buiding a team

8. Building a Team

Post on 09-Jan-2016




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How to build a team


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8. Building a Team

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• Team building refers to a wide range of activities,

 presented to businesses, schools, sports teams, religiousor nonprofit organizations designed for improving team


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• What is team building?

• A team is a group of people working towards a common

goal. 'Team Building' is the process of enabling that

group of people to reach their goal. t is therefore a

management issue, and the most effective form of team building is that undertaken as a form of management

consultanc!, rather than as pure training "though there is

a role for training within a programme of team building#.

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n its simplest terms, the stages involved in team building

are$• To clarif! the team goals

• To identif! those issues which inhibit the team from

reaching their goals

• To address those issues, remove the inhibitors and enablethe goals to be achieved

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Team Buiding Performance

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Team-Building ExercisesPlanning Activities That Actually Work 

• %pend time thinking about !our team's current strengths and weaknesses. Ask

!ourself these &uestions to identif! the root of an! problems.

• Are there conflicts between certain people that are creating divisions within the

team?• o team members need to get to know one another ?

• o some members focus on their own success, and harm the group as a result?

• oes poor communication slow the group's progress?

• o people need to learn how to work together , instead of individuall!?

• Are some members resistant to change, and does this affect the group's abilit!to move forward?

• o members of the group need a boost to their morale?

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Team-Building Exercises

Examples of Team-Building Exercises

• Improving Communication

• Eliminating tereotypes and !"a#eling!

• Building Interdependence and Trust

$ey Points

(or team building to be effective, leaders must first identif! the issues their

group is facing. Then the! can plan activities to address these challenges

directl! ) and make sure that the team will actuall! gain some benefits from

the event. *eep competition out of the e+ercises, and aim to make team

 building part of the dail! corporate culture, instead of a oncea!ear event..

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• A team is a group of people working towards a common


• Team building is a process of enabling the team to

achieve that goal.

• The stages involved in team building including clarif!ing

the goal, identif!ing the inhibitors and removing them.

• The nature of the team building varies in terms of scale,

and what !ou are tr!ing to achieve "leading to four t!pes

of team building#