a harder working program

5. Standing out for something is key- innovation in

promotion suggests creativity and innovation in

everything you do, everything communicates

6. People remember how your promotion or gift

made them feel, the rOI on a smile is very high

7. Great shareable food rituals create community,

a team and an unduplicatable bond

8. Frequency matters

9. It doesn’t need to cost more to be a WOW,

it needs to mean more

10. The companies that show they care more win

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MANy TOuRISM PROFESSIONALS, be they at Convention and Visitor Bureaus or at a hotel,

falsely believe that they are selling a tourism product. Nothing

could be further from the truth. Tourism is about the selling

of memories and the creation of positive experiences. In

fact, it is the tourism experience that is the one unique thing

that a tourism destination or travel product has that can

differentiate it from its competition. In reality what visitors and

hotel guests are seeking is the "memory of the experience."

In a world where modern technology allows the reproduction

of products and many travelers know the layout of hotels

even before arriving, the one thing that differentiates one

place from another is the human experience. In such a world

of rapid replication, service becomes not only a means to

deliver the product but an essential ingredient in creating

the product itself. To help you get brilliant results and find

new ways to deliver the best tourism and travel experience

to your guests, here are a number of ideas to consider.

Creating Tourism Memories

Creating Tourism Memories

18 Brilliant Results | September 2010 www.bri l l iantpubl

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BroAden your scope regArding who is your competition.

Most tourism products only tend to

see their competition as other tourism

products. In reality, nothing could

be further from the truth. Tourism is

a leisure time industry, thus anything

that competes for the leisure time

dollar is your competition. Even in the

world of business travel, travelers and

hotel guests seek unique experiences

and memories.

never forget thAt tourism is A customer driven experience.

In the last few years too many

tourism and visitor centers have

worked hard at driving their customers

from human-based experiences to

web page experiences. Web based

centers and telephone-answering

trees may be efficient but they do not

provide positive memories. Many

visitors see these technological

advances as informative but never

memorable, at least not from a

positive perspective. Depending

on too much technology may save

large corporations such as airlines a

great deal of money on wages. The

risk, however, is that tourists develop

relationships with people rather

than with web sites. As tourist and

traveler corporations drive people to

web sites, they should be ready to

accept the fact that customer loyalty

will decrease and that their front line

personnel's actions become even

more important.

Our most loyal and valuable

customers are often those who have

had the best experience.

All too often, and despite customer

loyalty programs such as those used

by the airlines, tourism entities forget

to work at keeping their most loyal

customers. These are the people

who may provide up to 80% of your

business. Do your employees realize

that these people's business assures

their jobs? Think through what specific

services and products your most loyal

customers desire and what you need

to offer to keep their business. Never

forget that these are the people who

are most likely to be targeted by your


understAnd the vAlue of the "time-experience continuum".

Once upon a time a tourism

destination and hotels could succeed

by offering product value for price. In

the current world of travel, it is the call

of the present tense that is important.

Today's tourists and hotel guests want

to know answers to such questions as:

How does the tourism product touch

my emotions, how will the experience

change my life, and how much time

will this experience cost me?

Recognize that when a destination

chooses to reinvent itself it is altering

the experience. Before embarking on

a major new marketing campaign, take

the time to consider the impact of this

marketing campaign on the tourism

experience. Will the experiential

service meet the new goals of the

marketing campaign? Where will this

new marketing campaign fit into the

time-experience continuum?

expAnd your knowledge BAse.

Often tourism professionals and

hoteliers spend so much time in

dealing with marketing that they forget

that you cannot market what you do

not know. The greater your knowledge

base is, and the more education you

have, the greater the chances that you

will develop innovative approaches to

old problems.

do not Be too quick to slAsh prices.

Tourism today is about personal

experiences more than it is about

prices. Where you price your

destination says a tremendous

amount about it. Often tourism is

about prestige and once one enters

into a downward price spiral, it is

very hard to reverse the trend.

Instead of slashing prices, think

how you can give more value for

the tourist dollar.

Our most loyal and valuable customers are often those who have

had the best experience.

