break down the walls of religion

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  • 8/14/2019 Break Down the Walls of Religion



    To cause one to think is the purpose of questions.


    I have been a believer in Christ for over thirty years. My only desire has been to

    know God and equally important, who I am. In 1986, I began pouring through

    scriptures trying to make sense of it all. Soon, six years had passed and I found

    myself a teacher, elder and at times a minister of healing at a local

    church. I saw and experienced amazing things such as: people healed of sickness;

    spiritual giftings and foreknowledge displayed openly; and powerful manifestations

    of God's Spirit upon people physically and mentally. However, after several more

    years I knew inside me it was time to leave that local

    church, and no one could understand why. At the time, even I did not know why.Today, others still do not understand why! Through eyes of judgement, they can

    only see me and my family as "lost."

    Now, it is easy for me to look back and see why I was to move on in my spiritual

    journey. I had become a very, religious person. Religion is the false, man-made

    idea of who or what God must be. The truth will not be found within the

    walls of religion. I thought I knew God because I knew the scriptures. Did I really

    know truth or did I simply learn too well the beliefs others had taught me? Was I

    willing to let go of all doctrines and ask God to show me the truth of who He is and

    who I am? Did I really understand the scriptures and the meanings behind thesayings Jesus spoke? Would I lay scriptures down and trust God to not only "save"

    me, but also speak to me by the voice of His Spirit?

    It is safe to say that I have a very good perspective from which to write. If you think

    perhaps that I lack understanding of traditional teachings and doctrines of the

    scriptures let me say you are mistaken. For years, I taught the very doctrines many

    believe and hold true to today. I had believed I could

    prove to you the doctrine was true based upon lining up one verse of scripture with

    another verse. Even though I was a very good lawyer, making my argument with a

    book of law known as the "Bible," it did not mean I was correct in understanding or

    knowing truth. When I began hearing for myself

    the truth within me, it challenged the very doctrines I had defended whole-

    heartedly. It has taken many years for these things to be undone in me, and still

    today I seek to know the answers...the truth.

    My goal of this writing is not to give you answers. If you are looking for answers, I

    only want to direct you as to where to find them. You need to learn to seek answers
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    to life's questions through yourself. The answers you seek cannot be found from the

    mouth or pen of any man, but must be heard

    inside you, "the hearer." I challenge you, "the seeker," to find those answers

    within. In fact, if you look deep enough, you will find you already knew the

    answers; you just simply forgot. I give you questions to assist in your seeking of

    truth and the undoing of your traditional beliefs in doctrines, which simply cannotbe true. Due to my challenging of what some may consider being core fundamental

    tenets of the Christian faith, the religious may find this journey to be highly difficult.

    You may say, "I am not a

    religious person," but the truth of the matter is man's influence upon your mind has

    caused you to perceive things, which are false, as if they were true. Are you willing

    to have your current beliefs challenged by questions for only you to find the

    answers to? If you are to be true to yourself, then do not give patent answers

    learned from another person or book to the questions I will ask you. Ask yourself,

    "How did I arrive at this belief? Where did this belief come from and is it truth?"

    The truth one knows will set one free.

    Where can truth be found? How can one hear God? Look withinyou. An answer of

    truth will always come without fear, condemnation or guilt upon the wings of peace:

    like an angel that brings tidings of love, hope and joy. Quite easily, anything less is

    not truth or God sent. Some, who I will again

    badge as "religious," will no doubt try to scare you with fear into not even

    considering thoughts outside of their own beliefs and teachings. Does that make

    their beliefs valid? They may say, "How do you know what you are hearing is from

    God and not from the devil himself? Perhaps, Satan is

    whispering his lies in your ear!" Judge what you hear by one simple means of

    measurement: does it come out of love on wings of peace?

    The Axe To The Roots

    Jesus: Crucifixion, Resurrection and Return

    I love to read the gospels, which tell the amazing stories of Jesus. When I think

    about him blowing people's minds by his unbiased love, power and healing, it is

    then I know inside of me

    that he is real. The stories are real. The miracles are real. How do I know this? I

    just know deep down because the truth gently rings within me like a long-lost friend

    to my spirit. Still Ihave many questions. Likewise, many around him in that day, also had questions.

