but it takes ho something to do: $7 million parks...

$7 Million Parks Program Discussed by County Board But It Takes Ho Action: The County Board of Superv isee s dui ing a brief meeting Jiie\ 14 discussed but took no foi nial action on pi oposals to acqune park pioperties in eight of Suffolk s ten tow nships at a total estimated cost including engineenng and appraisal costs ol $150 noo of s7- million The park i qui sit ior p-opo -uUs wen picpaied by Countv Executive H Lee Dennison and Countv Planning Dnectoi Lee Koppelman with information they obtained from the supeivisoi s of the towns and the Countv Paiks Commission The pi oposed acquisitions in the tow ns and the pioiec ted cost are asfollow s Township Paiccl Inv olved Estimated ( ost Babylon HO ac i es in Wvandanch neai MOO 000 Belmont I ake State Paik Biookhav en Poi t Jeffei son Haibor 52 000 000 headlands 20 acies on west side .ind 180 acies on east side Huntington 140 acies neai Lie towns SI 000 ooo f rabmeadow Puk plus slig/rl eiddit'on to the Gwviine Estate County Peiik Islip W) acie gicenbelt neai $(>()() 00< Southside Spoi tsmans C lub Ri- ei head 20u ac i e-> L I Sound propei tv sb -o ooo (no site oi pai eel selected ) Smithtow n Nissequogue River \icunlv si mm mm 400 elCICS Southold Or ient Causeway pi opeitv (>() S200 000 elCIC'S East Hampton !-'• <<i l e s su, i --uncling Si ooo ooo No, I Inv est Haiboi Dennison said he hopes *r for mal appr oval ot the acquisitions at the boaids Julv 28 meeting Howevei the supei visor s geneiallv aie lukewaim to 'lie pi oposals altrough thev made the mitu.l iecom mendations Action was dclaved un ' i ' at least July 28 on a l equest iiom the Depei i tmenl oi Public Woi ks loi Si - > million fr i ic bulkheadii ^ the Slanii'cock Canal which itn ludes 2 000 lineal fee t oi steel sheet bulkhc' eidmg 500 Ieet of w ooden bulkhcading p lus costs foi plans a nd spec ideal ions and w ork on i oads neai the canal Also put oii was a decision on a request foi $165 000 fi om the Dep igment of Buildings and Giounds foi ie novation wor k at the emu t ivmsc annex on Gutting \venue Biveihead t * make two c our t rooms on the fust flooi oi the building fiom space foi mei lv occupied by (he- Sheriff s department f fie Seventh Squad Detectives at piesent use i poi dot* ol the spue uhul w nul l be urn cd into c oin t lac ihties 1 lu supeiv isoi s leceived <i comp laint Iiom the League ol W oman Votei s which ask* d tnat the boaid lccoii side i economy n*ovesin the County Boaid ol Flections made to cut coses ol >cgi sUiii>g votei s pn II to Election Dav Ihe i cgulat icgistiatiop days aie October 2 5 and 4 but only on Oetobei 4 will eac h ol the -88 polling places in Suffolk be opei On Octobei 2 and ' > onlv the tow n hills v ill be i pc n to ieceiv e. votci legislations Ihe boaid decide d on the ec worry mov e months ago eind appaientlv will stick with it despite the complaint ol the LW\ Deputy Countv Executive \lex \mes noted that eacl deiv the board opens all of Ihe polling places costs the countv «150 ooo \mes notif ied the countv boaid tnat the lust thiee month oi the 2 per cent countv sale- , !u\ Marc h \piil and Mav have enr iched the Sutiolk treasuiv b\ «7 808 000 Ames piedictcd that Suffolk would ieeenve about $20 million from 'he sales tax from the full vcu but Dennison and the supcvisoi s re hopeful the total receip ts will be higher Dennison and his aides jre now studying depa r tmental budget leqeiestsfor the lOTO e ountv budget The requests are averaging ovei 25 per cent highei than