Creating Tourism Memories

Creating Tourism Memories

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there were no cup holders in cars? Now car

companies make a point to let you know how

many cup holders they offer. I was contemplating

the meaning of that observation the other day

when I realized how changes in technology

and lifestyles affect the promotional marketing

industry. Take cup holders for instance.

Back when vehicles had a flat area above

the dash, convenience stores and gas stations

made a mint selling coffee cups and mugs that

came with a removable base that would mount

with double-sided tape. Also available was

an add-on cup holder with a vertical arm that

slid down your window. As lifestyles and car

manufacturing changed, promotional marketers

have shifted their coffee-drinker focus to nicer

imprinted travel mugs and coasters for the cup


In the last 30 years, how we impact music

lovers has also evolved dramatically. Long ago,

an imprinted album brush to clean the dust off

your albums was a great way to keep your name

in front of a music lover. Then it was imprinted

CD cases. Today, it’s all about imprinted music

download cards, device skins and text message


Along this line, I see another change

happening within society that I believe may

dramatically and negatively affect one of

promotional marketing’s venerable favorites:

the refrigerator magnet.



On Generic Branding and The Death of The Refrigerator Magnet

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refrigerAtor mAgnets’ fAding glory

For years, business card-sized

refrigerator magnets have been a

staple of promotional marketing.

They’ve been used by everyone from

the local mechanic and pizza shop as

a magnetic business card to schools

so parents have the school number

handy. But times are changing.

Many refrigerator doors are no

longer made of steel. Today, they’re

made of everything from aluminum

to hard plastic and other nonmetallic

composite materials. As refrigerators

across the United States are replaced,

refrigerator magnets must find a new

home. Sadly, many will find their way

to a drawer or, worse, the garbage

can. But the demise of the refrigerator

magnet isn’t only due to changes in

refrigerator manufacturing materials.

The home computer, I believe has a

lot to do with it also.

A shift in the u.s. lifestyle

Time was, most of a family’s time

was spent in the living room/family

room and the kitchen. It made sense

to put magnet-backed information

on the refrigerator because in many

homes the kitchen doubled as the

“home office”. Today, more and

more homes have a home office or

computer room in the basement or

in a converted spare bedroom. More

and more people are spending more

and more time in front of or around

the computer. That means, at least

some of the information that used

to be posted in the kitchen on the

refrigerator, would now be more useful

on, or near the computer. The problem

is, except for, perhaps, a metal file

cabinet, there’s not a lot of metal in

most home computer rooms. What’s

a marketer to do?

sticknetics: A product AheAd of its time.

The answer lies in a product that

has been around for a number of

years but has gone largely un-noticed:

StickNetics (

This product has been manufactured

by many US companies over the

years and has gone by many brand

names including VagaBond, Trekkers,

reStickers and MagStick. But what

has prevented the product from

really hitting the promotional product

mainstream is that the product was

never GENErICALLY branded. That

is to say, the industry never developed

a word that stood for the product or

the product category.

why generic BrAnding mAtters

Within the promotional products

industry we have generic categories

such as mugs, pens, folders, coasters,

lanyards, flash drives, tattoos (regular

and waterless), letter openers,

puzzles and magnets to name a

few. But what generic category do

we have to describe the product that

adheres to any clean, relatively flat

surface, is removable without leaving

any residue, is re-positionable and

has all the attributes of a refrigerator

magnet but isn’t magnetic? About the

only term in use, is one within the

manufacturing industry and that is

Hot-Melt. Not a term on the tip of the

tongue for marketers, end users or


And even though manufacturers

have, through the years, individually

branded the product, the fact that a

generic name doesn’t exist for the

product category means that people

generally don’t know what to call it. End

users can’t ask for it and distributors

can’t easily promote it.

Imagine if we didn’t have the words

“gasoline” or “gas”. And the stuff we put

into our vehicles to make them go was

referred to only by the brand names

of those selling it. I live in Michigan.

