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Bryan Kreuzberger, Creator of The Breakthrough Email System™ Presents… Breakthrough Email BLUEPRINT Copyright Someway Media LLC

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Bryan Kreuzberger, Creator of The Breakthrough Email System™


Breakthrough Email

BLUEPRINT Copyright Someway Media LLC


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Copyright Someway Media LLC © 2013. Copyright Someway Media LLC

What This Is and Who It’s For…What you’re about to discover is a blueprint of the entire Breakthrough Email System™ so you can understand all of it just by looking at a few pages. When I am working on generating new business this is the exact mind map I follow.

I’m not overstating things to tell you that this process could very well transform your life. It did just that to mine only a few years ago when I was a brand new salesman working with start-ups with no leads and no system.

I struggled cold calling, finding qualified leads and getting rejected by company after company. For those that would talk with me, I could never close them. I always seemed to be playing the follow up game.

Finally I discovered that I could cold email into a company. In one step I could get a meeting with anyone. I met with highly qualified buyers, who wanted to work with me.

And now I’m on a mission to share what I’ve created with smart sales people all over the world.

I Never Intended For Anyone to See This...The funny thing is, I never meant for anyone to discover my system. At first, the only person who even knew what I was doing was my brother. I showed him the system be-cause I thought it could help him in his business.

And if you had told me back then about what was going to happen when I started show-ing this system to more people, I would have thought you were nuts.

Had you told me that in just the past 9 months alone, my clients would use it to close $5,000,000 in business and have an additional $62 million in the pipeline… I wouldn’t have believed you.

Had you told me that the Breakthrough Email System™ would be used successfully by small shops, medium-sized companies and even corporate giants like Sprint, Nike, Pfyzer, Procter and Gamble, Taco Bell and others… I wouldn’t have believed you.

And had you said that my cold emailing approach would soon be ranked in the top 10 by…

I definitely would have called you crazy!

When I started out, I knew the system worked for software start-ups and in advertising, because those were the businesses I was working in.

But when I started to teach the system, I was amazed at just how many different types of businesses could put this to use…

The Breakthrough Email System™ is now in use by businesses all over the world, in just about every market you can think of. It’s used in Europe and the UK, Asia and Copyright Someway Media LLC

Africa, South and Central America, Australia and New Zealand, and obviously, the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

From grammar checking technology being sold to African schools, to software for mov-ing companies, staffing companies in India, executive business coaching, a doctor in Austria, and more!

I get emails about the success of the system all of the time and I treasure each one. But the best ones are the ones that talk about being able to close new business and quit cold calling forever – those are awesome!

On the next page, you’re going to see the entire mind map of Breakthrough Email sys-tem that will show you how the process works. I’ve gone to great pains to shrink this down as small as possible. It’s a lot to pack in!

But I want you to see the entire thing so that you know the steps involved to get from point A to point B.

So let’s get started… Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC Copyright Someway Media LLC

A Final Word... So that’s the whole thing. The entire Breakthrough Email process from beginning to end. The blueprint you’ve seen is the very same process used by me and a long list of cus-tomers and clients to generate leads and get new business.

I hope that seeing this Blueprint has opened your eyes in a way that will help your future efforts in selling be a whole lot easier and more successful.

But you absolutely must understand that the Breakthrough Email Blueprint is not some-thing where you can pick and choose the pieces you want to use.

It is a well optimized process. You have to do the right things at the right times for the right reasons. Otherwise you are going to screw it up and waste the opportunity.

Above all, the secret is to take smart action. With this process under your belt, you won’t have to wonder what that action is.

Everyone else will be wondering what to do. Should they follow-up? Should they just wait? You’ll know what to do.

And that clarity is a very beautiful thing.

The Breakthrough Email Blueprint shows you each step of the process you need to fol-low to succeed — from generating qualified leads, scheduling the meeting and getting the business.

And with this Blueprint alone, I wouldn’t be surprised if you find considerable success.

But the blueprint is really just the beginning. If you’re ready to become a Master at gen-erating new business, you’re definitely going to want to pay attention to the upcoming session that’s about to open for the full Breakthrough Email training options.

Just pay attention to your email over the coming days. I’ll be sending out some addi-tional training as well as specific information about the enrollment process.

I always get excited when a new session is about to get started.

In the meantime, put this blueprint to work and see what happens! Copyright Someway Media LLC