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Page 1: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert


There are different styles and structures of briefs they are not all the same. Considering I will be developing my own brief soon I am looking at all of the different types of briefs and finding out all of their definitions and styles.


A contractual brief is the type of brief that is discussed between the two sets of people, so both the client and the company. The layout of a contractual brief is very easy and clear to read meaning it allows the client to complete their details without confusion. The client would be asked to include personal information and certain formalities that are acceptable and necessary to allow them to complete what they need to. The advantages of this type of brief are that it is easy for the client to complete with extra information, meaning it also allows them to have control over the process. The disadvantages is that the company will be making the contract meaning there may be disagreements between what the company and client both would like to be on the contractual brief.


A commission brief is wrote to production companies and you have to make sure that you state in your brief the main things about your certain product so the target audience, purpose and messaging. You also need to include both the budget and deadline of the product. It’s kind of like the client is telling the company there ideas of the product and wanting them to partner up and help. In commission type briefs you should go into detail about the feelings of your product and all the different points. Also areas are needed to be compromised on like for instance if the certain product needs to be produced within a budget.

Page 2: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert


Negotiated briefs are near enough the same type of briefs as formal briefs, but this type of brief can have input from both sides of this certain creation, meaning both the client and company do have their own say in this discussion. The negotiated type of brief is usually created over the phone, so from one person to the other on the telephone.

Example of negotiated brief: An example of a negotiated brief is the programme ‘an idiot abroad’ the client has to go to different countries and do certain tasks, before he reaches the definition he always gets a phone call of his agent telling him what he needs to do and where he will be staying. This to me is a negotiated brief as they are talking by phone and working things out plus discussing certain tasks which are needed to be done.

This image above is the man from ‘An idiot abroad’ he is the client and he is in this image speaking to his agent receiving his next task and location.

Talking on the phone to agent

Page 3: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert


A formal brief is the type of brief that may change during the process of it. This is usually due to other requirements, although it does sometimes change though it is still usually more one of the relaxed type of briefs for clients. The layout of a formal brief is usually very calm and easy to read than most. Plus it will always allow the client to understand more and this means that the client will be able to create the product with no fuss and in less time.


Informal briefs are quite open and basically done face to face so through a meeting. The best advantage of doing an informal brief is that it makes people feel a lot more relaxed in the particular environment that people are in. Because again it is a relaxed type of brief this means that the product could then be done a lot quicker than usual. Although informal briefs do have a disadvantage and this is that they are usually seen as unprofessional and unclear briefs.

Example of informal brief: This image above is an example of what an informal brief will look like, although sometimes it may just be two people or it could sometimes be more than two. But it is more relaxed and they can discuss a lot more face to face.

Page 4: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert


A commission brief is wrote to production companies and you have to make sure that you state in your brief the main things about your certain product so the target audience, purpose and messaging. You also need to include both the budget and deadline of the product. It’s kind of like the client is telling the company there ideas of the product and wanting them to partner up and help. In commission type briefs you should go into detail about the feelings of your product and all the different points. Also areas are needed to be compromised on like for instance if the certain product needs to be produced within a budget.


A tender brief is the type of brief that you would receive if you are the new company and where you would develop your own ideas amongst others and from there company would decide if you should be the client for this particular project. The advantages of a tender brief is that they are again very relaxed and seem quite easy, however the disadvantages of this kind of brief is that you may not be chosen as the final client if the other company do not think you are the right person for it.

Page 5: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert

This screenshot above is an example which is showing preparation of a tender brief. It is basically saying that I am in charge of all of this information within the organisation.


A competition brief is basically what a company or business will do to advertise certain things whether it’s a new product or a new deal that they are planning on starting. The brief will explain all about the certain competition and what you could receive if you do enter and end up winning this, it will also talk about the company and what they are aiming to do.

The brief will then also give you some information of the certain instructions that you will need to follow in order to enter this particular competition, plus what you will have to produce in order to take part in the competition.

Example of competition brief: An example of the competition type brief is what the ‘Nikon’ company which are a brand of cameras; they are doing right now on their website. They have put on a competition and what you have to enter to be part of this is at least 4-5 of your best digital images that you have taken yourself, so there for the competition is basically all about the certain company.

Page 6: Brief

Unit 4, 5 62 Leeanne Hibbert

This screen shot above is the brief which is on the official Nikon website. The brief doesn’t seem too hard to follow its not confusing so there for it is relaxing towards the audience making it easier for people to participate.

Cooperative brief

A cooperative brief is where you are working with someone else, therefor if you are working with somebody else and not just yourself then you are co-operating. When you are working a long side somebody else then this is when you will both discuss the brief together having your own thoughts and opinions and then delivering them to each other in order to put them in to the brief.