Most people here wouldn’t know what

to say if someone asked, “Where can

I buy some Hess?” Likewise, if I went

to the deep south and asked where to

buy some Speedway or Admiral, I’d

get funny looks. But because “gas” is

a generic brand category, when we

ask someone where we can buy “gas”

they know exactly what we mean.

the opportunity for the hot melt product

I believe the Hot Melt product is

a nice promotional play for today

because of placement. They adhere

to glass, metal, wood, fabric, plastic,

fiberglass, aluminum and other

smooth surfaces to which magnets

aren’t attracted. By and large, people

can put the product where THEY

want it —where it’s convenient for

them. Maybe it’s on the window by the

computer, maybe it’s on the computer

or the wall next to the computer…

maybe it IS on the refrigerator. Point

is, if people put information where it’s

handy for them, then it will be seen

much more often.

As lifestyles change, so must the

promotional products we use to

impact our targets. When you’re

looking for a good solid promotional

idea, take a serious look around you.

Take the time to observe and think

about what is changing. The insights

you gain could very well lead to

Brilliant results.

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Incentive Escapes…More or Less Exciting?




years the incentive travel escape

as we know it has had some drastic

changes due to a number of variables

including and foremost the deep

recession, (that we are still in) the

AIG effect and a shift in corporate

managements thinking.

The first change was for those

companies who actually ran an

incentive travel program during the

last 24-months was to add a social

responsibility element. Or to put it

another way the trip was not just fun

and sun but a serious contribution to

the well being of the community in

which the incentive trip took place.

This not only helps those who earned

the trip feel good about reaching

their goals and objectives but also

creates a sense of social awareness

for the sponsoring corporation.

Building a charitable element into

an incentive program brings a

whole new dimension into the actual

incentive event. These commitments

run the gambit from helping restore

a rundown school, working with the

local Habitat For Humanity, building

beehives to help the economy of

a small Jamaican community, to

building furniture, planting flowers,

cleaning, painting, donating and

setting up a computer lab for a small

village in San Jose Costa rica.

Another noticeable change and an

obvious one has to do with budget.

Gone are the good old days when the

amount spent on an incentive trip to

make it as exciting as possible was

never a problem. And because the

purchasing decision for many trips

is now handled by a procurement

department there is much more

scrutiny of all of the elements of what

should be included in an incentive

travel program.

So just how does a purchasing

manager make an incentive escape

an exciting one? Enter the all-

inclusive…a great way to control a

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budget while maintaining a degree of

the deluxe qualities incentive travel

programs have become known for.

An all-inclusive can be either a land

based program or a cruise.

One destination that has perhaps

risen to the occasion and is the

beneficiary of the above changes in

the design and financial structure of

corporate America’s incentive travel

programs is Mexico and in particular

Cancun and The Mayan riviera.

We all know what a wonderful

experience Cancun can be and what

it has to offer. However just south lies

the recently reborn Mayan riviera.

Stretching from Punta Brava just

south of Cancun International Airport

to Punta Allen just south of Tulum,

exists one of the most fascinating

destination spots in the world. Tropical

beaches, ancient ruins, excellent golf

courses, abundant marine and wildlife

abound. The Great Mayan reef is

the largest coral reef in the Western

Hemisphere. But more important in

this newly created destination are the

hotels, many of which are deluxe in

every sense of the word including a

number of all inclusive properties that

are the epitome of luxury and suit the

incentive travel market.

One hotel organization in

particular Zoëtry Wellness & resorts

has adopted both social and fiscal

responsibility throughout its resorts

in Mexico and Punta Cana. Zoëtry

…”The Art of Life” adopted from the

Greek word “Zoë” meaning life and

“poetry” meaning artful creation was

inspirational in the naming of the new

resorts. Zoëtry respects the beauty

of their spectacular settings by

recycling, carefully controlling energy

usage, minimizing air pollution and

protecting marine life. They reach

beyond their own properties and into

nearby towns and villages through

community projects and volunteer

guest programs. For example

at Zoëtry Casa del Mar, in Los

Cabos the socially responsible and

environmentally friendly practices

range from an extensive paper and

water recycling and reuse process to

weekly beach cleaning campaigns.