    Jesus never seemed to give the answers to them, but rather asked questions of

    them. Why did he do this?

    I believe he merely asked the questions that would cause us to question our own

    beliefs and their origins. He causes us to seriously consider our current beliefs and

    ask, "Are they truth or
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    has my own mind become the prison which keeps me from freedom?" My approach

    to Jesus is not an attempt to discredit him or his ministry in any way. Rather, I

    believe we are the ones

    who have totally misunderstood his life and message. What was he saying? What

    is the truth that ultimately brought him to crucifixion, then resurrection, shaking the

    entire known world ofthat day and affecting us still today?

    Question One: Some teach Jesus and his kingdom to be coming again to this world. If

    true, why then did Jesus teach, "The kingdom of God is within you...not outside of

    you...not visible with the physical eyes...and at hand;" and how come we do not hear

    that very same message preached, today? (Luke 17:20-21; Mark 1:15)

    Question Two: If Jesus is the only son of God, why did Paul and John both state that,

    "we are the sons of God?" (Romans 8:14,19; Galatians 3:26; I John 3:2)

    Question Three: Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be the son of God andChrist. The scriptures state that we are the sons of God and Christ is in us. Who then

    killed the idea of us being one with God, God or man? (Colossians 1:27)

    Question Four: Some teach Jesus to be coming back literally in the clouds of the sky.

    Why then would Jude and the writer of Hebrews refer to clouds as being people, and

    could we have missed Jesus' appearing? (Jude 1:12; Hebrews 12:1)

    Question Five: If we understand resurrection correctly, why didn't Jesus' own disciples

    immediately recognize him after his resurrection?. (Luke 24:13-31)

    Sin, Satan and the Antichrist

    There have been so many different beliefs, doctrines and teachings on these

    subjects that one would find it hard to know just what to believe. Some think the

    only "safe" way to live their lives is to look at every action one does and judge it,

    accordingly. Others, cowering under fear, believe "the devil" is hiding behind every

    tree or underneath every rock, just waiting to pounce on them! In both cases, that's

    certainly no way to live and I do not believe those to be truths Jesus stated would

    set one free. To me, freedom simply comes from not having fear, but peace

    within me, in its' place. Maybe, we have complicated these subjects. Perhaps,

    we can find simpler understandings of them and remove the fear of the unknown.

    Fear forms closed doors in one's life. Each of us have the ability to choose to go

    through each and every door of fear and see what lies behind it. The only way fear

    can be vanquished from a life is for it to be faced. When faced, a new freedom and

    sometimes pathway to travel is found. You have to make the

    decision to not fear. Fear is the opposite of love and God is love. That

    means God is not the source of fear. Will you choose to face your fears to find

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    inner peace?

    You may be wondering why I am writing about fear. In the past, I was stopped from

    following what I was hearing on the inside of me, by people who were telling me

    "God might send me to hell," if

    I do not follow their teachings. Funny, how I figured out later that I was alreadyin hell by believing others' false beliefs about God and myself. I spent years

    in that hell by refusing to hear anything but the religious teachings I had learned.

    Yet, I had no idea my beliefs were in error and hurtful to me and others. Fear has a

    way of paralyzing and hurting each of us.

    The following questions are for your consideration:

    Question Six: Some teach and believe "sin" as being an outward physical action,

    but Jesus taught sin to come from within a person's heart or mind. Could "sin"

    simply be a forgivable mistake due to lack of understanding, and perhaps meaning

    only to "to mis-think?" (Matt. 12:35; 15:17-20)

    Question Seven: Could "repentance" simply mean "to change one's mind?" What

    is repentance? (Mark 1:15)

    Question Eight: It is written that Jesus spoke numerous times, "only believe," and

    "have faith." Could he be saying, "What you believe becomes real to you?" (Mark

    5:36; Luke 8:50; Matt. 17:20;21:21-22)

    Question Nine: Many teach the "devil" or "Satan" to be a powerful, invisible being,

    lurking around every corner, just waiting to attack his helpless victims. If that weretrue, then why would Jesus call Peter, "Satan," and Judas Iscariot, "a devil?" Could

    Satan and the devil represent something within us, far simpler to overcome? (Matt.