the totals m the I960 countv budget w hich totaled about SI 80 million Depai tmentai budget icquests will exceed s2J0 million it was estimated Anothei financial pi oblcm bothering the suoeivisoi s is <n<* pay i.uses and hinge benefits being reques ' ed bv county police and county employ ees Ihe Countv Patrolmen s Bene v olent Associatu i. lias re quested pay > a lses e.nd tr urge benefits w hich if gi anted w ould amount to an average oi a 50 pen cent mciease pei man Ihe requested stai ting salaiv loi patr olmen is $10 500 while the pi c-ent statdng salaiv foi a patiolman is $7 550 It was lea, ned that the Ciu 1 Slu ice Employees Assoc iation the baigaining agent toi othei county employ ees is demanding pay hikes and fringe be nefits amounting to a 25 per cent increase Open End Coffee Hour House Fills Teen Evening Hours SOMETHING TO DO: OPEN END SINGERS—Airman Vc Warren Maas, home on leave fi om the \n I- oice sings some well-know n folk songs, while Joe Goial accompanies himself to a popular song on the piano. The The Open End Coffee House will be open again tonight in the Congregational Church I ellowslup Hall on Main Street Getting oil to a good start last I huisdav nigh! the Coffee House can conceivably be an important einswei in solving the problem of P' ov iding things foi teenagers to. do on Summei evenings Manv of those attending last week expiessed appreciation of ihe teict that ben e was a place to go eiuci find activit y in a l elaxed mil ml oi mal atmosp hei c Adults wh i ciroppe i in lound it haid to li eu e the mipiessive setting and line e niii teiinment No le ss (han six different rock ¦ nd loir, gioups pei formed dui mg the ev ening and there was i shoi t movie on Ihe Retlec (ions of a Young Person " Pam Smith president of the Pilgrim Fellowship of the church , which is sponsoring the Coffee House , was pleased with the good start and hopes that many more young people will take advantage of these unique Thursday nights The Coffee House offers a place lor just sitting and talking at candlehghted tables Coffee and tea are served fiee under the 50 cent donation for admission Coke and donuts are served at a small charge The atmosphere in Fellowship Hall is quite informal the low stage with its creative mural backdrop spotlighting the per foi mers Talent appears from eveivwhere and when the kids like a performance they demand young men will perform tonight at the "Open End Coffee House " , scheduled to be held at Ihe Congregational F ellowship Hal! on Main Sti eet fiom 8-11 II) p ni more [or they are running the show Featured entertainment for tonight s Coffe e House will m elude John Stakes a junioi at Williams College singing popular blues Airman 1 c Warren Maas home on leave fiom the Air Force - singing folk songs and Joe Gorat of Bavpoi t singing and playing the piano A him of one of the \ pollo Moon Flights will be show n dui mg the evening Fred \rtus chairman of the Religious Education Committee ol the Congregational Church has assisted the young people greatly in getting the Coffee House launched The Youth Coordinator i- > Tim Kana tnird yeai student at The Johns Hopkins L niv etsitv \i tus and Ke na feel that the Coffee House is a g(x>d idea for the community s young people as it pi ov ides a place to gather and gives theri something m w hich they can activel y participate The v unite all interested young pe op le tocomedownearlv to help set up and to hel p in the planning and tunning of the Coffee House I hose interested in hel ping will find jobs to do