But perhaps the hotel that catches

the attention of the purchasing

manager is Zoëtry Paraiso de la

Bonita, perfectly situated along

Cancun's famed riviera Maya just 20

minutes from Cancun's International

Airport and consistently named

one of Mexico's most exceptional

boutique resorts. It is set on 14

acres, including a private beach. Its

room product is limited to just 90

luxury suites, with ocean views. Most

important to the purchasing manager

is the value. Here’s why: because at

Zoëtry Paraiso de la Bonita, guests

automatically receive an Endless

Privileges® experience which gives

them limitless access to almost all of

the pleasures this intimate resort has

to offer.

These amenities include— all

without having to think about charges

or gratuities: Private chauffeured

airport transfers, bottle of champagne

and fresh fruit basket daily, 1 hour

Catamaran sunset sail, Bvlgari®

bath amenities, aromatherapy pillows

and linen scents, Frette® linens

and bathrobes, multi-functional

rechargeable outlets, electronic

security safe, welcome bottle of

tequila, handmade beach bag and

more, daily breakfast, lunch and

dinner, gourmet dining options with

an assortment of organic food and

beverage selections, unlimited

cocktails and specialty beverages

from a variety of domestic and

international premium brands,

complimentary unlimited worldwide

calls, relaxing 20-minute massage

per guest, daily afternoon tea time

featuring live plant tea infusions,

maid-service three times each day

and complimentary 24-hour laundry


Exciting? yes, and just what the

doctor ordered for the hard working

incentive recipient.

Have A rewarding Day!

One destination that has perhaps risen to the occasion and is the beneficiary of the above changes in the design and financial

structure of corporate America’s incentive travel programs is Mexico and in particular Cancun and

The Mayan Riviera.

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FOUNDED IN 1976, Sweda Company, LLC is a top-40 integrated supplier

of promotional products that provides innovative marketing solutions for the advertising

specialties industry. The privately-owned company, which is accredited by the Quality

Certification Alliance (QCA) and is a ASI 5-Star Supplier, stocks hundreds of products

in over 18 categories and it will now supply world-famous tools from Leatherman®—the

original manufacturer of the multi-tool combining strength, portability, and functionality.

“This partnership is joining two world class companies, each offering a unique strength

that together, will set the standard for most other promotional product suppliers,” said Matt

Kentner, National Sales Manager, Corporate Markets for Leatherman Tool Group, Inc.

“Sweda understands this industry and provides a level of service and confidence necessary

to compete in this marketplace,” he added.

“We’re just thrilled to partner with Leatherman Tool Group,” said Kellie Claudio, Sweda

Director of Business Development. “With unmatched products for trades, the outdoors,

and general purpose, the Leatherman® Brand tradition of innovation, workmanship, and

premium materials are perfectly suited for imprinted specialty gifting,” she added.

Sweda is introducing seven multi-tools from the keychain-sized five-tool-in-one

STyLETM (item# TS0101) to the WAVE®, Leatherman’s 17-tool-in-one full-sized #1

seller. In addition, the MICRA® ALuMINuM (item# TS0102) sports five color options, the

SQuIRT® PS4 (item# TS0103) is a new lower-cost version of their top key chain tool, and

the great-looking SKELETOOL® (item# TS0105) the full-sized seven-tool-in-one multi-tool

which promises five ounces of fury. Backed with a 25-year warranty. Decoration method is


To find out more about this new offering Brilliant Results recently had the opportunity to

pose several questions to Kellie Claudio, Director of Business Development at Sweda.

Br: As a prominent supplier in the promotional products industry, why has Sweda

decided to introduce the Leatherman® brand to the industry?

KC: Sweda’s mission is to be the preferred choice for innovative marketing solutions in

the promotional market. As an innovation leader, giving our customers the choice of premiere

brands is the next step in providing a complete solutions package for our customers. Sweda

has mastered the ‘good’ category of new and exciting products for over three decades.


SWEDA COMPANy, LLC Introduces the LEATHErMAN® Brand

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As we celebrate our 35th anniversary next year, we feel the

natural progression for us is to master the ‘better’ and ‘best’

categories as well. As a USA corporation with a strong and

proud heritage of craftsmanship and design, Leatherman®

seemed a natural choice. Partnering with Leatherman® is

the first of many steps of our goal to affirm our mission.

Br: What in your opinion is the single most important

point to remember for co-branding success and what part will

the Leatherman® brand play in this co-branding process?