    Question Ten:The book of Revelation states that the devil, Satan, serpent and

    dragon are all one and the same. Knowing this, why do you think Jesus also called

    the religious leaders of that day, "vipers" or serpents? (Matt. 12:34; Rev. 12:9;20:2)

    Question Eleven: Why are believers still waiting for Jesus to come when John

    clearly stated that "He is come in the flesh," and anyone who denies this is theantichrist? In light of this verse of scripture, what is an antichrist? (I John 4:1-4)

    Question Twelve: The unclean spirits Jesus confronted never denied who he was,

    even proclaiming him to be the Son of God. I John 4:2 states Jesus to have come in

    the flesh and whoever denies this is "antichrist" (against Christ - wouldn't the

    unclean spirits count as anti-christ?). In this verse, could John have been speaking

    of man's denial of Jesus' appearing (or coming) within our own flesh? (Mark 1:24-25;

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    Col. 1:27)

    Question Thirteen: Why do men teach there to be only one antichrist to come

    when John clearly stated, "There are many antichrists?" (I John 2:18-23)

    What is Death

    We build tombs, monuments and memorials to comemorate lives as if they are gone

    and all we have left are the memories. Does the person who has tasted death still

    exist? If you answered, "yes," then why do we act as if they are gone? We

    seemingly exalt death as if it is a "grim reaper" who steals lives daily. What a cruel

    and unjust world. I can't help but feel death is hiding a great truth and blinding us

    from our peace and freedom. Could God be the power who gives us life and could

    that life-giving energy ever be destroyed? These are hard, puzzling questions to

    consider in the midst of what our eyes have sadly shown us. Can we explore

    death's veil and test its' bold statement and find error? Do you want to explore

    death or have you decided it is what it is?

    Death is a subject many of us do not wish to talk about. We just try and forget

    about it while believing one day we will have to face it. Most of us hope that day

    will not come anytime soon. Staying

    back in our minds it becomes a nagging fear for most people. Is death something to

    be feared? Paul said, "Oh, death, where is your sting?" Jesus' life was a triumph

    over death. He proved by his

    resurrection that death does not matter or change who we are. He proved we are

    eternal. Jesus couldn't really be killed. He lives on. We shall live on. Do we reallyunderstand death, as Jesus knew it?

    Is our definition of death the same as his?

    Why do we live now hoping for tomorrow to be better? It appears to me that we

    only have today, because the future is not here right now and yesterday is gone!

    Now, some want to live in the past,

    but that is an illusion. The past can only exist in the mind's memory. What if we

    could live right now as Jesus lived? I think we have come to believe it cannot be

    done. He lived in power and in control, overcoming all that this world could throw

    at him, right now. Most of us, however, want to wait until after we physically die,thinking death to be a quick fix. Is it? I am not sure, but I do know Jesus walked in

    the "right now." Did he teach to wait until after death to have peace? Did he ask us

    to put off today for tomorrow? Was he triumphant in death or resurrection? Was

    death important or life? Was not his life triumphant and incredible before his death?

    Could death triumph over Jesus? Did death

    direct and dictate Jesus' life?

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    Question Fourteen: Did Jesus believe in death? Is death real?

    Question Fifteen: The scriptures indicate that no man could take Jesus' life. In fact,

    Matthew tells us the people tried to stone Jesus and throw him over a cliff and he

    walked right through them! If death is

    an absolute, why couldn't the people kill him until he laid his life down to be taken?(Luke 4:28-30; I John 3:16)

    Question Sixteen: If we truly understand death, then why did Jesus say the little girl

    and Lazarus, both of whom he resurrected, were not dead but only sleeping? By Jesus'

    definition of sleeping, what must one

    awake to? (Matt. 9:18-26; Mark 5:35-43; John 11:11-15)

    Question Seventeen: When a man who wanted to follow Jesus asked if he could first

    go home and bury his father, what did Jesus mean by telling him, "let the dead bury the

    dead?" (Matt. 8:22; Luke 9:60)

    Question Eighteen: Some teach we are not to speak to the dead on the other side of

    the grave, so why did Jesus speak to Moses and Elijah at the mount of transfiguration?