on Wedne- >div ev enings at the church 1 hose pe ople with performing talents siiould bung along a guitai or a trombone or a v oice and |e>m the eagei gi oup waiting in llie wings tonight For further mtoi m<ition call Pam Smith (At 't 1200) or Tim Kana (AT 6 87G4 Case Against Zeidler Completed hy Kreutzer leslnnonv w.is appa rently c omp leted List I hursdav in the misconduct hearing' against Suffolk Wafer Authorit y ( han man Riehaid D Zeidler be ing he ld before the Countv Boaid of Sup* rv lscr s S Stanley Kreutzer (he special counsel toi the - -upe rvse rs who pn pan el the charges against /(¦idlei questioned two witnesses einci had subpoenaed two more Re .il estate broker Salvatore Achpietn who handled the sale of 22 eic r es of land to a hrm in which Zeidlei had an inteiest did not appear Ihe land is in Center Moiiches eind was purchased bv ihe /endlei combine at about the same dine the Water Authority w.is pm chasing a test well site nctiibv Zeidlei and his partners pin chased the land tor $47 500 and have offei ed it for l esale for $100 0(10 Anothei witness who refused to appeal on Ihe adv ice of his at toi nev is Dirnitnous Tsunis a Biookhaven , political figure confidant ol public officials and .i partner with Zeidler in a land purchase in Port Jefferson fsums Zeidler and others including former baseball star Whitey Ford as the Jayne Avenue Corp purchased land in Poi t Jefferson Station obtained a garden apattmerr f down zonrng tor the land and tnen resold it for a $100 000 profit according to Ki eutzcn s chai ges An earlier ow ner attempted to get the same levoning from fhe Tow n Board but was unsuccessful and Kieut/en has charged that Zeidler as Brookhaven Town GOP chairman sat in on the boaid s executive sessions when Ihe r ezoning request of the corporation was discussed Thursday s witnesses included former Brookhaven Supervisor Charles H Dominy new County Par ks commissioner and John Luchsinger Town Planning Board chairman Dominy admitted that Zeidler had sat in on executive sessions ol the town board and also tha t he knew of Zeidler s interest in 'he Port Jefferson property But he said he thought Zeidler did nothing wrong and that the school district had approved the dow n zoning which had been denied lour vears earlier in 1962 Luchsinge r said the planning board recommended against the rezoning because of school and tialfic problems As in previous sessions last lhursday s hearing was marked bv repeated outbursts from Zeidler s lawyer Nicholas Castellano who continually attacked Kreutzer the super- visors and Newsday, the newspaper which had first ex- posed Zerdler 's interests in the two land dealings Kreutzer has continually requested that Zeidler testify, but he has refused , upon advice of his attorney However , Castellano indicated Zeidler may testify and that he might call other witnesses in defense of Zeidler On Wednesday County Executive H Lee Dennison said he had been notified that the full board of supervisors will meet at 9 JO am July 31 to hea r Castellano make a brief defense presentation D.A. Prom otes Spitznaget Suffolk District Attorney George J Aspland Tuesday announced the appointment of Carl Sprt/na&el an assistant district attorney in his office for the past vears as chief of the appeals bureau of the depart ment Spitznagel , 39 of Commack replaces Lawrence Bracken of Setauket who resrgned last week to become project director for the county s newly crea t ed Crime Prevention and Control Council Sptiznagel who has been handling criminal prose e utmns in the olfice since he was named an assistant district attorney two years ago also serv ed tor over a year with the Legal Aid Society, defending those found to have insufficient funds His salary now $15,000 a year , vv ill rise to $18 500 yearly, Aspland said adding that Spitz- nagel has two assistants the appeals bureau and one more is to be hired - ' " ¦.