brain to brain interface

I Think.... You Receive B Thivya Priyaa

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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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Brain to Brain Interface. Perhaps this is the next BIG THING thats going to change the way we communicate


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I Think.... You Receive

B Thivya Priyaa

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Telepathy ?

• It’s the purported transmission of information from one person to another

• without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.

• There is no scientific evidence that telepathy is a real phenomenon. 

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How will it be if you are going to have a real technology that will enable you to communicate just through thinking ??

Do you think so that it’s even possible ???

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YES !!! It has become ALMOST possible

Through .....


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Brain –Computer Interface

A brain–computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a direct neural interface or a brain–machine interface,

is a direct communication pathway between a brain

and an external device.

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Types of BCI

Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces -implanted directly into the brain and has

the highest quality signals. -provide functionality to paralyzed people. Partially Invasive Brain Computer

Interfaces -implanted inside the skull but outside the

brain. Non Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces -Gives a patient the ability to move muscle

implants and restore partial movement.

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Invasive Partially Invasive

Non Invasive

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Shift from BCI to BBI

• A BBI relies on two pillars: - the capacity to read (or “decode”)

useful information from neural activity and the capacity to write (or “encode”)

digital information back into neural activity.

• In recent years, we have witnessed incredible progress in these two capabilities with the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces, or BCIs

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Working of BBI

• Electroencephalography, or EEG, is routinely used by clinicians and researchers to record brain activity noninvasively from the scalp.

• The first human brain (the sender) is connected to a computer via an EEG-based BCI. The second human brain (the receiver) is connected to another computer via a Magstim transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) 

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The cycle of the experiment. Brain signals from the “Sender” are recorded. When the computer detects imagined hand movements, a “fire” command is transmitted over the Internet to the TMS machine, which causes an upward movement of the right hand of the “Receiver.” This usually results in the “fire” key being hit. (Credit: University of Washington)

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Some experiments

 PLOS - ONE project

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• Criminal investigation• Communication• Aid for the differently-abled• Capturing memories ..etc

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Future ...?

• Great !! Instead of posting it in Facebook or in Twitter one can post a message directly into your brain ! Haha

• Light weight EEG seems possible• Constant streaming of thoughts• Less bulkier BBI

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Thank You =)

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