KC: Premiere corporations around the world partner with

premiere brands for image. Brand equity is precious and

must be nurtured with a protected distribution, selective and

intelligent marketing, and most importantly, a great product.

Leatherman® has done a superior job in all these areas which

is why the Fortune 500 companies around the world prefer

to co-brand with a brand like Leatherman®. Leatherman®

has successfully captured the highest market share around

the world for multi-tools. It is aspirational for those who

“got it” and for those who want to look like they “got it”!

It is a status symbol of success.

Brand statement: Helping active people

be prepared for anything.

Tagline: Now You’re ready!®

Leatherman “Jack”: 90% male, median age: 42, 64% married

Income: $50,000-$75,000 USD

Occupation: Professional or laborer

Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, outdoor recreation,

DIY projects, gardening/maintenance

BR: What makes Leatherman® products unique

and differentiates them from other similar items currently


KC: Leatherman® is produced right here in the US with

the factory located in beautiful Portland, Oregon. We were

lucky enough to have toured the facility and the attention

to detail is incredible. With a no-questions-asked 25 year

warranty, the tools are almost lifers. Although the demographic

is predominantly male, Leatherman® keychain styles

appeal to women as well. You feel the difference between

Leatherman® and other brands by just holding the pieces

in your hand. Superior quality and engineering precision are

built into every tool. Leatherman® is an executive gift with a

perceived value of the brand. Products range from practical

to practically unbelievable!

Br: Why is Leatherman® a good match for various

promotional uses?

KC: Leatherman® is an upscale gift that corporations

can give with pride knowing they gave the very best.

receiving a Leatherman® product means you have been

most appreciated, honored, and thanked for your service.

Leatherman® definitely has the ‘wow’ factor.

BR: What Leatherman® products will be available?

KC: Sweda will carry in house the STYLE™, MICrA®


as well as the FrEESTYLE®, SKELETOOL®, and the

WAVE® large multi-tools. In addition to these seven styles,

Sweda can sell additional Leatherman® designs from their

retail catalog with a 7 – 10 day turn around.

Br: Can you provide some ideas/examples of how these

products can be successfully utilized by end users in their

marketing, branding, loyalty and motivational programs?

KC: Solution: Luxury Car Manufacturer Lexus test drive

promotion - receive a Leatherman® Multi –Tool for every

test drive of their 2010 S10 Series Lexus (Luxury Brand)

partners with Leatherman® (Luxury Brand)!

Solution- British Petroleum gives to the numerous

volunteers cleaning up the coastal beaches and wild life

sanctuaries as a token of good will and PR. The tool is

immediately put into use cutting down the brush that is now

covered in oil, repairing broken pulls and cinchers gathering

oil and debris. MSRP $74.99 BP’s spend is valued and


Br: What trends do you foresee in the promotional

products industry and how are Leatherman® products

compatible with those trends?

KC: Trends in the promotional products market are

driven by what is happening at retail. We react at least a

season behind the retail market. New fabrications are

marrying with electronics and time pieces. Hard goods are

unique with color and innovative nuances that we see for

2011. Leatherman® is a stable and solid brand with a strong

cache for the multi-tool category. The Leatherman®

Difference is not just their unique attention to detail with the

individual parts. It is the sum of ALL these parts - their specs

and their details - that make up the finest multi-purpose tools

and knives you can find in the marketplace today.

Editor’s Note: Look for Leatherman® Brand products

in Sweda’s new SimplyGIFTS catalog or visit them at www.

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A DILEMMA MANY exhibitors face is how much

information to include in their trade show display. For small

exhibitors with one or two product offerings the answer

can be difficult. For larger exhibitors with a multitude of

products and services which might also include several

departments, the answer can become a nightmare. There

is often so much to tell and the exhibitor wants to make

sure the visitors get the right message. The solution starts

by taking a step back and looking at the display from the

visitor’s perspective.

Show visitors begin with the best of intentions. They have

walked the show and seen dozens of exhibitors displaying

a myriad of products. If there is a technical program at

the conference or event, they will have also sat through a

number of seminars and workshops. These visitors are only

human. There is only so much information the human mind

can absorb. So, the lesson to be learned is that creating a

display that tells too much is self-defeating. The last thing

these attendees want is more information.