¦,¦.—— ¦*—-— MBs& fl ¦ s-HMsst fissHHsBsBsV mm\ m ffl C3URS nanHLw mm / \ " IX / CEIMTURV Ul4 Z_W J M PASSBOOK niK IS A DOWN TO - __ ZMm EARTH WAY -JriB j S/%\# B ! m m HH : FOR ALL TYPES OF ACCOUNTS JBH .,i 11 I nfill INDIVIDUAL * CORPORATE © JOINT TRUST ^- -^ ^ iKsJM 9M : il &i tig * 0A§^k ' f Hfl VlH I AU lHE MVAimeES ^PTT ^ irlill OF FOIL SERVICE BANKI NG ! Mf£^ §§ i STAT E BANK I llS il Slil 'i ^^^ w ° ^ E^e^R »G\\ ""' "S& a !tt" r i''tnf]\- '^lsssW' ' 2 NIGHTS OF B ANKING MONDA Y EVENING FRIDAY EVEN I NG j i llel I I m\ " sT sf* l_ lsf^lsT*BBE: Colonic! Ottice Main urtice > IN rAlLrlUlllJC 475 Eas ' Main St « 47 West Mam Street I ll " ^¦¦¦^W** 6 30 to 8 00 P.M. 6 30 to 8 00 P.M. | 2 "¦»«» IIIHMl Ot«>Si» iK *sim±HCl COX*o«lk< ON £ 9 **+*#+^**^*** +****+4++ *+*^++ * *-r-t>+v^^ FISH DINNERS TO GO Sea Scallop Dinner FOR V CONOMY IH "i Shrimp pmrer F1SH BY TIIF I B Haddock Fillet Dinner Flounder Fille * Dinner "bs. Shrimp Fried Codfish Cake Dinner 'bs. FiletFlojnder Fried Soft Clam Dinner P uart C,am Chowder Oyster Dinner (in season) lbs - Sea Scallop Bay Scallop Dinner Lobster Rolls Comb. Sea Food Dinner Shr'mp Rolls Peconic Boy Scallops Codfish Cakes Cole Slaw SPtCIAL Soft Shell Crab Dinners .... S1.5H S0UTHBAY FISH MARKET 50 SOUTH OCEAN AVE. , PATCHOGUE GR 5-159 5 The Place to buy sea food is in a sea food market NEW POLICE JLST1CE - Patchogue ' s new Village Police Justice. David W eisbei g left, is being sworn in by Suffolk District Couit Judge V i .ink P De I uca It was the second such reremonv within a veai foi Judge Weisberg who had been serv ing as Acting \illage Justice He succeeds Justice \rthui M Mapes, who t esigned foi health reasons READ THE LEGALS ¦^ Jk jjj ¦ ¦^I^^HHIHiH^HB I Ji m S HHH HHH ¦ ^^B ssB ^ Bssss HssssssHss^s^sssHssHsls^Hsls^BH H BHRB^ -. *%. i & B B sssHH^Bssssssflsss ^ssssssss B sflsB m. ^^ mmuT'tm HHH ~ w h mm ________ _ I % M ' IS HHSS ^ SSS HSSSSSS H SS ^ BSSSSSSSSS ^ -m\\\ ^^ JBH i w^_ W^_ wK _w K^_^_^_^_^_^^_^_^_ t_m^___J _w _W __ WlWWr HBrtsMHWBs»)ss»MsssWMslssss*MsssHB P?W3fT^a KSHHp3 E *LH WrHBeBBHHBs ^BwK^ ijL af t VBH BMiBWsl TrW ^jy*~ i^H > ^BHII^Bn »B I V JHH B H i F* 111 IBW HGK HflR i H^mLj^^^^, uLSH|H|H gB9HssisJIHHsmS UTILITY LINES INC. BUS SERVICE TO SMITH-HAVEN ULL m RONKONKOMA ROUTE MONDAY THRU SATUR DAY Buses Lv c Patchogue Buses Lv . Smith-Haven *8:30 AM *9:20 AM 9:20 10:05 10:00 11:05 11:00 12:05 PM 12:00 1 :05 1:00 PM 2:15 2 :00 3:15 3:15 4:15 5:05 5:15 6:00 6:30 * EXCEPT SATURDAY UTILITY LINES INC. 185 WAVERLY AVE. PATCHOGUE GR 5 - 2524 YOUNG BOY - - BIG FISH - - Ten-vear-old Michael Salvitti of 22 East Thud Stieet, Patchogue looks with awe at the 17-inch large mouth bass he landed recently while fishing at (he Mill Pond in Patchogue Mike caught the big one at 1pm July 20 , using a night crawler for bait The fish weighed in at 2 pounds-l' ^ ounces , measured 17 inches in length with dn H-inch girth Mike ' s catch is entered in the Pat- chogue i-ishmg Club contest , which might well add a trophy to the thrill he enjoyed in landing the large fish Photo by Lou Grasso New York has 5, 500 acres of tomatoes for precessmg in 1969 , 2J per cent less tha n last year