    (Matt. 17:3; Mark 9:4)

    Question Nineteen: If Jesus spoke to Moses and Elijah, why did Saul get into trouble

    by speaking to Samuel through a medium?(I Sam. 28:11-15)

    Question Twenty: What did Jesus mean when he quoted scripture saying, "God is not

    the God of the dead but of the living?"(Matt. 22:29-32)

    Question Twenty One: Many denominations and doctrines of men deny the existenceof ghosts as being possible. Why is this so, when clearly the disciples believed in their

    existence when they mistook Jesus

    for a ghost when he came walking on the water? What about the appearing of Samuel's

    spirit or ghost to Saul?(Matt. 14:25-26; Mark 6:49)


    This world just doesn't make sense. You look outside and this place appears right at

    times, but look real close and you find there is nothing of value here, except people.

    All that your eyes can see is passing away. Can you ever find peace in this world if

    your hope is in it? Where can you look and not find crisis? Thomas quoted Jesus asproclaiming, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."

    Behold religion closely and you will find turmoil within their ranks, as well.

    Squabbling, divisions, differences and unspeakable crimes have torn apart the walls

    of religion, exposing their man-made foundations and ideas. Often times, we see

    hurting people who are looking for life's answers, trapped within their visible and

    invisible walls. Hurting people do not need religion in a crisis; they need love and

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    truth. The fact that there is any crisis at all within religion's walls should say to us

    that its' doctrines might not line up with truth. Have you ever considered that?

    Have you ever examined your christian beliefs and thought to yourself, "These

    seem good, but I can't help but feel there is something wrong or maybe even

    missing?" Could it be a small voice within you whispering the truth in your inner

    most being? And if so, could it be this same, small voice causing you to desire whatis true, by allowing you

    to finally see what is false? Have you succumbed to believing doctrines you were

    taught by others? Are you even open to hearing what is true or has your mind been

    made up? Has what you heard within your heart come into conflict with the

    teachings you have received from others, but you decide to follow others beliefs

    instead? Is the basic christian doctrine true as it is portrayed by the religious and

    believed by millions today?

    Those are just a few questions that I have come to ask myself while trying to

    discern what Jesus was teaching us. When people discuss hell, they seem to have

    varying beliefs. What I find to be interesting is that many cannot comprehend any

    of their loved ones spending eternity in hell, yet they believe in it. My brother often

    tells me, "If my family and friends are not going to be in heaven, then why would I

    want to be there without them?" If heaven is eternal, then it is available now to all

    and never has

    been unavailable to us. And if heaven is eternal, then it is true and what is true

    cannot have an opposite, such as an eternal hell. Have you ever run into a person

    who tries to convert you to their religious beliefs, usually through the fear of missing

    heaven and ending up in an eternal hell? If you have, then may I suggest

    questioning them about their beliefs regarding hell? There are too many

    contradictions taught to people about hell and it may not even be recognized whenthe error is plainly

    exposed! All we need to do is follow our train of thinking through to the obvious

    conclusion and it begins to become clearer that these doctrines just cannot be

    correct. I will assist in pointing out some errors through the following questions,

    while you work to figure out the truth for yourself!