Another consideration is that in many cases, visitors

already know the details about your product or service.

They learned about it on the Internet. They visited your web-

site, read reviews in trade magazines and heard from their

community through social media. Once again a display that

attempts to tell people what they already know is futile.

The solution is to ensure that the attraction efficiency

is maximized when you are creating your display. This

means that a good display will grab your visitor’s interest

quickly without adding to the confusion they may already

be experiencing.

This simple lesson may be easier stated than

implemented. The trick is to look at the world of marketing.

We are inundated with marketing messages everywhere:

billboards, radio, television, newspapers, magazines, the

back of ticket stubs, across the outside (and sometimes

inside) of subways and buses, elevator doors, the computer

you are using at this very moment, sidewalks, movie

theaters, you name it. It seems that there isn’t a blank space

that hasn’t been touched by a marketer. Your visitors have

experienced the same. Marketing clutter is unavoidable.

So, the most productive method of creating an attractive

display is through simplicity. It’s not a matter of what more

you can say, but how you can say it with less. This starts

with a clear focus for your display and two crucial criteria –

what is the message and who is it designed for?

What is the message?

If I were to ask you to identify your brand message in

one or two sentences and you hesitated, that should be a

clear clue that homework is needed. Trade show industry

guru Bob Dallmeyer says, “If you can’t write your idea

on the back of a business card, it’s not an idea.”

How true this statement is.

What about those exhibitors with multiple

products or those who share the costs of the display

with their departments. How do you handle the conflicts

in messaging? The answer highlights the need to create

one overall message rather than trying to broadcast

many. Then once you have the attendee’s attention, you

can direct them to specific areas in your display where

their needs will be met.

Who is the message designed for?

Assuming that everyone who is attending the event

is interested in your message or will buy your product

is a fallacy. Albeit there may be some situations in well

targeted regional shows where you are looking to reach

a very specific market. But in most cases trying to reach

the entire audience may not be productive. The solution

is to ask, which candidate will respond most favorably to

my message (or product offering)? Create a profile ahead

of time of who this person is then when you are designing

your display keep the profile in mind.

Next time you are developing a display let simplicity

guide your decisions. you will find your results significantly




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morning, no doubt the birdies were

singing, fresh brewed coffee was

being brought to your bedside by

your two perfectly groomed children

as your spouse called everyone to

hot blueberry pancakes ready and

waiting. Life was perfect, right?

Well, just in case there are a

couple of you out there who were a

tad more grumpy, let me enlighten you

with a whole different perspective on

things. Let’s bring in some attitude-

adjustment therapy. Why? Because

nobody can resist a good giggle now

and again.

Meet my colleague and friend,

Michael Kogutt, VP of Sales for

Supplier partner Points of Light.

I don’t normally spend an entire

column on one company, but I will

make an exception here because I

think you need to see why this is so

important. It takes a third-fewer face

muscles to form a smile than a frown,

so with that in mind, read on.

Points of Light is a crazy business

that provides smiles and giggles in an

otherwise tension-filled environment,

the workplace. They take ordinary,

normal kinds of items like Pens,

Notepads, Stress relievers, Chip

Clips, Memo Clips, Paper Clip

Dispensers and more and turn them

all into fun, goofy, nutty promotional

products that will crack you up. Ever

seen their “Happy Highlighter” or their

“Dusty Pens” that double as a brush to

clear off computer keyboards? Ever

been thrown a ‘talking’ stress reliever

that has a character popping out of a

computer screen? If so, you’ve seen

what these guys come up with.

You may wonder what universal

benefit and purpose lies in a product

that simply makes you stop and smile

and slow down? The answer is in the

question, but I’ll let Michael tell you

his story:

“I was tired, it was late and I was

trying to negotiate a room at a hotel

I was pretty sure was overbooked. I

handed her one of my pens that just

has a simple, smiley face on the top

and told her I hoped she was having

a good day. She stopped what she

was doing, looked at the goofy smile

on the character’s face and started to

laugh, saying that she could really use

the giggle just then. The next thing I

know, she’s booking me into their only

1700 square foot penthouse suite.