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Page 1: But It Takes Ho SOMETHING TO DO: $7 Million Parks Programnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071025/1969-07-24/ed... · 2015-10-07 · $7 Million Parks Program Discussed by County

$7 Million Parks ProgramDiscussed by County Board

But It Takes Ho Action:

The County Board of Superv isee s dui ing a brief meeting Jiie\ 14discussed but took no foi nial action on pi oposals to acqune parkpioperties in eight of Suffolk s ten tow nships at a total estimatedcost including engineenng and appraisal costs ol $150 noo of s7-million

The park i qui sit ior p-opo -uUs w e n picpaied by CountvExecutive H Lee Dennison and Countv Planning Dnectoi LeeKoppelman wi th informat ion they obtained from the supeivisoi s ofthe towns and the Countv Paiks Commission The pi oposedacquis i t ions in the tow ns and the pioiec ted cost are asfollow sTownship Paiccl Inv olved Estimated ( ostBabylon HO ac i es in Wvandanch neai MOO 000

Belmont I ake State PaikBiookhav en Poi t Jef fe i son Haibor 52 000 000

headlands 20 acies on westside .ind 180 acies on east side

Hunt ing ton 140 acies neai Lie t o w n s SI 000 ooof r abmeadow P u k plus slig/rleiddit 'on to the G w v i i n e Esta teC o u n t y Peiik

Islip W) ac ie gicenbelt neai $(>()() 00<Southside Spoi tsmans C lub

Ri- ei head 20u ac i e-> L I Sound propei tv sb -o ooo(no site oi pai eel selected )

Smi th tow n Nissequogue R i v e r \ i c u n l v si mm mm400 e l C I C S

Southold Or ient Causeway pi opei tv (> () S200 000e l C I C ' S

East Hampton !-'• <<i l e s su, i --uncling Si ooo oooNo , I Inv est Haiboi

Dennison said he hopes *r for mal appr oval ot the acquis i t ions atthe b o a i d s Julv 28 meeting Howevei the supei visor s geneial lv a ielukewa im to 'lie pi oposals al trough thev made the mitu. l i ecommendations

Action was dclaved un ' i ' at least July 28 on a l equest i iom theDepei i tmenl oi Pub lic Woi ks loi Si -> million fr i ic bulkheadii ^ theSlani i 'cock C a n a l w h i c h itn ludes 2 000 l i n e a l fee t oi steel sheetbulkhc ' eidmg 500 Ieet of w ooden bulkhcading plus costs foi plansa nd spec ideal ions and w ork on i oads neai the canal

Also put oii was a decision on a request foi $165 000 fi om theDep igment of Buildings and Giounds foi ie nova t ion wor k at theemu t ivmsc annex on Gut t ing \venue B ive ihead t * make two c our trooms on the f u s t flooi oi the bui lding f i o m space foi mei lv occupiedby (he- She r i f f s depa r tmen t f fie S e v e n t h Squad D e t e c t i v e s atp i e s e n t u se i poi dot* ol the sp u e u h u l w nul l be urn cd in to c oin tlac ih t ies

1 lu s u p e i v isoi s l e c e i v e d <i comp la in t I i om the League ol W omanVotei s wh ich ask* d tna t the boaid lcco i i s ide i e conom y n * o v e s i nthe County Boaid ol Flect ions made to c u t coses ol > c g i s U i i i > gvote i s pn II to Elec t ion Dav

Ihe i cgulat i cg i s t i a t io p days aie October 2 5 and 4 but only onOetobei 4 w i l l eac h ol the -88 polling places in Su f fo lk be opei OnOctobei 2 and '> onlv the tow n h i l l s v ill be i pc n to i e c e i v e. v o t c ilegis la t ions Ihe boaid decide d on the ec worry mov e months agoeind appa i en t l v w i l l s t ick w i t h it desp ite the complaint ol the L W \