    Question Twenty Two: If hell is an eternal place of torment, why did Jesus set the

    captives free from the time of Noah...the same people whom the flood waters were

    meant to destroy? (I Peter 3:18-20)

    Question Twenty Three: If hell does exist eternally, why would Jesus possess "keys

    to hell and death," knowing that keys are needed only to unlock something? What

    need would there be of even having keys if they are not needed to unlock? If the

    keys were only used to lock something up for all of eternity, why wouldn't the keys

    be destroyed, if no longer needed? (Rev. 1:18)

    Question Twenty Four: Let us assume there is an eternal hell and some we know

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    and love will be there in torment, while we are in heaven. How could God wipe

    away all tears from the eyes of us in heaven if we have lost loved ones in the fires

    of an eternal hell? Could we ever be at peace or do you suppose God would just

    erase our memories of those we knew and loved, but have perished? Could you

    ever forgive God for doing that to someone you love? (Rev. 7:17;21:4)

    Question Twenty Five: If it were true that once a person finds himself in hell he is

    trapped in a prison of torment without hope, why would Jesus state that "the gates

    of hell shall notprevail?" (Matt. 16:18)

    Question Twenty Six: Why did Bible translators use the word "eternal" in the

    scriptures when the Greek word properly translated means "for a set period of time"

    (an age), properly meaning hell has an end? And why are the greek words Hades

    and Gehenna translated as "hell" in the King James Bible, when Hades simply

    means the place ofall departed souls, good or bad (the other side of the grave),


    Gehenna was just a local trash dump outside of Jerusalem? (Mark 3:29; Jude 1:7)

    Question Twenty Seven: Some teach fire in the scriptures to be of the devil and

    part of his torment upon the godless in his future dwelling place called "hell." If fire

    is of the devil's hell, why would Jesus say, "all will be salted with fire?" Why does

    the writer of Hebrews state, "Our Godis a consuming fire?" (Mark 9:49; Heb.


    Question Twenty Eight: Many believe very few people will be saved and make it to

    heaven. How could Jesus say he would draw all men unto himself? Why did Paul

    say in I Corinthians, "all shall be made alive?" (John 12:32; I Cor. 15:22,28; Col.1:20; II Cor. 5:19)

    Question Twenty Nine: If you believe only some people will inherit heaven and

    eternal life, what percentage would be saved in your opinion? If all are not saved

    from hell, wouldn't that mean Jesus and God failed in their plan to "destroy the

    works of the devil," making the devil victorious if even one perishes? Who is more

    powerful, God or the devil, and which one failed since both could not be victorious?

    (I John 3:8)

    Question Thirty: When the disciples asked, "Who then shall be saved?," Jesus

    replied, "The things that are impossible with men are possible with God." How can

    some still teach it to be impossible for all to be saved? Didn't Jesus answer man's

    doubts in his response? (Luke 18:26-27)

    Question Thirty One:Jesus called heaven "the kingdom of God" andthe "kingdom

    of heaven." In fact, both were used interchangeably in the same parables that were

    recorded by the different authors of the four gospels. The very word "kingdom"

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    implies the totality of all God has and is, heaven obviously being included. Why,

    then, do we wait to "go to heaven" some day after we die, when Jesus plainly stated

    that the kingdom is here now and within us? What does that mean? (Matt. 3:2;

    Mark1:15; Luke


    Question Thirty Two: A common belief of most christians is that unless one

    worships Jesus alone, heaven is unattainable. They base this doctrine upon the

    scripture, "no man comes to the Father (God), but by me (Jesus)." Jesus' ministry

    showed us how to live and how to love. He led by example. He showed us how to

    follow our heavenly Father. In essence, when you look at Jesus and his life, you

    should see yourself and your life. How might that give new understanding to the

    above verse of scripture? (John 14:5-7)

    The ChurchWhat is "church?" Where is "church?" How is "church" to be? When I was

    teaching at a local "church" from scriptures, I couldn't help but wonder about Christ

    stating His church will become "one." To me that would mean no separation or

    division. Would God gather all the denominations together

    into one organization, or would He establish a governing body to rule over all the

    differing denominations? Neither idea could be farther from the truth. My error was

    in looking at the church as a building or denomination that worshipped together on

    Sunday. In fact, when I began having these ideas burst into my head, I decided to

    research where the concept ofchurch buildings, offering plates and pulpits came

    from. The more I looked at the early church in the book of Acts, the more I becameconvinced that these things were instituted by man to establish control. The early

    "church" simply

    did not look like what many call "church" today. Many current christian "church"

    teachings did not exist then, either. Most of the established doctrines and

    traditions, such as buildings and pulpits came into existence around the time of

    300AD. Today, if one believes the scores of church buildings on every street

    corner to be God's ordained church, then that same person will be misled

    into believing and following doctrines not taught by Jesus. It took me years

    to finally realize the power of this

    illusion. Christ said His church is not divided but will be "one." Is what you believe

    the church to be today "one" and undivided? I believe the current "church

    system" to be the major cause of division amongst people and therefore rendered


    So, what is the church and where is it? I can't help but feel like we have been

    trapped into believing that what we call "the church" is not what Jesus had in mind.