Did the pen do that? All I know is that

she smiled and so did I and it was a

welcomed event we both needed. I

credit our smiley-faced Swanky pen

for that.”

Think the world could use a ton

more smiles these days? Me too.

Not sure you are guaranteed an

upgrade the next time you book your

hotel room, but what if giving away a

giggle shone a new and different light

on the personality of your company?

We have enough frustrations in life.

Shake things up a bit, change some

attitudes amongst your customers

and shine a new and more relaxed

image on those who go out every day

and represent and watch what could


This is an economic environment

that still has a lot of ups and downs

to weather. Our industry has many,

many products that will help you

stand out from the crowd and bring

a new message and, if you can also

bring a smile or two in the process,

all the better. Bring in your

Promotional Products Specialist,

put some ideas together and make

your message personal, because

It’s All Personal.


it’s all personal

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Ad Index / Web resource Guide September 20103M ® ........................................................................... .......... Back Cover

Ad-Dancer © ................................................................. ....................... 25

Aprons, Etc ........................ 7

Brilliant Results™ Magazine .......................31

Chocolate Inn ® ....................................................... .................... IBC

KB Innovative Products by .....................................Key-Bak .......................11

Display Solutions ........................ 7

Groline © ... 5,13,17, 23, 29

SWEDA ® ..................................................................... ......................... 3

The Motivation Show .......................15

Warwick .....................IFC

September advertiser’s index

Free Product Information: For free product information from these suppliers, please complete and mail this page to:Brilliant Results Magazine, 9034 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown, PA 17036.Fax to (717) 566-5431 or e-mail [email protected].

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staying sharpBY: BARTON GOLDSMITH, PH.D.

These ten tips will help you create and maintain the positive workplace

habits we all want to see and be around.

1. Recognize your co-workers for their commitment and caring. The

number one motivator of people is recognition. Saying to a teammate that

you recognize their efforts to make your working relationship great is the

best motivator you could give to her or him. Letting someone you love know

that they have added to the team by being their best is one of the highest

compliments you can give. Make sure you get some for yourself as well.

2. Share in creating a positive and emotionally comfortable working

environment. Satisfaction cannot thrive in a negative environment. If you have

developed a “downer” work-style, where no one tries to lift their co-workers

out of the doldrums, it prevents everyone from finding emotional and even

physical comfort – and that will lower productivity. Keeping it positive helps

everyone in the workplace enjoy their jobs more.

Creating a Posi tive Workplace

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Creating a Posi tive Workplace3. Make your working relationships meaningful –

strive to create something worthwhile. Everyone wants to

be part of something greater than they are. Whether it’s

contributing to your company, community, or the world,

doing it as a team will add depth and a sense of higher

purpose to your life. This has the effect of making you feel

that being with your company has helped others.

4. Be responsible for your actions. If you make a

mistake own up to it sooner rather than later and always do

it completely. This gets it out of the way of your business

relationships and creates greater success because no one

has given the problem time to fester and grow. Problems

left unattended have puppies. In other words when you are

not responsible for your actions, it creates more problems.

5. Be accountable for your commitments. When you

make a promise keep it. Not remaining faithful to your word

erodes the trust necessary for a working relationship to not

just stay alive, but to thrive. Once you break your word, your

teammates or customers may have difficulty believing you

will be there for them the next time.

6. Balance the work and the rewards. Trade off

duties with co-workers every now and then, it will help

your teammates feel you respect their contribution. If you

get recognized make sure you also recognize the other

members of your team even if they didn’t do as much as

you. Giving them this respect will help all of you be a tighter,

more respectful and efficient team.

7. Help each other grow and learn. Encourage

co-workers to take care of themselves by getting educated

and working on new projects. People who are not growing

do not feel good about themselves and this will cause

them to feel they are bringing less into the company. When

someone feels less than, they are not able to contribute in a

positive manner.

8. Give your co-workers the opportunity to be

their best. When you know your teammate takes pride in

certain tasks or parts of themselves support her or him in

succeeding at those activities. The last thing you want to do

is to make those you work with on a daily basis feel that you

don’t respect their efforts. remember that greatness in any

one area leads to greatness in all areas.