Deput y Countv E x e c u t i v e \lex \mes noted tha t eacl deiv theboard opens all of Ihe pol l ing place s costs the countv «150 ooo

\mes no t i f i ed the countv boaid tna t the l u s t t h i ee month oi the 2per cent countv sale-, !u\ Marc h \pi i l and Mav have enr iched theSutiolk treasuiv b\ «7 808 000 Ames piedictcd that Suf f olk wouldi e e e n v e about $20 mil l ion f r o m 'he sales tax f rom the full vcu butDennison and the supcvisoi s r e hopeful the total r ece ip t s w i l l behigher

Dennison and his aides j r e now s tud y ing depa r tmental budgetleqeiestsfor the lOTO e ountv budget The requests a r e ave rag ing ovei25 per cent highei than the totals m the I960 countv budget w hichtotaled about SI 80 million Depai tmentai budget icquests w i l l exceed•s2J0 mill ion it was est imated

Anothei f inanc ia l pi oblcm bother ing the suoeivi soi s is <n<* payi.uses and h inge benef i t s being reques 'ed bv county police andcoun t y employ ees Ihe Coun tv Pa t ro lm en s Bene v olent Associ atu i.lias re quested pay > a lses e.nd tr urge benefits w hich if gi anted w ouldamount to an average oi a 50 pen cent mciease pei man Iherequested stai ting salaiv loi patr olmen is $10 500 whi le the pi c-ents t a tdng salaiv foi a pa t io lman is $7 550 It was lea, ned tha t the Ciu 1Slu ice Employees Assoc iation the baigainin g agent toi otheicounty employ ees is demanding pay hikes and f r i n g e be nef i t samount ing to a 25 per cent increase

Open End Coffee Hour House Fills Teen Evening HoursSOMETHING TO DO :

OPEN END SINGERS—Airman Vc Warren Maas, home on leavefi om the \n I- oice sings some well-know n folk songs, while JoeGoial accompanies himself to a popular song on the piano. The

The Open End Coffee Housew i l l be open again tonight in theC o n g r e g a t i o n a l C h u r c hI e l lowslup Hall on Main Street

Gett ing oil to a good start lastI huisdav nigh! the Coffee Housecan conceivabl y be an importanteinswei in solving the problem ofP' ov iding th ings foi teenagers to.do on Summei even ings

Manv of those a t tending lastw e e k e x p i e s s e d appreciation ofihe te ic t tha t ben e was a place togo eiuci f ind a c t i v i t y in a l elaxedmil ml oi mal atmosp hei c Adults

w h i ciroppe i in lound it haid toli eu e the mipiessive se t t ing andl i n e e n i i i te i inment

No le ss (han six different rock¦ nd lo i r , g i o u p s pei formed

dui mg the ev ening and there wasi shoi t mov ie on I h e Retlec

(ions of a Young Person " PamSmith president of the PilgrimFellowship of the church , whichis sponsoring the Coffee House,was pleased wi th the good startand hopes that many more youngpeople will take advantage ofthese unique Thursday nights

The Coffee House offers a placelor just sit t ing and talking atcandlehghted tables Coffee andtea are served fiee under the 50cent donation for admissionCoke and donuts are served at asmall charge

The atmosphere in FellowshipHall is quite informal the lowstage w i t h its creative muralbackdrop spotlighting the perfoi mers Talent appears fromeveivwhere and when the kidslike a performance they demand

young men will perform tonight at the "Open End Coffee House",scheduled to be held at Ihe Congregational F ellowship Hal! on MainSti eet f iom 8-11 II) p ni

more [or they a re running theshow

Featured e n t e r t a i n m e n t fortonight s Coffee House wi l l melude John Stakes a junioi atWi l l i ams College s ingingpopular blues A i r m a n 1 cWarren Maas home on leavef iom the Air Force -singing folksongs and Joe Gorat of Bavpoi tsinging and play ing the piano Ahim of one of the \pollo MoonFlights wi l l be show n dui mg theevening