    Have you ever been afraid to ask these questions? I have. Still, I cannot help but
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    ask, "If our understanding of church is true, then where today

    is the power Jesus and His followers demonstrated almost two thousand years ago?"

    I personally have seen some miracles. But, what caused those miracles to happen?

    Question Thirty Three: Did Jesus go to church every sabbath or did He go

    wherever he was led by the spirit? (Luke 4:1; Rom. 8:14)

    Question Thirty Four: When did the concepts ofchurch buildings, pulpits and

    collection plates come into practice? Were these practices man-made or God-


    Question Thirty Five: If the exact same message Jesus taught is being preached

    today, then why didn't He command all the people to come into buildings for a

    service every Sunday and worship Him? Why did crowds flock around Jesus to hear

    His words wherever He went, but today people are not flocking into church

    buildings to hear a message? (John 13:34-35)

    Question Thirty Six: If Christ's church is represented by the numerous assemblies

    of different denominations (e.g. Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics, etc.),

    why are they so divided? Didn't Jesus pray that we may all be one and will His

    prayer be answered? Can all these

    denominations hold onto varying beliefs, separating themselves from each other

    and yet be "one" in Christ? (John 17:11, 21-22)

    Question Thirty Seven: Are denominations and divisions of God? How can all be


    Question Thirty Eight:Today, if what we call "the church" is successful and

    possessing the correct structure and message "to save the world," why are there

    divisions amongst so many christians while the world is still in chaos? Why are so

    many churches today losing membership, splitting or folding if

    they are of God?

    Question Thirty Nine: What is the church to you: a building or people? Which do

    you think is more important to God?

    Truth and the Word of GodWhen a person begins looking for God, most run to a religious organization and buy the

    products they are selling. Think about the amounts of money given to sustain a local

    "church" in return for theirbeliefs on who theybelieve God to be. Could this be similar

    to the "buying and selling," which Jesus with whip, drove out from the jewish temple?

    Can you have a personal relationship with God through a mediator of men who tell you

    what God is saying? What if they are wrong? What if their teachings are incorrect and
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    have just

    been passed down for centuries from one to another? Does longevity make a wrong

    belief or doctrine correct? Could the Israelites know God through Moses, whom they

    sent up the fiery mountain alone to hear God for them? Did they not all end up bound

    under laws and fear from what Moses told them God had said? They could only see God

    as a ferocious fiery mountain and one to be feared due to all their second-handknowledge of Him. Law is second-hand knowledge of who God is. Do not fear the

    journey for God to show you the truth personally. Really, truth is what you have been

    searching for your whole life. Jesus

    stated, "The truth will set you free," and that He "is the truth." Following Jesus' bold

    statement would lead one to believe knowing God is to know truth. Wouldn't you agree

    when truth is found, the seeker has found God? Start your journey by backing up to the

    beginning and searching for pearls of truth amongst the chaos surrounding us. Jesus

    told a parable about a pearl of great price. The man sold all that he had and went and

    bought that pearl. In my opinion, truth is that great pearl we should purchase with all

    we possess.