9. Understand your team members motivation and

stresses. If you know that your teammates have difficulty

talking with the accountant, dealing with the phone company,

or other tasks of the business, take on that responsibility. If

they respond to certain forms of communication, be sure

you know how they like to be communicated with and use

those techniques. Trying to motivate someone in the same

way you like to be motivated may not work for him or her.

Do nice things for no reason (for example I keep a few little

gifts stashed so I can give them to team members when

they reach a milestone or have a success.) Greet your team

members with enthusiasm when you see them at the end of

the day and add some spontaneity to the workday with little


10. Keep it interesting. Perhaps the most difficult part

of having a deep conversation with someone you work

with daily is getting the process started. Most people open

these conversations with little preparation because they

can no longer contain their emotions. When this happens

sometimes things are said that the speaker may regret

afterward. It is wise to think before you talk, especially

about issues that may have an emotional charge, so a little

internal processing beforehand may be your most valuable

tool. Processing your feelings before you lay them on your

teammate will help you deliver them in the most appropriate

manner, and will help your issue resolution discussion

go much easier. Once you experience having a positive

conversation about a difficult subject, the next ones will not

seem as daunting.

The techniques above are specifically designed to help

facilitate the necessary thinking required to produce and

maintain healthy workplace habits. You don't need to use

them all, try the ones that are easiest for you and see how

they work. understanding the need for feeling satisfied and

contributing to that necessity in your work life will make

everyone in the company happier people. These tips will

help you maintain a fulfilling business relationship, and will

prevent your team members from feeling that they “can’t get

no… satisfaction.”

September 2010 | Brilliant Results 33www.bri l l iantpubl

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USA Travel Trivia ~

1. If you are in California, you wouldn't...

a. Check out the stars on the Walk of Fame

b. Gawk at the world's biggest tree

c. Drive down the crookedest street in the world

d. Swim in the Great Salt Lake

2. While visiting New York state, you can't

a. Swim off Shelter Island

b. Bet on the horses at Saratoga

c. Learn a little history at Fort Ticonderoga

d. Learn about the Shaker religion in Hancock

3. If you visit Texas, you won't...

a. Tour the Alamo

b. Check out ships in the nation's eighth largest port

c. Visit the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame

d. Attend mass at Mission Dolores

4. When you go to Ohio, you would never...

a. Visit the rock and roll Hall of Fame

b. Swim in Lake Ontario

c. Tour the Amish country

d. See Indian burial mounds

5. Visit Virginia and you couldn't...

a. Peruse Appalachian crafts shops in Berea

b. Tour the Chancellorsville Battlefield

c. Visit Monticello

d. Buy a wild pony at auction

6. If you travel to Minnesota, you won't be able to...

a. Drive through the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant

b. See a Shakespearean play at the Guthrie Theater

c. Attend a home game of the Green Bay Packers

d. Canoe the Boundary Waters

7. Go to Missouri and you won't...

a. Laugh with Yakov Smirnoff at this own theater

b. Visit the site of the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition

c. Visit the world's largest shopping mall

d. See artifacts of his administration

at the Harry S Truman Library

8. If you visit Florida, you can't...

a. Shop at the Mall of America

b. Dance the night away at South Beach

c. ride an airboat through the Everglades

d. Visit the oldest town in North America

9. While visiting Massachusetts, you would not...

a. Go whale watching out of Provincetown

b. Check out one of the Five Colleges before enrolling

c. Listen to a concert under the stars in Lenox

d. Take a day trip to Block Island

10. Visit Alabama and you won't...

a. root for the Crimson Tide

b. Train like an astronaut at Space Camp

c. Dip in the Gulf of Mexico at Fort Walton Beach

d. Follow the Civil rights route from Selma to Montgomery

Editor’s NOTE: Quotes courtesy of:;

Trivia Questions courtesy of:

Answers: 1. d; 2. d; 3. d.; 4. b; 5. a; 6. c; 7. c; 8. a; 9. d; 10. c.

off the cuff

The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway.


The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.


When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.


If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home.


There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror.


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