Fred \rtus chairman of theReligious Education Committeeol the Congregational Churchhas assisted the young peoplegreatly in getting the CoffeeHouse launched The You thCoordinator i- > Tim Kana tnirdye a i s t u d e n t at The Johns

Hopkins L niv e t s i tv

\i tus and Ke na feel that theCoffee House is a g(x>d idea forthe c o m m u n i t y s young people asit pi ov ides a place to gather andgives theri something m w hichthey can ac t ive l y participateThe v u n i t e a l l interested youngpe op le t ocomedownea r lv to helpset up and to hel p in the planni ngand t u n n i n g of the Coffee HouseI hose interested in hel ping wi l lf i nd jobs to do on Wedne->divev enings at the church

1 hose pe ople w i t h performingtalents siiould bung along aguitai or a trombone or a v oiceand |e>m the eagei gi oup wait ingin llie wings tonight For furthermtoi m<i t ion call Pam Smith (At't 1200) or Tim Kana (AT 6 87G4

Case Against ZeidlerCompleted hy Kreutzer

l e s l n n o n v w.is appa ren t l yc ompleted List I hursdav in them i s c o n d u c t hea r ing ' agains tS u f f o l k W a f e r A u t h o r i t y( han man R ieha id D Zeidlerbe ing he ld before the CountvBoaid of Sup* rv lscr s

S Stanley Kreu tze r (he specialcounsel toi the --upe rvse rs whopn pan el the charges against/( ¦idlei questioned t w o witnesseseinci had subpoenaed two moreRe .il estate broker SalvatoreAchpietn who handled the saleof 22 eic r es of land to a hrm inw h i c h Zeidlei had an inteiest didnot appear Ihe land is in CenterMoiiches eind was purchased bvihe /endlei combine at about thesame dine the Water Authorityw.is pm chasing a test well sitenc t i ibv Zeidlei and his partnerspin chased the land tor $47 500and h a v e of fe i ed it for l esale for$100 0(10

Anothei witness who refused toappeal on Ihe adv ice of his attoi nev is Dirnitnous Tsunis aB i o o k h a v e n , po l i t i ca l f igureconf idan t ol public officials and.i partner w i t h Zeidler in a landpurchase in Port Jefferson

fsums Zeidler and othersincluding former baseball starW h i t e y Ford as the JayneAvenue Corp purchased land inPoi t Jefferson Station obtained agarden apat tmerr f down zonrngtor the land and tnen resold it fora $100 000 profit according toKi eutzcn s chai ges An earlierow ner at tempted to get the samelevoning f r o m fhe Tow n Boardbut w a s unsuccessful andK i e u t / e n has charged tha tZeidler as Brookhaven TownGOP chairman sat in on theboaid s executive sessions whenIhe r ezoning request of the

corporation was discussedThursday s witnesses included

former Brookhaven SupervisorCharles H Dominy new CountyPar ks commissioner and JohnLuchsinger Town P lann ingBoard chairman

Dominy admitted that Zeidlerhad sat in on executive sessionsol the town board and also tha the knew of Zeidler s interest in'he Port Jefferson property

But he said he thought Zeidlerdid nothing wrong and that theschool district had approved thedow n zoning which had beendenied lour vears earlier in 1962

Luchsinger said the planningboard recommended against therezoning because of school andt i a l f i c problems

As in previous sessions lastlhursday s hearing was markedbv repeated outbursts fromZeidler s lawyer NicholasCastellano who continuallyattacked Kreutzer the super-visors and Newsday, thenewspaper which had first ex-posed Zerdler's interests in thetwo land dealings

Kreutzer has continuallyrequested that Zeidler testify, buthe has refused , upon advice of hisattorney However , Castellanoindicated Zeidler may testify andthat he might call other witnessesin defense of Zeidler