    The gospel of Luke records Pontius Pilate asking Jesus, "What is truth?" Jesus gave no

    response. Ever think why didn't He reply? My best guess is that truth cannot be heard

    by, or defined by the words of men, called human language. Everyone has different

    understandings of what words mean to them. For example, my definition of the word

    "love" could easily be different than another's definition of love. Heck, the word "love,"

    has several different meanings in the dictionary! Another example might be the word

    "forgiveness." Some may see forgiveness as something to be given to a person

    conditionally, always keeping track of the offense in the back of their mind. Others may

    understand forgiveness as striving to forgive all unconditionally, forgetting any wrong


    ever occurred. Your definition of forgiveness could be much different than mine.Language can easily be a barrier in communication of truth. People constantly

    misunderstand each other. Man's language, therefore, cannot easily define truth. It

    must be understood within the heart, heard with spiritual ears listening to the spirit of

    God. When recognized, truth is simply known. It may seem like a new revelation upon

    being received, but when one recognizes truth, it is found to always have been known

    within that person's

    being. It just seemed to be forgotten for a moment in time. Truth is a constant that has

    always been and always will be. That is my next question...

    Question Forty: Think this one through carefully: Is truth absolute and can it change?

    (Psalms 31:5; James 1:17)

    Question Forty One: Jesus stated that He is the truth. Is truth eternal? (John


    Question Forty Two: Here is the deep question for those who believe truth to be

    eternal and unchanging: If truth is eternal, what does that say about the world you see

    passing away before your eyes? What does that say about your physical body? What

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    does that say about sickness and death?

    Question Forty Three:Think about the concept of God at war with the devil, as

    believed and taught by so many. If God is truth, can truth ever be defeated or even

    threatened? If not, then can evil be real? Are things contrary to truth real? (John


    Question Forty Four: Many christians today believe and teach the Bible to be the

    "word of God." If this were true, how can John 1:3 state, "...the word of God is God." Is

    the Bible God or was John saying something else? What is the "word of God?"

    (Ephesians 6:17)

    Question Forty Five: John, chapter one tells us, "The word became flesh and dwellt

    among us." Did the Bible become flesh? Did the Bible even exist in Jesus' day? (John


    Question Forty Six: What if scriptures are men's interpretation of what God wassaying to them? What if their interpretations were at times wrong? Could they be


    Question Forty Seven: Some teach to only be led by the Bible. Did the Bible or the

    spirit lead Jesus? Why would Paul write, "It is those who are led by the spiritwho are the

    sons of God?" (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18)

    Question Forty Eight: People teach to take the scriptures literally and line them up,

    one with another. If this would be the correct way to learn from the scriptures, why

    would Jesus tell us He speaks in parables so men could not hear the truth of what He

    was saying literally? Can we learn from His parables and statements literally?(Matthew 13:13-17;21:45; Mark 4:11-12)

    Question Forty Nine:Jesus said to call no man your master or rabbi (teacher), and

    Peter stated, "You have no need for any man to teach you." So, why do we look to men

    for answers to life's questions? (Matthew 23:2-13)

    Question Fifty: Paul tells us that all scriptures are profitable for instruction. Why didn't

    Jesus, Paul or the rest of the apostles tell us to look to scriptures (the Bible) for answers?

    Where did they tell us to look? (II Timothy 3:16-17; I John 2:26-27)


    I used to be involved in the "charismatic movement." It is the belief in the gifts of

    the Holy Spirit being available not only to the original apostles, but to us here today.

    When one first experiences the power of the spirit, he or she can be overwhelmed

    with a new and exciting spiritual journey. It is like coming alive to something

    wonderful you had been missing right before your eyes. All of a sudden, God

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    becomes real to you. Many worldwide have experienced prophecy, visions, dreams,

    spiritual tongues, healings and most importantly, transformed lives. I personally

    have seen God's power come and "touch" an unsuspecting person, incredibly

    changing them while sometimes even taking them physically down to the ground.

    Many of these were people who would never allow themselves to be taken by

    surprise, if they could have stopped it from happening. During these"manifestations" of God's spirit, often times the different giftings or healings would


    There is one fine example that now comes to mind. I remember a very reserved,

    non-charismatic lady in particular. "Leslie" came hobbling into the sanctuary of a

    local church, about an hour before the service was to begin. Immediatley, I had

    asked her, "What happened to you?" She replied, "It is a back problem that I

    recently found out from my mom, runs in our family. Both my mom and aunt have it

    and have been told I am destined to have it, also." Well, I was immediately under

    the impression that Leslie had

    believed a lie about her health and so I told her if she wanted us to pray for her, she

    should come up at the end of the morning service for us to "lay hands" upon her in


    Someone must have seen the surprise on my face when Leslie came up for prayer

    that day. We had many invitations over approximately two years for people to come

    up and receive prayer, but never had she come up for herself. She must have

    thought prayer wasn't for her, or that we might embarrass her. Still bothered by her

    limp, I felt inclined to read her a passage from Galatians which stated that we are

    not entitled to curses, but blessings. The mind is a powerful thing. I knew she had

    believed whole-heartedly that she was cursed with some form of a hereditarydisease and therefore had fallen ill. As I spoke those freeing words to her, I waved

    my hands toward Leslie and the spirit of God poured upon her like a river! She

    struggled to remain standing, but eventually succumbed to the power and fell

    completely to the floor. She just wanted to be healed and stood up very surprised

    that day.

    Her healing had come to her by simple faith, but also in a new and unique way.

    With all the great things I witnessed by the power of the spirit, I knew there were

    major things missing with our beliefs. For instance, we did not see all people healed

    as Jesus spoke of and demonstrated. A good friend of mine once said, "It is likebeing up to bat in a baseball game. When you make contact with the ball and drive

    it out of the ballpark, it is a great feeling. You know it can be done. However, what

    about all the other times you swing the bat and do not connect? How can you hit

    the ball perfectly every time?" He was making a good point. If we are correct with

    our current beliefs and they are identical with Jesus' teachings, why are we not

    having a 100% success rate with healings and miracles.

    Who failed to heal? Was God too weak in power to heal one person, but plenty

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    more powerful and more willing to heal another? I believe what God would give to

    one, He would give to another, as well.

    I think our message has been wrong. In fact, I believe we totally missed Jesus' core

    message as demonstrated by his life. I firmly believe we still do not know him or

    even ourselves, yet. I think at times when we have seen miracles and healings wehave "connected" with a true faith and understanding, in line with God's


    When we haven't connected with God, I believe we have missed the mark and fallen

    short of truth. What was his message? John stated in Revelation, "The testimony of

    Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." I believe John was saying that when we look at

    Jesus' life of miracles, healings and unconditional love, we are seeing who we really

    are to become. We become Him (Jesus) by coming to the knowledge of the truth of

    who we are and what we already have. His life prophesies or reveals God's plan for

    the future of mankind. This is Christ: being one with your heavenly Father. Here

    are some questions to contemplate with regard to Jesus' message and ministry:

    Question Fifty One: The scriptures state "God is love," "Perfect love casts out all

    fear," and "Now there is no condemnation." How then, can preachers preach and

    teachers teach a message of fear, condemnation and guilt? Is that "love" in light of

    Jesus words, "Love your neighbor as yourself," and "Judge not lest you be judged?"

    Why didn't Jesus preach a message of condemnation? (Romans 8:1; I John 4:8,18)

    Question Fifty Two: Is fear, condemnation and guilt even from God or is it man-

    made? Are not these the very things Jesus set people free from?

    Question Fifty Three: Whom did Jesus speak against, the common people or the

    religious leaders who led by fear, guilt and condemnation? (Matthew 23:13-16,23-


    Question Fifty Four: We are told in the New Testament of the Bible, "God is love,"

    while the Old Testament tells of a God who kills women and children. Can they be

    the same God when several verses tell us, "God does not change?" How can there

    be a God of opposites? (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17)

    Question Fifty Five: Many believe it is not always God's will to heal sickness. Howcould this be true if Jesus "healed all that were oppressed of the devil," and

    exclaimed it was His will to heal? God is either a healer or non-healer, ifHe is

    eternal and true. He has to be one or the other. What about the scripture, again,

    that says, "God does not change?" Could it be God's will to heal all today?

    (Matthew 13:15; Acts 10:38)

    Question Fifty Six: Jesus said, "You will do greater works than these." If we are

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    correct in our current doctrines and dogmas, why haven't we seen these greater

    works? Could it be we have missed his message? (John 14:12)