On Wednesday CountyExecutive H Lee Dennison saidhe had been notified that the fullboard of supervisors will meet at9 JO a m July 31 to hearCastellano make a brief defensepresentation

D.A. Promotes SpitznagetSuffolk Dis t r ic t A t to rne y

George J Aspland Tuesdayannounced the appointment ofCarl Sprt/na&el an assistantdistrict attorney in his office forthe past vears as chief of theappeals bureau of the department

Spitznagel , 39 of Commackreplaces Lawrence Bracken ofSetauket who resrgned last weekto become project director for thecounty s newly crea ted CrimePrevention and Control Council

Sptiznagel who has been

handling criminal prose e utmns inthe olfice since he was named anassistant district attorney twoyears ago also serv ed tor over ayear w i t h the Legal Aid Society,defending those found to haveinsufficient funds

His salary now $15,000 a year,vv i l l r ise to $18 500 yearly,Aspland said adding that Spitz-nagel has two assistants theappeals bureau and one more isto be hired

;« - '" ¦.¦,¦.—— ¦*—-—

MBs&fl ¦ s-HMsst fissHHsBsBsV mm\ m fflC3URS nanHLw mm / \ "IX / CEIMTURV Ul4


EARTH WAY -JriBjS/%\#B! mm HH:


^-- ^ iKsJM 9M:

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i STAT E BANK IllSi lSlil' i ^ ™ w ° E e^R»G\\ ""'"S&a !tt" r i''tnf]\-'^lsssW''

2 NIGHTS OF BANKING MONDA Y E V E N I N G FRIDAY EV EN IN G j illel II m\ "sTsf*l_ lsf^lsT*BBE: Colon ic ! O t t i ce Main u r t i ce >IN rAlLrlUlllJC 475 Eas ' Main St « 47 W e s t Mam Street Ill " ^¦¦¦^W** 6 30 to 8 00 P.M. 6 30 to 8 00 P.M. |

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FISH DINNERS TO GOSea Scal lop Dinner FOR V CONOMY IH "iShr imp pmrer F1SH BY TIIF I BHaddock Fillet DinnerFlounder Fille * Dinner "bs. Shrimp FriedCodfish Cake Dinner 'bs. FiletFloj nder FriedSoft Clam Dinner Puart C,am ChowderOyster Dinner (in season) lbs - Sea ScallopBay Scallop Dinner Lobster RollsComb. Sea Food Dinner Shr'mp RollsPeconic Boy Scallops Codfish Cakes

Cole SlawSPtCIAL

Soft Shell Crab Dinners .... S1.5H


The Place to buy sea food is in a sea food market

NEW POLICE JLST1CE - Patchogue's new Village Police Justice.David W eisbei g left, is being sworn in by Suffolk Distr ict Coui tJudge V i .ink P De I uca It was the second such reremonv within aveai foi Judge Weisberg who had been serv ing as Acting \ i l lageJust ice He succeeds Justice \rthui M Mapes, who t esigned foihealth reasons


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m RONKONKOMA ROUTEMONDAY THRU SATURDAYBuses Lv c Patchogue Buses Lv . Smith-Haven

*8:30 AM *9:20 AM9:20 10:0510:00 11:0511:00 12:05 PM12:00 1:051:00 PM 2:152:00 3:153:15 4:155:05 5:15





YOUNG BOY - - BIG FISH - - Ten-vear-old Michael Salvitti of 22 EastThud Stieet, Patchogue looks with awe at the 17-inch large mouthbass he landed recently while fishing at (he Mill Pond in PatchogueMike caught the big one at 1 p m July 20 , using a night crawler forbait The fish weighed in at 2 pounds-l ' ^ ounces , measured 17 inchesin length wi th dn H-inch girth Mike 's catch is entered in the Pat-chogue i-ishmg Club contest , which might well add a trophy to thethrill he enjoyed in landing the large fish Photo by Lou Grasso

New York has 5,500 acres oftomatoes for precessmg in 1969,2J per cent less than last year